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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2803518 No.2803518 [Reply] [Original]

What's the oldest age you can still begin and still make it as an artists?
I'm not talking about mid twenty guys, I'm talking mid thirtiest, mid 40 or even 50.

>> No.2803522

Does it matter? The only difference is when you're older, you aren't going to work long hours for shit pay. One or the other is not on the bargaining table.

>> No.2803524

I'm more asking for real life examples of my question.

>> No.2803530


>> No.2803534

You have to ask why someone would go from the high point of one skilled career to being entry level at another. Writers do it all the time and it makes for a nice parallel because you have flat-rate hack jobs and shit that can pay off.

No, you will not be the next big concept artist, but why would you want to be squeezed dry of your talent?

>> No.2803537

Because they're miserable in their current career? A big paycheck isn't the be-all and end-all for everyone, especially for people getting on in years.

>> No.2803540


bro, I'm 28 and just going to study college software engineering.
I'll be 35 when I graduate.
5 years after that I'll be 40.

I'm panicking over that.

>> No.2803545
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>When you start to question if talent exists and you are just wasting your time

>> No.2803546

I'm 27 and will be 29 by the time I graduate and then have to find the time to grind out a master's in applied statistics. I'm not worried.

Besides, if things don't work out, there's always the smith and wesson retirement plan.

>> No.2803550

Negative Neuroplasticity Alert!

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2803553

Funny you should mention that, I'm a cognitive science major.

>> No.2805213

>be me

>was always the best "drawer" amongst my peers growing up

>grew up poor, went into art stores wishing I could afford supplies

>let that be an obstacle to pursuing art

>grafted like a motherfucker instead

>be 44 now--old as fuck

>own small company that has nothing to do with art

>always wanted to return to art one day

>last year became haunted by one phrase

The hour is later than you think...

>go into art store and buy all the things for that starving kid I used to be

>apply force of will to push my art as hard as I can

The hour is later than you think...

>just sold a piece for the first time for 10k to a shoe company

>/ic is full of bloviating cancers that shit on your ego
>/ic is not a hugbox
>/ic is life

>> No.2805225

Did you follow the sticky meme, or did you follow the "just draw" meme?

>> No.2805235

Loomis, Hogarth helped but the thing that helped most was Inktober.

There used to be a small number of anons around here that would grind hard on inktober. I just started doing that and pretty quickly started stylizing from there.

I don't draw anime or furry at all. I have no problem with it, just doesn't interest me.

But I will draw space marines, capeshit and cheesecake...

>> No.2805237

So you're basically saying that a majority of getting good was "just drawing"?

I'm still so fucking confused about the sticky. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to start drawing lines or if I can just draw and then use the reference guides it gets to learn how to do something when I don't understand

>> No.2805277
File: 638 KB, 900x780, 2013___2016_by_firez_da-dar087x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If firez ever makes it, I would say 28

>> No.2805285

>software engineering

not gunna mek it

>> No.2805288

Jeff G?

>> No.2805513

For the whole year I worked on art almost everyday for a couple hours. On weekends as many hours as I possibly could.

/ic called me a hobbyist and I was happy with that. It meant I didn't have to feel bad for drawing only things that made me happy.

And that's the key, for me anyway. Draw what you like because it's way easier to apply discipline. But also take criticism and fix your problems.

Drawing hands is a problem? Find the artists who draw hands best and copy the fuck out of them until you don't suck at hands anymore.

The most important thing I did was start oil painting for the first time. That alone seriously levelled up all my other work.

And I started with Bob Ross just because I didn't know fuck about paint and color and turps and mediums. He just puts you in hobbyist mode so you're much more relaxed and lead afraid of mistakes.

Tldr whatever keeps your ass in the chair is the method to use