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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.12 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2835602 No.2835602 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2832053

>> No.2835603
File: 90 KB, 550x744, 7f65667c8097672b0c6507dfcbbea821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835605
File: 89 KB, 730x1095, a7b6a623fb909e818014d5752df2f689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835607
File: 165 KB, 804x1200, f819dd55385e79fc501df4c83a408f3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835608
File: 22 KB, 373x600, fdc519580b9fd74bd718d5311e824682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835609
File: 127 KB, 1200x750, 784dfa27bdf143ec02fa41bf3492e246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835610
File: 114 KB, 804x1200, 26dd352140574a1afcf7346c346b828a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2835611
File: 18 KB, 600x202, 3c1f5f87b186c17ea3375e09ba263c72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835613
File: 286 KB, 800x935, Untitled-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835614
File: 52 KB, 653x999, Untitled-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835615


>> No.2835624
File: 154 KB, 832x999, Untitled-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835632
File: 209 KB, 999x873, Untitled-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2835638
File: 96 KB, 750x750, inthebeginning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were my gestures when i started

>> No.2835640
File: 164 KB, 750x750, gestures1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i did like 250 and here's the last 60

>> No.2835642
File: 175 KB, 750x750, gestures2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2835644
File: 161 KB, 750x750, gestures3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im hitting a ceiling or something because these dont look any different from what i was doing from say 50-200

>> No.2835650

Stop doing these Digitally, go take yourself some paper and do them on there.

>> No.2835652

welp okay so are they bad

>> No.2835671

Yes they are bad, And i bet you yourself know that.
Watch Prokos video again on Gesture, then watch his video on how to hold a pencil and then just do some Gestures on Paper.

>> No.2835672

I wouldn't say they're bad, it's just that drawing digitally can detract from that natural flow you want to capture when doing gestures. Drawing traditionally, where you can feel the tip of your pencil glide across the paper, can help release that kinetic energy you're trying to share with your reference photo or model. It might also help you to use a brush of some kind, like an ink brush. Think of Japanese calligraphy, where each letter or symbol is created with this dancing brush that perfectly articulates a stroke onto the paper. Watch this video and see the kind of control this guy has over the brush. Try to capture that subtle energy in your gesture drawings. That is the kinetic energy that brings your gestures to life.


>> No.2835681

>Yes they are bad, And i bet you yourself know that.
well ive been getting a lot of 'not bad, but not good'

okay ill try grinding another couple hundred out on paper and see how they go. all that other stuff is 0deep0me. actually im watching that video now. okay i admit it, i ctlr z some lines. could that be it? thanks for sharing the vid

>> No.2835691

It still takes time to develop observation skills, even if you grind as much as you have. It's not all about how much you grind, and some people on here think you can improve much faster than people really do; relax because you're doing great.

I can still see improvement for the first gesture drawings. Did you spend longer on these recent ones? Because if not, you've gotten faster at capturing the form, which is good.

I recommend doing some fully rendered figure drawings alongside these gesture drawings, spending as much time as you like on them. And like the other anon said, try doing some traditionally, maybe some charcoal for rendered figures and pen for quick gestures.

>> No.2835698

Maybe I put it to harshly, Yes you did improve, how the other Anon said you are much better at capturing the Form, yet they aren't good yet not terrible. Just try to do some on Paper and post those.

>> No.2835709
File: 143 KB, 750x750, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do, itll have to wait till the weekdays. im more worried about how i feel like im stalling. heres an example of some i was going a bit about. i have 16 layers with about 20 each and this is layer 11. it doesnt like i got a whole lot better to me

>Did you spend longer on these recent ones?
basically i set the time to 2min. usually takes about 1-1.5 min and the rest of the time i use to organize and move the gestures around. but i could probably get them down to under a min if i really wanted to.

>> No.2835715


Hate to break it to you but you didnt draw gestures m80.
Watch this
(also the other two videos on gesture)
and try again. Start with 30 seconds / 60 seconds ones at first to force yourself to concentrate on the motion of the model and away from whatever the fuck you are doing - when you understand what you were doing wrong until now then you can spend more time on each one.

>> No.2835720
File: 56 KB, 579x929, rsz_20170128_145529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm having quite some problems going through books. Can someone suggest me some exercises or shit to do to improve as a beginner, I would appreciate a program of exercises (for example 5 minutes of this, 10 of this other).

Pic related is some shit I drew from imagination using more or less Loomis proportions. I'm way worse a copying from reference tho

>> No.2835721

Aguri's one year guide, google it

>> No.2835724


these look closer to what im doing. i they arent super good but they get the point across

>> No.2835735

Maybe, but (you) arent getting the point across.
Limit yourself to 30 seconds or 12 lines per pic or some shit. >ou havent grasped the concept of gesture.
Your drawing has to capture the same movement / emotion / purpose / intent as the reference without having to convey form through box-like shapes, without details, without a face for emotion. You have to feel as if you are watching at a full motion that just happens to be stopped in time and brought onto paper.
Take it or leave it, its your time spent on 250 fucking box shapes not mine.

>> No.2835757

okay ill do that then. i'll report back when i have 100 gesture drawings on paper done in 30 sec

>> No.2835764

Searched it but for some reason the pdf file doesn't load and that piece of shit scribd asks me to register. Someone have a decent file?

>> No.2835767
File: 138 KB, 1957x1198, Painting4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i can`t understand it. Is there any videos which explain rendering?

>> No.2835777

Aye, I do. Didn't think it'd succumb to link rot

www mediafire com/file/q0002eaz3h2nm1x/aguri%27s+1+year.pdf

here you go boi

>> No.2835781

Watch the values, Sohn. You painted his right cheek just as dark as his left one. Try to paint with two values first, then add more and more as you git gudder. So far, you're not gonna succeed much by trying to paint with a gorillion values

>> No.2835819

Thanks mate, it works

>> No.2835858
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1333, nier1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get good with pens? This is my first time drawing with pen.

>> No.2835883

I don't know, I think a cintiq feels pretty close to paper.

>> No.2835901
File: 256 KB, 663x835, warfaffa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to only paint shapes and no lines

>> No.2835926

I'm not saying the penmanship is amazing or anything, but it's of a higher level than the drawing itself.
The fact that it's out of proportion and wonky at places is what's hurting this the most.
This same drawing, with these same strokes, would look much better was it to follow the original's proportions more accurately.

>> No.2835933
File: 167 KB, 316x405, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls critique as hard as possible thank you.

>> No.2835944
File: 92 KB, 795x736, beg 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landscape practice

>> No.2835945

hmm, it's a lot darker here than it was in Krita

>> No.2835947

learn the form
learn how light and shadow works
do simple shape rendering until you get it

>> No.2835952

With tons of practice. Either draw a lot with only pen until you gain confidence or do drawabox exercises with the recommended pen.

>> No.2835976

I know it hurts seeing the wonkyness in certain areas, but im used to using pencil which is obviously easier to correct. Any suggestions for good art pens? I was just using a ballpoint pen and computer paper at work.

>> No.2836027
File: 495 KB, 2048x1232, 20170128_204943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, coinciding with my choice of drawing soundtrack, the male model acquired the likeness of Frank Zappa.

sorry for filesize and such, this is the smallest resolution above 800x600 my phone camera is capable of

crit please

>> No.2836044

Absolute beginner here, i'm following Drawing on the right side of the brain and I've realized i've run into some problems.

First of all i'm having a really tough time with proportional relationships between individual lines, or even a line by itself if it's curved. Is this normal? Should I erase constantly until I get it right or is it more important to finish and start new stuff?

Another issue i'm having is my eyesight. I've always had sight problems since I was a small child, I have a problem called "visual snow" which makes everything look like it's under a thin layer of static at all times, every surface has this movement on it and it makes it difficult to make out details like the hand wrinkle exercise. On top of that I have very strong nearsightedness, is there anyone here with shit eyes that is making it?

I know it's early to be asking this kinda stuff but it does concern me, I want to get good.

>> No.2836064
File: 122 KB, 588x659, sfafasfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2836121
File: 640 KB, 962x804, Scrib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2836159
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /ic/!
I'm trying to doohinkus the image on the right.
I'm not sure if I'm doing this properly or if I'm missing anything important.
Send help!

I like asses btw.

>> No.2836167

very large head, very tiny butt and legs.

>> No.2836168


>> No.2836181

read keys to drawing

right side of the brain fucking SOME measuring book so that you don't look like a complete ass (no pun intended)

>> No.2836197


In fairness, anon is trying to do the insanely out of proportion simplifications from Loomis' "The Bullshit You Put Up With Drawing".

I forgot the name. Happiness in Drawing or something. The Joys Or Pencil Moving.


>> No.2836198


>> No.2836238

Looks like a good start to me. Work on the edges and define facial hair.

>> No.2836248

I have no copy of those yet and I still have Loomis' books except for Fun with a Pencil to read. But I will hunt for it and try to absorb the concepts.

I will try and work on those proportions. Or perhaps my lack of conceptual knowledge is what caused this.

>> No.2836267

"i have no copy of those yet" is not an excuse when you have google

>> No.2836269
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170128-174334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riri from last thread. I feel like there's something seriously wrong with it but I'm not sure what.

>> No.2836276


>>2832056 is the original source

>> No.2836277

Wew, I thought it was a bogdanoff from the thumbnail

>> No.2836312

How do I know if I'm good enough for aguri's guide?

>> No.2836314

If you think your art sucks, then you're good enough for aguri's guide. If you think your art is good, then you're not good enough for aguri's guide. Any more questions?

>> No.2836324

I mean, the anon who got recommended to do the thing could draw at least a semblance of a human figure. I can't even draw a cabbage without fucking up. I'm still stuck at the lines section of keys to drawing(for 3 days now). How should I know if I'm good enough to start drawing in shapes?

>> No.2836338

By drawing and failing and analyzing. Keep drawing even if it's shit and DONT rely only on one source of learning. Keep learning from the book but do some googling and watch youtube videos. Keep feeding your brain information it doesn't matter if you think you wont remember it just watch/read and analyze to the best of your ability.

It's been 2 months for me I've only focus on portraits but I've improved so much I couldn't even believe it. I'm jumping into figure and anatomy now.

>> No.2836344

Do you want to draw cute anime gyarus too anon?

>> No.2836353

I'm a beginner and can't find help for this anywhere and I don't want to make a thread so

I'm in photoshop right now. And I downloaded this anime pic. The plan was to take all the color out of the pic, and make a new pic with the black and white one next to the original one. And I was just going to play around with all the reasonable options I had available in photoshop and use deductive reasoning and experimenting to narrow down and figure out what that person was doing to color that way.

And long story short, it has been three days. And I have been completely unable to figure out how they shaded this picture. I have tried even just working on a small part of the picture and ignoring everything else. And I can't even figure out how they colored that part. Even though it looks like it's just two different shades of color blending together. That's all it is. Just two shades. The coloring in the whole pic is extremely basic and I choose it because it was basic because i'm new.

Somehow they have blended those colors so finely that they transition to the next shade on a level that is beyond what I can do or understand. I've tried so many different settings and combinations of different opacity and layers and everything. And i've been completely wrecked by just having to blend two colors together properly like they could.

It's so frustrating. I want to draw. And here I am instead hitting my head against a wall for three days over one of the most basic simple things you're supposed to be able to fucking do. Fuck me.

>> No.2836355

I still want to draw them, anon from yesterday, but I also want to have a job as soon as I can. I'm scared that I won't get a job if I don't work correctly and efficiently, I'll be blaming myself for being shortsighted and believing in myself too much.

>> No.2836356
File: 42 KB, 741x486, 1456458307282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a beginner that should be the last thing you're doing

once you get an idea of values and how it works with a certain type of form you'll go a much longer way than fucking around in photoshop doing tricks to reverse-enginner an artist's process (which, even if you somehow found out, would be near impossible to internalize until you get good)

>> No.2836359

can you post the picture

>> No.2836360

You're right anon, I was just staring at 1 book these past few days and I'm somehow surprised I don't have any progress.

>> No.2836361

Color is one of the most difficult things to learn. Considering you're a beginner, it's obvious you won't get it right away. Your perception of time is also skewed because you're not used to working with art. Two to three days is like nothing in this skill. Stuff takes days and weeks to understand. Sometimes a month. Especially if you're a beginner it takes even longer since you have no foundation. Anyways, I'm not even really sure what you're saying or what you're working on. Something about blending colors which can be anything considering how varied color is. There's all types of theories about how light works and contrast, etc.

You could 1. Keep working at it until you get it, nothing wrong with that if you understand more into the process. 2. Move on and do something else related to color. 3. Go draw instead of painting.

>> No.2836393
File: 515 KB, 1098x651, fdfsddsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh should have chosen a photo with more defined shadows and forms

>> No.2836395
File: 148 KB, 787x820, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help with this /ic/

so, how can i put the left leg into this pic, i have the concept for the pose, but dont really know how to put that leg in that position.

>> No.2836441
File: 37 KB, 452x526, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2836446

When should I replace my tablet pen nib

>> No.2836447
File: 624 KB, 1480x1480, IMG_20161217_110723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2836448

When it's worn down.

>> No.2836454

Draw it a few times and then show us how messed it is so we can fix it.

>> No.2836460

Yeah, makes sense anon. That's what everyone wants, but very few can actually do the do. As soon as possible? What if I just lept it onto you tomorrow? You wouldn't want it tomorrow because you can't even do the job. Correctly and efficiently? Impossible to know without failing and discovering it yourself. People can only tell you thinks that will help you reach correction and efficiency, but it's up to you in the end. So there's no wrong with doing things wrong and slowly. In fact, those who do it wrong and slowly are typically those who get far because they just understand that it takes time and that it's no magic. Definitely don't start having doubts now though, anon. They're a huge burden to carry. Believe in yourself as much as you can. Never stop dreaming.

>> No.2836469

Erase constantly until you get it right.

The book probably should have made it obvious, but everyone who's shit as an artist is blind. They aren't able to draw because they can't see correctly. So, you feel like you have shit eyes in the beginning anyways. You eventually start to notice things when you stare at them long enough.

>> No.2836470
File: 170 KB, 685x777, Snímka7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please

>> No.2836471

>Want to draw from imagination.
>Can only come up with really ambitious drawings that will most likely look like fucking shit when I actually draw them.

How do I stop this? I kinda want to do creative shit but whenever I sit to draw something I'll always just end up doing studies since I know my fundamentals are still baby level.
How do deviantArt fags have so much courage to not give a fuck about how shitty their drawings will come out?

>> No.2836473

they're drawing for fun

a lot of this board (especially this thread) have forgotten that

>> No.2836475

Young people have the tendency to not care about how their drawings look because they know they aren't professionals nor do they have to be. It's mostly for fun.

Got an example of what your ambitious drawings are like? It doesn't matter if it's bad, I just want to see your ideas on the page. This matters more than technical skill, you can learn that later.

Anyways, to stop drawing bad, you just have to learn what makes a piece look good. This is what a lot of /beg/inners don't know. Like good composition is a main one and drawing things in perspective. There's other stuff, but hard to say without knowing what kind of things you're trying.

>> No.2836485 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 2957x2766, sphere boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's a lot wrong with this probably...but I still feel accomplished and like I've definitely learned some.

>> No.2836486
File: 406 KB, 2340x3164, New Doc 2017-01-28_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are my heads so terrible? Specifically, I'm having trouble adding brow-ridges and noses in perspective. It just comes out like garbage every time I try. I've studied loomis, proko, hampton, bridgman, etc. I've done 100 and 100s of drawings like this. Is it just mileage and I haven't done nearly enough? Is there something obvious I'm missing? Thanks guys.


>> No.2836489
File: 2.75 MB, 2957x2766, sphere boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's a lot wrong with this probably...but I still feel accomplished and like I've definitely learned some.

>> No.2836490

It's been a while since I've seen people do this exercise or even drawabox. Good attempt though!

You're super all over the place with your proportions. See how your boxes aren't all the same but varying constantly? Just make sure to stay consistent, although I'm sure the concept of rotation was caught by you, so it's not that much of an issue.

>> No.2836492

Yeah, it was a learning experience for sure. I realized too late. Took me like 3 days a good amount to get through it lol, so I don't think I will repeat it right now. Definitely will keep the consistency in the future.

>> No.2836494

I don't have any specific example to show, but I have ideas like for example drawing a human figure flying in space and I'll leave it at that because I can't draw human figures worth shit and celestial objects are also too hard for me to handle, or shit like a whale swimming but then I remember that I've never in my life drawn a whale so I'd have to study it all from scratch and lightning underwater is super fucky.

Shit like that, it just feels like there's a lot of stuff I want to draw but there's a certain skill barrier that blocks my path.

>> No.2836495

>tfw deleted it to resize it and then somehow posted the big one again
It's staying this time. Sorry. lol

>> No.2836524

Yup, that's pretty much it. We all want something but we are blocked by our current skill level. The good thing is we can learn and therefore be able to do that thing one day. Sure, it's not easy and it takes a lot of time, but if it really matters to you, then you'll embark on the journey. You also have to just embrace the fact that you suck right now and that you shouldn't limit what you draw because it will always suck if you don't draw it. So constantly draw your ideas because it's not like you can't redraw them in the future. Beginners are afraid of their masterpieces being lost but that's just because you didn't realize there was more to what was possible yet. You might realize a different pose is better in the future or a different lighting. Evolution occurs when you redraw things and there's not much wrong with that as long as you can keep the idea the same. Therefore don't give up and keep drawing even if they are bad, because one day you may not be as bad anymore.

>> No.2836525

am i cheating myself by using shift-click instead of freehanding "straight" lines when doing exercises?

>> No.2836526

Depends on what you mean by exercises. But if it involves free handing straight lines then yes.

>> No.2836527

drawing boxes

>> No.2836529

gud job anon. I love these, I think I might go draw one. Did you do this with a ruler or guide or did you freehand this?

>> No.2836531

Why are you drawing boxes? To learn perspective? Or to learn how to draw boxes freehand and therefore do perspective without a ruler?

>> No.2836536

Oh no, this was using shift-click.

To learn perspective, but I assume it might be better to be able to do it free hand. I am on digital so, I always have access to these tools but still.

>> No.2836541
File: 153 KB, 720x741, Screenshot_20160912-181500_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at hands. Self taught. Working on developing my own style

>> No.2836544
File: 782 KB, 1500x1000, loli vs demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some shit I made.

>> No.2836547

It's better once you understand perspective as you can do it quicker and with different types of lines like curves. But a beginner who doesn't get perspective doesn't need to hurt themselves with the inability to draw straight lines so a ruler helps point them directly to the vanishing points.

>> No.2836549

Cute and cool. Then the banana makes it lewd.

>> No.2836556

>Working on developing my own style

Everyone is.

>> No.2836558

A lot of people strictly reference or mimic another style.

>> No.2836559

>A lot of people

Such as?

>> No.2836570

I'm not listing specific people, and I wasn't saying it in a bad way. Over the years I've noticed that not everyone is out to develop their own style. Some people simply enjoy drawing from reference, or mimicking styles like Tim Burton or Anime, just to draw for relaxation or for fun. I was one of those people at a younger age, but eventually decided I like doing it enough that it was time to go in my own direction....and I'm still evolving and developing....

>> No.2836602
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up d/ic/ks ive lurked for a long time but now focusing on my improvement and getting to work on exercises. Gonna make it

>> No.2836606

You're gonna make it.

Don't forget to draw for fun though and not just study study study.

>> No.2836618

How do I draw for fun? Everything I draw is shit, it's a very frustrating experience.

>> No.2836637

Apply what you learn to fun works. Soon enough you'll be proud of yourself.

>> No.2836640

What book taught you this method?

>> No.2836657

Charles Bargues Drawing Course is where I'm getting the references from. The book gives you plates to practice copying that range from facial features to legs, arms, hands, feet, etc and then bring them together.

>> No.2836661

Excellent. I have trouble doing detailed facial features but construction of the body and head is cake for me.

Yours look pretty great.

>> No.2836688
File: 146 KB, 243x337, person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's absolute garbage

>> No.2836692

it's better than what I can do

>> No.2836758
File: 100 KB, 645x1000, IMG_20170128_235932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this. i've been trying to draw for weeks and i'm still so shit. there's no point in trying, i cant improve. i read the books, did the exercises but im just trash

>> No.2836814
File: 486 KB, 548x695, baby hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to not draw without reference too soon

>> No.2836862

digging the painterly style but the image seems a little to red saturated for me, maybe add some cool shadows?

and maybe push the casted shadow a bit more

>> No.2836886

>i've been trying to draw for weeks
>for weeks

>> No.2836888

What a sweet summer child he is.

>> No.2836905

(disclaimer: i'm a beginner)
i feel like this would've been much better had you done a more accurate underdrawing and used more hard edges. it reads nicely from the thumbnail to me though

>> No.2836924
File: 115 KB, 562x869, Photoshop_2017-01-29_02-30-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this it

>> No.2837006
File: 176 KB, 576x457, asaro heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are these?

>> No.2837009
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1485606204805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+3 hours in paint.

>> No.2837026

How did you learn to paint digitally. I have no idea where to start

>> No.2837062
File: 20 KB, 905x362, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi gents
I quit my job next Tuesday to try and learn how to draw in the next 6 months. I'm a beginner who has yet to overcome symboldrawing. This is the schedule I've come up with to study, what do you think about it?

Also attempting to abstain from fapping and only use the internet for drawabox and /beg/

>> No.2837064

>quitting job for art
I'm skeptical whether you can follow a schedule but go for it, anon. If you need advice, just ask.

Although, if all you do is try to overcome symbol drawing, it's going to be pretty fucking boring. Not even kidding. That only takes a day to overcome. Not even a day, takes like an hour. What do you want to draw anyways? There's just no reason to quit a job for art unless you want to hit it big or something.

>> No.2837065

lo u will never make it

>> No.2837071

lmao dude
don't overthink it
legit all it takes to improve is to draw from imagination, whatever you see in your head

spend as much time as you could on that one piece and then, after a day or two, look back at it and compare it to slightly better pieces by other artists. Or compare it to real life.
Analyze your piece and see what you did wrong. See what you could've done better to get the emotions across. Keep those things in mind for the next piece. Alongside that, I spend 1 hour doing 2 Croquis Cafe videos for gesture drawing every single day. 20 a day should keep your anatomy/proportions/gesture in line.
Draw your characters from difficult angles or action packed poses whenever possible. Strain yourself to get the bodies right. Look from references as you draw if you ever need help with any specific body part. Above all, learn basic fundamentals such as line drawing and interpolation. These aren't even difficult, just boring. Get to the point where drawing curved and straight lines from point A to point B becomes a subconscious task and doesn't bottleneck your mental process. Also practice ellipses and cubes/spheres in perspective. Yes, spheres in perspective. With lines. It's gonna help.

Get to drawing from your head, it's the whole point of art. Fix shit with references. Rinse, repeat. Maybe throw in a few studies every now and again to keep yourself acquainted with reality.

>> No.2837073

Practicing, mostly. I've been painting at least 1 picture from these threads since I bought my tablet. But most of the time I don't even finish my paintings, kek.

Start with simple still lifes, like fruits, glasses of water, or whatever thing you can find in your desk. The simpler the shape the better. You focus on values first and then go adding details. You'll be better painting in grayscale before moving to color, though. It's easier.

Also, Proko and ctrl+paint.

>> No.2837074

I'm 22 (soon 23), my dream is to work with animation. I gave myself these 6 months to see how much progress i can make and if it would be plausible to pursue art.
At the end of the 6 months if i didn't progress enough, I'll begin university and study math/biology.

for me symbol drawing is just ingrained in me. I always grew up thinking my brain wasn't made for drawing.

>> No.2837077
File: 853 KB, 919x523, injunsstealingwhitewomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to call this finished since im too lazy to make the little ghost things or whatever they are more interesting. crits?

>> No.2837079

>my dream is to work with animation
Didn't you already make that thread anon?

Also, you seem to be setting up some weird ass standards. 6 months is a lot for a beginner, but it's a fucking drop of water in the bucket in comparison to a professional. Just how far do you intend to be able to go? If you want to get into animation, you should get animating.

>I always grew up thinking my brain wasn't made for drawing.
Yeah, get out of that mind set, it's going to fucking kill you.

>> No.2837083

Where's the focal point? My eye is darting all around the piece . The background blue thingies are very high contrast against the tree, and are even brighter than what's in the foreground. It's like shit dawg, where am I looking? Play around with the values and saturation and the contrast. Make me know where to look, and blur out the unimportant bits (like all the ridiculous amounts of grass details)... And also what's with the perspective? I can't tell the size of the foreground just by judging it against the size of a tree in the background. I can't tell the scale of what I'm looking at, so try to play around with perspective more!

>> No.2837085
File: 1.86 MB, 1886x886, imgonnamakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant even draw what i see in real life, so i think drawing what i see in my head is going to take a long time. I was just planning on learning fundamentals for these 6 months, and if it works out then expand onto imagination.
no, i only visit /beg/ and the animation thread, and i rarely post. I know 6 months is nothing to a professional, afterall for them its infinity. For me these 6 months is to test if its viable to pursue art of if i should give up

>> No.2837090
File: 240 KB, 827x1033, vase_pCanvas hw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I study values?

This alone took hours to do with the ref. Is there a systematic way to internalize values than just hoping that after observing and copying still lives for lengthy amounts of time you'll just get it?

>> No.2837091

>Where's the focal point? My eye is darting all around the piece . The background blue thingies are very high contrast against the tree, and are even brighter than what's in the foreground. It's like shit dawg, where am I looking?

oh i thought it read pretty clear you go from red things then follow back the tree but i see your points about all the other things coming off as equal, thanks for pointing that out.

And also what's with the perspective?I can't tell the size of the foreground just by judging it against the size of a tree in the background. I can't tell the scale of what I'm looking at, so try to play around with perspective more!

fair, honestly this is probably a cheap move but i uhh left this for the viewer to interpret. like, the tree could be normal sized and all those ghost things are small like how faeries are irl or i guess it could be a massive tree and the faeries are people sized irl. my point was that tree is a decent distance back and her little poop trail should show the scale and distance. but i guess youre trying to tell me it doesnt read quite like that?

i guess i should play around with the values more but im not entirely sure how. im trying to give the impression that the tree is glowy af but i just wasnt satisfied with how it looks in the literally sub 230 ranges

thanks a lot of the input though

>> No.2837092

Do a lot of them and then attempt to do them from memory. Also do them in your own pieces. Can you manage to do multiple objects in value all with the same lighting?

>> No.2837093

lmfao, just break it down into circles and lines
find reference points and draw lines over the original photo to see how these reference points are positioned among each other.

Like, draw a line through the two eyebrows and look at the angle that appears on your monitor. In your pencil drawing, the eyebrows are almost on the exact same level. In the photo, however, they're on a line that's at around a 15 degree angle. Just keep making these reference points and measurements. Again and again and again. Look at the photo for minutes at a time and find every detail. See the lines as they appear on your monitor, not as they appear within the photo's world. Do around three of these practices and you'll be doing shit like I did in no time. This sketch that you're seeing now took me around 6 hours... And it's like, my 3rd or 4th portrait study ever. That's how quick I got rid of my symbol drawing. If you just really focus and apply good practice to 3 or 4 portraits and put a day's work into each, that's it, GG symbol drawing.

There's only 3 words that you need to know when it comes to making it, and I tell these three words to myself every single day. Whether I'm feeling like shit or I have no inspiration, I force myself to put in at least an hour of work every day. "Don't give up."

>> No.2837094

The head feels a bit narrow, might be mostly because of the nose, which looks too long and the lips that are seated too low. It's also a little asymmetrical, the lips are too far to her right. Her right nostril is weird, it doesn't fit with the other.
Other than that I think you did a good job on the rendering. You use the light and shades quite well, the expession looks great especially the rendering of her forehead and eyes and I also like the way you did the hair.

>> No.2837095

Very easy to separate foreground from background. Apply a very very small blur to the background and slightly, very slightly desaturate and make it go towards gray. Like, 5% small.

Foreground values need to be dark AF. Bright glowing girls against dark valued rocks will make for a very clear focal point.

Those foreground rocks gotta be much darker to contrast it against the fogged out background that's far away.

>> No.2837096
File: 585 KB, 816x946, 2017-01-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot to attach.

>> No.2837105
File: 846 KB, 919x523, glowy tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did some slightly different. basically i just turned the opacity of the background layers down 5-10% depend on which one. does this look any better? if not ill just suck it up and do it the hard way

>> No.2837106
File: 100 KB, 254x251, 1448595898250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man that was a great thread

i've been in /beg/ too long

>> No.2837137

How old is too old? I'm 21 and wish to become a concept artist. I've never drawn in my life and waisted my time studying mathematics and watching amines.

>> No.2837138

Age doesn't matter, its the dedication. Go out and fight!

>> No.2837139

What are some efficient ways to practice, when you just started. What should I focus on the most?

>> No.2837140

there are no rules

>> No.2837142


yeah there are theories out their that every artist should know. Art isn't just about copying and practice, you need to learn the technical side to it if you are considering getting to the top.

Most of what differentiates a professional working artist and an amateur is their technical know-how.

They're the ones that ask questions like

Is the hue good here?
How is my value structure looking?
Should I be more desaturated or saturated here?
How is my line weight?
How is the balance of my composition and how does the texture balance out also?

ETC... ETC... you can ask yourself 1 million questions whilst doing a piece and that is very necessary. If you're not even currently thinking about this then just practice a lot of studies and put down onto pen and paper what value the image was, what colors were used what's the pallette and eventually you'll build a library of theoretical knowledge that you can use as reference.

>> No.2837146

Thanks bruh

>> No.2837155


Although you could use HSB if you control your value/color picks.

>> No.2837157

kek i remember that
even though i'm utter shite it's nice to be able to be laffin

>> No.2837167

Shading with blacks works well if you use flat colors or keep gradations and such at a minimum.

>> No.2837169
File: 627 KB, 1159x624, fafsfasfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it

>> No.2837170


except its much better to use hue shifts that actually help the image rather than darken the value structure.

>> No.2837171
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 5D9pRdC811m9oYhzsTz_wg5oT4fKdAh8c_bvkDP9dTk?size=1280x960&size_mode=3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How shit is it? Also, the stuff that looks like hatching are parts of the drawing I've decided to ink in black.

>> No.2837173

Just mentioning what I've noticed.

>> No.2837182

Proportions are a bit off. Her jaw/chin is more pointed and her eyes, nose and mouth are bigger than what you portrayed.

>> No.2837203
File: 199 KB, 597x689, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys

>> No.2837312
File: 506 KB, 1032x442, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i have color autism

>> No.2837316

>blue light in the environment
its tough, keep at it.

>> No.2837320
File: 550 KB, 1600x1200, 20170130_122534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How th fuck do i get proportions right ?

>> No.2837323
File: 537 KB, 685x857, sketch003_mini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok my scanner is shit, must do something for that

still struggling with values and all, what do you think guys ? please critique )

>> No.2837359
File: 994 KB, 3264x1836, 1485705950595-1179805558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for double post like it's better quality with a pic from phone

>> No.2837362

read the sticky

>> No.2837374

I read it, read the books, did the exercises, still didn't improve. /beg/ is a lie, untalented people like me can never get better

>> No.2837382

Are those eyes shopped? They are fucking huge

>> No.2837383

when ppl give advises, beg is not a lie, ppl just telling "read the sticky" are the same ppl that are saying "learn to draw before you start drawing", they're full of shit

>> No.2837385

>t. half an hour a day practise
you didnt even use loomis head construction. for that reason its clear you didnt read the sticky. either that or you sincerely are retarded.

>> No.2837386

>ppl just telling "read the sticky" are the same ppl that are saying "learn to draw before you start drawing"
get the fuck out.

>> No.2837389

awww i hurted your feelings

>> No.2837403

whenever is see people like you, people who are unmotivated and complain about being unmotivated, always become so intensely angry at them that i honestly believe i would punch them if they were next to me. back on /fit/ it was a lot easier since everyone shared my opinion and most people would come in to bat for me when they saw it. for some reason people here on /beg/ dont seem to think the same thing. i think a cultural change is needed here, a good start would be a "read the fucking sticky" banner at the top and a hostile environment to those who wilfully have a poor mindset.

>> No.2837428

thanks for the lol butthurt person

it's beg, it's for beginner, how do you even know ppl didn't read the sticky and tried the loomis construction, perhaps they did, and just failed ? no ? you're too full of yourself for that, coming in a beginner thread and be like "ahah, that will told them !". And for the sticky, personnaly i'm not at the loomis point, i'm at step one (values, shadows, shape) in the sticky (i'm the double post btw)

and this "punch" thing just proves me right, and we know that you would be too much of a pussy to punch anybody, don't kid yourself

for the unmotivated part, you're just telling shit, if you're unmotivated, you don't draw, you don't scan, you don't ask ppl for advises.

so take a gallon on milk, pour it in your ass, put your squatplug in it, and go DL a bit, it will help you relax, i think you need it

>> No.2837471

Can someone please give me some fucking exercises to do to get better? I'm so angry and depressed right now, I want to fucking kill myself.
I don't have the mind nor the will to go through shitty books. I need some exercises to do, something to make me focus on.

>> No.2837475

Ok some ppl are unmotivated :p

>> No.2837476
File: 522 KB, 886x1056, 12312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks anon.

>> No.2837490

nows the time to start anon.
not just necessary for drawing. pretty much anything else desu.

>> No.2837508

I'm into drawing since a bit but I just can't progress. I keep reading shitty books but don't have the attention for them, I need something more practical to do. Something in the style of drawabox, but a bit more variegated

>> No.2837515

its not possible to viably succeed in anything without focus.

go learn it before you do anything else

>> No.2837520


It even has homework and you can submit it to be critiqued if you want.

>> No.2837522

woops didn't see your later post first

>> No.2837524


>> No.2837525

>being this impatient
Not. Gonna. Make. It.

>> No.2837569

I'm not impatient. As I said I'm going through a very hard phase of my life, I need something to comfort me, I need to focus on art otherwise I'm done for

It's not focus the proble, I just don't want to go trhough shitty books, I hate them. Sorry for blogshit, but I need something like drawabox, something more straightforward

>> No.2837587
File: 345 KB, 1000x2000, beg 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a cunt lad

>> No.2837589

I honestly think /ic/ fucked up with this whole think in 3D advice.

If I hadn't seen Scott Robertson's shit, it wouldn't have made any sense because you draw in 2D and not 3D.

>> No.2837600

I have an embarrassingly small problem that I've been too, well, embarrassed to ask about:

How do you avoid papercuts when drawing?

>> No.2837604

Not him but I have a question about the third exercise. I remember trying it while doing drawabox but I never managed to finish it. Should I do it while looking at it or without any reference? Should I use a ruler or not?

>> No.2837605

Stop being such a klutz. Also stop going so hayai. Maybe switch to a tablet.

>> No.2837608

You can do it however you want until you learn how to do it and be able to do it from memory. It's a lot easier than most people think and is actually the test of whether or not you're thinking in three dimensions because rotating a box in your mind should be pretty easy. Drawing it, not so much, but you'll manage after a few tries.

>> No.2837614
File: 340 KB, 1318x586, One day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2837617
File: 53 KB, 1337x1289, disgruntled pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2837675
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, asdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't get better picture with my old phone.

>> No.2837678

I sometimes wonder why /beg/inners do these. Do you want to git gud at portraits? Or are you here for some other reason?

>> No.2837695

what do you mean

>> No.2837698

we are beginners, we do not fully understand the best course of action to improve, so we put our faith in you, and study the pictures you post in this thread.

>> No.2837703

its a good way to learn how to get over symbol Drawing, something you should as soon as possible learn to not do. Since Eyes, Noses, and Mouths are really common to symbol draw, is it a great exercise for beginner.
Plus it will let you practice a lot of the fundamentals, like Construction, Values, Perspective, shading etc...
It even gives you a better understanding of how to draw faces from imagination and so one.

Portraits are just a great exercise to practice for beginner,since to do a decent one, they need to have knowledge of the fundamentals.

>> No.2837706

it also doesn't overwhelm the beginner with an entire body.

>> No.2837717
File: 519 KB, 1152x364, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy here we go

>> No.2837721
File: 211 KB, 562x1000, 20170129_145530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is symbol drawing sort of like relying too much on lines to define shapes, rather than values?

>> No.2837727


>> No.2837729

No, symbol drawing means you're not drawing exactly the same as what the thing is supposed to look like.

>> No.2837736


So does what I describe fall under any category? Or is it just that?

>> No.2837739

You're just talking about drawing. That's what you use line for.

>> No.2837781
File: 187 KB, 560x730, shitpotrait29117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2837784
File: 3.11 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170129_154351366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already tell my proportions are wayyy off. Any suggestions as to how I can avoid that in the future?

>> No.2837853
File: 188 KB, 960x270, ICDRW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic/
I'm well settled in digital art right now, but recently I've decided to try some different styles. I can do realism reasonably well with HB~6B and paper, and I'm trying to pull of some realistic-ish no lines drawing.

this is my drawing with and without the sketch lines (yeah, i just can't pull off a no-lines face).
how can I pull off no-line digital panting?

>> No.2837856

You mean painting? Just block in shapes/values and form edges like you do with graphite. Use contrast.

>> No.2837857
File: 1.45 MB, 1181x1771, esmeralda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps: here is a recent drawing with my "standart" style. still a lot of outlines but slowly getting rid of them (almost no lines defining the nose for example)

>> No.2837884


it's shit
why are you not self aware

>> No.2837887

I'm sorry if my shit art is not enought for thou eyes, my lord
fuck off, dude

I can't quite do it without like 10% flow em 50% opacity and keep blending to find the final gradient. still, I know it's a bad technique, but I keep trying high opacity and it keep looking bad

>> No.2837888

What you say is sort of vague, really depends on what kind of brush you use when you say any of that, but the general process for painting is to put down your base colors, then put in your lights and shadows then detail after that. Although, some people just do whatever, not that it matters.

>> No.2837891


oh I think I remember you
you drew this turd where a woman was with a dog on a brigde

fuck you seriously I honesty mean it, you cannot accept criticism


these are my posts, and I know that theyre a pieces of shit and I wanna get better
you unfortunately cant tell this for yourself

>> No.2837896

just fucking measure

if it takes you an 10 minutes to place the foundation of an eye correctly, it takes 10 minutes

don't rush things

>> No.2837898

ey b0ss

>> No.2837900

nah that's eric. and i think erics getting better at accepting crit nowadays (or at least he's getting less defensive)

>> No.2837901

the punchline to these threads is eric makes it but nobody else does.

>> No.2837902

>muh style
looks like trash, loomis

>> No.2837905

I never posted such drawing, sorry. Dude, I love criticism, just keep the "this is shit" for yourself. If it's not helping, it's not critique - it's just
deliberately offensive

right now i'm using a simple eliptical (kind of flattened) brush. I'm actually not using base colors because halfway through the drawing I realize I didn't pick enough colors... like everytime lol. so i just keep the wheel open and pick as I need

>> No.2837907
File: 47 KB, 702x564, 1470635619754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the result of drawing what you want for fun when you haven't done studies

reminds me of the front page of deviantart

>> No.2837910

ur a faget lmao

>> No.2837911


allright forget him then, my point was that you should tell its shit for yourself

>> No.2837916

it's shit, deal with it

>> No.2837921

/ic/ has a serious problem called people that feel good by typing "this is shit lol" on a beginner thread. i mean i'ts ok if you wanna tell the truth but youre still in a beginner thread man throw the guy some tips while youre at it

>> No.2837925


I said "its shit" first after the guy said that he can do "realism" on paper and he shows his absolute beginner tier shitty digital turd
he should be doing studies and learning the basics and he cannot see this for himself

>> No.2837926

>he should be doing studies and learning the basics and he cannot see this for himself

>> No.2837927

Not just /beg/. But people who get told their stuff is shit either come off as cocky thinking their art is good when they haven't truly seen how objectively bad it is

>> No.2837933

lmao nice damage control

spout all the buzzwords you want, it doesn't matter to anybody else if you're bad at art and can't see things at an honest angle

go back to tumblr if you want your asspats

>> No.2837934

Kill yourself idiot, no one is here to hold your hand. Telling you it's awful should be enough to prompt self reflection, being told you're awful in a fucking BEG thread is saying something.

>> No.2837938

>autist triggered that people are calling his digital diarrhea shit
Pathetic, get over it

>> No.2837941

im not part of this argument but i agree with this man >>2837934

if you want a hugbox that never makes progress, go to r/artbuddy. if you want to train fundamentals (as you should) then here is fine

>> No.2837966

why didn't you tell him that?

you guys are between two extremes: hugbox that never makes any progress and "youre a shit youre a shityoure a shit youre a shityoure a shit youre a shit"


>> No.2837969

Yeah, agreed. I used to think that my shitty drawings were good and I was shitposting them all around thinking that people would be impressed.

Only after getting burned in /ic/ I started to get into books and realized how cringeworthy my stuff was, the more you read, draw and analyze the more mistakes you find in your work. It can be frustrating as hell, but that's progress.

>> No.2837980

>between two extreses
no we arent? i've never seen what you are describing and i've been here months. most posts here are very sensible and designed to help one improve in an optimal way. only rarely are things that extreme and even then most of the time its justified. for example your case was intended to make you reflect and improve your mindset. the fact that you are still being this defensive is proof that you need it.

>> No.2837988

"youre a shit" does not intent to make the subject reflect and improve their mindset. and you know it.

>> No.2837996

it absolutely does.
its exactly what one needs to hear sometimes.
looks like you've got some growing up to do.

>> No.2838032

I'm not defending >>2837988 by saying this, but saying something is shit without giving a proper reason why is fucking stupid.

Your work is shit BECAUSE you lack the fundamentals of drawing, your drawings are stiff as hell, and lack any sense of form. Try studying gesture, and drawing solid forms in perspective. That's what a critique should be like.

>> No.2838036

>you lack the fundamentals of drawing, your drawings are stiff as hell, and lack any sense of form. Try studying gesture, and drawing solid forms in perspective. That's what a critique should be like.
This isn't a critique, this is just throwing random vague words at a person who already knows they need to work on the broad stuff. They want to know how to fix this specific piece which no one can tell him because no one knows how to give a critique.

>> No.2838044

>know they need to work on the broad stuff
>posts work that isnt on the broad stuff
stop posting anytime

>> No.2838049

nice buzzwords lol

>> No.2838057

you used 1 more buzzword than he did

>> No.2838061

>throwing random vague words

If you actually spent some time studying instead of opinionated shit-flinging you would know what those "vague words" actually mean.
>>>/LOOMIS/ faggot.

Nice samefag

>> No.2838122
File: 129 KB, 1000x562, 20170129_184927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20-minute sessions again. Weekly progress is good. This is Today's work... Still doing cars, faces now too.

Set a timer for 20 mins so I don't wind up spending hours polishing turds.

Drawing from imagination only, as knowledgeable people have insisted/suggested.

Progress is tangible.

Not shooting for photorealism, just correct proportion and perspective.

>> No.2838124
File: 85 KB, 576x863, 20170129_171903_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Number 2 for today

...The god damn eyes... Other problems. Lots I'm sure...

>> No.2838125

>Set a timer for 20 mins so I don't wind up spending hours polishing turds.
Get that out of your mindset right now or you're not gonna make it.

>> No.2838126
File: 101 KB, 576x806, 20170129_184544_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3rd and last for today.

Advice appreciated.

>> No.2838127

read the sticky
3d space

>> No.2838129
File: 112 KB, 576x782, 20170129_171845_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not on everything, just on my exercises.

Keeps things moving. Once I'm happy with being able to lay things out, I'll spend real time on stuff. Finish details, add bodies to heads, etc. But I'm not there yet.

Here's a week ago. Don't cough up a lung laughing...

>> No.2838132


I read it, I use the circles and construction lines and all that.

Lightly, and I erase them.

Also, I'm not copying Loomis' style, in case that wasn't obvious... Trying to develop my own without breaking Loomis's rules

>> No.2838134

leave your construction in when posting to beg
try this, you are symbol drawing a bit >>2837587

>> No.2838139
File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1485403633486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be drawing from imagination and with references, you can't really draw something from imagination if you don't know how it works in the real world.

It's a matter of using one to supplement the other. Too much reference drawing without drawing from imagination and you'll end up like Proko.

>> No.2838142


>> No.2838146


Who's Proko?

>> No.2838148


You could probably still see them if I had a real scanner and not this shitfucking Samsung phone.

The lines for the Datsun are still visible.

>> No.2838152

drawing is nothing but trying over and over until you get 1% better
it's a lifetime effort not a weekend activity stupid fucker
literally anyone, no matter who awful, can be a master artist if he uses enough effort
t. person who will never make it

>> No.2838159
File: 602 KB, 958x776, er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love how this proko drama has so suddenly shifted /ic/'s philosophy on drawing. it was only last month when the majority of d/ic/ks still had the mentality of the 'fundie grind' before you can enjoy art

>> No.2838164

we still do

>> No.2838165

That means no one in /ic/ actually draw except little exceptions. Theorycrafting

>> No.2838172

Theorycrafting is super important. How else are we supposed to inform new artists? With survivor bias?

>> No.2838183

Best digital painting course?

>> No.2838185


>> No.2838188


>This forum could use a shade more informing, critiquing, and art... And a shade less... Everything else.

>> No.2838197

How do I learn to shade with pencils? What are some good tutorials? My shading is fucking shit and I need some pointers.

>> No.2838205

Shade slow and softly. Make it even. Go back and layer until desired shade. Always go in one direction.

>> No.2838232

best tip I ever recieved: first of all, use a 2B or 3B to set a midtone on the area you want to shade. this will give you a nice starting point, not just white paper

second: use your darkest pencil (i love the 9B but a 6B will probably work better) to shade the pitch black areas, then smudge some out

if you're using your fingers, try wearing cheap surgical gloves (you can cut out the fingers for that) or a tissue

>> No.2838244
File: 343 KB, 720x497, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out some basics
anything catastrophic wrong that I should correct right now in the beginning?

>> No.2838250

Yeah, you're only drawing the front view. It's like the easiest pose ever. Try something complex and you'll see all of these things you did fall apart near instantly because it requires another level of thinking.

>> No.2838263
File: 988 KB, 691x900, 01.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All aboard the man crush train I guess

>> No.2838271
File: 1.77 MB, 3164x2044, 073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2838311
File: 386 KB, 1310x583, 143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help

>> No.2838317

Damn, pretty good desu.

>> No.2838319

Thank you.

>> No.2838320
File: 128 KB, 562x1000, 20170129_180812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started getting into gesture drawing. I've been struggling with simplifying the figure down to the basic movement, but I feel I'm slowly starting to see the action lines.

>> No.2838321
File: 141 KB, 562x1000, 20170129_180721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another page from today's work

>> No.2838324

Looks pretty good to me, but I'm sure there's something to critique. Above my level though.

>> No.2838327

Thank you.

>> No.2838335

right eye is a little droopy

>> No.2838337

Left eye should be more "out" and top lip is at an angle to bottom lip, bottom of nose too pinched in. Also smile line should extend right more and jawline slants up more. Then you have to get more detailed with your brushwork, proper rendering etc.

>> No.2838343

Thanks, guys. How do I into more detailed brush work? Like tightening things up? Textures? Thanks again

>> No.2838349

More hard edges, smaller and more detailed strokes. Watch tutorials on youtube if you want, your painting right now looks like stage 2-3 of 4, look into how details are defined after the general values and shapes are established.

>> No.2838357

Thanks a lot, anon, I will write down your help

>> No.2838365

I've been drawing for a little over a week now and my wrist is starting to hurt. Is that normal or am I going too ham with this?

>> No.2838377

Aye lad are you using a pen? You're pressing down way too hard, my wrist is usually loose as a goose when I draw, I use my shoulder for traditional. I've been drawing for 6+ years btw

check out this guide, it'll feel strange at first, but you'll get used to it.

>> No.2838410

I've been using pencil. Now that I think about it, the tension in my wrist only started in the past couple days, after I started using it more instead of trying to draw from my arm. I did watch that video, but I stopped applying it. I feel kind of stupid now, but thanks.

>> No.2838419

Welcome and good luck

>> No.2838439

Drawing isn't fun for me any more. How do I make it fun again?

>> No.2838441

Remember why you got into drawing in the first place.

>> No.2838453

draw what you want instead of doing mindless studies

>> No.2838457

I got into drawing because I'm a retard with nothing better to do, and I wanted to make something nice.

There's a lot I want to draw, but I lack the skill to make them not grotesque.

>> No.2838490 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1804x1230, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it famalam?

>> No.2838491
File: 102 KB, 1332x1230, 3 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i gonna make it famalam?

>> No.2838492

Oh you're like me, too. The love for art wasn't there for me at first so I decided to ignite my passion and love for it myself. I advise you to do the same, do whatever you can to make yourself love it a lot and then let yourself be swallowed up by that love. I quit drinking pop because I linked it to sickness and obesity and I started painting a lot because I linked it to feeling good and hopeful. Take my advice as you will, young man.

>> No.2838495

how long you been at it?

>> No.2838498

you gonna at least align the eyebrows?

>> No.2838506

Fuck sometimes its just so reassuring and revitalizing to see all thes /beg/inners work on their art. This really just made my mood rise from wanting to kms to having a smile on my lips.
Thank you guys, keep up the good work.

>> No.2838524

Hah funny you say that. I caught that at the very end as well. My foundation was angled too extreme and my eye never caught it till it was too late. Well it's never too late to fix but it didn't look horrendous enough to spend another 5 minutes re rendering.

I don't think it really matters, it's relative to how much effort you put into it. Honestly I leap forward every month or two

>> No.2838529

im using reilly instead of loomis
good idea?

>> No.2838531

Good idea

>> No.2838571
File: 153 KB, 1000x321, 1.30.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to dick around in photoshop with my mouse because I didnt feel like moving stuff on my desk around to use my tablet. I ended up being able to focus more on things that werent details (aka things that matter the most) because I wouldnt be able to do details with the mouse, anyways. I guess its not crazy that the environment I'm probably most proud of doing was done in 15 minutes with a mouse, because I didnt get distracted and mess up my piece with muddy, ill-informed details. Not saying there isnt a long way to go hear but I'm real happy with the start. Maybe tomorrow I'll add a subject or color.

>> No.2838576

for some people it's too complicated compared to just learning the planes of the face

>> No.2838578

This makes me want to draw landscapes. Fukken saved.

>> No.2838580
File: 292 KB, 1000x694, 11.19.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you like it!

I just spent another 5 minutes going into some of my old art and I kind of liked this lineart I found (I know the anatomy is wonky- that neck is huge), and I just did the same thing applying values with the mouse. It actually is starting to read and I'm pretty excited by it.

I knew about planes and values for awhile but I never really put it into practice because I'd get distracted by the little things.. When you're using a mouse its much harder to do the little things so its easier to think about getting your simplified planes and values on the page.

>> No.2838585
File: 130 KB, 961x1465, IMG_20170129_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw for 4ish years
>hardly improve at all
>still make the same mistakes over and over again

Hows everyone else progress going?

>> No.2838599
File: 446 KB, 1559x2598, disco guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any critiques would help

>> No.2838604
File: 820 KB, 1076x608, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this construction
am i constructing

>> No.2838627




>> No.2838811
File: 114 KB, 750x555, 0Cwuef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll work even harder from now on, lad, for you!

>> No.2838898

You are breaking his rules though, it doesn't seem like you've gone through the whole book. If I'm wrong and you have, go through keys to drawing or right side of the brain and do all the exercises

>> No.2838900

YouTube artists/teacher, great artist, but when doing a stream of him drawing from imagination he created that aborted fetus you see there trying to draw a kangaroo from memory.

>> No.2839015
File: 553 KB, 2549x2205, IMG_4469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's practice.

>> No.2839304


That's a charming cat.