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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 152 KB, 860x1287, Chsrm_GVIAQ7kn3.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2809803 No.2809803 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any artists that you have had personal interaction with that really got under your skin?
Like, after a conversation or two with them you realized you really wanted to make the bite the dust?

>> No.2809808

Many times. Plenty of egomaniacs, narcissists and borderline sociopaths in this business.

>> No.2809811

Whenever i go on ic discord

>> No.2809837

All the ones I didn't like were just dumb, dull or childish. Didn't really like art as a whole, hobbies included netflix, mobas and not much else, made inside jokes no one got and either had a shitty dickhead sense of humor or laughed at things only a five year old would.

I'm pretty good at recognizing narcissists and the genuinely broken and avoiding them, but one time I ended up in a circlejerk full of both and had to fake a religious conversion to bow out gracefully and not get fucked.

>> No.2809838

fellow art student: Oh wow I really like how your character is ethnically ambiguous. (Was a pencil sketch... of a character intended to be a white girl. Great, now I'm expected to not make her white in the final.)
teacher 1: "You look like an angry white guy."
teacher 2: Suggests through a gift that I need to be more tolerant of other people.

This is what happens when you are a FUCKING WHITE MALE and paint too many white people.

>> No.2809856

Met a guy who seemed cool online and he was the nicest guy I had ever met.
Met his friend who was a girl who draws mildly popular comics about herself and she was an ass

>> No.2809975

Out of the blue like that?

Wild guess: Your /pol/tard views are probably leaking out like from a sieve.

>> No.2809983

>art school
not even once

>> No.2809995


I take it that you haven't been to those types of campuses before. You don't need to be nazi or a Republican to tick those people off, you just have to be apathetic with the status quo for them to garner animosity towards you.

>> No.2810010
File: 158 KB, 960x585, 1399507439586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how people think /pol/ types come out of a vacuum or something. They call us "reactionaries" for a reason. We're not going to sit by and take stupid shit without talking about it or defending ourselves through argument when necessary. I've been out of school for quite some time now and the status quo was already significantly anti-white then and its gotten far worse since.


Of course, there's nothing worse than a bonafide autistic that latches onto a cause you yourself may identify with and makes it into a laughingstock by proxy.

>> No.2810023

Nah man, out of the blue. I'm pretty disinterested in politics.

Was definitely a mistake. Nothing was really taught there.

>> No.2810027

Fuck off faggot

>> No.2810035


I don't think that a lot of you guys are right-wing or ethnonationalists since you still believe in equality to some extent. The reason why you highlighted that article was because you noticed that the university didn't treat other philosophers as equally as white philosophers. No race was a saint, they all killed and committed genocide.

I think that a lot of self-proclaimed /pol/ folks here are actually classical liberals.

>> No.2810094

wow it's so hard being a white male... fucking faggot piece of shit.

>> No.2810239

Wow, first world problems.

>> No.2810265
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did you just assume my gender?

>wow [, just wow]!

>> No.2810276
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I hardly show other artists my work, I'm over hearing people forcing themselves to use fancy art words. It just feels very fake.

Art student's opinions and criticism are irrelevant.

>> No.2810299

I mean ic itself is a great example of real nice people, and the vocal dickheads that shout atop their one good drawing exclaiming everyone is worse than them in one way or another. Dickheads are everywhere but art allows them a sense of importance.

>> No.2810477
File: 698 KB, 1224x918, IMG_1153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems kind of relevant, so here it goes:
I painted this yesterday. It's called "Tainted Peaks". I'm asking $15,000 for it. Any Takers?

>> No.2810542

I'll give you $12,000 and an extra sloppy blowjob

>> No.2810556

bruh you could get 10 billion for this

>> No.2810578

the only artists i talk to are musicians.
cool people.

>> No.2810593

musicians are cool because they get more pussay

>> No.2810602

Everyone in the /ic/ discord. They're all so hip and good. It pisses me off that I'm stuck at the bottom.

>> No.2810674


it's garbage brah. sorry.

>> No.2811731


>Figure drawing class in college
>SJW out the ass
>2 models walk out
>One a guy, one a female
>SJW begin to flip their shit
>"Uh-ugh, I am not going to view or draw a nude white oppressive male model"
>Femi-nazis and SJW begin to flip their shit
>Male model taken to the side and relieved of his duty
>Then the SJW and Femi-nazis turn on the guys in the class, saying they should be ashamed of viewing a naked woman and using her
>The teacher a liberal herself, had enough at that point, and told them to be tolerant
>The students looked like such little sour, bratty shits
>The SJW and Femi-nazis all grouped together away from the rest of the class, there were a few girls peppered that didn't join the cancer cult and shamed them by looking at them viciously (after class they yelled at them)
>After we were done, the normie students did a much better job and progressed much better, since we moved around and drew her from different angles and actually did the assignment
>The SJW and Femi's just mainly stayed in their group, not moving to get to different angles and then whined about how they felt threatened to move by the males and lack of safe space application
>Male model was pissed, as were we, the normies and especially the normie girls
>After class some of the SJW laid on the ground in the hall on their backs and just froze there
>Basically, the SJW groups works sucked, the rest of the class did fine, a few of the SJW had some peppered talent, but it was a big hug-box

I felt like I was in a mental institution rather than a fucking art class

>> No.2811747


Going to art school soon. Is this memeing or is it really that bad? I live in the South btw

>> No.2811748
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>going to art school soon

>> No.2811759


Did it ever occur to any of you that just maybe you're the problem?

>> No.2811764

>implying normalfags as a general rule aren't petty, dumb and cancerous as fuck

>> No.2811778

If they were "petty dumb and cancerous as fuck" you wouldn't generally call them "normalfags," you would call them pettyfags, dumbfags, or cancerfags.

I believe the former nomenclature is saved for weeb artist on this board, no? Regardless, your reply does further suggest that the problem may lie with the anons themselves

>> No.2811781

Of course it did but you can't really help not liking someone because they bore or annoy you. Not to mention most of them are unprofessional as fuck and a pain to work with because a good number of talented artists are fucking retarded.

>> No.2811791

lmao would have lost my shit. Still not convinced these stories are real and that these people exist

>> No.2811797

I watched a grown ass black woman of color cry because trump won the election and about 400 children approaching drinking age mope and moan for a week because, and I paraphrase, the world was literally going to end and women were literally going to be chained up in the kitchen to make babies against their will. If you went to college and didn't notice any of this, tell me which one so I can recommend future youths to go there.

>> No.2811818

Being petty, dumb and cancerous is the normal mental state of normal people.

>> No.2811821

Mine is real (2809838). And it was in a southern state. Don't know about that other one... that sounds a little too nuts. But the world does seem to be going full retard. So who knows.

I'd recommend only going to well regarded art schools with student work that impresses you and alumi who went on to have successful portfolios. The art department in a random American university will likely be a shit show and teach nothing. SCAD is supposed to be good but it is stupidly expensive. If I were to do it all over again I would look into going to fucking Italy and attending Angel Academy or Florence Academy of Art. Cheaper, focuses on traditional methods and skills, and the student work is good. I assume students at a place like that are more likely to be there to learn, rather than be retarded leftist activists.

>> No.2811854

This board is full asswipes

>> No.2811860


>Anons, we found the SJW

>> No.2811873


>> No.2812298
File: 3.20 MB, 420x300, 1433274959659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW went to school for art

>Be only senior studio art major in mixed level advanced drawing class.

>One student, a transfer from tech school, in junior year.
>Complete lack of drawing fundamentals.
>Does a series of cars with no sense of perspective.
>Maybe it's intentional...
>Crit time.
>He walks out of crit, after receiving predictable advice from class mates.
>Class agrees that he should work on basic drawing
>"I HAVE A DEGREE!!!" shouted from hallway.
>Almost gets in fight with other student (who was very ready to fight him)


>Earlier that year
>Have figure model in room (she's fucking beautiful)
>Actually a rarity for general drawing class
>Same student is acting strange
>Model takes off clothes
>Still acts strange.
>Takes phone out of pocket
>"ill set a timer for poses"
>Tell him that he cant have his phone out because of model privacy policy.
>puts phone away
>His fucking timer goes off
>Tell him to put his phone away again.
>Other students go into other room and tell professor that he's being a creep
>He runs out of classroom into hallway.
>Leaves phone out
>Other students move phone to other room
>He comes back and throws a fit.
>Apologize to model in behalf of class for the students behavior.
>Everyone drew very well, got to assist people first time figure drawing.


>> No.2812615
File: 1.55 MB, 320x218, WHYyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Takes phone out of pocket
>"ill set a timer for poses"

I accidentally did this at a local figure drawing session, was listening to music with my headphones on my phone and people were looking at me oddly. Couldn't figure out why until after the session.

I felt like a dipshit after I thought about, I was like, fuck, they must think I am a creep.

>> No.2812639

kek not an american. australians don't do this shit from what i've seen

>> No.2812642

start drawing stop meeming

>> No.2812783

Yes, I've spoken to two artists who spoke to me in an identical way. Without me naming an artist or saying which type of art I like, Ive been told I have shit taste and that unless I like the artists they name and aim for their style and skill level Im shit.

>> No.2812800

On here FiRez and Brian. Only one guy in real life and it turns out everyone I know who knows that guy also hates his guts and thinks he's a piece of shit.

>> No.2813760

i wasnt either untill i went. its like a horror movie.

i shit you not they had a n critique policy there because some of the kids got triggered. there were 8 trannys in my class. i got expelled after hanging up maga posters all over the school.

>> No.2813764

/pol/ IS a laughingstock

>> No.2813765

seems like people who collect art like that are buying the artists story and the narritive given with the art talk more than the actual image itself. so in a sense I'm saying that art like this is a symbol to me that says "this is art." like a dollar bill is a symbol that represents a certain amount of buying power.

>> No.2813766

Thanks for my first kek of the day

>> No.2813768

that sounds stupid. It's like too crazy to have actually happened. what school?

>> No.2813790


Kek/10 answer.

They have a point, tho.

>> No.2813793

being accuse of something which you were not even aware is truly is worst feeling

>> No.2813812


Nigger, people tends to oversee their own defects.

You are actually being as petty, dumb and cancerous as anyone else, but you're also a hideous memelord. That's why you're alone and Chad Thundercock gets all the good things.

>> No.2814049

flash me kid

>> No.2814079

>You are actually being as petty, dumb and cancerous as anyone else

not him

but it REALLY doesnt take much for these people to assume MICRO AGGRESSIONS are taking place

i should have knew better, but when i went to art school, it was hell because no one would work with you(me,me,me), and any social gift you may possess(being artistically talented, good looking, fit, or well dressed) would get you targeted by students, and a lesser extent teachers too

if you are male, good looking, talented, white or black, I wouldn't go to art school unless it really was a real workshop

i still have shitters spying on my social media in case i "make it" so they can "reveal the real me"

>>2809995 is absolutely correct. These people will not like you if u simply do not fit their mold/idea of you

>> No.2814199

liking netflix and mobas is redflag for a dull person.

>> No.2814203

I went to college for graphic design and every class I shared with art weenies was like being back in kindergarten. I actually caused a guy to lose his scholarship.
>life drawing workshop
>pretty model walks in, starts taking off her clothes
>numale tells her she doesn't have to take off her clothes because feminism or w/e
>I tell him to let her do her job
>starts calling me newspeak buzzwords
>I call for people to raise hands if they want a normal life-drawing session
>mayority normie class, we win
>numale storms out shouting patriarchal opression or whatever
>class goes out as norma, teacher comes in to grade our work, numale faggot never returned

I later learned the fag was kicked out because you need perfect assistance to keep your scholarship and he couldn't pay tuition without it.

>> No.2814386

although it was very brief, he had this obnoxious air about him.
what a douche.

>> No.2814429

hnnng justice porn

>> No.2814438

I stay away from trying to make close art friends.

my only friends in this business are programmers and directors.

I can't get along with people who are nearly identical to my quirky sociopathic behavior. don't get me wrong though, it's cool when you meat people who are into exactly the same stuff as yourself.

I get along really well with programmers. I could have a conversation with a programmer all day. they got lots to say and they envy artists for their skill, as do artists to a programmer.

>> No.2814439

oh shit I meant to type meet*

>> No.2814468

to be honest, I'd meat a clone of myself. I'd meat me real good.

>> No.2814611

I shared a table with hipsters for a class. I can finally understand why people hate hipsters.

>> No.2814673

This shit is fake right?
I've been to two very lefty top UK art schools, and this would never pass, even though the majority of my year group was female. for a start, those types don't even care about life drawing, they just want to get it over with so that they can go back to their selfie art.
I doubt stuff could go so far down the shithole in the past 4 years, right? Or are you just living somewhere truly insane?

>> No.2814680

>this thread



>> No.2814695

There aren't many people that I genuinely hate, it takes a special kind of shithead to get under my skin. Cluster B personality disorders and their male equivalent will do it and lolrandom faggots who blindly praise mediocrity and hide their inability to hold a conversation or be genuinely open behind acting like a chucklefuck is a distant second.

WoW addictions and the Netflix and chill lifestyle are just sad. It isn't nourishing and I don't get anything out of being around the people who do it and have nothing to offer that they want. It's worse when it's an artist because they have no idea what's out there and don't feed themselves with beautiful things. Just junk food. They also tend to be really judgemental when it's not something they already like, if they can actually muster an opinion about anything at all. It's like a low-level normalfag autism.

>> No.2815012

>Uh-ugh, I am not going to view or draw a nude white oppressive male model"


>W-what?? I-I didn't know ... I-I'm ...

>YES. Check your Puh-Ri-Vu-Ledge-Uh.

>SJW falls of her scooter and her healthy body starts to seizure.
>Her lungs start to fail, crushed under so much healthy fat.

>"F-Finally!! I will meet my feminist idols in heaven!!

>Burn in hell.

Still never happened.

>> No.2815185


normalfags are scum. they think highly of themselves, but are actually really low powered people, mentally.

being petty, posting subs, just stupid shit. LoL addiction is sad as fuck too. You should be drawing!

>> No.2815206

you're fucking retarded man. what a bunch of mumbo jumbo, and coming from someone who is mediocre, I can speak for myself.