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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 69 KB, 680x366, Dragon_Concept_Art_by_Devon_Cady-Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2816278 No.2816278 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed that, especially amongst the crowd of early 20s hopeful male artists, is that many of them want to become concept artists out of all things

Do they want to spend the next years of their lives copy pasting helicopters to bikini women and call that a robot design?

>> No.2816282

>have awesome ideas
>you can get a job that has you just design shit like you've always wanted to
>not want to do this
It's just like how people want to do illustration because you get to draw whatever you want and make money.

>> No.2816286

its because that is what most 20s hopeful male artists think is the easiest path to a lucrative art career. Illustration makes money these days, moreso than fine arts. It's very risky to get into fine arts right now and the successful young fine artists might as well be selling concept art anyways. Illustration is the thing right now.

But that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be the thing forever. Who knows in 20 years traditional portraits, still lifes, landscapes, and nudes will be what the public prefers to buy and consume. But for the time being it's furry porn.

>> No.2816298


>Want to be artist
>Don't want to draw generic anime
>Want to draw generic photobashed fantasy/sci-fi instead.
>Waste time shitposting
>End up drawing work in progress mercenaries 10 years later.
>Get lost in a sea of wannabe illustrators.
>Die virgin.

Art isn't the right path at all.

>> No.2816300

It's a romanticized profession.
People think it's just a 9-5 job where you draw awesome badass aliens and half naked women.
But it's a grind where you have to vomit dozens over dozens of designs per day under the whip of an art director.
You still get paid somewhat well, considering the alternatives. But it's a job that'll burn you fast.

>> No.2816303

Because muh video games

>> No.2816307

That is not what an industry concept artist does, though.

They are the tool the AD uses to express his ideas.

>> No.2816396

Because its the most obvious way to make a living as an artist that isn't just hoping people buy your shitty paintings.

>> No.2816524
File: 307 KB, 640x480, ash-charmander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get to draw whatever you want
>and make money
>these two things happen simultaneously

Clearly you've never done any paid work

>> No.2816611

exactly, you get a lot of creative freedom, no other art job gives you this much freedom if you work for someone

>> No.2817291


I'm a 22 yo programmer that wants to be a concept artist for games or movies because I'm sick of staring at code all day and I feel like I'm wasting my days working of some invoice system I don't care about about.

I'd rather slave away drawing, at least I'd be more invested in what I'm doing.

Freelance seem too risky for me and I would prefer working in a studio. If anyone wants to encourage/discourage me from this decision, please enlighten me. I'd really like to know how working as a concept artist is like and also to know if there is a better profession where you just draw all day.

>> No.2817307
File: 166 KB, 1600x719, sleighchase5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy pasting helicopters to bikini women and call that a robot design?

Well, part of the reason why concept art is a very attractive career path to many aspiring artists is exactly for the opposite reason. It's a huge field with lots of different applications, styles, themes, settings etc so you'll never be forced to draw only one type of repetitive subject.

>> No.2817319

you basically answered your own question, everyone here is a 20 something WHITE MALE that plays video games and watches anime.

>> No.2817329

Not him, but obviously you can't literally draw whatever you want once you're hired for a project. However you can and should create a portfolio that reflects what you're good at and what you actually enjoy drawing. In doing that, the type of work you'll get is usually aligned with your interests, which means that in general you get to draw what you want to draw, despite the restrictions and specifications of the art director.

I honestly don't understand artists who seemingly hate the fact that clients and art directors will give them limitations and tell them what they want. Problem solving is the most fun aspect of art to me and it's what gets my creative juices flowing the most. Just drawing anything I want, whatever comes to mind is boring as fuck to me.

>> No.2817331
File: 54 KB, 540x960, 1469439575520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stopped playing video games so I can work for video games

>> No.2817337

If you don't know how it works and you have some decent knowledge in drawing and painting, you should freelance first. There's always someone making mobile games that doesn't have an inhouse artist and they don't have a high standard for the art they want, so it's not difficult to work on one of these projects if you're decent but not great.
All I can tell you is that being a concept artist isn't exactly a chill job, since you'll always have deadlines.

You have no idea how many blacks, browns and arabs are on this board. Not everyone on 4chan is an american /pol/tard.

>> No.2817350


With your level of reading comprehension, I wouldn't be surprised that niggers browsed here too.

>> No.2817354

>everyone here is a 20 something WHITE MALE
Ok, so write your sentences with your thumbs out of your asshole.

>> No.2817357


Please inform me nigger, where did you see "american" in that sentence?

>> No.2817358

op poster here, I said that as a joke, it's a sweeping generalization, but this is primarily used by westerners that are interested in anime and vidya(/b/ /a/ and /v/ are the most popular boards.

>> No.2817363

I didn't expect it to be chill, being a concept artist is still a job after all. I have this feeling most aim towards concept art cause they think it's an easy job. Like my dad always tells me "all work is hard work". And I guess in the same vein as OP, I'm annoyed at how many people want this career.

I actually want this job and I have this feeling you draw the same thing over and over again until the client is happy or the piece might even get scrapped. And I would gladly have this rather than clients complain about bugs. At least people see your work. I just feel no one appreciates you as a programmer.

Freelance still scares me though. Working with invoices, you'd be surprise how many go unpaid. I just want a steady salary and not have to worry about competition.

>> No.2817366

In the same implication that generalizes the white male bit.

>> No.2817371

There are jobs that are more chill, like 9 to 5 stuff where you just show, do whatever you're paid to do and leave to enjoy your free time. Concept art wouldn't be exactly like this, though.

>I just want a steady salary and not have to worry about competition.
Then you shouldn't seek work in art at all.

>> No.2817379

you have no idea what you're talking about. being a concept artist is technically being a technician, you LITERALLY do what your director tells you, VERY rarely will they ever let you change their IPs, would you let some random faggot come and tell you how your kid should be dressed?

>> No.2817381

i wish i was white.

>> No.2817383

noah bradley has a good video on this subject, he pretty much tells you to work in projects and try the freelance path with like 6 to 7 months of paid rent.

>> No.2817395

We live in a different age, people grow up with different hobbies compared to the past. A lot of artists grew up with star wars, D&D, videogames, fantasy stuff etc. so they started drawing that instead of let's say naked men or the virgin Mary.
Concept art basically is a fusion of all those, how can I call them, pop culture/nerd influences that people in this age consume and consumed when they were younger.
Concept art let's you do that while having a professional job

>> No.2817402

Well that's troubling to hear. But you know what I'll take on that challenge. I still want to be an artist. For the past few months all I could think about was being in an art career. Then started lurking on /ic/

Well I guess freelance is the way to go then. I'm also worried studios won't hire me cause I'm just self-taught. I just have to be really good.
You have a link?

>> No.2817441

It basically 'draw pretty and/or cool ideas' and get paid for a living.

Also you get to be a 'lone wolf' and get paid. Minimal social skills required.

>> No.2817443

lol studios don't care if you went to school or not for art. Literally every industry professional says that.

Your portfolio is your resume.

>> No.2817449


because they have this delusional point of view, being a concept artist is easy and all I have to do is draw cool stuff all day.

Not taking any of the following into consideration

>experience in the industry
>knowledge of 3d software
>knowledge of animation
>exceptional understanding of anatomy
>exceptional creativity

concept artists are people who have been working as former animators, modelers, designers. you don't just walk into fucking blizzard, hey i'm looking for a job as a concept artist.

>> No.2817479

Please, do take that challenge. Reading back, I probably wasn't clear. But what I meant is that it's naive to think you'll land a steady job being an artist from the go, yet if you work hard enough you have a shot of being successful enough to get to that steadier job.

Also, not the other anon, but I think he was referring to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j7xq6zogWQ

>> No.2817483

>the career has to be easy for people to want to do it
Delusional as fuck people in here.

>> No.2817484

some people enjoy design more than making "deep" paintings made with period blood.

>> No.2817490

>thinks illustration and concept art are the same thing

>> No.2817489

>some people
I would argue that people who play video games would want to design things, they just lack the ability to most of the time. It only makes sense that concept designer is a thing they would want to pursue.

>> No.2817494

>every message board has to be diverse

>> No.2817498

If you think 4chan isn't filled with niggers, you're in for a (((big))) surprise.

>> No.2817555

>blacks, browns and arabs
>genetic NGMIs
Fuck off back to Mexico and blow yourself up, you fucking nigger.

>> No.2817556

>this is what autists actually believe

>> No.2817834
File: 17 KB, 589x92, 761b462ffc61c4f8613f4ac14149c468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


found this comment in the video

>> No.2817835
File: 148 KB, 583x421, 45b9581f665b18371ed782dcc9283bef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817838

>tfw /ic/ literally says the same shit
Really makes you think

>> No.2817844

I know /ic/ can be pretty retarded, but I never heard anyone say that they quit school because teachers told them they suck

>> No.2817847

Some teachers project their insecurities onto students, it only makes sense sometimes to leave because you know they suck.

>> No.2817894
File: 393 KB, 640x360, nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817926

Craig Mullins left Art Centre (temporarily) to study at home because he wasn't doing well in his classes and the teacher was frustrated with him.

>> No.2817976

working at a good studio is more relaxed than pretty much every alternative in terms of schedule and having the time to find good designs. it is (usually) a 9-5 job where you draw and paint cool shit such as like crates, interiors, trees, characters, weapons, whatever is needed during the production. I think the most common misconception is that it's about illustration skill. it's really more about design sense and good draftsmanship, you need to be able to showcase a variety of designs, take feedback and then take one of them to a high level of accuracy in order to make it readable for modelers.

>> No.2817995
File: 644 KB, 1324x581, patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do that? Why compete in the freelance market, open a Patreon and be your own boss.

>> No.2818001

The problem with patreon is that it's extremely difficult to become successful enough to support yourself there unless you basically pander to the lowest common denominator nonstop. Fanart, entertaining process videos with no educational content, etc. You will be locked into a cycle of working on other people's designs and not developing your own design skills. If you want to create something original and interesting it's much more likely to happen as a concept artist.

>> No.2818244

seconding this,

junior conceptartist = shit position, enjoy designing shit like crates that nobody cares about

senior conceptartist = you get to do cooler stuff because you let juniors do all boring shit

art director = actual fun position where your decisions have actual impact on the end product

most twenty something noobs thinks that they will get privileges like art director just because they can draw.

>> No.2818280

Dont get what are you even saying anon

OP talks about concept art
Youre talking about, uh, illustration for some reason?

>> No.2818803
File: 498 KB, 1600x900, E_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept art looks like MC tier job with big salary to be honest. 90% photobash trash or 3D mambo jambo. Not so many people paint unless they're chinese overlords. It's something like job for "normal people" who don't draw after work and don't cares about art at all.

>> No.2818984

>he fell for the concept art meme

>> No.2818993

That's commendable, rea-

>> No.2819152

> Minimal social skills required

>> No.2819229

whats the source of this pic?

>> No.2819256

I agree with him completely.

Cancelled my deviantart account, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2819580

Take a look around you.
Chances are you're in a house.

Guess what someone designed your house. Someone designed your computer. Someone designed your clothes. You know that tablet? I'm sure there was a small team who designed the look of that.

ANYTHING that you see, touch, use has literally been someone elses design.

You know those cubicles that you're going to be stuck in for 40 years? Someone designed that too. Your favorite movie? A bunch of creative teams built that.

To say that art isn't important is to be completely ignorant to the world you exist within. Anything you interact with: the chair you sit in, the desktop UI, any game you can think of, product packages, clothes, shoes, cars, houses, weapons, utility items, utensils, your bed...Everything has been created by an artist.
Art is literally everywhere, and yet you choose to leave this world where your ideas are not only valued, but consumed by the public. Artists create trends, styles, and brands. While just developing pretty illustrations is totally fine, an artist can literally be the creator of anything. UX designers literally create experiences. It may not seem like art, but you are still creating the way someone interacts with something else.

I'm sorry you have to go, and you won't be missed. Sure artists arent going to cure cancer, nor are we going to mix chemicals together. But artists create experiences, and that alone is much more powerful in the long term.

Art is worth it, but it isn't for everyone. Peace man, go into business management or head towards med school. Art can be compared to these other professions because of the amount of training and influence it has on the world. Anything else and you'll be REALLY wasting your life.

>> No.2819603


>> No.2820906

There's millions of freelance artists making $30k+
There's like two Patreon artists making $30k+

>> No.2820907

>There's millions of freelance artists making $30k+
Like not even. Not even in the ten thousands.

>> No.2820909

It's pasta fag.

>> No.2820910

You need to expand your market.

>> No.2820985

The gaming industry is a lot more close knit nowadays... Back then there was a lot more small studios around where you could have a shot but nowadays you have to know like 4 different programs and be able to draw well on top of that just to compete with motherfuckers who've been doing this before you even decided to. If you dedicate yourself enough to fitting the mold of a modern concept artist more power to you.

>> No.2820987

That's pasta too fag

>> No.2821913

Seconding, SOURCE please!
Google images doesn't spit out anything.

>> No.2822111


I know, I never understood it. I do want to do concept art, but concept artists are the first hired and the first to leave. It's not a job you live off on its own.

I want to be the jack of all trades. Decent at everything but primarily good at "X".

>> No.2822130

>anon believes this

>> No.2822209

>There's millions of concept artists earning