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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 150 KB, 692x415, 654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2791762 No.2791762 [Reply] [Original]

First Proko and now Ruan. Was imagination a meme all along?

Jokes aside though, thought it was an interesting little video on Ruan and wanted to share with you guys.


>> No.2791764

She wants the D badly.

Also, do the chinks not have a word for "idea", or what?

>> No.2791766

>i just drew it in a disordered and casual way. because very likely i would not show them to anyone
there ya go

>> No.2791771

he draws something new from imagination at the end

>> No.2791772

>First Proko and now Ruan.
but he's drawing from observation here

>> No.2791774

>tfw i have the same sketchbook and pen as Ruan Jia
>tfw i always thought the sketchbook was too small and never used it
>tfw he can make life sketches of the inside of planes on it
welp. i found my motivation for today

>> No.2791782


The captions at 1:08 are incorrect, you can clearly here Ruan talk about "soulja boy" and "nigga" yet no mention in the translation. Fucking sjw bullshit.

>> No.2791788
File: 1.01 MB, 1243x1150, Screen Shot 2016-12-25 at 6.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2791791

He's just pretending he can speak chinese, the subs are a smoke screen.

>no, that means breast
>oh rirry?

>> No.2791794

He's amazing with value and shit with lines, what's not to get?

>> No.2791800

What was it with proko?

>> No.2791816

Some people are naturally better with form and value and shapes than lines. Craig Mullins cannot draw in line at all and has been trying to learn how to for the past year.

>> No.2791818

His sketchbook looks like a solid draftsman sketchbook.
But his rendering is out of this world.
Really activates your almonds.

>> No.2791824
File: 47 KB, 712x692, 1477990271359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "/ic/ is outraged that an artist who does almost exclusively one thing is not actually that good at another thing" thread

Still kind of funny to find out that nobody is safe from the curse of a comfort zone.

>> No.2791849

He did a stream where he only drew from imagination and it turned out to be a disaster. A couple funny meme pics came out of it but I don't have them saved.

>> No.2791873


he's humble i want to bear his children

>> No.2791875

>/ic/ really thinks everything an artist does must match the quality of their paintings

>> No.2791877


It's still the difference between a 5 minute sketch and a several hour painted render, anon.

>> No.2791878
File: 16 KB, 400x294, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just noticed he keeps his pens in a rilakkuma pouch

>> No.2791887

obviously yeah, I'm not saying he's shit or anything. Dude's a master.

>> No.2791890
File: 956 KB, 1200x894, december-9-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i draw better than ruan jia and proko put together. you idiots need to stop falling for the "observational drawing is a meme" meme. if you work from imagination and digitally all the time YOU WONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW. You'll be 35 with no marketable skills because your trendy "style" got replaced by a younger artist with a trendier style. you illustrators are hopeless.

>> No.2791891

You've found the source of his power anon.

>> No.2791904

>i draw better than ruan jia and proko put together
>actually thinks that pic related is impressive to anyone but your mom and facebook normies

pls brian at this point you sound like someone trying to impersonate you to make you look bad

>> No.2791906


they do, but using the western word sounds cool and worldly in Chinese.

It's like how you might say "I'm feeling very zen", to borrow a word from Japanese when you could just say "I'm feeling very relaxed/calm", they mean the same thing, but one infers a certain sophistication and cultural knowledge.

Using "idea" in a Chinese sentence sounds very trendy. Like the idea is very current and fresh.

>> No.2791911


This guy is so good and actually uses his imagination.

>> No.2791917

Nah, line drawing is just by far the hardest thing to do, especially with ink.

>> No.2791964

the pen one is pretty good actually
rendering with pencil always gives something aesthetically pleasing, it's easy to seduce with it
his sketchbooks drawings are good, idk what y'all talking about, maybe the one he does live at the end sucks but it might have been him being uncomfortable, he doesn't look too confident in the interview

any idea wha'ts the foutain pen he's using for it tho ?

>> No.2791995

I can see why people worship Kim Jung Gi as a god now.

>> No.2792014

because he almost is one .

>> No.2792020

>It's like how you might say "I'm feeling very zen", to borrow a word from Japanese when you could just say "I'm feeling very relaxed/calm", they mean the same thing, but one infers a certain sophistication and cultural knowledge.
You're a kuso baka, anon-kun. Never hanashimasu like that again.

>> No.2792027

>You're a kuso baka, anon-kun. Never hanashimasu like that again.
you japan japan how japan you japan japan on japan japan japan

>> No.2792045

my japan is dead, you fucking japan

I hope you japan in japan

>> No.2792048

ill have you know ive been all over japan, and i speak the language of japan fluently and know all the cool words cause japan and me? we tight.

>> No.2792052

>being this weebs


>> No.2792059

Kim Jung Gi is on a whole new level, though. haha

>> No.2792087
File: 70 KB, 424x287, clip+(2016-05-11+at+05.12.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

でーもーねー僕のamericaも死んだ( ᷄・ὢ・ ᷅ )
( ゚ー゚)ウ ( 。_。)ン ( ゚ー゚)ウ ( 。_。)ン

>> No.2792266

because his slanty eyes can see all the simplified values permanently xddddddd

>> No.2792365


>> No.2792375

>no construction
>no gestures
Never gonna make it. Symbol drawing and tracing

>> No.2792395
File: 98 KB, 692x415, succ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792470


The magic of the holy trinity of /ic/ (you know who) is that they're living parodies of themselves. They're so delusional its become impossible to tell when it's them or someone mocking them.

>> No.2792508

i know this is a troll but people actually believe this you know

>> No.2792516

Zen doesn't mean relaxed/calm in Japanese, it literally just refers to the zen style of meditation.

>> No.2792518

how do you guys look at OP's pic and think this artist has his shit together. they went through his sketchbook and it was crap.

>> No.2792522


>> No.2792532

His sketchbook was really fucking lame. Anyone who thinks this looked good must be blind. The lines are really crappy and and the result is really mediocre too. Just shows that he is carried by photoshop where he reworks his stuff a million times and probably uses every crutch possible.

>> No.2792533

Are there seriously people on this board so shit at art that they think that ink drawing is bad?

>> No.2792537
File: 74 KB, 400x533, ruan-jia-yyyyy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted his inked hand drawings on a thread of him once and said they must be blind contours, because they looked so fucking bad I literally didn't think he was even looking at the paper when he drew it. idk how the fuck he is so bad at lines, while being the ultimate master of light and color

>> No.2792538

Those are direct ink drawings you dumb fuck. They aren't meant to look pretty, they are meant to train accuracy. Posts like these really show how little some people know about art.

>> No.2792539

Most artists have 2 sketchbooks. One real other one for audience with "epic" clean sketches and fancy vignettes

>> No.2792540
File: 1.87 MB, 400x209, navy seals.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792544
File: 443 KB, 550x734, 1288982126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruanjia is a 100 times better oil painter than you will ever be and every single drawing I've seen of yours was way worse than what we've seen in his sketchbook.

>> No.2792546

The lines are disgusting so you know he is crap at this. You know shit.

>> No.2792547

>he draws something new from imagination at the end
>"oh no you moved your hand as I was drawing it"

>> No.2792554

If you seriously think the lines in >>2791788 next to that pencil rendering are shit, then you should quit art altogether because there is positively no way in hell you are ever going to make it.

There were a bunch of pretty crappy drawings in his sketchbook, true, but he explained it in the fucking video. He trained himself to be more accurate by using permanent media and learning to leave mistakes be and moving to the next drawing. Your unbelievably dumb comments really show that you have never done direct ink drawings before and that you are too fucking stupid to understand the purpose of them.

>> No.2792555
File: 119 KB, 988x735, 765876876868686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is same retard who shitposted in draw threads about 4xiszero?

>> No.2792556
File: 375 KB, 795x790, tfwRuanJia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruan spends all his stat points in painting
>ic surprised when he's bad at drawing
>Kim Jung Gi spends all his stat points in drawing
>ic surprised when he's bad at painting

>> No.2792558

You fucking retard. The lines are all over the places like you would do sketching with a pencil. How can one full retard worship someone wholly based on his reputation? There is not even a hint of precision in his lines. He himself said like you quoted that he is training to be more accurate, a statement that implies that he knows he is shit and wants to improve in this regard.

When he started drawing a sketch at the end he even used whitener and you could see multiple times that he has no idea where to place lines and where to not place them, a habit he developed from photoshop where he could easily erease all unnecessary lines so he never learned being careful with his lines.

He is a fucking amateur with ink, any non fanboy can see this.

>> No.2792560

I can't even find any painting of Kim Jung Gi. His colored works look decent. KJG said multiple times that he prefers drawing because it's the fastest you get to the result while with painting it takes a long time.

>> No.2792561
File: 31 KB, 317x334, 1482611990894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Malaysia is not banned. >>2791087
Be careful around posts like >>2792558

>> No.2792563

The classic play of a shitposter at the end of his wits, accusing someone as a troll as his last trump card to deflect from his own idiocy.

>> No.2792565

Sure, Malaysia

>> No.2792566
File: 1.61 MB, 480x360, 757576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Malaysia

>> No.2792574

woah woah wait a minute. was this a drawing done from life? if so that's inexcusably terrible.

>> No.2792582
File: 53 KB, 547x700, 73ff008a748af58a9fb7e932779e5306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan Jia is shit artist. Look at his shit paintings. Any students from art school can draw like him. Get some taste, digital shitters

>> No.2792585

Sucks when an artist is completely carried by the digital medium. But also shows how much superior it is.

>> No.2792634

4xiszero is one of the most samefacey comfort zone artists on /ic/
looks like someone doesn't know how to get lights and darks without the crutch of a backlit computer.

>> No.2792643

this is so much better than anything you could ever make, brian.

>> No.2792646
File: 86 KB, 750x556, ic professional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.2792652
File: 391 KB, 750x1000, december-26-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over rendered, no likeness, muddy colors, can't into a thickness for paint other than water... yup he's pretty godlike.

how's my imagination guys? am i more creative than ruan jia? do you think he could do this? or am i the one who could never draw his messy linework fat guy holding a camera with a claw hand

>> No.2792656

guarenteed if you gave me that painting right now i could make it 100% better

>> No.2792659

op's drawing wasn't so great but I found his sketchbook pretty nice, what is wrong with you people

>> No.2792660

Even kids from first course in art school are better than you. You're completely shitter and 379 views on behance tells a lot. Don't worry, I saving all shit you talkin about other artists jsut to expose u later.

>> No.2792665

this is not even funny anymore brian
its like you are at an art gallery with someone who is really talented and they present their work, then you screech BUT I AM BETTER and then squeeze out the biggest shit nugget you ever had, right there on the floor
and then you go "look. i know you are speechless. my genius is simply beyond you."

>> No.2792667

its brian whos having a spastic spergout. half of these posts are from him.

>> No.2792671

Why he's so retarded in his age?

>> No.2792675

it's more like someone tells me they're serious about art and then yanks on their dick when they get home until they cum all over their computer and pretends they've got their shit together next time they see me...
illustration isn't art. i like plenty of artists. picasso's pretty good. I like Giorgio de Chirico. My friend Ben was pretty good before he stopped.

>> No.2792693

alright then, haven't been on /ic/ in a while so I guess there's some new drama

>> No.2792707
File: 748 KB, 480x806, 2143253654645.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're shit person and someday you will pay the price. I hope you likes Monte Cristo.

>> No.2792711

You people are humongous faggots who probably do nothing but "grind boxes" all day. His ink drawings are fine if that's what he does to warm up or help visualize a piece before working on it. They are rough and not perfect because they don't have to be because he's a million leagues above drawing gestures and anatomy for practice. I'm not even joking you guys are literally insane, way far up your own ass, or trolling.

>> No.2792712

>they don't have to be because he's a million leagues above drawing gestures and anatomy for practice
Legit the most retarded reasoning I have ever read. I didn't even know you could burry a tiny asian cock so deep into your mouth.

>> No.2792715

Yeah keep grinding fundamentals every day and never move on, you'll surely improve and gain notoriety in the art world unlike that fag Ruan ji, don't forget to keep circle jerking on ic for ultimate mastery

>> No.2792718

Very original to shit on the fundamentals.

>> No.2792719

check "Christmas thread" >>2790169 and look at posters such a brian. /ic/ is trashhole

>> No.2792723

I'm not shitting on fundamentals, I'm shitting on trying to auttistically perfect them and never moving on and then shitting on a famous talented artist

>> No.2792733

>ruan jia is shit now

/ic/ dunning kruger-ism truly knows no bounds.

>> No.2792735

more like shitposters are dropping the big bait rn

>> No.2792736

No one said that. His sketchbook is shit and that's it. He is still amazing as an artist.

>> No.2792760
File: 612 KB, 1200x1358, 0704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe in cool "sketchbook" drawings, except KJG. Especially when you draw everywhere and especially in "well rendered moleskins". They're fake like Kr0n's "cafe studies". You draw cool sketches at home for hours and tear out pages with bad ones. Mix it with real outdoor sketches and tadaaan - cool sketcbook is ready, everyone wants your dick

>> No.2792761


His sketchbook is great tho, it's not perfection like his paintings but no ones sketches are.

>> No.2792765
File: 54 KB, 309x351, IMG_0157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792767

Whose pages are these?

>> No.2792770

What about it is great? I guarantee if it was posted by some anon here instead being Ruan Jia's sketchbook you fags wouldn't give a single shit about it or even insult it.

>> No.2792772
File: 255 KB, 844x1200, CqRMh9ZVUAUfsHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792773


Can you or anyone tell me the name of the pen? It looks great.

>> No.2792776

>I don't believe in cool "sketchbook" drawings, except KJG
Who is Peter Han?

>> No.2792778


Normally I would just say you're the average delusional artist who thinks they're good and they're bad, but I think the other dudes description of "literally insane" is the only really suitable term

You honestly can't even fathom that someone is so much better than you that they don't need your "muh fundamentals" loomis exercises. Go outside and get off of /ic/ for a while, seriously

>> No.2792780

Thanks lad

>> No.2792783


I think sketches have nice solid line work and he seems to have a nice sense of form(I don't know the right word for this, he just seems like he knows what he's doing/knows his stuff).

And if it wasn't Ruan Jia and was some random anon and it didn't get any attention, then /ic/ doesn't know what good stuff is.

>> No.2792786

What has this to do with loomis or fundamentals that Ruan's sketches suck? You guys keep grasping at straws.
>he is so fucking good he doesn't need fundamentals
Literally what? How much jizz that you consume to come to this kind of conclusion?

>> No.2792788

This. Peter uploads a new page or two of awesome sketches daily on Instagram. Although he might do them in advance.

>> No.2792790

>ruan jia's bad sketchbook single handedly made people believe artists generally can't do cool sketches
Man you guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.2792791
File: 176 KB, 690x920, 1478361032976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan Jia is not only one painter who draw counters in his sketchbooks as I remember. Seems like it's secret tech for asian painters. Can someone post his spec-ops sketches?

>> No.2792792
File: 82 KB, 654x525, 1461449457504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But his sketches are good though, this has to be some meme wtf.

>> No.2792794

>logical fallacy
no, fuck off

>> No.2792796

Not really, they suck ass.

>> No.2792798

You suck, brian.

>> No.2792800

Retarded frog and scapegoat poster.

>> No.2792801

i cant believe you all are acting like no one produces bad art, even pros..

for every "good" piece, trust that 3 or 4 came previous to that one, carrying good ideas, and refining them

>> No.2792805

I don't think it's "fast" 5-10min sketches.

>> No.2792807

´No one does this. The problem are the cocksuckers who say his sketchbook is great. Can't even admit that their idol isn't perfect.

>> No.2792808
File: 62 KB, 600x537, snob2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded fedora poster.

>> No.2792809

Peter Han does amazing sketches in 10 minutes. Watch his sketching videos.

>> No.2792810

The problem are the cocksuckers who say his sketchbook is bad. And degenerates like brian

>> No.2792815

Can he paint tho?
What a shit artist!

>> No.2792816


then it's just taste?

why does this make you mad?

do you get mad everytime a shitter gets more likes than you?


his sketchbook is allowed to be shit, stop defending it so hard

>> No.2792821

Drawing is way harder than painting tho. There are billions of great digital painters but only a handful of people that have great drawing skills.

>> No.2792825

Wut. Painting is harder than drawing.

>> No.2792828

That's why Ruan Jia can't draw a non shaky line to save his life. But there is always photoshop where he can just use a stabilizer so all is good.

>> No.2792829

>That's why Ruan Jia can't draw a non shaky line to save his life
Rewatch video and read subtitles if you can, brian

>> No.2792830

t. blind faggot

>> No.2792831


>> No.2792834

>literally all third party stabilizer software made to be compatible with photoshop or straight made for photoshop

>> No.2792835

"Drawing is way harder than painting" is already pure incompetence from your side.

>> No.2792838

Show me video where he using third party stabilizer software.

>> No.2792840

Where do all those newfags come from? /ic/ isn't salvageable anymore. A few years back it was the general opinion that drawing is far more challenging than painting. Just because it looks flashier you fags think it's way harder although there is way more room for errors in painting than there is for drawing.

>> No.2792842

Show me a vid where he is drawing at all digitally. He mostly paints or starts the stream after the sketch is already made.

>> No.2792843

You fucken wot m8? Drawing does not require knowledge of color, color complicates things 10 fold. Good painting requires pretty much every aspect of drawing, + the difficulties of color. Have you ever painted in your life or have any common sense whatsoever you fucking knob?

>> No.2792849
File: 1.01 MB, 1276x1648, 1422480318364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A few years back it was the general opinion
Waving hands right now huh? Colors alone a thing you will never able to understand fully in your live. Even according to Imperial Academy of Art painting is harder than drawing. You can ask any teachers. Painting is last part of education.

>> No.2792852

>Show me a vid where he is drawing at all digitally.

>> No.2792864

Are you guys retarded? Color is not exclusive to painting as well as rendering isn't drawing. There are a million great painters while there are only a couple of great drawing artists. Digital painting made painting so extremely easy. You have like a million crutches with it nowadays. Except for stabilizers drawing is still completely pure even digitally.
>directly copies 3D model
>zoomed completely out and low resolution so you barely can see anything

>> No.2792884

>moving the goalposts
You put yourself into a corner, shitposter. Before shitposting about third party stabilizer software you should at least use them ones. To be honest I don't think you're even artist.

>> No.2792891

A rough sketch he quickly copies from a 3D model. That guy isn't about drawing at all so shut the fuck up. It just confirms that he sucks at drawing. He is purely a painter, that's why his sketchbook looks like shit.

And are you implying you're an artist? You're just a shitter who looks up good artists and jerk off to them.

>> No.2792892

I now see you are merely an idiot and I regret wasting the keystrokes

>> No.2792895

You should stop wasting air and consider suicide instead.

>> No.2792906
File: 284 KB, 1582x930, 54365475675756757575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retardation is beyond limits. Please, go back where you came from

>> No.2792912

Handicapped cock gobbler.

>> No.2792924
File: 497 KB, 300x300, tmimn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much salt in one thread over a sketch book. Holy shit.

How do you manage to breathe, let alone practice, if you're this pent up over such flimsy bullshit?


Dibs on Gurney. Wonderful teacher.

>> No.2792931

how the fuck digital painting made painting extremely easy if you still have to have the knowledge of values, colors and so on? Its easier to correct your mistakes but everything else is pretty much the same.

>> No.2792947

You're saying that like it isn't a big deal that you can make unlimited mistakes. And this isn't even scrapping the surface on how much easier digital painting is. Layers, brushes, thousands of editing tools, color picking, masks and all the other tools that make some things that were a pain in the ass convenient and some tools that add some things that were never possible at all with traditional tools.

>> No.2792952

It just saves a lot of time, it doesnt make a picture good.

>> No.2792954

god i hate /ic/. only reason I'm here is to find stuff like the OP video that I wouldn't have seen for months otherwise. reading threads is garbage and this one was a reminder to never do so again.

you guys are such delusional assholes

>> No.2792960

You're saying that like time isn't the most valuable resource. There was this non artist who made a master painting in like half a year.

>> No.2792972

these are perfectly fine if not decent for rough pen sketches. better that 90 percent of /ic/ at least.

>> No.2792983

ruan jia confirmed for "better than 90% of /ic/"

>> No.2792991

and you.

>> No.2793031

>Layers, brushes, thousands of editing tools
Traditional painting has it too if you don't know. And digital not even near traditional in terms of brush control. And "random incidents" that can make painting piece of art not works in digital.
No one pay millions for one digital illustration, amigo.

>> No.2793038

>And digital not even near traditional in terms of brush control
you can literal paint every pixel how you want it if you're autistic enough. a paint brush even if it's just a single bristle is still not nearly as much control.

>> No.2793039

>A couple funny meme pics came out of it but I don't have them saved.

You've failed us anon. Those would have been /ic/ gold.

>> No.2793040

>traditional painting has layers, brushes and thousands of editing tools
Not really.

>> No.2793059

Lots of people have them saved they were great. Maybe some people can post them itt

>> No.2793060
File: 17 KB, 455x406, proko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, it's a kangaroo

>> No.2793344

You can master color theory in a few years though if you really work at it. Even if you practice drawing every day, it takes at least a decade to be a truly great draftsman.

>> No.2793641
File: 41 KB, 850x766, Bait_7f6584_5889721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2793645

I can't stand the RuanJia worship going on over /ic/ but that like sketch is excellent. It's clearly from someone who has good foundations

>> No.2794141

>has been trying to learn how to for the past year

>> No.2794496

What's this from?

>> No.2794543

you guys actually have no idea how hard it is to draw with pen huh

>> No.2794563

we know, but we also know what a good pen drawing looks like. we've seen a million of them posted in inspo threads. this is borderline amateur

>> No.2794578

if i'm following brian logic it's easy as hell to make good anything when you can fix your mistakes.

>> No.2794603

Why cant you stand it? He is a good artist

>> No.2794604

he is, it's the worship that is excessive

>> No.2794627

i had no idea who ruan jia was until this thread and i really liked his sketchbook

>> No.2794646
File: 194 KB, 1264x1600, 1386216847717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one who sounds like an amateur though. Clearly you do not understand the concept of sketchbooks in general and for some reason you are under the impression that all great artists do is draw great work any time, any place. The stuff that gets posted in the inspiration thread are usually not private sketchbook studies.

Ruanjia's sketches look perfectly fine considering the medium and their purpose. It's just that all you noobs know and appreciate are fancy fine art lines where the only purpose of the drawing is to look good, not to learn anything.

>> No.2794912

id rather have this then sakimichan whoreship

>> No.2794919

>it's the worship that is excessive

You must be the same faggot that had a bout of autism back when Teal was around.

>> No.2794921

I like that doggo

>> No.2795504

I like your work