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2801475 No.2801475 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. If all I want to do is draw anime girls, and I cannot draw, will trying to replicate pictures of anime girls everyday all the time make me able to draw them?
I don't really want to draw anything else.

>> No.2801476



>> No.2801493

It will teach you to replicate pictures of anime girls.

>> No.2801495
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Youll probably get better if you're really dedicated. Dont be surprise if the first 50 are utter shit. Soon though, if you're like me, youll start to crave more ways to spice up your craft and make it more professional, and drawing things besides anime babes will become 2nd hand. Thats not to say that there are a fair number of people who never step beyond their boundaries and keep drawing same face and same rendering after many years

>> No.2801498
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Unfortunately no.
You'll only learn how to copy anime girl drawings without being able to create your own original anime girls from imagination.
If you want to learn how to draw anything then you've gotta start at the start without taking shortcuts.

>> No.2801500

If you just want to copy pictures. It'd probably take you a year or two to get pretty decent at looking at an image and just redrawing it, but that sounds like a phenomenal waste of time to me.

If you want to make your own you're gonna need to learn some fundies, son. Your stuff will be better for it. They're called fundamentals for a reason.

>> No.2801503
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>that image

>> No.2801508

Yeah it's a bit of an exaggeration but it makes a good point:

>> No.2801514





Fuck no.

>> No.2801518

didn't proko already debunked this image? :^)

>> No.2801519

Genuinely interested, what's the difference?
Aren't you learning if you're trying to copy how someone drew something?

>> No.2801521

Pretty sure beginner1 said you have to do studies or else progression slows.

>> No.2801530

Not exactly.
Copying is just transferring that image to your own paper. You don't actively learn anything.
Studying is analyzing something and trying to figure out why that thing is the way it is.
When studying an artwork you find out why an artist did something and you can learn how to apply that to your own artwork and copying means you just copy what they did without understanding why.
And when you study subject matter like anatomy or some other object you try to break down that object into its core components, understand its function, what it looks like from many angles and so on. Copying subject matter from life or photographs means you're just trying to make a drawing that looks as close to that thing as possible without understanding how it works.

I'd recommend this video for a more in-depth explanation

>> No.2801531

You copy, let's say, the picture of a model or a master drawing.

Then you overlap your drawing with the original picture and notice where you made mistakes.

You remember not to make those mistakes again.

Obviously works better with pictures. With drawings you're likely to do the same mistakes the author did.

>> No.2801532

Studying anime pictures you like is much better than nothing, but any decent anime girl has anatomy and proportions that closely resemble actual human girls (major differences are mostly in the head/face). If you learn human anatomy you'll be able to draw anime girls in any pose you want and make them look good. Then there's the background, if you ever want a background you'll have to study a bit more about perspective than you'd need for figures alone. Composition doesn't matter as much if you're just going to focus on a figure every time. Sticking to black and white cuts a huge amount of otherwise required learning out as well.

So key point is: learn human anatomy. Get an understanding of proportions, the skeleton, and the major muscle shapes, and your figures will look much better than if you just copy good anime artists without understanding why THEY draw what THEY are drawing.

Framing the same idea another way: a good anime artist has studied human anatomy extensively, so if you want to do what they do, you need to study human anatomy like they did.

>> No.2801775
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Updated version

>> No.2801780

You'll pick up wrote memory skill like all the high school kids do. That's it. It can be useful to know how to do that though.

>> No.2801782

That space marine picture is the funniest thing ever.

>> No.2801789
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Dont listen to:
>Copying is just transferring that image to your own paper. You don't actively learn anything.
If you're looking at something in a work that you don't know how the artist did, trying to copy and recreate the end result will result in you learning how to do it.
>Studying is analyzing something and trying to figure out why that thing is the way it is.
Which can be done by copying another's work.

>When studying an artwork you find out why an artist did something and you can learn how to apply that to your own artwork and copying means you just copy what they did without understanding why.
This makes no sense and unnecessarily separates copying and studying. There is a reason why Master copies have been a thing for centuries and are still a thing at contemporary ateliers.

>Copying subject matter from life or photographs means you're just trying to make a drawing that looks as close to that thing as possible without understanding how it works.
>Observational drawing is not conductive to understanding how something works

>> No.2801795

yes, you will be able to copy them and they will look like shit.
once you'll try to do something on your own without copying it will look even more like shit.

>> No.2801798

Not OP but serious question too.
If all I want is to draw anime waifus, is there a "general training schedule" somewhere that'll help me reach this goal efficiently? Like, tell me what to study, in which order of priority and such?
Sadly I am a working adult and I can't dedicate that much time to it, so I don't want to take an inefficient path

>> No.2801799

stop taking shortcuts thinking you are actually improving your skill, scrubbo.
you'll improve much slower if all you do is copy other artist's shit.

>> No.2801801

>color theory
in this order.

>> No.2801807


It's not a shortcut. Master studies ("copies") are just as fundamental as studying perspective and anatomy.

>> No.2801810

read my post again.
if ALL you do is copying, that's not good.
if ALL you do is copy super stylized anime, that's even worse.
stop comparing master studies to copying anime symbolism, dumbo.

>> No.2801814

Thank you, but:
How do I know I'm done with a topic and ready to go for the next one?
(I know you're never 'done' with them and must keep practicing, of course)
I tend to rush things if I don't have some clear way to tell...

>> No.2801815

you never know. you improve all your life. it's up to you to develop a more critical art eye along with your drawing skills, and then, based on that, be able to tell if your art is shit or not.
learning to draw is hard and it takes a long time.

>> No.2801816
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>> No.2801817


Copying a good mango artist is the exact same thing as copying a 19th century painter.

But yes, you're right that it can't be the only thing you do.

>> No.2801821


top cuck

>> No.2801824
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>> No.2801826

>Copying a good mango artist is the exact same thing as copying a 19th century painter.
I disagree. the thing is that good manga artists implement good stylization into their art. if you want to be able to stylize, you must first understand how stylization works. you simply can't go backwards and learn stylization before you learn fundamentals as perspective and anatomy.
sooner or later anon here will realize he's unable to draw decently from memory, because he simply doesn't know the proper fundamentals. after (almost) throwing away a lot of time, he'll either stop drawing or, if he's smart, go back to the basics.

>> No.2801828

>If I do enough master "studies" and copies from life I'll be able to draw well from imagination

Proko would like to have a word with you.

>> No.2801832

He never did imagination stuff, so the image is correct

>> No.2801833

Spoonfeed me this meme.

>> No.2801834

Well being able to do the thing on the right doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to do the thing on the left.
But you definitely can't do the thing on the left if you can't do the thing on the right.

>> No.2801838

Stan Prokopenko.
Guy that makes popular instructional youtube videos about figure drawing and anatomy.
He mainly teaches a pretty good constructive method to figure drawing so everyone expected that he would be good at drawing from imagination.
Kinda recently he did a live stream of him talking about methods for drawing from imagination.
Turns out he's only recently started trying to draw from imagination after over a decade of relying on reference.
Needless to say his stream was a fucking mess and he's fucking horrible at drawing from imagination which surprises a lot of d/ic/ks considering how good his life drawings are.

The moral is that drawing exclusively from reference (copying) and drawing from imagination are not interchangeable skills.

>> No.2801856

It's not a space marine you dolt its a cool merc

>> No.2801865

Not that anon but thanks for the info, I guess Feng Zhu is right for not including still life and whatnot in his lesson

>> No.2801872

So what's the best way to learn to draw anime girls if drawing from reference doesn't make one a good artist?

>> No.2801877

drawing from reference does make you a good artist, but only if you spend at least the same amount of time drawing from imagination, constantly trying to apply what you learn.

>> No.2801878

Draw from reference a few times and then do it 20x on your own. Choose a character you like, memorize their design then try to draw them. Use reference for complex poses and shit but otherwise you should try to draw them relying on your memory.

Do this forever until it clicks.

>> No.2801888

Vilppu does an amazing job drawing from imagination. He even said how to approach it well.

Gesture -> Construction -> Knowledge

Basically, gesture out your animu waifu, get her construction, then apply the knowledge from said picture.

>> No.2801892

who made the picture on the left is it one of us who "MADE IT"

>> No.2801915
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>> No.2801925


I agree with most anons, you draw from imagination, survive the shame of being shit at it, take references, study references, apply to your drawings, then repeat until you're gud.

>> No.2801926

So FZD really is the place to go

>> No.2801937

Learning to draw cute anime girls is the same as learning to draw the rest, except you can skip faces. Learning to draw realistic faces will only fuck up your style and make your anime girls look abominations with creepy eyes and potato noses.

>> No.2801943

This video makes a lot of sense.

You don't just copy, of course you can learn from copying but its not just that, you need to study what you're copying, not just follow your eye.

Why is that head like that? What does it achieve being like that? Then how can I copy this with fidelity?


>> No.2801951
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> if the first 50 are utter shit

You mean the first 5000

>> No.2801953

Pretty sure no one goes past 500

>> No.2801958

If you saw someone lifting 500kg, would you really think "hey, maybe if I just copy him, I'll be able to life like he does!"? Of course not, see what he did to get there, this is what you should copy, not the results of his work.

This goes for everything you want to do.

Of course there are shortcuts, and you shouldn't copy mistakes other people made, but its still just hard work day in and day out.

>> No.2801960

Reminder that art can not be compared to anything else

>> No.2801962
File: 143 KB, 800x587, 03c5dda28c1dfd6a9dbe2217031f640084f13f3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, sure, art doesn't have a set of skills that you need to learn and practice.

You just get a canvas, draw you stylized special snowflake shit and everyone will acknowledge you.

>> No.2801964

I mean, not really.
Say the guy benches 300 pounds and you want to bench that much. Well, you work on benching. But you don't work ONLY on benching, you work on other stuff that can help your upper body so that you'll be ready to bench that 300.

Same shit applies to art. You wanna learn animu, draw animu, but also learn life stuff on the side to help you understand why animu is drawn the way it is.

>> No.2801976

nobody fucking knows on this board just draw your anime

draw is important

don't stop that's all

>> No.2801990

Actually no. you can learn about anatomy by just copying and seeing how other people draw bodies.

>> No.2801992

Sure you can, ask someone who only copies to draw a complicated pose from imagination, then come back at me.

>> No.2802000

is there a specific name for this type of rendering? with the airbrushed cel shading.

>> No.2802001

You can replicate how a torso is connected to the hips, how to texture and give correct muscles volume, how to give prespective, how to draw breasts and asses by just fucking looking.

Drawing nudes models in your shitty art class works the same way. Having a more detailed knowledge about anatomy helps a lot yes, but it isnt mandatory

>> No.2802008

>will trying to replicate pictures of anime girls everyday all the time make me able to draw them?


>> No.2802013

>being this dumb
>giving advice
pick one, autismo.

>> No.2802016

It's not impossible but it's certainly not a recommended way to learn animu.

>> No.2802017

Get fucked. Just because you are an autistic slow learner thar doesnt mean others are incapable of improving and become good with less help

>> No.2802019

also, don't forget to wear sandals.

>> No.2802105

How do honorable master mangakas learn to draw anime tiddies?

>> No.2802120
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>> No.2802131
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>> No.2802214
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Why do all the weeb drawing books seem to jump in at the deep end, I haven't found one with a good explanation from first principles about how you draw the incredibly complicated eyes, for example.

This one had about 50 pages at the start regarding all the kinds of ink and pens you need to buy before starting to draw at all.

>> No.2802218

Yes if you are extremely terrible at improving.

>> No.2802235


>> No.2802242

See, if you knew how to draw realistic eyes, drawing anime eyes isn't hard at all my dude

>> No.2802262


>English anime books

Dude, you'll have better luck learning the principles of Buddhism with a Christian priest. English authors (A.K.A Mark Crilley) know nothing about weeb shit.

>> No.2802263


Realistic eyes aren't very moe though

>> No.2802265

virtually all "how to draw anime" books are cashgrabs aimed at teenagers. There is no reason to have a book explain to you the superficial stylistic choices because they tend to change all the time. This particular 90s style of drawing eyes for example is completely outdated and not used at all anymore.

Just study the artists whose style you want to emulate. As long as you have a decent grasp of the fundamentals and you understand the anatomy the stylized features are representing, you don't need any specific books.

>> No.2802270


It's a Japanese book, you can tell from the awkward translations.

>> No.2802279

everyone shits on Crilley, but he was one of the main reasons I started drawing

>> No.2802285

I'm really impressed if you can. From personal experience, just looking at naked bodies never helped me much with drawing. Once I started to learn even a little bit about anatomy, though, I started improving by leaps and bounds. Even just knowing the origin and insertion points of muscles I've found to be super helpful>>2801992

>> No.2802286

Crilley is not shit. It's just shit at mango. Just like Chris Hart.

>> No.2802298

It's far more important to understand gesture and have a strong understanding of how the figure exists in 3D space. Anatomy is not very important at all in order to draw figures from imagination, outside of knowing the skeletal landmarks and the basic proportions of a human figure. In fact, it's probably one of the biggest pitfalls for beginner and intermediate artists. Their figures tend to become very stiff, are never properly grounded, no intention in the pose, foreshortening looks off etc because they focus way too much on anatomical details and dumb shit like muscle insertion points instead of focusing on the things that actually matter.

>> No.2802302
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If you want to draw unique and G O O D. then no.
If you want to draw, at best, a bit worse than those who you are copying, then yes.

>> No.2802325

That was the shittiest analogy. Do you even know how muscles develop?

>> No.2802343

If you want to learn to draw anime girls learn it like you would learn anything else.

Do "master" studies, which I guess for you are just waifu studies where you copy pictures.

Then recreate a picture from imagination in the style of the study you just did.

Also do anatomy practice during this. Don't use actual anatomy books, just learn whatever fake anime girl anatomy you want to learn. If you want to learn to draw a variety of anime girls, you have to learn actual anatomy, but if you only want to do some particular specific style just copy that styles anatomy.

Then just practice rendering in whatever anime style you want during this and eventually you will be a one trick pony who is jerking off to his own pictures instead of just getting a girlfriend. Hope this helps.

>> No.2802371
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>jerking off to his own pictures instead of just getting a girlfriend

Jeez anon, you didn't actually have to go and say it out loud

>> No.2802385

>what is stylization?
>why am I so dumb?

>> No.2802389

fucking if i could draw real good i'd do patreon + commission hentai, the vile degenerate shit and literally swim in the money

>> No.2802390

don't be so butthurt, autismo. it's you that is saying dumb stuff, not me.
stop posting, autismo.

>> No.2802522

FireZ pls go

>> No.2802538


So basically what you're saying is

Draw from a reference a few times, and then try to draw without using the reference a bunch. I should be studying both anime girls and real bodies so I can see how stuff is formed and also how to draw in the anime style.

So basically drawing it from memory until I can replicate it anytime I want without using a reference image?
Does doing this also help me draw anime girls in original poses and draw original anime girls (aka my own and not just others characters)?

What's the best course of action for this? Anything I should start with specifically?
Does it matter if I'm going use a drawing tablet to draw?

>> No.2802545

holy fuck my sides

>> No.2802548

>Does doing this also help me draw anime girls in original poses and draw original anime girls (aka my own and not just others characters)?
yes, basically. know that copying stuff will improve your observational skills, but a lot of details in the figure and gesture and anatomy won't stick in your mind. you won't be able to make good original work just by copying.
an effective method is to think something up that you want to draw, and try to draw it. use no reference at all and just do your best. it'll probably be bad. after that, then you collect reference and correct all your mistakes. in your case, some of these references may be from your favorite manga artist or something. but doing something poorly and then correcting yourself will make the important stuff stick in your mind better.
this isn't really a method for total beginners though, so all the while you should study perspective & basic forms(cube, sphere, cylinder, etc), and gesture. also you need some base observation skills so you can at least draw from reference in the first place. for that, you could start with getting the book "keys to drawing". that's probably in the books thread.
using a tablet or using a real pencil makes no difference, except tablet is perhaps a bit harder to control.

>> No.2802557

>Just study the artists whose style you want to emulate
For figures, I totally agree with you. But anime faces can get fucking weird, man.

>elliptical irises, wtf is going on with the eyeball then? Can the eye even look up/down? Minor axis doesn't match gaze direction anymore?
>noses, what the fuck. Not just the dot, in profile view sometimes the nose doesn't have a bottom plane and becomes a fucking snout or something, I don't even know
>Mouths being visible through the cheek or whatever, seemingly embedded in the head
>Bottom plane of the jaw missing?

Ironically I didn't even notice most of this shit until I started on the fundamentals, but now it fascinates me. How do they make these weird alien creatures that are appealing and still appear human. I don't think "perspective" and "anatomy" will answer these questions though

>virtually all "how to draw anime" books are cashgrabs aimed at teenagers
Yes, sadly this is painfully obvious. I wish there was a good resource that used real anatomy as a base, but such a thing is not easy to find.

Sounds sadly familiar, pretty sure I fell for this. I do think that anatomy can help to connect the parts though, and the skeleton tells you how things pivot/rotate and what the restrictions are. So I certainly don't regret learning it.

>> No.2802660

Everything you just said just makes me so fucking mad, it's like watching people riding a bike and noone can really teach you because they can't explain how to do it.

I don't really think people think when drawing anime shit, they just naturally do and for some reason it ends up well.

>> No.2802671

Anime and cartooning are just a form of stylization. That just gotta say something.

Maybe you're thinking too much while constructing anime faces, just draw and correct things until they look right.

I had problems drawing. Then I forgot about guidelines and suddenly I started improving, but that's me.

>> No.2802673
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I don't know what to believe anymore.

>> No.2802695
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>try to replicate pictures of anime girls for some time
>I still suck
>try to learn about fundamentals
>I still suck
>try to copy old retarded masters
>I still suck
>try to learn anatomy, gesture, perspective and all that shit from books
>I still suck

I love you all.

>> No.2802746

One must suck many dicks to get on top

>> No.2802807
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 15624622_1290803620994445_8849990790143803392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm never improving.. I've been drawing many many front-view faces, and some 3/4 view faces for a while now, and the improvement seems so up and down.. The bad feeling literally lasted for like 2 months and still feel shit about my art.

Get kinda jealous at how some people like this can improve so fast.. and at such a young age..

>> No.2802813

Well, at least you clearly improved, look at what you gained, not to what you still need gain.

Also, improve slowly is better than not improving at all.

>> No.2802814

not their work

>> No.2802818

That's what I kind of meant. It's not hard to understand, just look at it this way:

You can add infinite times to the number 0 and it still could never reach 1. That's what improving every day and still sucking forever is. People here seem to meme about improving, but I'm not here to get better, I'm here to GET GOOD. And that's impossible and every piece of good art I've ever seen in my life is fake and gay.

>> No.2802832

yeah pretty much.. I just kinda feel it's unfair, the load of work and practice I actually put in, and the result.. I mean sometimes I do feel like I am getting better, only to suddenly realize that when I start to draw more, I still suck, and I'm back to square one again. I Probably drew more than 30 000 faces by now since I started( no fking joke) and I'd thought I'd be a master by now, unfortunately "art" doesn't work that way..

>> No.2802842

I'm exactly like you.

Sometimes I see others studying exactly the same way I do and getting much faster results. I tried many different approaches, but none of them really worked that well.

>> No.2802843

but hey.. maybe by the time I'm 90 I'll finally be satisfied with what I'm drawing, and die the very next day, but it's worth it right?

>> No.2802873
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I die a little inside every time I see this.

>> No.2803064
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>> No.2803120

You should definitely copying anime drawings because it will help you understand things that you can't learn from realism like stylization and shape design.


if you just copy stylized drawings you won't understand why the artists draws it a certain way so if you decide to deviate it from a bit, hell even if you copy it , it won't look exactly right.

For example if an artist simplifies the collarbones with minimal lines and you try copying that without having actual anatomical knowledge of how collarbones work, your reproduction will look off.

Long story short: DO BOTH

>> No.2803140

heh it's true

>> No.2803143

The reason the fundamentals are important are just to help you imagine in your head better, what you're trying to do. For example, anatomy and perspective will teach you how to put something, like say, a head, together, so you can draw it from any angle with any expression and it will make sense.


Stylized heads only take a portion of that knowledge, and another portion of it comes from being able to understand the stylized image as an object in 3D space, in your head. So an "anime head" is not the same as studying a real head, since the shape is completely different, but you must borrow things you understand from a real head, if you want to understand basic form and construction. Meaning you must study what a stylized head would look like at any angle, at any given time (as well as the features on said head such as eyes), in order to construct the shape in your mind so that you can understand what it would look like if it rotated. the more time you take to understand the fundamental construction, the better your anime girls will look. You may not need the realism from the fundamentals, but you sure as hell need the construction principles.

Therefore, you do not copy anything, but you need to analyze (draw mindfully) the hell out of countless degrees and angles of anime heads until the anime head finally begins to take a shape that makes sense to you. I would say, draw anime girls first to get a feel for it (copy), then jump to construction and fundamentals to see how people put shit together, then jump back to anime girls right away and see how you can apply the fundamental shit to the anime girl shit as soon as possible. Fundamentals are important but also study the shit out of anime girls. Like, watch an anime episode frame by frame and draw out every single frame of their faces levels of autism. Scenes with girls turning their heads would be the best for this. Kiznaiver for example, has a lot of varied perspective shots of heads.

>> No.2803161
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Maybe you can. But you won't be able to draw from imagination properly. You would probably end up copying the same poses of the artists you've been copying.

You need to learn a bit of fundamentals.

The artist of OP's image sold a book that contains one of these. He clearly knows his fundamentals. Not extensively, but he knows it.

>> No.2803170

Im going trough keys to drawing and all that other jazz. There are things like "draw a something from a viewpoint X"

Isnt that just copying from real life?

>> No.2803173

>meme pictures
Don't listen to this retard

>> No.2803179

It's good to know, I've always been saying the same thing, that drawing from imagination is as important as studies, if you relay on reference too much without actually trackling problems (how to draw x or y pose on your own) you don't learn much.

>> No.2803181

Basically this.
Fundamentals will help you understand your drawings, just be sure to put time into drawing what you want to draw. Find a good split.

>> No.2803191

if you want to draw from memory, do constuction studies. and no, copying other artists isn't a study. to study someone's art doesn't mean you copy it. it means you have to break down the fundamentals that make the artwork and UNDERSTAND THOSE FUNDAMENTALS.

Fundamentals are:
color theory

to be able to draw from memory you first have to be good at understanding at least the fundamentals of perspective and construction. the most important fundamnetals imo, on which you build all the others.

>> No.2803193

post your work

>> No.2803194

being this fucking stupid.
any kind of stylization is build on fundamentals. anime stylization is no different. trust me, idiot, good anime artists exactly know what they are doing and why they do it as they do. it's not some kind of magic, you big moron.

>> No.2803197

>So basically drawing it from memory until I can replicate it anytime I want without using a reference image?

Yeah, you want to be able to draw them years from now because you memorized their design fully. I used to draw Konata and Tsukasa a lot because I liked the show and thought they were cute, it's been years since I've seen Lucky Star but I could still draw them without looking up a reference. Certain characters are burned into my memory cause they were something to draw while not paying attention in classes, it's how I practiced.

>Does doing this also help me draw anime girls in original poses and draw original anime girls (aka my own and not just others characters)?

It does, you start to see how japs do their moe by noticing what kind of characters have specific traits. Eventually you could start to mix traits you personally like to create your own waifu. Play around with it, it's anime. You want it to look good of course but don't make it a chore or you'll not want to do it at all. You gotta practice A LOT so you can get the smooth gestures and shit.

>What's the best course of action for this? Anything I should start with specifically?
>Does it matter if I'm going use a drawing tablet to draw?

I actually wouldn't know how to start exactly because I did it for fun in my teen years and it's something that's always stuck with me. But I'd say start with something you like because it feels good to draw characters you love, look up character sheets and official art to get started. And it's probably better to start with a tablet desu it's a lot easier to share art digitally, but if drawing on paper gives you better results practice with that first so you can get the gains you want.

Hope this helps, good luck anon.

>> No.2803198

your problem is that you don't get out of your comfort zone enough.
you want to improve better and faster, yet you keep drawing 3/4 view faces.
stop being lazy and you'll improve much faster. that's all there is to it.

>> No.2803205
File: 3.80 MB, 1500x2647, Alika_x_Varo-Tag_p2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2803206

I wanted an OC merc_wip you faggot some gay ass shit like that

>> No.2803209

I'm sure you'll survive, don't worry.

>> No.2803210

*not some gay ass shit like that

>> No.2803212

why so salty?

>> No.2803215

>implying I'm salty
I wanted memes and not some soft core nonsense

>> No.2803220

Okay then genius, explain the shit in >>2802557
using only the "fundamentals".

>> No.2803224

If you are not salty, then stop acting salty. I couldn't care less about your memes, buddy. Deal with it I guess.

>> No.2803230

Not the same anon, but he's right. It's all about stylization. If you want to have a good stylized artwork, you first need to build some fundation on top of which you then apply the proper stylization. It simply doesn't work the other way around. If you aren't good at the fundamental level, you will never be good at drawing anime from memory.
All the greentext in that post describes heavily stylized anime features. Appealing stylization is something you learn by practicing.
Of course once you understand the basics you just can go and copy some other manga artist, because then you understand why things look as they do (stylization as in simplyfied anatomy). In the case of anime, anime porn in particular, the stylization tries to emphasize cute features. You don't draw nostrils cause eww, nostrils are ugly, you draw big eyes, cause awww, puppy eyes are cute, you draw more childlike features, because that's cute, etc etc.
But if you want to be able to draw all of this in an appealing and correct manner, FROM MEMORY, you simply need to have your fundamentals in check.
And alongside that you want to have a good visual library. That's where you store all your past experience of drawing from real life or photos of real life people, or artworks.
And you build that with practice. Either by mindlessly copying artworks, or by trying to study artworks. And trust me, the latter method is much better and faster if you actually care about improving as an artist.

>> No.2803248

>If you want to have a good stylized artwork, you first need to build some fundation

Not sure anyone was arguing that, though. You may need fundamentals but the point is that that's not enough. The anime head form does not match the human head, there are a bunch of adhoc hacks as well that are used differently at different angles, probably just developed through experimentation and copying other artists. And you cannot learn these just by studying real anatomy, perspective, etc. but people do learn to invent them somehow. I think that's what >>2802660 was complaining about

>> No.2803267

Maybe it's my bad English, dunno.
I'll try to make a tl;dr.
If you want to be able to draw anime you have to learn to simplify/stylize. If you want to stylize in an appealing and correct manner, you need to have good fundamentals on which you can build such stylization, but most of all you need experience, which comes from mileage.

>> No.2803271

You can also just copy other artists' styles, but then you'll have the problem of not having your own unique style.
Also, understanding fundamentals helps to understand why a certain stylization works as it does (from different angles and stuff).

>> No.2803285
File: 30 KB, 512x512, 1465842954381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only ONE


good anime drawing book

its called sketching manga, its on tpb

its also the only manga drawing book with good manga art

>> No.2803318


The Hikaru Hayashi books? Yeah. I can confirm.

>> No.2803354
File: 169 KB, 800x600, I want panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2803363

Very unappealing.

>> No.2803395
File: 53 KB, 426x417, 4 u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we´re sorry.
here, fixed for you.

>> No.2803466


>> No.2803737

still unappealing as fuck. sry buddy, it breaks my heart to say it, but whoever drew this is not gonna make it.

>> No.2803843

Christopher Hart wizened up and started hiring people that actually know how to draw manga on his latests books.

The first ones were horrible.

>> No.2804030

I hate people stealing my shticks. You losers can't come up with any new material without my presence.

>> No.2804068

gtfo, autismo.

>> No.2804071

>But you definitely can't do the thing on the left if you can't do the thing on the right.
Proof? There is no.

>> No.2804165
File: 244 KB, 2000x627, 1461434045058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same artist
what now?

>> No.2804170

One thing is not a result of the other. It just so happens that they can do both.

>> No.2804196

so you think they just do left for fun?

>> No.2804315

So you actually believe that every decent animu artist is also a realist master draftsman? Doesn't that kind of diminish the skill it takes to do academic, representational art at that level if you believe millions of animu artists can do it too?

>> No.2804318

Why the fuck not? If you're an animu artist, does that mean you can't do realism for fun?

>> No.2804319

>hasn't read the thread
>still trying to argue strawman points
If you want to be good (and consistently) at any kind of stylization, including anime, you need to be knowledgeable of how to adapt basic anatomy to your style and heavily practiced in the fundamental techniques involved. That's literally the entire point of this stupid argument, which nobody can refute because it's fucking true.

But sure, go ahead and spend ten years copying anime style drawings only and see where it gets you, Rembrandt.

>> No.2804334

>you need to be knowledgeable of how to adapt basic anatomy to your style
No, you need to be aware of the forms of what you are drawing and be able to translate those to shapes. This has nothing to do with realism.

>heavily practiced in the fundamental techniques involved
>fundamental techniques
You are literally just combining buzzwords now.

>> No.2804343

No one is arguing that you need the fundamentals you fucking retard. You are the morons who consistently argue against your own strawman. But there's a huge difference between being knowledgable about the fundamentals and being able to do masterful academic figure drawings. Ine has nothing whatsoever to do with the other. There are millions of anime artists who can't do anything even remotely close to those examples in those meme images and there are millions of great fine artists who can't draw a decent figure from imagination to save their life.

There are way too many noobs who confuse the fundamentals with realistic figure drawing.

>> No.2804358

can you tardos please stop taking every pic you see so literaly. can you?
what that pic is saying is that if you want to draw GOOD anime (or any other kind of stylized art) FROM MEMORY, you have to practice and have good funtamentals.

I can 100% guarantee you that without the proper practice and fundamental training nobody (except probably some kind of savant genius) can draw good anime just by copying other anime.

now GTFO already.

>> No.2804388

>Needless to say his stream was a fucking mess and he's fucking horrible at drawing from imagination which surprises a lot of d/ic/ks considering how good his life drawings are.

Why would this surprise anyone when it's common knowledge that drawing from reference and from imagination are two separate skills that need to be practiced in tandem if you want to be good at both.

>> No.2804418

There is zero difference between basic anatomy and anime anatomy, on cases where the character isn't heavily stylized anyway.

So you draw your character's body like you would any normal human being, then the face you add your animu style, but you still have to learn gesture, anatomy, figure drawing, etc.

>> No.2804546
File: 458 KB, 1270x724, 1404106140770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one t b h

>> No.2804640

Is looking through .psd of good animu artists any good to learn? ShindoL posts his on patreon, but you have to pay. It seems like there are no rips out there so I'm considering paying, but I don't know if it would be any good to learn

>> No.2804645

Question: How many years would it take, assuming 1hr of study drawing (Not counting just drawing things for the heck of it) and auditing art classes at my uni to draw and color(render?) like OP pic, assuming starting at 0 skill?

>> No.2804659

>he thinks anime is drawn from imagination

>> No.2804661

2 years

>> No.2804703


Maybe 2 years to copy or do something heavily referenced like that. Something completely invented and rendered like that is further in the future than a couple years, which is what I'm assuming anon is thinking.

Most important thing is consistency. At least 3 hours every day and you'll get there in a few years I think. 1 hour here and there won't get you anywhere regardless of how many years you do it. Ideally you'd be doing 8 hours, but that's a lot to ask. Try on weekends anyways. Doodling isn't practice either, I'm talking about real study. Consistency is very important, every day missed is like an extra step back.

Who knows though, shit differs wildly from person to person. Start with 1 hour if you have a hard time making yourself sit still and try to work yourself up. If free time is a problem do what you can, but make sure you're sticking with it every day. Take a sketchbook with you and draw a Kleenex box if that's all you have to work with. Just put the time in.

>> No.2804709

Gotcha. I'll try squeezing more time in when I can, but I have a degree field I'm not the most intuitive at getting down and live out of my car when in Uni (though I guess that's no excuse to not draw against the dashboard) and am trying to learn a musical skill as well.

>> No.2804718


5-10 years.

>> No.2804736

For my experience, I copied anime pictures and then eventually used them as a reference when I started drawing as a kid. At some point I became aware that I should learn anatomy and eventually I draw on my own.

I think learning anatomy and perspective is very important though. Unlike most cartoons, Anime is pretty realistic in human proportions except for the uguu anime face so might as well learn how to draw the human body right. It's always a good idea to go back to the basics if you want to draw anything, even anime. So be observant.

If you want to draw them by imagination then really just use your imagination. If you don't have any then look for some inspiration.

>> No.2804744

I hate this artist. He draws nice but the women he draws all look the same. Same fat body and sameface.

>> No.2805095

any kind of anime is not the same as GOOD stylized artwork.
learn to read, autismo.

>> No.2805336

Shit, better get started.

>> No.2805503

I had a anime figurine that I used as a model when I first started learning anatomy 15 years ago. It was better than just copying pictures since it was actual life drawing, but it gave me some weird ideas about proportions and bad habits that I to this day still can slip back into if I'm not careful. My old sketchbooks are filled with anime girls with comically long legs. It has been a really persistent habit. So, take this as a warning. Learn real proportions first then stylize.