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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2773924 No.2773924 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on art schools. What differentiates a good one from a bad one? What makes it worth it? Seems like a lot of art graduates end up in shitty jobs after paying exorbitant fees.

>> No.2773925

dont fall for it
waste of your lifetime
waste of your money
study something that can get you a well paying job and then do art as a hobby until you can retire
my advice BRO

>> No.2773938

Go to a Design school, not an Art school.

Design schools test your hustle. Since the workload and learning curve is very steep. It tests your time management skills. You'll create actual meaningful relationships with instructors and fellow peers. It's a chance for you to explore and experiment while getting critiques by professionals.

If you're worried about jobs, learn anything Graphic Design, Product Design, 3D modeling, Photo retouching, UX Design. Those are actual jobs that are quite stable yet kind of boring.

The only thing I will say is to get ALL liberal arts done BEFORE entering a Design school. That way you can focus on art as much as possible. Just make sure the credits transfer.

>> No.2773942

>Redpill me on art schools.

You're going $100,000+ into debt for a degree in a field where a degree doesn't matter and where all the knowledge you need can be obtained for free so you can compete with self-taught pros who are better than you will probably ever be. And the pay in this field is usually low to middling unless you're really good or really lucky, btw.

>> No.2773946

>The only thing I will say is to get ALL liberal arts done BEFORE entering a Design school. That way you can focus on art as much as possible. Just make sure the credits transfer.

this. get it done at community college

>> No.2773951

>knowledge is free meme
It costs time

>> No.2773959

Prepare for people who not only aren't good enough to get a job in art, but will never get a job in art

>> No.2773967


guess what art school can't give you more of

>> No.2773972


>> No.2773988

>buyer's rationalization

>> No.2774300

if these private schools are so bad, why shouldn't I just go for my uni's studio art program instead? It'll be way cheaper

>> No.2774350

The california ateliers are relatively affordable and top notch. But they aren't art schools per se.

>my uni
>studio art
There are exceptions, but generally you will be given an overview of different fine art mediums, take some art history classes, and build a portfolio of postmodern trash in your chosen medium. Go look at what they make and decide if that's the standard you want to hold yourself to.

>> No.2774364


I was thinking of applying to Pasadena. Money isn't a problem. Yes or no?

>> No.2774436


>> No.2774578

If money really isn't an issue at all, then yes. You have nothing to lose.

>> No.2774607


I went to a atelier in Sweden, it was most definitely a art school. What makes the California ateliers different?

>> No.2774662

Well paying jobs don't give you enough free time to do art as a hobby. Don't you know any professional people? All they seem to do is watch TV and engage in the odd sporting event or party once a week. You need more than just hobby hours to really get the most out of art.

>> No.2774697
File: 45 KB, 630x460, Stan_Heff_Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real advantage they give is that the faculty is generally "in" with all the names in the industry. All the people that oned needs to meet and get to know for any kind of job whatsoever since overwhelming majority of art related jobs are based on word of mouth and who you know, not what you know.

So when wasting money on a school, you need one with staff and faculty that are still very buddy buddy with the industry leaders if they are not still working in it themselves. That way you can much more easily be introduced to the faces that you need to be introduced to for a job later on. Your entire senior year should be going to meet and greet after meet and greet getting to know as many people as possible.

>> No.2777698

don't because it's fucking stupid.

>> No.2777849


Art Center Student here. Going to a school has a few benefits. While ultimately, its true that in the end, it all depends on YOU to do your best, going to a good art school will provide you with the best teachers, the best resources and a higher quality of classmates. In the end, the degree doesn't really matter for a few subjects (Entertainment Design is mine and that's a major where your portfolio is the most important thing.)

That being said, my school has a wide variety of alumni in many industries and just having a talking point with graduates in the fields I want to go into is already a step up. If I walk into EA and there's an Art Center grad working there, I instantly have a connection.

One of the other reasons to go to a school is DEADLINES. Very few people on this planet will put out work every day at a consistent pace. If that's you,that's awesome. If not, then schools give you homework and deadlines so you learn to work and push through. It forces you to develop discipline (it's hard to slack when you have 40k per year on the line).

Also, people here are assuming that you will continue to grow at an exponential consistent rate on your own. GL with that. teachers help point out where you can do better in instances you didn't even know. If you could learn all that by yourself, why aren't people here getting better? If you can learn everything on the internet for free then there's no point in going to a medical school or law school.

If you're NOT looking for a degree ( I am) then going to places like CDA, Gnomon or Brainstorm are the best bang for your buck. They are far cheaper and will help you develop a portfolio very quickly. The Downside is that there are fewer stakes, there is no vetting and its not feasible to learn design fundamentals on a once-per-week for 10 weeks basis.

>> No.2777852


Continued here.

Basically school isn't JUST there to teach you how to draw. It's to teach you discipline, to teach you to tackle difficult and out of comfort areas, to provide resources and access to knowledge that you otherwise wouldn't have (or know that you didn't have in the first place).

Thankfully, my family is a position to help but I know that's not everyone's circumstance, but in my experience, people always do better when there is pressure on them. Most people will slack off if they sit alone at home just drawing. Or, they will get stuck in a rut and not move out of their comfort zone.

My advice is to look at your goals. what do you want to do? Do you want a career out of art? What kind of career and on what kind of art? If you're not sure and don't want to dedicate a lot of money on something you're not sure of (totally understandable), then start off with a few online classes.

And on that note,Imma do a plugin for my anatomy teacher. Rey Bustos teaches anatomy online and he is the best teacher on learning the human body. Take a class like his and see where it takes you.

Hope that helped.

>> No.2778245

Thanks for writing all this, I want to apply for art center but I need to put together a portfolio. What did you do to get yours ready?

>> No.2778248

If you don't mind me asking

>> No.2778260

post your work

>> No.2778266

>Someone tries to make /ic/ a better place by being informative and helpful
>shitposts start flying immediately
>inb4 /ic/ is supposed to be bad

>> No.2778277

>asking for example
He made lengthy posts exalting the benefits of art school, how is it wrong to ask for the results to support the claims? Are you such a sensitive pussy you take any inquiry as an affront to your abilities? Fucking moron

>> No.2778278

this, he could be first year repeating the spiel art center fed him.

>> No.2778280
File: 8 KB, 205x246, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2778282

so this is the power of art center...

>> No.2778286

>tfw studying stem and don't have time for art but also love science

Fuck this gay fucking retarded world the more time passes the more I want to drop out and go to art school. Fuck.

>> No.2778288

>complains about shitpost
>receives reasonable response
>resorts to shitpost
This is why no one takes art students seriously. Most are just idiots trying to rationalize all the time spent on having old people set deadlines for you while you pay them.

>> No.2778290

Do it, you won't regret it.

>> No.2778291

Science sucks, go to art school man.

>> No.2778306

Do it, like, drop out and go into art?

Makes me feel weirdly comfortable knowing people know that science is overated bs

>> No.2778308

>Not realizing that I'm not the art center guy
>Not posting your own work showing the benefits of self-study
>Not understanding the benefit of having industry vets and working pros critique your work
stay salty /ic/

>> No.2778309

Yeah, drop out and go into art.

>> No.2778310
File: 2 KB, 104x125, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my work.

>> No.2778314

I love this board

>> No.2778317

>Not posting your own work showing the benefits of self-study
>being so triggered about this point
Confirmed same guy. No one here is making any points about self studying, but he was making a point about a particular art school. It is only natural to want to see how it has helped him to gauge how we might benefit. Words mean nothing, he could even be an astroturfer. People want to see.

>> No.2778319

Believe me when I say I'm not him. Or don't, whatever. I want to see too, but why the fuck would anyone reveal their identity on /ic/? "Show your work" is obviously never gonna get a response.

>> No.2778320

This is the most probable way it will end up. And it will end good.

>> No.2778321
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 1480001501877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no, everyone is going about this all wrong.
>Get to the cusp of getting good
>Go to a big name / big connections art school for a year or two
>company hires you after an internship
>a fourth the debt
>instantly working for big names

>> No.2778322

Sure, you can meme all you want. You're gonna post the shitty meme soldier at me, I'm gonna post the shitty meme soldier at you.

>> No.2778323

>j-just let me blog and make shit up on this board, i never want to show any drawings ;__;

>> No.2778324
File: 263 KB, 916x1671, leggywip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2778325

Posting identifiable work in an anonymous internet argument is basically doxxing yourself, so yeah, fuck posting anything but shit on this board

>> No.2778326


How much is your time worth?

>> No.2778331

a weapon to surpass metal gear.
Fuck going to get this framed, seeing this always makes my day better

>> No.2778439

what is so bad about merc wip anyway, i think its actually pretty good. Why did it become such a meme?

>> No.2778461

and time is free