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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2772068 No.2772068 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go about becoming the best artist alive?

>> No.2772069






>> No.2772071

if you're asking such a retarded question, you don't. kill yourself

>> No.2772075

I want to know too

>> No.2772085

Helpful as usual!

>> No.2772090

1. Start when you are 3

>> No.2772100

Have The Spark.
Have at least 16 Ligamemes.
Be 1 years old (for plenty of Neuroplasticity (Ideally you start earlier, 1 is the latest)).
Win 10 gesture battles a day.

>> No.2772120

>learn the basics of oil and watercolor painting and do a lot of plein air
>apply for an art school
>get rejected
>start engaging in politics instead
>grow a mustache
>invade Poland
>build a strong defense along the shore of Normandy
>win war, nuke everyone
>every living creature except for you is dead now
>tfw you're the best artist alive
>tfw you've finally made it

>> No.2772124
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x2561, wei-feng-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting based wei feng instead of faggot jia
>having taste

You've already made it. Taste is the only talent in art, and you have it.

You just need to develop Stockholm Syndrome for art.
Allow it to hold you hostage, learn the fundamentals. steal every fucking technique you like, copy artists greater than you, don't try to re-invent the wheel. Always spend more time drawing and painting than reading tutorials, etc.
Try literally any style, technique, method etc. of doing something that interests you, keep what you like, discard what you don't, but NEVER throw away the fundamentals.

Think of the fundamentals as the trials and tribulations one must go through to call themselves a competent artist.

Make sure you are physically healthy enough to give your life to art education. Always work slightly more than you think you can each time. Always push yourself to pay attention to everything you see. Constantly ask yourself, "How would I go about drawing/painting this or that?" Eventually this question changes. you already know how you'd draw or paint anything, and now you ask "what's stopping me?" in an attempt to troubleshoot your flaws.

None of this is fun, but the feeling of accomplishment you get from problem solving is it's own reward. A quiet, humble one rarely seen outside of this discipline.

>How do I go about becoming the best artist alive?

take what you need, then leave this place. Run away, and don't look back.

>> No.2772137

developt hybrid thinking


>> No.2772142

Looks like a budget sakimichan to me. Faces and busts are basic at best, and his strokes look ugly to me. His colors are a bit tacky and not amazing and he sucks at titties.

>> No.2772143

>take what you need, then leave this place. Run away, and don't look back.

Why is it that no one who writes this ever heeds their own advice?

>> No.2772150
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Because its stupid meme advise. /ic/ is a very valuable resource despite all the shitposting.

>> No.2772154

Just grow a thick skin and you can stay forever.

>> No.2772155

Good point.

>> No.2772163

That's like saying grow a thick skin and you can have asshole friends forever. Oh good, because life isn't shitty enough already, I have to deal with assholes and beginners giving advice like they have any experience whatsoever on my fucking PC on my free time. The only time that might possibly not suck. I make it suck more! Amazing, why didn't I think of that?

There are tons of amazing artist resources. You start really improving when you leave 4chan and stop refreshing pointless threads for a new reply or two which are 9 times out of 10 guaranteed to be either a)completely useless bullshit, b)baseless information from some shit tier beginner or permanoob, or c)le average meme or trollpost. The only reason I'm here is because I took a long hiatus from art and I'm trying to reintroduce basic concepts and art lingo back into my life.

If you do help and you have the skill to back it up you're an awesome person though and a diamond in the rough.

>> No.2772167

>there are people who literally think of art as "trials and tribulations" who think they will make it
>there are people who don't have fun drawing who think they will make it

>> No.2772171

>took a long hiatus from art

Not gonna make it

>> No.2772172

there are terrible artists who actually think they are good

right here, in this very thread

>> No.2772178

science shows that over time overly critical and negative feedback, even when trying to be helpful or constructive is actually harmful and degrades many things in an individual including their self esteem self worth. positive reinforcement is much better scientifically and historically as proven. you are all only hurting yourselves by trying to be edgy teens in middleschool and bullying eachother.

>> No.2772183

Yea man, if no one tells me whats wrong with my work, and just tells me to keep on keeping on with what I'm doing I'm sure to improve!

A study said so!

>> No.2772186

Reminder that "the spark" is literally just enjoying the act of drawing.

>> No.2772188
File: 148 KB, 1050x502, nobody learns like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think the fundamentals of anything are fun, then you already have stockholm syndrome.

Obviously you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be on a chow mein cooking website.

You'd be having fun doing your peter han bullshit while re-reading the COV section of robertson for the eleventy-fucking-zillionth time.

>> No.2772190

4chan doesn't believe this, but there are many ways to give good feedback and criticism without being a useless dick. there's a bunch of it on /ic/ right now, and that's how it should be. I'm only talking about the bad ones with useless feedback just being rude because big daddy 4chan poster tells them /ic/ is rude and not to be hugbox, so they carry that around like little robots, mostly teens I would suppose.

>> No.2772192

congrats you just proved his point

>> No.2772196

art =/= fundamentals

>> No.2772197

>he doesn't know how to enjoy the act of exploring a technical discipline
>he thinks mindless fun is the same as mentally taxing fun

I don't draw all day because while I enjoy it, it takes effort. I have a limited willingness to expend effort, so before I feel the desire to draw I go onto the internet and fuck around idly looking for refs, watching stupid videos and shitposting.

>> No.2772199

If you think this you WILL NOT make it at all.

Holy shit how could you possibly enjoy programming if you hate fucking typing or writing loops, how the fuck could you enjoy carpentry if you hate using a saw?

>> No.2772208

I like videogames and I bought a nice wooden table for the living room.

>> No.2772218

I think it's important people actually realize this mentality exists.

People are unable to separate the fantasy of being able to do something or having done something with the reality of doing it. They fail to assosiate the fantasy of being a great artist with the actually drawing or the fantasy of being an indie dev with actually making games.

See half of this damn thread who seem massively infatuated with the idea of making it as an artist despite hating the fundamentals of art as if they are going to grind away so long at the fundementals that they get so good at them they don't have to think about them at all anymore so then they will enjoy art.

>> No.2772237

it's the mindset of the consumer, which is important to know as a tradesmen.

The tradesmen cares about the process, the consumer cares about the result.

When i played games as a child, I didn't think of all the programming and collaboration involved, I was more concerned with the experiences of the game itself.
Now that I work on games for a living I'm involved in all the ugly stuff like bug-fixing, quality assurance, and so on. I see the result, but my joy comes from finding solutions to complex problems.

I asked my friend who works with the art department what it's like, and he had a similar transition.
He went from liking the characters of an IP, to making them. He told me It's a lot more satisfying to see his artwork get passed down the pipeline than it is to play the game.

I don't think anyone i know enjoys the fundamentals, they enjoy the freedoms that come with mastery.

>> No.2772249

When I learned how to program I got massive satisfaction from learning all the basics. Every time I did something and it worked I was having fun. Everytime I fixed a simple bug caused by a fuck up I was pleased.

It's the same with art. Every time I think of a more reasonable way to construct something I am pleased. Every time I get a line down that looks like I was hoping it was I get a tiny bit of joy.

I don't mean "enjoy the fundamentals" as in drawing cubes is something that just gets you shaking with anticipation, I mean you have to enjoy the actual mechanics of drawing and enjoy learning it. If learning is utter agony because every step of the way you're only able to focus on the frustration in your inability rather than the satisfaction in the fact that you aren't at square one anymore, you're "not gonna make it" because you're going to hate it so much you'll never be able to learn enough to reach that freedom that comes with mastery.

>> No.2772255

Its not the same with art, because programming is easier since you have pretty clear knowledge to gain. You know exactly what to google, with art you are discouraged because while you follow a book or a tutorial or whatever, you still dont get results.

Programming is nothing like drawing, drawing is more painful and frustrating. Lots of times you wont get a clear response.

>> No.2772257

>How do I go about becoming the best artist alive?
Never stop improving.

>> No.2772265

This, drawing is not fun until you get really good. inb4 not gonna make it

I dont want to force myself into liking something so irritating as drawing, it is not rewarding at all.

>> No.2772267

That ambiguity doesn't manifest as frustration for all people however. In fact it can even be more satisfactory for some to have to figure things out with fairly vague information to work with because it feels more like their own doing when they DO get it.
Where intuiting an artistic concept might bring elation, finding out you just refereed to the element of that list incorrectly but your logic was totally sound will be massively frustrating to many. I've met someone who was that way, who was badly frustrated by programming because it just felt like a fairly simple logic excersize behind a wall of arcane syntax minutia to him.

This is why I mean by "you have to enjoy the fundamentals" . Not everyone is going to enjoy learning art. It's going to be a painful chore they just won't want to do so their brain won't be excited about learning it and the won't work towards it nearly as much, and they just won't make it.

>> No.2772270

To add evidence, >>2772265
This guy is what I mean by someone who doesn't enjoy the fundamentals. He however is self aware enough to get it, and instead of trying to power through and force himself to like it, he just says "no fuck that, I don't like it"

>> No.2772280

Why do people say that you have to enjoy drawing because if you don't - you don't care about it? I don't enjoy the fact that I can't do anything on my own, that every my idea is worthless because I can't execute it in any way. Drawing is only, literally only fun when you know how to do everything. Only then.

>> No.2772285

You have to enjoy something to be able to stomach doing it enjoy to get good at it. No matter how motivated you are if you don't enjoy the journey itself you'll probably never reach the destination.

You'll never ever enjoy drawing with that mindset because there is no "know how to do everything". The enjoyment comes from progress, from being better than you were yesterday.

>> No.2772289

I feel sick drawing circles and boxes when I want to do something much more complex. I dont know why its so hard to understand that this kind of journey is toxic. Theres nothing to like.

>> No.2772290

For you. I don't see why THAT'S so hard to grasp. YOU don't enjoy it, it's not that it's enjoyable.

>> No.2772292
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>> No.2772296

Only mental fuck ups enjoy something that isnt enjoyable. Or hobbyists.

>> No.2772304
File: 18 KB, 512x384, 1233452__282542489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally do not have the spark my man.

>> No.2772306

I have the spark but I dont have the skills.

>> No.2772313

The spark is what gets you the skills dipshit

>> No.2772320
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>> No.2772322
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x2497, wei-feng-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wei is really underrated to be honest

>> No.2772340

This looks like some sort of homosexual fantasy movie from Bollywood. I bet the lady in his arms is a ladyboy. Those tits look fake.

>> No.2772345
File: 3.63 MB, 3000x1836, 001Q7wP3gy6Y7Lk1Uv27c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaketh thy headeth

>> No.2772381

That dude's torso feels quite off in comparison to the way he's positioning his neck. There's no fold/compression inbetween his neck and chin that makes it feel like it's attached to the torso.

>> No.2772383

Why do people like you always do this? Don't you realize how embarassing and cringe-worthy this is?

>> No.2772391
File: 1.38 MB, 1895x3680, Madame_X_(Madame_Pierre_Gautreau),_John_Singer_Sargent,_1884_(unfree_frame_crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people think this guy was any good?
Like lmfao look at her nose and waist
holy shit haha how bad can you get

>> No.2772397

The gooks art confuses me, it's obviously really good but I just don't get anything out of it other than crazy nonscensical fantasy shit

>> No.2772401

She's just a jew wearing a corset.

>> No.2772416

>HURR stop criticizing my favorite artist
>I'll post one of the most controversial paintings in france created by one of the greatest painters of history. That'll show em!

You're retarded.

>> No.2772418

If you didn't get his point you're the retarded one.

>> No.2772423

I guess I am, huh
Really makes you think.

>> No.2772427


>> No.2772449

Holy fuck guys, settle down. Stop acting like children when someone points out a flaw in a painting. Why the fuck do you guys care so much anyway? Did you paint that? No, of course not. In fact, none of you probably will ever get to that quality of work. Get off your high horses, faggots. Even when summer isn't here /ic/ sucks ass.

>> No.2772450

>s-stop being mean guys
go back to your tumblr hugbox if you don't like it

>> No.2772461

kek whatever helps you fall asleep at night
Stay delusional

>> No.2772475

Whoa, what artist is this? It's like Ruan Jia but better.

>> No.2772517

no its not

>> No.2772522

Ic says it not very good artman, so itt am bad arynan.

Am make it.

>> No.2772535


It's a nice feel when some good art looks like yourself. Thanks for the genes, mom.

>> No.2772540
