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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 480x269, IMG_4031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2803257 No.2803257 [Reply] [Original]

It's not even debatable that Rebecca Sugar is one of the best female artists and creators alive. She put most make artists to shame with her ideas and fantastic art. I look up to her and view her as the end goal for my art career.

How do I become like her?

>> No.2803260

Well, you're already a faggot so that's minus one step.

>> No.2803263
File: 2.13 MB, 480x360, 1464463627088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even trying but you'll get someone anyway.

>> No.2803266


She's got a fucking CN show. How's that being "One of the greatest female creators alive"?

I'm pretty sure she's becoming the Steve Jobs of Dumblr.

>> No.2803268

Draw porn of underaged boys

>> No.2803269

wow omg what a strong independent woman that don't need no man :O!!!

>> No.2803272
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>> No.2803275

I think you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.2803277
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I think you are.

>> No.2803279

That's not her. That's random fanart.

>> No.2803281
File: 208 KB, 335x532, 1314498431094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to drawfag on /co/ all the fucking time. It's her.

>> No.2803284

So she drew porn so what? She's still amazing. Steven Universe was the reason I came out as gay, the show makes me so proud to be gay.

>> No.2803287

You wanted to know how to be like her.
>suck the cock of people more talented than you
>draw porn of underage boys while working on their show
>Rebecca Sugar

>> No.2803302

This is bait.
Also Steven Universe is a fun, enjoyable kid's show.

>> No.2803315

It's not a show for kids at all it's a show for adults.

>> No.2803322
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>> No.2803328
File: 469 KB, 529x500, 45c4cbf77f7421eea83567f3d6c4465b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that piece of art you find that you want a higher resolution version of? For me it's a lot of the concept art for the original Super Mario Galaxy.

>> No.2803329

Proof or shut the fuck up

>> No.2803336

not so gr8b8m8

>> No.2803342
File: 41 KB, 500x248, calarts-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive always thought cartoons that make up a decade are always reaction to the previous decades art style and humor. I wonder what 2020s cartoons will be like.

>> No.2803372

I think you're confusing causation and correlation here. How on earth would drawing porn have any sort of positive effect on your professional cartooning career on network television?

>> No.2803378

Well, you see, if you look at her shit and look at that shit and other stuff she has drawafagged and know a thing or two about art, you can tell the same person drew them.

>> No.2803403

the fact that she puts people to "shame" makes her a cunt and non worthy of "best female artist", maybe "best dyke artist".

>> No.2803413

If thats one of the best female artists alive then i am not really impressed with female artists.

>> No.2803419

she does not use bones in her animation

she is shit tier

>> No.2803438

ITT sexist fucktards afraid of women success in art and media

>> No.2803461

ITT tumblr acts surprised that 4chan is mean
This is a board about art, not your personal blog where you whine about hurt feelings. Fuck off with your shitty bait thread.

>> No.2803492
File: 41 KB, 576x440, 1461575246439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


her, and her mans wiki articles are a joke

it tries to fill both pages with info, but they both have done SHIT in terms of anything other than SU, AT

>> No.2803497


>Replying to b8

This whole fucking thread is a huge bait. Learn how to sage, autists.

>> No.2803501

>didn't know who this bitch is
>tought it was a thread about a really good female artist
>instead it's just a lame bait
>people even falling for it

>> No.2803515

Is the need for attention so much that you are compelled to post garbage on the board?

You would satisfy that desperate need to have someone's attention focused on you if put effort into drawing better.

>> No.2803555


im stating the obvious

learn to just go with it

it was fun saying all rebecca sugars work is shit, because it's true. her work wont go past the ADHD barrier of this generation k lol

>> No.2803567

never seen an episode of steven universe, am i missing out on much?

>> No.2803569

The backgrounds are pretty, otherwise no, not at all.

>> No.2803690

Yes. It really is the best cartoon in the last 20 years. If you gay, bisexual or trans your love the cartoon even more. It really makes me feel proud to be gay and watching the show really helped me relax when Trump was elected.

>> No.2803715
File: 82 KB, 740x1050, a39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this is b8, but why retarded queer/fag/trans people think SU it's a retarded queer/fag/trans show?

Does it have anything to do with being queer/fag/trans? Do they really think that this show was made for special queer/fag/trans snowflakes?

>> No.2803718

The show is filled with LGBT feels. I'm not even joking, the writers even say the gems are non-binary lesbians or trans characters. Also one of the gems is 2 females fused together, they unfuse and kiss and love eachother.


>> No.2803720

>queer/fag/trans people think SU it's a retarded queer/fag/trans show

You've clearly never watched the show. It's punch you in the face obvious.

>> No.2803740


It's a show about carpet munching space rocks, so of course it panders to that demographic heavily. Steven's mom was a lesbian too.

>> No.2803742
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>> No.2803754

she went gay because she was insecure of her lack of feministic complexity. what is it with lesbians not know how to love themselves?

>> No.2803762

she looks like a retarded monkey, no wonder this show is for fucking degenerates

>> No.2803764

I love shows like this. Great time waster for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.2803766
File: 204 KB, 671x700, dEc8ZMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

politics or not, her show is okay

but I do like her art.

>> No.2803775

>How do I become like her?

1. Be an SJW
2. Sleep with or room with connected people
3. ??? (Something about practice)
4. $$$

>> No.2803807

Is this Rebecca's?

>> No.2803813

this is certainly bait

>> No.2803943

by stop being and ironic mongrel and give credit to the people that actually surpassed you in every aspect of life.

>> No.2803949

I watched like 6 episodes and I didn't get the appeal. The art is BLAH, the characters are annoying and from what I see the fanbase is cancer. I don't get the praise the show or Rebecca Sugar gets.

>> No.2803953
File: 120 KB, 680x707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks an awful lot like pic related. Anyone has the original photo?

>> No.2803954

it's a kids show man. kids are amused by almost anything.

>> No.2803960

Dude, the Steven Universe fanbase is rabid most of the people that love the show are 17+.

>> No.2803963
File: 7 KB, 326x179, b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2803964

17 is technically still a child. anyone below the age of 23 is still a kid. I doubt anyone is watching this show in their 20's if they are they're autists.

>> No.2803970
File: 3.78 MB, 5344x3006, 2bzE35f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt anyone is watching this show in their 20's

Oh how wrong you are my friend, my old buddy, my old chum.

>> No.2803974

yeah okay, but they're quirky autists (not all there)

>> No.2803979
File: 32 KB, 204x213, 1483581918192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2803986

>2020s ends up being the decade of messy, sketchy and experimental artstyles
i can only hope

>> No.2804033



>> No.2804058

I come to /ic/ from /co/ so I can just talk about visual art without shitposts like this. Seriously guys.

>> No.2804060
File: 69 KB, 724x489, r u serbious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2804111
File: 32 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has to die.

The reality of what the future of cartoons may be like is scary, since everyone is going with that "minimalism" meme.

Who knows what is to come, that's the part that drives anxiety.

>> No.2804116


>> No.2804122

still waiting on that proof tough guy

>> No.2804144

>I hate that these nerds are having so much fun celebrating something they enjoy. I'm a miserable cunt.

>> No.2804160

i count one who is not overweight

>> No.2804177

>says the obese 4chan user

>> No.2804182

my belly is all flat and soft and pretty tho :^(

>> No.2804185

>2020: the year of reactionary perspective and anatomy knowledge

>> No.2804193


Goys need to be made aware at a young age that having three gay mothers is totally fine and if you feel like you're in the wrong body you can get some hormone tablets and by the time you're 40 you've got the twisted physique of something that's neither shape nor make, but this is cool because you were destined to kill yourself anyway due to having a ridiculously high suicide rate even though the totally normal mental issue has been solved by chopping off your penis and your becoming a woman.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

>> No.2804201

legitamitly speaking japan has more female creators then the west.

>> No.2804230


inappropriate for a kids show, lol wtf

>> No.2804439

Be Jew like her.

>> No.2804525

ITT sexist asshole and most likely Trump supporters

>> No.2804742

Holy shit. Gross...

>> No.2804751

Yes. That's why the characters look like apes.

>> No.2804757

Anti trump āňđ anti shillary. What now?

>> No.2804805

Just remembering what she's actually capable to do hurts.

She was a somewhat original artist but years in the industry from an early age just made her more and more generic.

>> No.2804814


She's never been original

>> No.2804840

Couldn't agree more OP.

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2804843

Thank you anon. You gived my many motivation. I loves to you many mores.

>> No.2804917

I'm an animator and this is 100% correct of us young people in the industry.

>> No.2806864
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1481137689766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love forced memes!

>> No.2806991

If you stick it out past the early filler episodes it's pretty sweet and fun, lots of world building. If that's your cuppa.

>> No.2807201

I know this is bait and I know it's not true, but I have honestly never seen kids talk about this show. Only college-aged women.

>> No.2807299

plz be bait. surely no one could be this much of a faggot.

>> No.2808164


>> No.2808921

When did cartoon animation become so fucking lazy?

>> No.2808961

not my cup of tea but interesting anyway. what the fuck happen to her?

>> No.2808985


>> No.2808988

holy shit, did she learn how to draw by solely drawing orangutan at the zoo?

>> No.2808995

Most of the amazing Gay shit she put in steven universe was ripped off from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Also, the show is much more of a propaganda work with the purpose of playing with children's understanding of "gender". It's sick. Why can't they just leave the sexual shit alone. Kids don't need to be seeing that shit, it's just fucking wrong. young kids can't even begin to understand sex yet they are supposed to be exposed to homosexual themes and "gender" shit? Sounds like brain washing to me. PS I'm a lesbian, so yeah...

>> No.2809001


Learn to sage, you fuck. No need to bring this retarded bait thread to pg1 again, dammit.

I'm definitely aplying as janitor next time.

>> No.2809002

wow damnit. I actually saw that first time awhile ago and I have to admit its pretty good

>> No.2809007
File: 744 KB, 599x597, c5a6f8fd06c3bfe5624efbd08b5336df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809010

Western animation currently is either character rig garbage or too simplistic in design to appear to have any sophisticated amount of depth. They're far too two-dimensional, really. It doesn't help that the west still uses the same tired 3/4 stage view for almost all of it's shots and doesn't bother even being the least dynamic both with the shots and the characters.
I honestly hope this changes in the near future and western animation begins to take a turn to being more focused on better proportions and movement, physics in clothing and hair, and simplistic rendering even if it means sacrificing a couple frames.

>> No.2809079

Take a look around you.
Chances are you're in a house.

Guess what someone designed your house. Someone designed your computer. Someone designed your clothes. You know that tablet? I'm sure there was a small team who designed the look of that.

ANYTHING that you see, touch, use has literally been someone elses design.

You know those cubicles that you're going to be stuck in for 40 years? Someone designed that too. Your favorite movie? A bunch of creative teams built that.

To say that art isn't important is to be completely ignorant to the world you exist within. Anything you interact with: the chair you sit in, the desktop UI, any game you can think of, product packages, clothes, shoes, cars, houses, weapons, utility items, utensils, your bed...Everything has been created by an artist.
Art is literally everywhere, and yet you choose to leave this world where your ideas are not only valued, but consumed by the public. Artists create trends, styles, and brands. While just developing pretty illustrations is totally fine, an artist can literally be the creator of anything. UX designers literally create experiences. It may not seem like art, but you are still creating the way someone interacts with something else.

I'm sorry you have to go, and you won't be missed. Sure artists arent going to cure cancer, nor are we going to mix chemicals together. But artists create experiences, and that alone is much more powerful in the long term.

Art is worth it, but it isn't for everyone. Peace man, go into business management or head towards med school. Art can be compared to these other professions because of the amount of training and influence it has on the world. Anything else and you'll be REALLY wasting your life.

>> No.2809101


>Forced meme reply to forced meme meme.

Just shoot this fucking board in the head already.

>> No.2809277

If this board was solely about art then you wouldn't personally attack people, you'd attack their art. Also /ic/ does have sexist people in it who let feelings get in the way of work.

>> No.2809279


>4. Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual artists for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated. All discussion of artists should pertain directly to their work, and not their personal lives.

>> No.2809285

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2809687

> (((Rebecca Sugar)))

>> No.2809693

>Rebecca Sugar draws a lot and posts online
>Due to lots of her porn art, she gains a small following and becomes a rather known artist online, and ends up gaining the attention of Amid who makes an article about her. Rare at the time, this was way before artist of the day was a popular thing.
>In 2009, her thesis film is then featured on CartoonBrew
>In the same year, she is hired for Adventure Time

If she only drew original art and not tons of slash art, I seriously doubt she would have gained the same amount of online attention. It's similar to how a lot of artists ended up getting known because they drew porn/fanart first and then switched to original later.

>> No.2809695

>Fat girls finally have a character they can dress up as
Not that they deserve it.

>> No.2809698

>community vendettas
That it is the saddest attempt to spin public disgust. A rule that says, "N-No bully". This is like Germany after another rape and they make a law where you cant criticize Islam. Seriously what good is a board about critiquing if no one is allowed to say why they hate a certain artist?

>> No.2809713
File: 675 KB, 1600x900, 1477337971968-fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809740

That comic is literally just two characters spouting Simpsons quotes and then one of them becomes brain damaged. How is 8 pages of quotes in place of dialogue "original"?

>I-it's about their relationship and what it represents!
Or it's her working around the fact that she can't write without either involving fags or having characters call each fags but it's okay when she does it because she's a bisexual woman. Because everyone knows bi women get called faggots all the time.

>> No.2809744

What does ((())) mean

>> No.2809757

I wish the mods could recognize bait threads.

>> No.2809771


It suggests she is jewish and part of the jewish elite conspiration or something. It's a pol thing

>> No.2809780
File: 4 KB, 313x349, Calarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809783

You took the wrong turn back there, this is 4chan not Tumblr. Go back and take the left route, you should see a blue-haired feminist on the way there.

>> No.2809792

She looks like a Hideaki Anno cosplay

>> No.2809801

This isn't your average day bait.
This is...
Desperate advance bait to the 9th power...

>> No.2809827


>> No.2809858

It's /pol/ shit.

>> No.2811038

are you autistic? Your rambling is very incoherent

>> No.2811044

Since the 1970s when cartoonists got kicked out of directing positions and model sheets reigned supreme. in the 90s there was a bit of a revival of original cartooning by cartoonists directors which quickly died down and we are now back to model sheets reigning supreme and non-cartoonists being in control.

>> No.2811052

Yeah I mean holy shit. Two characters KISSING? When did kissing become socially acceptable. I've seen people kissing on the street and I usually call the police but they just fine me. LIKE WHAT THE HELL! The police is siding with all these sinners and they are supposed to protect me?! My son is going to be fucking gay if he sees another pair of women kissing. THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL !

>> No.2811070


there is a difference when its used as a gag, versus when it's clearly of a sexual nature

bugs bunny kissing elmer fudd is a gag because of elmer fudds disgust, and demeanor over the whole matter, which propts bugs to ANNOY him with it

this is implying they are getting SEXUAL feels from it, which enforces gender confusion actually

totally different, and yes SU is perverted

>> No.2811073


>> No.2811078
File: 68 KB, 720x720, 1468062873077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a subject meant for those of breeding age, not newfags, thats how you get newfags born to newfags


>> No.2811085

Have you ever had anything to do with children?
Or are you just autistic?

>> No.2811095

Do you seriously think that 6-10 year old start getting pregnant because they saw two characters kissing each other?
What do you think goes on in the mind of a child? The child sees 2 women kissing and in its mind it goes like:" Oh my god i bet they are rubbing their pussies together to achieve maximum pleasure. This must be the sex i wanna do it to and get fucked right in my pussy"
NO, the child sees them kissing and goes:" Oh they are kissing, they must love each other just like mommy and daddy do. "
The end. Have you seen the sexual innuendos in cartoons directed at children? They don't get removed and no one complains because kids do not understand them.
Be a little bit clever and get that into your brain, stop thinking that children see the world like you do.

>> No.2811121
File: 212 KB, 1268x1695, 1466589002622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkey see, monkey do

refute that



>> No.2811126


>> No.2811132

>monkey see, monkey do
After watching SU they start dancing and might even kiss the person they love. I mean have you ever seen a kid kiss another kid?!?!?! AND THEN THEY WILL GET PREGNANT! Where is the world going Jesus.

>> No.2811136


>there is nothing wrong with kids indiscriminately kissing one another
>implying this isnt how the worst kinds of sickness gets passed

only homos think what SU is saying is (((normal)))

>> No.2811137


Thanks doc. I needed my daily dose.

>> No.2811139


Earliest average age in the US for having sex is like 12 now.

>> No.2811142

Their parents kiss. Should we forbid grown up people to show affection? >>2803718 is a god damn kiss on the fucking cheek while they are embracing each other. Their parents do the same to those kids and do more "sexual" things in full view of their children with their partner. Like, can you imagine, a kiss on the cheek!
Face it, you are grasping at straws, real life is a worse influence than this fucking cartoon.

>> No.2811146

choose one
That's why we need to teach kids about sex and diseases that can be contracted early on in school.
And seriously, i bet 70% of this "sex" these 12 y/o have is just dicking around naked without getting a serious erection and then telling everybody how they had sex. Not much more than doctor games.
When they are taught in school they will use a condom and there is no problem.
Lastly only because some kids have "sex" at the age of 12 doesn't mean they understand sexual innuendos. Especially when they are under 12. Kids that are 14 or above have sex but so what, whats SU gonna do that's such a bad influence?

>> No.2812228


>And you see, wear a condom or you will get AIDS and you will fucking die.

Good sex ed.

>Muh diversity.

Bad sex ed.

>> No.2812308

>Muh diversity.
>Bad sex ed.
implying i said SU is sex ed

>And you see, wear a condom or you will get AIDS and you will fucking die.
>Good sex ed.
implying that im not talking about the best sex ed possible but that the sex ed i talked about should only contain talking about diseases .

Are you intentionally retarded or are you trying to find a way to justify your way of thinking by reading things into my text that aren't there.
It's a fucking cartoon not sex ed, seeing women kiss is not going to fuck them up in any way, period.
And i am not retarded so of course sex ed shouldn't be just about fucking diseases. Thats not what i fucking said, im not one to tell you everything sex ed should cover to be perfect. Diseases are all but a small part of sex ed.
Stop replying if you don't have anything to say that has real substance or anything to back your stupid claims.