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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 129 KB, 1032x884, screenshot01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2774292 No.2774292 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else terrified of reading stories like this? It also really blows my mind... I would have thought at 900$/month, if you add 400-600$ worth of commissions... one should be able to get by when living frugally, or not??? I'm making around 1k$ a month doing commissions only, and I seem to be doing alright.

What gives? He mentions debt being a deciding factor... probably student debt, right? What payment does the average student with his 100k loan have to make every month?

Let's all come together, have a collective group hug, and tell eachother that we're all going to make it. Because I do not want to have to get a job :( :( :( :(

>> No.2774303


might not be student debt. it's possible that he's simply irresponsible with money and got carried away buying shit he can't afford.

>> No.2774305

So 90% of every artist who will ever have a patreon or do commissions. Aka kids out of highschool with no idea how the world works and go right into selling digital artwork.

>> No.2774309

What's wrong with getting a job? Or at least a part time job?

>> No.2774310

>>Let's all come together, have a collective group hug, and tell eachother that we're all going to make it. Because I do not want to have to get a job :( :( :( :(

not gonna make it

>> No.2774312

>I'm making around 1k$ a month doing commissions only

How the fuck you all niggers make money like that? Am I out of the loop?

>> No.2774315

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2774327

1k isn't exactly much. You can hardly make a living off of that.

>> No.2774328

Not terrified because I have no debts and I never will.
>Not being able to live with 1000+$ a month
People like this deserve to be in debt anyways, as do people who spent billions of money to get an education worth as much as feminist dance therapy.

>> No.2774331

>Not being able to live with 1000+$ a month
>People like this deserve to be in debt anyways,

Unfortunately cost of living and regional costs are a thing. Not everyone can just move wherever they feel like when they feel like it. Many places you can't even rent an apartment for 1k a month, let alone bills like electric, phone, internet, groceries, etc.

>> No.2774332

>Not everyone can just move wherever they feel like when they feel like it.
They literally can, unless you're talking about people under house arrest.

>> No.2774336

>someone who doesn't live in the real world

Yes, you're right. It's perfectly feasible to just pack up my shit and move to another state. Except it's not because I have literally no where to be and I can't pay to stay in a fucking motel for a month while I find one. What are you smoking dude? Have you ever left mommies house?

>> No.2774341

>can't even rent an apartment for 1k a month
Can you guys just rent a room?
You can get one here for 250-300€/ month, and another 300€ for food
Specially if you are starting out and with debt lol

>> No.2774343

>I have literally no where to be and I can't pay to stay in a fucking motel for a month while I find one.
Something is wrong here. This would only be true if you live with your parents right now and making 0 money. Assuming you live alone already and you're not already in debt, you can discontinue paying wherever you're staying now and go find another place. If you can't book a 10$/night cheap motel for a week or two while you search for a place to rent, that is, if you don't even have 100$ to spare, then you're basically already in debt.

>> No.2774347

>10$/night cheap mote
nigga what world do you live in where a motel only costs 10 a night? that's fucking 1/3rd of the cheapest shitty motels in the country back in 2009 and I'm sure prices are higher now. you are so far out of reality right now. got your damn head in the clouds.

>> No.2774348

oh and I should add traveling costs gas and unless you eat seeds you're going to still need to buy food and most road food is not cheap. what the fuck nigga you've never even traveled don't start talking like you know anything. how's the weather in mommies basement?

>> No.2774351

You are the one out of reality, I just googled and found rooms for 20$ a night in fucking New York. And in case you didn't understand this, you're not supposed to move to relevant cities where the prices are higher. You probably don't even know what youth hostels or family B&B are.
>you're going to still need to buy food
Because at home you didn't have to? Your mom bought it for you?
> road food
Jesus Christ dude.

>> No.2774353

never met a more out of touch person, but this is 4chan so I guess I should expect it

>> No.2774355

fucking this

>> No.2774356

Sadly, I can't say I didn't meet other persons like you who don't know how to travel on a budget. Remember never to hitchhike or couchsurf either, you're gonna get killed.

>> No.2774359

except I'm not some highschool pothead or kiddo like you who doesn't own shit and wants to live in a ditch with the bedbugs. if that's the kind of life you enjoy living, I'm surprised you're not dead.

>> No.2774362

what the fuck am I even reading topkek

>> No.2774365

Dude, you're supposed to stay in the "ditch" only until you find a cheap place to rent. If you can't find one in a few weeks, either you're the pothead and people (rightly) don't want to rent you their place or you choose the wrong area. But I guess getting into debt is the smarter choice right? Stay where you live no matter how overpriced it gets, get into debt. Great plan, all of this because you didn't want to stay in a place without jacuzzi for a few nights.

>> No.2774370

This. People like Idlecil are the exact same as him.

Fucking idiots who can't handle money.

>> No.2774371

spoken like someone who has never moved before .

>> No.2774376

this basically

it depends much on the country, that's the good side of living in 3rd world, otherwise you'll be screwed.
i kinda make that amount at my part time working as solid works modeler every other day for few hours, it pays the rent (for a really tiny and shitty apartment) and food but really hard to save up for anything else. on the bright side i have a lot of free time to study on my own
i'll be moving back to live with parents to save up a bit for cintiq and some other art related things, and it's also kinda a relief not to worry about money for a while

>> No.2774377

Of course, I haven't moved, according to your theory moving is impossible unless you're rich. How could you possibly afford road food otherwise? I'm not rich therefore I have never moved or traveled. Brilliant deduction.

>> No.2774379

How the fuck can so many artists be so fucking stupid with money?
Is Idlecil the guy that's been ripping people off taking money and not doing work? Again I ask why are so many artists stupid with money.

>> No.2774381

>get $200 for a commission
>spend the $200 that day on crap
>bills come around

>> No.2774383

Living in the US is hell. You want to live somewhere with a lower cost of living?
>car because you live in the sticks and have to drive everywhere
>car repair
>car insurance
>monopolized health insurance
>renter's insurance for when methheads steal your laptop
>$60+ a month for internet

I wouldn't want to live in the 3rd world, but it has some perks.

>How the fuck can so many artists be so fucking stupid with money?
Have you talked to many artists? They're dumb as rocks and drew pictures instead of studying.

>> No.2774387

So, is anyone going to answer this man?


>> No.2774389

EW fuck tent a room you might as well keep living with mom

>> No.2774394
File: 11 KB, 120x117, IMG_3682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn artist who's awful with money

Stop me if you've heard this before.

>> No.2774396

dude i didn't even bother getting my drivers license because it's so fucking expensive to hold a car here not even talking about buying one, a second hand car would cost me same as my full uni tuition (which at least costs far less than US one, i graduated without taking a single loan).
luckily eu is walk/bike friendly and has decent public transportation.

>> No.2774401

>porn artists are idiots

Why is this a meme?

>> No.2774402

tl;dr please feel bad for me and I'll accept handouts and free money :(

>> No.2774405

Let this be a lesson to you porn artists. If you're in you're 20s and you make a living solely off porn commissions with no real job. Sooner or later your clients and fans will move onto another artist and you'll be left with no money and no job. Because you didn't go to school or try to get a real job. You sat back and drew porn hoping it would last forever.

>> No.2774423


Why is making a living out of porn art not a real job, and making a living out of your sfw personal art a real job ?

>> No.2774426

Clients and people move on to other and newer porn artists.

>> No.2774434

Room with two other people in a cheapish flat in a smallish dead town for dat 90 dollar a week rent.

Eat cheap but healthy, $20-$30 a week though you're going to be eating a lot of combinations of rice, vegetables, eggs, noodles, and bacon (luncheon might be cheaper but it tastes like crap and you want some meat). I also like to splurge on wraps for a bacon and egg wrap breakfast.

Electricity and internet split will probably run you a hundred per month.
Hot water another couple of bucks. Gas if applicable.

I mean the Chinese do it all the time, but a three-bedroom flat is totally doable. I live on 700-800 a month and I'm fine, I don't exactly live like a fucking rat.

Course this doesn't factor in upfront costs like clothes, furniture, or electronics. The only real trouble is picking roommates because most people are fucking scum.

Anyway point is that if you can't live with that then you're truly fucking terrible with money and should just get a well-paying job, in which case the OP made the right choice.

>> No.2774438

>Room with two other people in a cheapish flat in a smallish dead town for dat 90 dollar a week rent.
Out-of-touch pothead.

>> No.2774445

>$10 a night
Cheapest here is $50 a night

>> No.2774450

Then go somewhere else. The only state where you can't find a room for 20 or less a night is the Vatican.

>> No.2774492

>he unironically thinks the US is 1st world
First world is northern europe, australia, new zealand and maybe canada.

USA is honestly a shithole.

>> No.2774495

Now name somewhere that has nice weather and doesn't take all your money.

>> No.2774499

Argentina, because you don't get the money in the first place :D

>> No.2774504

New Zealand is actually livable on lolporn money.

Australia is more expensive, but still manageable if you're not a fucking neet.

Both better countries than the US by orders of magnitude.

t. Kiwi

P.S. fuck off, we're full

>> No.2774505

Well if you want to be an artist but to be sure to have enough money to live I think it would be safer to work in a studio than doing commissions/patreon only

>> No.2774507
File: 774 KB, 1877x1913, fbi table 43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many white criminals in the USA ruining society for the noble POC "minorities" who make up closer and closer to 50% of its population by the year

>> No.2774509

I live in the US comfortably for 350-400 a month. Have the benefit of low crime rate and pretty safe with an awesome town with everything I could ever want a few minutes away. I also get pretty stable Internet, clean water, and have plenty of room. Now tell me again why I would rather move to one of the countries you listed. I'm all ears.

>> No.2774510

White holocaust when?

>> No.2774511
File: 2.31 MB, 204x360, 1481067120684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to live in australia? I sure as fuck don't.

>Both better countries than the US by orders of magnitude.
>orders of magnitude.
I'm good good on earthquakes and sheepfucking hobbits.

>> No.2774512

can't tell if joking or super ignorant.

>> No.2774513

Because you can't live with your parents all your life

>> No.2774517
File: 516 KB, 883x1692, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most common age of a white american is 59, so we'll be gone within a decade or two and the age of tolerance can finally begin!


>> No.2774518

>scared of roos and shakes
No wonder you yanks need guns to go to sleep.

Also sheep are nice and soft, fuck you.

>> No.2774521

Nice joke but I live alone and I own my home and property. Any real reasons now friend?

>> No.2774523

>he thinks I want him here
I'm just pointing out what is obvious to the rest of the anglosphere.

>> No.2774524

Why does this board get so stupid when a certain country wakes up?

>> No.2774525

>How the fuck can so many artists be so fucking stupid with money?
In general people are retarded. Because they have a bit of money they think can just go and spend it on whatever without thinking of consequences. Sometimes they'll say it's just $20 but they add up. Also there are infinite sources that will try to get your money in exchange of guilty pleasures.

>> No.2774542

I always see this "people will move on, you're just a fad" when people putting money into a patreon and having a fairly intimate commissioner base are both products of people's loyalty more than anything. People will move on? If that were true it would have already happened, you can say the market will become more saturated but no one is exactly hard up (heh) for porn in the information age. Even among niche fetishes there are dozens of artists and a diverse ecosystem of people who have been getting commissions for years. Sure there's always room to grow, but how does that growth translate to a sudden loss in business for the people causing that growth? That's just denial of financial trends, or supposing a "bubble" that does not exist.

It also presupposes it as an act of God, that is, people will move on because someone else will come along that's better than you, never mind yourself, you can't be getting better also, is that right? Somehow customers can be gained, but not maintained, perhaps thinking that way is a reflection of your own shitty business experiences? It's also a strangely masochistic self-centric way of thinking of things: people will leave "you" for the "other guy", but somehow you're not anyone else's "other guy" people will be leaving for.

This is just tautology, you have no citations, you have no examples, your argument is that it is inevitable that the porn artist will be destroyed from without when this thread is entirely about failings from within, and that porn is somehow the only kind of art that's not a sustainable kind of income when erotica is among the oldest form of art man has made!

tl;dr- You're retarded

>> No.2774545
File: 210 KB, 500x280, tumblr_nirz0v73AE1u4l63jo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with artist? Do they not poses the ability to understand money and expenses?

I've seen this happen before what in the god damn fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.2774546

Artists *. Maybe I'm the retard.

>> No.2774556

I dunno. Most artist from what I have encountered like to work for themselves. Create what they want.

Having to work for someone is awful for them.

>> No.2774560

The intimate fanbase thing only exists for productive, skilled (at making good porn, not necessarily good art) artists with a recognizable style.
That's like 2% of porn artists.

I know everyone thinks they're gonna be in the "successful" camp when they start doing this shit, but the vast majority will not.

It's like only looking at players in major football clubs and thinking that is what being a football plauer is like, when those are the creme of the crop.
Most people who try don't even get to play football, and most of those who do never make it beyond their local fc.

>> No.2774562

We're talking about people who
>routinely work minimum wage jobs because they have no skills
>regularly go to art schools and rack up massive debts with no job opportunities available upon graduation
>want to make cartoons for children and cartoon porn for manchildren
>think private porn commissions are profitable

Artists are fucking retards. No they don't understand money and expenses, and even if they did, hedonism takes over and they spend it all on cintiqs and booze.

>> No.2774563

The thing here to take into account is that a lot of people here are already in the minority and passed the majority of people who won't make it a long time ago. It's not hard when like 95% of the world is in poverty.

>> No.2774564

Nigga, the majority of /ic/ can't even draw

>> No.2774565

I'm pretty sure there is a term for this stereotype but I can't quite remember it

>> No.2774567

You are this butthurt. Get a real fucking job, drawing porn is a dead end. Do you want to draw porn when you're 30?

>> No.2774568

"Starving artist"

Also I love it when Webcomic artists have to get jobs. They can't ride that money train forever.

>> No.2774571

>be doing fine as always
>"sorry guys not enough money I need to get a side job"
>people increase donations out of pity
>"omg guys thanks I don't need my side job anymore thanks <3"

I bet they love it too unless they're Dobson-tier.

>> No.2774575

That's more a symptom of the actual problem.

I was talking about how artists are mentally unstable, often have learning disabilities, spent so much time in la la land drawing as a teenager because daddy doesn't love them that they have completely fucked heuristics for just about everything leading to them thinking being a successful artist in their chosen field is a realistic goal, and will do absolutely anything for attention. They are dumb, broken people with no understanding of the real world, no marketable skills nothing of value to say.

The only reason you don't see the full gamut of behaviors in professionals is because they can afford therapy and financial advice.

>> No.2774576

I have a bit of schadenfreude for artists who have to get jobs because they run out of money.

I dunno maybe it's because I'm a stem fag who wants to learn drawing here soon. That and apply that skill with my current engineering knowledge.

Or maybe I'm just jealous. I dunno.

>> No.2774580
File: 90 KB, 763x763, 1455479398532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like bullshit, he took all of your Shekels and he's running.

>> No.2774583

>Do you want to draw porn when you're 30?

>> No.2774584

He probably didn't. 900 bucks a month is not good pay. Some people make twice that in two weeks.

>> No.2774586

Why do you find joy another artist isn't doing good?
This is bullshit. You're making stuff up and you sound jealous. That rarely ever happens.
You have no proof. My artist just takes the money and runs. Don't be a dick.

>> No.2774587

You have an inferiority complex.
That's why you feel the need to compensate and make yourself feel better by name-dropping your "stem career" and "engineering knowledge" on anonymous imageboards where nobody even gives a shit.

It's also why you're glad to see people who are climbing a mountain you feel you couldn't climb fail.

>> No.2774596

Nigga I've been offered a job upon graduation for 61K a year. These clowns probably don't even know what 24K a year feels like.

And don't get started on " it's a great moutain to climb" and how I can't climb it. Art is a skill anyone can master. The truest advise I can give is find a skill that is in high demand, get really fucking good and you will make money.

>> No.2774598

Welp, you sound way more miserable than any starving artist lmao

>> No.2774599

>Nigga I've been offered a job upon graduation for 61K a year.
You're just proving my point.
What was the purpose of this statement?

It's ok, anon. Nobody's judging you.

>> No.2774601


>> No.2774603

I'm judging him. I'm debating going for my master's on a research grand and starting at 80k.

>> No.2774609

My nigga what's your masters gonna be in?

>> No.2774610


Yeah I can certainly take you seriously.

>> No.2774614

God damn it, now he's gonna be shitposting "ngmi", "stem master race", ">expecting to get paid for drawing" etc. for weeks.

>> No.2774624

Haven't really decided how to go about it. Something in applied statistics, but the question is which program. I found out I care more about the results of research design and fucking with numbers than I do doing cognitive research for its own sake.

>> No.2774626

This meme that you get to draw what you want and make money doing it is silly. And when it does happen through a service like patreon it does not last.

You can certainly make money off art, but you cant live forever off cat girls.
Go draw car interiors for lexus or something.

>> No.2774627

Nice, stats was a pain for me.

Was better at thermo dynamics. Loved that shit dawg.

>> No.2774628

>900 bucks a month is not good pay
If he had bothered getting a job and doing patreon as a side thing he could be rolling in shekels right now.
He's just a lazy piece of shit, believe me.

>> No.2774629

Your an idiot.

>> No.2774632

I don't know why it's so easy for me, I never even took calculus. I feel like I should tell somebody at some point or just learn it over the summer.

>> No.2774640

Patronage is not a new thing, anon.
Do you think artists just worked at mcdonalds until patreon came along?

>> No.2774643

>thermo dynamics
I still get bad dreams because I was really bad and they had us come to the blackboard to present our homework.
Fuck those energy equations.

>> No.2774644

Every skill nowadays are in high demand. Otherwise no one would keep learning the skills required for it.

>> No.2774647

But they did.

>inb4 no they worked retail

>> No.2774652

Designer =/= Artist

>> No.2774653

>you sound jealous.
Look, I understand the "you jelly" argument when someone shits on successful artists, but I really doubt anyone except the most indebted fucks could be jealous of someone who is either literally starving or has to resort to con people to get food.

>> No.2774655

You aren't jealous of their pitfalls, you're jealous of their achievements. They have skill that you will never have. They work harder than you ever will even through sacrificing food to hone their craft.

>> No.2774656

Well, even in failure they are trying, that's something that a lot of people would get jealous at.

>> No.2774663

Yes, artists worked in mcdonalds and/or retail for the entirety of human existence, and never, not even once, was there an artist that created what he wanted and lived from his art.

Thank God someone thought of Patreon out of thin air when they did, or we might have to go through another millennium of flipping burgers and peddling purses.

>> No.2774668
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>> No.2774686
File: 42 KB, 634x424, 2A1C5A4E00000578-0-image-a-62_1435676450911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought that the shops near the pyramids ruined the historicity of the place. Little did I know every single Egyptian artist who painted and crafted stuff for those tombs also had to work there.

>> No.2774706

Might I ask, as I understand you do modelling with solidworks?
Where do you find such jobs? Is it product design or what area?

>> No.2774722
File: 14 KB, 562x254, tmp_26664-serveimage(2)-18777109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He should go back when Trump executes his tax reform plan. Folks who make under 25k don't have to pay taxes.

Sorry if this causes an inevitable thread derail.

>> No.2774723


Not if you get a good job with a good team of people to work with (admittedly you'd have to be lucky to have that combination)

with a job you get stability and flowing income, I still have enough time to make art on the side and do commissions. I made $4000 this year which is decent considering it is a hobby and finding clients/projects doesn't stress me out (due to income from normal job)

>> No.2774727

They already don't for the most part after deductions, but the problem here is that he's probably being taxed as a business instead of being able to file as a hobbyist and probably isn't claiming everything he bought that year as a deduction to the point that he shows no profit.

>> No.2774736

I can't wait for the deportations to start, and this place goes quiet again.

>> No.2774739


Get the fuck out Trump faggots. He cheated with Russia's help.

>> No.2774742
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, lwlgwEc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>196 patrons
>$919 per month
Are you fucking kidding me
Are those numbers before or after the cut patreon takes?
Why am I not doing this?

>> No.2774744
File: 103 KB, 529x719, 37294_130380780328168_100000687410008_207184_5024687_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /ic/ is heavily pro-Russia. I think you came to the wrong neighborhood, yблюдкy.

>> No.2774746

Cause you suck anon

>> No.2774748

Because you don't draw porn and you suck.

>> No.2774749

200 patrons isn't the average, most people get 6 patrons and stagnate there

>> No.2774750

You're here illegally, you get the fuck out.

>> No.2774764


well of course you build up an audience before going in, but fuck if I managed to get to a stable 800-900 I'd be set for life.

>> No.2774767

>Trump says election is rigged
>The election is unriggable, USA#1!
>Trump wins

>> No.2774769

Yeah, I get the feeling

Are this posts reportable yet?

>> No.2774772

Off topic.
But good job for defending your preferred billionaire's reputation on a Chinese block printing board.

>> No.2774773

Did he say the election is rigged?

>> No.2774775

This entire thread is reportable under the new rules.

>> No.2774778


If you want to report anything, report this >>2774739. It's just b8.

>> No.2774779

Literally everyone made fun of him before the election because he said the election would be rigged.
Also, Obama said it couldn't be done.

Of course, he was saying it would be rigged for Hillary.

>> No.2774799

It WAS "rigged", just not in the literal sense, just as far as PR goes. The MSM was working very closely with the Clinton campaign and the DNC's false flag operations involving paid agitators.


Here's an anecdote posted earlier in the election cycle well before the project veritas videos came out that kind of substantiate the claims.


>> No.2774805

But anon, only Russians can rig elections!

>> No.2774831

why do people say porn is a dead end??? that gabenewell guy said he was making 60k not too long ago.

also there's nothing stopping people from doing both porn and something more 'professional'.

>> No.2774837

It's degenerate with no hope of recovering if you aren't careful.

>> No.2774838

Whoever voted for Trump are the people ruining this country and quite honestly need to die.

>> No.2774842
File: 3.11 MB, 300x225, art thou feeling it now mr krabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait, family

>> No.2774843

I doubt you're gonna get hired by a company if they find out you draw futa ponies fucking each others dicks

>> No.2774846

>not hiring Asanagi to work on your game desu

>> No.2774849

>ntr cuck
opinion discarded

>> No.2774850

Live with your mom and draw a lot

>> No.2774853

>tfw already got half of this

>> No.2774870

You're gonna make it

>> No.2774873

he didn't tell us what part

>> No.2774875

Thanks anon. First time anyone has ever told me this.

>> No.2774907


>> No.2774923

i'm not sure about job market, i got this job on my 3rd year at uni majoring mechanical engineering, my company provides services for factories, we design machinery for interiors and stuff related.
i work under head engineer along with full time modeler who works with various CAD programs, and few (one to three depending on times and project load) other college students / part time workers.
i know you can find jobs just as modeler without a degree, at any field that requires product manufacturing. a friend of mine worked at printer company. some other works on surface finishes at metal factory.
if you do an online search for jobs there are usually fields on job sites such as solidworks/autocad modeling, try looking for them, but from what i saw most require prior experience or being a fresh grad

>> No.2774934

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.2774941

honestly just take politics off this board

>> No.2774946

I design machinery myself from a to z, was just curious about your situation. I just thought maybe you freelance or something. Because if I look for additional buck, the jobs are very involving, take shitloads of time, so not really feasible with having a full time job. I thought maybe you found some treasury of small jobs.

>> No.2774959

nah i wish, from the shit ton of work we have there i wouldn't want to deal with it alone.
i remember from when i was still at uni i tried looking for small freelance projects to take on online, and i couldn't find anything decent at my country, so i tried to look at international freelancer cites and stuff but dropped the idea because it was too much headache to find stuff and work it out with payment and taxes
try looking at those, maybe you'll figure it out better than me

>> No.2775398

This thread has no place on /ic/.

>> No.2775529

Debt ruins your life, that's why banks love it.
Without debt, and without rent which is also a bane of financial stability, I could live with all the basics for $1k a month.

America needs an intervention, there's too many people eating more than they need and spending more than they have. Fucking junkies.

>> No.2775543

All but Anaya Ernesto have caucasian features, he has mongoloid features.
Latino, as read, is not a race. It's a cultural heritage shared by 1.3 billion people of all races.

>> No.2775590 [DELETED] 

>don't get along with parents
>one day they lie to police saying I'm going to kill myself
>forced into hospital
>some ugly bitch talks to me for 5 minutes then leaves
>get sent away 2000 dollars in debt

Thanks america, really needed that right now

>> No.2775608

why don't these talented people move to 3rd world countries where you can easily rent a room & live decently for under $500?

yes, those countries exist. but you gotta stay away from the big cities.

idk much details on the needed visas but still if you can get around that then an artist with a $500+ patreon can move there

what debt does the artist in the OP have? student loans? I thought pony artists are self taught

>> No.2775613

>3rd world country
>live decently
Pick one.

>> No.2775622

Why don't third worlders who exceed americans' quality make a decent living?
Banks steal all your money, if you find a way around it politicians send the police to kill you and take your shit.

>> No.2775623

>politicians send the police to kill you and take your shit.
>tfw it's not all that difficult to do this any where in the world

>> No.2775635

I just spent the past half hour jerkin' my gherkin' to this guy's art. Somebody's gotta do something!

In all seriousness, why don't they just get a <30/hr a week part time job and use ALL the extra money from that to pay down the debt and then continue their hobby and get their bread. They have no real reason to change their billing method unless they have a $2,000~ a month full time job lined up already or some shit. Giving up is the last thing you want to do in this situation, because those people aren't coming back once they're gone.

>> No.2775807

Fucking kek, not even one of them is white.

>> No.2775819

this reads like a description of the average person regardless of profession, t b h

>> No.2775822

Is this projection?

>> No.2775843

you can have both. just fucking stay away from the big cities or vacation spots of 3rd world countries

>Why don't third worlders who exceed americans' quality make a decent living?

because 3rd world companies are jews. the norm in a 3rd world country is get a job from a notable company & git gud then use that expirience as glitter for your resume when applying for international companies.

>Banks steal all your money, if you find a way around it politicians send the police to kill you and take your shit.

what country does this so I can avoid it at all costs

>> No.2776029

>> living in one of the most censored countries

Australia is a shit hole

>> No.2776059

>you can have both. just fucking stay away from the big cities or vacation spots of 3rd world countries
Just that? Thanks for the advice mate, I'm going to go live on the border between South Sudan and DRC, wish me luck!

>> No.2776159
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Yeah. These are real white.

>> No.2776853
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This is a pretty sad and cautionary story. If you care to look, you'll see that this artist actually really improved over a three year period and was essentially on the verge of "making it". I still don't understand the logic behind changing the payment method. There's nothing that says that you can't give yourself a raise on Patreon. If you need to tone the amount of updates you do so you can focus on more commissions that's always an option. You might lose a handful of patrons but most would probably understand as long as the commissions themselves were accessible. You're still making art they have access to-it's not like they were controlling what was being made directly anyway. If you stop making art altogether though like this person is perilously close to doing you lose everything. The majority of the Patrons wander off and they don't come back under most any circumstance.

>> No.2776889

prove them wrong then
move. right now

>> No.2776929

>what country does this so I can avoid it at all costs
Literally every one.
I can't make a patreon or work with american clients anymore because local banks saw people were getting out of the poverty line and now charge $10+ type-exchange conversion fees, stopped allowing paypal and a payoneer is literally ilegal to own.

>> No.2776931

Albinism makes obvious how fucking ugly blacks and pacific islanders really are.
Asians, slavs and whites are the only real humans.

>> No.2777106

Lmao, where are you Argentina?

>> No.2777110

Done. What now? I proved them wrong. Did I win the debate?

>> No.2777124

>What gives?
Literally every artist who says "dur i dont hab enuf munnies plz gibe me more :^)" or mentions not having enough money is just a greedy, lying cunt or shit with money
I've had to live at 200€ per month and I've made it, there's no fucking way you should struggle at 1k a month

>> No.2777139


>Not terrified because I have no debts and I never will.

This is something a child says. A literal child.

Shit will happen. You will owe money.

>> No.2777145

Well, living in a country that does not force you to pay thousands of dollars every year on healthcare and hundreds of thousands of dollars on education may be a part of it, but I personally don't know a single fucking person who got into a big debt because he/she was forced to.

All I know is a couple of retards who got burned by buying new cars on credit.

>> No.2777152

I pity you, burger.

>> No.2777177

>free healthcare
>free uni
>don't need a car
>apartment is 100 bucks a month
>job and enough savings to last me years

>> No.2777189

more than likely he lives in a big city and like all the morons who think they are noah bradley they get fucked in the end by the jews.

>> No.2777190

where do you live?

>> No.2777191

bullshit. you're a pussy and deserve to burn. do you know how easy it is to rent a place? pathetic.

>> No.2777204

dominican republic, its awful but its cheap if you get paid in dollars thanks to inflation.

>> No.2777213

Tfw I moved to Omaha right out of high school because I knew I couldn't go to school

Immediately got an entry level job that gives me $1800 a month, free health insurance, tuition reimbursement, and I literally get to sit at my desk and draw all day.

Everyone just move to the Midwest. After living in California, I'd never want to go back unless I was going on vacation.

>> No.2777216

>wanting to live with shitters
California is better than any alternative unless you move out of the country.

>> No.2777276

I've never made more than $12.50 an hour and I don'- and have never-owed money because I'm not a hedonist lizard-brain with expensive vices like smoking, drinking etc.

>> No.2777283


The more I learn about USA the more glad I am that I don't live there.

>> No.2777286

colorado is 100x better than california. california doesn't even have legal weed yet and is barren dry and ugly. more like shitifornia.

>> No.2777298

You aren't thinking right. 1k extra on top of a shit job is a godsend; you'd basically be making an equivalent of $18 to $20 an hr. Trying to do art for al living when you can't pump out quality work each day easy would be stressful.

>> No.2777325

I live with my parents and I STILL spend $600 a month or so. It is logistically improbable for you to survive on that much without having a benefactor and by then it doesn't really count, does it? I spend more than $200 a month on food alone.

>car insurance
>gas ("petrol")
>food & drink etc.

if I were to move out it'd be worse

>climate control (natural gas heating/cooling)
>property taxes

This person is probably making $1,500 or so a month and that's really not very much when rent alone is often upwards of $800.

That said, this person should definitely get a roommate or move far away from the cities where the rent is cheaper. If I could get away with working from home I'd do just about whatever it takes to make it work.

>> No.2777389

expensive, hot, full of leftists, full of narcissists... sounds like the worst place to be in the US.

>> No.2777544

bump for this

>> No.2777552

ok gotta admit I got pretty lucky, I am from austria

>> No.2777628

>country is cuck'd by slimes
Nevermind, I'll stay here.

>> No.2777630


In 3rd world shitholes you only need a gun to stay safe while in 'Merica guns are not enough.

>> No.2777652
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Good thing I live in the country where there aren't any

>> No.2777668


depends on your niche and now die-hard loyal the poeple within that niche are to you

>> No.2777903

>I don't even leave the house

No point for me to be paying 3x the amount in rent, with a shittier job.

>> No.2778011

can we turn this around into a thread where an artist can realistically live off of $900 a month or less?

I'll start. move into the far east. no, not the middle east, they have censored internet.

recommended countries are:

some of the artists I follow live there and each country has a big dollar conversion

>> No.2778034

>Art is a skill anyone can master
Then why does this board exist? For that matter, why are you even on this board?

If I had to guess, it's because you're a shitty artist trying to make themselves feel better about going into a career they hate, even if it is well paying.

>> No.2778040

if singapore really has that low cost living then that's the best place to move to.

>> No.2778044

idk about the cost of living there but the countries I recomended have natives who can speak/understand english and have american "staples" like starbucks and lays chips if ever they feel homesick

>> No.2778075

Are you sure you don't mean Taiwan?

>> No.2778100

That might be it. I always did get confused between the two

btw if anyone knows if south korea is viable then I'm all ears. japan is a nono since they're racist

>> No.2778124

>btw if anyone knows if south korea is viable then I'm all ears
Well it's cheaper living there, and they have the highest internet usage in the world, but I wouldn't go there at current times and also not as many english speakers there as Taiwan.

>> No.2778137

100% all of south america, can only speak for Argentina but we're all the same shit.

>> No.2778142

I believe they have the fastest internet in the world. but yes, the tension from north korea make it not attractive. I was hoping that someone knows if living in the country side of south korea would be easier than the famous Seoul.

>> No.2778187

What about Bhutan? That's my dream place.

>> No.2778195

If you make minimum Texas wage in Mexico, you're making as much as general managers and small practice doctors and dentists.

>> No.2778205
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Easy solution: Move to Mexico

Dirt cheap cost of living
Delicious latinas with roast beef tamale pussies

>> No.2778207

I don't know any artist who lives there. I don't have info. for that country sorry.
btw, I live in the philippines (not in manila or NCR tho, just south luzon). call centers are everywhere here, a lot of the locals can understand but not speak english (usually these are the people who have the facial features of poor people). I can vouch that any artist can live off of around $350 a month. I said "around" because I didn't account for food and transportation (public transport is more practical). for $212.43 you can pay for water, electricity (assuming you can't take the heat and need AC 24/7), 20mbps internet (I assume this is the speed you need for livestreaming? idk, never done it), and rent a small 2 floor apartment.

we do have gyms here and many malls and restaurants (yes we have a starbucks). so 350 is realistic unless you're one of those artists who can't control themselves and want to splurge, then maybe 500 is needed. any excess of that you can put in the stock market or do whatever. btw furniture is cheap too.

>> No.2778209

I would never stoop so low as to willingly go to live in Mexico. Place is a shithole, why else do you think all those filthy beaners are coming and fucking up my glorious country.

>> No.2778214

>implying those who advocate living there aren't beaners themselves

>> No.2778250


Beaner here. Don't ever come here or we'll rip your head. Stay in Cuckland.

Protip: You know it's true.

>> No.2778259

>Using protip without giving a tip
>Poor grammar
Confirmed for uneducated spic. Not surprising.

>> No.2778285


No worries. The Wall will work both ways amigo.

>> No.2778336

Cali is best. High cost and high pay but gives high reward

Good opportunities to rake in big bucks in tech, then coast doing art.

>> No.2778441

Fellow Kiwi porn bro? Do you send your portfolio around just in case? There are actually a bunch of shitty little teams looking for contract artists for their phone bullshit. It helps a lot.

>> No.2778442


>> No.2778446

Because you keep giving them shit for free.
There's a reason harsh countries get top class migrants, but givemedats countries get human waste.

>> No.2778467

Probably wasn't thinking about having to pay taxes on top of whatever debt. This is why it's recommended for freelance artists to take business classes.

>> No.2778472


roughly how much would i need to get by in NZ?

>> No.2778978

Russia. It's not actually bad like people say. If you have money you can live comfortably in non Moscow. Centers or cottage "green" zones (on the rivers) are most comfiest

>> No.2779130

>looked up this dude's "art"

Glad he's going through hell.

>> No.2779152

>Scrolling through this page
>No one's posted his art.
/ic/ has gotten lazy

>> No.2779417
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u mad

>> No.2780012
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>Stop me if you've heard this before
muh nigga
love Junkrat

>> No.2780515

This is why you hire an accountant if you are bad at money magement.

>> No.2780519

You don't actually think that everyone on here is a man, do you?

>> No.2780599
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>girls can use computers
lol, good joke, very funny!

>> No.2780754

>$10 p/night

Where I live some place that was doing that was some basement in a building infested with rats, roaches, & maybe a dead body?

Cheapest AirBnB is like $50 p/night and you'd be lucky to have a wall.

>> No.2780759

>$20 p/night in NY

New York State, right?

>> No.2780767

If you are that poor you should be able to qualify for Medicaid.

>> No.2780770

But that isn't what happened to the artist in OP's post?!

>> No.2780778

>$90 p/week rent

Minimum for a room where I live is $634 p/month.

>> No.2780788

> Art is a skill anyone can master.

Then why are you having such a hard time doing so then?

>> No.2780795

Please go back to /pol/.

>> No.2780797

living outside your memes

>> No.2780804

People say this, but I dont believe it. Many people are just trying to survive and pay off student loans, medical bills, and credit card debt.

That myth about people spending too much is to detract people from the real issue. That rich people want to keep everyone else poor.

>> No.2780807

Being in massive debt is the American way, because rich people there make more money with you in debt.

>> No.2780810

>worst place in the US to live when places such as West Virginia and Kansas exist

>> No.2781282

Most of us just want somewhere to stay, so somewhere like Kansas or West Virginia is just fine. California may have the entertainment industry and the technology sector, but socially it's for effete liberal faggots and criminally-inclined mud-men. It's incredibly expensive to live just about anywhere in the state that doesn't have third-world facilities or general crime rate; completely counter-productive for a home body artist whose mommy and daddy weren't able to secure them a place in the Calarts to Grinning Potato Cartoon pipeline.