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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 164 KB, 1280x870, do it fagoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2842791 No.2842791 [Reply] [Original]

draw a nose or/and lips
hint -you can't

>> No.2842804

Do you think you've arrived at some great insight realizing that if someone draws exclusively in a style that doesn't require them to draw detailed noses or lips, they probably can't draw detailed noses or lips?

It's about as silly as seeking out someone who spends all their days drawing trees and asking them to draw a motorcycle. Or a guy who exclusively does figure drawings and demanding he do architectural sketches. No shit, genius.

>> No.2842808

Give him a break, he's just a poor college kid going for a degree in the arts. His future is doomed enough as it is.

Let him have his moment of being a braggart on an anonymous image board.

>> No.2842819

Even then, most of the truly great anime artists have studied realism to a decent extent and CAN draw a nose, lips, etc.

>> No.2842823

trying to find an argument and not posting art i hope your anime pillow doesn't get too greasy by all the cheetos you eat and it keep you warm at night

they Lose their potential ,someone how is too afraid to draw something else or try something new isn't going to evolve ,imagine that some anime artist could be the next da vinci if he didn't limited itself to just one thing

>> No.2842838

You need to find a way to deal with your depression and insecurities. You are arguing against a strawman you yourself created that literally no one even disagrees with. Yes anon, animu artists who don't challenge themselves and only draw deviantart tier moeblobs without facial features are bad. Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us.

>> No.2842841

>people who dont challenge themselves suck

>> No.2842842

If anyone cares about drawing well, regardless of what style they want to use, they will have studied at least some realism to gain a better understanding of the subject.

Unfortunately, most people who want to draw anime don't actually care that much, so they dig themselves into a little hole of delusion and act as if they don't need fundamentals because MUH STYLE.

learn to tell the difference OP.

>> No.2842846

>imagine that some anime artist could be the next da vinci if he didn't limited itself to just one thing

Don't conflate your goals with everyone else's, anon. Many people on this board have this strange idea that every artist aspires to some mystical and universal mastery of the craft, when in reality some people just like drawing giant lolis, or doing watercolours of trees, or drawing cars, etc.

And if someone got into art with the end goal "I want to design cool cars" or "I want to draw sexy anime girls" they're not going to be grinding the same shit. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.2842850


And I'm going to pre-empt the inevitable jackass who quotes
>they're not going to be grinding the same shit.
and begin screeching "MUH FUNDIES! M-MUH FUNDIES!!!" I will clarify - even if there are some common skills that will assist in virtually any goal, a guy who loves drawing ferraris isn't concerned with drawing a convincing nose.

>> No.2842858
File: 84 KB, 600x857, whateverman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but a guy who actually has muh fundies can draw both ferraris and noses convincingly, plus learning how to draw many things that you wouldn't be interested in can actually help you tremendously in seemingly unrelated fields, like learning anatomy and its mechanics helped me design cool robots and machines.

Then again if you're trying to draw anime which is stylized humans , you better learn how to fucking draw humans, so i don't know why the fuck op was talking about da vinci

>> No.2842868
File: 127 KB, 410x508, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pssh... easy......

>> No.2842890


>imagine that some dickgirl anon could be the next da vinci if he didn't limited itself to just one thing

That's how retarded you sound.

>> No.2842902

haha nobody drew anything meanwhile >>2842794

>> No.2842953
File: 205 KB, 955x714, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried,not a very pretty nose though :(

>> No.2842956


>> No.2842957

lol i didn't even look at that picture before

>> No.2842973


>> No.2842995
File: 112 KB, 471x660, i tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an attempt was made, i should definitely do this more often

>> No.2845766

it's funny how are people just shit talk except 2 here and there >>2842794

>> No.2845805

>challenge to anime artists
they immediately become defensive, butthurt, and keep making excuses.
>challenge to other artists
welcome the challenge and actually try it

really makes ya think

>> No.2845820
File: 96 KB, 385x707, face ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya got me. I suck at all of this. But I'ma keep trying.

>> No.2845831

It's simple, "non-anime" artists don't take animu seriously, so they don't care if it comes out looking like a nippon mangaka-sama drew it, they just do it for fun.

Meanwhile, the run-of-the-mill (meaning the ones that just draw their kawaii girls with no fundamentals) animu artist gets a panic attack at the thought of having to draw real structure for fear of invalidating his artistic skills and the medium in general.
The people that actually study fundamentals can draw a nose, be they animu artists or not.

>> No.2845832

Good chunk of the people in there are just anime artists doing what they usually do anyway and missed the title and point.

>> No.2845835

>like three people (I'd say four, but I saw that picture in another thread) already took the challenge.
>It's not that bad.

>> No.2845844

>both threads up for 2 days and 6 hours
>both threads directed at animu/non-animu in title
>one has dozens of pictures
>other has 4 (four)
>b-b-b-but the other one is j-just anime artists that missed the t-t-title
Step your game up, senpai

>> No.2845863

>the ever classic add stuttering to a post and misunderstand my intent
I am just commenting to explain why the other thread has so much going on; another point to make is this thread is probably what anime artists are used to hearing so they gloss over it.
Also possibly thread image might factor in. Probably a lot of people glossing over some sketch book nose picture but want to go into a thread with some oppai loli; this may be /ic/ but it's also 4chan friend.

>> No.2845880

It's true I didn't even know this was a challenge thread I thought it was just a general draw a nose thread or something. Didn't know it was anime vs realistic artist thing

>> No.2845882

That is retarded, and you know it.
Stop making excuses for the perceived shortcomings of a vaguely defined group of strangers on the internet.

>> No.2845884

I like these threads, oh-pee, please make more some time.

>> No.2845889

>"anime artist i challenge you" in big bold letters right in the catalog, just like every general
>y-yeah, I thought it was j-just a draw nose thread or something heh
this is getting sad 2bh

>> No.2845891

Yeah I think instead of making separate threads it might be fun to just have one .vs thread challenging both and would probably have better turnout.

I will when you stop making up presumed shortcomings for vaguely defined groups of strangers. Both of us are wasting our time that could be spent practicing after all, just in opposite ways.

>> No.2845892

yeah, no shit, I make a living painting landscapes. my noses look like trash

>> No.2845893

I actually am the OP of the thread. I made the thread to spite the OP of this one and didn't expect to get that much of a response. Then again, most bait threads I make get plenty response.

>> No.2845897

It's a challenge for anime artists anyway, unless you paint anime landscapes.
If you do paint anime landscapes though I am interested in seeing how that looks.

>> No.2845898

I might be dumb cause I usually just open new threads based on the image and don't read the titles. lol

>> No.2845906

Honestly who doesn't do that? If we actually bothered reading things we wouldn't be doing art.

>> No.2845945

Nah, you're just a retard, mate.

>> No.2845956

It's not like I was disagreeing with the retardation part anon.
Drawing is for those too retarded to do better after all and being on ic is even worse.

>> No.2846015

I know, I was talking in the context of /ic/ standards

>> No.2846723

speak for yourself bruh, actual good drawing requires so much knowledge and thought it's fucking crazy

>> No.2846775

do you have any references for how to draw noses using geometric shapes like in the op?

>> No.2846872
File: 129 KB, 850x565, nose 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2846874
File: 14 KB, 600x265, nose 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2846900

spacebar goes after interpunction you inbred

>> No.2846912
File: 21 KB, 612x514, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this masterpiece from imagination. What do I win?

>> No.2847147

This kinda hurts to look at for some reason