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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 727 KB, 1000x739, january-24-2017-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2833644 No.2833644 [Reply] [Original]

Hey whatsup i recorded a thing of me talking.


If you have a question you want me to answer in the next one let me know in this thread.

Sorry it's kind of a mess, it's hard having a conversation with yourself. Maybe in the future I could do it on skype with some of you guys if you're interested.

>> No.2833649

How does it feel knowing you will never reach nosebro's skill level?

>> No.2833653

wait until next thursday and ill answer that

>> No.2833654

Bra 45minutes a day for 3 years and youll be better than me i promise.

>> No.2833657



You know, I.hate defending Brian, but seriously, Nosefaggot shitposts more than he draws and he is fuckawful. Better compare him to that old fuck from central america that semi-quit /ic/ and also tries making music. Or Chunbun.

>> No.2833665
File: 287 KB, 1306x1051, Photoshop_2017-01-14_01-15-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought bad drawing was part of my persona!

>> No.2833667

>Nosefaggot shitposts more than he draws
doesn't all of /ic/?

>> No.2833674
File: 192 KB, 698x1079, Photoshop_2017-01-26_19-02-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the best part. Bumping thread because i like brian.

>> No.2833677

>uh drawing
>on paper
>with pencils
Gee, Brian. I really did wonder!

>> No.2833681

i say a buttload of dumb things over the coarse of that whole thing. thats just the tip of the dickberg

>> No.2833682

How is nose so good yet puts so little effort in his drawings?

>> No.2833683
File: 342 KB, 1626x1027, Photoshop_2017-01-26_19-18-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like drawing, I'm just doing it to spite others.

>> No.2833690

>dropping the talent bomb

>> No.2833715

i could probably do a whole 20 minutes on talent. maybe ill talk about that a little next time.

>> No.2833721
File: 490 KB, 1766x1245, Photoshop_2017-01-26_19-41-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send me your address at gay4payalternative@hotmail.com and ill send you a decent microphone brian.

>> No.2833726

>implying it's not so good that it can pick up random hammer noises

>> No.2833727

your faces are so bad desu baka senpai

>> No.2833728
File: 327 KB, 1561x1130, Photoshop_2017-01-26_19-33-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying i swear

>> No.2833733

its just some shit USB microphone :( i had to put it on a cardboard box so it was level with my head.

>> No.2833738

fix your proportions senpai

>> No.2833742
File: 87 KB, 533x661, sycrabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, sycra?

>> No.2833746
File: 791 KB, 1865x1292, Photoshop_2017-01-26_20-23-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill actually pay a microphone for you faggot just give me your address
u asking to fix my style?
Unlike sycra I won't hit into a plateau!

>> No.2833749

no, but yout putting the features all in the wrong places and the size of your heads are too big with small craniums

>> No.2833751
File: 384 KB, 1323x974, Photoshop_2017-01-26_20-23-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not fair if you attack me with facts nigga. That's not cool

>> No.2833754

You can't plateau if you haven't improved

>> No.2833756
File: 592 KB, 1763x1246, Photoshop_2017-01-26_20-28-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not fair if you attack me with facts nigga. That's not cool

>> No.2833757

you gave that head a profile nose when the head is 3/4 : /

>> No.2833759
File: 43 KB, 500x671, Photoshop_2017-01-26_20-54-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya actually ive run out of stuff so im getting too far back. Nice catch though senpai. im officially out of art with this post

>> No.2833762

>january 2017-01-26
thats not that far back. are you saying it gets worse?

>> No.2833764

thats the date i took the screenshot. Thats today.

>> No.2833769

so these are 2016 or nah? anyways it looks like you have potential but your ignoring everything about volume. you have the shapes, but youre lacking the important stuff.

>> No.2833779



others are mix or 16

I know this is going to trigger a lot of people as well as be hypocritical because of my involvement with the sticky, but my belief is that I should be aiming to be able to do extremely complex symbol drawing. Its just faster and eventually I'll get it I think. It'll be another 8 months before my sketching becomes noticeably better if I had to guess.

>> No.2833783

>but my belief is that I should be aiming to be able to do extremely complex symbol drawing
i get your point but, that complex symbol drawing comes down to design like with most of (US) cartoons out there its basically just symbols. its not a bad road but if thats what you want more power to you.

>> No.2833786

Please rate my drawing technique

>> No.2833810

10/10. now prove to me you can do everything else.

>> No.2834038

any chance of a demo???

>> No.2834779
File: 448 KB, 800x1000, january-22-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup I did a demo today talking about some of the stuff I was saying in the podcast


>> No.2834780

Damn, part 2 already? I loved the podcast but the way it ended really felt like a cliffhanger and left me wanting more. I think it had to do with the tone of your voice at the end.

>> No.2834783

im gonna try not to do them everyday for fear of repeating myself. Maybe twice a week. I'll post them in this thread.

>> No.2835273
File: 129 KB, 704x641, Photoshop_2017-01-27_23-45-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't received your email you must've made a mistake when sending it. it's gay4payalternative@hotmail.com make sure to write 4 not "for"

>> No.2835298

Why do you seem like such an autistic egomaniac on here but sound and act like a normal dude in your video?

>> No.2835301

Brian is a normal dude. That's the whole point. Do you know where we are?

>> No.2835304

nah, he was being a total cock in miles' reddit post. Trying to be funny but just being a douche.

>> No.2835310

>total cock in miles' reddit post
just checked and wow what an asshole. I think Miles replied but deleted his comments since Brian is trying to play it off as a "joke" in one of his other comments. Anyway, I have no clue why Brian is such a douche, what benefit does he get from insulting and making enemies with already established artists?

>> No.2835322


>> No.2835347

aw come on guys im just having a little fun lighten up

>> No.2835354


Apparently the other dude was actually taught by Miles.
I honestly don't know if your intentions weren't malicious but regardless, that's kind of a dick move to say stuff like that. It's hard to convey tone over text so maybe that's it, either way, it seemed like you were insulting him instead of joking around at least imo. You seem like a nice enough dude in the podcast + video so who knows what you're really like.

>> No.2835359

>nice enough dude in the podcast
>tells you to go fuck yourself at the end

>> No.2835374

>tells you to go fuck yourself at the end
so does Bill Burr but he seems like a nice dude

>> No.2835380

listen mother fucker. the world of podcasting isn't all sunshine and rainbows. i hate to fucking burst your bubble. i've gotta stake out my claim

>> No.2835386

that was the best part though!

>> No.2835526
File: 254 KB, 605x584, ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your rambling is pretty interesting to listen to. If you end up making more i'll listen again

>> No.2835585


Very noice, I also liked that you draw the hand in real time in some 3 minutes or so, it shows that artist is legit.

>> No.2835664
File: 377 KB, 1874x1085, Photoshop_2017-01-28_08-11-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian is the realest nigga i know and i know like 4-5 niggas. I dont know why anyone would doubt him desu.

His only flaw is his fascination with that one camgirl.

>> No.2836273

Here's episode two:


I talk about shark tank, "talent", illustration careers, and I slander the good name of reddit users.

>> No.2836278

>tfw haven't even watched the previous demo yet
Okay, okay, Hold up. Let me move you up my priorities list.

>> No.2836298

>at most 25-30 years
That's a lot Brian.

>> No.2836299


you're drawing the same exact shapes as you were 6 months ago, wtf are you doing.

>> No.2836305

your mom is the reelst nigga i know

>> No.2836306


He is drawing the same shit he had drawn a year or 2 ago. He is master of plateau because HE DOESN'T DRAW AT ALL. He has no drawings or paintings. He is born of shitpost.

>> No.2836309

I don't know Brian, kind of enjoy you just talking to yourself, but go for it if you want. 20 minutes and more seem pretty good though. This one felt a bit short since your points get across quickly but seem like they could be extended on in case of people who aren't easily swayed.

>> No.2836313

yeah i listened back to it and thought of some stuff i could've elaborated on. Unfortunately i don't have a second person with me who can goad me into explaining my points a bit more.

people live past 45 though :P a lot of illustrators who's careers end prematurely from lack of interest in clients and buyers end up teaching. Nobody and I repeat nobody wants to end up teaching.

>> No.2836320

also: if there is a specific topic or point you'd like me to elaborate on next wednesday feel free to say it here.
like >>2836298
there's some points i can talk about here but I can also do a whole 20 minutes on topics you guys could be interested in me talking more about.

>> No.2836330

You should probably talk about a career in fine art, you seem to talk a lot about not doing illustration and doing fine art, but what do you even do for fine art? How do you even get in?

Also, you seem to discourage illustrators who just want to draw whatever, but those who are salaried are totally okay. Do you hold resentment towards the salaried one? You don't seem to talk much about them either, however the way you go about illustrators who work in a studio is that they are an okay career to get into, but trying to appeal to the masses isn't.

>> No.2836333

I'll try my best to talk about that stuff on the next one

>> No.2836477
File: 349 KB, 1000x750, january-19-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New video


Can you get better drawing one line at a time? Do finished drawings make you better than smaller ones? Find out next time on a video I make a week from now!

>> No.2836483

I see you're having fun with these and keep pumping them out Brian.

You were talking about proportions and it seems that you do yours relative to your own lines. I do mines relative to the page so I erase my first lines if I have to fix everything again. Definitely interesting thing about the part about starting at the same area. I don't do that as far as I'm aware, but perhaps my inconsistency is a result of my inexperience while you've drawn for years already. Your theme of a collection of lines is being kept too, although I wonder if it really matters if your drawing already visually communicates the idea. You did touch upon this in the first podcast about it being important to do it right, but I am a bit conflicted.

>> No.2836562

U R hilare

>> No.2836566

I hate seagulls

>> No.2836590

i did a long form video. 26 minutes of me painting nonsense. gonna upload it soon.

>> No.2836592

he's special. just so you know.

>> No.2836662


here's the longer video

I plan on doing more videos of this canvas over time. maybe i'll do one tomorrow

>> No.2836731
File: 149 KB, 960x905, various-fae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so there's a few fine-art memers on this board. Lemme get this straight.

There's Brian, Chumbum, and Illustrat right?

I've found that each of them have something in common:
They do what they want regardless of the critiques given to them.

Now I've seen a couple threads regarding Brian without much hate. Has this board changed?
Chumbum sucks ass, so does Illustrat. But Brian has been a weird case for me. His work is OK/nothing special, but if I remember correctly, he did those weird creepy portraits of girls he met in coffee shops. But these videos say otherwise.

Is he the Anthony Jones of /ic/?

I'm too new to Nosebro to say anything bad against him.

>> No.2836734

Brian you seem like a really nice person in real life. Why are you so jealous and mean to people online?

>> No.2836735

If you actually check out Brian's blog, he's good. His work sort of has an ebb and flow to it though. It's like the guy doesn't know if he wants to illustrate or do fine art.

Chumbum is good too, but people on /ic/ wouldn't understand it. They're too consumed by /a/nime.

>> No.2836739

because it entertains me. thought i'd give back a little with this stuff.

>> No.2836743

>tfw Brian didn't need a mic, he needed a camera

>> No.2836744

>a canvas is meant to be practiced on
What does this mean

>> No.2836747

I see.
We should be friends on Facebook!

>> No.2836748

try not to think of your painting as constrained by how big the canvas is. it's just time to practice mixing colors and getting used to the medium. treat every inch of the canvas as a new opportunity to get the color, and form, and value of what you are looking at correct, and even if you don't just move onto the next inch.

>> No.2836757

>Chumbum is good too, but people on /ic/ wouldn't understand it.

Chumbum please leave

>> No.2836759

I have a request.

What are the biggest issues of the contemporary art scene today? Where is it headed? What are your visions for yourself and your career in the future?

I am jealous because I am awful at talking.

>> No.2836763

I swear to God that wasn't me. Whoever it is, I say Thank You.

I am gonna listen to Bieber's Believe nao

>> No.2836821

Yeah, people are so uptight about fundamentals and getting good so quick that they don't want to mess around. It's super important to learning and they think it's a waste of time. Just like how books can help, but the best way is still just to experiment and see what works and what doesn't. I've never heard people say art is boring though, just never. Usually they just say it's too hard and that's because it's time consuming and requires a lot of patience. Of course with time, you also gain experience and things just are done quicker as a result. But you have to have done it at least once to gain that experience. Also, I've done a vase like that before, I think it's either like a super light brown or yellow tone, but I used watercolor, so probably doesn't even apply.

>> No.2837211

>Where is it headed? What are your visions for yourself and your career in the future?

Got my BFA degree and hopefully a MFA later.
My vision is to be the best portrait painter of my generation (in my country). It is not an ambition, but dreaming is free.

>> No.2837227

I am a faggot.

>> No.2837244


>> No.2837252

Whoops, thought i was in Chunbums thread.
I am not Brian, please ignore this post.

>> No.2837260


I agree, but nobody on /ic/ even know who Frank Auerbach is, so trying to do something else than endless academic studies, concept art or anime ilustrations is automatically setting yourself for ridicule and failure here.

t. neither of those guys.

>> No.2837393


>website with palette of famous artists?

Do you remember the link to it?

>> No.2837412

>Chumbum is good too

>> No.2837457

I'm not into anime and I love Auerbach. Chunbum is still shit.

>> No.2838079


new video
working on a drawing that relates to a video i posted earlier

>> No.2838084

>tfw that drawing was Brian
Really makes me think

>> No.2838091

i have ascended. I am now fully aware of how shit i am.

>> No.2838100

I call this piece Reverie Of Pubes On The Bathroom Floor

>> No.2838120

This video wasn't as interesting, very dry in fact. Although, cool to see you're working at something Brian and that you interact with people. Wonder if anyone else has tried to teach you at life drawing sessions.

>not actually a pegasus

>> No.2840088

brian im fucking serious ill buy you a microphone

>> No.2840427

new video i drew an apple

>> No.2840585

another video


another page of practice lines, but i tried to pick up the pace a little bit. not too much time between each line.

>> No.2840659


That feel when I gave you this one view. I like your videos, it's something really not seen much in other youtubers/artists. I wonder if that line control that you get from grinding hand lines is real.

Also apple is kinda nice, I had doubts at first, but then it materialized pretty ok. Would like to see it a bit tighter/more rendered.

Btw, are you working on your paintings outside of your videos? Also

>dat empty room
>dat microwave on the floor
>dat lone mattress on a floor

Loneliness exemplified.

>> No.2840660


Also if it comes to charcoal, I think it is sprayed afterwards with some sort of varnish or something that keeps it in place. Unless its dont.

>> No.2840682


You have such a deathgrip on your pencil it almost hurts to look at

>> No.2840759

>I wonder if that line control that you get from grinding hand lines is real.
im not really focused on line quality as much as i should be, just on getting measurements right. I feel like if I can master measuring the other stuff will fall into place with some focused practice.

I'm currently working on a painting and trying to take a video of it but its hard doing a painting in 30 minute chunks every hour and a half which is what im currently doing...

need a better setup for these videos but i don't have money to spend on video and audio equipment.

>> No.2841877
File: 422 KB, 776x1000, april-10-2016-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new podcast


"I talk about drawing in public! When should you do it, how did I do it, why is it helpful, and all that good stuff. Also I answer some questions people had in the 4chan thread. Nothin' stops the podcast!"

>> No.2841903

git gud at drawing first m8 before u offer advice

>> No.2841919

fair enough. if you're better than me don't take my advice.

this episode wasn't really about art advice though, more just my experiences drawing people and how to go about doing it yourself. I have experience drawing people in public. I did it for almost a whole year.

>> No.2842159

Give me a few minutes
I'll catch up

>> No.2842163

brian, do you really think people care about anything you say in regards to art? you are clearly not good yet and yet you sit on an undeserved high horse. get back to earth man.

>> No.2842189

Can you make a tutorial on how to do portraits from pictures, Brian. I can't figure out how to render them like you did with that apple.

>> No.2842194

>trying to train self to draw fast
>not gitting gud instead and being able to draw fast as a result of that

>> No.2842227

my camera doesn't work right now. i have to buy a something thats meant to record video and isn't gonna overheat after 30 minutes of recording.

you don't have to be the best at something to enjoy talking about it. don't be intimidated to do something like I'm doing just because you're new to something. as long as you have a lot to say it doesn't really matter what you're saying.

i am getting good by learning to draw fast and vice versa

>> No.2842345

Sycra is a million times better than u

>> No.2842383

In some cases it does matter what you're saying. People misinform all the time due to ignorance, beliefs, knowledge, etc.

>> No.2842410

i care faggot
or you could give me your address and have me take care of it

>> No.2843545

This is your best episode yet, Brian.

The way you talked about drawing in public really got to me. You can draw pretty girls! But you'll also meet people who are so turned off by their own looks they won't want to be drawn! Or even get to draw them twice if you're really bad! Although, you're actually good so it saddens me that I have to practice more before I can go out in public. Then you getting kicked out of that shop. Sad stuff. So much highs and lows. Laughs, fear, and tears. Good stuff.

Even got that Q&A at the end.

You say fine art is about getting better, so even if you spend up to twenty maybe thirty hours to refine one painting, it's alright?

>> No.2843654 [DELETED] 

Yayer Brian answered my question!

What a nice guy!

>> No.2843655

Chunbum podcast when?

>> No.2843658 [DELETED] 

I can't podcast well like Brian. I am not good at talking.

I can write essays or short blog posts though. I am better at writing.

>> No.2843692

Decided to visit /ic/ as I do once a year and found this thread. Your podcast was comfy, though this is coming from a non-artist.

You might want to structure it a bit better though. Tell us what you're going to talk about at the start, then slowly cover it. Don't go on long tangents either, not that you were.

>> No.2843729

I really liked this one btw.

>> No.2844447

In your next one could you maybe talk about the importance of drawing from life vs photo reference?

>> No.2845612

This, also could you talk about making a living as an artist? Materials are expensive but you seem to be doing fine Brian. You even had the money to attend art school for a bit.

>> No.2845633

can do
can do, but my situation is different than most people on this board. i come from an upper middle class family. not rich enough to afford 4 years of art school, but enough money to buy me art supplies.

i'll go into more detail next wednesday. a lot of what i do is getting better on a budget my parents can only support me if i live at home, they can't pay for an apartment or studio for me no matter how small so I try to prepare as best I can for when I'm buying art supplies for myself.

All you really need to get better is a pencil, a sketchbook, and 1-3 hours a day to draw.

>> No.2847819
