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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2834522 No.2834522 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't know where to start, read the sticky.


For critiques about your work, go to the corresponding thread.

>>2832053 - Beginner thread
Draw thread 404?
>>2832524 - Alternative Art/Stylization General

Please refrain from making your threads if you only have a single question.

>> No.2834550

How would you rate drawing while being drunk?

>> No.2834552

I don't do it. Doesn't seem like it would be enjoyable.

>> No.2834582

Is there an equivalent to cgpeers that isn't cgpersia?

>> No.2834609

Do you have to be an amazing artist to make amazing artwork?

I just wanna knock the socks off of people with raw appeal and aesthetics. i don't care too much about looking like a traditional artist, style, bargue plates, casts, fantasy knights. sci fi soldiers, etc.

I just want to use the fundamentals to make dreamy shit like Ruan Jia, Sachin Teng, or James Jean.

I'm not impressed by tech skill, at all. i only care about execution and subject matter.

I have a bunch of ideas for artworks, but no skill.

Should i only learn what i want to learn? do i have to learn all of it?

>> No.2834628

i posted this already in a different thread; i didn't see this one

>> No.2834725


Anyone have this as a physical copy? As I understand it the reproductions of the original illustrations are supposed to be brand new for the book. How is the quality, and does anyone have scans of it yet?

>> No.2834729
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>> No.2834747

Does anyone have an in depth guide to rendering like maybe some help with stroke composition and edges and such?

>> No.2834886

I already asked about this before and... I asked if it's ok to copy another artist style and anon told me it is. But I can't overcome the guilt of copying the same patterns and well... style of the artists I respect. Help me anons.

>> No.2834888

What do you need to be told? That everyone does it? Because they do, it's no secret.

>> No.2834919
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It is? I have problem understanding that the artists i admire once copied someone's else style

>> No.2835017

Anyone? >>2833435

>> No.2835025

Copying their stylization beat for beat is looked down upon, but there's no shame in copying a drawing of theirs, breaking down their process and problem-solving, and then applying that to your own drawings.

Pretty much every person in the game has done it. It's a really vital form of studying, personally. Even doing quick master studies leads to picking up influence.

>> No.2835189
File: 5 KB, 250x223, 1484620633551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello bros, I've been drawing for a while but never actually painted digitally. I'm trying to start now but it's kind of daunting, does anyone have a good routine for practicing or just advice in general? thank you

>> No.2835191

Paint a lot and get your level of skill back up to your traditional.

>> No.2835243

>computer is hogged
>want to draw porn but all i have is a sketchbook and the family might see
What do?

>> No.2835250

lmao you coward i literaly have sketches of a bunny boy taking a huge dick all around my room
if my mom comes in she just puts them in a pile

>> No.2835256

Well your a furry and i know damn well parents of furries dont love their kids
Guess i'll draw the porn

>> No.2835262 [DELETED] 


>> No.2835658
File: 420 KB, 823x830, Spider-Man-PNG-Picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to get better in drawing the human figure from imagination. Now I can sort of get porportions right if there isn't crazy perspective and I know some basic anatomy, but what I really struggle to get a good grip on is making the shapes of my bodyparts "sexy". I can somewhat look at reference for good shapes, for example the ref, but then again I want to learn to draw from the imagination. So my question is:
how do you learn good shape practice? Is it something you have to learn for every object you want to draw or is it a "universal" skill where you know which shapes will work out for an object?
How can you practice your shapes?
It would be great if someone can refer me to a good read about the topic, cause I get the feeling this concept is what I'm really lacking in right now

>> No.2835676


Yes, it is a universal skill.

Copy artists you like and do studies of their work. Understand how they simplify and stylize things. Draw the same thing over and over. I've filled pages with just the same hand. You'll remember the shapes that way.

>> No.2835686

Thanks anon, appreciate it.

You'll remember the shapes that way.
but isn't that sort of a contradiction of the idea that it is a universal skill? How do I develop the universal skill itself?

>> No.2835704


I forgot to mention life drawing aswell, especially study things from nature. I really found doing plein air studies and such of rocks and trees and drawings of leafs and flowers has helped in coming up with interesting shapes.

No it isn't a contradiction really. I mean, if I take the same example of a hand again - you can just look at the drawing of a hand and instantly tell it's a Disney hand, right? There is a consistent logic to why things appear to be in a certain style, just as there is a mathematical logic to how tree branches grow in a certain way. I find that you start to tune into that the more studies you do. Eventually you just get a feel for how shapes are supposed to twist and turn.

One last thing, I think the way the Bargue plates teach you how to block in is a really good way to approach shapes.I think of shapes as vector graphics kinda. They have a limited set of anchor points that define how soft vs hard they turn.

>> No.2835816

I haven't done any nature studies yet, really focused on figures, but I plan to do more life drawing, so I'll try to add stuff from nature, probably rocks. I'm also going to look at some bargue plates again.

But I guess from what I understand is that you really have to learn certain shapes of the body by drawing it a lot from different angles and see what you can simplify/exaggerate by looking at work from other artists.

Thanks again, the question threads are the only place where I sometimes receive legitimate advice...

>> No.2835834


You're welcome. Yeah basically draw a lot, but if you want to draw from imagination it's really critical to be analytical about it and really study structure and simplification. Don't necessarily worry about your own style yet, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. I learnt a ton from copying disney model sheets and rough pencil drawings from marvel artists.Drawing simple cartoonish stuff has really helped me draw more realistic things from imagination aswell.

>> No.2835920

pls halp

>> No.2835935

I used to hate it, but I also used to drink way too much.

Nowadays, I like sipping on a drink while sketching\painting. A nice buzz enhances my creativity and also numbs the inner dialogue of questioning and neigh saying.

>> No.2836075

Is there a way to make photoshop save my drawing every x seconds as a jpg so i can assemble them into a timelapse afterwards?

>> No.2836076

I just get upset about how shittier i am compared to when im sober so i dont even try anymore

>> No.2836098

not him, but i have a similar question

>> No.2836816

I've been drawing everything really tiny for more than 12 years. To just "start drawing bigger" is way harder than it seems for me.

>> No.2836817

Sounds like you have confidence issues.

>> No.2836827

Well, yeah, specially as a teen, and not really that much for some years, but it just stayed like that. My art is actually intermediate level.

>> No.2836830

It could be commitment issues then. I realize when doing bigger pieces that it'll take me more time, so I either don't do it, or try for something smaller because to do something that requires a lot of time raises some flags in the back of my mind. Like, hey, if you're going to do this, it better be good or you had better not waste your time with this piece just because you wanted to try something bigger. And with the little time we get these days, it really is kind of risky, because working in one to two hour increments is a buzzkill for long pieces. I like to have a three hours and more time period if I start.

>> No.2836847
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The sticky has a lot of resources, I don't know where to start. Can I follow the pic? Some say it's a meme, some say it's not but can I follow it as a learning plan?

>> No.2836850

The sticky even tells you where to start though.

But since you're so UNSURE. Just tell me what you want to draw and I'll tell you what you got to do.

>> No.2836851

No. It is easily the most ignorant thing that's ever come out of this board and I actually get second-hand embarrassment knowing it exists.

>> No.2836858

Human figures, thanks anon

>> No.2836860

Come on, that can't it, cough it up. You want to draw characters don't you? I bet you like sci-fi or fantasy.

>> No.2836876

I just want to draw realistic figures

>> No.2836881

Okay, then you should get started on Vilppu's Drawing Manuel. That one book alone should last you a while. Don't worry about anything, just do this one book.

>> No.2836882

cheers anon

>> No.2836959

in SAI there's a brush slider for minimum size. what's the equivalent of this in CSP?

>> No.2836960


I don't think there is one, anon.

>> No.2837015
File: 72 KB, 795x420, ctrlPaint_logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I set my Photoshop shortcut to instantly create a new layer like Matt Kohr in Ctrl+Paint?

I mapped my New Layer shortcut to Ctrl+W, but if I used that it brings up the layer dialogue which I don't want

But it seems Photoshop automatically set Ctrl+Alt+W for the instant new layer shortcut (without dialogue) and there's nothing I can do to change that.

He seems to also be able to set a shortcut to instantly create new layers with specific properties without ever bringing up the dialogue menu.

Is there a way to do this?

>> No.2837021

I started to teach myself to paint with acrylics but could only afford a few tubes. I got the three primary colours, with black, white and grabbed a colour wheel. I think I've really grasped colour theory as I can mix up any colour I need without a problem from these three. I had a friend tell me I'm just being elitist and I need to buy a full colour set of paints to "paint properly".
Is my friend full of shit, or is my head up my ass?

>> No.2837023

He's right, but it doesn't matter if you want to use a smaller palette. You just won't be able to hit all the colors so don't expect stuff to look how you want it.

>> No.2837028

Do you mean differences in colours like a warmer tone yellow and a cool tone yellow? It didn't occur to me until now that I wouldn't be able to get quite every colour with three tubes of paint.

>> No.2837031

The problem with that is when you mix colors, you lose a bit of the saturation, and they end up looking duller than if you have an actual pigment for the color you need, or at least close to it.

>> No.2837033

You should just try it out for yourself and see how you feel about it. If it's all you can afford then so be it, you can still get in painting practice.

>> No.2837037

Cheers for the advice man. That makes a lot of sense.

>> No.2837041

Never mind, found it

>> No.2837047

really? can anyone else who uses CSP confirm?

>> No.2837055 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2837165

Which set is the best one to help me learn how to into water colors? Mixing, getting to know the medium, etc? Prang 16-color set, Sakura Koi 18 colors, White Nights 12 colors or a 12 color W&N palette.

>> No.2837172

Id recommend the koi travel set if you're learning, its affordable and the pigmentation is pretty good for the price. I wouldn't splurge on the W&N until you know what you're doing. I've never tried Prang watercolors so I don't know how they are.

>> No.2837175

W&N's Cotman stuff, mane. Not their fancier stuff.

>> No.2837183


Two beers or so is good, anything more and it goes downhill.

>> No.2837708

For an intermediate artist who's done with Fun with a Pencil which Loomis book should I focus on next?

I feel I'd like to go through 'Drawing the Head and Hands' but I've read I should do Figure Drawing for all it's worth? Is there an order to this?

>> No.2837716

What do you want to do with your drawing skills? That's where you go next.

>> No.2837867

Adding onto this: whenever you decide to get your watercolours, look at the pigment information. Single pigment paints are ideal and what you should be using when learning to mix, so keep an eye out on the paint information for "codes" like PB29. If you are a complete beginner, make sure your set has at the very least a warm & cool version of the primaries (red, blue, yellow), and some earth tones. Chances are a student grade set will have a black & white in the set too, so try not to completely get attached to these when learning how to mix. I associate Prang with other classroom brands like Crayola, so maybe not the best start unless you are a complete beginner with art in general. You won't be able to get much mileage out of them when trying to do the above shit however. Cotman is pretty decent for student grade, and depending on where you shop can be pretty affordable. I currently see a 12 half-pan set for $14 USD on Amazon.com w/Prime shipping.

post got too long oops hold on

>> No.2837899

Make sure you get a brush that is specifically designed for watercolour. The ones that are in those multi-packs are usually not a good choice. Common watercolour brush types are synthetic, natural hair (from Squirrel or Sable), or brushes with a mix of both. Either or is up to you, as long as the brush can hold water well and keep its form. For now, stick to a few round brushes of your size preference and maybe a flat wash if ya want. Water brushes are okay for travel if you can't lug around water bottles. The Cotman set from earlier has some small mixing areas to help out during travel too. For home purposes, you would need two containers of water - one for cleaning dirty brushes, and one with fresher clear water to help with the painting. A porcelain plate (like a kitchen plate or something like that) is very nice to use for mixing. The plastic from the usual pre-bought sets for example will begin to stain over time, so be aware of that. Porcelain can be wiped clean off with a napkin or paper towel if you want to mix new shit together.


>> No.2837909

Watercolour paper is its own headache with some dedicated people proclaiming it to be on par with the paint in importance. Strathmore 400 series cold-press 140 lb./300 gsm is a nice place to start out for beginner purposes. You can gradually work your way to trying different kinds of finishes once you get a handle of it. Cold press is the most common (medium texture), hot press is much smoother with little texture, while rough is heavily textured (Strathmore 300 WC "cold press" is more like rough from other brands). Finally, paper with a percentage or entirely consisting of cotton is something to gradually learn after the beginner phase. Wood-based watercolour paper will still pill after a while if you overwork it, while cotton (& blends) will be somewhat more forgiving with you. Just because a product has 100% cotton content doesn't mean it's the best shit however, but it will reflect itself in the price. Shop around and research whatever you have your eyes on. Sheets vs pads vs blocks - whatever. That's just more shit to pile on, so I'm gonna stop & just refer you to some sites.

handprint, Jane Blundell's blog, Wet Canvas, art-is-fun (especially), are good to explore for a lot more information on the specifics. Former two sites are helpful for colour information and lightfastness - definitely another thing to keep in mind.

Good luck, have fun

>> No.2837930
File: 110 KB, 720x960, even-amundsen-122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this has been answered before but looking at pic related as an example.

How do artists arrive at a finished clean picture like this without construction, especially in traditional?

Did they have very light construction and erased it?
Did they sketch a piece somewhere else first then drew it again cleanly once they had an idea of what to draw?

This process has always perplexed me. Thank you if you can answer.

>> No.2837936

They do use construction, you just don't see it. It's more of a mental thing later and you can eyeball it. Sometimes they do it light and erase it. Sometimes they do sketch it and draw it again.

Anyways, the answer to your question is experience. They have drawn for a long time and have figured out what works and so can you if you continue to draw for a very long time.

>> No.2837950

Thanks. I'm a big fan of Scott Robertson and he usually uses a light blue pencil for construction for mechanical designs but I've also seen him just drop some grey copic background down and then straight use ink on top to draw a mech.

I guess it really does come down to experience and memory from having drawn thousands of mechs. Gotta keep at it.

>> No.2837955

No, pick your own colors, starter colors are usually alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue, and black. Packs often come with redundant colors you don't need. Neutral colors can always be mixed from primary colors. Buy new colors when you find you can't mix it or are mixing them too often.

e.g., I paint a lot of foliage, so I bought viridian green so I don't have to keep mixing greens.

>> No.2838103
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beginner here
I think I figured one of my problems which is having clear goals, instead of just "practicing" every 2 days or so.
How do I know what to do?

I don't have money to go to art school or go to online classes, so that's out of the picture.

tl;dr I need goals so I can get gud

>> No.2838107

Would suggest they'd pick an earth tone like burnt sienna, raw umber, or yellow ocher over black if going that route, honestly. The thing about full warm & cool sets of primaries could also lead to confusion at the start, so the 12 colour sets aren't totally redundant. This way, after they learn a bit from mixing practice, if they desire a colour for convenience they can go out and get it if they use too much from mixes, etc.

The case for fewer than that can be argued if desiring to use an extremely limited palette of three or four colours. They would need to know what would pair best for optimal mixing beforehand however

>> No.2838109

Why do you want to learn how to draw?
Is it for cute anime gyarus?

>> No.2838143

yes, I want to draw cute animu girls
but I want to draw them good

>> No.2838147

Okay, so what's the problem?
You know what to do now right?

>> No.2838153

How do I practice drawing porn without drawing porn? I have a job where they want me to be there all day, but they only need me to work a couple hours a day. I'm trying to become a good porn artist, but obviously practicing at work would be bad. What can I draw that practices porn skills without looking like porn?

>> No.2838155

I'm assuming you're going to say 'draw anime' but people told me here again and again that I have to master realism to do it
but that was years ago

did that change? What do I need to do now?

>> No.2838167

Draw cute animu girls and see why they look bad. Fix the bad. Easy?

>> No.2838233

Thanks! So I should get the W&N Cotman sets and not the Sakura Koi?

I want the pre-made sets so I have a nice little portable case that I can stuff with tube colors when I run out of paint. Those colors being either the ones recommended for a basic palette on Handprint or the ones James Gurney recommends.

>> No.2838268
File: 438 KB, 1000x661, 1410808363.ophryon_siren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could someone mix the correct amount of stylized art and "realistic" art like in pic related in order to create something clearly stylized yet beliable?

Is it all about of a strong sense of colour?

>> No.2838281

Go for Van Gogh, Akademie or Cotman. Any is a good choice, you can get whatever you have available that's reasonably priced and has a good quality box.
Koi is a step below those. They're decent paints for the price but don't even have pigment information.

>> No.2838291

What's the difference between sketching and chicken scratching?

>> No.2838295

I was told that chicken scratch is bad since the lines aren't confident, it looks messy and it's a bad habit. Don't take mt word for it though.

>> No.2838297

Ah. Thank you!

>> No.2838298

Sketching is a loose and unclean drawing.

Chicken scratching is when you do hairy lines all the time.

>> No.2838381

I'm interested in getting Lazy Nezumi just for the perspective tools, is it worth it?

>> No.2838393


Clip Studio has better perspective and stabilization tools. It doesn't cost much more either and it's interface is very similar to photoshop

>> No.2838398

I have CSP but I had to much trouble with the interface and getting line work to turn out nearly as good as it did in Sai.
I was wanting to use Nezumi with Sai.

>> No.2838684
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So basically I'm drawing in two different "styles" (different subjects, themes, mood, rendering, etc.), I don't think people are usually interested in both of those, will it be wiser to create a separate account for the other part of my stuff or it is ok to dump everything in one place? I'm afraid it will be too jarring and confusing for followers, does anyone have similar problem?

>> No.2838801

what platform are you using?

>> No.2838872

I'm planning to use tumblr and DA

>> No.2838883


In a perfect world you could get every colour, but in real life the paints have chemicals in them that muddy the colours after mixing too many together.

>> No.2838897

For DA I think it's fine to just keep everything in one account, but don't take my word for it because I haven't used it in years. For tumblr you could just put your other "style" in a separate side blog in the same account. You should ask your followers about it though, people usually don't mind.

>> No.2838914

Why shouldn't I kill myself?

>> No.2838936

What does it take to shade like cool (soulless) patreon guys?
The numerous shading lessons I've been facing on constantly remind about angles of light casting and such, but this all sounds so complicated and unnecessary!

>> No.2838965

There exists millions, literally MILLIONS, of decent artists already; what makes you think you will make it? Your art will never be seen or appreciated by anyone, it will be drowned in the bazillion of existing works, never to be saved or hanged on a wall.

There is no point in becoming an artist. There is only meaning in being unique.

>> No.2838969


>> No.2838983

Consider the amount of artists in Japan, Korea and Taiwan alone. Now add China, France, Russia. Now add North America.

That figure is probably close to 200 million artists or more.

How many artists on Pixiv and Artstation? How many more on Tumblr? Pixiv has 6 million users, if only a third of those are artists, that's 2 million artists, and if only a third of those are decent artists, that's still possibly 600k.

It's insignificant starting art in the 21st century, so yes we should all kill ourselves.

>> No.2838989

Where did you get 200 million? Source on this? How should I know how many artists there are in each country? It's not like there's a quick and easy number to find.

>> No.2838990

hows about creating art for the joy of it?

if you do it for any other reason, you may as well quit

>> No.2838992

Any good book/resource to learn and understand 3-point perspective?

>> No.2838994

stop making these threads. ffs

>> No.2839012

stop pulling numbers out of your ass

>> No.2839021


>> No.2839065


>> No.2839102

I skimmed through the sticky but I couldnt find anything about starting with painting which I am interested in.
Is it because I should start with fundamentals of drawing or is there just a lack of content in the sticky?

>> No.2839229

Anyone have any tips for copic markers? Preferred paper?
I tend to use mixed media paper but I'm not sure if it's the best to use

>> No.2839301

It has a pretty decent paper comparison here. Would suggest Hammermill Color Copy Digital Cover 100lb Paper or similar as a sub for the X-Press cardstock Copic shills if you find yourself drawn to that. Otherwise, that list has everything else covered.

>> No.2839374

Just use a video capture software

>> No.2839382

First off, that's not very realistic.

Second, understanding composition is what makes the difference between great art and mediocre art.

Remember, you don't have to be a human photocopier to make great art, in fact if you can't do stuff from imagination, it doesn't matter how well you can paint a face... you will never convey a deeper message/story that is your own!

>> No.2839725

>the sketchbooks i use the most work poorly with copics

Haha shit
Guess it gives me a reason to use my other ones
Thanks for the link

As for general technique, about how long should I leave a layer to dry before popping on another

>> No.2839865

Depends on the paper used. Ink will merely "sit" on top of marker paper for a little bit before drying. It behaves this way to let the artist blend colours easier. If it's something like cardstock, bristol, etc, it'll be absorbed much more quickly. Can't say shit about Yupo & related materials as I have not had a chance to use it. I have heard it behaves similarly to marker paper, or specifically, the W&N pigment marker paper.

If you plan to use them with drawing inks, please allow your line work to dry a bit before starting to use your alcohol markers. 24 hours is "ideal" to some artists, but honestly it depends on the ink itself. I've had different inks (alcohol ink-resistant/"markerproof" at the very least) be set within a few minutes of being put down, while some others would still activate after a day+ of drying.

>> No.2839875

I see
So the tip with markers is to take your time
That makes sense

>> No.2839958

You don't have to buy a set with pre-made watercolor cakes. You can buy empty pans and empty palette case and make your own cakes using paint from tubes. Search amazon for "empty watercolor tin" and empty "watercolor paint pans".

I have never found the need to use as many redundant colors as you find in watercolor sets. If you really want a browns, just get one brown and that is all I suggest for a beginner. Beginners should learn to mix neutral colors from primaries first. Save your money. Plus I doubt the quality of the watercolor cakes that come in sets.

Black cannot be mixed easily. That is why I suggested it. It is also one of the most versatile paint. It also allows you to easily do black and white paintings. Whereas neutral tones are extremely easy to mix. Often times the neutral colors right off the tube isn't the exact color you need anyway and you end up mixing colors into it, that's why I suggest just mixing the neutrals starting with the primaries.

>> No.2839972

Strange question but is /ic/ pronounced IK or ISEE?

>> No.2839973

It's clearly pronounced ai-shi

>> No.2839987
File: 472 KB, 750x750, lunar black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a black is really needed for watercolour, then it can be mixed just as easily as other greys & neutrals, etc. It is not a medium that really requires a "pure" black or white compared to acrylics. There's an argument for gouache, but 2bh I haven't had much chance to mess with actual gouache for a long time now. Feels like you're treating all paint in the same way however, and it really is not 100% interchangeable like that. Each has its nuance to it, so while one person is advantaged if coming in from another painting medium, there are still things to consider before trying to tackle the new painting medium.

Not all of these sets are equal to the shitty ones from the craft store or sets aimed at specific techniques (gansai is a huge victim of this within the past few years due to youtubers). Student grade half-pan sets from known manufactures can probably be trusted compared to classroom brands like Prang or Crayola. Some of these companies also produce their professional grade sets in the same manner. The student sets contain some crap because, hey, it is still student grade - more filler is to be expected.

I will admit that there are some brands with granulating black watercolours (Daniel Smith Lunar Black) that do have its merits in regards to texture when mixed. It is not a necessity for the beginning watercolourist compared to getting to know the basic mixing colours (warm primaries, cool primaries, earth tones, etc)

>> No.2839996

Oh, and to add: some companies who produce their tube colours in a certain way will have their paints harden very slowly - up to a month at the worst from what I've experienced from it - due to the honey content for the most part. These specific ones are often poor choices to use when trying to personalize a half pan or full pan palette, especially to those in more humid climates. This issue is restricted to mainly professional grade paints, so not too much of an issue for student grade as far as I know. Pre-made pan sets will usually have a bit more additives (what kind of preservative(s) I dunno) to try to suss out molding issues - but again it isn't a complete defense if living in those same humid areas.

I'm not too sure of the original anon's climate situation actually, so sorry for the late add-on to the earlier posts pham. Since pre-made sets were mentioned initially, studio vs travel was mentioned briefly but that's all.

>> No.2840002
File: 369 KB, 846x700, Tool setting stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is what you want

>> No.2840009

holy shit thank you!

>> No.2840042

The ones OP chose are student grade. I guarantee you blacks are used very very often, and harder to mix then neutrals. There is a need for its own tube of black. Neutrals are too various to buy all of their different tones, better just to learn to mix them and learn the limits of different colors of watercolor paint. And only if you find yourself mixing the same colors often, then you go out and buy that neutral.

>It is not a necessity for the beginning watercolourist compared to getting to know the basic mixing colours

Yes it is, that's how beginners learn how different types of paint colors interact. For example, cooling down by mixing cobalt blue versus mixing ultramarine blue, warming by mixing quanicridone red versus alizarin crimson. It's how you learn you can never mix certain types of colors, and how you learn you need to buy a different paint color to achieve certain colors.

Learning how different types of paint interact in forming new tones and colors is a big part of traditional painting.

>> No.2840048

Chances are, OP doesn't live in the Amazon jungle. Slow to dry paint is also a pro which you didn't mention. You don't actually want the watercolor cake to be hard as rock, because that will ruin your brushes faster when you try to rework it. But you can't help it.

Also, none of the sets OP mentioned uses honey-based paint.

>> No.2840056

>Chances are, OP doesn't live in the Amazon jungle.

I'm in an area which gets unbearable with humidity even outside of Summer (unfortunately) compared to other parts in this state, so it's something I have to be mindful of myself. OP might not be in the same situation, but all the information they can get helps.

Thank you for mentioning that too, forgot about the other stuff RE: paint drying issue. It can still be a con for on-the-go travel and/or general clumsiness. I don't recall if Daniel Smith had specific formulations for honey/glycerin shit, but it happened with one of their colours (Quino. Yellow? I think). That could've been a really bad runny batch I got though, as it led to ruining a custom palette I had set up last year by leaking into several colours after accidentally dropping the tin it was in. Nearly had the same incident with a Sennelier, but that actually stood in its place - just with a sticky "skin".

I have one current watercolour from a tube with "hardening issues"; it was a specialty DS colour. With probably double the spritzes or drops of water on it, it gets to be workable as the standard colours after everything sits for a minute to activate.

>> No.2840058

so I want to graduate from pencil sketches and move to digital art but for that I need an art program

the 2 most popular programs seem to be photoshop and gimp, a free knockoff of photoshop

I don't plan on buying photoshop so should I pirate photoshop or just use gimp? also what version of photoshop should I pirate?

>> No.2840060

OP also mentioned W&N; they are one of the companies who produce professional grade & student grade items in pan sets. That company doesn't overload with honey like M.Graham or Sennelier for example. Neutral about W&N myself, but have heard mostly good things otherwise.

I am only very hesitant of OP needing to purchase a black (or white paint) for traditional watercolours unless they find that they really find a use for it after their beginner phase ends. With them leaning towards getting a pre-made pan set (with a black and white most likely included), I just wanted to let them know to not rely on it much going forward in one of those earlier posts. If you have any insight for gouache, please feel free to add on for OP. I really cannot remember as, again, it's been a very long time since I have used an actual set outside of white for final touches or emergency correction with certain mediums. I feel as if the info could be useful due to being more opaque than regular WC, and "pure" black and white would fit in better with that I think.

>And only if you find yourself mixing the same colors often, then you go out and buy that neutral.
This goes for any ol' convenience colour. One can even just mix it and save in a separate pan/well. This is easiest with tube colours compared to pans, of course. I read up that watercolour sticks could be "pre-softened" with water in order to get them pliable enough to fit into holding areas, but they don't sound so mixable.

But I have to say, this is honestly the first time I've read or heard someone advocating to purchase a straight up black watercolour paint to beginners. Would you mind sharing your process into it? You mentioned doing black & white paintings in an earlier post (wouldn't the white of the paper achieve that with some masking fluid if needed?), but are mixed blacks/greys really not helping you get the right tone?

>> No.2840063

Oops, the earlier post with the gansai mention got me to remember this bit. For eastern painting, it's a different mindset compared with a western mindset. Apologies for not thinking broad enough there, but I'm also not familiar with eastern specifics regarding watercolour either to really say fuck all about it. I fucked around with some Holbein brand (JP) paint before a couple of years ago, but that's about the extent of it.

>> No.2840065

I already explained why I advocate using black. It is harder to mix darkest black than neutrals and you will use black often because you will have to darken colors. The same reason artists use black paint in oil painting.

I am not sure why you advocate buying neutral tube colors but not black tube colors when there is a greater advantage to owning a tube of black over a tube of one of the many types of neutral tones. The primary reason being that you will find yourself having to mix black often and you can get the darkest value possible for shadows immediately by wetting some black paint.

It's about being pragmatic. You gain a better understanding of the paint by learning to mix neutrals. You learn less from just mixing black all the time. And since you also use black often, just get a tube of black paint. It's is going to quicken your improvement.

Unless you're doing extremely low-key watercolor painting, you will not have to use pure black, but even then black paint is still useful.

>> No.2840066

>Unless you're doing extremely low-key watercolor painting...

Sorry, I meant high key.

>> No.2840074

I don't live in the Amazon, but in the tropics near the equator is close enough.

>> No.2840076

Buying a bunch of tubes and a separate case are a bit out of my reach, hence why I'm asking about pre-made sets. That and I want a set so I can watercolor on the go since I do most of my drawing then, unless of course I'm at home.

Also, thanks for the ideas, I'm learning a good deal out of this discussion between all of you.

>> No.2840085

I am more used to acrylics compared to oils, but what you have mentioned fits in with that medium too. Black from the tube is not a common thing for watercolours, however. People achieve their blacks/greys from mixing the colours used to better harmonize to their liking. People tend to use an earth tone for ease of mixing and just fitting into basic palettes - it's actually pretty much the situation you described, just with a (typically) brown colour. Even with a shitty brown, people do not want their piece of poop to look dull. Dullness will happen with overmixing or using too much of a pure black if using that. With colours becoming lighter after drying, most people are not fond of it. There are exceptions, like in the other post with the granulating black, where some people will choose to use one after getting used to watercolours to know what they want from their palette.

The other thing I got from the post is that you prefer to work with a limited palette. It is pretty fun though and very helpful when wanting to practice with a specific triad of colours or just fuckin' around. Again, for a beginner they would need to get a handle of how basic watercolour families work before going that way.

Sorry about my autism senpai, but at least it is towards a good cause. Any thoughts you have would be great

>> No.2840086

How does one deal with porn reposter on tumblr?
Recently i posted a picture which got mere 10 notes on tumblr.
Some bot ripped it and reuploaded and it has 220 notes.
I'm salty as fuck. Can i report it or something so it gets taken down?

>> No.2840092

I keep doing this fuck up business with these post.
Earth tones aren't always a shit brown as used in the last post as an example. It is pretty diverse with all the yellows & reds involved. Wanted to clarify a bit more cause I'm tired

>> No.2840100

Like I said, I wanna get into watercolors via a student quality set that comes with a palette so I can sketch and paint with the thing outside. When I run out I can just stuff it with tube paints with the basic palette recommended on the Handprint site or the 12 color palette that James Gurney recommends. Being student quality paints, I wont feel the hole in my wallet as much as I would if I bought a number of tubes, palettes and brushes for something I may not like in the end.

That being said, Burnt Sienna is gonna be one of my primary choices, and kicking black to the curb since I SHOULD learn how to mix that crap, or use neutral paints/mixtures like Payne's Gray or Sepia. Ultramarine Deep, Transparent Yellow and Permanent Rose are also choices I'm courting in my mind. I wanna learn how to mix shit than to rely on convenience stuff like Jaune Brillaint, unless I mix em myself in one pan.

Oh yeah, paints one can find locally are Van Gogh, Grumacher Academy shit, Holbein, White Nights, W&N, Senellier, Daniel Smith, Ph. Dr. Martin, Reeves, Sakura Koi and various random ass paints by Pelikan, Prang, Faber-Castell among others.

>> No.2840104

solution: don't use tumblr
if its porn it would fit perfectly on DA alongside all the other fetish stuff. DA actually has a policy of no art theft, tumblr's system basically encourages stealing.

>> No.2840110

You seem pretty set with quality choices you have locally. A water brush then would be the best bet for your current needs - not too expensive, great for travel, not much fuss for water (but watch how you squeeze; some backwash can get in and contaminate). Don't know how often handprint updates anymore, but if you need a resource for more swatches, Jane Blundell has a large number of swatches. Listed by colour families and with information from each brand, it's a nice supplement to handprint: http://www.janeblundellart.com/painted-watercolour-swatches.html

I am familiar with Faber-Castell's watercolour pencils (the ones from the green box/artist grade), they're okay. Didn't know they had other things going on with watercolour too, will have to look into it later.

>> No.2840112

>Black from the tube is not a common thing for watercolours, however. People achieve their blacks/greys from mixing the colours used to better harmonize to their liking.

That's the normie watercolorist perspective. Mixing black requires more than one chemical compound. Straight from the tube black is only one chemical compound.

There is no reason not to use black. There is no proof that mixed black is better.

>People tend to use an earth tone for ease of mixing and just fitting into basic palettes

Yes, if you need to mix earth tones a lot, then get an earth tone paint. I use yellow ochre in my portraits I do in oil painting because it is very versatile for skin tones. I use viridian green in my watercolor during plein aire sessions because of all the foliage. What I'm saying is don't get it you don't need it or use it often and you can just get by mixing through primary colors.

>Dullness will happen with overmixing or using too much of a pure black...

Dullness will happen anytime you mix colors, not just black. Have you ever used black tube paint in your watercolor? Shadows are often dull, that will happen whether you darken a color using mixed black or black straight from the tube.

>Again, for a beginner they would need to get a handle of how basic watercolour families work before going that way.

I have no idea what you mean by "watercolor family". You start with limited palette and buy new paint when you need them. You learn the properties of paint by starting from limited palette and branching out, it's more economical than buying a bunch of colors and seeing which ones you don't need. The cotman watercolor set includes white watercolor paint, which is probably the most useless watercolor paint of all. Sets often include fodder colors that are rarely useful.

I feel like I keep repeating myself, so I will end here, you paint your way, I paint my way.

>> No.2840113

The Faber-Castell ones look like tacticool grade school wc sets desu. I don't think their quality is all too great but what do I know, I'm new to this shit.

I heard about how weird waterbrushes are with the constant water supply so I plan to get those Pentel Aqua Brushes.

With regard to the paint choices, I wont go wrong with the Van Gogh, W&N or White Nights would I? Starting out, playing with the medium and mixing and all, right?

>> No.2840119

When you say "I work X hours a day", do you count the time watching lectures/ reading books?

>> No.2840121

Pirate Photoshop CC or CS6

>> No.2840128
File: 49 KB, 300x345, 1392427375210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the normie watercolorist perspective.
If you're going to give a beginner something to try to help, it's going to start out vanilla as possible to help digest. What did you expect?

>There is no reason not to use black. There is no proof that mixed black is better.
This is why this is up to the OP to decide after they practice. If they want to use black as is or not is up to them. Like you said, "paint your way".

RE: Dullness - maybe not the best word, sorry. Mud is probably better. Vid probably explains better than me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjCitkGHRcw

>I have no idea what you mean by "watercolor family".
Warm red/blue/yellow, cool red/blue/yellow, earth (could involve warm or cool or both). Sorry about the confusion; gave myself an easy to type short phrase

There are a lot of companies around now who make lower quality brushes to take advantage of people into adult colouring book fads. Cannot say for certain how well some of those products perform, as some will pay for fake reviews. A vid with some comparisons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWDO1eurwTA

>> No.2840129

Normal brushes wise, I was thinking of either Royal Langnickel or Daler-Rowney's golden tacklon brush packs of five or six. Momiji, Rembrandt, Angelo, W&N's Cotman and Da Vinci are also available locally.

>> No.2840131

since ya'll are talking about watercolors, i thought i'd ask. i'm using tube paint in a plastic watercolor palette with a cover, so the pans aren't moveable. what do you guys do when you want to move a color to another spot? do you wait til it runs out or scrape it out with something?

>> No.2840132

Sounds pretty good pham. Cotman brushes over here are still a bit on the pricey side compared to some more generic brands of synthetics, not sure if you saw the same sort of thing. Good luck with the rest of the supply shopping.

Probably depends on how used it has been in the well. My most used plastic palette the paint will just stick inside of the well even after being left to try, and one unused palette will have a dot of paint peeled right off from the well. Can always attempt to use a plastic palette knife to help try to pry it out of the spot(s) you need freed up. If you can get it in one piece, would assume that would make things easier for you.

>> No.2840140

Daniel Smith, W&N and Holbein are going to be the best out of those, assuming they're all the artist-grade varieties. Van Gogh is probably the best student-grade - all colors are lightfast and most are reasonably pigmented. Some of them tend to be slightly more opaque compared to the Rembrandt versions or other similar brands. Pelikan and Faber-Castell are what you'd give to a small child, not something you'd want for yourself if you can afford better.

Brushes are something you should not cheap out on. Rembrandt has nice kolinsky sables, Da Vinci's are better but too pricy. The Cotmans are nice considering how inexpensive they are, they're reasonably soft and the larger sizes hold more water than you'd think. I like their one-stroke flats and designer's rounds.

>> No.2840192
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x2268, 20170131_154621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help me, i have a dell ultrasharp monitor which is supposed to be super color correct and whatnot, but i just cant get photoshop to display colors correctly on it, pic related the right one is the monitor in question, it desaturates the colors on canvas, but as you can see if i select it with the color picker it displays the correct color, the color wheel too..

i tried every color profile and proof color setting but couldnt get it to work properly...

>> No.2840220
File: 76 KB, 620x1024, shiatsu-japanese-characters-620x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think asians draw better because of their alphabet?

>> No.2840225

No, if it was that easy, anyone who writes would be a good artist.

>> No.2840277

Given the situation, blend brushes (mixed with natural hair & synthetics like Silver Black) or a synthetic that mimics natural hair (like Neptunes) would probably be better suggestions over 100% natural or 100% synthetic brushes. They won't be completely bank breaking to save OP in case they find they won't enjoy watercolours, but are still good steps above plain synthetic brushes. Locally though seems to look like it won't be an easy search. What would you recommend they would use in terms of water storage for plein air if going the regular brush route?

Anon did mention the FC thing too, and as far as artist grade anything, the coloured pencils produced are top notch. Do they only produce classroom grade/low-tier student grade stuff (in red boxes usually) for traditional watercolour? If so, then that really sucks. The artist grade watercolour pencils are okay, but wasn't aware if they made anything else more related to the medium student grade & above.

>> No.2840338
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Unfortunately those cheap pan sets in the red boxes are the only ones they make, as far as I'm aware. They're nowhere near the quality of their Albrecht Dürer pencils.

For water storage any small plastic jar works. For something more convenient, W&N has some boxes with a water reservoir built in and a small tray that sticks to the palette. I don't know if you can buy those empty, but it's something to look into.

>> No.2840374
File: 45 KB, 816x568, 1482558357106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Faber-Castell brand run by a bunch of retards? They have such a weird mix of quality they focus on with that classroom grade shit and their artist grade pencil sets (oil-based coloured pencil, watercolour pencil, graphite, etc). Polychromos really gives Prismacolor a run for its money, especially in the past 15 years or so. No real opinion on their Pitt pens, but they seemed okay when testing them out before.

>> No.2840392
File: 100 KB, 751x500, 141002_20_PB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, artist-grade paint is a whole step above what they offer with their pencil, and a market they haven't really broken into. Pencils and writing/drawing supplies have always been their thing, they don't need to expand when they already dominate a market in a huge chunk of the world.

>> No.2840704
File: 23 KB, 600x549, 1465847528646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with shoulder pains after drawing too much?

I don't know if it relates actually but I can't think of anything else that'd cause this pain

My shoulder is in burning pain every time I try to move my arm, it's been like htis for days already. Weird thing that it's the shoulder of my non-drawing hand.

>> No.2840709

Just muscle soreness from the body trying to balance itself out.

>> No.2841008
File: 325 KB, 512x384, 1439408431416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get hand/finger/wrist pain mid december, lasts for a couple weeks, anons here say it's good old carpal tunnel (and it really did seem like it)
>see doctor, he says it's just a repetitive strain injury
>oh all's well that ends well then just need to rest for a while :)
>pain never actually goes away (just dulled a bit) but now it's starting to really hurt again
what the fuck do I do? also not drawing/writing isn't an option since I use pen and paper a lot every day. I've been trying to take it slow but it still really hurts, how fucked am I?

>> No.2841039
File: 14 KB, 367x516, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this correct

>> No.2841040

3 and 4 would be switched

>> No.2841044

yeah it's fine

>> No.2841069

Literally just rest for a few days you dumb nigger you're not going to lose all your art gains if you stop drawing for a few days christ.

>> No.2841113

How do you produce clean outlines in Photoshop? Like when you draw the sketch the lines are all frayed and shit but how do you "finalize" it by making the lines all clean? Or is it just tracing over the sketch with clean lines?

>> No.2841119

do hand exercises you fucking retard

>> No.2841122

calligraphy is an artform in itself, normal writing looks just as shitty as english or any other language

>> No.2841125

I want to buy a pen to start inking my art but I'm at a loss of what to buy. Can you only really achieve the flowy thin/thick line quality with a brush or dip pen? I don't want something terribly expensive but nothing that's a cheap piece of shit either.

>> No.2841126

Any technical pen is good, pal.

>> No.2841128

>can easily draw realistic people, portraits and semi realistic cartoons

>can't fucking draw anime girls because I always get autistic about the body proportion; I.e the stupid triangle chin and face curve, and the skinny ass necks

How do I overpass this

>> No.2841129

>technical pen
Just like a regular bic or something? I heard pilot is always good. I just don't want to find a pen pack that's stupidly overprice because it's supposed to be for artists and they're actually a POS.

>> No.2841131

Don't get me started on those fucking eyes, mouth or noses either

>> No.2841140

I was thinking more like fine pens or microns. Staedtler and such. The results I get seem to be good enough for inking, but I've never used anything else, so take it with a grain of salt. Staedtler is pretty expensive, but the truth is you don't know what you're getting until you use them. I now use Sakura Pigma Micron and they seem exactly the same as Staedtler but are cheap as fuck.

>> No.2841143

Thanks anon

>> No.2841144

So we know that colors each have symbolism but what happens when you tint,shade, and tone those colors? How does that affect them like a pale blue, reg. blue,and a dark blue

>> No.2841147

Very complex stuff that can not be explained without a demo or a lot of resources at hand. Really the best way to figure out is to play with it yourself.

>> No.2841163

What do you all mean with symbolic drawing and how can avoid that?

>> No.2841165

It means to not draw like a kid and to actually draw like your age.

>> No.2841170

Anyone know a good resource for hatching and crosshatching? Or just creating shade and volume, I guess.

>> No.2841172

Master studies of Renaissance artists
I learned quite a bit, but it's pretty tedious and will probably make you give up.

>> No.2841173

How would I even do that? Stare at the picture and try to replicate it stroke for stroke basically?

>> No.2841174

Or you can do a grid to help make it easier for you.

>> No.2841176

Cool. Guess I'll be on the lookout for high quality renaissance sketches.

>> No.2841177

is art linked to being a special snowflake?

>> No.2841179

No, being good at art is linked to being a special snowflake.

>> No.2841191

>Want to draw "cool" stuff like dark fantasy and sci-fi scenes, characters etc.
>Also want to draw cute girls in pretty dresses and other cute un-manly things

If I did both would people be put off by the inconsistency?
Should I stick to posting only the same kind of stuff?
I don't want to alienate my >fanbase but I don't want to be stuck doing the same stuff all the time.

>> No.2841194

draw whatever you want it's not like you're paid for it

>> No.2841195

No. Japanese artists do that all the time.
If you want.
A fanbase is people who follow you because of you, not the other way around.
You don't need to pander to them if you don't want to.
That's just a misconception of being marketable and getting the greatest audience.

>> No.2841208
File: 98 KB, 1600x909, q-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought the intros pro M, does this fucking thing not come with any free software?

I'm new to digital art, i know it will take time to learn everything but I'm having trouble just finding a good program to start practicing on. Im looking for something thats compatible with the tablet shortcut keys and gestures and also something thats preferably free. I thought this thing would come with some free compatible program but apparently not.

>> No.2841213

It literally comes with a CD to install the intuos.

But if you want a free program, use Krita, Paint.net, Gimp, SAI, Photoshop.

All of those use tablet shortcuts and gestures which by the way aren't as useful as you think they are, you might rely on the keyboard more often than not.

Also, how do you just buy a tablet and not research a program beforehand?

Do you want to become good at digital art or are you just doing graphic design?

>> No.2841236

>t literally comes with a CD to install the intuos.
idk what this means... I've already downloaded all of the drivers and what not and the tablet works fine. mine didn't come with a CD either, there was supposed to be a code on the CD package that you can use to get free software but seeing how mine didn't come with a CD I'm sort of just here scratching my head. the wacom website even said this, but mine is the new intuos pro 2017 model so maybe the information on their website is just not up to date?

>All of those use tablet shortcuts and gestures which by the way aren't as useful as you think they are, you might rely on the keyboard more often than not.
i know most of them aren't, but an undo/redo shortcut would be very convenient for me.

>Also, how do you just buy a tablet and not research a program beforehand?
because I'm already aware of them. i know about GIMP, paint.net, and figured id use one of those but they don't seem to be compatible with the hardware keys (unless I'm just doing something wrong?)

>Do you want to become good at digital art or are you just doing graphic design?
i just wanna git gud and digital drawings mate. I was pretty good at regular drawing (paper and pencil) for my age when i was younger. I never took any art classes or anything as a kid or had any fancy equipment, just a mechanical pencil and stacks of printing paper. I would draw for hours a day everyday because i enjoyed it. Eventually I got bored of using the same old medium. My drawings always looked pretty flat because all i used were shitty mechanical graphite pencils. Could have bought an art set with good drawing pencils or markers or paint but none of that interested me. I wanted to get into digital drawing but my didn't have the financial means of doing so until now that I'm an adult.

>> No.2841237

Well, good luck. I'll give you something to lead you on your way. There's photoshop here.

Go to cgpeers.

>> No.2841245


>having a computer with a optical drive


>> No.2841249

How do I get my imagination back?
I'm /beg/ right now and grinding fundamentals, but I can never come up with anything to draw out of imagination. The more I just grind the less original ideas I can come up with to draw. Is there anything I can/should do to get ideas for drawing back?

>> No.2841252

watch movies, animations look up for trippy images, you basically need to expand your mental library

>> No.2841253

Look at artwork that you like. Save it. Use them as influences and copy them or something as such.
It's not so much you lost your imagination or anything, it's just you haven't filled it with stuff to draw.
This is why you have to draw a lot of things to fill your memory instead of just copying off references all the time.
The imagination works purely off of memory and connections between them.

>> No.2841254

>the more I grind the less original ideas I can come up with to draw

you have to balance grinding studies with regurgitation (at least if you want to draw from imagination). Most people can't get that balance right, either you study too much and become a soulless photocopier who can only draw from reference and has no ideas of their own, or you study too little so your imaginative ideas are always overshadowed by your lack of technical skill.

>> No.2841265
File: 82 KB, 658x755, a229f67d7d8fb94f69a9b232f8f2636a37f60fc027428-v8ydte_fw658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I come up with this kind of costume for a character design? My only costume knowledge is based on real life photo references but I don't know if I should restrict my design from pushing further based on my imagination.

>> No.2841266

Years and years of experience from working with all types of mechanical designs as well as regular clothes.

Push your designs. You'll need to pump out a ton to be able to get that good one.

>> No.2841275

Not sure how to "Push" my design.

>> No.2841276

thanks bud, not sure how to download torrents safely but I'll figure it out. thank you!

>> No.2841280

If you get many ideas such as a small variation here or there, draw them all. Even the slightest change. An angle of a curve, draw it.

>> No.2841290
File: 110 KB, 800x596, focaseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are times where I couldn't add in more variations and interesting elements up to my limit. How do I come out with more design besides being a slave to the reference?

>> No.2841296

How to deal with the social stigma of drawing porn?
Lately I'm filling regular industry job gaps with porn commissions and it just so happened, that I worked on porn all month and I'm starting to like it. I'm also getting offers to work on Patreon related games and the pay isn't bad. The forbidden fruit aspect also makes it more fun.

I can't deal with the social stigma, however. My gf is already suspecting something because I haven't shown her any of my work for a month and I seem to be dead online because I'm only painting porn at the moment.

How the hell do other people deal with this? My family is very much focused on christian values and they'd disown me the second they found out. My girlfriend is kind of like that, too. Hell, my grandpa brought hell down on me when he saw I was painting nude men (figure drawing classes). I know I make them seem like rednecks but they're lovely people otherwise... just a little backwards when it comes to sexuality.

Anyway, if I were a NEET with no friends or family, I'd paint porn all year just to see how far I can push the income and to see if I could live off of it completely. I'm torn.

>> No.2841300

Tell them when the going gets tough, you got to do what you got to do. Except instead of doing porn, you are drawing porn.

>> No.2841305

you fucked up senpai.
Better get a wageslave job and make your family happy.

>> No.2841310

Addendum from another anon, they take apart the same too. You can refill both of them by popping off the big and squirting some ink inside. The Micron nibs are not as robust as the Pigment Liner ones though.

>> No.2841321

do you guys think i will be banned if i draw lascivious pokegirls on picarto?

>> No.2841331
File: 70 KB, 500x744, 1482519699527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a broken arm so my usual method of distracting myself from the darkness, vidya and double handed masturbation techniques, has been ruined.

I've been thinking about trying to stay drawing, I don't want to make a career out if it but it might be fun to be decent at doodling for 4chan OC and stuff.

Which is kind of the reason behind my question, is there anything inherently wrong with getting a cheap tablet and starting with that? Money isn't an issue. Is not bothering to learn traditionally really that crippling?

>> No.2841337


Yes, because of many reasons but it doesn't matter if you're not serious about drawing.

>> No.2841338

I think I might just get a Wacom. I'm only really looking to have fun, I don't expect to have any talent anyways.

>> No.2842132
File: 49 KB, 586x655, csp folders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought CSP because SAI a shit

Is this normal? most material folders are completely empty. I thought some options weren't included for the trial version, but even after registering they're empty. Am I missing something?

>> No.2842134

Try DLing things through the materials app (just called "Clip Studio" or through that "Search for Addit..." button on the left).

>> No.2842136

I will
Does the regular software comes with nothing at all? that's weird, I thought I fucked up something

>> No.2842178


Is there a way to color stretch on any layer in Clip Studio, the way you can check a box in Photoshop to use the smudge tool on all layers?

>> No.2842185
File: 25 KB, 310x464, 1421809127805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googling for a bit shows me that these materials are indeed supposed to come with the software (the website even features them as part of the software). I'm talking about the basic 3D tools, manga pages, etc

What the fuck did I do?
Did someone have any problem with missing materials?

>> No.2842188

Hello ic community. I have some months painting on digital and I have questions. Do you guys prefer to use opacity or flow when painting?

I like more flow because I don't like to use a lot of layer and use usually I directly paint sometimes in just one layer and if I word with opacity the blending and edges get messy bad horrible l, ugly dirty.

I'm curious of how do you avoid that.

Flow with pen pressure or opacity with pen pressure? Or how?

>> No.2842463
File: 521 KB, 680x445, mathematically challenged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How might I practically and accurately rotate a cube in 2 or 3 point perspective?

>> No.2842583

Samefaggin' here to say I found a solution last night, if anyone runs into the same problem

Shift + double click on the software icon, it'll ask you if you want to reset anything regarding the software. Reset everything and it'll start as if you launched the software for the first time. Then go to the additional material shop and it'll automatically download all of the basic materials that are missing.

>> No.2842845

It sounds like you're not fond of the artstyle

Try copying an anime reference exactly or finding manga artists who's style is more realistic

I specify manga because it allows for more detailed anatomy than animation can usually afford

>> No.2843206

I dunno, just draw lots. I usually never have problems just imagining the perspective.

>> No.2843221

Trial and error is good and all, but I'm curious if there's a technical method to seeing what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.2843222

Using 3D software

>> No.2843703
File: 183 KB, 1000x1317, 020217 paint try2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help in what direction I should head.
This is more or less the most I can do. This is maybe a hour of work? Where should I begin to get better. Any books I should do? I been self taught and havent used any books beside right side of the brain in highschool maybe 6 years ago?

>> No.2843724

Anything else besides "just draw meme". I'm half way threw fun with a pencil

>> No.2843972



>> No.2844072
File: 25 KB, 515x600, 1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do i get an art job? I apply to a studio as a character designer or whatever and they always hire the guy who has 3+ years experience from another studio job. Where are the entry level positions? I see literally none how is anyone supposed to get onto the bottom rung of the ladder?

>> No.2844079

Any tips on cleaning and maintaining a brush used for inking? Not going to be cheap on it, so I want it to last as long as possible.

>> No.2844080

Isn't the entry job called Junior whatever? A character designer is pretty important so they obviously will ask for experience, but you can just BS that too.

>> No.2844088

i dont want swats knocking my door

>> No.2844099

what do you think is the most useful file to download on cgpeers for a learning artist ?

>> No.2844166

ive been seriously practicing and doing studies for about 4 months now. while i DO see a little bit of improvement, i dont enjoy drawing at all anymore. im always just wishing to finish my studies for that day. i never draw anything other than studies anymore, i never FEEL LIKE drawing anything. when i was a more... casual artist i would draw for hours and enjoy it even if it was shit. i used to enjoy DRAWING.

how can i return to that point? how do i start to enjoy drawing again?

>> No.2844174

draw things you like, anon. I'm not suprised you get bored with studies, if you didn't do anything from imagination.

>> No.2844186


>> No.2844237
File: 77 KB, 1000x746, soho.drawing.board.angle2-st-06-087469000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I've been working out of sketchbooks only for the last month. I've just been using a flat desk and I think I'm gonna kill my fucking neck, and my shit gets distorted unless I look at the desk head on like a retard. I have a drawing board, but there's no way to prop it up on my desk, so that opens up a whole new set of problems.

I bought this thing and returned it since it couldn't fit on my desk. what should I get so I can comfortably draw? should I try to pick up a small drafting board or an easel to prop up somewhere in my room?

>> No.2844254

I think it means you need a higher desk because you're too tall. I don't get that neck shit going on when I'm at a high enough desk. It happens on a low desk though. But, a clipboard is pretty good. Lets you prop onto other stuff like books.

>> No.2844272

that might be part of the problem, I switched to a shorter chair a day or two ago, but I'm still looking down a bit on my monitor. I have a decently sized drawing board, but I can't find a way to prop it up for shit, since it's basically just a big piece of wood. I might look into a clipboard but I don't see much of a reason for it since I've got sketchbooks, and tape for the drawing board.

>> No.2844281

Yeah, an easel sounds about right, if you don't prefer the height, an easel bench perhaps?

>> No.2844287
File: 28 KB, 800x606, $(KGrHqR,!jQE68o5+uJ1BPBMd1wjmg~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, either an easel or some sort of adjustable drawing board (preferably one that fits on my god damn desk) seems like they'd be my best bet. Hopefully I can find one within a price range that isn't just nuts. Drafting boards look neat but I'm not sure how good they are for use on just plain drawing.

>> No.2844513

I heard that learning how to draw with both hands gimps your creativity. Does that also happen if you learn how to write with both hands as well? Could one learn how to write ambidextrously without risk of gimping one's creativity?

>> No.2844515



Creativity is a joke by the way.

It was created by people to make you believe you were better than you really were.

>> No.2845074

Sometimes there are some threads that challenge you to draw inside a specific shape. Any idea how can i find them??

>> No.2845210

i already have cs6 and lags as fuck btw

>> No.2845318

check the catalog? or make your own

>> No.2845331

i desperately need to know other face constrution methods other than loomis???

>> No.2845360


>> No.2845491

How good is the courses on Ctrl+Paint.com?

I'm thinking of buying one of them, the very first one, for 10 bucks, but at 45 minutes they seem a bit thin. Is it worth it? I like his free stuff a lot, I suspect it's going to be like that but a bit meatier.

>> No.2845495

Ctrl+Paint's whole gimmick is being short because there's a ton of other resources where they talk on for hours.

In short, they're good, but don't complain about their length. They were like that on purpose.

>> No.2846079

The only time I'm able to draw is when I see another drawing that motivates me to heavily reference that image.

Any other time I don't feel like drawing and when I force myself to draw, I'm not happy with the results. How do I get over this?

>> No.2846083

Keep that memory fresh and always remember it so as to remind yourself why you need to draw now and not in regret twenty years from now.

>> No.2846781
File: 37 KB, 540x284, IMG_5284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a crack for the latest version of Clip Studio or am I stuck with the earlier version?

>> No.2846851

thanks anon

>> No.2847379

Anyone know how i can go about hiring someone to teach me to draw? What is the price range on that and where can I ask/post ads?
I cant seem to wrap my head around any of the basics and the sticky isn't useful

>> No.2848025

why adobe photoshop sucks ass with my chink tablet? it's constantly ignoring penpressure.
but clip studio doesn't

what's the problem driver's?
>inb4 use wacom

>> No.2848072

So I finally found some life drawing session in my area. Two hours a week but it costs 200 euros for 12 lessons. Is it worth?

>> No.2848074

whats the best place to upload my loli drawings?

>> No.2848182

Depends on the teacher, honestly.

>> No.2848183

can anyone tell me if tablet drawing gloves are a meme?

>> No.2848184

/b/'s /loli/ playgrounds or pixiv

>> No.2848231

Are you noticing any problem without them?
My hand barely touches the tablet surface when I work, but if you're leaving a lot of smudges on your cintiq or something you might find them useful.

>> No.2848232

so its just for fat people?

>> No.2848235

Anyone who likes to rest their hand on the tablet, I guess.

>> No.2848539

So ok I have to choose between a class of drawing from life or a course of drawing, from some images I've seen that they draw mainly greek statues. The second one has more hours and costs less but life drawing seems quite useful and it's not something I can do home

>> No.2848545

So I just started with Loomis a few days ago. How precisely should I be able to copy the exercise material before I move on?
I'm almost through with the simple heads that he opens with. Perspective stuff is coming back to me, but I'm having difficulty eyeballing the exact tilt of the exercises, so some of them come out looking wonky.
Is it worth taking a ruler and compass to it, or does that defeat the purpose.

>> No.2848676
File: 265 KB, 1595x1094, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what size of paper Loomis drew these in?

>> No.2848905

I just received an offer for some sort of western doujinshi, here are the general facts:

7 drawings + cover.
$200 usd each.
$1600 in total.

character design shall be included (3 characters)

written and sketched descriptions will be given.

8 payments, one after every finished piece

Are these good rates, terms, etc?

I visited the guy's site it seems like a small operation thing. However he has issued some works before.

I'm just a bit hesitant because it would be my first time doing this kind of commission.

>> No.2848911

Just do it

>> No.2848921

Consider how much time you're going to spend on each page, as well as the character design. Odds are you're gonna be working at about minimum wage. Personally, I'd jump on the opportunity, but I'm poor and desperate and not particularly skilled.

>> No.2849272 [DELETED] 

Thank our guys, I guess I will take it's way more NSFW and a fetishes I'm not into but I hope this puts me in the way of making it some day

>> No.2849277

>>2848911 #
>>2835920 #
Thank you guys, I guess I will take it. it's way more NSFW than what I do and is about fetishes I'm not into but I hope this puts me in the way of making it some day

>> No.2849280

Anon from above, I meant to quote you, sorry

>> No.2849404

How did you guys get started with painting?

Most of the painting books I've skimmed over just go over the techniques so it seems like to me that you need to be at a more intermediate level to start painting.

>> No.2849405

Easy, just get paint and a canvas. Start going at it. Doesn't matter if it sucks, you need to understand the medium through practice.

>> No.2849407

I think it's pretty obvious by his strokes, that they're not that big.

>> No.2849557

What are some good exercises to better understand form?

>> No.2849558

Doing value studies. That'll teach you about form really quick. Probably just one long study is enough. I don't mean of still lifes either, I mean of actual things like a plane or a figure.

>> No.2849903

I'm having a problem with my tablet, where after drawing a little bit it stops working properly.
I can't do a stroke and it just forms a lines and dots but after a while it goes back to normal without any pen pressure.
I have to restart photoshop again everytime it happens and I already tried reinstalling the driver

>> No.2849907

Depends what kind of tablet you've got

>> No.2849909

It's a monoprice tablet

>> No.2849911

So now you know how to fix your problem.

>> No.2850105

Okay, d/ic/ks. I've been supporting myself through personal commissions, book covers and art for some indie games here and there. What's the next step? How do I make more money?

>> No.2850119

Can I expect to make 1k a month on comissions after finishing aguri's guide?

>> No.2850135

which guide is that?

>> No.2850140

>Can you draw furry?
>Can you draw porn?
>Are you dead enough on the inside to incorporate grotesque and/or "cringe" fetishes into your work?
If you answered yes to all three, then absolutely.

>> No.2850143

basically some guy copied his art school's yearly curriculum. https://track4.mixtape.moe/dyiars.pdf

>> No.2850147

I knew someone would answer that and I had a follow-up question prepared. Can you hide your identity enough to be hired by an actual big name company once you're past the furry porn stage?

>> No.2850156

I don't even think they'd care, even if they knew about it.
As for whether or not the company can somehow dig up metadata on you, I haven't actually heard of the marketing companies using that data for anything other than marketing...yet. You can be safe by using a vpn.

>> No.2850160

Not him, but what's the fastest way to build a fanbase?

>> No.2850164

link don't work mate

>> No.2850171

here you go mate

>> No.2850177

danke schön

>> No.2850233

why "ic"?

>> No.2850236

>I see

>> No.2850237

how does that relate to art?

>> No.2850238

Don't know, assumed it was because that what you say when you get a good crit from someone... on second thought it could just be i(from the oekaki board)and c(for critique)

>> No.2850506

What's the best thing I can use to rotate and mash together 3d objects in perspective?

>> No.2850509

Your brain and some paper

>> No.2850514
File: 28 KB, 274x323, 128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you're right. I was thinking of an easier way out.

>> No.2850664

I want to dive into illustration for tattooing, anyone has tips for this?

>> No.2850848
File: 373 KB, 707x487, er1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what gives more money when gud? Graphic design or digital art?

>> No.2850943

So far Ive been drawing things out on paper, scanning them, and then basically tracing them with a drawing tablet on my computer. I eventually do want to make the lead to digital, so I wanted to know if what I'm doing is hurting me in anyways?

>> No.2850958

Both make very good money when you're good.

>> No.2850961


>> No.2851059

I still haven't figured out how to do that, do you have some tutorials or something?

>> No.2851076

Is it bad that I prefer using PaintTool SAI's blending tool more trying to blend in Photoshop?

>> No.2851079

Graphic design blends over into digital art, depending on how you go about it. (Namely, if you want to study illustration on the side.)

However, graphic design can be combined with marketing for more money. Furthermore, if you go down the graphic design path, you might spend a couple of years staying away from illustration and art, and you'll focus more on UX design, print design, web design, etc. You'd have to explicitly go out of your way to do more illustrative design.

Depending on how much time you mind staying away from actually painting, drawing, and animating, it might be a good or a bad idea for you.

Personally, I don't mind that I spent a couple years not doing fine art stuff, but I'd also come out with some coding skills, better logo design skills, etc. Some people regret it and wished they had done something like painting for illustration instead.

>> No.2851080

Yes and no. Yes because it's just a tool. No because it doesn't matter if it gets the job done.

>> No.2851093

Learn what color flats are. They will save your fucking life learning to digital paint. You might not need them one day but when you're just beginning it helps a lot.

Basically what you do is make a layer that blocks out every shape in your picture, and color in that shape with an odd color you won't use in your real pic.

So let's say you have a picture of a girl's head. You an block out her eyes, her face, ears, and hair. Then if say you're trying to fix just her hair later but the layers would otherwise conflict with what you want to do (Or if you work better on one layer like I do) then you can just select the odd color of that area, go back to your layer, and only be working on it.

Google it, it's used a lot in comic book coloring. The teacher I had in my digital painting class last term used to do color flats just for comics professionally for awhile and it changed the game entirely in regards to my own work.

>> No.2851101

Does anyone know if I can get an offline version of drawabox? I really want to give it a go but I can only get internet once a week

>> No.2851105

It's called a printer.

>> No.2851114

Couldn't you just select the area you want to work on with the lasso tool? That seems like a much simpler solution since you don't need to plan your selection ahead of time.

>> No.2851115


I haven't gone through it yet but isn't there hundreds of exercises? I could go through screenshotting all the exercises, that's what I was going to do if there was no other way, but I was hoping there might be a downloadable version of it

>> No.2851117

No, drawabox isn't hundreds of exercises. It's very compact. Probably no more than 50 pages, that's like $5.

>> No.2851128

You can just save the web pages right?

>> No.2851139


For anyone else who wants to know and doesn't want to watch the video, just press Shift + Control + Alt + N to create a layer without dialog, instead of Shift + Control + N.

>> No.2851165
File: 125 KB, 1199x585, drawabox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bit of a pain in the arse but I've got it all now, not as much as I thought there was there

>> No.2851506

I've been trying to switch from Sai to CSP but I cant get nearly as good looking lines in CSP, sections of them end up looking blurry no matter how I try to tweek the brush.
Does anyone have a good brush pack, especially for inking?

>> No.2852220

Whats the point of drawing those poses in just a few minutes like the websites want you to? I hate having to rush. Can't I just take my time?

>> No.2852649

The point of the time limit is to force you to figure out the most important parts of the pose first and not worry too much about the details.
It's about learning to be efficient, fast and precise in your estimation, not the subtleties of the anatomy. Leave that for the longer studies.

That said, if you're really bad at dealing with the time limits, the art police isn't going to come after you if you extend it a bit starting out. You need to be outside of your comfort zone to improve, but there is such a thing as pushing too hard and fast. You need to feel the ticking of the clock, but you also need to be able to think clearly.

>> No.2852691

I see. Thanks

>> No.2853640

can you possibly share this anon?