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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2816133 No.2816133 [Reply] [Original]

is drawing considered an intellectual hobby like reading?
can I write it down in a CV and dont get questioned about it?

>> No.2816149

Depends on who is doing the considering.

Your CV should only consist of things that are relevant for the job you're applying for anyway. No one's gonna care if you put down that you draw when you're applying for a summer job at Wal Mart.

Also don't do hobbies to impress others, do them because they are fun to you. You'll be happier for it.

>> No.2816178

I put mine in my resume. They never ask for proof and it can be put in as novelty.

For things like that it's really about packaging.

For example, visual acuity, your knowledge of photoshop, accuracy, knowledge of drawing tablets can be of "value"

>> No.2816192 [DELETED] 


People will judge how intelligent you are by what comes out of your mouth. Drawing well might might cause some interest if any, but if they think you are an idiot it won't help you unless you are famous.

You can write anything into your CV if you are able to accept the consequences. And if you put drawing in your vita why would they question you about it if it isn't a required skill of the profession.

>> No.2816194


People will judge how intelligent you are by what comes out of your mouth. Drawing well might cause some "interest" if any, but if they think you are an idiot it won't help you unless you are famous.You can write anything into your CV if you are able to accept the consequences. And if you put drawing in your vita why would they question you about it if it isn't a required skill of the position.

>> No.2816232

I hate this shit. It's like saying your hobby is watching movies or listening to music.
Fuck, it's like saying your hobby is shopping.

Since when is consuming considered a hobby?

>> No.2816235

Since consumerism

>> No.2816293 [DELETED] 
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Isn't a hobby ultimately just something you do with your free time for pleasure, like masterbating.

>> No.2816299 [DELETED] 


> being this retarded

Guess drawing isn't a hobby wither since it really is only shopping for paper and pencils.

>> No.2816302 [DELETED] 


> being this retarded

Guess drawing isn't a hobby either, it just shopping for paper and pencils.

>> No.2816304


> being this retarded

Guess drawing isn't a hobby either, it just shopping for paper and pencils.

>> No.2819198

there is a gap in logic here that is so incomprehensibly large that I'm not sure if you are joking or not.

>> No.2819688

literally retarded

>> No.2819738


>> No.2819990


Couldn't agree more OP.

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2820003


If you read more maybe you'd know the definition of "hobby", you fuckwit.

>> No.2820009

If you can put it as an asset, OP. Depends on the job.

If your job is as a designer then yeah, no shit, say "I've been drawing for 10 years I can design shit"

If your job is, say, a salesman, and you've done commission work, you'd obviously emphasise the sales aspect of your craft. You'd say you were gainfully employed as an artist and did all your own marketing etc.

If you're really scraping for shit to put on your CV you could probably tie it into discipline and focus but lots of people view art as a thing people do for fun in the same vein as videogames. Regrettably, many non-artists won't be impressed if you said you drew 8 hours a day, in much the same way they won't be impressed if you cite your experience as a WoW guildleader or a D&D DM as being able to organise events / promote teambuilding and shit (even if it's probably true).

Naturally some of that depends on who's interviewing you, too. Some will understand, some won't, it's better you don't assume they'll undersand.

>> No.2820603

Reading, especially when done casually, is a very passive past time. It doesn't force you to be critical, to solve problems, or generally to think on a deeper level. It's an activity for lazy people.

Better (as in more active and constructive) hobbies would be writing a book or playing on an instrument (especially when composing your own melodies).
Or arguing on the internet.

>> No.2823958

I think that's true for YA books. Philosophical essays and books can, in a matter of days, give you insights that may take years or a lifetime to get to on your own.

>> No.2823965

consumptive and productive activities can both be hobbies my dude

>> No.2823968

Plebtard hobbies:
>watching movies

Intellectual hobbies:
>analyzing literature
>experiencing kinema
>physically engaging in competitive athleticism

>> No.2823986

Gee, anon, how am I supposed to read while kwwping up with my hobbies, namely watching movies and listening to music? I mean it's hard enough just to keep up with fashion with all these activities I engage in. Have you seen the new fall collection? My entire wardrobe is so last year.

>> No.2824565
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>> No.2824606

>It doesn't force you to be critical, to solve problems, or generally to think on a deeper level.

Maybe if you're retarded and reading shlock fiction, anonymous. 100% guaranteed that reading is more important for you intellectually than learning an instrument or drawing, so long as you're not reading the aforementioned shlock.


I think you're trying to build a strawman or try and make an equivalency between reading and buying clothes but you just sound retarded.

You seem under this delusional impression that "reading books" means brainlessly consuming shit like Twilight rather than actually educating yourself.

>> No.2824816

It used to be considered intellectual up until the people that sucked at it invented photography and made the drawers look like they were the stupid ones.

>> No.2824854

>buying clothes
Nobody said anything about buying them being the hobby.
Keeping up with trends and designers and attending fashion shows is legitimately more of an activity than reading.

>> No.2824867

>You seem under this delusional impression that "reading books" means brainlessly consuming shit like Twilight rather than actually educating yourself.
>he thinks reading books means reading textbooks and philosophical essays
>calls others delusional
We get it anon, you were too fat, scrawny or socially retarded to partake in real activities as a kid, so you veiled your escapism as being intellectual.

>I sure am educating myself on the absurdity of human existence by reading bukowski, hurp-de-durp

>> No.2824873

you could spin it into being some sort of contractor business. bullshit on skills like project management, sales, relationship management with clients, that sorta thing. i doubt they're actually gonna check if you've sold commission art. you just need to know how to bullshit.

>> No.2825106


nice failed adhom, carry on being a retard who actively delights in avoiding education.

>> No.2825201

I bet the irony of you repeatedly making strawmen and attacking your opponents escapes you.

>nice failed adhom
>failed adhom
Them books ain't working, my man.

>> No.2825218

What the fuck are you even talking about, you utter retard?

What does not considering "reading books" to be a hobby any more than watching movies or listening to music have to do with "avoiding eduction"? Are you perchance retarded?

I know the subtlety of social conventions probably elude you on account of your autism, but "reading books" is not reading textbooks.

>hey, read any good books lately?
>why yes, I have recently read fun with a pencil and alla prima

>> No.2825383

>reading is an activity for lazy people
Modern education.

>> No.2825384

Modern education thinks if you ain't innovating technology or entertaining the masses, you are nothing.

>> No.2826255

since jews and the 70's