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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2823980 No.2823980 [Reply] [Original]

I read the sticky and it said: If you suck at drawing from imagination, you are a beginner"

>> No.2823983

Is proko a retard?

>> No.2824016

post scroto

>> No.2824019
File: 277 KB, 943x541, 1484838220704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave him alone!

>> No.2824029

Proko had a smooth life ;_;

>> No.2824173

He is...

>> No.2824187

Probably, but he makes money and teaches others with his hobby, unlike you.

>> No.2824191 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 1280x720, 27345892346587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you get it /ic/? He was a false messiah. He was the ideal d/ic/k. He knew his loomis, bammes, vilppu, bridgman, gesture, construction, anatomy, all that shit. He got so many aspiring artists as well as pros to follow his ideal of reference seclusive drawing. This whole kangaroogate thing was a lot like wikileaks. Someone higher up in the art community must have started a rebellion against the church of loomis to enlighten people that you can't trace everything to improve. Its very scary, and we may never know who exactly this "proko" guy is or who was in control. Honestly, i think it was moot. He saw how gud ic was getting and was especially worried about the loomis meme. So he turned loomis against us. but once moot left, proko must have stop gathering orders, and was left to fend on his own.

Im taking my life in my own hands typing this. If you see the news report of a supposed artist that "committed suicide" in park, with a drawing pad plus loomis book, just remember how deep this rabbit hole goes.

>> No.2824198

yes, he's a beginner at drawing from memory. he himself stated that when he made that video about drawing from memory.
now can you please stop opening retarded threads?


>> No.2824203

Delet this

>> No.2824305
File: 62 KB, 750x435, drawing-an-eye-proko-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he is a master
One shitty comic can't ruin whole legacy

>> No.2824325

the kangaroo hurt his legitimacy more than the comic.

>> No.2824334

what kangaroo?

>> No.2824369

What is this thing? Why is /ic/ postingnit everywhere?

>> No.2824379

it's something proko scribbled in a livestream demonstation along with a crappy looking kangaroo, /ic/ is using them as "proof" that proko is a terrible artist.

>> No.2824452

>he is a master
>posts generic eye drawing

whew lad

>> No.2826090

Its a catgaroo

>> No.2826108


draw it faggot

>> No.2826675

Does anyone know where I can find his figure drawing course? Dunno if it's worth plopping down the money for it

>> No.2826678


>> No.2826679
File: 6 KB, 179x191, peter-griffin-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is absolutely worth plopping down the money. I got it when it was new and there werent't many videos... he's delivered quality shit consistently

the vids have a lot of cringey jokes, some are OK funny others not so much

But the material itself is very good. Better than a book IMO since you can see how the body moves

Or you can wait till it's ripped & released but it'll probably be over a yr cause nobody's gonna release half the course(it's maybe 50% done if that)

>> No.2826680

Oh sorry I was talking about his anatomy course

Yes the figure course is actually just as worth it. I DDL'd it first to check quality. Used it for months and eventually went to his site to buy a copy legitimately because it's worth it. Best premium art course on figure available atm

>> No.2827130

worst video ever

what was he thinking!?


>> No.2827183

>skelly came in with water balloons
I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't

>> No.2827248
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, _molchu_molchu_yapfiles.ru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Proko a beginner?
Arent we all begginers in this life?

>> No.2827250

>Delet this
Why did everyone post this? Is proko said it?

>> No.2827253

>now can you please stop opening retarded threads?


>> No.2828085

I found a black proko who has similar videos but can draw from the imagination. Proko is probably a better technical artist but the other guy can draw a fucking kangaroo.

>> No.2828126

forced /ic/ meme probably posted by one guy

>> No.2828147

post link

>> No.2828150

>black proko
Who, Alphonso Dunn?

>> No.2828186

delete this

>> No.2828240

This one, he's pretty good at explaining things or at least I find that he is.

>> No.2828271

That eye is fucking tiny compared to the shit around it

>> No.2828708
File: 28 KB, 615x409, Mans-eye-close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is how real eye looks like

>> No.2828748

Yeah, I like him, and he has a nice soothing voice.

>> No.2828829
File: 12 KB, 253x123, adsasdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is in no way a beginner. Some of his videos might be a little "easy", but that's just so he can hit a wider audience. Proof that he´s not a beginner; he is one of the best students from Watts Atelier of the Arts, which is probably one of the best fine art educations you can get.

>> No.2828843

Proko's freakin adorable leave him alone!

>> No.2828927

that's choice of wording caught my attention. Sounds like you might be a little hurt in the butt about your inability to draw from imagination and just casually redefine the whole concept to imply it's just your memory that is a little fuzzy...

>> No.2829128
File: 32 KB, 1713x188, proko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's an elite alpha male

>> No.2829133
File: 196 KB, 649x566, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea wtf i'm doing
inb4 eyebrow is off

>> No.2830803

If we had hard childhoods is the only silver lining that we work hard to never feel that same pain again? That we only want to be more than what we were reduced to earlier. Am I going to make it

>> No.2830811

>falling for the sticky meme

>> No.2833436

drawing eyes is pretty entry-level tier of skill if we're being honest.

And why are all you faggots such faggots about whether or not someone is or isn't a "master?" The more you learn the more you understand how little you know. There's no such thing as a master and anyone that claims to be one is a goddamn braggart and a fraud. Just shut the fuck up and make art.

>> No.2833439

>There's no such thing as a master
You must be stupid or something, especially in art.

>> No.2833582
File: 2.55 MB, 1560x1094, 1485468996307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Donald Trump's autistic son can pull more out of his imagination's ass than Proko. Sad.

>> No.2833588

Holy shit that's a masterpiece.

>> No.2833591

the fuck is the point of this post lmao

>> No.2833637


Looks actually 5/5, would hire as designer AND cartoonist instead of Proko.

>> No.2833648

Post more

>> No.2833670

nice try proko

>> No.2833732

Better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.2834012

>those tits

he has taste

>> No.2834061
File: 171 KB, 666x862, 06bac1c1b7c4fc5907b668d48f4bd268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picasso made this when he was 9, how can anyone compete?

>> No.2834062

Why do humans look like shit, but the animal looks okay?

>> No.2834066

Future Frazetta

>> No.2834087

Gonna make it

>> No.2834095


>> No.2834097

Because humans are shit.

>> No.2834107

Please give us the URL, man. I've been digging through The WayBack all day.

>> No.2834117

Wtf I love Barron now

>> No.2834345
File: 40 KB, 640x480, Ted-Cruz-on-Deck-MSNBC-Cliff-OwenAP-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the loomis barron where is it?

>> No.2834352

proko is a technician, what you will ALL become if you keep mocking him and blindly study, you will be masters at doing perfect anatomy guy, good luck with that.

>> No.2834380

Here's the link to his video:


I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. That "kangaroo" sketch, holy shit.

>> No.2834382

Forgot timestamp, just fast forward to 54:35

>> No.2834385


>> No.2834405

what's the point of this post

>> No.2834510
File: 30 KB, 330x456, 1485537954018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these anons that haven't seen his ref


>> No.2834513

u retarded bro? like genuinely asking

>> No.2834595


>> No.2834670

>yfw it's actually better than Proko's kangaroo and the kid's like half Proko's age

>> No.2835055

seems pretty based, thanks for this

>> No.2837401 [DELETED] 

whenever is see people like you, people who are unmotivated and complain about being unmotivated, always become so intensely angry at them that i honestly believe i would punch them if they were next to me. back on /fit/ it was a lot easier since everyone shared my opinion and most people would come in to bat for me when they saw it. for some reason people here on /beg/ dont seem to think the same thing. i think a cultural change is needed here, a good start would be a "read the fucking sticky" banner at the top and a hostile environment to those who wilfully have a poor mindset.

>> No.2838931

He's pretty based