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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2779562 No.2779562 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stop yourself from feeling despair or feeling like giving up? Let's here from anons.

>> No.2779564

You don't. You need that feeling or else you'll never make it.

>> No.2779565

this exactly. If something you do is shit it's going into the garbage.

>> No.2779566
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what's with the influx of crybaby threads

>> No.2779584

I don't think it's possible to avoid it completely but I just remind myself how much I love drawing and that it's what I most want to do in the world. Sometimes I look back on pictures I was proud of and remind myself that I am improving despite it not seeming that way at times. When you feel like shit, stop, breathe, and turn your line of thinking back to positivity as best you can.

>> No.2779627

to be honest it took me a little while to fix up my mindset

Just know that every draw you make should be considered nothing more but practice and that you shouldn't get attached to them in any way, good or bad

And always keep in mind that if you don't draw on a constant basis, you'll get rust and it'll show in your work which'll only make you feel more shit about yourself

once you get out of the cycle of rust and whining then you'll be good to go

>> No.2779660

Because /ic/ has become the hole for shitposters

>> No.2779663

If you quit now you'll suck forever.

If you keep going you might not suck someday.

>> No.2779678
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I just try to draw from my imagination. When I draw something just for myself and not for the sake of improvement, I feel better. It might not look the best but it's a step closer to ultimately getting better. That's all I got to say.

>> No.2779723

>How do you stop yourself from feeling despair or feeling like giving up?

You don't. You just suffer through it and do things despite the torment.

>> No.2779732

I say to myself "it's shit...but it's MY shit" and it just works...I don't know. I guess my brain just understands.

>> No.2779838

Because i love to draw, and I dont really care about the end product..

>> No.2779842


>> No.2779926


I always feel like i'm gonna give up.
But I never did.

>> No.2780067

Trying to add some discussion to the thread: how do you avoid losing your grip on reality?

Opinions and criticism on the internet are so fucking unreliable that the same thing you post can be received with polarly opposite opinions. Sometimes even the same person says completely different things.

That's assuming people know what they're talking about or they're not trying to troll. Sometimes I get an opinion that feels reasonable and then I find out the guy has NO idea what he's talking about. I happen to talk to someone competent and I get the most vague responses, sometimes completely opposite.

IRL it's even worse since people will either go for the token "oh wow you're so good at drawing" or say nothing at all.

At this point I believe my art is shit and everyone who says anything positive about it to be either clueless or talking out of pity?

>inb4 post your work
I won't post work that is traceable back to me after a rant, and what's the point anyway? Someone's gonna say "you're not bad", someone's going to say "it's shit, read Loomis" and it won't answer the question.

I need an objective way of understanding if what I'm doing is even acceptable or appealing. I get basically no notes on social media.

>> No.2780073

Being in an art school helps. Having plenty of like -minded peers really boosts morale.

>> No.2780076

>Art school
I can't do that. I have no options IRL and even the closest art academy is awful. Online communities most of the time are about patting each other in the back regardless of how shitty your work is (if you even get to have feedback, sites like CA are a chaotic mess of desperate souls calling for help), and /ic/ is pretty much the opposite.

I work to improve quite steadily yet every now and then I get to this point where I ask myself "is my art still shit?" and I can't find an answer. I can't go on like this forever

>> No.2780088


You stop worrying about whether you suck or not, and just have fun with drawing.

If you feel you need to learn, you learn. If you feel you need to expand, you expand, but self deprecation and the inevitable self pity do not work with all people. It's something I had to learn myself, and now I just try to enjoy the process of drawing and learning.

>> No.2780089

Welcome to making art. You will never get an answer. If you work to uncover the aesthetic that guides you, it becomes easier. Otherwise, as the creator you have no sense of the novelty it possesses and it looks like any other vile substance that came from you. Smoke some dank and make notes of what you are drawn towards in your work from a different perspective, then check over that shit when you're sober and see if you agree.

>> No.2780091

Nigga giving up what? Are you gonna sell you "skill"? Stop crying and go play some dark souls, forget about drawing, you always go back to it and go back with fresh mind and energy.

>> No.2780122

I never really thought of getting wasted to take a look at my own work from a different perspective. I'll try that

>> No.2780145

If you're into digital I would check out the digitalpainting subreddit. I've found its the most even-handed, /ic/ has some good criticism but a lot of vague contextless insults disguised as tough-love criticism.

They also have some really good pros on there and the mods are pretty dedicated and involved, they encourage posting more studies instead of finished works.

>> No.2780152

Nice, thanks!

>> No.2780172

I dont known.
I never will draw like this, only despair for me.

>> No.2780187

What's the point of fucking practise?

>> No.2780188

it's december, dipshit
winter+christmass depression starts to heat the weaklings

>> No.2780193
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Not me but I'm happy someone shares my opinion

>> No.2780197

The crucial point everyone seems to forget about when making art is enjoying the process instead of the finished product. Everyone is trying to 'make it' doing 8 hour sessions of mindless studying instead of 4 hours working an actual piece and studying throughout.

Enjoy the process of working your mind instead of the shit it produces and you'll learn better. Learn to let go of drawings and realize you can always make more. Always try to do one component of the drawing better each time.

>> No.2780212
File: 258 KB, 892x1321, Leonardo-da-Vinci-the-Anatomical-Artist4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look back at the master:
Leonardo Da Vinci

>That's how you keep the motivation alive!!!

>> No.2780268


That's just the nature of the beast. Sometimes you'll do something you feel satisfied with but then about 2 days later you'll decide it actually fucking sucks and move onto the next thing.

Do hard shit. Learn to love the process and stop trying to impress yourself.

>> No.2780277

Really wish someone could guide me on what actual pieces to make.

>> No.2782510
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I swear pic related really needs to be in the sticky. if it was required reading there would be a lot less bitching threads.

>find something you want to improve on
>go do more of that

>> No.2782513

But I don't even give a shit about him and his naked men.

>> No.2782514


>> No.2782522

I've quit on drawings enough to know that it feels much worse than keeping with it and figuring it out. Frustration is just a momentary pain, but quitting gets you into some actual depression territory.

>> No.2782526

Draw only when you feel like it. Don't force yourself 8 hours a day or whatever. Sometimes your brain just can't do it. That being said don't be lazy, draw when the opportunity presents.

>> No.2782579


Get a proper education and be a good old family man. When your future wife kiss you on the lips and look deep into your eyes with love, you'll think:

>I could be getting gud by now

When you watch your first kid being born:

>How good I could be by now?

When you are fishing with your kids and your yonger son fishes some leviathan by the tail, you be pround, but inside:

>that's nice and all, but it's not a master fish, I mean piece

When you get home and discover your wife being railed by the friendly, tall suave latin immigrant neighbor Flavio:

> Maybe now I could dedicate myself to my call for a change?

When you are into cocaine fueled orgy, snorting it from a whore's buttcrack:

>that's nice, but not like my inexistent doujins

When your nice, whos a young, better looking version of your wife with, a better personality and rack start giving you incestual inuendos you''l say:

>"you're cute, but not as cute as my waifu.

She"ll think you're talking about your waifE, but we all know tbe difference. What I mean is:

>you may forget your dreams, but they"ll never forget you

>> No.2782648

Anon is right. The only friends worth having are the ones in your head. It doesn't matter if you're starving under a bridge, you'll always be surrounded by the most beautiful and interesting people you can imagine!

>> No.2782772
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Firez, no matter what anyone says, you will always be shit.

>> No.2782778

i look at old work artists that i admire, usually its just as bad as mine, and i feel like i can actually reach their level someday.

>> No.2782779


>you work to uncover the aesthetic that guides you

Damn nigga, that ressonated with me.

>> No.2782781

I thought it would be good for me if I started drawing a comic, do draw bigger volume and more figures in general
the thing is I just can't come up with either a premise or characters

>> No.2782785


Just do it. Make some scenes with no context and go on, no matter how cringe. In the end you"ll have a laugh, at the very least.

>> No.2782789
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That is your fuel as a beginner in everything
>Start lifting
>Can't even do a pullup
>Fueled by rage to improve

>start playing guitar
>Can't play chords without a month of finger logistic planning and a search warrant
>fueled by rage to improve

>Start drawing
>can't even draw a hand
>fueled by rage to improve

>> No.2782792

well I actually have some scenes I had in mind that would fit in a plot that would be kind of a murder mystery but that would fall apart if I made it up as I go
I find myself having immense trouble coming up with original characters too

>> No.2782793

>can't get a gf
>feel rage
>cry yourself to sleep
>draw sonichu, never improve

>> No.2782794

Aesthetic exploration is the process though which we understand ourselves. Seek what it is you find aesthetic and you can cultivate it.

>> No.2782969

ah. anon

>> No.2782980

This. Basically be Vegeta and future you who has gotten good is Goku.

>> No.2783002

why does that dude wear the mask?

>> No.2783015
File: 41 KB, 576x463, 1479598247534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


coming out from a several year period of anxiety locking out my ability to draw, i can say that you shouldn't give a fuck about the quality of your work

that's easy enough to say, but it's hard when you actually want to draw good shit. however, you're trying to treat improvement as too conscious of a decision. i was constantly trying to consciously improve my work and became a neurotic mess when I didn't have the baseline habits to improve my skill faster than my perception/taste.

so, instead, i focused on grasping the feeling of what it's like to draw, and enjoying it when I do, and what it's like to create something. even if you're creating something shitty, revel in and enjoy the process itself of what it's like to physically create something shitty

>> No.2783023


when in doubt, draw porn

im not trolling

>> No.2783261


This. Fapping to it is an added bonus.