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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2840652 No.2840652 [Reply] [Original]

Drawing 14 hours a day is a waste of ti-

>> No.2840655

That's 16 hours for you lazy pants

>> No.2840656

>implying drawing 14 hours a day doing nothing but studies and copying like a xerox machine is not a waste of time

Try again.

>> No.2840657

Okay friend, go make a piece of art as good as pic related. I'm sure your self schedule has made you great!

>> No.2840663

Digital art isn't real art anyway, you can spend 100h on one painting and if it still looks like shit, just move random pieces on different layers, use some more filters and add 50h more hours and it is ok because ctrl+c ctrl+v.

>> No.2840669

>these arguments
Keep trying

>> No.2840670

>Digital art isn't real art anyway

I wholeheartedly agree, real art is using charcoal on stone.

>> No.2840673

Wait I thought FZD 16hr days was just a meme?

>> No.2840691

It is. They actually pull more depending on if they're bad or not. Some pull all nighters three days in a row.

>> No.2840702

>implying art didn't go to shit when ug invented fire

>> No.2840715
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Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.2840731

>implying real art isn't spitting mud around your hand in a cave

>> No.2840854
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>> No.2841375

I call bullshit. I tried that once and the first things to go were my critical thinking faculties and short-term memory.

>> No.2841409

How much of that is 3d models and photobashing? if none then, holy shit that's impressive.

>> No.2841443


What's happening in this art, "people are standing around in I've played a fantasy game before land"? Of course the rays of light is where the quality kicks in.

>> No.2841445

I think the point is he didn't spend those 14 hours doing nothing but studies and copying like a xerox machine.

>> No.2841491

I'm actually trying to achieve something similar to this. I'm basing this on a couple productivity "hack" articles I've read. The science is probably dubious but it's been working so far.

I'm operating under the assumption that the focus needed to draw for long hours is a learned skill. I've broken up the "skill" of drawing for long hours into small chunks that I can steadily master over time. This is deliberate practice, as defined as discreet abilities you can master in 1-3 session. I split the difference into every two days and I up my drawing time by 13 minutes so I can acclimate the the time scale. Then once I reach 52 I take a 17 minute break.

After the break I build up to 52 again, then a break etc.

The 52 minute are ONLY spent on drawing. Not reading, not watching tutorials, streams, gathering ref. Simple pen mileage. That either happens before or after the drawing session.

Breaks are for COMPLETE disconnect from work and my working environment. I get up and leave, move around, eat, bullshit for 17 minutes then return to work.

I review my work after my drawing session and before the next one to see what went right and what I need to improve.

I'm on track to get to full time hours (8hrs+) by april 5th. Feels good.

>> No.2841649

Wrong. Art is real only when neural impulses are directly transferred between brains.

>> No.2841657

I unironically agree with this. I want the digitalfags to leave.

that's incredibly unhealthy.

>> No.2841712

What the fuck is your guys problem with digital? You can obtain the same results as traditional art, and art is all about the result

>> No.2841722

Nice, can you link me the articles that you read?

>> No.2841730

>I wasn't lucky and grew up in an unnecessarily complicated environment

>> No.2841737

yes. it is.

>> No.2841742
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and probably more that I'm forgetting. All of this reading has affected they way I pursue drawing, but if nothing else read the salgood article.

I kind of want to report back in April now, maybe make this a case study for how to learn.

Might as well post work. Pic related. Not awful, just not where I want to be. See you in a couple months.

>> No.2841745

oh and get a big ass wall calendar. Mark off the days you've succeeded and keep the streak alive.

>> No.2841752


>> No.2841779

I guarantee you're wasting as much time as drawing 14 hours a day would do. The only difference is you're not getting better.

>> No.2841850

You do realise these people aren't doing that right? they learn about form and perspective as well as how to render well.

They're not copying. When they do studies they're trying to find the form of an object and then go to town sculpting it via perspective drawings.

Nothing but fundies

>> No.2842276

a lot of it is, but who cares? Why would you take the 40 hrs it would take to paint all of that, get the perspective in line, and then light it? It's a waste of time and photobasting/3d models are only "cheating" if you're too retarded to use your time wisely.

>> No.2842278
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>who cares

faggots like you are why I fucking hate this field.

>> No.2842289

Considering it's an FZDSchool student, I would assume it's no 3d, or only a few basic 3d shapes (in SketchUp), and probably a decent amount of photobashing to establish the pallet.
If you paint over the entire thing, every single pixel, so that none of the photobashing or 3d models show through, there's no way to even tell the fucking difference, you stupid, time-wasting, pleb.

>> No.2842828


lots of people care, mostly the ones who aren't autistic and have social lives outside of art.

>> No.2842843

Got any places to see your art?

>> No.2842909


Explains why this stuff lingers on CA and a few other places and people would rather look at a basic anime drawing, people love photos painted over.

>> No.2842926

>art is all about the result
plebs get out

>> No.2843208


Ay that's really fucking nice, family. I wish I could work on a schedule like that but work and family that's impossible. I've been basically drawing for at least three hours a day since July 2015 and haven't let up. I wish I had more time but this is probably the best I'm going to be able to do. May I ask how long you've been drawing? >>2841742
is solid work. I dont really lurk /ic/ but I'll keep this thread open because I'd like a response.

>> No.2843917

I got a twitter. @sidneydraws
since 2012 really, though I really started getting serious as of this year. Anything else?

>> No.2844126

Please do your research, even professionals say this. If you can produce the product quickly and with good quality, the method doesn't matter so long as it's your own work

>> No.2844268


This is the problem


>> No.2844551

Are you one of those faggy fairy /pol/cucks who romanticize stupid shit for no reason?

>> No.2844587
File: 162 KB, 1016x1413, smug vermeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't understand what concept art is

>> No.2844598

>Somehow managing to drag /pol/ into this
You're just making yourself look like an even bigger retard.

>> No.2844602

Lol, guess I was right. Faggot.

>> No.2844640
File: 482 KB, 1000x707, tumblr_nd6s1201Vt1tm4s2ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on this guys tumblr and his concepts are all amazingly skilled in sfx, light/shadow, perspective, painting, placement, etc but he has absolutely no idea how to draw people. these are ironically horrible. how tf did he just skip across basic anatomy/faces foundation and leap into high quality conceptual work

>> No.2845425
File: 1.97 MB, 540x304, sketchbook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit unsure what you mean by this part anon, could you explain more?
> in 1-3 session. I split the difference into every two days and I up my drawing time by 13 minutes so I can acclimate the the time scale.

You mean you do 3 sessons of the 52/17 each day, and then 13 minutes into 4th cycle each day until you're up to 4 full 52/17 cycles?

Sorry if I'm being dumb it just confused me a bit.

>> No.2845511

Can I learn to draw if I have a job and don't have 24 hours a day to practice?

>> No.2845514

Yes. Next question.

>> No.2845523

I guarantee you're just a dumb faggot who doesn't enjoy drawing.

>> No.2845618
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No I just increase the time I'm drawing.

Over 8 days

>day 1-2: 13 min
>day 3-4: 26
>day 5-6: 39
>day 7-8: 52

then 17 minute rest, and then work 13 minutes after that. repeat cycle. To simplfy, just for up to about an hour of drawing per week. I'm up to one cycle +13 as of now.

Admittedly this is all arbitrary and convoluted, the idea is to simply draw more every few days by small increments.

I also forgot to add that I'm working on a project as well. Instead of aimless grinding, I'm working toward making an animated short. In addition to draftsmanship. I'm learning animation, cinematography, and "production" on the weekends.

>> No.2847817

25 hours a day, idiot.

>> No.2849743

it is when youre just doodling weeaboo shit and "studying anatomy" way too much.

>> No.2849833

i wish i started learning to draw back when i was still in school and had time for all of this. i am lucky if i get 1 1/2 hours of practice a day

>> No.2849864

Your point?

>> No.2849888

I was lucky to get 1 hour back then. Discipline is a different type of game.

>> No.2852018

I only have four hours of free time a day. What can i expect?

>> No.2853340

That you might not get gud as fast as someone with 10+free hours, but you will still improve well if you use your time wisely. Don't spend it all studying, or all doodling, or all rendering some huge piece; do a good mix of them. It's up to you how you divide up your time, different things work for different people.

>> No.2853345

You can expect to have a good experience. I only do about 5 hours and it feels pretty good. Only issue is getting used to having to continue your work tomorrow or another day. Very unusual for people who are used to having finished a piece in one sitting. But once you get into the process, it's not a problem.

>> No.2853441

rlly? I'll do this to improve my art