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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2834901 No.2834901 [Reply] [Original]

/hey/ ic
ever feel like you fucked up?
yeah I fell for the stem meme too, read my rant for a bit

by the time I finish my course, i'll be 23 and just as useless as when I enrolled, thanks- hopes and dreams of illustration shattered

meanwhile my inspirations, aged 22- already moved to japan to study art, now fluent, and getting more done, drawing/painting/animating more and improving every single day.
how do I get to the same level of success? how do I avoid the white-collar fate?
should I dropout before my liabilities fuck me over?

Drawing is the only passion I have and I wish I'd realised it sooner- I would want nothing more in life than to be in the same position, content with living low and training as an art hermit.
am I romanticizing the idea? Right now, I'm on a one way road to some specialized employment making someone elses' success- and there won't be time for freedom, travel and hobbies, only work and keeping face with normies
in this case I don't see myself ever having time for art until I'm 65 and retired with severe arthritis/parkinsons/dementia- and by then it's too fuuuuuuuuking late goddamn
and if I don't land a job, then I should've just pursued art in the first place with the money equivalent to my uni loan

>> No.2834903
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I should act now before I self-fulfill this prophecy. I really think I fucked up after enrolling in stem. I rationalised it at the time, thinking my grades would be a waste in art, feeling indebted to succeed for my parents, thinking I'd rather be rich than anything
I really thought that I could fit in some drawing mileage in the time off, but it's really not enough to make anything beyond casual hobbyist art.

what would ic do in this case? aside from suicide ofc
desperately trying to steer my aerospace engineering into something art related and trying to find engineering internships in any art-relevant countries for a chance in formal art education

>> No.2834904

Do it and see how far you get, it's not like you can't go back to school. Not like you won't being to question your decision a month or so in anyways. Something like
>oh maybe I was wrong after, if I finished the course at least I could get money and rest while doing art for fun on the side instead of all of this hard work trying to git gud

>> No.2835459
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>by the time I finish my course, i'll be 23 and just as useless as when I enrolled, thanks- hopes and dreams of illustration shattered

meanwhile my inspirations, aged 22- already >moved to japan to study art, now fluent, and getting more done, drawing/painting/animating more and improving every single day.

>this is literally me i've been think this since the fist year of join this course i have 2 years left .

>> No.2835460

Do you regret it

>> No.2835462

opps last like wasn't meant to be green text

>> No.2835466

>itt kids without experience.
you are all so fucking cute.

>> No.2835469

I already fucked up, art is my redemption whether I make it or not

>> No.2835470

Doing art is a way bigger meme than STEM. Just learn how to code webpages or something and do art as a side hobby.

>> No.2835471

i dunno i was able to get a good pc (better than than the one i had before at least) and a cintiq(yes i feel for the table make you draw better trap)

but deep down i know i suck i know i'm way off track of how good i wanted to be. and the only way to catch is to leave the course and get a job. so i can work on my art instead of doing homework.

i guess i regret not being better at drawing before join this course.

>> No.2835472

>i guess i regret not being better at drawing before join this course.
But that's not it works anon, the course was there to teach you how to be better, not the other way around.

>> No.2835475

nah dude this is a jack of all trade course plus it's a bunch of different "abstract" styles of animation.

ye the course is meant to make you better but i wanted to cruse it knowing my art is at least decent. i didn't expect to learn anything i couldn't learn of you tube form the course before joining it and i kinda didn't learn anything that can found on the net. well so far anyway

>> No.2835476
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>nah dude this is a jack of all trade course plus it's a bunch of different "abstract" styles of animation.

Do you live in London? Sounds like the goofy school where Harry Partridge and Arshad went


>> No.2835483
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I started doing art because, aside from just liking it and being pretty good at it, I felt like I could do it without having to have a resume or feel like a salesman or some shit, because I hate all of that.Turns out you need to do a lot of that kind of thing, just in slightly different ways.

I'm pretty good at art now. Easily better than a lot of people making their livings from it. I don't make shit though because I am so unmotivated to do any sort of marketing or networking. I'm not too worried about it though. I'm steadily getting better at all that stuff as well, and I'll figure it out eventually. Learning art on your own definitely teaches you how to figure shit out.

Its kind of comforting to think about how fucking dumb most people are, and that you really only have to be better than most of them to succeed.

>> No.2835486

Can I see your work

OP, you can work, keep face with normies and draw. I don't see what the problem is. I'm a full time student( non art related), I work part time, spend time with friends occasionally and have ample time left to draw.

>> No.2835487

>I don't see what the problem is. I'm a full time student( non art related), I work part time, spend time with friends occasionally and have ample time left to draw.
Post your work

>> No.2835488
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Yeah, sure.

>> No.2835491
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tfw working on comp sci degree, 3.9 gpa, know how to program, work part time, and draw on my spare time and still better than most of /ic/

>> No.2835492

Tbh, you have a lot to improve on. And this could all be done on your spare time. Do the minimum for school and you will have a lot of time over for drawing and painting; if you have the drive this shouldn't pose a challange. This is exactly what myasaki did during his post-secondary education; and he became quite succsessfull.

>> No.2835493

Boils me with rage at your talent, anon.

>> No.2835494

I like your work, Do you have a blog?

>> No.2835496

>Tbh, you have a lot to improve on.
Yeah, I know. Not saying I'm amazing or anything, but I stand by my statement that I'm better than a lot of people making a living doing art.

Thanks. yeah,here it is

>> No.2835497

no but this is the guy i wanted to be. i remmeber when those stick pwnage videos on youtube and i saw this guys work.

>> No.2835517


Get the degree and get good at it.

It seriously doesn't hurt to be capable to fall back on it if needed. If you're far enough (2 years atleast in) then I would say keep going. If you seriously don't feel that though then quit.

But I will say the money you will make from a good job in your field will probably pay off loads more than what you may of in art. Plus there's always the possibility you may be able to turn your knowledge in your field into something equally applicable along with your art.

In all cases though, you don't need a degree to art, and the true thing that will eat your time from arting is classwork and finding a job, but once your employeed you'll have time to do art, as long as you actually use your free time to pursue it. Then you may eventually get good enough to just live off it.

But in all honestly pursuing art as a career is a bigger waste than you're thinking. You need really good marketing skills alongside your art to really make it to a comfortable point, unless you're drawing furry porn or something, and you're going to have to draw stuff you hate and out of your comfort zone.

Get good at your degree, actually learn it, and get a job. 23 is not old, and comparing yourself to other younger artist is the biggest trap of all. There will be people of all ages better than you no matter what the fuck you do. Use them as inspiration to move forward, not depress your thought.

>> No.2835521

I'm in a similar position. Second year of uni but in dedicating too much of my time into art and as a result I'm failing math and science shit. I'm probably gonna have to make a choice soon and unfortunately I feel like I'll have to begrudgingly readjust my priorities. I'm being heavily pushed into STEM even tho I suck at math and science. I was thinking maybe doing something like architecture would be a good compromise so I could get a bible degree and still got gud. Have any of you guys tried it? Are there any other degrees that incorporate art/design or would let me git gud alongside getting the degree?

Pls save me /ic/ you're my only hope

>> No.2835594

Jesus christ what a waste of space

You need to quit bitching and quit worrying about how other people are making it before you, all you're doing is digging yourself a deeper mental hole that will be harder to climb out of as you work to get your shit together. Finish your degree, get a good job with your degree, git gud at art on the side and maybe one day if you get skilled and internet popular enough you can fully shift your focus to it. You don't need to live in poverty and neglect the piece of paper you've spent years of your life and thousands of dollars achieving in order to get better at art, I know it doesn't seem like it on /ic/ but most people aren't autistic and don't have to sit down and spend the majority of each day doing nothing but drawing in order to improve.

You're not in a bad spot right now if you don't act like an autist, you can make some good money and still have time for art if you just fucking think a little before doing something drastic or killing yourself

>> No.2835839 [DELETED] 


>> No.2835869

Thanks for making this post, OP. I'm kind of in the same situation and it's nice to get some insight from people in the field, so to speak. I genuinely think I can make a living off my art, and I already know my imminent office job will kill me slowly. But I owe it to my parents to get a job related to my degree, so I'll do what I have to do. I'll just try to make money with art on the side with the hope that I can transition into it full time one day.

>> No.2835872

You're decent for an amateur though don't let that get over your head. Compared to people who work in the industry like Feng Zhu or Ahmed aldoori your work is pale in comparison.

I don't know who these people are that you're comparing yourself too but they are probably at intermediate level.

>> No.2835874
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There u go. i'm just a hobbyist though.

>> No.2835876

It still blows my mind that people think hobbyists can't react professional level tier with art. If you do it everyday and long enough you will become really good.

>> No.2835878

Reach*. God hates mobile.

>> No.2835879

>But in all honestly pursuing art as a career is a bigger waste than you're thinking. You need really good marketing skills alongside your art to really make it to a comfortable point, unless you're drawing furry porn or something, and you're going to have to draw stuff you hate and out of your comfort zone.

This, I don't get the meme that being an artist is the dream job OP is making it out to be. If you want to succeed economically as an artist, you need to adhere to commercial tastes and for a lot of people that's not even what they enjoy drawing.

>> No.2836096
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>but I stand by my statement that I'm better than a lot of people making a living doing art.

>> No.2836282

pfffttt hahaha get a load of this pleb

>> No.2836328

I think you guys might have the bar set a bit high. You don't have to be a god to make money with art. I really never said I was that great.

>> No.2836343

If you're going to half ass it, don't even try. If you're going to go full ass balls-deep 110% then go do it. Good luck, OP. I'm cheering for you no matter what.

>> No.2836398

This is good advice. Thank you anon.

>> No.2836895

Stop being weak and make a plan. You can survive off what ever STEM career you go into. If drawing REALLY is your passion you will make time for it no matter what.

Save up for a few video courses at CGMA or an atelier and start doing the work given to you. You're fucking 23 but you sound like you're 89 by the way be happy you live in a time where that age is reachable.

It's gonna be hard but you can do it if you put in the effort. It's within your reach I know that as much.

You are human, you will fuck up till the day you die so you need to be able to adapt to that fact rather than wasting time regretting. I'm 21, and studying Computer Science. I still want to be an artist too and will train on my free time.

Even if you have to wait till retirement, it's a possible dream anon

>> No.2836899

>You're fucking 23 but you sound like you're 89
My life in a fucking nutshell.
I think it's because of all the pressure to succeed by your twenties or else you're pretty much a failure and discarded. Having not made it yet, it's like death is approaching.

>> No.2837130
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>I think you guys might have the bar set a bit high
No, you think your work is far higher than it is. it isn't

>You don't have to be a god to make money with art.
Agreed, but you have to be far better than you are to make a living from it

>I really never said I was that great.
>>but I stand by my statement that I'm better than a lot of people making a living doing art.

>> No.2837375

>how do I avoid the white-collar fate?
By giving up on money.
No comfort, no amenities, no conformity. Just you, art and the bare minimum you need for surviving. If you really love art it will eventually feed you, and expensive frivolities don't matter.

If you don't, you weren't gonna make it anyway.

>> No.2837391

I used to make $12k a month from web design, like ten years ago.
Nowadays it's over-staturated crap that doesn't pay even a third as much as it used to. Filled with idiots who got into it not for passion but for money, apps that do a basic webpage thats more than good enough for the mayority of business, and Hajeets doing it for $5.

I learned to weld as a hobby and I'm making more money from that than web design lately, and it's also something that doesn't make me want to kill myself out of how retarded the clients are.

>> No.2837397

A lot of people who post in the promotion thread are already better than a large handfull of people working for WotC.
But /ic/ is crippling self-depreciation central so they'll never make it.
It doesn't help that everyone who is not good is jelly as fuck and trying to drag everyone else down to their level.

>> No.2837406

I'm 29, graduated licentiate /gd/ at 24, no job, no gf, no kids, no debt. I own a house and have 10/10 health.
Everyone of my classmates who started working as soon or before the graduated are morbidly obese, have had surgery, or have another chronic ailment. The ones with kids look like they're in their late 40's, some have gotten divorced and are struggling with alimony. Only another one owns a house and most haven't even finished paying their loans.

The road to misery is listening to other people's expectations.

>> No.2837679


holy shit the delusion...

>> No.2837920

>I'm better than a lot of people making a living doing art.
Better at what? Being good at drawing is probably the least important thing when it comes to making a living with art. You're not really at a point where you can make it with sheer skill, so you've got a lot of work to do.

>> No.2838787

I strongly advise not to drop out from your stem program. At least not for drawing, since you clearly don't like to draw.

>> No.2838805

Basically this.

>> No.2838808

Every day of my life I feel like I got on a burning train with no brakes and no destination

>> No.2838822


>> No.2838833

oh my god now that's just sad

>> No.2840591

It's ok mang. Build pyramids instead.

>> No.2842399

>comp sci
>3.9 gpa
>part time
>have a hobby
wow anon
how do you do it? (^:

>> No.2842458

Yeah, I'm probably just full of shit. But basically my point was that I know I could at least be making money with art and that I need to focus more on that than I have been.