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File: 239 KB, 1705x959, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2792927 No.2792927 [Reply] [Original]

Let me see, to learn drawing I should need to learn the following.

- realistic rendering of basic 3D shapes.
- master perspective
- master planes and values
- master 3D shapes on diferent perspectives and with diferent light values
- learn rythm and figure line of action
- learn figure proportions
- learn diferent body parts anatomy, like main bones and muscles, including insertion points
- learn to render a body part in diferent light value studies
- learn how clothing works (drappery)
- learn how animal anatomy works
- learn to render fur
- learn to render plants and vegetation
- learn to render diferent materials
- learn to do backgrounds
- learn composition

so far even if I have years upon drawing and I'm just mediocre I think I've gotten to the point where I can make a plan of attack based on what I know of drawing and formulate a plan to learn every specific diferent subject, maybe by deconstructing every difernent part or skills into smaller skills that will be easy to learn.

Maybe by deconstructing every big skill (drawing) into smaller ones and more defined I could track better my improvement.

I do think I've stumbled into how to learn a skill, and I'm afraid I just discovered the wheel again.

Do anyone feel the same?

>> No.2792945

good god just draw for fucks sake

what is the point of this thread

>> No.2792949


>> No.2792951

>picture of a drawing/painting including tools, or even the author pretending to be working on it

i don't get why people still fall for that bullshit

>> No.2792953

to see if anyone agrees with my plan or I'm missing a step.

>just draw
bro, I've been drawing since 2005 and I have improved just a little.

I put as motivation to improve 10 times in one year than all the previous years.

>> No.2792961

>to get good, i need to do all these things that will get me good

to answer, yes, you have a fantastic plan)

do you also plan out the most efficient way of putting toast in the toaster

>> No.2792964

nothing wrong with working smarter.
I've realized finally I've stumbled upon something that is obvious to any experienced artist.

>> No.2792969

there's no working smarter. you can waste time reading whatever, if you want.

only when the pupil is ready, the master appears.

>> No.2792979

I dunno, i think most people would improve if they had a good teacher.
I never had any help, so I had to self learn and discover all that shit by myself.

>> No.2793550

From a fellow autist who attempted something similar way back :
Dude it's great that you have a plan but some of these just don't hold as much priority than the others. What are you going to add next? Aircraft? Dynamic gestures? The list will never fucking end if you approach it like this. In the end you'll just waste time and tire yourself out. Just master perspective and basic construction and all other shit will come along naturally. Learn anatomy? That sir still has to be grinded 10000 times since every human has different proportions unless you want to slap the same face and body on everyone. Just follow the sticky it's way easier.

>> No.2793562


Studies come after you realize you don't know how to draw something.

> Want to draw hot lady
> Try to draw hot lady
> Proportions look off and legs look weird
> Study legs, study proportions, fix drawing
> Rinse, repeat

Remember back in high school when you thought "WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED TO LEARN TRIGONOMETRY WHEN I WILL NEVER USE IT!?" and you ended up never internalizing it? It's that sort of thing. You won't really learn anything until you try, come across a problem and fix it.

>> No.2793568

I don't know but it works
do it

>> No.2793643

>- realistic rendering of basic 3D shapes.
>- master perspective
>- master planes and values
>- master 3D shapes on different perspectives and with different light values
>- learn rhythm and figure line of action

You don't need to focus on any of this shit because when you're studying anatomy and whatever else (and are practicing drawing those things from imagination) you'll be practicing these basic fundies at the same time.

And for all the specific things to study, you shouldn't make it into an autism checklist and should just study those things when you actually need to draw them or are particularly interested in them. (eg. I want to know how to draw a dog so I will study dogs)

>> No.2793656


>> No.2793870

You don't even need to master shit.

Basic knowledge and the rest is just winging it. Most professional artist do just that and they do it a lot for a LONG time. Human are not like computer where you can just install one thing at a time and remember every last bit.

Unless you're blessed or cursed with eidetic memory or you're from china.

The most efficient way of learning is to do studies. From life/Photos/Other artist work. When you do studies you learn multiple things at once. If you get stuck on certain things Google is your best friend. There's free information EVERYWHERE. Make use of it.

>> No.2793873

Yes. Having someone with knowledge and experience explaining things to you is a great boost. But good teachers are not free unless you're lucky to stumble upon one somehow and they're not inherently asshole.

No teacher is better than learning from a bad teacher.

>> No.2794187

I think that's a bit too realistic.

>> No.2794195

H.R. Gigers website said the same thing pretty much , it said get a book on figure drawing. its the only book you will ever need.

>> No.2794735


Yeah, but Giger only drew bodyparts smashed togheter with almost no feling of depth.

You need to see who gives you what advice, it makes sense that he would only need that for the kind of paintings he made, but if you want to draw realistic spaships, figure drawing wont help you for shit, and is clear that perspective in the way of Scott Robertson would be much better.

>> No.2796374

suscribe to new masters academy and watch sheldon borenstein's videos, he's a better teacher than anyone in the sticky

>> No.2796509

Some of these things are very closely related:
>learn diferent body parts anatomy, like main bones and muscles, including insertion points
>learn how animal anatomy works
Mammals have a lot of muscles in common, just different proportions

>learn how clothing works (drappery)
>learn to render fur
>learn to render plants and vegetation
All of these can be reduced to ribbon shapes.

>> No.2796601

The way you're approaching it is odd. You wouldn't learn to open a pickle jar or how to open your mayonnaise, mustard jar, ketchup bottle individually; you would simply learn how to unscrew a lid. Then once you understand and have access to your ingredients, you learn how and what to mix together to make something that tastes good.

>> No.2797937

Why is the rendering not straight and all foggy but it still looks right?

>> No.2798292

What would be good one? Villpu maybe?

>> No.2798293

>Recommends Sheldon Borenstein on NMA
>Not based Vilppu or Steve Huston
Nigga what are you doing

>> No.2799397
File: 39 KB, 374x347, 1479888094559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting toast in the toaster

>> No.2799501
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799547

Focus in the basics and work your way up, you'll get better with practice over time. You don't need to learn every little thing about drawing when your first starting.