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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 608 KB, 1920x1080, 695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2795092 No.2795092 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2786688

>> No.2795093

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2795094

This is a list of anons who regularly (SIKE) stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:

>> No.2795111

This is the worst part of the OP. You should just delete this whole post.

>> No.2795117

Fuck you Lava.

>> No.2795120

shit dog fuck man

>> No.2795125

This whole sticky needs to be updated.

>> No.2795133

It should be rewritten from scratch and say, "Lava is a fucking cuck we're only still in this because we're autistic".

>> No.2795214
File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1482345471676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to leave Choob alone from now on, or at least until he annoys me again...

>> No.2795226

What about the 20 years?

>> No.2795239

i personally wonder why proko would even stream this if he cant even draw it. its totally a troll i cant accept it.

>> No.2795240

I'll keep an eye on him for 20 years.

>> No.2795255
File: 261 KB, 900x900, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795272

This is good in a 'shitty modern art that's not really good at all, but is so profound in it's shittiness it's sort of interesting' sort of way

>> No.2795282

Lol dude I watched the stream live, it's 100% legit.

>> No.2795292

I missed this entire saga. Is there a thread on this I can find easily in the archives?

>> No.2795317
File: 244 KB, 500x375, proko kangaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a true masterpiece of our time


>> No.2795342

How do you manage to make your images look well not just from distance?
Anyone got something on proper rendering?

>> No.2795391

>two week 1 tokens
This is not chummy

>> No.2795393




>> No.2795395

those are tokens, nigger, calm down or better yet kill yourself

>> No.2795396

>tfw they made a suicide pact together

>> No.2795399

Not chummy at all, not chummy at all...!

>> No.2795401

not chummy!

>> No.2795404

i actually agree with reee guy this time around, there was plenty better images to use as thread starter.

>> No.2795410
File: 5 KB, 94x52, jryjytjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795418


>> No.2795419

I smell fresh blood ;)

>> No.2795420

he's reeeeeing cause his pic didn't get used, not cause he dislikes the current OP

>> No.2795429

has an animation ever been used as OP?

>> No.2795453

nah, it'd be too much work to overlay the "draw every day" on top of an animation.

>> No.2795462
File: 37 KB, 155x141, crit senses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit Senses--Are tingling!

werebear I like these lines, these forms, that bonsai tree!

soroneir, excellent colors!

innocent, what a pissed off looking bird-brain, Im getting vulture flash backs egh...

barkode nice legs, Im likin that dark figure at the top right.

rorg excellent

Lokki, he looks ready to fight, and the colored piece is lookin clean.

shkimmilk, I shouldn't have to say it again, you know what you need to do. I really like those infantry head variants, my favorites are the two on the left.

Rhydwyn nice dinos, the one roaring is impressive!

whizzard I like it! The way he steps out of the orange hue gives it a sense of space.

tabasco that shadow on the wall is noice. Does she have some droopy eye syndrome? She looks pretty tired.

andrae, what a CUTES

Choob I like the colors still, but don't over do the piece now.

aimai, I've always enjoyed your style, but I've always wanted to see you draw some aliens and cute UFOs

aestro that elephant looks great, but man does it look flat in that setting. but you'll be working on that I assume.

manadabes, nice figures, feel those forms and angles.

grach those are some nice rendered heads, that middle one is sweet

lava those pecs on the right seem...off

I'm outta here!

>> No.2795489

Have you guys ever done work in flux without realizing it and realize the colors are all fukked up and super orangered now?

Is there an easy fix or should I just roll it

>> No.2795493

If your values are on point you could probably fix it with overlay layers I think. Don't know how well it'll work tho.

>> No.2795524

omg Naf i love your parasect !

>> No.2795634

how the fuck is naf so good at 19? Plus he goes to college and does some form of stem, i don't understand mang. I wanna get on his level

>> No.2795646

just draw, m8

>> No.2795709

dude weed lmao

>> No.2795712


>> No.2795724

You can't get good by just drawing. Look at all the people who've been drawing daily but haven't improved, or just look at lava and his 12+ hours of daily drawing for 2 years.

>> No.2795728

just fuck lava's shit up

>> No.2795779

What actually went wrong with lava? When we first started I actually admired his drive and hardcore work ethic and thought he'd get good in no time. He had access to all the correct resources, seemed smart enough to know what to do and he didn't seem too autistic at the time. I genuinely thought he'd be atleast a high level beginner or intermediate artist at this point. What went wrong?

>> No.2795784

Too much pressure from lassies watching him maybe, like stage fright and the urge to impress overtaking the need to make mistakes and learn naturally. Most beginners don't have this many people watching them or needing to post at least something every day.

>> No.2795787

>he didn't seem too autistic at the time
Found your mistake

>> No.2795838

woke up today to find my 13 year old brother completely destroyed my tablet pen while we were home alone yesterday. i was sleeping the whole time and he apparently had nothing better to do than to than to mess with my pen. bye las

>> No.2795839

Where did you hide the body?

>> No.2796018


tortoise and the hare...naf has stayed relatively the same all year with minor improvement

>> No.2796029

Naf doesnt draw enough, hes drawing just to maintain his current level.

>> No.2796069

fuck my tablet stopped working.

>> No.2796075

>Take a random drawing on deviant art.
>Post it

PS : don't forget to sign

>> No.2796081

Will do. I highly doubt anyone really cares anyway so it shouldn't be a problem, thanks anon.

>> No.2796084

Thank you Spidey for all that you do. I will do my best desu

>> No.2796097

Draw something on paper, take a photo, post that

>> No.2796106

my computer fried itself from too much heat and won't power on

this is why you have a back up pc

>> No.2796123

why is every1 so mean to lava geez

>> No.2796129

You don't forget when someone betrays you over and over again.

>> No.2796274

Today's the day

>> No.2796279

What's happening today?

>> No.2796282

Best session of the year

>> No.2796503

thus because its not his he is reeeing, is the same as saying he thinks its not as good as if it was his there instead, meaning its not good.

>> No.2796518
File: 160 KB, 400x388, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thus because its not his he is reeeing, is the same as saying he thinks its not as good as if it was his there instead
no I really just wants to see my shit start the thread

>> No.2796519

>caring about shit like that

>> No.2796525

I've improved so much since I left, I wish I could show you guys.

>> No.2796527

i agree, the op image is bad.

>> No.2796529


>> No.2796544

its been a while since I've been here, can somebody post some of the better recent submissions?

>> No.2796549

just look at the website

>> No.2796550

>tfw left and haven't drawn or improved at all

>> No.2796551

choob is the only good submission

>> No.2796552

I cant.

>> No.2796570

Choob is still submitting? somebody post his most recent, I'm sure he has improved alot since I left.

>> No.2796574


>> No.2796606

We now return to our regularly scheduled chummage.

>> No.2796608

I think therefore I chum

>> No.2796609

Reeeeeeee. Naf and yotsuyu were supposed to die!

>> No.2796614

they were just teasing

>> No.2796615

If he only posted high quality stuff all the time than he'd be relegated to like the same handful of people.

>> No.2796621
File: 118 KB, 1152x864, Thechumbucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAS headquarters

>> No.2796622


>> No.2796623


>> No.2796624


>> No.2796634


>> No.2796724


>> No.2796729

Why was spongebob so ahead of its time? Such a genius cartoon.

>> No.2796743

>Tfw got more than 7 views this time
Thanks for looking at my work chums

>> No.2796835


>> No.2796878

>trying to get someone to join your site by showing them this lag fest piece of shit
Do you expect me to click each number until I find something good?
What is this? BC?
I'm not even >>2796552
This is just total bullshit
That's like trying to skim a dictionary but you have to click each mysterious number to view what word it is and they're not in any particular order
It's weary to look at

>> No.2796887

blame lavaflake the developer but he'll never hear you because he stopped visiting these threads months ago

>> No.2796895

>rover only lasted 34 days
Damn it felt like he was here for way longer yet he left so long ago. Do the majority of lassies even know who he was at this point?

>> No.2796901

probably not, a man of myth

>> No.2796927

that page is not meant for quickly going through submissions, its just to show whose been active what days not really sure why >>2796835
linked it

>> No.2796955
File: 462 KB, 1200x940, jpvvvu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just going through fmmood's stuff and I forgot how good he was. I think he was probably the most skilled person to join.

>> No.2796994

The whole point of the las is to improve you retards
Not gonna make it

>> No.2797000

what's that?

>> No.2797011

a type of toothpaste

>> No.2797067

does anyone actually do this?

>> No.2797083

Did you notice any difference ?

>> No.2797084

I've been doing it for the past week and no ones noticed.

>> No.2797158



>> No.2797196
File: 599 KB, 712x1036, tumblr_oizoiriBMo1vf31eqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barkode I love you

>> No.2797201

That boy needs to post his refs. So fuckin thicc.

>> No.2797210

Would you be so kind as to post the url of this blog?

>> No.2797242

they exclusively use a mirror

>> No.2797252


What does count as a submission?
_One_ full artwork?
I get the low effort part and that one artwork should at least take 30 minutes...
But let's say you want to practice drawing heads and draw a page full of sketches of heads. Each of the heads took like 10 minutes but there are six heads on the page.

Do a bunch of smaller drawings result in a submission too or does it have to be one full artwork?

(hope this makes sense)

>> No.2797253

Just draw for at least 30 minutes, doesn't matter how it is split up among drawings

>> No.2797317

How do you lassies feel about included notes on submissions? Something short about what you liked/disliked about your drawing OR writing down the process of how you achieved a certain thing in that drawing?

>> No.2797320

>included notes
absolutely irrelevant
let your drawing do the talking and talk about the rest in here

>> No.2797323

Just upload to a website that lets you put text along with your image, that's what other people are doing.

>> No.2797347

i like to write notes on my sketch pages sometimes, not even really as a reminder it just sorta helps internalize what i think i should be thinking about while drawing or the common mistakes i make that i should be looking out for

>> No.2797378

Just cram all the stuff you drew in one picture or make an album on imgur or something and have them there one by one.

>> No.2797393


I used to do this but then I stopped because I realize
1) I just have to draw more and the notes become irrelevant
2) the things I write down are my first impressions on the practice and are "projecting" the practice
3) it wastes time
4) it's better to invest in a big ass whiteboard to doc all your 'note' taking

>> No.2797396

writing stuff down helps you remember it, its a good practice.

>> No.2797398
File: 18 KB, 400x400, i3eTxXhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I cant even come up with a name to register for LAS

>> No.2797399

Guys, I left las a while ago but I'm thinking about getting back into the game. Is there a new site or something? The old one seems dead

>> No.2797404

Your answer is in the OP?
Welcome back

>> No.2797405

Welcome back, friendo

>> No.2797411

Thanks, its a bit of a relief to know that we haven't migrated sites.
Also, what happened to the comic challenge?

>> No.2797413


>> No.2797419

discontinued, lava doesn't caaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeee anymoreeee

>> No.2797420


>> No.2797422

Should be http://oorioo.tumblr.com/, it doesn't seem like she posts a lot of her work on there though

>> No.2797423

Neat ideas

>> No.2797428

yes, I write stuff down

>> No.2797481

Mentor me, barkode.

>> No.2797491

Can we start calling him benchode and get this EPIC meme started?

>> No.2797498

once he learns anatomy.

>> No.2797534

rumour has it that barkode is a lesbian

>> No.2797538


>> No.2797570

rumour has it that barkode is a dog pretending to be human for a laugh

>> No.2797597

>tfw rover finally got gud and rejoined las as barkode

>> No.2797599

UBF, What's your business plan?

>> No.2797609

oh shit :O

>> No.2797613
File: 110 KB, 500x365, barcode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2797622

The problem with asking me this is that I will launch into an autistic plan about how I want to gain popularity and get money.

My current goal is to do high quality stuff (time wise, not rushing) for cheap with extremely limited slots. This helps to build followers, and will mean multiple people stay interested in me. My main goal right now is popularity building over anything else.

I have loads of discounts for stuff like being a patreon supporter, ($5 off a comm if you're doing $5+ a month), discounts for repeat customers (50% off your third comm), and also a discord where people can chat to get credits to pay for a commission (with patreon supporters having credits that are worth more)

Plus, giving out free raffle stuff each month to help get followers, I just started running an ad to get more followers, and in the future I plan to give out some cool unique and free ubf merch to long time patreon supporters, which I expect to be a big deal.

Right now, it's very expensive time wise. I get barely return. I worked on a $50 comm for like 50+ hours to make it perfect, and have a really nice animation. BUT, I'm investing time for a high quality portfolio and high returns later on

All this is leading towards my final goal. Super high popularity, and an understanding from my followers that I put a lot of effort into what I work on. In come auctioning slots of my time off. People who weren't able to get one of my usual cheap-ish commission slots that vanish quickly can still bid for my time. In the furry community, it's no surprise for these to go up to $250 or so for a popular artist, but I'm aiming for in like 10 years to be auctioning slots for 1k+ for working for a week on a picture then animating it, which is what I enjoy doing the most.

>> No.2797625

that's so many words just to spell suicide, tranny

>> No.2797629

>#2 - Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

>> No.2797633

Woah! Careful there senpai, you might hurt someone with your edge if you flail it around too much

>> No.2797638

>wah wah, don't attack my bf

I reckon you know all about cutting yourself

>> No.2797642
File: 41 KB, 532x489, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

near-end of the year stream

>> No.2797647

Wish I could watch, but I'm still at work... have fun streaming!

>> No.2797652

I get that your joke is suggesting that I'm suicidal and hurt myself, but at least go look at my art and tell me about how much I can't draw faces and just skip them most of the time because I know they all look like absolute shit and deep down I know they always will, or how I usually fuck up my hip anatomy even though I've done so many, OR that I shouldn't think my animation is any good because I use after effects and that program does pretty much everything so a baby could animate as well as me.

I mean seriously, this is an art board. Hurt my feelings by hitting me where I'm weak rather than using something generic like "hur durr i bet you cut urself".

>> No.2797663

I bet you don't pray to Loomis everynight

>> No.2797664

>Hurt my feelings by hitting me where I'm weak
this whole paragraph of a reply tells me I hit just the right spot

did you ever consider your mental state to be holding you back from progressing, tranny?

>> No.2797665

spot on, I pray to villpu and hampton

>> No.2797673

hurt yourself you stupid loser

>> No.2797682

We're a year in ubf. You should know not to respond to b8, maybe choob can help you.

>> No.2797688

I was hoping they would go through my art and look for some obvious errors I wasn't aware of and tell me so I could improve, but I guess they must be worse than me so they can't, poor guy.

>> No.2797689

but I'm straight and sane

>> No.2797692

>>I-I'm straight! I swear!

>> No.2797708

wtf is goin on

>> No.2797713

you're pathetic, i spent months asking you to accept my boi puccy i even built a little shrine to you but you never responded, but this obvious b8 triggers you? pls uninstall.

>> No.2797714

Is there anyone you recommend to look to for information on business skills?

>> No.2797715

sexual tension

>> No.2797716

>tfw will never bait ubf this easily

>> No.2797718

>Anthony Jones.
nah, dave and dan.

>> No.2797722

Are you actually a furry?

>> No.2797725

who needs anatomy with these TITTAYS!

>> No.2797727

a year in.
And I'm still shit.
How much longer.
Until my stuff doesn't look like filth?
How much longer.
till I git gud?

>> No.2797740


Draw more, you dumb bitch.

>> No.2797747

I often think of you, when my nights are dark the thought that your shrine is out there brightens them.

look at the successful people around you and what they are doing, how they are becoming popular and learn from them. I've done some economics at university which helped give me a few ideas, but other than that it requires you to think about how to make yourself stand out.

Spend an hour a day brainstorming ideas of things you can do and write them down.

Kind of. I've been to a few furry meets and have a lot of friends who are super into being furry, and I really enjoy the furry art scene but not enough to go to a furry convention or wear a fursuit or something

>> No.2797751
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, lit feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very /lit/ anon

>> No.2797752

it was a great cake.

>> No.2797759

cute :3

>> No.2797760
File: 146 KB, 638x360, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess Lava never did come back. Thinking about getting back on the DED horse again. Been less busy now, all moved in and played enough mobas to give me an anger ulcer. I'll be more careful this time. I might even run backups.. Someone showed interested in hosting or at least have the codebase when I took it down but nothing ever came of it I guess.

W-will you take me back las? I love you like I hate myself - forever.

>> No.2797764

For what purpose? It's just the same site.

>> No.2797767

no, that train has left the station without you

>> No.2797768

fuck off cuck, you fucking blew it.

>> No.2797769

Competition seems like the only thing that motivates Lava to actually improve the site, so sure, go ahead.

>> No.2797774

Fuck you you'll just drop the site again when you feel like it isn't worth it and waste our time like last time you fucking faggot

>> No.2797820



>> No.2797825
File: 250 KB, 562x603, tumblr_oeceu9UG4y1qj7v39o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k :(

>> No.2797827


>> No.2797828

Fuck off. Don't submit to las either faggot

>> No.2797830

If someone less finicky hosted it I wouldn't mind.



Everyone go here and post something to get his attention

>> No.2797836

Actually go ahead and make it. Then maybe the fucking cuck will actually update the site to stave off competition.

>> No.2797840

2nding this

>> No.2797843
File: 405 KB, 500x281, SippySippyPlsNoRippyRippy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runnerman I promise if you scrap the sombra piece and start something new it will go 100 times better.
I mean, good booty there, but you've been working on it for a while now. It's okay to give up on a piece my dude.
Keep working hard, friendo. We're all going to make it.

>> No.2797849

hi runnerman

>> No.2797850

>Tokens Used


what a coincidence

>> No.2797853

bad chum >:(

>> No.2797856

he's dead, f a m

>> No.2797859


>> No.2797865

lava made a post hours ago, must've forgot to put it on the site or maybe it ate his token

>> No.2797878

Please for the love of god, tell me I have at least improved somewhat compared to ny last entry.

>> No.2797881

you're still here Actinfutility?

>> No.2797884
File: 75 KB, 408x304, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2797887

Thats understandable.

>> No.2797922

post progress and we'll tell ya

>> No.2797950

just @him/her/the dog on the discord
fuck off

>> No.2797961
File: 119 KB, 386x292, BULLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2797965

average discord user

Or is this guy trying to get people to shit on discord. Nice move, tricked me for a sec.

>> No.2798019

I agree, it seemed like he was in such a groove. I wonder why he stopped.

>> No.2798070

Why would my next piece be 100x better? I'm enjoying drawing that pic it's just I have so little time to work on it lately. I hate excuses though I want want to complete it so badly

>> No.2798124

no amount of rendering is gonna fix that picture. move on brother

>> No.2798139
File: 7 KB, 324x196, 2016draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your 2016 draw haul

>> No.2798142
File: 141 KB, 500x500, happy glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(You)s are back

>> No.2798145
File: 84 KB, 377x462, New Canvas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to clean up. 365 canvases and far more images because of different versions of drawings, some refs, and miscellaneous trash

>> No.2798146
File: 74 KB, 373x483, 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save just the .psds to this folder, postable images/jpgs etc go elsewhere. I should just use one psd a month like the cool kids tbqh.

>> No.2798150

whats wrong with it? give critique

>> No.2798152
File: 21 KB, 388x498, Screenshot (157).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most psd's have jpegs of them so probably around half of these files are actually relevant

>> No.2798157

what is the chums meme mean does this mean we're all like a big group of friends here??

>> No.2798160

that's what lava wants us to think...

>> No.2798183
File: 16 KB, 364x481, ¯-_(ツ)_-¯.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I've done digital there's one PSD and one PNG. Sketchbook days are just one PNG.
Divided into folders from 1-100, 101-200, etc...
Maybe I should switch to a yearly folder division?

>> No.2798328
File: 18 KB, 342x192, muh art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 4Gb is old shit and another 6 is refs and books
have another folder with about 7 Gb of drawings

>> No.2798331

Fucking kill yourself you pathetic waste of oxygen

>> No.2798373
File: 124 KB, 377x487, las.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 56 days of stuff but I'm happier with my habits than I was 671mb ago.

>> No.2798414

>5 am
>drawing in sketchbook
>tell myself I'll draw for 10 more minutes and I'll go to sleep
>close sketchbook after 10 minutes
>check clock
>it's actually 6:30
Time flies when I'm doing art these days

>> No.2798427

That's a pain for scheduling but also a good sign anon-kun

>> No.2798481

Humanbean your drawings are super nice but they are hurtin bad from the lack of consistent perspective
dig into that pls

>> No.2798570
File: 340 KB, 600x583, 1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube keeps suggesting the "Give Up And Kill Yourself!" video
>finally watched it hoping it'd go away
>didn't see it again
>wake up this morning
>it's back in my Recommended feed

>> No.2798583
File: 71 KB, 283x307, DO IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't a proposition, anon

>> No.2798591

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOESPJn5xSg daily reminder :^)

>> No.2798616

Thanks anons, I find the video to be very motivating.
Shadman will start doing studies before I let some fat Gordon-Ramsey-cosplaying faggot be right about my future.

Happy new year, I'm off to do a shitload of drawing.

>> No.2798728


>> No.2798767

im the bes

>> No.2798830

Welp, time to start a new LAS folder for 2017. Happy new year, guys.

>> No.2798887

I'm not ready for 2017. I want to go back.

>> No.2798890

come on over anon its still 2016 out here

>> No.2798902

im the bes

>> No.2798905

I will join in 2017!!

>> No.2798916

Happy new year chums, I love you all
You are all gonna make it

>> No.2798918


I forgot to draw.

>> No.2798923

happy new year fellers remember to draw at some point

>> No.2798941

what do you think you're doing alm0nde?

>> No.2798942

happy new years fellow yuropoors

>> No.2798947

should I start shitting on Choob again for my new years resolution? I stopped a few days ago.

>> No.2798948

20 years

>> No.2798951

I-I'll do better next year, I swear!

>> No.2798957

Yeah it seemed off to me too and I shoulda used guidelines. I will definitely grind some more boxes and eclipses. Any other perspective exercises you'd recommend? Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.2798967

who is the Ronda Rousey of LAS?

>> No.2798971

my sister

>> No.2798977

Ronda did the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, I think Choob is similar in this way.

>> No.2798983
File: 7 KB, 227x164, crit senses2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit Senses--Are tingling!

First crits of the New year!

Naf, cool stuff as always, I missed the stream that you were making all this stuff though.

shkimmilk, 2B a CUTE. Looks just like her, wheres the mole tho. Are you planning to return to this? I still need to play the demo...

thanks for showing the process. I feel like you can push the gesture to really make it look like shes hugging that horse...It IS a horse right?

jerrybreem, Im interested in that top head thats cut off, but the head in center focus isnt bad. The right eye seems a bit lower than the left one but...I think its decent.

invalidavid, that is a nice blue my man, with some nice variations.

ketkro, this looks neat, nice shadows, nice lights.

lokki, lookin clean, as of this post I already happened upon the colored piece, which looks good!

leo516, nice raven, I think a little more contrast to make the hair pop from the dark insides of the hood would be cool, but as is is good.

jozu, nice study, the blending is looking pretty righteous.

CRT, this is cute. Though, the right eye looks a bit low.

imvisitingearth, heyy its hands in the air im makin magic lady again

soroneir, these are cloth studies? I like the middle one and the two above it.

coinhero, nice colors and strokes as always, interesting character too. Im a big fan of that atmospheric blending you got goin on towards the back end of the cave.

humanbean, this is a really neat character with tons of detail. But as someone said previously it can be even better with some tight perspective. You'd only become stronger. Scott Robertson's How to Draw is a safe choice for some exercises to look into.

rorg, nice idea of testing out different light source directions, it really helps you get a sense of the figure.

sasori, nice bee-lady, those HIPS.

kirikae, cute beetle

bondage fairy I feel that bend on that left most figure.

innocent, at first I thought this was venom snake, but is actually a megaman. Neato.

>> No.2798992
File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2798996

A super skilled and talented artist ruined by bad a bad teacher? Who fits that description?

>> No.2799000

Ronda was kicking ass with armbars all day, bitches learned how to defend them and she was shit when that happened. she cant even grasp the fundamentals now and its too late. The game evolved. Choob is a racist/homophobe. Im drunk Happy New Jeers

>> No.2799010
File: 46 KB, 200x200, crit senses3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere near done!

iinaa, nice huh? that figure is looking quite stiff, maybe look into some more dynamic poses? i find I have trouble capturing the gesture of a pose if its just a regular pose. But is way easier is its a HAPPENING pose, feel me?

jbrennan, a still life still in 2016...Is what I thought it said. Cow came out good!

finlay, the head came out pretty alright, I hope you feel proud of your hard work.

tom a whole bunch of neat faces from different views, cool. My favorite is the top right one.

oneironaut, studying how the jaw works? Should be interesting.

whizzard, is that beezlebub?

Cath not bad, but don't the eyes look too bright?

jeremias, perspective is always a good study, nice ellipses tho.

aestro, that looks pretty creepy, yesh.

rozzzle, nice head flow...Heh get it? Head-flow?

manadabes, nice arms man,cool gestures too.

barkode, looks cool, guy on the right looks like he doesnt wanna be there.

saucy, neat. The cube gets smaller as it falls over though. keeping consistent volume is always a hard part of animation for me.

viktor, come on man you gotta give me MORE. or else I'll spider swing over to you and give you a good talkin.

boygivingup, what a lonely start to 2017, I hope this isn't a reflection of yours.

detail, nice detail. that bird is lookin kinda cool...

seffy what a smug girl, does she have a mug in her hand?

fluffable, that top bug is lookin NASTY, not as nasty as the spider that fucking bit me though.
I hate bees more honestly cause I have a bad allergic reaction to them.

tripfag, sometimes the actual background textures are more interesting that your actual work, but I think in a way thats part of the charm, sometimes a boring subject can be interesting.

lordslump, what intense eyes. Cool facial forms on the top 3 guys.

choob, looks good. I like the hair the most, it has some nice texture.

blarghu, that is a convincing sphere. Nice job.

>> No.2799013

She didn't evolve cause Edmond is a shit coach. If she went to any decent gym she would've evolved along with the rest of the division. There's no excuse for being humiliated like that, even Miesha, who Ronda easily beat, lasted way longer and put up way more of a fight. It's like Edmond just pampered her the whole year. She was not ready to be in there at all.

Happy new year buddy!

>> No.2799014

Wasting your time with these pointless comments.

>> No.2799015
File: 4 KB, 225x225, YAMERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799018

Thanks family man

>> No.2799019

Thanks Spidey, you are nice.

>> No.2799023
File: 64 KB, 600x596, gldbbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799024

Happy new day spider las. Hope aunt May is OK.

>> No.2799026

those crits are garbage, hes afraid to be honest.

>> No.2799038

>every time Spidey comments on one of my pieces it's on a day that I've made a minimum effort submission.
I am shamed.
But thank you, Spidey.

>> No.2799042

I grant you 1 effort point + an happy new year + 2 random points, use them wisely and submit better doodles.

>> No.2799045

exactly, edmond = photo refs. If she went to a real camp they wouldve forced her to work on her weaknesses.

>> No.2799046

well done choobposter, you lasted all of 4 days

>> No.2799049

actually 4 days isnt good at all, fuck you and your sarcasm Choob.

>> No.2799050

Thanks Anon. I'll try to study at least an hour a day in the coming year.

>> No.2799055
File: 23 KB, 200x200, crit senses4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grach, happy new years, cool rim lights.

Chimerya, yeah well fuck you too buddy. Welcome to LAS though, don't think I've seen you around here before.

yotsuyu, that left figure looks a bit comfy. What is she holding under her arm?

Nelli, I can tell this is a nice looking back study, but there are so many lines, it looks like something I'd do on the side of the empire state when I'm bored! I'd hate to be the clean up crew for all those webs! Be courteous to them and try to keep it a bit cleaner!

digitixe, this is pretty slick, a nice zip-zoop-zoom(thats what it sounds like), I wish the ending twister thing a jing was a bit longer though, id like to see more of that.

haachan, what a cute, I like that figure on the left too, break down those forms

rhydwyn Im diggin the pants/jacket combo, immediately something about her right foot throws me off. Unless she is curling her toes.

Tekky, finally some more legs, that middle pair is lookin good, that bottom guy is looking pretty powerful, but there seems to be something strange happening with the neck area. He's supposed to be leaning back right? Isn't that why we see so much curvature of his chest? So should we be seeing that much of the neck and head?

aimai, nice cute sketches, some of them its hard to tell whats goin on in them, but I assume they were captured in the a moment, or, you were just busy with the laundry.

echo, you cant draw tonight but you can do some damn good painting. I like the color, especially the brighter ones.

Louse, I like some of these, you really like to work those hips huh? dont be afraid to add your own exaggerations into the mix if you aren't already.

tabasco, nice angle on that shaded figure

candycone, shes looking kinda smug, take her down a peg.

webbeva, I like the guy all the way at the bottom, I think you would benefit going through some hampton or somethin though, you can really get those forms going.

>> No.2799064

hny spiderman

>> No.2799070

I will do this tomorrow, don't have much time to improve when I'm too stressed about a deadline and just shitout something instead of studying. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.2799071

runnerman1, this isnt bad, but with the figure there are a decent amount of problems that could have been addressed before continuing onto the coloring and rendering etc. Upon first glance the head seems like it isnt really connected to the neck, theres no twisting in the neck or action in the neck muscles to indicate the turning. That ass tho WEW.

lava, I like the landscape actually, you should color it. You seem to leave a lot of the lines unfinished or disconnected, which is fine in some cases, but I think you leave out too much information because of this, like on the bottom figures head. Come back pls.

andrae, what a cute, I like the thick outlines, I hope you continue this piece.

SLDB, sweet lord man this looks like my cousin. The eyes seem kinda flat compared to the rest of it, maybe having outlined forms and shadows would alleviate this since the shading is kinda light...

amaxin1, cute pupper

hman, this is neat, but those black lines on the rocks distract me and make the rocks seem like weird clouds.

tankboy this is fuckin clean man, that pattern on the back tho.

munch, immediately I feel something is off on that left head, her right eye seems kinda flat, as in it doesnt seem to be receding into the eye socket correctly.

skellyjelly, the head on the right has the building blocks to be a cute. I like the top gestures on the left too, especially the second from the left.

Triple G, my man, those fucking teeth better be colgate pure white. That nose is looking HUGE too, or the nostrils are at least. But I've enjoyed your line weighting on these heads you been uploading. Keep at it.

Thats everybody!

So 2017 is here for some, or a few hours away for some. so for 2017, what do you guys plan to do in terms of art? Are you gonna tackle a new medium, attempt to study a subject thats foreign to you? What are you gonna do to git gud guys? I personally plan on cracking open this scott robertsons book Ive had for a minute!

>> No.2799075
File: 7 KB, 189x224, crit senses5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hny anon

Oh no! I forgot to add a picture of me, now one one will know it was me commenting...

2017 is off to a great start haha.

Whats next I get some extraterrestrial goop that permanently stains my suit?

>> No.2799078

>I personally plan on cracking open this scott robertsons book Ive had for a minute!
same. I went through it once near the beginning of this year but I don't think I was at a level where I could understand all the info in that book. Gonna try to revisit it now that I'm a bit better.

>> No.2799096


Can someone post the 8 hours a day meme it is a funny meme that i like

>> No.2799102
File: 2 KB, 111x143, asdasdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this high?

>> No.2799103

not even 6 months commitment

>> No.2799106

another wasted year, another wasted life. here's to wasting one more year and finally gaining the courage to an hero.

>> No.2799112
File: 52 KB, 500x500, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerrybreem, Im interested in that top head thats cut off, but the head in center focus isnt bad. The right eye seems a bit lower than the left one but...I think its decent.
its garbage. i cant seem to be able to get it in my brain that a head is indeed a 3d form and that it folds in space, giving all my drawings a weird flat face look, stop trying to be nice i HATE sugar coating, i lack knowledge of eye muscle structure and also lack knowledge of form so it all looks like garbage, hot fucking garbage.

>> No.2799113

i think art has made me a hateful person too.

>> No.2799116

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go draw some cubes you fucking faggot? How can you expect yourself to draw something as complex as a head when you haven't even got simple 3d forms down?

>> No.2799118

post like these always make me happy.

>> No.2799119

its not just drawing cubes, you can draw squares all day long but when you have to think about the form you're gonna choke.

>> No.2799129

a cube is a 3D form though anon?

>> No.2799131

very true
thanks spidy youre a cute pupper too

>> No.2799137

shkimmilk youre amazing. i know its no use to talk about this stuff but tell me how long have you been drawing?

>> No.2799139

go draw a box blindly for a while then draw a 3d form and tell me how that works.

>> No.2799142

A box is a 3d form no?

>> No.2799143

>not gonna make it.

>> No.2799145
File: 461 KB, 723x1152, 1425172431150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A box IS a 3d form, that's the point. If they can't draw simple 3d forms they have to do that first, which means drawing boxes and balls and cylinders etc until they get that shit down. Then break things like heads or eyes or whatever down into their simpler, low poly forms.

Literally everything can be broken down into simpler forms to help learn and memorise, but they have to be able to do the simplest building blocks (cubes etc) first.

>> No.2799152

>not knowing a box is a 3d form

>> No.2799158

I miss all the las oldfags
Remember when we was going to all celebrate 1 year together?
Where are you?
It wasn't supposed to be this lonely

>> No.2799159

its always been lonely, the moment loomis had to leave his house to go to the south it all started to collapse.

>> No.2799176

Just joined and submitted, for the first time in ages I was inspired AND willing to carry it out. Thanks guys for the healthy new years resolution.

>> No.2799182
File: 25 KB, 394x437, fuccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new year stream

>> No.2799185
File: 210 KB, 1400x788, youthful-LAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome and good luck anon, ignore the shitposters

>> No.2799210

We are all leaving one by one, its gonna be lonely at the top

>> No.2799226
File: 45 KB, 640x456, 1477155806237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't matter I don't expect spider crit to be some kind of art crit teacher.

I am grateful enough to have someone actually care about my art, even if he doesn't give constructive criticism. It's the little things like this that give me hope to go through the days and continue to practive and live with my dream. It's nice to have someone who does notice what you do and you know you're not doing it in vain.

never stop spider crit.

>> No.2799227

>Chimerya, yeah well fuck you too buddy. Welcome to LAS though, don't think I've seen you around here before.
haha thanks for the welcome. I tried LAS once before like half a year ago or something. I lasted 4 days I think?? I finally decided to try again. My new years resolution to draw daily.

>> No.2799247

fluff here, I had a giggle. Happy new year spidey

>> No.2799282
File: 355 KB, 434x613, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to all the new Lassies joining on a new year's resolution!
Enjoy your stay and be nice!

Everyone else, I'm happy to be joining 2017 with you all. I look forward to the 1 year milestone.

>> No.2799283

>rhydwyn Im diggin the pants/jacket combo, immediately something about her right foot throws me off. Unless she is curling her toes.

Thanks, amigo. Yeah, I was sort of trying to show the natural curve of those types of boots but I definitely oversold it.

>> No.2799319

happy choob year!

>> No.2799464


>> No.2799520

how many people do you follow? 16 here

>> No.2799527

Just my mom.

>> No.2799538

holy crap eldrick's back

>> No.2799554
File: 2 KB, 125x119, firefox_2017-01-01_17-51-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799592

Thank you spidey, you da man.

>> No.2799626

>all this people who didn't finish the 30 heads challenge

>> No.2799631

4 people, 2 of which who dropped out isn't much

>> No.2799650

andrae youre incredible

>> No.2799680

whats his tumblr?

>> No.2799696

I finished it, just forgot to update my link

>> No.2799706
File: 205 KB, 900x930, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rorg, I just want to say that you're my favorite lassie right now.
I find most of what you do interesting. I feel like I can relate to something about your work. Maybe you just have good tase.
You're not like Meme Jung Gi levels of good, but I admire your effort and what you produce even on days where you don't put in much.

Keep it up and remember, we're all going to make it. :)

>inb4 hello rorg

Also, welcome new Lassies!

MikWit, that's some cool robottage. I look forward to what you post in the future.

OldGregg, welcome! I hope to see more little video game characters. I hope you enjoy it.

Nyra, cool face. Looks like you've got some nice structure with the head shape. Although the facial features look a little symbol-drawn, most notably the mouth area. Work hard and it'll be a piece of cake!

ch0mpy, your stuff so far is really neat. Keep making interesting stuff, please!

Welcome jozu, nice 10 days! I look forward to your streak going a long time.

Shkimmilk, I really like your military stuff. I can really appreciate industrial and tacticool design.

>> No.2799709

qt rabbit girl :3

>> No.2799732

hi rorg

>> No.2799777
File: 548 KB, 700x700, 1469318941286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back Eldrick, Blaiz and Dataism! And welcome to new people joining for new year.

>> No.2799782

when will lava come back?

>> No.2799783
File: 241 KB, 1000x1333, cranium lava come back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799793

i just weant me badgfers

>> No.2799807

>tfw we will never EVER get badgers

>> No.2799808

So many new people, and other rejoining too.

>> No.2799814
File: 83 KB, 600x573, 1324753975001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except for LAVA

that fucking lemur cold shouldering us during Christmas and New Year's Day

>> No.2799815

and nobody cares

>> No.2799836

Cool robots lassies.

>> No.2799881

d-did imgur get rid of views?

>> No.2799887

no, nobody just clicked on your image is all :^)

>> No.2799889

oh. time to drop out then I guess.

>> No.2799907

>expecting views when posting to a dead community

>> No.2799908

Neat style almonde. Try illustrator maybe.

>> No.2799914

Fug, 2017 is out for blood

>> No.2799925





>> No.2799927
File: 784 KB, 1600x925, 21-remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RIP Yotsuyu and Boygivingup.
The last weekwunner to fall was Luci on December 16th.

21 week ones remain.

>> No.2799928

don't you do this to me rozzle

>> No.2799931
File: 135 KB, 481x378, allover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.2799932

>boygivingup gave up

But really, what's up boygiving up, you too yotsuyu and rozzle.

>> No.2799939
File: 97 KB, 894x894, 1474205591712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you think you're doing /las/s?"

>> No.2799940

>tfw almost everyone around me is dead
I thought I wanted this but...not like this.This isn't what I signed up for.

>> No.2799943


>> No.2799951


>> No.2799952

So where do I sign up?
I decided to do the Seinfield work-every-day thing, so might as well join you lads.

>> No.2799955

It's in the OP laddie.

>> No.2799957

fukk you motherfuckerrs
now my goal is to top my upload streak (346)
you watch for me chumps!

>> No.2799960

why did you give up?
why fuck us??

>> No.2799961


>> No.2799962

oh, I didn't see the register button, my bad.

>> No.2799968

I honestly forgot to submit
not bait

>> No.2799978

>week one dies but keeps submitting
This is honestly the best scenario for me. One more week1 out of the way but they're still a lassie so I won't feel bad about it.

>> No.2799981

anybody fuck with nootropics?

>> No.2799986
File: 97 KB, 1366x768, red-queen-jervis-obtains-the-red-queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm.... yeah, maybe, it could be.

>> No.2799989

yeah breh, I fucks wit da alpha brain heavy.

>> No.2799995

a-are there no more views on imgur?

>> No.2799999

no, nobody just clicked on your image is all :^)

>> No.2800000


>> No.2800008


viewfags BTFO

>> No.2800016

Fuk my photoshop trial just ran out

>> No.2800017
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 1457736883366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares about the views, i am having a strange feeling that imgur's image compression has gotten even shittier than it was before. Is it just me?

>> No.2800020

What're you gonna do about it?

>> No.2800028

I guess you cant make art.

>> No.2800030

Sleep and think about it in the morning

>> No.2800031
File: 24 KB, 315x253, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2800036

d-did you like my roboto lassies?

>> No.2800057

Tankboy? That shit's cool

>> No.2800058

Thank you annon ;) , but it wasn't me who asked

>> No.2800062


>> No.2800069

innocent? I like yours too

>> No.2800124


>> No.2800132

Rhydwyn? That's super cute dude

>> No.2800135

Hey, actual Rorg here, just wanted to say a big thanks for the kind words, means a lot right now. Going to feel even worse about days I don't put in as much effort now but I will try to use it as motivation 8)

>> No.2800139


>> No.2800140

Would somebody be kind enough to review my submission? Thanks.

>> No.2800170


It's shit. What were you thinking submitting that for my glorious eyes to gander at? Reevaluate yourself and get back with me.

>> No.2800194

do you guys follow anyone in las? I dont think I do, just end up going through the days submissions and clicking whatever stands out.

>> No.2800228

I wish I could check if anyone follows me. Though my work is really all over the place, ranges from stupid sketch to fully colored and no consistent style so I rather not.

>> No.2800258


I do, but it's a very limited pool. Mostly people that interest me.

>> No.2800265

Wasn't me who asked either, but thanks a bunch, amigo.

>> No.2800267

I don't check any. I just submit and meme in the threads.

>> No.2800474

I follow Choob, only Choob. Choob.

>> No.2800478

but does anyone follow me?

>> No.2800484


>> No.2800487

Yes, i follow you!
What is the point to follow a lassie when you have an update on lavaflake's site everyday ?

>> No.2800555
File: 127 KB, 373x768, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And almost all of them are dead.

>> No.2800578

w-why dont you follow me?
am i not good enough for you or what? D:<

>> No.2800590

No. Cheer-up, I will follow you when you will level up.

>> No.2800606

>he wasn't following Gaijin when he was alive
tut tut my friendy friendio

>> No.2800610

list discarded holy shit

>> No.2800711

I didnt think i could hate anyone because of how they write, but Lava has made me passive aggressive. What the fuck are you talking about in your blog posts you fucking autistic crippled retard. I swear id beat your cripple ass to death. M-muh doodling. Gonna get good in a year. Fucking kill yourself please

>> No.2800713

If he spent as much time working on LAS as he did writing up his autistic blog posts we'd have badgers by now.

>> No.2800724

and still here you are endorsing his community

>> No.2800727

Its not his community you cuck. He created a shitty webpage that most people have already quit.

>> No.2800728

Ok, fucking everyone, comment HERE: http://lavaflake.com/2017/01/01/the-timekeeper-490/



Last time Lava came back was because I commented on his blog, let's try again.

>> No.2800734

Progress guy, how are you doing?

>> No.2800736


>> No.2800755

after a while being in las I finally think I have a perfect study schedule on what works and doesn't work

>> No.2800761

Tell us more anon.

>> No.2800765

I don't know what to choose as my 6th best drawing for the year, shit.

>> No.2800769

Fuck Lava, he is not coming back, just accept that fact.

>> No.2800773

would you want him to, i think this is fine

>> No.2800796


Really I'm just going to take classes rather than making a curriculum, think that would be easiest and fastest way to improve. With what I want on the side.

>> No.2800851

>nice head flow...Heh get it? Head-flow? Nevermind.

I didn't but now It just hit me because of the flowers right? Swear I was laughing for a good minute though mostly at myself. I was like "what the hell are you talking about" and my guesses were inane. Thanks for all the past comments and crits btw.

I intended to stick it out until the 1 year mark but for reasons I can't. Sorry. I loathe goodbyes but wish you all the best of luck in 2017 chums!

>> No.2800875

>1 view
Thanks Lassies :^)

>> No.2800880

I'm active again though

>> No.2800885
File: 15 KB, 500x300, local dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stole all your views

>> No.2800894

so thats why i have zero views ;____;

>> No.2800895


you're lucky I got 0 views

>> No.2800897

>I intended to stick it out until the 1 year mark but for reasons I can't. Sorry. I loathe goodbyes but wish you all the best of luck in 2017 chums!

>> No.2800908

>I would lick your sweaty asshole everyday if it meant I could be close to you
fucking kek

>> No.2800927

whats wrong with tripfagget?

>> No.2800939

Goodbye Rozzle, you are great :(

>> No.2800945

why rozzle ;~; il ove u

>> No.2800976

How do I

>> No.2801010

wait ive been joining for some days but I dont get it. whats week one? am I counted in the las challenge? why doesnt there new las challenge every week, the recent on I see was months ago?

>> No.2801014

You're counted. The week system isn't being used anymore, now it's just streaks.

>> No.2801017

>boygivingup has been eliminated

guess he finally gave up

>> No.2801019

Weeks are a relic from the past it's all about streaks now, you'll only see weeks from people that were around back when they were still in place, everyone new or rejoining after entry into the week system was discontinued won't be entered into it.

>> No.2801022

Best of luck to you buddy i really liked your last drawing

>> No.2801023

oh well
bye guys

>> No.2801024


>> No.2801029

build a streak you dumb faggot
its fun

>> No.2801030

what is considered a good streak?

>> No.2801034

Drawing 4 hours a day you need 2500 days to hit the 10k hours meme, so I guess that would be decent.

>> No.2801035


>> No.2801036


Sophie, Upperclasse studies! I like your woman playing tennis with the french flag. Add some motion blur to the ball.

>> No.2801040

your age squared

>> No.2801060

Can someone critique my work ?

>> No.2801067

its good anon keep up

>> No.2801077

See above. Who are you runningman1 ?

>> No.2801081

Very good work. You are gonna make it anon!

>> No.2801082

Ah, at long last /ic/ is a hugbox.

>> No.2801089



>> No.2801092

I'm starting to get bored in /las/, why?

I don't see the point on this site

>> No.2801093


studying some minyum proportions

>> No.2801095

oh shit ANDRAE


>> No.2801118


How can you get bored taking 1 min out of your day to post a link?

>> No.2801135

drawing takes sometimes even more than 1 min of my day, plus nobody will see your works and nobody will achieve nothing in doing so.

>> No.2801166
File: 261 KB, 1704x1080, you can do it!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at your works, anon. Keep up the good work!

>> No.2801169

I kind of want to start streaming. Do people watch even if you're bad?

>> No.2801173

rip roz

>> No.2801175
File: 288 KB, 485x850, 598b0888df29189770cac0b955fe5b35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my friends and family keep dying

>> No.2801183

Is she hiding her erection?

>> No.2801184
File: 784 KB, 1600x925, 20-remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Rozzle.

The last weekwunners to die were Yotsuyu and Boygiving up, only yesterday.

20 week ones now remain.

>> No.2801185
File: 171 KB, 500x551, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop leaving

>> No.2801186
File: 18 KB, 500x328, 1452526886371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's pretty strong erection if holding it back makes you shed tears.

>> No.2801187

Maybe it's a sadness boner.

>> No.2801191
File: 261 KB, 865x690, I&#039;VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2801273

do you think there'll be any w1s by the end of 2017? How many will remain? Who will it be? Will they make it?

>> No.2801275

I'm not even sure if LAS will be around at the end of 2017, or if Lava will even return during 2017

>> No.2801310

That's more interesting

>> No.2801318
File: 25 KB, 231x300, scan-from-National-Museum-of-American-History-via-Wikimedia-Commons-231x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2801611



