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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2796149 No.2796149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why furry artists are the only ones who make it

>> No.2796157

are these threads bannable offenses yet?

>> No.2796160

Actual tangible money from a stable source is on the line. No one else can point to where their freelance clients come from or what these concept art companies they want to go work for are.

>> No.2796167
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We make the bulk of our own content.

>> No.2796193

If you want to be furry drawfaggot for years before you make yourself recognizable name and get profit go ahead.

>> No.2796213

>Actual tangible money from a stable source
All the keks.

I think you mean the furry community is the only place an artist can be an insufferable, socially awkward, and unprofessional waste of life who can't meet deadlines and still get paid by desperate degenerates with a borderline addiction. I'd rather just work a regular job.

>> No.2796220

as opposed to any other fetish community, right?

>> No.2796228

No, it pretty much applies to all of them.

>> No.2796230

"making it" implies an artist has reached a high level of quality art with constant output, has a recognizable style, has a following, and is making a stable living.
Drawing smut isn't making it as most smut artists don't have to be good or improve. Degenerates looking to fap to their kink don't care about the quality so a smut artist has the choice to stagnate. Plus they are willing to dole out some pocket money here and there for commissions.
They aren't making stable living either because they're unable to produce a constant flow of work and their clients don't have much cash to begin with so they end up working for peanuts per commission.
And from what I've seen in the past smut artists lose interest in doing smut regularly. They either just stop producing or try to produce non-porn works which get no attention from their horny degenerate fans.
Drawing porn is a short term path for quick cash and maybe some experience if you use it to experiment with your art. Trying to do it long term is a road to nowhere.

>> No.2796233


>> No.2796244

"making it" to pornfags only means how much attention you get from strangers online. Not how much your brand as an artist is worth to corporate commercial business.

>> No.2796245


>> No.2796265

there was a furry artist on ic once that they said they was about to buy a house out of the smutt they been doing for years.

most smutt artists also applies with your definition of making it and doesn't really need to stagnate. not everything relies on working for industries, as much as doing smutt only.

>> No.2796272

>corporate commercial business
Nice putting words in my mouth

>> No.2796275

>there was a furry artist on ic once that they said they was about to buy a house out of the smutt they been doing for years.
That doesn't mean a damn thing. Specially if it's in a neighborhood that's depreciating in value over time. What matters is where and how much it was going to cost him. Anyone can just buy a cheap house if they hoard money and not spend on worthless shit.

>> No.2796277

>there was a furry artist on ic
Because 4chan is a source of truth and sincerity.
If you go on /biz/ everyone claims they're making 6 figures from bitcoin.

>> No.2796278

>putting words in my mouth
I didn't do this. I'm stating facts. "Making it" to pornfags is getting attention on the internet. Not actually being able to make a solid living that could support a family.

>> No.2796317

>making a living with porn isn't "making it" even though there's evidently no entry barrier to making great money with porn
>whereas anyone who isn't some special tumblrchild has to work his ass off for pennies
>exceptions being a handful of incredibly hard working cases - who still make less than the average fetish artist
so the only ones who "make it" are the 0.001% who manage to get into some big shot industry in California
top lel

>> No.2796321

>so the only ones who "make it" are the 0.001% who manage to get into some big shot industry in California
Basically, yes. Porn is pushing pennies. It's not where the big money is. Only shortsighted morons think it is. The porn market isn't broad enough. It's too concentrated and toxic on top of that. Kron and Sakimi aren't making the money they are because of porn and Doxy doesn't come close to the income those other two are bringing in even though he's among the top dogs in the online western smut circle. Porn is only a side thing, never the main focus. Pornfags are in denial. I'll never understand why they are though.

>> No.2796322
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wrong wrong wrong, you dont know what you're talking about

>> No.2796327

>"making it" implies an artist has reached a high level of quality art with constant output, has a recognizable style, has a following, and is making a stable living.

If you ask 5 different artists what 'making it' means on this board they'll give you 5 different answers, because it's a buzzword catch-all for 'meet your artistic goal'.

>> No.2796328

Is this mr. gabenewell in person?
IIRC you once said you make 60k every year off your art?

>> No.2796329
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yeah, easily, I'll probably make more than that next year with my recent price raise. That guy is completely talking out of his ass. The only thing hes right about is the risk of stagnation, which I'm well familiar with, but thats a risk for all artists everywhere.

>> No.2796331

Same reason why porn stars make more than gynecologist

>> No.2796332

Good to see you posting here
Are you referring to this
>Drawing porn is a short term path for quick cash and maybe some experience if you use it to experiment with your art. Trying to do it long term is a road to nowhere.
That is one of the things I'm sort of afraid of as an aspiring successful porn artist, I wonder even if I 'make it', can I keep it up forever? Or will I eventually be forced to stop and get a new job?

>> No.2796334

>but thats a risk for all artists everywhere.
It's a risk for all but to try to pretend porn artists (or online amateurs in general) don't fall victim to it the most is a complete and bold faced lie.

>> No.2796335

He could make more if his work was actually marketable. 60k isn't impressive.

>> No.2796338

It's better than positions with comparable salaries where you have to put on pants, work with a bunch of chipper assholes who go home and watch netflix and have a boss.

>> No.2796339

you can keep it up if you keep it up, if you want to make good money its a full time job. Nothing will force you to stop. I'm trying to get better and maybe someday i can move on to something different, but for now its an entirely comfortable existence and it will likely continue to be for quite a few years to come.
agreed, its because fans will suck your dick relentlessly. Porn compliments are worth less than nothing. Ego is death.
its not impressive but its extremely comfortable living for a single guy in a nice place working from home doing what he likes, i'm very content with it.

I'm not saying porn is a dream career, I'm saying you can turn it into a consistent and profitable full time job.

>> No.2796341

So when are you going to stop being a fruitbowl?

>> No.2796343

>Pornfags are in denial
they still make money whereas 99% of all artists don't

>> No.2796344

Oh give me a fucking break. This is classic /ic/ hubris right here. How much money do you make per year, assuming you even make a living from art?

>> No.2796349

he's probably a ceo at blizzard.

>> No.2796352

>Oh give me a fucking break.
What about 60k is impressive? Do you live in the 3rd world? Are you a NEET?

>> No.2796354


>> No.2796355
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neva eva eva eva eva eva eva

>> No.2796357

Post your most recent pay stub.

>> No.2796358

ITT: porn addicts in denial

>> No.2796360

You didn't answer the question

>> No.2796376

60k$ Per year? Bad? How much do you earn to complain about it?

>> No.2796380

about tree fiddy

>> No.2796404

Cause they're market/customer focused.

>> No.2796418

Is it possible as a porn artist to draw furry but only once in a while or something like that or does drawing it a few times 'mark' you as a furry artist?

>> No.2796424

why wouldn't you go under different alias for that ?

>> No.2796430

Well I'm just saying I don't mind drawing furry I just wouldn't want to draw it all the time due to a horde of furry commissions, or something.
Also kinda unrelated, to draw anthro heads you just study the animal then stylize right?

>> No.2796438

well, you could just update people about when you are willing accept doing furry art. i would imagine a few people would still ask time to time.

>> No.2796451

>I don't mind drawing furry
>If I draw furry I'll get a lot of commissions
>And I don't want that
Can you explain a little bit more