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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2829179 No.2829179 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best way to learn to draw if you want to develop your own artistic style, rather than copy a predefined style such as manga or photorealism.

>> No.2829181

Read the Sticky

>> No.2829182

like what? do you want to be unique? thats fucking gay senpai

>> No.2829185
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Keep on experimenting, do bizarre things all the time, yet also practice the fundamentals.

With experimental art, color is the most important. How you play with color will determine your own artistic and visual style that sets it apart from other people's.

Try to think of new ways to visualize things like face, body, hand, and other parts of the body, as well as every day objects and scenes.

>> No.2829187
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>> No.2829188

Also, know that experimental art involves more painting than drawing. There is only so much you can do with line works and cross hatching, but with thick strokes you can build up a lot of abstraction and play conveniently with color.

>> No.2829204
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>> No.2829205
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>> No.2829208


first step: research what you think is beautiful
second step: learn to do it

>> No.2829229

>do bizarre things all the tim
Literally how cumbum thinks the avant garde works


>> No.2829231

Such bullshit

>> No.2829233

also proof that chunbum doesnt know than drawing can involve tiles and not only lines.

>> No.2829237

>Cumbum giving advice

>> No.2829253
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>> No.2829264

learn to draw from life, learn construction, learn what everyone needs to learn

there's no shortcut or getting around it, doesn't matter what style you want to paint in. picasso was academically trained.

then you can abstract from that knowledge base. also study the work of other artists you like, do master studies or try to copy their techniques. a style isn't something that comes out of a vacuum, it's a synthesis of all you have learned from various sources.

>> No.2829286

You can force abstraction with drawing too, but it's just not as natural and instinctive.

With painting it comes naturally at the moment. With drawing (with exception of charcoal, lithographic crayons, and pastels), you really have to plan abstract shapes ahead of time, and the result becomes artificial. With charcoal and lithographic crayon, there is no color, which is important to abstraction as color adds an extra dimension and depth to the forms, so pastel, which avails color, is closest you get to painting with drawing.

>> No.2829290

Hey experimental and abstract figurative art is my own territory. It's my forte and strong point. I know what I am talking about.

You have to learn to fail in order to succeed in the long run. You have to learn to fall in order to walk. You have to learn what not to do to figure out what to do.

>> No.2829293

>You have to learn to fail
Well you're years ahead of everyone on /ic/ in that regard.

>> No.2829296

Try out all sorts of different things in order to find your own voice.

Try painting the same painting for 2 months, like I did.

Be inspired by repetitive movement in forms and colors found in structures and places, and derive a style that captures that movement.

Try to defy color theory and the typical approach to color (such as warm for highlight and cool for shadow), like Frank Auerbach did. Mix them up and find grey areas and manipulate and force things onto the canvas that are impossible in nature.

Try to paint or draw the same face in 50 different ways, each with different style, line work, or color scheme.

The list of things to do can go on and on

>> No.2829299
File: 728 KB, 1700x3196, progress 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And guess what? I've improved by a million miles, way ahead of every single one of you on this board, Brian included. My art is true experimental art.

>> No.2829306

>le primitive drawing meme
why do artists do this

>> No.2829313

There are many ways to add color to a drawing and color isn't essential to abstraction anyway. This entire post is nonsense.

>> No.2829318

I forgot to mention that the best thing you can do to yourself as an experimental artist is to develop a new visual language that is your own invention. If you do that, everything else will come about naturally, including what to paint and draw, how to paint and draw, where, when and why.

Develop your own unique style as an experimentation of the visual language!!

>> No.2829319

It really depends what kind of abstraction you are talking about. If you are saying Franz Kline, then of course color isn't essential, but if you are talking Piet Mondrian or Kandinsky, then color is extremely crucial.

Without experimentation with color, much of 20th century modernism and avant garde art would have been impossible.

>> No.2829334
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1976, 1485197843995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chunbum if you cropped that painting like this it might actually be pretty good

>> No.2829341

Thanks for the suggestion. You might be right!

>> No.2829342

Not really, if you remove the years they all still look like the same crap.

You're a failure both as a draughtsman and an artist.

>> No.2829345

That's your opinion.

>> No.2829430

Why is 2011 your best year?

>> No.2829435

degenerative illness

>> No.2829442
File: 460 KB, 1000x1500, drawingprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you started out promising, then got slowly worse and worse over time. as opposed to me, who started out horrible, and got better and better as the years went on.

People aren't looking for more abstract artwork. They're looking for someone like me who continues to get more complicated rather than more simple.

But you fell for the meme. And theres nothing any of us can do to help you. You went for what's popular instead of what's going to be popular.

It might have helped you starting out that you were talented, but the world is going to be more interested in the artistic underdog story, which I am in spades.

Just imagine where I'll be in 3-4 years.

>> No.2829451

and to answer OP, just draw a lot with the goal of improving. Draw from life a lot, but focus on small victories rather than masterpieces. Just try to get each individual line right. Don't erase and fiddle with it til its right, look at a line, draw the line, move onto the next one. Each line you draw is an attempt. Your goal is to eventually be able to look at any line and draw it exactly how it looks.

You can't get that kind of feedback loop of looking at it and comparing it to what you just drew when you draw from imagination. You'll learn to draw what is in your head by learning to draw what is in front of you. And style just comes with experience. You probably already know how you want your artwork to look, you just need to be accurate enough to make it happen which you will get from life drawing.

>> No.2829486

Oh look it's another cumbum/brian thread. Everyone feels sorry for you insecure manchildren, but you're both too autistic to recognize it.

>> No.2829496


I suggest DMT, Salvia and San Pedro cactus.

>> No.2829552

>they're looking for someone like me
> but the world is going to be more interested in the artistic underdog story, which I am in spades.
>Just imagine where I'll be in 3-4 years.

So are you false-flagging or can we add another self-inflated narcissist to /ic/'s growing list?

>> No.2829559

im not a narcissist im just experienced. everyone on this board is more talented than me, which if it wasn't 2017 I would just quit. But getting better is in right now.

Okay I take that back... Being in the middle is in right now. Talent doesn't necessarily matter like it used to... thats why women are so desired in every field right now is because all the talented men lost their talent because of technology and ease of living (they got soft), and all the untalented men are still insecure about themselves.

Im an untalented loser who realized my value to the art world. Once women and illustration lose their appeal to the public the focus will be on men again, but not because of our abstract artwork like Chunbum is trying to perpetuate but because we are making art like they used to when men were more manly (think 1500-late 1800s)

>> No.2829582
File: 754 KB, 1196x1600, Portrait of Rimma Simonova (Re X).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abstract experimentation is the highest endeavor in visual arts. It's not necessarily about complex vs simple. It's about abstract experimentation vs non-abstract. You can get good experimental art from both simple and very complex styles.

And there is a great deal of complexity to many of my recent pieces, but they just aren't showing in those small pixels of the progress image.

Can your style ever achieve something that is not only complex like this, which took 2 months to complete, but also harmonious in terms of color, discordant in terms of form, and readable overall?

>> No.2829599

you're very far up your own ass.

>> No.2829687

doodle, draw from observation, draw from imagination, look at a lot of art but don't necesarilly copy it all the time

>> No.2829704


>> No.2829721

these drawings have all the personality of a textbook illlustration.

>> No.2829728
File: 566 KB, 2073x1350, Girls-on-the-Banks-of-the-River-Unknown-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep drawing and stop being a fag. look at other poples art and go to measums. seriously, seeing art in person is hella crucial. also stop being a fag

>> No.2829743

Cumbum = Phantom Menace
Brian = Force Awakens

And both think they're Empire Strikes Back.

>> No.2829748

do you have a blog or a deviantart brian?

>> No.2830606

i think it looks like shit

art should be a product of your life experiences


>> No.2830638

You probably don't understand what makes this painting so good.

This painting is all those things and so much more

>> No.2830668

does anyone have a serious answer

>> No.2830672

there are several good answers in this thread. stop begging to have your hand held the entire way and get to work.

>> No.2830740

does anyone have a good answer?

>> No.2830758

jesus christ this is shit but the asuka one made me kek

>> No.2830760
File: 39 KB, 500x379, 7rq4t0ja1qz6f4bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830780


That....really made me think. Thanks.

>> No.2830950



>> No.2830988


>> No.2831678

>opposed to me who got better
>They're looking for someone like me
>artistic underdog story, which I am
This is satire, right?

>> No.2831682

No, Brian is actually an autistic narcissist.

>> No.2832104

>rather than copy a predefined style such as manga or photorealism.
Learn "realism", then abstract it will expand what you can do.
Even in the technical learning stage you can apply your own style as long as you understand it, which most people don't because they are too unique to follow le predefined paths
>copy "paints" the meme artists from last decade
Just fuck off.

>> No.2832251

I don't understand what this dude is saying.

>> No.2832332
File: 2 KB, 125x113, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i second this. like fuck man, shut the fuck up!!

>> No.2832336

i dunno, i follow more badass female artists than male ones.

>> No.2832390

ur 2017 perspective is still fucked up lol

>> No.2833481
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7316 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dope. would buy.
2014 was better
agree with

looks like a migraine. way overdone. that isn't harmonious. hurts to look at in a bad way/10

>> No.2833935

You are on 4chan soo Yes

>> No.2833937
File: 213 KB, 1192x972, 1480715189723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your new here welcome!!