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2823293 No.2823293 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>2807806

Ask, recommend and discuss drawing tablets, pen displays, styluses

>> No.2823345

in the last thread someone recommended the fujitsu lifebook t732 (wacom compatibilty) + egpu and graphic card for photoshop as a cheap mobile drawing laptop solution

do you guys have more of these kind of recommendations?

>> No.2823457

Can I use my wacom graphics tablet on my android tablet?

>> No.2823514

I'm beginning to gate my huion gt220 so many little issues that I've had to mentally program with arounds for. Shoelacing lines occasionally,random sensitivity spikes. All those ctrl Z's per hour drain my soul

>> No.2823547

you deserve it

>> No.2823577

Helpful video for those wondering what size to get and why it's important

I think that even if you have a small monitor it's better to fo for a medium, though. Drawing from the wrist for hours just isn't worth it. Save up for medium.

>> No.2823652


>> No.2823654
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>buying something that's at nearly 40% 1 and 2 star review on amazon


Did you buy it when it first came out or what man? I would return it asap if possible. Don't be like me and hoard your broken shit for years or worse yet, spend countless hours struggling against it.

I hate to say it, but pretty much. Don't buy anything without spending the time to look into it. It doesn't matter if it's a couple hundred dollars cheaper if it doesn't work worth dick


It's really not better enough though. Assuming you aren't completely destitute, there is pretty much no reason to acknowledge the existence of any tablets apart from the Giano, the Intuos Large models and Wacom displays. The Wacom Medium models are straight up worse than the Giano and cost pretty much the same.


>> No.2823738

Is there any benefit of buying a tablet from Wacom's website?

>> No.2823754
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>pen display and graphics tablet at the same time

whoa slow down friend

>> No.2823781

Why would it?

>> No.2823785


Yeah at least buy it from somewhere with free shipping (prime)

>> No.2823982

I was wondering if they have some sort of deal going on.

>> No.2824052

I bet he can draw on that phone too

>> No.2824088

Which brand are you using?
If i remember correctly Huion and some other brand had this issue

>> No.2824095
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I'll go ahead and ask here as well.
I tried to go about using monofilament to replace my nib for my intuos pro but the recommended 1.65mm feels a tad big, is 1.60mm actually more accurate?
Also any idea on what material the tip of the flex nibs are or if there is some wholeseller putting them out for less. $2 a nib is a bit rich for my taste with how much I draw.

As a side topic who else feels like stroke nibs are kinda pointless, the give in it isn't very noticeable and that is even if I push in hard so in the end it kinda just feels like a standard nib for the most part. Maybe I just need to break it in a bit more?

>> No.2824151

Does one pen work with both in this setup?

>> No.2824182

Anyone moved from regular tablet to screen display and regretted it?

It's funny the screen display is being used as a monitor for the regular tablet

>> No.2824244

Nope. Never looked back and I'm never going back.

>> No.2824275

Anyone have the new wacom intuos pro medium 2017?

Can anyone confirm if it's possible to replace the surface? It's not possible on the 651 model but was on the Intuos 4. I want to know what texture sheets are

>> No.2824283

When the hell are the Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 going to be available?

>> No.2824286


Will probably cost more than 22HD

>> No.2824292

it's on their shop listed out of stock with the price $1,499.95. Good to know a month; where did you find that information?

>> No.2824293
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>> No.2824317

I hope there is a tex sheet that feels like intuos 3. If so than instant buy.

>> No.2824473

I got the gt220 for £240 , but it has all the issues i mentioned in photoshop but not in sai. Definitly worth £240 compared to a non screen tablet

>> No.2824487
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I found a Samsung Galaxy Tab A for $78 at a store I work for (regular price is $150) and am wondering if it's worth buying to use as a poorfag drawing tablet for now until I can afford something pricey next year.

It isn't the model with the S Pen but I figure I can use a universal stylus. That's what I do with my phone anyways.

>> No.2824500

Universal styluses will be awful unless you have a truly massive drawing area. You will be playing pin the tail on the donkey every time you try and start a line

>> No.2824502


I wonder if there is a texture that doesn't act like sandpaper on the nibs

>> No.2824518
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>Definitely worth £240

I don't know, personally I got rid of my Cintiq 12WX because of similar sensitivity issues and washed out colors; time is money in a roundabout way. Having to spend a lot of time hitting control-z or being mired in frustration because you have to and becoming less able to concentrate as a result makes the ownership of something like that a deceptively costly liability. I'm glad to hear that it's mostly working out for you, though.

Unfortunately one of the best reasons to purchase a Wacom tablet has little to do with the craftsmanship (generally superior though it may be) behind them itself, but how their ubiquity essentially assures universal software support.


>> No.2824609

My mate is asking about a good low budget (200 euro or less) tablet for his computer. I'm using the ipad pro and have no idea about the tablet market these days. A little help?

>> No.2824674

Is now a bad time to buy a 22HD with the release of the Pro 16 and Dell Canvas right around the corner and the possible announcement of the larger Pros not too far of? How likely is a price drop within the next few months?

>> No.2824803

fuck no, now drawing on regular tablet feels weird

>> No.2825252

I'm thinking of getting the Surface Pro 5 when it's available to have something portable/not bulky that I can carry around campus to do school work and play games and of course draw. Has anyone had good experiences with drawing on the Surface Pro 4? Or are there better tablet/laptop hybrids out there that you've liked? Please, help me!

>> No.2825364
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So, for anyone out there owning having experience with huion, would it be a good idea to buy the giano, or should I wait and buy a nicer huion model with screen, if so, which one of them would you choose and why?

>> No.2825391

Non-Wacom display tablets seem dodgy-always read the reviews. I don't have much experience in that regard myself though. All I'm certain of is that the Giano is easily the best "first timer/peasant" tablet you can buy.

If you have the money to even consider a display tablet I feel like you might be better served in getting an Intuos Large, though. The Giano is great, but the Intuos edges it out enough to where the extra money is worth it.

>> No.2825416

Thanks! I've owned a (mostly) reliable bamboo for a few years now and I was thinking about making an upgrade to something more professional, an Intuos might be a good option but I would look for one with a big drawing surface.
Why do you consider the giano a "first timer" tablet btw?

>> No.2825417

>Giano shilling something other than the Giano
What is this

>> No.2825433

Hey guys I have two tablets right now, which would you recommend? The Huion h610 Pro, or the M708 (Parblo)?

>> No.2825443

Its mostly Photoshop that the huion sucks with, i always post about it's issues when people come in here, it has no issues other than pentip to cursor drift in passing tool sai. I wonder if theres a way to find my driver version, redownload it and fuck around with new/old ones. Im scared shitless of loosing sensitivity

>> No.2825472
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>Why do you consider the giano a "first timer" tablet btw?

I think that the Giano, as cheap as it is, effectively makes the great majority of conventional tablets of all brands superfluous and obsolete (how many 8x5in. tablets do we really need, anyway?). The size of the drawing surface is the single most important consideration when purchasing a conventional tablet, but the stylus is a close second and that's where the Intuos comes in.

I feel like the Giano is the bare minimum of what any starry-eyed babby artist should accept, but for its price it hits a very high mark and is easily preferable to almost everything else that doesn't have a screen.

Ayo, well the Giano is great but there are a few caveats that make an Intuos Large a bit more desirable. It's a shame the price difference is so huge though because it's very difficult for me to say that it's worth it. I should probably try using them side-by-side one day so I can really know for sure.


I dunno, I've never had a problem with Photoshop myself, but I use cs5.


>> No.2825496

I have the Wacom Intuos. Got it 6 mo. ago. Stopped working the other day until I realized you have to replace the nibs. Good thing I didn't get rid of the pen before checking the internet for help.

>> No.2825568


I bought the Surface Pro 4 recently, and find it amazing.
To be fair, I am (claim to be) still predominantly a traditional artist, but I'm really enjoying exploring digital art with this machine.
As well as wanting to learn more digital drawing I got it because it's super portable and powerful and I'll take it with me traveling.
I've got the i7, 16GB RAM so it's pretty speedy and I've pushed it pretty hard with Photoshop and it hasn't freaked out on me yet.
Display size is probably not ideal for hardcore concept artists, but it's super nice to look at.
Not really sure why people don't mention the Surface Pro or Surface Book more on these threads... I guess ya'll probably have ridiculous powerful desktops already.

>> No.2825749

It's about the pen sensitivity. It basically needs you to press a bit harder to detect your input, compared to other tablets like the ipad pro or the wacom / huion brands.

So if you're used to getting your smallest strokes show up faintly on the screen, it's a bit weird at first. Plus it has some problems with the drawing of deliberate, slow diagonal lines.

>> No.2825750

Oh, but besides that: hell of a computer, hopefully the universal wacom pen they wanted to create by last christmas will eventually come out this year and fix that small issue.

>> No.2825926

No one has the answer for your question
I'm interested in getting the 13HD and waiting for a price drop as well, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that doesn't happen. Might be best to just get it, not like we're gonna replace them in half a years' time.

>> No.2825993

The intuos art seems to be much cheaper than the intuos pro, would a noob be able to tell the difference?

Do they both have the same problem with the nibs wearing out and do Huion tablets avoid that problem?

>> No.2826048


I guess the real question is whether the half-resolution of the non-pro wacom series is truly a problem

Huion has the resolution of the wacom pros but seems to be shit in all sorts of other ways.

>> No.2826170

stroke nibs are better for cintiqs and screen tablets for recreating the sensation of a "brush". the slight give keeps it from wearing out as quickly.

intuos pro here as well, just recently realized how much of a difference the different types of nibs make. The flex nib is pretty glorious and lasts around 4-5 months whereas standard and felt nibs start showing tiny signs of wear after about a day or two. Flex nibs are actually made of gum, the plastic is just there to keep it straight.

Trimmer line is pretty good for making standard nibs, but .065in/1.7mm is what I use.

>> No.2826275

I've recently been thinking about getting into digital art and I've been using an old Wacom Intuos 3 Medium that I bought almost a decade ago. After about 30 minutes of drawing with it I my hand starts to hurt. Note that I don't suffer from this while working with traditional media.

Am I just doing something wrong with using the tablet? Do I need to upgrade to a large size?

I've been looking at the new Intuos Pro Large, I figure maybe a bigger area would help with the wrist issues. Which brings up another question; the Paper Edition seems pretty fucking cool in concept, and the difference is only around 60 bucks. I'm not sure if it's just a gimmick, or actually worthwhile?


Wrist hurt from intuos 3 medium. Go Intuos Large Pro to solve issue?

Intuos Pro Large, Paper or No? Gimmick or No?

Giovanni, are you the dude from the towergirls thread? You seem familiar.

>> No.2826278


Oh, also, I've been thinking about a Cintiq 22HD. Would saving up for that be better than going with the Intuos? Thanks again.

>> No.2826290

Maybe it's your wrist/hand placement, because I've never had an issue with that whatsoever. I can understand you having problems on a small, but a medium isn't a bad size.

Also, keep in mind that Wacom started giving the Intuos a more textured surface after the Intuos 3, ie. your nibs are going to wear down much faster.

>> No.2826368

I guess I can see that on the stroke nibs and it makes sense it might be more a cintiq thing since my friend who has a cintiq seems to love them and talk about how they feel like drawing with a cat's paw; I wish I shared the sentiment.

But Yeah I feel like the Flex nibs are godly, I can't get enough of that smooth sort of feeling when drawing with them. It's like there is more tooth to it than the standard yet while feeling slicker somehow and the fact they seem to last a while is for sure a plus but still wacom nibs are so darn costly, even with how lightly I draw I can burn through them fast. interesting they use a gum for it though I thought it felt a bit like a gum eraser yet it isn't quite like the ones I have on hand.

As for the trimmer I do have that size but it gives me line drag and feels a bit like a tight fit in my pen. I might just bring a nib to the hardware store and compare or go see if I can find a closer size with fishing line at some sporting goods place.

>> No.2826372

I've got a Cintiq 13HD, but I find that digital drawing lacks a lot of the nuance that traditional art has.

I have a lot less positions I can effectively hold the stylus in. This, combined with the small screen space makes drawing from the elbow or shoulder a lot more difficult. As a result, my lines are much less fluid, and that's only compounded by the slight wobble that seems inherent to digital art programs.

Seems to me that digital art is probably best for painting or inking, but weaker compared to traditonal when it comes to sketching, construction or general linework.

>> No.2826378

the laptops are cheap on ebay plus the sellers tend to have a return policy, so if you don't like it, you can return them

the egpu will not be necessary for photoshop as the laptop's cpu is pretty decent despite its age

also, I recommend upgrading the stylus(and you have quite a few to choose from)
the two I reccomend are the bamboo stylus feel https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Bamboo-Stylus-Galaxy-Black/dp/B00IWJM9SW/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1485035348&sr=1-1&keywords=bamboo+feel (this one loses its eraser function but is the most accurate and least amount of parallax)

or the axiotron https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-4949268401449-Grip-Pen-UP-911E-02DD/dp/B00014HR3I ( a bit pricy, but has an eraser and similar formfactor to the intuos pens

>> No.2826395

I think it might be kind of a mistake to try and replicate the methods you would use for traditional with digital in many cases or expect it to be similar.
It's kind of like using colored pencils in the same way you would use brushes and acrylic or something. Best to just go in expecting it to be different and adjusting yourself to it like learning a brand new tool which it kind of really is.
Basically digital art on a tablet will always be a shadow of traditional in many ways if one thinks of them as even being similar.
Also since I kinda long posted at ya I ain't tryin' ta rant just kinda putting out some thoughts/realizations that came to mind when reading your post.

>> No.2826429

anyone have the HUION GT-185 SD? care to give some input on how your experience with it is?

>> No.2826831
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iPad Mini 1 for $50
Galaxy Tab A 7.0 2016 for $78

This is just to paint and draw super casually, I'm too poor to afford anything beyond $80 right now.

Pic related is the stylus I use on my phone to draw with

>> No.2826905

Try the iPad pro with the Apple pencil stylus if you prefer a more traditional feel. Im not an Apple fanboy by any means, but they nailed it with that pencil stylus. It even registers tilts and angle shading

>> No.2827000

Might as well ask, I was wondering if anyone could solve a bit of a problem I've got.

Every other day I plug in my Wacom (Intuos) and start practicing, but I often experience bulky and thick lines rather than smoother ones. It doesn't even matter which tool I use. I use Paint Tool if that helps. Any suggestions?

>> No.2827011

apple pencil feels like shit
all the software that supports the tilt has a sudden shift into tilt mode instead of anything feeling remotely natural

>> No.2827021

a fujitsu t4220; you get full windows functionality and a wacom digitizer

>> No.2827081


What kind of weird pencil do you use that has a gradual shift into full tilt?

>> No.2827118

There's no wobble in the program, but there might be in the hardware. Have you tried drawing diagonal lines across the screen with a ruler and seeing what the result is?

>> No.2827129

Anyone using a tab or ipad? is it better than buying cintiq? i have a hard time drawing on intuos pen and touch, I feel like drawing on screen is a much better option and maybe a bigger screen to draw on and most important part is a more than 4 gig RAM, I don't wanna draw on less than 4000 x 4000 pixels. Is iPad Pro the thing for me?

>> No.2827167


Yea it's the bees knees. Haven't used a cintiq but I hear it's on par. Ipad has less latency and parallax. You can do up to around 9000x7400 in Procreate, 7000px in Paintstorm

>> No.2827440


Does this mean that soon we'll be able to use a Surface Pro/Studio with a Wacom pen?

The future does look bright...

>> No.2827457

Is there any place that still sells replacement sheets (or whatever it's called, I'm talking about that part you draw on) for Intuos3? 9x12 inch one specifically. The one I have has some annoying scratches and I wanted to replace it.

>> No.2827662

wobble with wacom is usually a driver issue and not hardware related.

>> No.2827687

Don't bother with making your own nibs from monofilament, you can order the regular black nibs in bulk on AliExpress for super-cheap. It's only the standard ones off course, not flex-nibs.

>> No.2827694

Well, I bought a Surface 3 and thought it could be comfortable drawing on... it's not, it's terrible. Ended up selling it and is still trucking along on my Intuos 5.

>> No.2827709

Someone redpill me on the Huion H610 pro

It's so much cheaper than the equivalent wacoms that it must be shit, but as a noob I really don't want to have to get a $400 wacom tablet when I don't even know if this is something I want to get into seriously.

>> No.2827723


I own one. You get what you pay for. The usb connector is flimsy and whenever i use the express keys, it sometimes disconnects from the computer. The keys also feel cheap and sometimes stick/wedge into the tablet.

I'd save up for something better. It's not like you're going to be buying a new tablet every year, right? Might as well invest in something that you can take with you for the next decade.

>> No.2827756

I have one but I don't have any of the problems >>2827723 describes. You might not like the rechargeable pen since it's a bit too soft for my liking but I got the AAA pen which is a bit stiffer and fine with me.

If you are a noob and don't know if you're even going to pursue drawing in the long run I'd definitely give it a try. You can always get an overpriced wacom later on if you feel the huion is holding you back.

>> No.2827770

For me it's pretty good. Had ealier shitty wacom bamboo. After 2-3 months of using bamboo surface of it was very scratched. With wacom tablet I had problems with drivers all the time. Huion have a pretty nice surface and after year of using it there is no single scratch on it. Zero problems with drivers. When I charged pen for the first time battery run out after 3 months so I actually forget I need to charge it. Problems I saw is some express keys don't work with krita. Hope it helped you.

>> No.2827782

Not him, but how so?

I was wondering getting a Surface 2 just for sketching/drawing, as I don't like drawing traditionally.

>> No.2827786
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>the AAA pen

Redpill me on this

>> No.2827792
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it takes a AAA battery instead of being rechargeable.

>> No.2827815

it's shit

>> No.2827931

>Might as well invest in something that you can take with you for the next decade.

Sounds like the Huion is best for someone who isn't sure if they are going to stick with it or give up after a few months of no gains, then

>> No.2827958

actually, Huions will last you but they're also cheap so it won't hurt you as much as blowing 300 bucks on a wacom and then letting it collect dust

>> No.2827959

Did I just fuck up buying a the DTK 2nd generation model cintiq? I managed to snag one for $700 in good condition. Help before they ship it.

>> No.2828033

yeah, i'm wondering the same, should I go for a 22hd, or should I go for the new huion 220 v2.

Can someone explain to me if the 22hd and the 21ux are the same thing?

>> No.2828081

21UX and 12WX are older models that are no longer supported by Wacom (no driver updates)
They got replaced by 22HD and 13HD models

Cintiq Pro 13", 16", and possibly larger sized cintiqs are going to be released in the future replacing 13/22/24/27HD models.

From the few reviews I've read there isn't a drastic difference between the pro models and the HD models

>> No.2828142
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Pic related would be your best bet for now.

But yes, S-Pen models are superior.

The Tab A 9.7 with S-Pen would be right up your alley.

>> No.2828852

I have one, the basic model that I bought 4 years ago.

Still works perfectly, the only thing I've changed is the stylus (dropped it to the ground a few times too many). But that's a stylus change inn 4 years, and I haven't even used all the nibs it came with.

My experience has been really good, but I've heard of people having problems with the usb cable connection. I've never had an issue, maybe it's about production batches?

>> No.2828915
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>trying to go digital and buy a tablet without knowing shit about computer and technology

It hurts, the more I research the more I find info I have no idea what it means

>> No.2828928

What do you want to know, buddy

>> No.2828929

Just buy the cheapest Wacom and plug it in. What is there to research?

>> No.2828960


Thanks for the help
First of all I would like one with a build in screen, I don't think i can adapt to drawing on one surface while looking at the drawing in another, how much more expensive is one with a screen? A friend told me that the ones with screen feel less like real paper and it is harder to adapt the feel to your hand, is it true? And I'm afraid there will be a big delay between making a movement and it apearing on the screen

The rest is things about resolution, color, size and buttons, that I will probably only understand when I try one for real

>> No.2828989

Can I use all wacom nibs in all of wacom pens?

>> No.2829095

If anyone is looking for a tablet and don't know what to get, I review graphics tablets on my site.


Hopefully it can be of use to someone.

>> No.2829113

>how much more expensive is one with a screen?
much more

>> No.2829217

Would you say the buit in screen makes a huge diference?

>> No.2829230

>I don't think i can adapt to drawing on one surface while looking at the drawing in another
You will, it's kinda like using a mouse. Your hand moves on the desk but the cursor is on the screen, same thing
Well it did for me, I used an intuos for a couple of years and now I have a pen display, which I feel is much more confortable. Worth the extra bucks totally.

>> No.2829238

>Just buy the cheapest Wacom and plug it in

But the cheapest wacoms (non-pro) have a low resolution, and if they're the "small" models then they are too small to use comfortably.

>> No.2829275

This is really turning me off about digital art, all tablets with a built in display are over 1k of my local currency, and I'm yet to see someone doing any decent drawing with one with no built in display

>> No.2829279

Then just get a traditional tablet (ie. no screen).

Takes a bit of practice to get used to it but the well majority of digital artists use it.

>> No.2829449

What's your local currency/current country you're living in?

>> No.2829462

so this new wacom pen together with the surface pro 4 will finally make a good mobiel workstation then?

>> No.2829488

where you from?

>> No.2829521

if you are a beginner with digital art, it's best to get the traditional one with no display, that's what everyone started with. you typically only get the one with a screen if you're a professional/serious artist/have the cash to burn.

>> No.2829563

There are shortcomings to a screen tablet too.

First up your pen isn't touching the pixels directly like a real pen touching the paper. There is a space of glass in between. So it won't feel as natural.

You will screw your back by leaning over your desk. Even with expensive stands you never get truly used to it. With a regular tablet you can sit back comfortably and look at your monitor at eye level.

After you get used to painting with a regular tablet you realize how much space your hand will obscure on the screen.

And I don't think you have seen enough artists working with screenless tablets to claim that they can't do decent drawings.


A screen tablet only exceeds it when drawing ultra thin lineart, like with anime. Something like a 0.01 pen.

But in that case you can install Sai and use the vector tools + the stabilizer. It's almost the same.

>> No.2829567

Yes, there is no difference.

>> No.2829569

Nigga getting used to drawing on a non-screen tablet takes days at most. You'll get used to it and everything will be fine. Don't blow up your wallet on a screen display if you're a beginner.

It's not like a screen display is some magical tool that makes you gud. (*but I'm sure that at least it makes workflow faster and slightly more accurate because it's more similiar to working with traditional tools).

>> No.2829629

browse ctrl-paint's videos

>> No.2829670
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I own both a huion 610 pro and an intuos3. I got the huion when I was first starting out, and I can definitely recommend it for beginners who wanna try digital out.
The things to keep in mind about it is that it's very light and somewhat fragile (both the tablet and the pen).
Like others have said, the rechargeable pen that comes with it is very squishy/springy feeling, so it feels pretty different from using a regular pen or pencil.
Mine actually started malfunctioning, but only because I dropped it on the nib several times from off my desk :^) so you'll have to be pretty delicate with them.

I got a second hand intuos3 when I busted my pen, and it's another great option if you can find one for cheap. The large one is xbox-hueg and the surface is silky smooth to draw on, which I prefer. Everything about it feels chunkier and not having batteries is really nice. The only problem is that it's not meant for widescreen so I can't use the entire surface for it. I think there was a wide version available though at some point.

Basically my advice would be to not stress to much about what to buy. You're gonna get used to whatever you get, and pretty much all of them will let you draw good pictures, if you're capable.

tl;dr pic related best tablet buy it nigguh

>> No.2829927

I think I am a complete utter autist.
What I did two months ago, was purchase Cintiq 13HD for 440 euro, which is around 1/2 of it's price from the store. It was second hand barely used. Two months forward, I'm already bored with it's size, despite longing for a Cintiq for the last 7 years since I've got my Intuos 4 Medium. Now I ordered a 24hd, again second hand, and will be testing it later today before finishing the purchase. It costed me another 850 euro, the seller said it's without pen and from the pics it seems in very good condition. The problem is I'm spending all this money while being fucking average or even bad at drawing... I work a shitty IT job as a consultant and have zero time left to progress and move onto the illustration market. FML.. a fool and his money are easily parted.
Hoping to sell my 13HD, as I've recently got a call (trying to sell it for around 480 euro, bit more than I got it for)
/rant over.

So all in all, how can I justify this?

>> No.2830036

If you broke even with one, then you should be able to do the same with the other one. Moreover there are plenty of hobbies out there that can blow that kind of expense right out of the water, like miniature wargaming or bikes and cars.

>> No.2830112
File: 1.99 MB, 395x225, 13664772_950346218397483_2071911076_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about tablets. Is there a cheap tablet worth buying? I know Monoprice makes some that some people seemed to think were decent enough for the price.

>> No.2830156

why the fuck 24hd has such ugly colors and such low brightness, just got one second hand
reviews online say similar story so it's not defective

>> No.2830173

>So all in all, how can I justify this?
You can't
It's just like that one guy said in the last thread, you're more interested in buying things than actually drawing. Sounds like you're depressed thinking getting new things for yourself would make you feel better. That feeling of satisfaction doesn't last very long, I mean, you barely even used the 13HD. Two fucking months? give me a break anon, people here are dying to try this thing out let alone own one any you're already replacing it?

Enjoy your 24HD though
I can get one myself but I can't justify the price (and my art isn't all that great either so I don't think I deserve owning a professional product at the moment).

>> No.2830176

i just can't draw on the 13hd as it's shit small
anyways, I've got the 24hd today, it werks, I just hope it does not die in a month or two

>> No.2830178

My intuos 4 L broke after a good 5 years, and now I'm thinking about getting a Cintiq 22HD. The only issue is that I fly quite a lot and I'll need to lug it with me everywhere.
Does anyone have any tips on transporting a cintiq safely?

>> No.2830199

Get a 13hd then, or the new 16 inch cintiq pro
They're easily carried and fit a laptop sack just fine

>> No.2830215

That makes sense but they're too small. I've tried working on the 22HD several times and working directly on a screen that big is like magic.

>> No.2830220

I've had a wacom intuous 3 for about 10 years. It's served me very well. it's been dropped multiple times, survived 6 moves, and even had a heavy shredder dropped on it that made my heart stop.

It still works remarkably well, but now I'm thinking of getting a cintiq.

>> No.2830223

I had a monoprice that I used for about a year. Besides the pen needing batteries, it worked quite well.

>> No.2830373
File: 578 KB, 761x762, ugee hk1560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this thing right here. Arrived today.

Best $400 I've ever spent, LOVE it! Admitely I don't have much experience with pen displays but I really liked this one. It picks up pressure better than an n-trig stylus, but I think not as smoothly as an apple pencil or something like that.

Any questions, just toss them my way.

>> No.2830383

What's this small keyboard name and does it come with the product?

Have fun with it

>> No.2830432

Parblo PR200w, it's a small mechanical keyboard. It doesn't have all the keys of a regular one, but it has "blank" ones that you can program to do key combos (like ctrl + z, for example). It came bundled because the ugee doesn't have express keys.

Haven't been able to program the keyboard but I haven't really tried too much, just plugged it in.

I don't wanna shill, so just search for ugee hk1560 in aliexpress and something like this bundle will show up.

>> No.2830718

Shit, that's the one I'm considering getting. How's the resolution?

>> No.2830752

Pretty good, 1920 x 1080. I don't have a desktop and did all my artwork on a laptop, so the difference is huge and I love it.

I got scared at first because I couldn't calibrate it. Then I realized that if I set up the ugee as the only monitor, the calibration worked without problems (you could then duplicate screens after that, if you want to).

Any particular question you have? I kinda took a gamble on this one but it made it all the way from China without a hitch.

>> No.2830755
File: 27 KB, 668x501, 4787-668x501[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a second-hand Intuos3 viable as a first tablet? I don't want to waste my money.

>> No.2830766

What size?

I'd ercommend you go for 4 at least though

>> No.2830775

Bigger sounds better to me so I'm looking at the 6x11 version.

Why do you recommend the 4 over it?

>> No.2830784

Nah, you pretty much answered it for me with the comparison to your laptop. I checked the PPI on this thing and my own laptop, and this beats it by a good bit. Considering I've been using my laptop screen so far for art, it'll either not make much of a difference or make a good improvement, either of which is fine by me.

>> No.2830817
File: 50 KB, 1200x1200, 51KFMnkeXTL._SL1200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also looking at the Huion H610 PRO

>> No.2830834

How does it handle lines drawn diagonally across the screen? Try it slowly with a ruler if you can. I haven't seen any device perform well at that kind of task yet.

>> No.2830840
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys do you think this could work well?

>> No.2830919

I was interested in the 21ux since it was so much cheaper.
Is there that much of a quality difference from the two? Does it no longer getting driver support mean that much if it already works?

>> No.2830935
File: 23 KB, 550x364, Toshiba-DynaPad-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the dynapad recently. no noise no overheating, use clippaint pro 2, has full desktop applications, the pen doesnt have to charge each day (shot at apple pencil).
And it's light as fuck, amazing screen.

The pen is 2048 pressure levels, wacom.

8/10, I suppouse the best next thing is a wacom mobile studio. For a slate tablet all in one to draw.

>> No.2830938

CipStudio Paint Pro *

>> No.2830959

honestly, the best solution ive had for a long time now instead of an expensive cintique, is a Surface Pro, or Surface Book, it's actually great, people disregard it

>> No.2830963

also for personal use as a laptop, it's a good all around device

>> No.2830969

anyone in love with the smell when opening new wacom products? I am

>> No.2831104


My boss has the first generation surface book, and I used it a couple times, fucking gold. Pen is fine, wacom is better but it's not day and night at all. 1024 pressure points baby!

Also it's a macbook killer. but macbooks are commiting suicide so...

>> No.2831106

god tier slate tablet.
Do not buy as a 2 in 1, keyboard is uggo.

God bless windows10, it's like all the ipad pro should be, but it's not

>> No.2831266

Weird question but does anyone know if it's possible to use a mod wheel on a MIDI (music) controller to control zoom in e.g. photoshop?

>> No.2831279

Alright guys, I'm getting a cintiq for sure because I love the idea of a display. Which one seems best for a first tablet?

>> No.2831342

Bome's Midi Translator. There's a free version.
It's a pain in the ass to setup and work with but it does what it does. Converts any midi input to keystrokes.

>> No.2831446

>tfw didn't know about this until today
Why didn't any of you tell me? This is amazing.

>> No.2831494
File: 21 KB, 427x427, h548365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 133tiq is arriving today I am excitebike

>> No.2831550

Ehh I'm sad, got the 24 HD but them pixels are disgusting

>> No.2831623
File: 292 KB, 1782x966, wiggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I didn't have a ruler at hand but a piece of cardboard seemed to do the trick. The "slow" lines were made reaaaaly slow (as in, I would never draw that slow digitally) and the fast lines are made in a more "sweeping" motion, like one usually does.

Clip Studio paint, no line correction. 1200 dpi

>> No.2831627

I wanted to buy intuos pro large(pth 851) but there are so many reviews saying it's awful(i.e. USB port is flimsy, it stopped charging, customer support doesn't exist, connectivity issues). Wacom also supposedly fixed the USB port somewhere in summer 2016 but apparently they didn't because there are recent reviews with the same complaints. I'm so lost, please help.

>> No.2831630

People who are satisfied, don't do reviews. It's as simple as that. Only people who complain do. Wacom is trusted, you can't go wrong with them. It's impossible.

>> No.2831638

But what they're saying seems like a valid reason to complain. Are you implying they just got bad batches?

>> No.2831640

Yes, someone has to.

>> No.2831643

Alright, thanks anon. Hopefully I won't be that someone.

>> No.2831676

how so? I hope mine isn't shit/got jit scammed

>> No.2831696
File: 651 KB, 1400x1041, Mr__jack_Snow_stroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I'm yet to see someone doing any decent drawing with one with no built in display

Plenty of artists draw amazing stuff with regular tablets, it's not wizardry.

I draw with a regular tablet my self and I'd post examples if it wasn't for the fact that I draw things that would be consider furry/scaly (yup, I'm one of those fags), and I'm so used to it that drawing with a monitor tablet doesn't feel like it offers me much extra, not enough to justify such an expensive purchase for a hobby, at least.

Yes, there is a bit of a learning phase with a regular tablet when you are used to pen and paper, but just practice and stick with it and it will soon feel like second nature.

>> No.2831702


Now that is some dirty snow

>> No.2831764
File: 81 KB, 960x640, cintiq-27qhd-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the back lights ever run out on a cintiq, could you technically still use it as tablet with all the pen pressure and stuff?

>> No.2831799

That's a piece to put you off tablets, if anything. The lines are so rough and wobbly, it almost looks like something you could draw with your toes after a bit of practice.

>> No.2831833

My school has these, very nice. Good for first time users to learn from.

>> No.2831862
File: 493 KB, 800x1067, 1_Kitei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a painted sketch (very nicely so), it's not clean line art!

Well then, here's a comic page drawn on a Wacom Bamboo.

>> No.2832225

That still seems pretty rough and hairy. The lines don't look all that controlled, as if the artist was using jerky rapid strokes to compensate for the digitizer's wobbliness at low speeds

>> No.2832325

what's a good Pen display tablet first time buying?

>> No.2832416


>> No.2832430

I use a surface book for work and I'm thinkin of using it as a tablet but people here seem to have really mixed opinions about it

>> No.2832604

not him but it has a ppi of like 94. 22hd is a bit better at 102 but the colours aren't as accurate as the 24hd.

>> No.2832661

The Giano was on sale on Amazon eariler, makes me wonder if Intuos Large is worth extra money.

>> No.2832686

The Giano is sort of a "gatekeeper" tablet. It is better than every tablet "beneath" it and considering its price should be a strong contender for anyone's "first tablet". However, it is edged out by the Intuos Large models in ways that I feel make that extra $150 or so potentially worth it in the long run.

>> No.2832931



>> No.2832951


>> No.2832993

I've seen the artist ink and it's by no means jerky and "hairy", but very smooth and controlled. You're just desperately looking for excuses now.

>> No.2833032


Hello everyone, I'm convinced that the Cintiq is not good at all, since it will cause a lot of bad posture problems and a lot of professionals actually uses the Intuos. I won't even start on princing.

But please tell me, which size and version of Intuos is the better one?

I'm thinking about getting a Intuos Pro Medium sized: Medium: 338 x 219 x 8 mm / 13.2 x 8.5 x 0.3 in.

The other one seems too big, and will probably interfer with my development. What do you think?

Or maybe I should get the bigger one? Which is: Large: 311 x 216 mm / 12.1 x 8.4 in.

>> No.2833047

just use an egrotron like all the intelligent people above 100 IQ

>> No.2833051

Just checked it, that seems pretty bad. lol

How exactly do you use it?

>> No.2833061

While your concerns are probably worth considering, consider also that people have been successfully creating art in physical mediums for a long time.

>> No.2833078


Are you retarded? Is that a serious question?

>> No.2833082

Edgy fifteen years teenager wannabe found.

>> No.2833083

I'm not trying to wind you up here, I'm really trying to convince myself that tablets can be used in a slow, controlled manner without too much compromise. Do you have a video of this artist at work so I can see for myself?

>> No.2833089


What??? You know what let me stop replying to you less I lose valuable neuroplasticity.

>> No.2833093


Yeah, but considering the stylus pen, it is basically impossible to hold it like a pencil or a brush, I would need to use the pen grip, which would make very hard to draw in any other position besides having a very unhealth position and looking at the desk...

At least with intous I could have a good posture, even though I can't use any other grip beside the tripod.

Any alternative would limit elbrow drawing, but, at least, the intous would make me confortable.

That's why I don't see it working with ergotron, like the edgy teenager above replied.

>> No.2833095

>the other one seems too big

Its drawing surface is around the size of a 15 inch monitor laid flat, much smaller than many of the Cintiq models and certainly not "too big". You want a surface that's as close as possible in size to that of your display no matter what anyone says.

>The other one seems too big, and will probably interfer with my development.

It's the exact opposite. The bigger the difference in size between your tablet and your display the bigger the contrast between what you feel your hand doing and what's happening in your computer.

The only pro I know for sure that uses the Medium is Mohrbacher but he scans his linework in (he even scanned in a crude drawing of a circle for his "basics of Photoshop" painting tutorial lmoa).


Either way, in my opinion it's a "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" kind of thing. There are people that can recreate photo-realistic pictures in MS Paint but that doesn't make MS Paint a desirable tool. You can paint (and photo-manipulate) with just about anything but if you want the best control for line drawing as well it's either the biggest, fattest conventional tablet you can find or a display tablet.

>> No.2833102
File: 62 KB, 790x655, slow lines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just jumping into your conversation, but I don't know why you would assume you can't use tablets in a slow controlled manner.

I made this gif just now, it's real-time and full size.

>> No.2833103


I see, thank you very much.

And about the Cintiq and Intous, which one do you think it is best? Considering the ergonomy.

>> No.2833105
File: 49 KB, 834x834, more-lines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The small amount of jitteriness in that is due to the recording program (and my hand).

These lines were drawn just as slowly.

>> No.2833143

As an addendum to this post that video of Mohrbacher is old as balls but Peter supposedly still uses that process (according to his website) and a more recent video from 2013 "How to Be Totally in Control of Photoshop" he's seen using an Intuos 5 Medium

Having used a Cintiq (though it was admittedly the shittiest model they've yet to make) Ergonomically alone I'd say the Intuos. You sit looking straight ahead like normal and can rest the side of your drawing hand on the tablet itself so you're never really straining much to do anything even over long periods of time spent drawing. You can alternate between drawing with your shoulder/elbow to drawing with your wrist seamlessly as well.

>> No.2833149

Thank you very much. I'll go with the large Intuos. Thanks.

>> No.2833164
File: 158 KB, 700x700, 1_ingunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't got a video, unfortunately. But trust me, it's not wizardry, nice smooth controlled lines are absolutely possible on a regular tablet. I know it probably seems impossible when you're just starting out, but it's all just training and habit.

>> No.2833292

well my experience with cintiq has been better than my intuos. my wrists feels insanely comfortable with the cintiq because i just have much more control and space. i occasionally switch between the two and my god, the difference is amazing. i love cintiqs

>> No.2833346
File: 125 KB, 633x758, 1467758725925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the 16GiB RAM meme
Why the fuck do you need that much? Are you running 10+ VMs? Or where you just drawn to it by your jewish overlord?

>> No.2833352


>> No.2833364
File: 229 KB, 1451x571, Blook Butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you I am referring to the Intuos Large models and their working-class cousin the Giano exclusively. With them you're given plenty of space, and on monitors 20-inches and below they afford a level of control very comparable to a Cintiq in my experience-just oriented a little differently (and in some ways I like it better).

Knowing what I know now, assuming I was starting over owning nothing and could choose only one tablet for some contrived reason, I wouldn't take an Intuos Small or Medium if you gave it to me for free and paid me for the trouble.

>> No.2833400

I own an old Intuos and recently ordered a Cintiq, want to have them both connected to my PC. Wacom's site has a driver package for both products in the same .exe file

Should I erase my current Intuos drivers before installing Cintiq's? Should I disconnect it from my PC while doing so? Should I even worry about future driver problems or will it automatically detect the shit I own no problems, no crashes?

Maybe you could help me

>> No.2833435
File: 477 KB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 4yo Bamboo Capture has lost its sensitivity some time ago. Before, when I set it at its most firm setting, it would take a shitload of force to reach 100% pressure. Nowadays, even at its most firm setting, it goes from 0% to 100% waaay too fast. Since it took me some time to notice, I don't if this happened because of the device's age or if it was because I dropped the pen one time or another.

Is this common to wacom tablets? Has it happened to anybody else here?

>> No.2833505

>With them you're given plenty of space
thats not the kind of space i meant. with the cintiq your hand just has more space to move and thats good for your arm. drawing space doesnt matter. when you have the ergotron arm that makes it even better. with an intuos your arms are stuck in one position.

>> No.2833507

>not having 300+ tabs open in chrome

>> No.2833514

desu you dont. the highest ive painted up to was 9000x4000 and i only use 4gb of ram.

>> No.2833566

>How exactly do you use it?
what did he mean by this?

>> No.2833743

who knows?

>> No.2834908

You could, but bigger ones like that probably would be weird to use on smaller monitors.

>> No.2834989
File: 156 KB, 1085x691, IMG_20170128_015916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A review of all the drawing tech I got so far:

Intuos 4 Medium - My first graphics tablet, played with a friend's bamboo, was disgusted. Purchased the Intuos as a Demon from wacom's site, it's a great tablet. I've used it for several years. Also good if you're doing Graphic design.

Next up I purchased Wacom's Inkling, second hand as I'm a Jew.. Worst contraption ever. The pen was bulky, The lines it did vere wobbly and stupid. When the files got exported they looked like shit. Sold it for the same price.

Next up I purchased a Samsung Note Galaxy 10.1 2014 edition. Also a second hand, got it for around 250 dollars. It comes with a wacom display and 1020 pressure points. Also has an amazing display,4k 2500x1600. Great processor, and while being almost 4 years old now, there's no better android tablet yet. As Samsung kind of discontinued the series.

Cintiq 13HD - Purchased this baby 4 months ago, for around 400 dollars, was also second hand. Yep I'm a jew.. It feels great to draw on.....if you're a manlet.. Unfortunately I'm a 2 metter tall viking, and it was pain to use. The good thing is it has a great screen, Full HD, while being 13 inches, It looks great. Lines on it are smooth and precise but I found it very small for my liking, as I'm using a 24 inch monitor next to it, and have no laptop. I assume It'd be a great tool for someone with a Laptop... Looking to sell it for the same price I got it.

1 week ago. Got a Cintiq 24HD. for 700 dollars, second hand. From some guy who did not know what it was used for. It's pristine condition. Guess it's stolen or w/e, as he mentioned it's from another country. Did not have a pen, but I've got one from my Intuos 4 medium. So I purchased it... It's good, okay.. But keep in mind It's HUUGE, literally has no space to put my other monitor on the desk, and keyboard... which is good. The Cintiq itself is great. It's screen is little grainy, but that was a problem only the first day.

>> No.2834998

>>second part as the message got too big.

So the Cintiq 24HD, while huge, is very comfortable to draw on. Literally you can put your drawing in the middle, and swarm yourself with reference, and there's still enough space.
It has two touch wheels, and the same amount of buttons on both sides, I still use only the touch ring, as I'm used to keyboard shortcuts, may try to use the express keys more. But It makes little sense to have them mirrored on both sides, as I hardly see myself using the ones on the right.
I no longer have issues with lineart, as I did on 13HD and Intuos Medium.
I suggest anyone who wants to upgrade. CINTIQ 22+

>> No.2835002

Do you think someone <5'5/1.7m would find the 13HD comfortable? I don't think I can get my hands on any in my area to try.

>> No.2835015
File: 777 KB, 4096x2304, IMG_20170128_032420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, depending on how you draw. Honestly the Cintiq 13HD is great. Miles ahead of a intuos. But you might get annoyed to use a small screen for drawing quickly.
I'm even kind of used to a small screen as I've been using the note 10.1 for years, but one thing is to use 10 inch tablet with mobile apps, another a 13 inch screen for full windows 10 with photoshop and everything.

Pic related is a size comparsion

>> No.2835145

I need a cheap tablet, it only has to last me until summer (but if it's only gonna last that long, it has to be cheap). Any recommendations?

>> No.2835240
File: 465 KB, 1033x733, 1432309412549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any experience working with a Cintiq Companion 2? My current tablet just died on me so its time I want to go for an upgrade. And are there any other options for portable tablets?
inb4 surface or ipad, tried em out but didnt like em that much

>> No.2835654

13 inches is about the same diagonal size as an a4 sheet of paper. Would you say it's a comparable experience to that? I'm quite comfortable drawing on a4

>> No.2835697

Include tools and brushes being cramped, compared and your start menu, 16:9 resolution, and not being able to rotate properly.. Yeah it's pretty small

>> No.2835706

32 gigs 3200mhz 14cl reporting in :^)

>> No.2835745

It's not even hard to use over 8GB if you use Chrome. I'm over 5GB right now and I'm only browsing.

>> No.2835950

stop watching porn u fucking horny child

>> No.2835970

Does the x4 time pressure sensitivity of the Pro Pen 2 make a huge difference?

>> No.2836026

yes but it doesnt mean anything if you dont know how to configure/calibrate pen pressure

>> No.2836187

Is it worth getting a Huion Giano over a 1060Plus for any reason other than the wireless and the larger size?

>> No.2836487

That was a bizarrely ignorant reaction.

>> No.2836506

16GB isn't that much. after effects could easily eat up 16GB by itself. add in another ~5 for a browser and ~5 for the os and misc processes and all of a sudden even 32Gb is starting to look a bit small.

>> No.2836902
File: 54 KB, 650x471, Wacom-Intuos-Art-Medium-CTH690AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the wacom intuos good enough for a hobbyist, i have been mirin' this one size medium for me but not really sure

>> No.2838047

How good is a surface pro 4 (or 3) for drawing with? Are Wacom Cintiq Companion 2s worth?

>> No.2838154

Just found a CIntiq 24HD for 900, what questions should i ask the buyer? I will probably get to try it but It's a long trip and I want to know beforehand if it's worth

>> No.2838541

i got mine for similar price, it had no pen tho, actually 1600leva, which is around 800 euro
also had chinky charger, but it seems to work.

Make sure to purchase with option to check it before paying. Usually the shipping company covers any travel damage so if it gets broken seller will be happy too. Make sure there's no smudges, cracks, white spots and scratches. But cintiq 22HD is from late 2011, early 2012, so it's normal to be dogshit cheap. The colors will be off when you get it, make sure to callibrate them, both within windows, and OSD

>> No.2838542


Here's my review of the cintiq 24HD

>> No.2838549

Did he jack off with it and not clean himself and did he touch the screen, you know because that's what guys do

>> No.2838675

My intous m has some sort of warping on the right side. I just noticed it. It's not on the "active" part of the surface, but it's almost wavy. Anyone know what's up?

>> No.2838678

>My intous m has some sort of warping on the right side and I'm a flaming faggot who thinks I is full of wizards
Post pics maybe

>> No.2838683

It's too subtle to see in a picture. Basically the "surface sheet" part feels wavy if I move my finger across it.

>> No.2838685

If its the top layer it might have peeled and eventually sticker back, if it werks who cares

>> No.2838686

Just worried some lines are gonna unintentionally curve when I draw them straight or some shit

>> No.2838749

i've had an a5 wacom bamboo for like 6 years. has technology improved enough that i should replace it?

>> No.2839184

How is it possible that a tablet can have resolution in thousands of lines per inch, and still deviate by 1mm or more in diagonal line "jitter" tests? Is it affected by some kind of inherent wiggliness in magnetic fields?

>> No.2839252

Well resolution and accuracy are two different things. I can't tell you anything more than that though.

>> No.2839333

I got the Huion H610 pro and it's surprisingly good apart from the pen lagging/freezing for a few seconds about every 5 minutes, does anyone else have this? Occasionally the pointer just stops moving while the software has a big think about something and then it carries on as normal.

>> No.2839443

I've been using mine for over a year and had no such issues, are you sure it's not the CPU choking up?

>> No.2839452


I should hope not, it's an overclocked i5 at like 4.2 GHz. I wonder if there's some windows-10 native software that needs to be disabled and it's like two drivers competing for control over the device or something. Certainly windows 10 seemed to have some default painting thing installed that came up when I plugged the tablet in for the first time.

>> No.2839672

finally got my connector for the cintiq and oh my god I'm in love already I could never go back now

>> No.2839690

Do you use photoshop?

>> No.2839750

recommend me a good cheap tablet

>> No.2839754

I need a tech help.

My newly arrived Ugee has a VGA cable but my computer does not have one. It only has USB and a Displayport. Will a VGA to USB converter work here? Anyone tried this?

>> No.2839771

i use your mom

>> No.2839909
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At what point should you get a tablet?

I'm a beginner and I've been just doing shit on paper for a few months now, definitely don't feel like I should get a tablet yet, but at what point should I? Have I got it completely wrong, should I just get one immediately?

>> No.2839925

Yes but nothing a clipboard wont cure. Work that tablet to the ground and lament the day you pony up for a new one.

>> No.2839926

You realize that lines of resolution is a meme yet? No? Well keep squiggling until the epiphany hits.

>> No.2839933

Sure, its not like you would accept the real answer anyways so just buy it.

>> No.2839936

>its not like you would accept the real answer anyways so just buy it.
So what did he mean by this?

>> No.2839937

He means you should buy the most expensive tablet you can even if it means sucking dick because there's a direct correlation to artistic success and having a tablet

>> No.2839938

What art program is good for an MSI laptop? Photoshop?

>> No.2839939

I don't think that's what he meant.

>> No.2839940

I have no idea what the other guys are memeing about but a tablet is just an interface to draw on your computer. You don't need to draw with pencil before you can draw on a computer. Doing either will develop drawing skills.

>> No.2839942
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thank you anon xx

>> No.2840019

Of course I realise it's a meme, but it's also the explanation that usually gets offered as to why there doesn't seem to be a single tablet in the world that can follow a straight diagonal line without intrusive software assistance.

>> No.2840115

Surface pro or iPad pro? I don't want anything else for my own reasons, but hesitating between these two.

>> No.2840219

Hasn't anyone on the internet made and published experimental measurements of things like jitter and diagonals of various tablets, however crude? I can't find this stuff in Google.

>> No.2840553


Clip studio paint because I'm a weeb.

I'd really be surprised if it were a computer performance issue, I fell for the 16 GB of RAM meme and everything.

>> No.2840638


Yes on closer inspection it's Clip Studio that's the problem.

Anyone else seen lag in this program and fixed it?

>> No.2840787

Check your program settings.
Make sure you have the most up to date version, then play with the performance settings, the brush you're using, and the file size you're trying to work with.

>> No.2841829
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Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to fix it, maybe it had a problem with the tablet being installed after Clip Studio.

Also holy shit, I didn't realise there were 3D models in it, I don't even neet to git gud any more I can just trace them lol

>> No.2842004

Anyone know a good portable tablet for drawing that's not too massive and also doesn't cost a fortune? 300 to 400 burger coins at the most.

>> No.2842025

So I've been saving up for a cintiq tablet and I've been a bit hesitant on deciding if if want to purchase it or not.

I do want a tablet with a screen to draw on but I don't need any crazy macros on the tablet or pen, which probably bumps up the cost. The most I use on my current tablet is a button on my pen for undo and erase.

Is lag an issue with on-screen drawing tablets? I'm mostly worried about that or the screen being damaged from drawing on it so much. Are non-wacom bad about this kind of thing?

>> No.2842158

I've had mine for a few days. I don't see any lag but my only complaint is that it gets hot mostly at the top of the screen but not melting hot. It's not uncomfortable but a little ehhh but it's better than drawing on a ice cold surface. But I can imagine it will be hell for Florida summers, making it unusable.

And maybe the slightly slight centimeter distance from the pen to the screen to cursor but that's not an issue...because of the glass.

>> No.2842235

I have the exact same model, I had mine for 3 years and it recently died on me

>> No.2842243

>Surface pro 3
>get a matte screen so I can have some grip when drawing
>pen tip starts to get eaten

Does the SP3 just have a shit screen/pressure with the 4 pen or am I terrible at adjusting my own pressure? Messing with the surface settings the pressure never feels particularly great. Plus the space I have to general draw feels like I'm left drawing with my wrist alot more than I should.

>> No.2842246

Check if it isn't just oxidation on the usb port. Mine stopped working last year. The light would start blinking and then turn off, and later on it would not turn on at all. I put a few drops of alcohol on the usb port and spread with a small swab, then I let it dry. After that it started working again.

>> No.2842524
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>~5 for a browser
>~5 for the os

>> No.2842549

16gb is nice. I have 12gb and can paint on a big canvas, but as soon as I make a bunch of layers it lags. I don't have to worry too much though since my only reason for layers is to have them as temp layers and merge down haha. Would still be nicer to not have to worry about that even. The more ram the better!!
I paint on 10k pixels often....

>> No.2842937
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4GB ram, Windows 7
paint on pretty much any size I like on Sai/CSP, last time it lagged I was on something like 2000x15000.
Layers up to ~20 are fine, even with Firefox open
>I have 12gb
mismatched ram capacity prevents dual-channeling, which slows it down quite a lot

>> No.2843005

So I have an issue and any help would be appreciated. A friend recently gave me his Cintiq 12WX and it works fine for the most part, I have all the old CDs, drivers, etc, but when I try to open Wacom Tablet Properties I get an error saying "The tablet driver was not found"
Now I've googled for a sollution and everyone says to enter Services and restart the Wacom service thing which I have, but this has not worked. I've also tried using new and old drivers but these as well do not work and I'd really like to use the preasure sensitivity. Has anyone else had this issue?

The only tablet I had before this one was an old Volito 2 from the early 2000s.

>> No.2843253

Is the Lenovo Miix 720 any good to draw?

>> No.2843299

Try going to the Wacom Tablet Preference Utility and remove any user profiles, then go back to services, stop the Wacom service, wait a minute, Start it again. It should find the driver. Restarting after doing this will also help

>> No.2843313

5GB for the OS is obviously retarded but 5GB for Chrome with a pile of tabs is typical. Not everyone has tab disease though.

>> No.2843611
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I'm praying that one of you can help me.

I've been using my Huion H610 for a year or two now and recently I've run into some issues with software like Sai and Photoshop.

If I stop moving the stylus at any point in the drawing and change direction the stylus stops drawing like in the picture when drawing a tick.

The pressure is fine and I have tabletpc off so I can't figure out whats causing it.

>> No.2843836

No joy I'm affraid, thanks anyway though.

>> No.2844409

Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers?

>> No.2844571

I had tried reinstalling and or updating but it still happened.

However it seems to have vanished once I went back two driver updates, I guess Huion is pretty trash when it comes to drivers.

>> No.2844612
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new to digital art and tablets in general

tried pic related but the graphics drivers kept fucking up and ruining the pen sensitivity so i stopped using it

anything more stable for around the same price range?

>> No.2844758
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I have a similar problem, my tablet is in a usb port but it doesn't seem to realize the tablet is there and I keep on re-installing the wacom drivers but it's as if everytime I restart the computer the drivers are gone.

>> No.2844810

my cheapo used spectre x2 has treated me really well. the battery lasts long AND charges my phone all day, its powerful enough for hd movies/PS/clip studio/SAI 2/etc, it can take multiple fumbles with no case, and its lightweight and small enough for a 95lb woman to easily carry all over a city for hours. it doesnt look like a $300 machine with the lit keyboard and metal/glass body.

i'd like a cheaper pen, as I'm a dumbass and lose them easily, a USB A port (adapters are cheap, I just didn't know I'd need one), and frontfacing speakers would be ugly but welcome. everything else is great

>> No.2844899

I'm terrible at drawing. I want to get tablet because I think it'll be easier to fix my mistakes through digitally then with an eraser (repeated erasing makes paper bad and makes bad smudges on the paper), but I'm started to feel like it's an excuse I keep telling myself. I want to keep on drawing, so I can get better, but I get discouraged looking at my own drawings.

>> No.2844961

I personally think this kind of thinking is one of the biggest mistakes beginners do.

Just try to be confident in your lines. Slowly and steadily focus on what you try to draw not pressing the pencil too hard. If you don't like smudges on paper try drawing with a ballpoint pen once in a while, or maybe a Micron pen.

>> No.2844968

execute toi, tapette.
Also, anybody know if drawing gloves for tablets are actually useful?

>> No.2844996
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I've had Intuos 5 Touch M for many years,

I bought 15m of 1,65mm grass trimmer wire to replace those fast wearing pen tips, funny I've used this custom made pen tip for a over 2 years and it's still mostly intact and I still have over 500 these pen tips to go...

I also have taped thick paper sheet on top of the tablet, it's slowly disintegrating from scratching.

>> No.2845261

I have the same problem, tablet is connected and drivers installed, but Desktop Center is telling me no device is connected.

>> No.2845610

wow, rude

>> No.2845701

Mines on order but I found one on eBay for under $4 shipped if you want to try it. You'll just have to wait for China shipping.

>> No.2845704

Post pics? I'd think if the tip is that durable it'd be more apt to scratch up the tablet. Especially if it's not rounded.

>> No.2845707


>> No.2845963
File: 125 KB, 1154x922, lenovo-yoga-book-feature-drawing-android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get /ic/'s opinion on the lenovo yoga book, ive been thinking about getting one as a way to break into digital art

>> No.2846425
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That's why I have a paper there to prevent that just in case.

Wire is actually a mostly transparent tube, there's orange lining inside. I've rounded the tip and made it a bit longer than original tips.

>> No.2846675

>brass trim
>those hinges
Is that real?

>> No.2846694

Yeah, i work at the walmart and we got them in a few months back and they seem dope. But 500 obamas is a lot of money i dont have the luxury of wasting

>> No.2846702

>no bumpers between the top and bottom halves

>> No.2846718
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I recently got A Shield K1 tablet I mainly game on I been messing with the dabbler APp wit out the stylistim & usely A pen & papper drawer but thinking about picking up the direkt stylist 2 im draw toons & want to try the oil painting how is the dabbler with the stylist

>> No.2846979

Is it bad if my tablet isnt in front of me but in front and right ?
the cable is too short to reach the middle of my table

>> No.2846989

is there anything new coming out on the cintiq front? any rumors? i want to get one but am not in a rush soif there could be something new in a few months..

>> No.2847141

You'll be less accurate. Just get an USB extension, they are like $2.

New Cintiq "Pro"s. Faster lines, no paralax, better screens, more pen pressure.

Finally a 16" size so that it won't eat up your desk like the 22".

>> No.2847792
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So, should I bite the bullet and buy a 22HD Cintiq?

I currently have the basic Wacom Bamboo tablet, so it'd be quite the upgrade, I just don't know if it's worth it right now or I should wait for the Pro.

>> No.2848170

What's the benefit of that over just getting the mobile studio then at those sizes? Lil extra but also can take it out

>> No.2848295

I feel like resting my hand on my tablet wears down the pressure sensors over time but I don't see any other way to position my hand usually

>> No.2848300

the pressure sensor is in the pen.

>> No.2848302

I don't understand how people go through nibs so fast. I've has the same default nib since 2012 and it looks almost the same, and thats with daily use of about 4-6 hrs. Maybe I just press very lightly

>> No.2848305

22HD is a great product, but I'd wait a bit.

Yeah I still have most of my Intuos nibs (used it for years). I wore down the flex and felt ones though, used them way too much. Maybe I should get a pack.

>> No.2848486

I can imagine the months of anxiety this must have just relieved for this anon.

>> No.2848525

thought i was the only one that his own nib last forever. mine is older bamboo fun cte 450, up until now my fcking nib stays the same, never change it from the beginning (bought it in 2009 i think) maybe its just the surface thing that wacom has right now. have tried my friend's intuos 4 before and it feels kinda different with my bamboo, the surface feels kinda 'scratchy' than mine. got a plan to upgrade it but i just feel waaaaaaayy too comfortable using my old lovely bamboo though i need kinda larger tablet but i can bear with it.
fyi, use it almost everyday with daily use about 1-10 hours, it depends.

this drawing was done using my old bamboo

>> No.2848527
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damn forgot the pic

>> No.2848531

It's true some surfaces are smoother than others. The rougher texture is supposed to feel like paper.

>> No.2848751
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I use Precision Mode extensively so I have avoided using buying a Cintiq for a long time.

But I just found out that you can use Precision Mode in a Cintiq?

What the fuck?

How does that even works? Does it zooms in the screen?
I can't find a single video on the internet.

>> No.2848765

Does this help? https://youtu.be/b8nfTCStFtU?t=2m35s

>> No.2848774

Thank you. It seems so awkward though. I'm not sure if it is even useful.

>> No.2849293
File: 41 KB, 493x463, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Cintiqs are TRASH.

You can only use them if and only if you have one of the PCs on this list.

They use a USB-C type connection with a "DisplayMode".

It's a feature so obscure that USB-C cards don't even market it. You will not have any way to know if your ports have the DisplayMode unless you already bought the Cintiq and tried to connect it.

So if your PC is built you most likely can't use them.

This is the stupidest decision by Wacom yet. Almost NOBODY can use it. I'm so fucking mad right now.

>> No.2849335

>I'm so fucking mad right now.
Why? get 22HD.

>> No.2849411

what should I as a noobie get

>> No.2849444

gotta pro12 tablet for funs and i just figured out (cos i'm a dummy) I can draw/animate on this thing! I tried using the stylus i have but it don't work or rather it skips. It's that kind that is a ball at the tip (not sure if that's descriptive enough). What should I look for?

>> No.2849507

Macbook air?

>> No.2849739
File: 127 KB, 800x450, ipad-mini-ipad-air-ipad-pro-stack-angle-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a cintiq 13hd, and I'm quite happy with it. But I don't like being glued to a desk all day for drawing porn for money.
I was going to get a cintiq companion for a mobile drawing tablet. But after watching a comparison video, the guy mentioned the shitty battery life, how the tablet would get warm, claiming it had driver issues and didn't hook up to your desktop, and that it wasn't much more mobile than the 13hd. He recommended the ipad mostly out of convenience.
I'm pretty ignorant to the world of smart phones and tablets, and just wanted to know if anyone has had experience with either device. I'm looking for something that I can take around the house and car trips that I can reliably use. Can I save images on an ipad and send them to my desktop?

>> No.2849875

Does the tablet you use really matter? I've been using the same cheap baboo pen and touch since 2012. I plan to buy a cintiq once i get enough money but i've never thought the P&T was bad.

>> No.2850337

I don't know, I feel like mine are wearing down way faster than my monoprice nibs and I barely brush the tablet.

>> No.2850404

I remembered reading somewhere that the monoprice tablets are just rebranded huions, so I would just go ahead and buy a huion 610. I have a monoprice tablet and it works fine. Thinking of replacing it with a huion eventually since the reviews have been satisfactory.

>> No.2851913

I just got a Huion 1060 Plus. First tablet, but the pressure sensitivity seems rather jumpy. Anyone else notice this with Huoin tablets?