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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 394x437, 1481251077451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2770715 No.2770715 [Reply] [Original]

>what are you drawing
>person just stands around watching you draw

>> No.2770718

be like me and have no one around you ever.

>> No.2770728

>Do you sketch?

>> No.2770741

>have sketchbook open
>have pencil in hand
>"did you draw that?"

I don't understand why this gets asked so often. Do people carry around other peoples sketchbooks?

>> No.2770742

That doesn't bother me

>Oh you draw?? Can I see your drawings
>Uhhh... Y-yeah, sure
>She takes the sketchbook and starts turning pages
>You try to gently seize control of the sketchbook again while trying to anticipate which pages had creepy shit or nudes you don't want her to see
>She turns pages but says nothing except stuff like "oh is this watercolor?"
>You try to quench the embarrassment with "it's intentionally cartoony like that" and "I love drawing these furry monster girls people haha", "t-that's life drawing, you gotta draw that, y'know, exercise"
>She gives you back the sketchbook and you feel like you were just probed in your most intimate recesses

>> No.2770743

They need an opener to a conversation. Most people (albeit teens) don't understand art in general, so they say things like "oh I can't even draw stick figures" or "did you draw that?" It's natural.

>> No.2770746

>they leave quietly after two minutes
It hurts.

>> No.2770748

>they leave quietly after
>they see your shitty art


>> No.2770757
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>Can you draw Elsa?

>> No.2770761
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>"You should draw me!"

>> No.2770763

>Be at the doctor
>little girl talking to her bored dad about Judy Hopps
>I was sketching so I decide to draw a Judy Hopps in watercolor
>Drawing came out pretty nice
>Make a "come here" gesture at little girl
>She hides behind her father who doesn't notice
>I remember little kids are scared of me 'cause I look like Snape
>Hand over the sketchbook page to the little girl
>She looks at the drawing and her face brightens with a smile
>Dad sees the pic "oh look how nice, he gave you a drawing! say thanks to him!"
>Girl says thanks as they leave
>I start thinking "why the fuck did I do that"

>> No.2770772

>>Make a "come here" gesture at little girl

>> No.2770774
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>"hey, funny frog and sad guy you draw there! can you draw from a photo for me of i show it to you? or you just draw meaningless childish stuff?

>> No.2770777

>so do you draw all this from your mind, or do you just copy?
Man, I've yet to not regret anyone seeing my crap.

>> No.2770786

>so do you draw all this from your mind, or do you just copy?
I call bullshit. Normies would never ask that question, especially "just copying" like it's a bad thing. Being able to transfer a photo exactly is seen as the peak of artistic skill.

>> No.2770795
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"oh you can draw? draw something"
"like what?"
"i dunno, something cool :D"


>> No.2770798

Idk old same I work with asked it and I was like "Oh, uh, some of it" and she hasn't said a thing since.

>> No.2770805

maybe made a little girls day. not too bad.

>> No.2770814

I never checked if there was any other drawing on the back side of that page tho
Could've been a lewd

It still haunts me to this day

>> No.2770862

thats beta as fuck dude. if you are that insecure about it dont show it around

>> No.2770869

This shit evrytiem.

>> No.2770874


>> No.2770877

learn how to draw an angry robot that shoot shark rocket, or some kind of robot unicorn. just mash up anything a bit cool and a bit funny, it works great, like cowboy hats and claw hands and huge tires. draw it everytime like a shitty comission

>> No.2770883
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>ITT socially autistic basement dwellers struggling with basic communication skills.

Nobody cares, stop pretending that people actually interact with you.

>> No.2770886

They do, mostly out of curiosity

>do you just make this up or do you copy it from somewhere

>> No.2770896
File: 65 KB, 600x440, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone sees you have a sketchbook
>"Oh cool! Can I see your sketchbook?"

>> No.2770900

Maybe they are wondering whether you traced it.

>> No.2770902


>> No.2770903

>trying to still learn fundamentals
>"You should draw <Insert extremely complicated shit here>"
>"I can't draw that yet, I'm still learning"
>"NO you should draw that now!"

>> No.2770930

yeah, that

first of all, if you carry it around like a show-off, dont be suprised you get asked. Secondly, yeah, "No." Whats your problem with that? Or just show em and dont be insecure fag about it.

>> No.2770944

>"Wow, you really draw dark things. You should become a tattoo artist."
I just like drawing creatures and monsters, man. Don't even like tattoos

>> No.2770945

>Carry a sketchbook you don't draw in
>Be rude to people

>> No.2770947

Not related to interactions with people, but
>decide to doodle on some copy paper
>draw something beyond my normal ability, something I'd like to develop more
>but it's on fucking copy paper
And then
>decide to draw on proper Bristol paper
>nothing worth developing, pure shit

Every motherfucking time. FUCK.

>> No.2770948
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mrw I, a shit, shitty artist, wants to watch someone, a peer, draw in order to learn a little *something* and they act like anti-social faggots and have a silent aspie-rage.

Yes, I am that shit and that socially retarded, thank you.

>> No.2770956

> OP is comfortable enough with their drawing skills to draw in public

And I, a beginner (3 weeks ago I started, to be precise), never dare to have any of my drawings seen. I envy you.

>> No.2770964

They act like that because normies keep bothering us

>> No.2770986

lol no. it's the same as dude reading your book above your arm. fucking hate it

>> No.2771026
File: 192 KB, 990x1024, uaaavJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this always happens to me and I don't understand why

>> No.2771038


funny, had this conversation few days ago with my buddys wife. ugh

>> No.2771115

> looks like snape
> nice to kids in the end

>> No.2771134

don't make me remember snape
>tears and sorrow

>> No.2771135

> I start thinking "why the fuck did I do that"

Because you're a fucking nice, decent human, you fucking nice, decent human being.

>> No.2771138

>can you draw my son/daughter?
>they begin to pull out a photograph before you can even give them an answer

>hey I have this idea to print stuff on shirts
>can you draw pop culture shit on it?

>> No.2771177

That feel when I sit drawing in coffee shops for hours around my city every week and not even once has anyone ever approached me about it.

How the fuck do you people get people asking about your drawings and shit? I feel left out!

>> No.2771178

this is why im scared to draw anything. . . lazyness and all the things like this. everyone just wants to tear things apart and not merge these days.

>> No.2771188

>neighbors, family, acquaintances asking them to draw them things
>can't bring myself to charge them, and not about to do something i don't wanna do for free
>"i'm too busy"

>> No.2771204
File: 100 KB, 479x260, 2016-07-20 20.53.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw someone gives a drawing request and they aren't specific enough in what they actually want but you draw it anyway and they critique it saying they expected it to look completely different

>> No.2771206

have to show it off more

>> No.2771259

best story all year

>> No.2771284

>here's my rough sketch
>The drawing is definitely finished, clean and sometimes rendered

>> No.2771295

Why do you guys hate people looking at you when you draw so much? It's super nice

>> No.2771299

This is one of the few things that legitimately annoy me, when people post shit that evidently took hours upon hours of patient work and slap a fucking #sketch tag on it.
It's the shittiest, most insincere marketing ploy and it instantly deflates any respect I have for the artist

>> No.2771316

>hey it's finnish gais
>drawing is a rough sketch

>> No.2771318

That shit's the worst. It's equally shitty when people say how long they took on a piece, because they always undercut it to sound really "fast" at artmaking.

It also pisses me off when people ask how long something took me to make. I get that it's kind of a compliment, but the amount of time spent is completely irrelevant to the viewer.

>> No.2771328

Vaguely related, I've noticed artists actively avoid answering the question when it comes to how much time they put into drawing, especially referring to when they were a beginner because it would out exactly how much of a loser they were.

>> No.2771357
File: 314 KB, 504x468, 1480290405860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I tag all of my drawings as sketch only because I drew it on sketch paper even if it is well thought out and done in detail
>mfw I am a peice of shit artist

>> No.2771364

It's okay if it's not deliberate for the sake of milking social media approval, or if it's the premilinary part of a larger process e.g. the pencils for a comic page

>> No.2771372

r u autism 2?

>> No.2771402

They're trying to start a conversation about it, dum-dum.

>> No.2771403

Anyone who draws in public is obviously "talented". You should be happy they want to see what you're up to. You might even catch the eye of someone and get the connections.

>> No.2771422

>hey nice drawing
>I didn't know you draw
>How long have you been drawing

There are so many conversation starters that aren't retarded

>> No.2771428

You don't get more than a minute to think about it. It's not like they encounter the situation on a daily basis either anyways. They also don't think about what a person would have said before.

>> No.2771429

I'm aware of that, I'm just surprised it's SO common despite making almost no sense to ask

>> No.2771498
File: 219 KB, 959x960, 13669217_10209856766473185_1164006623546315004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drawing in public
>lanky kid comes over and looks at your drawings
>snickers in contempt
>"never gonna make it"


>> No.2771507

>visit local zoo with a friend to draw some animals
>standing by tamarin cages, sketching side by side
>woman stops next to friend, looks at what she's drawn
>"Wow! That looks so good! You're so talented!"
>turns to me, looks at what I'm drawing
>"Oh. You're not bad either."

Just the tone in that lady's voice. It sounded like she was just complimenting me out of pity. My friend drew a lot faster than me so her sketches came out a little more detailed. Mine were very rough.

>> No.2771515

Just means you gotta git gud

>> No.2771524

I know that pain. One time a kid in my class was passing around a t-shirt he had and he was letting everyone draw/sign on it. I was the artist of the school so of course he asked me to draw something on it too. I asked him what he would like on it since I was going to add more detail and time onto it than the others.

"I dunno, do what you normally draw."
"Yeah but do you want anything specific?"
"Just draw something pretty."

(You're not gonna give me a straight answer are you?) So I just drew a rose, one of my favorite things to draw and they turn out really pretty when finished. He sees it but hes not satisfied.

"Draw something else. Add something else."
"But I just did what you asked earlier."
"Yeah but I wanted something different, like you draw those pretty girls all the time, draw me one of those."

(WHYDIDN'TYOUASKINTHEFIRSTFUCKINGPLACE) So I drew a simple cute girl on the shoulder of the shirt, he accepts it and I carry on the rest of that day.
It wasn't painfully annoying but it was still annoying.

>> No.2771526

people looking at a random portrait and asking "is this you"

>> No.2771527

The autism is high with you.

>> No.2771549

any time they want to tear/use a page from my sketch pad, bonus when its not the type that's easy to tear.

>> No.2771562

The time is relevant. It helps the viewer know how passionate and good you are at drawing.

Take it from me, a non-artist who asks about how much time it takes.

>> No.2771567

About you just indulge them and answer them straight like a normal person? Artists are like a novelty to laypeople, they don't know what to say when they see it.

>> No.2771569

I used to be that guy.

And it's funny, because most people who do this shit can't draw (or do anything involving art) for shit. Including me.

>> No.2771570

>tfw artists are probably dying out as STEM overtakes everything

>> No.2771622

>Wow, you have a gift.
>You can draw as easily because you were blessed with talent.

>> No.2771651
File: 15 KB, 480x440, 40dd5f9a2289a8b08416941962e24e511df368b946d8a130a095dd6ce91c9e27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be one of two "artists" in a small circle of class friends
>Other artist subtly tries to downplay your drawings whenever they get attention

>> No.2771670


>> No.2771672

>tfw was that other artist
I'll never forget this.

>> No.2771709
File: 299 KB, 512x512, 1447296490491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't like the others, anon.
You could've been blunt and supportive.
We could've shared crits on eachother's work and made it as good friends.

>> No.2771717

>not being an artist and also in STEM
Live the best of both worlds, anon. It's possible.

>> No.2771748
File: 56 KB, 401x372, 1471544533430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2771820

everytime i draw a girl everyone asks me if it is my gf :( feels, lonelyal man

>> No.2771868

I love it when these stories don't end with a suicide

>> No.2771900

That's really sweet.

Though, you had watercolors...at the doctor? Did you expect to be there a long time?

>> No.2771906

> Am drawing somewhere public.
> Get approached by someone. Small talk happens for a while.
>Out of nowhere, they ask, "You draw porn?"
> Me: Maybe. But prob not the kind you'd be interested in. :'D

>> No.2771919

I have a backpack with a small kit 99% of the time. Most of the time I draw in a small sketchbook but when I have time I can ink or watercolor stuff. I even have a portable tripod and stool so I can set up plein air if I find a nice location
It's a bit autistic but hey

>> No.2772460


>> No.2772757


>christian mom find your semen demons

>> No.2772865

Yeah... I had this happen on a $300 dollar commision. I just said fuck it afterwards, I'm not about to try to comprehend some normies concept of artistic composition.

>> No.2772892

>Whenever you pull out your freaky shit sketchbook, then leave to go do something, only to release it later when you remember that someone's going to be around it, just waiting for a text or some shit about how they're never speaking to you again

>> No.2772950
File: 20 KB, 228x243, 1455696394496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only barely started drawing the undersketch
>"what are you drawing??"

Or even worse
>"why are they naked?"

>> No.2773052

looks normal to me, which makes me thing you are projecting

>> No.2773229
File: 11 KB, 550x246, koh-i-noor-5611c-technigraphic-lead-holder-pencil-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have pic related
>Over two years of reliable service
>This morning notice some oddness
>When I try to sharpen it the shaft rotates independent of the grip
>Figure out how to disassemble
>For a split second perceive something tiny rocketing out of the pencil and across the room
>Examine the pencil
>The shaft ends abruptly at the grip, despite there being more red plastic inside the grip. Can't tell if it's made that way or if something has broken
>Notice the clutch isn't very tightly screwed on to the lead pipe
>Tighten it
>The whole thing is completely slack
>The thing that flew out the butt was a spring
>Pencil is useless until I can find that spring
>Need in a fucking haystack

>> No.2773248
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>tfw didn't understand anything in this post

>> No.2773264


Oh I'm sorry, I forgot this is the "act like a complete faggot because another human being showed interest in what I do" thread.

Here, I'll contribute something you might be able to understand.

>This summer
>Holidaying at grandmother's house for a week
>Grandpa is a crotchedly old asshole
>First morning there, idly sketching in the sun room
>The wilderness surrounding grandma's house is inspiring
>Grandpa comes in
>First time I've seen him in months.
>Says "So is this drawing thing going to work out?"
>"Y'know, art is the single most popular field for students and there aren't enough jobs for everyone."
>How rude is this shit
>Tell him that only a small percentage of those dreamers even get good enough to qualify
>Remind him that every single thing that is manufactured, constructed and produced is drawn first
>He grumbles and walks out of the room
>Later that day we go fishing and have a good time because I'm not a bitter faggot who holds grudges against the ignorant

Is that more your speed, faggot?

>> No.2773270


>About you just indulge them and answer them straight like a normal person?

How about they have the decency to not bother a stranger?

>> No.2773329


>> No.2773363

>"Woah that's so good!"
>literally just a circle with some shapes coming out of it
>"it's really isn't"
>"oh stop being so modest! Have some confidence!"

>> No.2773372

You're overestimating normies' judgment on skilled artwork. If you're past stick figures you're "great". Just say thanks.

>> No.2773373

koh i noor always has the highest prices and lowest quality

>> No.2773376

really, fuck kohinoor. Always had terrible experiences with them

>> No.2773379

Holy shit dude, chill.

>> No.2773513

Then shut the fuck up and draw more. 3 weeks is nothing, stop being a little bitch.

>> No.2773515
File: 1.08 MB, 680x680, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are they naked?
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.2774469

It's just an icebreaker you autismo

>> No.2774472

That's really sweet. Nice to know some people put in the effort still when grooming kids.

>> No.2774488

>Wow anon you're so talented! I can't even draw a stick figure hahahaha

>> No.2774604

Fucking normalfags will never understand

>> No.2774648
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>> No.2774707
File: 223 KB, 500x634, ijmekko up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, what are you drawing?
>Eh, nothing.
>Let me see.
>Not until it's done.
>Let me see.
>It's not done yet.
>What're you drawing?
>I'll show you when it's finished.
>Hey Anon, what're you doing?
>Can I see?
>When it's done.
>Anon, what's that?
>It's not finished.
>Can I see it?
>When it's finished.
>Come on, let me see.
>When it's done.

>> No.2774785

>bring home art that im proud of
>next day can't find it
>next week go to my mom's place of work
>she stole my art and hung it up

>> No.2774819

that's pretty cool actually.

>> No.2774820

plot twist: it's futa inflation porn

>> No.2774821

>tfw same happened to me and I got offered a position in the designer team
>tfw I just make coffee and keep their work space tidy

>> No.2774839

Literally bench warmer

>> No.2774912

yeah that's the word thanks

>> No.2774951

two years is a long time.
just buy another one they're like $5

>> No.2775016

what a fucking sperg

>> No.2775070

my mom used to write self-insert snape fanfiction and now thats all i can think of when i see snape

>> No.2775106

Anon you must share these mom fanfics. I don't care if she lives in a different state, you will find her and get a copy and you WILL post it by midnight.

>> No.2775130

>mom shows my drawings to her friends
>oh you draw animals?? Can you draw my dog ?
>It's a gift, you have three days to do it
>spent an entire night on it
>Give the image, never saw that person again, never got paid


>friends ask for commission
>it's a friend so OK you can pay after
>friend keeps being annoying and impatient
>finally do her fucking commission
>never received any money from it
>"but my grandma sent you 15 dollars on PayPal!"
>never received that money

Why do I keep trusting people ?

>> No.2775135

Because you're a good person.

>> No.2775139

>someone asks if they can see your drawings
>say no
>sketchbook is snatched and the person iron grips it until you let them look
It only happened once but that was probably the only time I actually got super pissed at art related stuff. I still really regret not bitch slapping her

>> No.2775208

Never one warched I draw....

>> No.2775234

way to maube ruin a nice ending. You're still a good person though!

>> No.2775250


>> No.2775270

This is adorable

>> No.2775274

I sperged out and facepunched some cunt for doing that. Funny enough, everyone who called me an asshole for it hated that cunt after a week.

>> No.2775341

they're just trying to find out if you are single anon :3

>> No.2775347

>distracted by stem degree

>> No.2775447
File: 58 KB, 500x380, 1473099601143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animating at my light table
>random person comes over and flips through the frames i put next to me
>didn't even ask
why, how rude

>> No.2775478

you were water color painting at the doctor? or using water color-pencils....?

>> No.2775514
File: 1.99 MB, 250x190, 1447370807564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halfway done 3d printing latest piece
>someone comes over says "wow did you make this?"
>they take it out before it's finished
>"oops haha does that mean its free"
Y-you too

>> No.2775536

>>halfway done 3d printing latest piece
How do they reach in to grab it when the print head is moving?

Also, isn't it hot and stuck to the platform?

>> No.2775544

I was so afraid this story was going to end badly
>tear out picture to give to girl
>big veiny dicked furry porn exposed to little girl
>dad breaks my fingers, and stabs me with drawing implements
>mfw going to ER instead of doctors appointment

>> No.2775545

>also the appointment was to tell him he had prostate cancer

>> No.2775710

>why i my getting cucked?
>Because you're a good person.

no, because you're a cuck. you'll get cucked again if you persist in thinking this is being a "good person"

my experience drawing in public last 2 years:
>people come watch
>they say "pretty good anon"
I only draw the view when in public, urban landscapes and such
although to be fair most of the people who ever approach are old men

>> No.2775771

fucking autist

Feel sorry for your grandpa

>> No.2775775

Grandpa is wise, but also a bit stupid. It's like that for every field so if it didn't work out, the economy would be fucked in the ass.

>> No.2775989

Waiting room, yep. I always carry a plein air kit out of habit, most of the time I just hold sketchbook and dip pen in hand, and after I'm done I maybe pull out the palette. Nobody really notices even if it's a relatively larger watercolor palette.

Heh. I don't draw porn but I do have nudes in the sketchbook and I had a momentary paranoia about it, see >>2770814

>> No.2776048

i wish i could but she deleted all of it. rest in peace snape/oc fics

>> No.2776077
File: 906 KB, 500x208, goarry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted? Pssh. That's just fanfic author's code for 'stashed away on a secret pen drive'.

>> No.2776114

take showers!

>> No.2776136

>can you draw anime?

>> No.2776144

>I like drawing too!
>Oh! that's nice, what do you draw
>I like drawing manga (guilt)
>Haha that's ok

>> No.2776675
File: 16 KB, 422x362, 1457247527541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother will sometimes let me see his work, and i'm sad to say I've been 'that guy' before.
I try to ask for something specific when I ask for a commission but sometimes my brother goes really autistically into detail about what he wants.
I get he want's structure in his work but he should have some imagination when it's required.

>> No.2776722


It might seem that way to you, but it looks like complete crap in their eyes.

>> No.2776857

These are some good layers of irony boyo

>> No.2776859

Nice blog I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2777491

>I start thinking "why the fuck did I do that"
dunno maybe you're a semi normal person and not an autist

>> No.2777500

Can't even have people watching me draw online. Last time I tried I had a fucking panic attack.

People seem to have such a good time when doing streams, and it really makes me sad I'll probably never be able to do it.

>> No.2777501

It takes time anon, if you keep at it, I'm sure you'll come to enjoy it too.

>> No.2777533

toss that POS and get a staedler

>> No.2778304
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1450399698741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use to make crappy Sonic drawings in school as a kid
>Girl asks to see my sketchbook
>Get uncomfortable because I don't like showing unfinished drawings and crappy ideas
>Tell her no thanks
>She tells me that if I don't show her she'll tell the teacher I'm drawing porn
>Start getting freaked out
>She eventually leaves me alone

>> No.2778470

>what is nepotism

>> No.2778527

what did these cute girls look like anon?

>> No.2778553

>"wow this is really good! Is it oil?"
>tell them it's digital


>"digital art isn't real art, the computer does the work for you."
>"Oh... it's painted on the computer? isn't that just when you copy things together"

I've started making traditional paintings as well purely out of spite.

>> No.2778710
File: 7 KB, 192x192, KekKustomKlub 20161213_150501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gives me a boner

>> No.2778718
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>doing a chem masters
>high grades, good lab work, will probably get a paid phd
>I just want to draw

>> No.2778728
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>draw some studies in class
>some vaguely hick kid notices
>oh wow anon you're really talented, I could NEVER draw a human
>tell him he could if he practiced
>hahah naw I could NEVER learn
>turns out he literally thought you're just born either being able to draw or not, was genuinely surprised you could learn how to do it
>I rec him some art books and he leaves all excited
what the fuck

>> No.2778754

don't ever try to argue with normies about talent. they are even worse than tumblerina whales blaming their weight on genetics, because they are discrediting your dedication and hard work.

>> No.2779683
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>"Hey, anon, I love your work. You really have a lot of anatomy and architecture studies. Do you think you could draw me tweety bird?"

>> No.2779688

>you can't?!?!1?

>> No.2779691
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>> No.2780437
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>be me, 1st year of high school
>not a pro at art but ok at it
>meet some of my classmates
>one of them is an artist
>ask to see their art
>the dude drew a realistic tiger with just a pencil and an eraser
>has an entire sketchbook of these good as fuck drawings
>look at my art
>mfw someone in the same grade as i was drew miles better than me
>mfw i regret all my desicions as an artist because of this one guy
>mfw they say they arent that good

>> No.2780487

this is very sweet she will probably treasure it for a very long time. Bonus points for physical aesthetic

>> No.2780585
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>can't draw (or do anything) when I'm tired
>always tired

Also because its winter
>can't draw when its freezing cold
>always freezing cold in my house

>> No.2780588

wow he can photocopy, how can the rest of us ever compete?

>> No.2780611

Damn anon, I feel you. I'm too poor to turn the heat up and it's miserable, sometimes my hands are too cold to draw too.

>> No.2780619

learn to love the cold. like wim hof

>> No.2780635

he didn't photocopy anon-kun
he actually drew stuff like that infront of me

>> No.2780644
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There was this chick in high school that would draw perfect copies of anime promo art, my friends would always say "yeah, but ____ draws like REALLY bad ass" and still refer to her as an amazing artist when they start reminiscing

It still hurts

>> No.2780660

just dont reply then gee why you gotta be so autistic

>> No.2780683

>he can photocopy

Well can you?

Protip: Copying is easy as fuck. The easiest thing you can learn as an artist.

>> No.2780704

>people look at your sketchbook
>Saw nude drawing
>Judgmental looks
>“you are very talented anon”
>Give back sketch book
>Talk shit about you behind your back

Daily reminder being an artist isn't about sharing.

>> No.2780791
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>try to draw
>can't draw

>> No.2780815
File: 58 KB, 1008x720, %5BCoalgirls%5D_Serial_Experiments_Lain_06_(1008x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_%5BFDDEFC90%5D.mkv_20121019_042256.234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was that kids

Better luck next time, scrub.

>> No.2780828
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o6b26yKQtG1rtv20to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls that look like this
I like drawing pretty girls :3

>> No.2780888
File: 82 KB, 500x562, I&#039;m fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, in school I was the perv for that. Alternatively:

>drawing naked female body
>mom bursts in
>blarb something about me doing something without future blah blah blah

People think you get gud by already being good and becoming better. Too bad, you start worse than dog shit and have to grind more bodies than at aushwitz.

Anyway, people could have seen me drawing naked men and implicated I was homogay. It could aways go worse, right?

>people asked what I wanted to be when grown up
>realy wanted to be a "draw artist"
>men told me to have a manly dream instead, like being a soldier or soccer player or whatever
>family never paid drawing lessons because lol drawing
>not even paper, so I instead drew absolutely everywhere, including walls
>and got hit, of course
>what better way to educate your kids than to hit them until they whole heartedly wish for your death?

Fun times. Now I'm a 24yo kissless-handholdless-friendless autist controling my rage by imagining people being hit by thunder or bursting into flames, though no matter how hard I wish, they never burn, nor a thunderbolt ever strikes them. My judgement of humanity waves between "there's bad people spoiling the rest and they need cleasing" to "all out genocide would be merciful if I had any mercy".

Well, you wanted mad, here is mad. Also a pathetic excuse for a sod story from a shitter that just wanted to draw.

>tfw recently discover that some uncle I never knew was an illustrator and he just died

You know what? I could have some nice influences, but instead I got denied and convinced myself it was all an infantile dream to cope, until I got to my depressed life with achievements I don't care. Maybe I should pursue my new dream instead. You know, too many school shooters, not enough carefully planed spread of chemical and biological agents.

>> No.2780907

Post your work.

>> No.2780951

is this some dank board pasta or are you being this pathetically shitty on purpose?
fucking look at yourself and think some things over, people every day go thought much, much worse things and don't talk like a spoiled twelve year old

>> No.2780964
File: 39 KB, 477x640, n08A8NOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like fuck how is that going to go
>why did you come to school with a gun
>my parents didn't give me their money for art class and hit me because I drew on a wall
fucking right they did, get some help anon. talk it over

>> No.2780994

your parents did a good job sharpening that edge, it could even make a stone bleed

>> No.2780995

How long ago was this
your memory of how good someone is can become seriously warped

>> No.2781002

>at work
>draw when i have down time
>it has gotten to the point where i get asked daily "what are you going to draw today?"

>> No.2781041
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my face when unless I'm drawing lewds or shading skin colors to lowerbody. I only draw lewds around my closest circle of friends.

>be me
>best photoshopper and artist around our deptartment
>assigned to draw something for upcoming school event
>image was to be projected on the stage
>'title of the event' and design is up to me
>add breakdancing guy and girl on one side
>done with other characters
>shading the girl part
>draw skin layer first, shirt later
>suddenly people started gathering and they wanna volunteer for the event
>now everyone's watching me
>paint the girl's legs
can't remember what people said bc i was in da zone

>> No.2781094


This. I remembered a couple of college aged artists from my childhood recently and how I always admired their work. One of them has a Facebook so I decided to log in and see if he had any of his old stuff posted on there. Lo and behold, he did. There it was, the art I thought was so amazing, the art that I made my goal to reach, the art that I thought was super realistic and perfect, I mean like I used to ask him if I could take his drawings home with me and put'em up on my wall.....it was fucking deviant art tier shit. I mean it was the type of shit you would see in the cringe thread. Just awful. Real bad, Dorito faced anime with symbol drawing and broken twigs for limbs. I actually felt bad for the guy for being so shit and I actually felt a little sad cause I ruined this memory I had.

/end of blog

Anyway, odds are that the kid was shit and you just couldn't tell, so now you think he was good because that's what the plebeian kid you remembers.

>> No.2781097

feels bad man

>> No.2781192

Sounds like you're making a lot of excuses, honestly.

>> No.2781612

>someone's a huge faggot and uses the meme ghost girl from xy which is the woest set of games

>> No.2781625

Wow man, that like totally help fix everything. Thanks!

>> No.2781908

Bitch only you can fix your shit excuses

>> No.2781996

I got a story.

>be best artist in secondary school by a fucking monumental leap.
>Everybody knew I was the best.
>Literally everyone else struggled with the most BASIC perspective thinking.
>Drawing a cylinder with straight lines on curves tier shit going on.
>Meanwhile I'm drawing pretty neat birds, proportional correct humans, flowers, you name it.
>Felt good
>New term
>Chad transfers in.
>Curiously watch what he draws along with a few other people

>go Find a typical shit DA Edgy scene Sonic OC, katana and all.
>Imagine it had been drawn by a man with a broken hand.
>"Holy shit, Chad please be my boyfriend!" Say the girls. (Okay not really, but you get the drift.)
>I say nothing, content in the knowledge that I'm still #1 in something at my school.
Ego, maybe but you know what it's like trying to carve out an identity in a school where you are literally the bottom of the food chain.
>Art teacher hears about Chad's "incredible" art
>"Looks like you have Competition Anon."
>Gets endless fucking praise for his DA tier shit.
>Thinks he's fucking gods gift to art.
>And to top it all off, he steals one of my pieces and claims it as his own work.

>> No.2782049
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>be best artist in class
>people love me for it and are always waiting for my new drawings
>had a attention whore chad in class who would do the most disgusting or insane shit just to get attention.
(he even came in with glasses one da claiming his vision got weaker from all the reading, only kept it for three days. one time with walking stick cause he had an accident and his leg hurt, i know right, whay a faggot)
>fag decides he wants to be artist now
>takes some pics traces with pen on them
(he had papers beneath it so lines would appear on paper and then he drew from it)
>normies think he is a new da vinci, art teacher first gets sad because someone else figured out his technique
>but accepts him amd praises him
>his drawngs are semi realistic with good contours but 0 shading, normies still get wet over it
>one time he did big pic of jesus crucified, but got his fingers all messed up and could not draw
>asks teacher to help him with it
>faggot got sweaty, tries many times but erases could not do it
>someone remembers that i exist and asks me to try
>i get it right in one time and also shade the hand, it automaticly becomes better than entire picture
>teacher still praises him because he just started drawing week ago and already is very good so must be talent, while i am drawing for 2 years already and he feels sad for guys like me cause we neex more work to make ot than tale ted people.
>mfw normies buy it
>mfw chad never picked up pencil again in his life
>mfw they get rid of art teacher because, geography teacher can draw better, and is up for doing both jobs with less fee

it started with rage but ended with satisfaction