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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2790614 No.2790614 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2790616

i love this meme

>> No.2790621
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>> No.2790638


>> No.2790642

you NEED some, arguably inherited, personal traits in order to be able to grind all those hours required to become proficient without losing your mind.

>> No.2790663

>Grinding hours.

Lmao you waste your fucking time.

Practice something small with your full attention for 30 minutes and move forward.

>> No.2790720

Do autist really sit there and draw for hours staring at their shit art?

>> No.2790741
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>> No.2790792

You dont stare at your shit art autist, you sit your ass down and produce as much shit art as you can so you can git gud.

Repeat after me.

>> No.2790808


I like this meme

>> No.2790823

Dude that's my job. I do this 24/7. I take breaks and all though.

>> No.2790825

I meant 5 days a week not 24/7 lol that'd be hell

>> No.2790904
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>Hard Work

>> No.2790907

>tfw trying to explain talent ain't shit to someone who uses it as an excuse
When did this talent meme start? It was because of movies wasn't it?

>> No.2790908

normies need a way to justifie why they didn't make it

>> No.2790914

>talent ain't shit
"Talent" is not something you need to become good, but it is what separates the top 1% from the literallywhos that can draw well.

Any retard can learn how to play the piano eventually, but you need talent to be a great composer.

>> No.2790920

>They don't have the spark

>> No.2790958
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Because it's true.

>> No.2790962


>le everyone is born equal meme

>> No.2790965


>> No.2790991
File: 97 KB, 498x594, a ride on the feel-go-round.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just be yourself

>> No.2791002

>le I can't do it because I was not born with talent

>> No.2791003

>8-16+ hour meme

fucking hilarious

>> No.2791025

>not being born with talent

>> No.2791045
File: 999 KB, 1440x900, peepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all non-autists ain't gonna make it

>> No.2791257

How you doing, Kodyboy?

>> No.2791264


That makes sense, we just have to train our brains to think more purple then.

>> No.2791274

>Bluebrainer doesn't have a purplebrain.

>> No.2791281
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So you can get good at drawing realistically with practice.

But how do you aquire a unique style? Isn't that talent? How could you do that deliberately?

>> No.2791306
File: 8 KB, 276x277, 1462577928092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But how do you aquire a unique style? Isn't that talent? How could you do that deliberately?

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2791307

autist !=assburglar

>> No.2791313

Yes you retard its talent.

>> No.2791314


Yeah, you're never gonna make it.

>> No.2791697

Already made it.

>> No.2791874

What the fuck is that

>> No.2791948

>the video on the right at 0:50
>it can result in isolation, which is where the name Autism originated. since AUTO means Self. So Autism refers to a condition where somebody might be removed from social interaction and communication, leaving them alone or isolated.

no wonder artist are so close to autists, and viceversa

>> No.2791954


I wonder if assburgers make good marksmen

>> No.2792060
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>reading books about art will make you a better artist

>> No.2792096

Frilled shark. Thought to be extinct, but one ended up near Japan fairly recently.

>> No.2793865
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>> No.2793882

>tfw I can look at my drawing heroes and while I recognize how incredible they are I can see myself reach the top of the mountain within my lifetime

I see the light guys
or maybe I'm starting to go insane

>> No.2793887
File: 75 KB, 750x732, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying le hard work meme gets you anywhere

All these years, and you're not a successful artist, just another anon in a board full of amateurs staring at the inside of their own rectum in righteous fury because the outside world rejected their so-called "superior" art for actually talented individuals.

The nice guys of the art world, eternally complaining that the actual artists finish last when the entire world cares not about anatomy or Loomis, but spectacle and pretty colors.

While you complain in an anonymous image board, Sakimi-chan has just made another 1000 dollars.

>> No.2793948

I see myself get better and better and I'm usually positive towards my work, but every now and then I have this moment of pure terror where I wonder if I'm not yet another delusional autist and everything I'm doing isn't just a gigantic waste of time that even my family has come to accept.

There are so many people on DeviantArt who think they'll be big shots someday, what if I'm just a little bit better than those? What if the only difference between me and them is that I'm older and therefore more stupid?

What if I'm completely misguided and everything I'm doing doesn't really matter because I willfully let some essential truth go over my head?

>> No.2793957
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He seemed to do pretty well.

>> No.2793978
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Anon, just replace this with "I'm," maybe even "We're" and your post will come off with far less projection.

Unless of course you're the special case. That magical exception to the rest of /ic/?

>> No.2793986

The thing that sets me apart from the rest of you is that I have made peace with the truth.

So yes, I am an exception, but only in the sense that I don't lie to myself.

>> No.2793993
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>So yes, I am an exception, but only in the sense that I don't lie to myself.

>> No.2794030

so how do you explain some kids draw very good from early age without someone to teach them?
everyone can improve themselves but some can get higher by default, some even started higher by default.
not everyone is equal.

>> No.2794040
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This is only about technical skill though. I feel like this is what made the art world go tits up in the early XX century, you had a ton of incredibly well trained painters but it had degenerated into virtuoso wankery.

Now we're in a phase where people have "expressed themselves" plenty already, and we are starting to realize that as a whole we don't really have that much to say.

If we're just a bit wiser and keep history in mind we can come back to the roots and celebrate the Old Masters, but at the same time try to develop a personal vision: not only so we can be better and more impactful artists but also to genuinely enjoy our craft day by day.

>> No.2794544

drawing is 90% observation, 10% dexterity

some kids are more quite and pay more attention to what is happening around them,

>> No.2794546


>> No.2794728

>inherited traits
Did you read this before posting it? Talent in the arts doesn't exist. If you stopped sucking master dick you could eventually emulate and surpass them.

>> No.2794750
File: 106 KB, 634x428, 252D82C000000578-2932476-image-a-1_1422592687524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, and probably the simplest argument for talent. some kids are naturally good at drawing, while others can't even draw the circle for the head right.

did you know Michelangelo was punched in the face and had his nose broken as kid by Pietro Torrigiano because he was jealous of how good he was?

>> No.2794753
File: 74 KB, 500x648, laweence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talent in the arts doesn't exist. If you stopped sucking master dick you could eventually emulate and surpass them.

are you speaking from experience?

>> No.2794770


>you will never lick the sweet cunny of a art loli

why live

>> No.2794775

>get a wife
>breed till you get a daughter
>teach art at young age
>lick sweet cunny

>> No.2794811

more like "using a reference pic" kek
let's see you/them do that from memory and then we'll talk about "skill".

>> No.2794814

>implying that cave dwelling internet pedophiles could get a woman to marry them
all my sides

>> No.2794841


Yes. If you stop mindlessly sucking the dicks of anyone with a coherent grasp of artistic talent then I promise you'll achieve something in your life.

Your rampant cocksucking is getting you nowhere, anon.

>> No.2794958

Post your work

>> No.2795033

Why does this matter? Why does it make any difference if it is from memory or not?

>> No.2795054
File: 3 KB, 163x214, 1416495664823s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent is just a word for having a high IQ, not being autismal, and getting into your chosen field very early.

>> No.2795105

how doesn't this constitute "talent"?

having a particular phenotype that makes you more apt than your peers for certain tasks is the very definition of talent.

>> No.2795137


/ic/ is imagination central (in ideal, in practice it's study central) and plenty of people subscribe to the "if it's not from imagination a monkey could do it" philosophy.

It's only gonna get worse since that Proko stream.

>> No.2795251
File: 22 KB, 381x394, 1472107984051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795285

>plenty of people subscribe to the "if it's not from imagination a monkey could do it" philosophy


>> No.2795297


The classic "pff any fucking idiot can copy a photo"
As usual, though, people rarely deign to provide a demonstration of how easy it is, and seem to ignore the majority of artists who never manage to compellingly draw from observation.

>> No.2795318

>The classic "pff any fucking idiot can copy a photo"

Ah if only that were the case...

>and seem to ignore the majority of artists who never manage to compellingly draw from observation.

Which is why I am curious where the fuck this photo copy meme came from in the first place.

>> No.2795356
File: 75 KB, 687x686, sadccat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a particular phenotype that makes you more apt than your peers for certain tasks is the very definition of talent.

oh no please don't crush the /ic/ dream that any and everyone can "grind" their way into becoming a pro artist

>> No.2795358


>> No.2795369


I think it all depends on how well your brain functions

>> No.2795392

No one here has provided any evidence that "talent" in the arts actually exists. I've seen some vague references to "the right phenotypes" and "some kids just being better" but nothing concrete.

What talent are you referring to? Observation? Hand-eye co-ordination? Spacial reasoning? Memory? Lateral thinking? All of the above? I really don't know.

Anyhow, I believe that anyone with a healthy brain can atain the skills of a proffessional but it requires motivation, dedication, and learning the right way not just "grinding"

The reason a lot of people dont make it in terms of skill is because they don't know what to do, are not motivated, aren't interested and or have to much to do.

Drawing for several years doesn't teach you anything unless you are actually studying. Drawing is just another craft not some mystical skill us mere mortals can't attain unless you have the [/ic/ meme]

>> No.2795398

post your portfolio, job title, and number of years you've been practicing

>> No.2795434
File: 16 KB, 276x279, wtf_ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed with a but. I think individual contributors exhibit their own pulls in various directions which contribute to the whole of the artistic movement. People have revelations in their work from time to time and sometimes they impact more than just the individual, especially when it's a new discovery.

The amount of negativity on /ic/ is staggering. I don't think I was exposed to this much horseshit propaganda when I was growing up and learning art and design. It was less ligameme and more practice specific lacking areas until it clicks in and you can combine them in your own way, understanding how individual pieces come together to form a whole.

In a previous thread I blamed education primarily because drawing and painting, accurately and proficiently, is a teachable thing. It requires no great feat of "talent". If you can follow instruction you can develop all the necessary motor and mental facilities to do the aforementioned.

But we sorely lack people who can communicate this and instill courage in a younger audience to follow through. In a sense, we're lacking more teaching talent than we lack learning talent (nevermind artistic talent).

Schools _try_ to mill students through a curriculum but the teachers themselves are incompetent at what they do. Most of the courses are far too short in length - what's the point? You're far better off doing one-on-one interviews with students, seeing what their strengths and weaknesses are and devising a curriculum to help them get better, and refining the curriculum to a general whole if you see that majority of students are lacking in particular areas.

Self-teaching for beginners is slow and highly error-prone. It's something that you do once you are capable and confident.

That's how FZD and other schools came to thrive recently and it's how they secure high employment rates (85%)[1] for their students. By teaching them what they need to know to succeed.

[1] http://fzdschool.com/registrations/faq

>> No.2795444

From >>2795434

Having said it's no surprise to anyone that teachers do identify students who are more or less capable than others and alter their direction accordingly. Some schools explicitly tier students based on their ability.

But to crush teenagers and early 20-somethings who just want to posses foundational drawing and painting skills before they've even had a chance to fix their chickenscratch doodles is just fucking pathetic.

Shame on /ic/.

>> No.2795445


are you implying using a photo reference does not take skill? it's all about the final product anyway, isn't it?

>> No.2795446

School Director
20+ years

>> No.2795452

I feel the same way. Although I do enjoy modern art, I feel the need to return to our roots, as you said, in order to bring greater impact to the world. I feel like a majority of people have become numb to this intense, visually stimulated culture and have forgotten what really matters. It's just fuckin hard man

>> No.2795501
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>But to crush teenagers and early 20-somethings who just want to posses foundational drawing and painting skills before they've even had a chance to fix their chickenscratch doodles is just fucking pathetic.
I don't get this, I've never seen anyone here "crush" people- when I posted my art here people were pretty helpful and I thank them for that. Yeah, they may get mad when newbies start their own thread looking for critique, but those people deserve it for not lurking and figuring out how this place works.
You seem like a faggot who posted their bad rotated non-resized symbol drawn "art" from their phone and got btfo. If you want a hugbox where people gush over your drawings even when they are shit go to Reddit.

>> No.2795506

>You seem like a faggot who posted their bad rotated non-resized symbol drawn "art" from their phone and got btfo. If you want a hugbox where people gush over your drawings even when they are shit go to Reddit.

You mean >>2795415 ? That's someone else.

I may be taking it a bit too far but hear me out.

I'm not referring to hugboxes or following after reddit. I'm pointing out that the board has a younger audience who are at the stage where they are learning to draw and figure things out, and who could use a nudge in the right direction and a bit of motivation.

A huge amount of people are discouraged from learning the basics of drawing and painting precisely because of this talent-driven doubt that's instilled in them from an early age, and it's not a good sign when Richard Schmid has to firstly discuss talent in Alla Prima before he starts even talking about the craft.

I've seen this behavior in other fields so it's not unique to art work, but it's definitely dumb all the same.

I'm glad you to hear you have received positive help by the way. Pay it forward.

>> No.2796206
File: 64 KB, 562x517, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you need to be special kind of autismo to sink thousands of hours into a risky oversaturated field with shit employment perspective.
So it's more of a willpower thing than anything else.