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2827592 No.2827592 [Reply] [Original]

I always studied from photos but I noticed that a lot of good artists studied from drawing life.Also a friend of mine who studies in Art College has to draw from life every day there and he made some good improvements. But that's probably because they make him draw every day.
I've tried a couple of times in uni to draw my lecture room but didn't really look good so I gave up.

Is there any benefits from drawing from Life that we can't obtain from drawing from photos ?

>> No.2827615

It keeps you from procrastinating on a computer.
Also lets you see things as closely or as far as you want. Let's you see the actual form as you move your head side to side. You can also actually see an object which makes it feel real unlike a photo.

>> No.2827630

>Is there any benefits from drawing from Life that we can't obtain from drawing from photos ?
Learning how to actually draw.
People who learn to draw from photos are always worse than those who learn to draw from life.

The reason is that drawing from life is harder. And to prove this: A CHALLENGE!!

Place something somewhat complex in front of you, like a person, or one of those glued on figurines. Now draw it. You get 30 minutes and you can not move it.
When that's done, take a photo of the thingy from the same angle as you drew it earlier and draw it again. You get 30 minutes and can ONLY the photo as reference.

Drawing from photos are great. But it can spoil the shit out of you so that you believe yourself to be better than you actually are. Photos should be reserved for the artist who at least is familiar with drawing the subject from life and are not afraid of it.

>> No.2827632


I see thanks , so apart from that no big advantages than just photo studies ?

Well I'll include quick sketches from life into my schedule then.

>> No.2827633

>drawing humans
That's the reason why you're shit.

>> No.2827637


If you want to learn to draw, you go to figure drawing at least once a week, preferably more. Pretty much everyone I've ever met or read about online said they got much better after they started doing figure drawing from life. Get out of mommy's basement and go draw.

>> No.2827638

Not everyone has figure drawing classes nearby sadly

>> No.2827657

Me and a friend started one up drop-in drawing sessions because of this.
Once a week for 2 hours. 5€/person, and there's a 15 minute pause with coffee in the middle. The model is paid 20€/hour. So what we gain pretty much exactly covers the expenses. We have it at a local preliminary art school for free, at the promise that the school's students can draw for free and that we clean up after each session.

It's pretty great.

>> No.2827681

But you don't really have to go to figure drawing sessions if you are smart. I mean, you really should if you're able to, but what you learn from those sessions can be learned in other ways.

I strongly recommend that you buy yourself the cheapest sketchpad you can find that's small enough so that you can always fit it on your person or in a bag.
Then you get some clean pens or pencils (I've lately started to use a cheap ball point).

And then you draw all you see. People, cars, buildings, trees. Draw on the bus, draw on the pub, draw on McDonald's.
Draw as much as you possibly can from life.

>> No.2827730


Great advice but what are the benefits from it?
I'm mostly outside most of the time and I actually have a sketch book and some ball points and thinking of doing that.

>> No.2827753

Can't hurt I guess. Probably a good idea if you want to create art that is realistic or naturalistic. Going straight to the source and drawing things as your own "camera" sees things, rather than drawing from another camera's interpretation. Plenty of artists get good without drawing from life though. I doubt Brad Rigney or Dave Rapoza went to figure drawing sessions.

>> No.2827768

>what are the benefits from it?
Many things

Main thing would be, compared to photography, the very annoying thing of depth perception and 3 dimensional space.
Since photography flattens the image you never have to do the transition from the 3D image you see to the 2D image on paper yourself, so you never have to learn how the eye actually perceives things like foreshortening, depth and perspective. And it's not nearly as basic as it sounds. This is something that even the proper professionals occasionally fail at.

Second would be that you get to observe things as they are. How people move and act, how cars turn, how clothing looks, how sunlight works. On photos things like this are often staged and can ruin the perception of what things actually look like. And I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with putting a twist on things, just that if you want to learn, learn properly.

Another good thing is that you get less of a choice of what you draw. "Kill your darlings" they say, and drawing your environment is a good thing for this. Especially if your a beginner. You get to draw the unexpected and new and different things than you're used to, because you don't really have a choice.
You might be a master at Ford Fiestas, but suddenly all you can see from your window at Starbucks are a Ducati bike that stands in front of a Porsche 911.

Also, if you're a beginner when it comes to drawing from life:
Your drawing will be shit. But that's okay. Push through. Remember that everyone was bad at some point.

>> No.2827798


Please be in the Netherlands

>> No.2827804


>> No.2827936

Not OP but I don't have any life drawing session where I live. So can I improve even if I draw other shit instead of human models?

>> No.2827966

Go to a car show and draw classic cars. All those sweet sweet sexy curves. uuhnnnggghhh

>> No.2827976

Do this:

>> No.2827987

Can't tell if this is a b8 thread judging by the way Op dismissed drawing after having "tried a couple of times in uni".

This anon gets it >>2827768

I'd also like to add that using photographs is typically done to aid imaginative and interpretive work. It's really only used as a primary source of truth in one case: photorealism.


Where do you live?

Do you have any classical/antiquity statues in your area? Any nearby art galleries? They should be in there. Draw those.

>> No.2828012

Sidwill learned to draw from photos and look like good he is. Drawing from life makes it easier to understand how stuff work, but if your spatial abilities are good, i don't think it really matters what do you learn from, u can become good either way.

>> No.2828018


https://www.artstation.com/artist/sidwill is a boss.

>> No.2828078

Yes, you're learning to translate 3D into 2d, instead of just 2d to 2d. Plus life gives you much more info about form color light etc

>> No.2828090
File: 61 KB, 666x632, 1459712875561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his ask.fm
Is he from russian 2ch or something?

>> No.2828131

Link to it? I can't find it

>> No.2828486

Stop drawing from photos immediately. Draw from life and life only.