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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 215 KB, 902x1200, 71L-2LP1PqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2800946 No.2800946 [Reply] [Original]

>Hampton is a shit tier artist
Somebody explain this meme to me

>> No.2800948


go draw a bicycle

>> No.2800953

>t. not gonna make it

>> No.2800954

hng muh dick

>> No.2801032

Just work and discuss, don't pay attention to them; Anyone who uses "meme" as an argument isn't worth your time.

>> No.2801046


>> No.2801047

Better than 127% of /ic/

>> No.2801062
File: 834 KB, 521x712, Hampton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me rephrase
Why do some people that take part in this Hawaiian Surf Rock Scene enthusiast discussion group consider Michael Hampton - the art instructor, a below average illustrator?

>> No.2801083

Why are you so insecure about expressing your opinion on an online forum that you need to disguise what you're saying in layers of irony instead of talking like a normal person, you low-IQ beta

>> No.2801096

Way to dodge the question you brainlet, fucking answer the question, why is Hampton shit?

>you need to disguise what you're saying in layers of irony
No, I was simply mocking you, you fucking autist.

>> No.2801103

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.2801106
File: 84 KB, 500x734, 33706411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backlash from teal/simon suggesting him

Simon might be gone but the people that harassed him off the board aren't

>> No.2801111

I wasnt preteding anything you fucking sperg I was MOCKING YOU
making fun of your incomprehension to answer unless I spell the question out in a certain way
Get it?
>le epic memearrow haha and epic meme phrase
I am not even going to bother giving an example of what pretending to be retarded looks like, you are the only on who is talking mongoloid but you aren't pretending sadly.
Fucking kys ASAP

>> No.2801112

>why is Hampton shit?

Great loaded question, m8.

Hampton isn't shit. And unless you prove yourself to have better skills than the person you're insulting, you should shut the fuck up.

This applies to every thread about X artist. If you're not better than them, your words have no fucking meaning. Because your skills are subpar. And subpar faggots should simply shut up about topics they don't know about.

>> No.2801113

Hampton drawings look kinda ugly and wonky particularly in the face, Hogarth drawings look like balloon men, Bridgman drawings are hairy and blocky with shit faces, Loomis is too 50s looking...

But they all provide some decent ways to think about figure drawing.

>> No.2801117

>Argument from authority
Yeah stopped reading there
>Great loaded question, m8.
I am asking why is he shit because I consider him to be good you monkey, should I ask the question again, only MORE posh and elegant?

Jesus Christ this is hilarious
>Why is this artist bad I think he is good
Like talking to an internet bot.

>> No.2801122

When you look at an art instruction book, you're looking EXAMPLES, not pictures to copy.

Loomis' method isn't shit just because he draws vintage advertisement people. You can fucking use his method to draw everything from anime to space marines.

You think Bridgman drawings look like ass hair? Well, you can draw NOT ass hair with his method.

The same applies to every art instruction book ever. You're seeing a method of drawing and examples of pictures that use that method, not results.

Only you can make results.

>> No.2801127


Maybe if you were able to form a simple complete sentence instead of typing like a spear-chunking tribesmen from the fucking Andes, other people might understand what you're trying to ask.

Also, you could try directly asking "why do people say X about X" instead of being a passive-aggressive internet troll who feeds off of his own virgin tears.

Either way, the only people calling Hampton shit are the people who post their Deviantart/tumblr accounts on 4chan. There are a lot of underage swedes here who can't understand what half of Hampton's book says because their education level is worse than a Egyptian slave during the 1300s.

>> No.2801128

this was exactly my point, anon.

>> No.2801129


>I am asking why is he shit because I consider him to be good you monkey

You can't even make a sentence in English. Fucking thirld world monkey.

>> No.2801131


I'm agreeing with you lad. I just forgot to add "this".

Plain text is ambiguous.

>> No.2801143

>Maybe if you were able to form a simple complete sentence instead of typing like a spear-chunking tribesmen from the fucking Andes, other people might understand what you're trying to ask.
>Also, you could try directly asking "why do people say X about X" instead of being a passive-aggressive internet troll who feeds off of his own virgin tears.

A child getting angry because the rules of the game weren't explained to him in the simplest possible language, beautiful.
>simple complete sentence
Are you 10?

>You can't even make a sentence in English. Fucking thirld world monkey.

Ad hominem, begone.

>make a sentence
Make a noose you idiot, and hang yourself.

>> No.2801148


You're retarded.

>> No.2801149

No you

>> No.2801176

>Sitting here with popcorn
>watching movie on putfucker
>tell myself i should go on /ic/
> go on /ic/ and see hampton thread
>See Op asking about why a artist is hated by other artist.
>why is shit
> fuck you why is you shit show me art cause no talk bout people hombre.
>i'm just asking why people call him shit.
>My face i forgot the coke.

So why is Hampton is a shit tier artist and a faggot /ic/

>> No.2801178


irrelevant life details

wow you must b cool faggot

thanks for the contribution NOT

>> No.2801180

your welcome

>> No.2801181


im sorry im just bored

why arent you drawing? me as well im not drawing

>> No.2801211

He's good at teaching and he's decent at art Aswell, being a good teacher doesn't always mean your going to be the best at whatever your teaching someone. Just be grateful that these people are able to teach us these skills, and if you don't like Hampton there are tons of other books out there

>> No.2801223

kys dickbrain. or at least don't have children, please.

>> No.2801331

I know who teal is but who is simon?

>> No.2801362
File: 49 KB, 605x412, 1480016184081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you same monkey who shitposting about Watts everywhere?

>> No.2801404
File: 52 KB, 511x768, a-alien-6-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first thing i thought of when i saw this was that Xenomorph-Human hybrid thing from the movie Alien Resurrection. Then i actually went and tried to look it up and this is what i found...

>> No.2801417

>Ad hominem, begone.

nothing is more cringy than this tbqh family.

>> No.2803176

The one thing more cringy than that is somebody that uses the word "cringy" unironically.
End your life.

>> No.2803178


Am I the only one who absolutely loved that design? It was weird, different and looked goofy in a creepy way.

>> No.2803187

pretty sure they're the same guy

he got kicked out because he enjoys drawing nekkid kids

aint got nothing against that but apparently /ic/ flipped their shit because of it

>> No.2803207
File: 313 KB, 563x748, steve-silver-insect-large-golden-ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Aside from maybe Steve Huston, you won't find another teacher with this sense of value and edge control.

Quite frankly that's a load of shit my man.

>be at a restaurant
>"Excuse me waiter, this dish is undercooked." (criticism)
>"Excuse ME, customer, but can you do better? No? Then don't talk about things you know nothing about."

>> No.2803256

hamptons figure and surface anatomy is pretty bad imo, atleast vilppu tried lmao

>> No.2803264

Wow dude your autism leaks.

>> No.2803265

This. Stop crying and keep drawing spergs.

>> No.2803333


You're implying noticing obvious mistakes it's the same as acting as a fucking critique.

>Excuse me, but this dish has a really weak taste, the meat lost its substance as a result of a poor cooking process. The presentation is really mediocre and he could do way better. Please inform the chef he's a faggot and he must learn to cook.
>Oh, he has a cooking book? Lol it must be shit.
>Excuse me, do you have any experience cooking?
>I juat started making me sandwiches, I know what I'm talking about!

>> No.2803337

Dammit I'm learning anatomy from Hampton right now, is that bad? What do you anons recommend other than Vilppu?

>> No.2803341

>is that bad?

No. Just don't commit his mistakes.

>> No.2803359

Post somebody who's better then