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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 640x475, 1466528715700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2806651 No.2806651 [Reply] [Original]

Because you are not talented?
Because you know you will never make it?
Because you don't even enjiy drawing?


>> No.2806654
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All 3.

>> No.2806657

Because no one supports me except /ic/.

>> No.2806662
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Because of real life problems unrelated to art. When I'm drawing, even if it's bad, I still enjoy it. But depression makes it very hard to start. Most days I don't do anything. Browsing the internet and sharing my misery with others is much easier.

>> No.2806666


1. Find what causes depression.
2. Deal with it.

>> No.2806667

I enjoy drawing but envy actual artists

>> No.2806670

Incredible. You're so wise anon, you've cured depression. Can't believe no one else has though of that before.

>> No.2806671

The guy is mexican. There's no fixing that.

>> No.2806674

Because the art school I go to is cliquey as fuck and collaborations are few and far between.

>> No.2806676

why do you say that? I'm white.

>> No.2806677

Its probably a combination of life, the weight of recognizing your existence and that the thing that most piques your interest is already filled to the brim with other individuals who do it way better

>> No.2806682

People who have no problems shouldnt speak about dealing with them. And I mean PROBLEMS.

>> No.2806685

Don't listen to those other replies, your quads confirm that you are absolutely correct.

>> No.2806745

Checked and illuminated

>> No.2806755

Couldn't agree more OP.

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2806761

'Depression' maybe a psychological trait of the individual, not something other that can be got rid off.

>> No.2806829

I find re-reading the Enchiridion of Epictetus helps at times like that

>> No.2806834
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I love forced memes!

>> No.2806863
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>Why is /ic so depressed

I am not though.

>> No.2806870
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Im not depressed about not making it

Im depressed that I have only a 9k a year salary when I do make it

>> No.2806890
File: 558 KB, 2500x1768, barfinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon I find in increasingly harder to deal with stuff like this on an everyday basis and not see it reflect on my work, it's a cycle of getting frustrated , not dealing with problems which in turn only leads to getting even more frustrated and isolated

Drawing is not an easy discipline to share with other people , in order to get good you need to spend a lot of time alone with just your thoughts and if you can't be alone with yourself that's the worst type of loneliness.

I don't want to bother oter people with my problems, it's impossible to form real human connections when you're always centered in the problems you already have and can't stop overthinking every interaction I have with just about anyone.

I think what I'm trying to say is put yourself out there before it's too late, talk to the people that care about you, help yourself by whatever means possible and don't stop drawing.

>> No.2807019


You are me. The only thing tha sustains me is the impression that i'm at least better than I was yesterday, but the world seem to curve dimensionally for the express purpose of fucking me over.

>> No.2807022

Vitamin D deficiency.

>> No.2807041


Nice assumption. I'm really fucking happy now that I'm earning money from my art. And all of that money is mine.

>> No.2808358

>Want to create something
>No fantasy
>Nothing in daily life seemsmoving enough to put on the canvas
>wonder how many great artists manage to make the mundane into beautiful
>doesn't feel like technique is improving
>doesn't feel like the medium is getting easier to handle

>> No.2808368
File: 54 KB, 540x960, 1482517126126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuck paying tuition for a major I don't even enjoy. Feel like I'm wasting my time with classes when I could be drawing since that's my real goal. I don't know what this feeling is but it's pretty despairing just listening to random professors talk about something that literally gives me zero interest and paying for it when I could be further improving myself through art.

>> No.2808369

Would this be considered a monochromatic painting?

>> No.2808373


Not unless you're color blind.

>> No.2808404

Don't listen to this guy, it's Satan

>> No.2808409
File: 49 KB, 446x602, 1483699522539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then drop out stupid

>> No.2808731
File: 247 KB, 743x531, 1483566793394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love of the arts = troublesome
>love of the arts + its all i really have = depressing
>love of the arts + its all i really have + but im shit at it = suicidewatch

>> No.2808745

Here's the bottom line.

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.2808770

checked and will do

>> No.2808786

because i'm shit, i'll be fine if just made something decent by my standards.

but i can't, so back to study-purgatory.

>> No.2808818

fuck a talent. practice, study, observe and execute.
Experiment with techniques and apporaches. Have patience and discipline.

It's simple, but doesn't mean it's easy to acquire.

Most of all, enjoy yourself.

>> No.2808827

Yeah faggot, we saw your shitty attempt at a meme in the other thread.

>> No.2808846
File: 156 KB, 500x300, title622198854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit at coloring
>coward to study humanbody
>failed student at coll,fired and be hiki and neet
>can't draw loli
>can't draw waifu

Just fuck it and start overall?

>> No.2808861
File: 485 KB, 364x200, bro_hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809009

Dnno if your the same faggot spewing this shit in all the other threads but kys either way

>> No.2809068 [DELETED] 

Take a look around you.
Chances are you're in a house.

Guess what someone designed your house. Someone designed your computer. Someone designed your clothes. You know that tablet? I'm sure there was a small team who designed the look of that.

ANYTHING that you see, touch, use has literally been someone elses design.

You know those cubicles that you're going to be stuck in for 40 years? Someone designed that too. Your favorite movie? A bunch of creative teams built that.

To say that art isn't important is to be completely ignorant to the world you exist within. Anything you interact with: the chair you sit in, the desktop UI, any game you can think of, product packages, clothes, shoes, cars, houses, weapons, utility items, utensils, your bed...Everything has been created by an artist.
Art is literally everywhere, and yet you choose to leave this world where your ideas are not only valued, but consumed by the public. Artists create trends, styles, and brands. While just developing pretty illustrations is totally fine, an artist can literally be the creator of anything. UX designers literally create experiences. It may not seem like art, but you are still creating the way someone interacts with something else.

I'm sorry you have to go, and you won't be missed. Sure artists arent going to cure cancer, nor are we going to mix chemicals together. But artists create experiences, and that alone is much more powerful in the long term.

Art is worth it, but it isn't for everyone. Peace man, go into business management or head towards med school. Art can be compared to these other professions because of the amount of training and influence it has on the world. Anything else and you'll be REALLY wasting your life.

>> No.2809070

Take a look around you.
Chances are you're in a house.

Guess what someone designed your house. Someone designed your computer. Someone designed your clothes. You know that tablet? I'm sure there was a small team who designed the look of that.

ANYTHING that you see, touch, use has literally been someone elses design.

You know those cubicles that you're going to be stuck in for 40 years? Someone designed that too. Your favorite movie? A bunch of creative teams built that.

To say that art isn't important is to be completely ignorant to the world you exist within. Anything you interact with: the chair you sit in, the desktop UI, any game you can think of, product packages, clothes, shoes, cars, houses, weapons, utility items, utensils, your bed...Everything has been created by an artist.
Art is literally everywhere, and yet you choose to leave this world where your ideas are not only valued, but consumed by the public. Artists create trends, styles, and brands. While just developing pretty illustrations is totally fine, an artist can literally be the creator of anything. UX designers literally create experiences. It may not seem like art, but you are still creating the way someone interacts with something else.

I'm sorry you have to go, and you won't be missed. Sure artists arent going to cure cancer, nor are we going to mix chemicals together. But artists create experiences, and that alone is much more powerful in the long term.

Art is worth it, but it isn't for everyone. Peace man, go into business management or head towards med school. Art can be compared to these other professions because of the amount of training and influence it has on the world. Anything else and you'll be REALLY wasting your life.

>> No.2809315

Because of the void.

>> No.2809327

1 and 3
I fucking hate drawing but I am too poor to pay people to do it for me

>> No.2809328

People with problem shouldn't bring down people without problems

>> No.2809333
File: 35 KB, 640x640, CrTs_rXVYAE1UUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how much I can relate

>> No.2809340

Well this anon is right desu. From what i'm reading depression is completely treatable in most cases.

There are some studies showing that exercise alone is even more powerful than taking anti depressant medication. So if you combine exercise with meds and a healthier diet and start reading in to therapy options to deal with it you'll overcome it.The hard part is getting a depressed person started on this when they have no motivation at all to do anything. All you can do is show them what they can do and try to support their efforts to do it or help get them on a support buddy system with somebody else to help them stay motivated to do the right thing to treat the depression.

I do think it is very unwise to hang around /ic/ for getting good at drawing though. Take the resources it offers and leaves. Comments about "Never making it" and "not having enough talent" and all those kinds of post can have a very powerful negative impact on people and make them doubt themselves and give up.

For a pursuit like art you want to be in as supportive of a community as possible. You want hope. You need hope. In a place like /ic/ hope is scarce. People getting good here are fighting inner demons and feeling as though they are breaking their backs and not getting anywhere with their improvement. Hope is absolutely necessary. You need to feel that no matter how much you suck that you are going to eventually get this and make it all click and be good. Every day you get closer and closer to understanding what you should know to be good. Well, unless you're doing studies and not actually trying to put what you learn from the study into practice which makes the study completely pointless. Which a lot of people do.

Find a supportive circle of artists. A circle of good artists. Stick with them. Stick with a good community. Stay here and /ic/ will drain your hope away.

>> No.2809374

where to find such a circle

>> No.2809633

HAHAHAH even better

>> No.2809638

The majority of creatives across western nations right now are depressed because they don't have leisure of the home, to work on their own things.
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay at home with parents, or having a way to make money that isn't a wage or salary. Most creatives are in wage slavery right now.

>> No.2809716
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>> No.2809736

we should have more threads like this one

>> No.2810408

I agree.

All of you fucks get off your lazy, procrastinating, excuse making asses, and go make some goddamn art.

>> No.2810410

>tfw fell for the memes and lost all hope
How do I go back?

>> No.2810423
File: 16 KB, 683x586, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got no friends in college (though I'm slowly starting to build some new relationships!), the only girl I connected with gave me half a blowjob then became a lesbian and stopped talking to me, I have trouble finding worth in my own work, I mistrust other people's compliments as politeness, I feel like they talk shit about me when I'm not there because they talk shit at me about other people whenever they're not there, I'm a bit autistic with social interactions and feel generally impaired in conversation, the only active online communities I can find are for animewaifu weaboo desu shit, I don't have any income since my winter classes fucked up my work schedule.

>> No.2810425

I was gonna be friends with you but then I realized that you are actually kinda weird

>> No.2810426


>> No.2810505
File: 651 KB, 863x768, max ernst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm (hopefully) less neurotic than however I make myself sound, I've just been having a shit time for the last few weeks.

>> No.2810512

lol whats up with all these de-motivator threads. they arent working. so why keep making them.

>> No.2810517

They get me every single time. Been feeling down every single day.

>> No.2810520

lol why? its just some dumb ass trying to slow you down. quit being a faggot and get back to work.

>> No.2810523

But what if anon is right? Imagine the embarrassment when I come to realize that this is it and I can't progress any further. Literally kill yourself level of embarrassment.

>> No.2810525

well then you arent doing something right. and you need to self-critique and get other critique more and quit comfort zoning and work harder.

>> No.2810527

Why even pay attention to them and take them seriously you dumb ass , your making yourself feel like shit fo mo reason

>> No.2810539

and one last thing before i go off. and this goes for all of you....

Whether you believe you can or you can't

you're right.

>> No.2810554
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1031, 1470663288147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was more for commiserating when you're down


>> No.2810559


>> No.2810772

Not anon but i wanna be friends with you.

>> No.2810964

I can confirm that.Gone to the dispensary for a month taking long walk on a fresh air and anti-depressant there and eating there well, having fun with nurses and so on, started feel better and deside come home. Get a cold, lost an appetite, sleep, and become lazy unmotivated shit in less than a week.

>> No.2810967

>wanting hope
Fuck you, you cunt.

"Hope" is the cancer that is slowly killing me.
Fuck your hope, nigga.

>> No.2810973

Im not even love arts but
>its all i really have + but im shit at it

>> No.2810979

I'm not depressed since art is only my hobby so I'm not pressured by anything.

>> No.2811007
File: 55 KB, 540x540, 34006414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post modern, post factual, late capitalist society sucks, especially for gifted/smarter than normal children born in the late 80s early 90s

we were promised and groomed with all this shit and got fucking nothing


If everything is pointless bullshit orchestrated by the selfish and morally bankrupt and nothing is the truth what is the point of living beside being a dirt farmer in the third world?

>> No.2811419

That is some grade A, baby's first philosophy class, pseudo intellectual shit.

Fuck, since you are so far gone already, go a tiny step further and just kill yourself.

>> No.2811423

tfw was once all of you once a upon a time
tfw got good
tfw enjoy art

>> No.2814465

cause i can't afford to move to the only city in my country where I can really learn the aspect of art I wanna learn.

>> No.2814964

why are people so focused on making money and not focused on making art. If you just want to make some money learn a skill that makes money. If you want to make art then do it. simple.

>> No.2815031

Well, I have two options - either I die or I postpone it for a bit and in the meantime work a 9 - 5 job in exchange for money for things I don't even crave, like food, sex, adrenaline, luxury etc, so what even is the fucking point of putting up with all this every day.
I eat, breathe and draw to forget how I'm incompatible with this world, with this huge pipeline I never asked for.

I hope as few of you can relate as possible.

>> No.2815351

You can't have hope without despair. Even if you get beaten down everyday, the fact that hope remains in your heart lets you know you are strong. Not even memeing, hope is the lifeblood of success and hapiness.

>> No.2815390

post ur werks

>> No.2815393


>> No.2815562

/ic just sounds lonely and isolated to me. Honestly I don't think art is the main problem. No support, no friends, no love and no connection. Geezer I wonder why I can't focus and feel so wrong it's almost like my brain is trying to tell me something hmmm

>> No.2815837

What if you wanted to make money with art? What if art is the only skill that you enjoy and the others are just boring? etc, you get my point

>> No.2815838
File: 1.84 MB, 395x350, come_and_sit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon

>> No.2815853

I'm generally not.
But I've been fairly sick for some time and it's been resulting in a decline in how much I grind. And that's an issue since I do want to make it.

>> No.2816121
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family dont support me
>dropped out of high school 3 times cuz shitty teenage years
>can´t get into college
>can only get shitty food service jobs cuz of current education level
>living in a poor third world country where is almost impossible to make a decent living
>don´t see improvement in art
>all my artist friends are way better than me and they all treat me like the underdog
>anxiety everyday

all i have know until now is despair and isolation.

still, for some reason i have hope in the future even tho i shouldn´t
i wake up and try to do my best everyday.

>> No.2816128
File: 25 KB, 411x419, autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another projection thread

>> No.2816138

Because I'm constantly striving take make my work more like other artists because I hate everything I draw and love everything they do and think if I can make my stuff more like theirs I'll finally stop hating it.

>> No.2816148

>Have you tried NOT having depression?

>> No.2816984


You have planted seeds of your self-actualization.

You'll make it.

>> No.2817036

Because I've plateaued hard and have been struggling to understand color for years but I still can't get it right.

>> No.2817067

because I spend most of my time in uni, and when I get back home I'm too tired to do anything.
Hopefully, I'll start drawing on my commutes, and when it will get warmer I will draw outside.
Well, at least I'm not American and I don't pay for studying at the Uni.
And I'm not good enough at drawing to drop out now.

>> No.2817186

Because I've finally started actually enjoying the things I put on paper, art school has been a gigantic disappointment and I've basically gone into ridiculous debt for a piece of paper that proves I taught myself almost everything I've learned these last 5 years. And I will probably never make it in the arts.
Granted, I just got my first two pieces in a gallery.

>> No.2817210

Ignore color, go grayscale, and say it's your 'style'.
(But don't actually do this)

>> No.2817212

Colors doesn't matter as much as long you got good readable values.