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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2833160 No.2833160 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone here so goddamn tryhard about "the fundamentals?"

Can anyone define what exactly "the fundamentals" are? Is it a meme or is everyone here autistic?

>> No.2833163

It is basicly "learn to draw".
Most folks here have a very technical approach with a focus on illustration.
Also a bitter toxic atmosphere combined with incompetence.

>> No.2833165

>Is it a meme or is everyone here autistic?
Why not both.

>> No.2833167

1. Line- Horizontal, vertical, straight, curved
2. Shape- Geometric, squares and circles, free-form and natural shapes.
3. Form- Cylinders, boxes, pyramids
4. Space- Negative, three dimensional
5. Color- Primary, Tertiary, and complementary
6. Texture- Rough, smooth, soft, hard.
The principles deal with the composition (the arrangements of visual elements:
1. Balance- Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial
2. Proportion- The ratio of one art element to another.
3.Emphasis- When one element of artwork stands out more than another.
4.Variety- Using different elements together in a composition.
5.Movement- The visual flow of the artwork.
6.Rhythm- A combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
7.Harmony- Brings together a composition with similar units.

>> No.2833188

How the fuck did you leave out values, anatomy and gesture you retard?

>> No.2833189

>He thinks the fundamentals are a meme
Never gonna make it.

>> No.2833211
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>thinking anyone here is gonna "make it"

>> No.2833234

everyone's in a rush to be an underpaid cumslut for their steam library

I'd say that fundamentals are usually a list of artistic concepts, disciplines, or skills that need to be learned in order to do anything of quality. this list varies, but perspective is always the most important concept.

If I were to teach myself again, I'd try to learn these skills in this order

>Comparative Measurement
>Line Drawing
>Tonal Drawing
>Traditional Painting
>Digital Painting
>Design (a bunch of vague concepts like composition, and colour theory)

the second i'd learn to use comparative measurement i would begin to draw anything and everything that interests me. putting a major emphasis on making useful/noteworthy observations.
>this cup has an interesting shape
>that man has tilted his head at an interesting angle
>the silhouette of that tree is interesting
>that dragon looks big because of aerial perspective

>> No.2833259

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piKV5nXL-C4 one of a few good his videos.

>> No.2833261
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The two most important are Proportion and Perspective, with those two no matter how shitty your lines are you can make a clusterfuck and it could look pretty good with enough effort.

>> No.2833269

I think when people say perspective they really mean composition because composition is always in play and makes things look way better. Perspective can look bad if the composition isn't set well.

>> No.2833274

yeah, i feel the three are tied.
but you can make a shitty thing look "alive" even with poor construction

>> No.2833288

I guess I'm just a dickhead and assumed we were talking about more or something? Or I think my real issue with a lot of the talking points on this board is that there are a lot of comments where someone just says "this lacks the fundamentals" or "shows no understanding of the fundamentals" when that doesn't really mean anything on it's own. Its seems like its more often a know-nothing meme criticism.

>> No.2833302
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, 16251898_1314945121899613_7203436951281586269_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like martial arts, dummy.

there are a limited number of forms to learn, but mastering them and using them to harmonious effect is the task of a lifetime.

>> No.2833319

>It is basicly "learn to draw".
thats not a fundamental

>> No.2833347

Every experienced artist will tell you that the fundamentals are the most important thing ever. As of what are the fundamentals, other anons said that already. Focus on them and you are home.

>> No.2833407

>Every experienced artist will tell you that the fundamentals are the most important thing ever

Except everything that has been listed as "the fundamentals" can also be considered "the basic 101 shit."

So really it's more of an "any person thats ever taken any Intro to Art class will tell you that the fundamentals are the most important thing ever."

There's a lot more to art than technical functionalism or whatever the fuck the fundamentalists on this board are on about. Contemporary art is more often than not all about subverting or ignoring "the fundamentals," and any critique that says a piece "fails at the fundamentals" or whatever is IMHO, completely meaningless. And that kind of empty talking point is thrown around here way too much without being supplemented with anything that illustrates that the person giving the critique knows goddamn anything about what they're talking about. There's a lot of unearned self-importance here.

>> No.2833409

>Contemporary art is more often than not all about subverting or ignoring "the fundamentals," and any critique that says a piece "fails at the fundamentals" or whatever is IMHO, completely meaningless
You don't belong here.

>> No.2833415

>Except everything that has been listed as "the fundamentals" can also be considered "the basic 101 shit."
No shit? That's *why* they are the fundamentals.

>> No.2833437

Could you elaborate on what you mean by each of those? like doesn't abstraction somewhat means simplifying into primitive forms which is the same as construction? and how far should one go into each skill before progressing into the next?

>> No.2833448

Post your work.

>> No.2833457
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>No shit? That's *why* they are the fundamentals.
Yeah but that's *why* the incessant go-to critique in every fucking thread being something about "the fundamentals" is goddamn annoying. Especially when that's the extent of the criticism. If I ask you to critique my kickflip or cartwheel or whatever and your only critique is that "I failed at the fundamentals" you're a fucking moron. I still did a kickflip. I still did a cartwheel. Saying I failed at the basics means nothing and isn't a valid critique that can be used towards self-improving.

Maybe not.

>> No.2833458
File: 57 KB, 455x406, 1485160597055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2833461

digital art is gay.

>> No.2833477

Literal retard.

I can't even call you an armchair art theorist, at least then you'd have read the sticky.

>> No.2833676

Is that your work?

>> No.2833684
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 2016 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2833695

>perspective over value control

>> No.2833697

Chunbum, plz leave

>> No.2833698

But that's not Chunbum, that's OP.

>> No.2833706

you can make a good drawing using only lines

>> No.2833712


>> No.2833719

The fundamentals are things that you already absorb if you're artistically talented. If you aren't, or you're not talented enough, then it's good to learn and absorb the fundamental things in art. If you're drawing, you're drawing with the fundamentals.That includes the shit art you're posting you triple dipped nigger cunt sandwich fucking kill yourself jesus christ

>> No.2833737

honestly, i agree
i used to think otherwise but really i think that's probably the most fundamental of the fundamentals

i wouldn't call it "basic 101 shit". some of it is, but much of it is like gesture, value, color, light and optics, anatomy, etc. far more advanced than basic and takes a very long time to learn.

>Contemporary art is more often than not all about subverting or ignoring "the fundamentals,
and it's terrible. good art is inseparable from the fundamentals.
i agree though that "it lacks fundamentals" is really lazy, it's not at all a good critique on its own. might as well just say "bad"

>> No.2833739

It's shit

>> No.2833761
File: 1.48 MB, 1356x792, Screen Shot 2017-01-26 at 2.56.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah it is. Like and sub and I'll destroy more of it.


>> No.2834529

The thing about fundamentals is that a lot of this shit is common sense. If you needed to be told that things like knowing how to draw basic shapes were going to be important just fuck off and quit while you're ahead. You're literally retarded and are never going to make it.

>> No.2834707

learn your fundies before you paint sum'more mmkay

>> No.2834716

>There's a lot more to art than technical functionalism or whatever the fuck the fundamentalists on this board are on about.

Depends on what you're aiming for. If you think you're sending a message with a picture of a gabage can strapped to your head then people might consider you pretentious or autistic. On this board specifically, I'd say they just respect hard work done, rather than the personal message that you'd want to send through visual keys and the content at hand. And second of all, I'd say you should at least give some respect to the fundamentals anyway, because I'd say art shouldn't exist without both the technical aspect of executing an image or emotion and the expression given from looking at the image. But that's just me. Art is an expression, but to an extent. Pretty much why the fine art industry is made out of glass. It's all about who you are and what you /can/ do.

>Contemporary art is more often than not all about subverting or ignoring "the fundamentals,"


>and any critique that says a piece "fails at the fundamentals" or whatever is IMHO, completely meaningless.

Depends on what you're aiming for. For example, your pieces look like failed studies that can't grasp value or light correctly. They're not strong in enough in any aspect to send a strong message or an image of strong appeal. I'd say your main issue is that:

1. You don't look into art enough at all, and you aren't trying hard enough to send the message that you so want to show your audience.

2. This board is full of children who can't accept anything other than Kim Jung Gi levels of technical illustration skill and you're asking for critique on such a board with such children.

Either way, tl;dr,, what I'm getting from you is that you just aren't able to apply enough aesthetic and technical skill together to show a strong enough message. Draw more, and experience more, before you delve into the destructive and wide world of contemporary art.

>> No.2834721

>Either way, tl;dr,, what I'm getting from you is that you just aren't able to apply enough aesthetic and technical skill together to show a strong enough message. Draw more, and experience more, before you delve into the destructive and wide world of contemporary art.
no i think OP is honestly just buttblasted at how many buzzwords he gets per day for finally putting some of his time into art for once lmao

>> No.2834735

Ya got nice taste in film buddy.

>> No.2834953
File: 2.90 MB, 1958x1588, Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 7.48.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm gonna go ahead and continue painting.

Thanks guy.