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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 74 KB, 600x600, 1483328309679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2800147 No.2800147 [Reply] [Original]

It's time lads.

What is your major, and what kind of work do you hope to get in the future?

>> No.2800162
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I spend my freetime trying to git gud on a professional level so i can be an animato instead. By the time im 35, i want to either be an animation director or have some business job for a animation or art company. When Im 40, after years of gitting gud and drawing, I want to lay back a little on art, and focus on making money and watching anime, but still keeping up with drawing.

Honestly, if im still single by age 40, im just going to off myself. I dont think theres anything more than depressing than drawing highschool girl porn at the age of 50, knowing you never got to be with one.

>> No.2800166

Actuarial work or quantitative economics type stuff. Art is a great hobby, but never the kind of thing I can see myself doing every day for a job

>> No.2800519

To be fair though, I'm getting the batchelors degree because I won't be allowed to study to become a teacher without it. Germanies educational system is a mess.

>> No.2800522
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Computer Science

I hope to work as a data scientist.

I want to draw for fun, but if I ever git really gud I might start selling comissions as a side job. I don't have high hopes for this though.

>> No.2800526
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Are you fucking retarded? 3d women are nowhere near 2d girls, they are VERY different, its a whole other game.

If you really want to be with 3d women, then you must not get out very much mang.

If you just want a release try seeing prostitutes, they won't take half your shit, won't make your life a living hell and won't cuck you with a black guy and make you pay for Ricardo's child.

Also nowadays, chances are that prostitutes have a lower chance of having an STD than bar/college sluts.

>> No.2800527

>if im still single by age 40

and here i am, swimming in potential pussy and with a qt gf that would do anything for me, and i'm trying to figure out how to break up with her without breaking her heart because all i want to do is to chill alone and make art. instead it's a constant

>anon lets do something
>anon lets have sex i promise i'll leave early tomorrow
>anon lets have sex after breakfast
>anon my parents are inviting you for a few days
>anon my parents want you to go with us on vacation
>anon my aunt is getting married
>anon this
>anon that
>anon lets do a 4 day trip here
>anon lets fly to rome next weekend

i just want to be alone and independant. you wizards don't know how good you have it.

>> No.2800528

Information Systems.

Entertained the idea of being a comic book artist or storyboarder for cartoons but I highly doubt that will ever happen so I just draw on my free time hoping to get as good as my idols.

>> No.2800531
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>>anon lets have sex i promise i'll leave early tomorrow
>>anon my parents are inviting you for a few days
>>anon my parents want you to go with us on vacation
>>anon my aunt is getting married

I'd get worried she wants to have a child and force me into marriage man.

I hope you're sterile

>> No.2800575
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Thanks for the comfort, fellas. Women are the only thing holding me back really.

>> No.2800576

study animation

post grad either story or design or maybe even animation i guess

not super worried about graduation so long as i just keep working at it

>> No.2800585

what are you doing to git gud to become an animation director by the time youre 35 exactly

>> No.2800593

industrial designer

right now I'm semi-succesful at drawing porn. I mean to keep doing that. opening a patreon in the near future.

>> No.2800599

I practice doing ecorche and realism from imagination, but I also do studies too. I try to animate anime. All I do is look at a scene of anime, study the composition, the frames and try to create something similar. I'm pretty decent at doing walking scenes, animating people talking, and basic hentai right now. I've also began learning to draw non human things like mechs and animals. And I've only now just started to draw keyframes non digitally. I still got years to go to improve upon, but I know I have years.

I'm still a bit clueless for what an actual Asian studio would want from a portfolio though. I assume my first job would be an in-betweener at an obscure hentai studio.

>> No.2800600

Community college dropout

I'm just trying to git gud before I die of suicide or overdose

>> No.2800604

Im gonna major in finance.

I hope to climb the ladder conventionally while drawing hentai epics as a hobby. Thats the dream anyway.

>> No.2800635

Finance, but I'm hating it, thinking of finding some shitty job instead. Still uni leaves me a lot of free time to git gud at art

>> No.2801073

Studying civil engineering
Right now i'm torn between it and my love for art. I have two years until I graduate after which I'll probably get a job soon and won't have time to practice art seriously at all. My current schedule doesn't allow me to git gud in two years. Just trying to find a middle ground and see if I can use my degree for designing houses and stuff. Kinda like architecture no idea how it's supposed to work though.

>> No.2801084

economics, and currently working as economics officer (by google translate), but I don't like it

I am thinking about making it as an illustrator, maybe animator, and hope I get to start on building a school in my 40s

>> No.2801086

Geology PhD

I'll probably try stay in academia, since I enjoy the flexibility and creativity of doing my own research. Art will probably always be a hobby for me, but that doesn't mean I should git gud though.

>> No.2801110

Master's in mathematical information technology, currently working as associate project deployment manager in a highly competitive typical silicon valley-tier company worth billions.

I just want get gud and get the fuck out while I can, while the money is good it feels like every day is getting me closer to a heart attack.

>> No.2801116

I dropped out of college to draw.

Now that drawing didn't work, I'm kind of aimless. Thinking of getting a wageslave job while I find a way out of this depression so I can get my life back on track with a new attempt at college maybe.

Right now, my failure at art is still consuming all of my mind while I'm not distracted with vidya or something.

>> No.2801297

How did you fail

>> No.2801321

I've drawn my entire life. I have a bachelors degree in animation, ive attended art school before that.

I wanted to be an animator and i got hired and worked a while as lead animator and co-developer in a small time studio making "edutainment" shows for kids aged 4~8 ish, like learn the shapes of the alphabet and how to build stuff with cardboard boxes. Lots of different things

I quit. I don't even like drawing anymore, I haven't liked it for years, but it's my only skill and I can't seem to stop. I have downgraded to a reluctant hobbyist and I think that is the lot i'll stay in

>> No.2801326

Post work nigga

>> No.2801332
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Tried until it made me depressed and isolated from the world. Even then, there was no significant improvement and I still felt nothing but hopelessness when looking at my favorite artists' work.

At the point where I realized how much money I had spent on it to see zero returns, I kind of lost it and spend maybe an entire month piss drunk. After landing in the back of a police car this one night, I decided that art simply wasn't for me, so I put up an eBay to sell my pen tablet. I think I'll close up this chapter of my life entirely when I manage to sell it. And I gotta look for a job.

So here's to that survival bias: the story of someone who tried his best and failed. Face up to the music, /ic/; not everyone will make it.

>> No.2801342

here is an example episode of one of the shows i worked on, this was the simplest one that i helped co-create and animated on my own

heres the show i was first hired to work on, i made all the titles screens, small animations, and a 3D character the presenter interacts with.

>> No.2801354

It's cute, I like it. Why did you quit?

>> No.2801371

Did you really try your best anon?

>> No.2801396

holy shit there are like no art students in here. Fuck i thought there were some serious people. It's a bunch of amateurs.

>> No.2801397
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>art students

>> No.2801398

You don't have to go to one of the huge art schools. But what I'm just saying, no one here is actually wanting to make a career out of this, they're just fucking hobbyists.

>> No.2801400

R-right here senpai. But only a first year, so it's kind of pointless.

>> No.2801401
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>Want career in art
>Going to art school

>> No.2801402
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>> No.2801403

There's also the fact that actual art majors might not be especially interested in making a discussion of it on an art board, where it really isn't something novel, whereas all of the economics/finance/CS guys will jump on an opportunity to flaunt the fact that they don't want to be the starving artist

There are definitely professional-level artists on this board, but also a lot of the simple "internet-type" college students who happen to be likely to use 4chan and draw for fun. The latter is probably more likely to comment is all.

>> No.2801408

>tfw starving artist meme is somehow still apparent nowadays
No one starves anymore. It's 2017.

>> No.2801410


I want to start a tiny home business.

>> No.2801416

imma art student

>> No.2801419

Fuck you man, you don't know what I've been through. Three years, I did little else. Four to five hours a day, books, tutorials and all the other shit you tell ever poor sap that stumbles into this place thinking he's got a brilliant life ahead of him. Nothing but disappointment and wasted time, for three fucking years and change.

Not everyone makes it, anon. I'm fortunate enough to have stopped at the police car. You don't hear the stories of the ones that ended up in a bottle of pills instead.

>> No.2801423


Well the prob is that a majority of art majors aren't actually that great at art. In fact most of them are over emotion, idealistic, unreliable faggots.

To be successful in the artwork you have to do tons of networking, it's one of the most social professions out there. Lots of artists tend to want to stay locked away and not tenaciously try to get their career of the ground.

Then consider that depending on the art school you go to, you might get sucked into any number of ideologies that make you unemployable later, aka "conceptual art" "performance art" etc because you don't have actual skills.

It's hard to make a go at it, there's no getting around that. All the people who aren't really in it, or aren't actually talented skew the statistics.

>> No.2801427
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, tehmeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I copied from references and art books for three years and didn't improve
Did you ever try to apply what you learned from art books and tutorials?
Did you ever try actually creating instead of non-stop studying?

Here's a little last attempt to stop your from giving up on art:
Tehmeh wasted three years too.

>> No.2801444

Not him, but why do you have to be a dick about it? He gave it an honest shot and it didn't work out. The fact is, that's art. The field can be rough regardless of who you are. That's what the thread is here to allow discussion for. You're not making someone "see the light," you're just jacking yourself off to the idea that you "get" art better than him. Turn it down a bit, Da Vinci

>> No.2801446

post your work

>> No.2801448

Studio Art
Just graduated
Freelancing, I've always wanted to be a vagrant and I think this is the closest thing
So far have 500 bucks this month in freelancing work

>> No.2801458

just because someone doesn't go to art school doesn't mean they're not serious about art you fucking cuck

>> No.2801459

If everything goes well I would probably enter an architecture school this year. Meanwhile I will just spend my free time focusing on getting gud. My end goal is probably working for an indie game studio, part time commission is nice too considering the currency conversion rate over here

>> No.2801460

I don't know how you interpreted what I said as being a dick or that I'm jacking myself off thinking I "get" art better than him.
I've wasted a similar amount of time and only recently started seeing actual improvement because I changed my approach to learning art.
I think it's very unfortunate for someone to just completely give up on art because they're not seeing the results they wanted.
For you to say "He gave it an honest shot and it didn't work out" as if it could never work out if he changed his approach or just kept trying is honestly a lot more dickish than what I said.
You only truly fail once you give up completely, and though I don't think he should give up, it's ultimately up to him but to say that telling someone to change their approach is being a dick while simultaneously just accepting the way things are like they can't change is fucking ridiculous.

I'm sorry to say, but if you have that kind of defeatist attitude then you're NEVER GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.2801461

7 out of 10 times it does because the people who don't go to art school are stupid and end up like >>2801419

>> No.2801463

I would love to see some carpentry art in /ic/. You should post anon.
I miss this from art school.

>> No.2801464

Stupid people won't make it whether they're in art school or not.
Just in art school they get a useless piece of paper to wipe their ass with and thousands of dollars in debt.

>> No.2801467

Is it still possible to make it if you go to college for stem? Has anyone done it before?

>> No.2801468

I majored in Illustration in 2015. I'm currently working as a Visual Designer for a large engineering company working on their Virtual Reality projects. It's a cool gig and it pays decent but the material is a little dry. I hope to do more fantasy stuff in the future, maybe book covers and cards.

>> No.2801469

>having direction is bad
STEM meme please go.

>> No.2801471
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>I can only have direction if someone else gives me it
>I can't think for myself

>> No.2801473

Always the extremes with you, no, any direction is good, it saves you time lost. Unless you want to spend 3 years wandering like Tehmeh. Of course, you're never gonna make it anyways. Keep trying bud, see you next year.

>> No.2801474


>> No.2801477

Not the anon you're talking to but what happened with Tehmeh? (thats Olly Lawson, right?)
I thought he was pretty successful.

>> No.2801480

You guys are all so fucking chicken shit.
I can't believe how many people on here are going the "back up plan" method.
It makes me sick because I did go to art school and a lot of you can draw better than my peers, yet the same people will probably give up along the way because they're too scared to put their all into it and too afraid of failure.

>> No.2801485
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Opinions may differ but I think finding your own direction after 3 years of wandering is a lot more valuable than getting an art instructor who may or may not be competent at all trying to find one for you which may end up being backwards instead of forward anyway.
If you really think art school is gonna be worth it for you in the end then sure, go ahead but it's not gonna have value to everyone and I'd like to hold onto my money.

Tehmeh is successful, but as I understand it, that progress year that people always post was the result of a lot of time spent trying to "learn how to learn", as I said above, I don't that was wasted time considering how ridiculously fast he improved after the fact.

>> No.2801490
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Work for a Japanese car company as lead designer so I help move the Japanese auto industry past the current pig fat styling trends.

>> No.2801491

I don't think that was wasted time*

>> No.2801502

I blame the media for fear mongering ever since childhood.

>> No.2801506


Probably a government or research job.

If I get good enough and I manage to swing it it'd be cool to be an illustrator for something historical. That's not my trajectory right now though.

>> No.2801515


Gotta wonder how many art school dropouts there. 7/10 of all artists who didn't go to art school isn't a bad rate to be honest. Of course there's going to be more non-serious artists who didn't go to art school, but there's also going to be more artists who didn't go to art school period, and the non-serious ones are (obviously) not going to attend.

>> No.2801523
File: 46 KB, 400x400, thats just like your opinion man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't believe how many people on here are going the "back up plan" method.

You're cute, I'll toss you a few coins a few years down the line if you wear a sign saying you're from /ic/.

>> No.2801528
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>> No.2801534

The "back up plan" method makes no sense if it's actually not a back up plan at all.

>> No.2801536

What exactly is wrong with doing stem and gitting gud at the same time?

>> No.2801538

Nothing, there's just some dipshit that's trying to convince himself that he didn't waste his money on an art degree.

>> No.2801539

What do you mean? I openly attribute 4chan to a lot of my success, actually. I only do this privately however because I don't want to be completely associated with hentai and pedophilia.
I've told a few friends from school to go here to learn things and encouraged them to join cgpeers but their dips and wouldn't do it.

>> No.2801540

There's nothing wrong with it. It's just very difficult to pull off having been in the situation before. Since you'll either be good at one or the other, eventually it feels like you have to leave one behind because at that point it's just dragging you down from becoming even better at the thing you're already good at.

>> No.2801541
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>> No.2801542

Must not be very good friends.

>> No.2801543

>STEMfag is so brainwashed that all he can think of is about the degrees
It's a shame what this world has become. Art is where you can be free of that, I hope you are broken free from your chains within the future.

>> No.2801545

They're procrastinators, they admit cgpeers would be good. They also have the impression that 4chan is bad news and they're too afraid to post here because they're afraid to get ripped apart. They might at first, honestly, but it'd be worth their time.
The problem with 4chan is that everyone knows what to draw but has nothing useful or original to say and everyone is too afraid to finish things and apply themselves.
The problem with art school is just that nobody knows how to draw. Or maybe half the people know how to draw but get by on talent. I go to a University's fine arts college and because of that the curriculum is limited so they lack enough fundamental drawing classes. Still, people are far more creative and adventurous in art school.
I hate seeing the same fucking fantasy garbage over and over again on here.

>> No.2801549

I don't know why you're convinced that I'm a STEMfag.
I'm a NEET that devotes my time to drawing and studying.
I was planning on going into an art school a year back but after going to open days and workshops for many different schools all I saw was complete fucking trash from current students (students that are a good way into their courses, not just freshmen) and the instructors clearly didn't give a single shit to the improvement of any of their students.
I figured I'd be better off self-teaching seeing as it had worked so far and I keep seeing shit like >>2801401 and >>2801402 on the internet.
You're just better off just going to life-drawing sessions for a fraction of the cost and you get to meet people that actually want to improve and the instructor (at least for the place I go to) is actually competent and actually helps you, not so you can fill out some checklist and get a good grade while "expressing" yourself, but so you can actually improve.

>> No.2801553
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Have a degree in painting.

Job ended in December and i spend around six hours a day drawing and a few hours applying to pretty much everything and the rest is just playing Rainbow 6 with friends.

Pretty depressed atm, so all this time treading water is really eating away at my mental state.


>> No.2801555

>Have a degree in painting.
Wait, you can do that?

>> No.2801557
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boccc b-b-boc boc boc bocboc boc b-bbboc boc boc

>> No.2801559
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>> No.2801566

It's shitty but, the people I know who do art today are those who didn't go to art schools, and the people I know who did go to art schools no longer do it today.

I've been doing 3D work on/off since high school, day-dreaming about what it would be like to be an artist at a game dev company but never really stuck with it.

Some of my art friends bombed out due to shitty education and lack of perseverance; burned the fuck out royally. Some went to military. I found more personal accomplishment/aptitude in pursuing comp sci.

Fast forward to today, in my late 20s I work as a lead software engineer at a huge company you've never heard of. Anything from writing code, to project management, scheduling, talking to clients, training new hires, et cetera.

Last year, my art desire sparked back up so I started doing 3D modeling again with all the new tutorials out there. Came across Noah Bradley's article on an art education and enrolled myself into a local atelier and stocked up on all the books that /ic/ has in the sticky and far far more. Art history is massive.

It's not easy holding down a full time demanding job and attending school at the same time and finding the time to read, study, practice, but a hefty paycheque gets you 90% of the way there. I cut out all the bullshit gaming and other timesinks other than shitposting on /ic/ from time to time.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who used to be very lazy, a full-time, engaging job over the span of some years instills a discipline in you to pursue something without contemplating giving up or questioning talent. You start to associate more with putting in productive hours where you're focused and you can get things done.

Still, I've been coding long before I was paid a cent for it and I approach the art studies in a similar way. There may not be a pay day or whatever. But I do it out of sheer enjoyment.

YMMV. Sincerely ask yourself if you could do what you do even if you weren't paid for it.

>> No.2801567
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Bachelors in Studio art, Option in painting.

Just because your peers in college could and probably will be shitlords doesn't mean that you cant learn from their teachers. Professors in college do not give a fuck if you don't care but they DO give a fuck if you do care. Show them that you are willing to go above other students and they'll help you push yourself. I sat through a shit ton of shit crits from other students who do shit work, but your professor will always have proper input.

You could also probably contact any professor who teaches classes you would be interested in and email them directly or you might be able to schedule a meeting and just use that as an opportunity to see how useful that person can be to you. In the end they are there for you and if they're incapable of that, then forget college. Don't worry about what your peers do.

>> No.2801568

Oh yeah I'm a real sheep, always doing what people tell me to do. That's why I went to art school where the only people who tell you to go to art school are the people attending art school.
Its not like there are a bunch of infographs, meme clickbait articles, mass public opinion and worried family members that keep me from feeling like its a conventional idea.
Look in the mirror, chicken.

>> No.2801573


>> No.2801575

Why did you decide to go to art school?

>> No.2801580

>Professors in college do not give a fuck if you don't care but they DO give a fuck if you do care. Show them that you are willing to go above other students and they'll help you push yourself.
How do you show them that when you're starting off at zero? Big ambitions must look pretty childish to them. They've seen it all haven't they.

>> No.2801582

I started going to school for a Communications Degree, doing the "back up plan" method. Figuring that I could probably be a graphic designer or get a higher paying wage slave job with that degree and use its ties with art to help me complete my personal goals.
I got to take art classes as electives and after taking the art classes I switched over immediately.
I decided after many things
>my professor in communications (somewhat referring to disney) stating proudly "we're not here to make art! we're here to make money!"
>a kid repeatedly obnoxiously stating that I was the best artist in the drawing class, which built my confidence that I could do it, also just doing well in general
>sitting down and doing a perspective drawing for hours for homework, peacefully thinking to myself "i could do this 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and be happy

>> No.2801615

I wish I had somebody to ''jack himself off to the idea that he gets art'' better than me when I was a naive kid and need somebody to show me the way

>> No.2801700

LEL get on my level scrub 5 years of studying everyday , still haven't earned a cent from art
>muh 3 years
stop being weak

>> No.2801784

It's not about money. I didn't see improvement or results, the money problems were just a catalyst. You've been at it for five years; surely you must have seen some progress or trust me, you'd have given up too. There is not a soul alive that will put themselves through an emotional grinder that requires all of your time and willpower and ruins your self-esteem for zero results in three years, much less five.

>> No.2801961

I really want to see the artwork that both of you have made. I have a feeling that you are actually good and just far too hard on yourself. If you're not making money then you may just not know how. A lot of people around here think the only way to make money is by working for Blizzard or getting money from pattern but that's just true.

>> No.2801967

Luxury real estate development. Here in the third world its still a profitable relatively free business.

I would also like to do comics in my spare time.

>> No.2802104

what tablet, give me link. i might buy it

>> No.2802109

No you won't. I live in a third world country, it's not really an eBay sale, just our local equivalent.

If it's of any importance at all, though, it's a medium-sized Intuos Pro.

>> No.2802260
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If you're going to college for art, you shouldn't be starting at zero. Even here on /ic/ if you're familiar with the recommended reading material in the sticky, you will also be familiar with the language of a formal critique. Being able to talk about things like value structure and line weight puts you at year two in their eyes. Level 1 drawing classes are pretty much a regurgitation of 'drawing on the right side of the brain' but with a more academic influence.

Even in your own words, "They've seen it all haven't they." They've seen people in your position push them selves to be successful. Everyone starts at zero, but you have the resources here in /ic/ to be a year ahead of everyone else, even if you're zero credits deep, they'll have much more respect for you if you can 'talk the talk', no one expects you to 'walk the walk'.

>> No.2804214

So were you able to do it 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and be happy?