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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2757883 No.2757883 [Reply] [Original]

Say it, get it off your chest.

Whether you're a student, work in the ''industry'', a porn artist, or traditional painter, get it off your chest here.

keep it art related.

>> No.2757890

i just dont know.

>> No.2757891


When I draw porn for people, sometimes I get the overly chatty people that tells me they're going to rub one off after it's done.

>> No.2757893

Nobody likes me.
im garbage compared to my artistic peers
no matter how hard i try i dont get the recognition i feel i need. maybe i dont deserve it.
maybe trying to make friends with other artists was a mistake. i feel like ill never been seen as equals to them.

>> No.2757896
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my drive and motive just hasn't been the same after i've been raped by someone who looks and acts just like my main character

>> No.2757899

I don't even draw anymore.
I just sit at my computer and browse /ic/. Literally nothing else.
I haven't fapped since a job interview a week ago, which is strange, since I fap at least once a day.
I tried looking at some porn last night and I couldn't get it up, it was like I was just bored.
I think I have depression.

>> No.2757900

Post protagonist, fuckboy.

>> No.2757901

It sounds like you don't have a competitive mindset, and that you're also negative-thinking. Until you pinpoint the underlying reason and fix it you're always going to be this sad sack of shit.

>> No.2757916
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>> No.2757920

I want to be more social on twitter but i'm worried i might lose followers

>> No.2757922

I can't draw anything from my imagination well no matter how many studies I do I am only good at copying from references

I'm crippled by this

>> No.2757931

Stop during from pure observation to get pretty results and deconstruct references like a motherfucker.

>> No.2757936

From my experience just talk to people all the time and be enjoyable, and if someone hasn't followed you back yet, do it until they think "hey this persons alright" and follow you back. Adapting to the mindset of someone who isn't taking themselves too seriously is beneficial. Just have fun. (Unless the person you're talking to is mentally ill. Avoid them.) Do this and you will gain followers.

>> No.2757951

I honestly like doing art and studying I get for the most part, But everyday I doubt and depress myself. I just want to draw what I like which I can't do unless I study etc...

>> No.2757957

What this guy said.

A good 8/10 of my followers on most platforms are just from being social.

>> No.2757963

I have been working very hard to get better because I have an insane amount of ground to cover if I am to accomplish some of my more minor goals.

However, I am older and feel my opportunities and ability to get better have long since passed and there is genuinely no reason for me to continue to stick around.

>> No.2757971

I want to open commissions but i keep thinking about making video presentation to get more impact. Now i still haven't opened them and i don't get commissions. I want to be an animator but i only made a personal short and then i didn't make anything new except illustration and atudies. Why can't i have a single good idea for a video?

>> No.2757972

drawing from imagination == drawing from memory

if you want to get good at drawing something, don't do studies of it, look at it, put it away, and then try to draw it the best you can. Then look at it again and repeat

studies are for when you want to understand how something work (light, shadow, form etc) but for imagination drawing studies won't do shit, you need to draw from memory

>> No.2757980

>avoid mentally ill
Seriously. Avoid it. More than once my work was photoshopped on some kind of bullshit fetishist shit.

>> No.2757982

I can't stop drawing this dude that I accidently fell in love with. also, I found out I'm gay.

>> No.2757987

I just had a commissioner try and pull rank on me and I'm pretty salty about it and now I'm pissed off all the while finishing the picture.

>> No.2757988

I feel like there's no point in drawing unless I have a project to work towards. But Im too busy in school with a business major I don't care about and mental health issues. It sucks cause even though I'm not that disciplined, art is one of the few things that keeps me going in life.

>> No.2757989
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I'd like to apologize in advance for the blogshit incoming

The year is almost over, in fact it's my birthday in just a few days. Another year older, but not wiser or much more skilled. I began the year with a New Years resolution, as many do. My only resolution was to draw, draw and get better at drawing.

An entire year has gone by and I haven't shown anything I've done to anyone. Not even my family knows what I do in my room all day. I haven't even managed to get into digital, sometimes my friends will invite me to flockdraw and I'll just choke, nothing will come out, I look a fool and feel ashamed.

Progress has been slow and hard. I've went through several stacks of copy paper, many of them on basic motor exercises like drawing straight lines and circles, many of them on basic fundamental exercises like drawing cubes and mannequins. Most of the pages I've filled out with my mediocre scratching have gone into the trash, the odd ones I've kept this year might eventually follow along.

I've gone through Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain, I've drawn every Blook and Duhinkus in Fun With A Pencil, copied Figure Drawing For All It's Worth and dipped into many other books as well. I've tried learning from the best teachers there are, and failed as a student.

I'll admit, I haven't worked as hard, persistently, or diligently and focused as I'd wanted to. But still, I think I have to admit that not only do I have no talent but actually am just naturally disadvantaged in drawing.

Still, drawing is what I want to do with my life, more than anything, and I can't give it up, not again. I guess my post is just,needing to say I tried so hard for a whole year and have little to show for it. Saying I needed a whole year to get over a learning curve, saying that I'll have to try even harder, for even longer, just to get halfway to where I want to be really sucks.

I wish I could feel good and confident about the path I've chosen, but I can't.

>> No.2757990

>pull rank

Whats pull rank mean?

>> No.2757992
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went to art school (mistake)
my shit fuck prof for illustration can't teach for shit and i haven't leaned anything. i almost want to switch majors because i see kids in the other class improving so much and everyone in mine is staying at the exact same level.
not all bad bc i'mlearning adobe n shit but this fucking guy... like won't tell you if something is shit. He'll refuse to say anything mean, and now the really shitty kids in my class are getting worse and i'm getting worse and it's a fucking mess
never go 2 art school

>> No.2757993
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But to show gratitude where it's deserved, I want to thank /ic/. It's not perfect, but it's been an invaluable portal of resources and inspiration. Not a day went by this year I didn't check it. Honestly, without /ic/, I don't know what I'd be doing with my life. Yes the path chosen is not a happy one but it's a path, and without /ic/ to show me down it I would be lost in the woods with no idea how to get out.

>> No.2757995

how does someone who pays you to do something pull rank on you? is he your boss?

>> No.2758011

happened to me last year. its a rough feel man. gl.

>> No.2758018

If he can't offer constructive critique, he shouldn't be teaching. Talk to someone. Then again, most art schools are just scams, anyway.

>> No.2758020

It means he tried to make me submit, like yanking on a dog's leash.
He threatened to report and sue me over something really small and stupid. I don't want to get into too many details just in case but the reason it bothers me so much is be practically begged me to do the commission when I told him I didn't really want to take any on at the moment only to turn around and pull that. I really need a better screening process.

>> No.2758025

drawing the person you love or finding out you're gay?

>> No.2758029

Both, but not at the same time.
I didn't realize i was a shitty indecisive bisexual until a few months ago, but in the past i've caught myself drawing crushes

>> No.2758033

>Give us commissioners handle
>Refund if possible and move on
>Add said commissioner to black list

>> No.2758146
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Ohh this could become my favourite thread now.

>> No.2758152

I need to wake up

>> No.2758156

No to the first thing but I doubt he frequents 4chan and would commission anyone from here. Second thing isn't possible either, it was a very small amount of money so I already spent it but it was enough that I don't have it on hand to just give it back and I've already basically finished the picture so I'd rather just end it that way. I already told him I don't do free edits so at least I won't fall into a trap cycle there. Last thing, yeah. No way I'll ever draw for this guy again. Threatening my whole lively hood over a damn cartoon doodle, not even a full illustration, like a less than Tiny Toons level of detail drawing ffs.

>> No.2758159

*livelihood shit

>> No.2758166

>He threatened to report and sue me over something really small and stupid.

I'd like to see him fucking try.

If you took his money then yes you have an obligation, but if he's being a shithead it's as easy as going "here's your money back, go pester somebody else."

>> No.2758167

I'm sorry.

>> No.2758172

My first book cover illustration payed commission 500 bucks.

>they spell my name wrong on the back of the book cover.

Like come on guys? was not happy. they only revered two letters but still, wow was I ever bummed.

>> No.2758174

>tfw you realize you were being trolled in real life a year later.

>> No.2758181

>it's not suicide if you are already dead inside
but suiciding takes away the possibility to be reborn by finding a reason to live

>> No.2758182

I used to be completely assmad last year when the realization hit me. If i had started drawing 8 years ago i'd be able to draw well whatever i wanted by now. Or at least i'd have the mileage to improve upon with real study.

Now i'm just glad that i decided to start at that moment. One year came and left and i can definitely see the improvement. Just gotta keep it up. We're all gonna make it, anons.

>> No.2758193

you know the saying

the best moment to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best moment is now

>> No.2758194

Yeah I really don't know what the deal was, I showed him progress and the picture was nearly done. He freaked out because I couldn't get back to him for a while suddenly but I posted explaining why I was out of touch for a bit during the time I couldn't get to him. He claims he didn't see it but even still, it was zero to 100 damn near overnight.

>> No.2758239


That seems to be the whole point of suicide, yeah.

>> No.2758546

Update: I fapped and am about to draw, all is well.

>> No.2758566


I feel that. But honestly sometimes it's just nice to take a step back and just enjoy how far you've come maybe take a turn drawing something just for fun.

Man, I'm a bit drunk.

>> No.2758572

Gt gud

>> No.2758576

Its up to you to trust your own judgement, you will never improve if you rely on people to tell you if its good or bad.

>> No.2758590

glad to hear youre ok anon

>> No.2758600

Lol, are you me?

I started at zero, I mean total zero. Four years later I'm mediocre. So hey, it gets better, just keep at it.

>> No.2758609

>I'll admit, I haven't worked as hard
>I tried so hard for a whole year

>> No.2758610

no matter how good i get, i don't know if she will ever love me again.

>> No.2758611

my memes all grown up

>> No.2758652

>post artwork and asks for help
i really need to get out of here

>> No.2758653

Spoiler alert: that happens pretty much everywhere unless you're willing to make a show of it.

>> No.2758777

before, anons would yell "loomis" and even that was enough for me to reread and reaplly some loomis. even though most of the time they were spouting horse shit, it was still helpful; sometimes.

>> No.2758781
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Art student that honestly just want to design packaging for companies with "vintage appeal"... and pin-ups. I like tiddies and good eyeliner.

Aiming to do porn on the side as soon as I can dish out figures faster and accept there's some nasty fuckers out there with good money. 'Cause porn pays the bills.

But right now my life is dedicated to working and getting through gen eds college. I don't draw nearly as much as I should. I feel like my fundamentals are dwindling because I go months without exercising them; end up forgetting basic processes and essentially have to start over. Lately I've been struggling with proportions and I'm iffy with painting despite improving bit-by-bit over the years. I go months without doing more than still life shit for assignments, I haven't had a chance to cultivate a circle of artist friends in a minute, but I'm optimistic of getting where I need to be, I guess.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get a following though, because I take awhile to finish things or never finish...

>> No.2758802

/ic/ is my only friend

>> No.2758815

>I think these statements are mutually exclusive when they're not

>> No.2759307

stop watching porn anon , that shit kills libido

>> No.2759314

i havent had an orgasm in 3 and a half years please kill me

>> No.2759322

as an artist i got nothing because fuck taking art seriously

though im sick of seeing fat tumblr wandwhales make decent money on their patreon for garbage work. they only get money because they're fucking whores

>> No.2759323

fuck me

>> No.2759325

>fuck taking art seriously
>im sick of seeing fat tumblr wandwhales make decent money on their patreon for garbage work. they only get money because they're fucking whores reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

pick one, anon

>> No.2759327

ill pick the 2nd one. i just have a hate for women desu

>> No.2759341

How did you find them, or did they find your stuff on artstation/tumblr/etc? My family knows I make money from art but don't think they'll see it as a real job unless I get my name in credits or on a cover or something.

>> No.2759344

Same here my friend

>> No.2759525

Sometimes feel like I'm going no where with my drawings I almost got burned out with asaro heads. I might as well join the army I'm a wagecuck and a starving artist

>> No.2759553

Do you think professional football players took their first step on the field and decided they were going to train to become a great football player, and not only that, but to become a great football player in just one year? Fuck no. They just wanted to play. They probably played for a while before they decided to git gud. They didn't try to become recruitment material in just one year, either. They played. They practiced while they played without realizing it. Eventually, they practiced to get good, but there's still a good balance of wanting to get good and just loving football.

Stop trying to get good. Stop trying to become a perfect artist, or even just a DECENT artist overnight. You're making art into a chore. It's not supposed to be a chore. Even practice should be fun. Start from the beginning. Just draw. Draw for fun. Draw for you. Draw shitty anime doodles if that's what you like. Draw furfag shit. Draw a real person. I don't care. Draw what makes you happy. Get in the habit of actually liking the activity of drawing, then concentrate on getting good, but don't try to make it this task. It's supposed to be a journey.

>> No.2759555

Someone i respect and look up to is favoring someone else over me, im not exactly jealous, just frustrated at myself for not being good enough at drawing to be seen as equals to the person i look up to. Hearing him compliment him or act close with him while seeming distant with me really hurts for some reason. Am I not skilled enough to be seen as equals? am I just a shitty person to be around? do I not have enough ambition to impress him? I just want to be friends and have my respect reciprocated.

It sounds fucking gay, but, its really bothering me.

>> No.2759561

Absolute trash with my colors, bought books to try to improve on using colors, tones and shadows but I can never wrap my head around the different concepts...
Guess its just more practice :/

>> No.2759562

I'd never say this to my clients but I don't enjoy drawing 16 hours a day. I have no time for anything else in life. I haven't been able to socialize in years. I don't have any friends or anyone at all to even talk to. I'm throwing away my life but I just don't have anything else to earn a living with. It's either this or become a bum. And the money isn't even that great, and to be honest it gets worse every year. I was hoping things like ArtPACT would change the industry a little but it's not working.

Kids, don't do what I did. Don't become a pro. Life is too short to ruin it like this. Keep it as a hobby or a side income but don't. ruin. your. life.

>> No.2759563

Do you just work commissions all day or something? Surely there's spots that pay decently for a professional?

>> No.2759564

>don't do the one thing that I want to be able to do
I have already lost all that you have lost, if I can just do art. Then that's all my life needs to be.

>> No.2759568

I do work for studios, mostly concept art, and rarely private commissions. I earn 20-30k a year and considering the high cost of living in my country, it's not exactly much.

>> No.2759655

I sent a client a sketch for approval. Perfect, he said. Maybe just draw the dog a bit bigger, but that's perfect.

Once he recived the final art, he startted complaining "oooh ahhh couldn't you draw this or that? Add more detail so it looks more like my dog (incoming flood of over 20 nez ref pics of the dog)? Can you show the pants of the guy next to the dog (The sketch was from the bust up...)?"

People who want drawings from their pets are the worst. Stay clear from them or charge them a lot.

>> No.2759657


He acts like that to motivate you to get better. The other guy is just used as a tool to play on your emotions, he will never be great, but you have a potential - that's why you must be struggle through humiliation.

t. watched "Whiplash"

>> No.2759659

I knew a guy who charged thousands and maintained he wasn't getting paid enough to put up with their bullshit.

>> No.2759666

Every time I show someone my art they always say "that's cool". Never any critique or specifying what makes it cool. I dont feel bad if they think its not good, just what ticks me off is that no one tells me whats wrong, I literally have no idea if I'm improving so I just tell myself that whatever I make is absolute garbage. I've stopped showing my art years ago because of this.

>> No.2759667

I think you're in love with this person and you need to tell them whats up before you lose them to this other guy. Don't be afraid to confess your love or you will regret it forever.

>> No.2759718

Thats pretty gay.

Also hes right. I had a mentor that was barely 2 years older but had mad better skills than I. He taught a small group of people and seemed to give me some closer attention, which caused the feelings you're feeling now.

Hes my boyfriend now.

So find out if you like this guy in that way quick so you know what to do senpai.

>> No.2759719

Fml meant to tag this fucker in too.

>> No.2759723

Are you asking other artists? Normalfags can't tell you shit. If you're asking artists online, they won't say anything because they don't want to seem like an asshole, even if you ask them for hard critique, due to past experiences with punk bitches not being able to handle it.

>> No.2759728

im 3.5 yrs into this "git gud" syndrome, and man, i hope itll be worth it 2-3yrs from now. ik im suppose to go through waves of feeling like shit and "omg im making slight improvements," but holy fuck. this shit doesnt seem like its gonna get easier. i really want to get paid from art and looking at people like Yotam, who know theyre bad, but still make money. Should i change my outlook on this "git gud" syndrome? or try to cash out now?

>> No.2759734

I am a beginner and I really need to learn how to correctly size shit up so i can draw smaller. Often i will get my ankles and feet cut off by the page. I also hate my potato faces but I am getting better.

>> No.2759737

Read Keys to Drawing. There's a whole chapter about measuring and sizing so things are proportionate and fit on the page.

>> No.2759792

>Draw what makes you happy.
Drawing well is what would make me happy. That's why I persist in drawing even if it's troublesome.

>> No.2759796

>I admit It, I haven't worked as hard as Id wanted
>why am I not good?

Really makes you think

>> No.2759834

Context is everything:

"As hard as I wanted" is ~8 hours a day, not the 3-4 hours I typically did (though I did pull a lot of 6-8 hour days as well). I tend to be a fast learner, but not with drawing it seems. So when I say I'm surprised I haven't improved much despite fairly consistent work ethic and diligently studying the best instruction books all while having the self awareness not to get ahead of myself, use shortcuts, or show off my mediocre doodles looking for back pats, well yes I think I am entitled to a little a frustration at the lack of fruition.

>Really makes you think
Except you didn't think of any of that, I'm sure.

I have to wonder why my post has been so triggering to so many? Maybe not enough FZD kool-aid mixed in? After all if you're not doing 16 hours a day erryday you're not gonna make it, right? :^)

>> No.2759838

Would you mind posting progress?

>> No.2759839

Not gonna make it

>> No.2759841

I dont think you respect that person at all, my friend.

>> No.2759848
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>> No.2759854

i am an actual poorfag and cant afford anything over some pencils and cheap printer paper for drawing.
Drawing tablets and such are sci-fi for me

>> No.2759860


>Kids, don't do what I did. Don't become a pro. Life is too short to ruin it like this. Keep it as a hobby or a side income but don't. ruin. your. life.

Funny. I wasted my life chasing friends and boozing and having fun, and now I'll never ever be a professional.

Now my dreams will never come true and I'm a nothing with a job I don't like, now all my friends are gone, and I live back at home with my family of aspies and hoarders.

Honestly, if I stayed keen and drew to become better and maybe even vaguely professional, I would have something in my life right now.

Don't do what I did, kids: become a professional.

>> No.2759862
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Impressive. So many "real artists in /ic/ out of nowhere

>> No.2759869

drawing tablets are overrated asf, expensive materials are overrated in general. you dont need to buy the most expensive stuff to be good, you just need to work your ass off

>> No.2759878

i feel you, i also want to be an animator but i suck at storytelling. i think the best thing to do in this situation is to just observe and write down everything you see, get inspired and try to make actual things out everything that surrounds you

>> No.2759880

Update on this: I sent him the finished picture two days ago and after all that he hasn't even replied with a thank you or anything. Never. Again.
Secondary bitching: I hate my fucking family and this fucking season.

>> No.2759892

I hate to be that guy, but what you've experienced is a case of "everything in life is a sacrifice." Someone who spends all their time doing X will miss out on all the other things that time could've been spent doing. Of course, spending that time doing something largely unproductive (boozing, NEETing, etc.) can realistically be regretted without any further qualification, but that's about it.

In other words, if you're moving from doing nothing productive to something productive (boozing to drawing) then sure. Whatever. But once you're past that, there is a hierarchy in terms of what you get out of what you do, and I promise you, all but 0,000001% of us will end up doing stuff for our jobs that we do because it's our job. You will not just be drawing your waifu or whatever, you'll be shitting out 100 variations on a gun, and then 100 variations on a shrub, and whatever. Because that's your job, if you even manage to get that far. Every job will have situations like this. Every single job. Find something you don't loathe, and is well-paid, and do what you love in your free time. Work towards creating more free time for yourself. Become FI.

Fuck, I am wasting my time here, no one's going to listen anyway. Everyone's definitely going to make it and have an amazing, creatively fulfilling job. You're all the 1% lucky ones, guys. Every single one of you. See you around

>> No.2759894

>Not moving to a tropical cheap paradise in México
>Not living like a king with a few bucks of your current salary
Are you even trying?

>> No.2759896

>living in a third world country

>> No.2759897

Last paragraph is the best advice in this thread to be honest.

>> No.2759900

Why did you suddenly acted so salty out of nowhere?

>> No.2759901

He hates that he got the short end of the stick.

>> No.2759906
File: 123 KB, 736x413, art feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop trying to get good. Stop trying to become a perfect artist, or even just a DECENT artist overnight. You're making art into a chore. It's not supposed to be a chore. Even practice should be fun.

underrated post

>> No.2759907

>Living under a shelter in a first world one
Have you even been in southern mexico?
Why do you think so many germans and canadians move there after they retire?

>> No.2759923

This is a perfect response for a 10 year old, or a 15 year old. But I'd bet money that the anon you're replying to is in his 20s or mid 20s. It is in this circumstance that someone SHOULD be focused on getting gud as fast as possible because they're making up for lose time if they want to make a career out of art. He probably has a family that is wondering when he'll "get a job" or "get his life together." So yeah, he should be stressed. People in this situation are racing against the clock, and you tell them to draw pretty rainbows and enjoy the sunset and just "have fun."

You should use the stress to your advantage, not against you. If you pissed away a year get over it and swear to yourself it will never happen again. Get your emotions in check, don't let them rule your actions, and put in the work already.

>> No.2759928

What do you do in your free time I wonder?

>> No.2759932

Ah, someone who gets it. Thanks for being understanding friend. Yes, all I can say is shitsux and I need to work harder.

>> No.2759940

How do you use stress to your advantage?

>> No.2759943


>Someone who spends all their time doing X will miss out on all the other things that time could've been spent doing.

Nothing else is worth doing, friend. That's what I said.

People come and go. No one stays in your life. You're better off working hard and having something for yourself.

Being able to draw well is something you can have that only you can let deteriorate. It won't leave and no one can take it.

There's no desperate "I'm going to make it and be amazing!!" in my post. That's your frustrated projection. There's no waifu loving. That's your projection.

If you hate your life because you made bad decisions, fine. You work on that.

What I said was: "Don't waste your time. Work hard and try to have something from it."

>> No.2759946
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>No free time
>Mandatory military service just isn't finishing, I've seen people forced into 2+ year extensions
>Wage is $1.9/hr
>Constantly away from home
>Around some of the trashiest druggies from all over the country
>University application/needed exams takes up almost every holiday I have
>Probably wont have time even when I finish for art since I'm taking Engineering
Might as well just grind through it, that's just life I guess
Just wanted to bitch

>> No.2759989

explain further

>> No.2759996

You sound like someone who's young and super optimistic.

>> No.2760000
File: 16 KB, 174x231, DALF2Mq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start a webcomic over the summer based off of that one animated movie idea that's never getting made.

Really simple illustrations, in a mostly-text style reminiscent of MSPA before MSPA turned to irredeemable garboj. Maybe a few key animated sequences via Opentoonz with some public domain music. Hosted on a blogspot because I don't feel like figuring out how to monetize shit.

I'm already making a live action webseries this summer, but I want to have something else for when I apply for internships next year. Let's just say the webseries wouldn't be the ideal thing to present to big media corporations.

Convince me to do it.

>> No.2760001

That's what you should strive for when you're old

>> No.2760007

If you can't convince yourself, you deserve to fail.

Hope that was convincing enough.

>> No.2760198

Whiny blog shit only half related to art:

This artist I wanted to get close with pretends I doesn't exist anymore. We were exchanging messages frequently, and getting along. We even did some informal art trades. Basically I really liked some of his character designs so I drew them. And he drew me something in return to show his appreciation. We chatted a bit more after that, and then suddenly nothing. I don't get any attention in his streams, and he seems to be absorbed in some clique. I don't get any of the jokes he talks about them. He gives them a lot more attention than me. Lied multiple times about trying to get in touch with me too.

I'm not that bothered. It was just on my mind. I know you can't be friends with everyone. I probably have enough people to talk with anyway. I was also probably mistaking him being polite with friendship.

>> No.2761492


>> No.2761894
File: 37 KB, 293x390, ngbbs464c94349e4cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in my second year of fucking art college.
And I got carpal tunnel. In both hands.

>> No.2761896

How do I not become you

>> No.2761937
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20160918_181306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been sculpting for two years now, few projects. I started in high school from my 3D art class. Something about the way the terracotta had felt in my hands...it just clicked and resonated with me. I find myself thinking about sculpture all of the time, but I'm horribly frightened on whether or not I could ever make this into a legitimate career. I don't know where to even begin this process. I'm in my first year of Uni, headed down the path of Computer Science, but art calls to me.

The sculpture in the picture is mine, and it's roughly eight pounds and half a foot tall.

Where do I go from here?

>> No.2761987

Wrist strength and flexibility!

>> No.2761991
File: 21 KB, 429x410, 1358375439982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piano doesnt speak to me anymore, i've been playing it for 13 years now and i cant perceive the notes as im playing, like im just hearing it from the radio.

It's only when I play, I still enjoy listening to music the same but nothing I do seems to have any depth or character.

Nobody knows this and im feeling number every day

Im scared of not being able to play again like i did before, I would rather forget everything and pick it from scratch but with the emotions i had before.


>> No.2762027

>You should use the stress to your advantage, not against you.
SSRIs don't work anymore
Xanax doesn't work anymore

>> No.2762176

studied anatomy for 2 weeks, I still can't get the penis looks right. muscle. Hmm.
>draw from life, bitch
no one is offering life model nude classes here.
>move out of that shithole
gib money please
>why you don't have money
selling my "art" on pat-- ahem, gumroad but no one ever buys it.
>why no one ever buys it?
can't draw the goddamn cocks and muscle correctly
*slaps*. it's a cycle. a circle that I want to get out!
help me.

>> No.2762342

why head towards computer sci if you love sculpting? first year of uni is a great time to decide if you want to switch. go down to your uni's art department and see if anything there attracts you.


select nude models males only. it's a start

>> No.2762377
File: 13 KB, 259x224, 1470292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel this so hard
everything ive composed recently has been shit

>> No.2762521

I feel like I've watched this anime.

>> No.2762523
File: 408 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_0344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time, wus good.

>> No.2762526

My first time looked similar to this too oddly enough. Except I had a rainbow and like white clouds and a bluer sky.

>> No.2762532

Yea, just started with procreate, too poor to buy real canvas as of now..

>> No.2762614

fuck man, keep working on it im cheerin for you from here

Is there an anime about this? name?
i hope it's not moe shit

>> No.2762781

not this guy, but if i dont rub one out in the morning there is a srs threat on me raping some1 on my way to work

>> No.2762799

Then your main character was a piece of shit. Create a new one.

Also rape the person who raped you.

>> No.2762823

I'm making much more money with porn than with regular work (illustration, concept art). Fuck, I don't want to do this but I have to pay bills. Goddamn

>> No.2762837
File: 31 KB, 509x625, 1480417330976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had so many ideas and was so creative wanted to draw all the time. some fantasy stuff, characters etc. as soon as i started taking /ic/'s advises on exercises, using references, my creativity dropped to 0 fucking 0. i can't think what to draw when i was full of ideas just a months ago. i hate all of you.

>> No.2762841
File: 950 KB, 400x225, JUST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never really get any free time to draw, digitally or traditionally
>even when i do get the time i just want to play vidya

>> No.2762864

I'm not passioned enough about art to become a professional. I screw up my entire scolarity for art, untill I realize that I wanted to be an artist just because it looked simple ( i'm a fuckin lazy tard ) and impress people ( drawing was my 'thing' in high school ). I have a descent level now, after 3 years of studies. I enjoy painting, but not enough to dive in completely and be stressed about it everyday. Now, i'm thinking about keeping it as a hobby and becoming a webmaster to have at least some money to live ( and not my family's money ). But at the same time I feel that painting is the only thing i'm capable of. Shitty life.

>> No.2762874

There's an anime about you called Your Lie in April.

>> No.2763249
File: 306 KB, 200x150, shid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 30 years old.
I started this year in february because I wanted a picture for a post I made. So I startet.
The thing is, I am a total fucking loser.
While in school I was the kid who got Es and Fs in art.
So this was the first picture I ever drew out of own volition.
I worked on it really long until someday I thaught it's okay and picked up another projekt to draw.
I saw gains and watched every fucking tutorial I could find and read books.
But now I don't have gains anymore, in fact shit is starting to look worse again.
I try to sit down every day and doodle, sketch and draw for hours but despite that I ask myself: "Do you even try?" after for example a 3 hour session.
I don't get anything done and despite that, I pick up more and more things I want/need to do.
I feel pathetic. Like I'm not good enough. I should be much better after all this time. Like I have wasted the time pursuing a path, I knew would lead nowhere.

>> No.2763303

I wanna be free like kjg, drawing sfw shit and girls fucking dogs and not giving a shit about no one.
But the jew inside me commands me to only draw what's gonna make me more popular, give me better jobs in the industry, etc.
I've seen countless artistic careers being ruined because they drew too much lewd shit, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT god knows I'm a pervert

>> No.2763307

use contacts and a portfolio to go from freelance to actually being on a studio's paycheck where your job is to draw illustrations or concept art

all of your ideas must have been shit then, or you just realized that most fantasy is so generic that your old ideas were generic so they blurred with stuff you saw and forgot which was which. look at your old inspirations that you admired before you started, that will probably make you remember.

the more you learn the more boring games will be. I was the same and now I find it easier to pick the pencil instead of booting up a game.

most people like you use the word "lazy" to mask some other mental fear that kept them from sticking with things. how long will it take you to become a webmaster? will it make you lose your art skills or will you have time and willpower to practice art so you don't get rusty? try looking for a job as a painting instructor locally or something if your work can show you know enough

sounds like you've hit a wall on your own, if you really wanna keep going seek out an art teacher if you have the money.

just be yourself bro.

>> No.2763355

I overestimated myself and ended up getting a few jobs I could't finish in their respective deadlines. Some people I respect got really dissapointed on me because of this.

Also I want to draw porn for a living.

>> No.2763409

As if there isn't enough bitching in this place already

>> No.2763415

Ask yourself what your goal in art is. It's hard to master everything, but you have to start somewhere, so pick one thing. Do you want to get good at:
-drawing from reference
-drawing from imagination
-drawing portraits
-drawing figures
-drawing animals
-drawing landscapes and interiors
-character design
-self expression
-another form of art (music, sculpting, etc.)

Lastly, did you get into art because you felt like it was your inner calling or because you just liked a piece of artwork and decided that you want to make something like that? Just take my word that having the skills without will or desire to create anything amounts to nothing.

>> No.2763433

On my 3rd year now in Engineering. Wanted to take Fine Arts but also I'm expected to make money for my family(Asian eldest means you're expected to fund your remaining siblings and your parents)
I'm pretty ok on my decision right now, but I can't help but feel jealous when I see my friends who pursued Fine Arts. While I'm glad I don't have a whole bunch of deadlines for plates, I'm really proud for them with how much they've improved. Sometimes I can't help but think that could have been me as well.

>> No.2763466
File: 75 KB, 687x686, 1476142356511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't rape the willing. also i discovered that he's a male prostitute and i am freaking the fuck out that i might be HIV+.

brb trying to make it before i die of aids

>> No.2763702

thank you

>> No.2763706
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, kill-la-kill-5389cbc132d40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be able to draw like this but every time i mention it I get a bunch of sarky people who don't offer me genuine advice

>> No.2763716

My girlfriend is an engineer and thinks art is a waste despite having a suspicious amount of supplies and I want to share this with her and find something she enjoys and... I'm not sure how or if she ever will.

>> No.2763731

I hate little bitch beginners who want to learn animu and whine when they're told to learn fundies before trying stylized shit.

Like this cunt

>> No.2764041

Actually activated my almonds a little.

Need to keep practicing the fundamentals so I don't completely embarrass myself. Facial negative space blows.

>> No.2764246

take my energy \o/

thanks for that advice
gotta think about that

>> No.2764256

Work out, stop using your phone/computer unless necessary

>> No.2764285
File: 896 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ntbcsfMNjh1us00yto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning on a 50 page traditionally drawn webcomic
>"oh it should be doable by the end of this year"
>ends up being 200 pages instead REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2764288

Sounds like you suck at planning

>> No.2764293

wait what

>> No.2764648

>use contacts and a portfolio to go from freelance to actually being on a studio's paycheck where your job is to draw illustrations or concept art
Thanks, I would if I could. I have to take care of my mom however so relocating or being away for more than a few hours is impossible. Freelancing is the only thing I can do, as much as I hate it.
Working in a studio was a dream of mine. Maybe in ten years or something.

>> No.2764657

So I've been self taught this whole time, and I'm always able to spot flaws in my work, so I'm pretty ok at making progress by myself. But then I figured I could make an even bigger leap if I added an art class as an elective. But so far this class has been a shit show. The teacher has very little helpful input to offer, I have a table of tumbler inbreds constantly complimenting eachothers bad artwork. Also, all of the assignments we have are more like brain dead crafting projects. The anatomy unit we had lasted like a week and we just drew plastic toy skeletons. And in top of all of it, I get super irritated whenever the entire class needs to drop everything theyre doing and go out of their way to gush over anything "stylized" gets drawn up. I swear it's like I'm back in middle school or something.

Also if I don't get caught up on the craft stuff my grades will be affected, and that can't happen

>> No.2764659

Must be a lower-class art class then. People get more serious if it's their major or if it's a higher-level class. I know that my first art class wasn't that serious because it could be taken as a requirement for art.

>> No.2764664

Naw, its art #4 out of the 4 available levels

>> No.2764665

Holy kek

>> No.2764666

That doesn't tell me much, what kind of art class is it? You mention an anatomy unit which is kind of odd. We have a focus on rendering with traditional materials and life drawing.

>> No.2764667

My worst enemy is me.

>> No.2764669

No, its just called art 4. There is no further defenition for the class. Im a senior in highschool

>> No.2764672

Oh. Isn't there a like AP Art in highschool?

>> No.2764676

I know the bitch that mods this place. She has a stick up her ass and her "boyfriend" is a cuck who gets pissy if you cut in front of him. I really hope thier kid grows up with a pathology and kills himself at a family Christmas event.

>> No.2764679

no, this class IS AP art. This is why I'm frustrated

>> No.2764680

Yeah, that sucks ass. High school is shit for art anyways unless specialized. It's all about grades in high school iirc.

>> No.2764682

I want to go to an art college but everyone is making it out to be like high school art, but worse

>> No.2764686

I think I know who you are. You were debating whether you should stick with it. Sorry it's not working out for you so far lol. My experience with highschool art teachers have been a total shitshow as well.

>> No.2764687

i am really interested in your work, can u post something?
invent a fake name and upload your porn stuff there

>> No.2764689

>I think I know who you are
personally or metaphorically?

Also, right? I don't get what it is, all they seem to be teaching are right brain artists.

>> No.2765184

Take life drawing at a community college, you'll get what you want there. From what it sounds like art school is what you make it but realize you can get life drawing outside of art school too.

I did the same as you, took an AP art class last year of high school but I made the best of it by taking advantage of the art supplies and having fun. I was a naive kid, you have it better just by knowing exactly what you want but dude you're not gonna get what you want in high school art class. Wait til college.

>> No.2765550

I gave up my dreams to make my piece of shit mom proud, when she has been nothing but horrible to me, only to have her tell me that I'm a failure and that she "hopes I can make her proud one day". I went and got a "real" degree for this bitch. I got a "real" job. I never wanted any of this. Why am I even doing this? Why was I stupid enough to even try to make her happy? I've been miserable for years trying to make her happy, and nothing is ever good enough for her. Where do I even go from here? All I ever wanted was to be happy and draw. I'm so stupid.

>> No.2765582
File: 98 KB, 1000x727, 1474373827251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw seeing your ex still post on artstation and other art forums so you try to avoid those sites
>tfw nowhere to go

why cant he just die already

>> No.2765601

Should've never bothered anon. Your happiness matters the most.

>> No.2765711

Kind of off topic but I drew my ex getting fucked by her dog when she cheated on me and sent it to her

>> No.2765715
File: 8 KB, 250x189, 1465871679466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to kill him

>> No.2765757

I managed to get some pretty major/big name art contacts and immediately got wrapped up in drama and some weird power dynamic, I wasn't even aware it was happening until I was balls deep in it and it's too late to get out without essentially closing all my online accounts.

it could fuck over a lot of people and my art career if I piss off the wrong side on accident. And there's no way to not piss someone off at this point, no matter how neutral I try to be.

Sorry for vagueness, can't be more specific though cause I know some people involved browse here.

Honestly it's making me really fucking paranoid and stressed. I just wanna draw not get pulled into bullshit

>> No.2765758

Block him and keep posting?

>> No.2765760

What was her reaction

>> No.2765771
File: 209 KB, 540x449, 22039278747632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is pain. You can't feel content if you want to get better. It's annoying whenever an artist tries to soapbox about it when they are suppose to be adults. Grow some fucking balls and stop bitching. If you can't handle it, quit and just get a regular full time job.

I really hate social media. Tumblr, twitter, facebook, all of it. I'm not doing this to make friends. I have plenty already who aren't artists. I can't stand a lot of other weebs and find them insufferable. Too many people online are lonely and desperate. It's a turn off and annoying. It's why I don't want to befriend any of these people.

>> No.2765794
File: 39 KB, 386x254, IMG_1784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red is the opposite of blue!

>> No.2765805

this. this is also my main problem no matter how much people tell me my skill in art is good but I feel like I'm not doing art at all if I can't create a concept on my own. I can't stop using references, my imagination is blank.

>> No.2765820

How old are you?

>> No.2765824

I'm seriously in trouble. I'm running out of money that I saved up to live off of after I got fired from my old job. There is very little work around where I live and I don't have the means or ability to move somewhere else. Art is the only thing that has ever interested me, but I'm too stupid to make things work for me. I have no idea how to make money with it online from my home, and I've never been good at business stuff so I can't think up any good schemes. Every time I want to draw I make excuses because I'm too scared to realize how amateur my art actually is. I've been trying to learn for years, but it seems like nothing ever sticks and art is some kind of magical monster that I will never tame. It's the only thing that genuinely makes me happy though, and the only thing that makes me feel anything. If I don't have a job as an artist I don't want to do anything but sit here and rot away. What the hell is wrong with me?

>> No.2765833

God you're all pathetic.
Why do all of you complain so fucking much? If you hate drawing or don't enjoy it anymore stop, or try to find a reason why to enjoy it again.
You're all encouraging whining, do not fucking whine, do not fucking complain.
Get to work and shut the fuck up or just quit and get out of here.
No one of you guys in this thread will make it, and probably me neither, but atleast I'm not a fucking cry baby.

>> No.2765840
File: 88 KB, 607x655, 136007923489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up.

>> No.2765897


>> No.2765927
File: 24 KB, 600x297, scri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chill-ass nigga be better at this drawing shit than I am. We're good friends so I feel like it should motivate me but instead it completely destroys any inkling of motivation I have left every time they put out something new. I've drawn barely anything in over a year. Feels bad man.

>> No.2765932

Jealousy is natural - even self destructive jealousy - but you must learn to overcome or you will never make it.

>> No.2765934

I want to make money with my art. Why is this shit so hard?

>> No.2765935

Because everyone wants to make money with art.

>> No.2765938

>Bitching about bitching in a bitching thread.

We need to go deeper.

>> No.2765940

Don't think about being the first or the second or any of that shit, it'll fuck you up. Always try to do the best you can and focus on becoming a little bit better every single day.

>> No.2765948

but they are fucking doing it anon, and I am not. I know all you assholes are making bank off your art. why not me you fucks?

>> No.2765959

bitch bitch bitch

>> No.2765974

If you're in that situation with them, others in the wider sphere are aware of what they're doing. You aren't alone and there are ways out.

>> No.2766022

Do you even Finland

>> No.2766023


>> No.2766028

She said I was disgusting and to never talk to her again, never laughed so hard before

>> No.2766048
File: 1.31 MB, 289x300, 1480948649636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont sleep all night and im drawing and sometimes i cant draw anymore and i fall asleep on my desk

>> No.2766076


>> No.2766108

am the exact opposite of this.
i literally have access to everything, have been bought a large intuos pro, small intuos pro. 13 inch cintiq

all the 12x grey copics with their refills. all the pencils and paints. shit ton of paper. literally everything. and i have all the time in the world.

but i cant seem to get past wake up 5:30 sit on drawing horse to start watts fundementals, thats when my mind starts droning of to my recent ex girlfriend and then i get demotivated and want to go back to bed and just fap to sleep.

fuck i kinda wish i never had GF now. it is truly better to not have loved than to have loved and lost

>> No.2766123
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>> No.2766140
File: 50 KB, 960x554, 1473458376610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET here (1 year so far).

Recently moved with my family to a new state, thus I quit my job and stopped school.

Used to draw a lot but ever since I became NEET I put much more time into my PC and video games. I'm not even sure if I can still draw to the same degree I was used to be able too (it's been close to a year since I last drew seriously). It's been hard just trying to rip myself from the PC and trying to stop browsing the nothingness of the internet.

Now that I feel like getting my life back together I want to start getting back into art since I feel like I've betrayed myself. I guess this is more of self bitching.


>> No.2766176
File: 2.00 MB, 360x264, all acording to keikaku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually watched it and i got some motivation, now I might be able to start playing again

>> No.2766223
File: 164 KB, 551x491, 1480432465001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime i start painting i get so fucking enraged. But its a hopeless rage.

>> No.2766237

God damn it.

>> No.2766311

I want a cintiq.
My old wacom tablet has worn out. (moneys from daddy and saved up money since middle school)
my current commission price is between 10 to 20 dollars
(not to mention I have to import those cintiq later)
(live in the dark on my own small room in an apartment, only mattress, minimal clothing ramens with a sink and washroom minimal lighting at night for 2 year now, because of saving up) I've stripped off every of my luxuries and even going to the lowest life standard.
>why 20$
my price is based on my current cunt bad standing currency (it has 000s but dollar is stronk, so, just a 0). will they ever recover? I can't charge higher because the tax surcharge will find me.
>why not traditional
I have to import those materials too. I feel bad using bad quality paint for my piece. After calculates those price, it's impractical if getting those supplies instead of a tablet.

I can't stand this life anymore and considering myself get a used ones or maybe from donation (as if this is realistic).
Will I ever get a brand new one in expense of my meals and bills? Should I survive? Should I just kill myself instead? Applies for other job but all of them requires school degrees, which I don't have any because a school dropouts. With the current economy right now, it just impossible because most employers are now reducing jobs, so no part times and no non-certificate labors.

Friends? I don't have any.. (Even if I do, I won't burden them. They've got their problems too. My reaction that I could think off is I will just smile and looks happy)

Family? My dad clearly says that if I can't make a living out of this route, I'm disowned, 7 years ago (right after hs graduation). I don't know any other relatives.

Sorry for the long rant. I feel so depressed that it even reflected in my arts and degrades the quality. Looking at the homeless person life wasn't so bad now. I wish I was living in the Renaissance age instead where papers are not required.

>> No.2766331


so, do I have to cry? I have tried to cry but I don't even have the tears to cry. Even this room doesn't feel like home anymore. I don't hate poeple but it seems like they hate me irl unless I become an artist online masked under username. I wonder why I'm still alive at till this moment, maybe i just don't give up easily but with this current standing, even my strong perseverance will finally gave in.

>> No.2766728

Have you tried couseling?
It is no solution but anti-depressants keep me together, create a starting point from which to go on.
I can relate to your description and pills may be the only reason I am alive anymore for better or worse.

>> No.2766737

Been sitting here at my drawing table for the past 3 hours trying to get myself to draw, but it's so overwhelming that I can't even put my pencil to paper.

>> No.2766821

I want to get into acrylics but I can't even into anatomy

Am I still life for life?

>> No.2766835
File: 28 KB, 480x363, Angry-cat-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get enough courage to go do some life drawing
>do it constantly for 2 months

>male models represent whole spectrum, old men, fat men, skinny men, ripped men
>all very useful

>all female models have deformed pudgy bodies with flabby tits, fat gut and chicken thighs
>all represent literally the only female body type that has no fucking use in art unless you are the kind of guy who just posts studies

>> No.2766910

I take it you live in america.

>> No.2766942
File: 455 KB, 2550x3609, Deneb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing in this style requires more grinding than any other applicable skill. Anime is very focused on linework, and smooth, clean linework only comes from muscle memory. Grinding is the only way.

That being said, start by literally tracing the artwork of artists you want to emulate. Get a sense of their proportions, the curves they structure bodies around, and the relative distances between facial landmarks. Once you can put together a dummy character you like, quit tracing and start referencing. After that, it's nothing but mileage and study.

Good luck, animufag.

>> No.2766950


>> No.2766953

I think the problem is where you live, anon. Usually it's not that difficult to get other female body types.

>> No.2767056


>> No.2767067

>start by literally tracing the artwork of artists you want to emulate
If you can't copy a goddamn anime face for the sake of study without tracing then it's too early for you to do stylized shit in the first place.

>> No.2767158

Wait are u also a artist that works fucking shitty construction!?!?

>> No.2767163

Is it as fun as it looks?

>> No.2767193

High school is, well, high school. I did A-Level art and it was a terrible course. School in general was shit and you can't expect much from it. Go to a decent art college that features life drawing as part of their curriculum. You will always run into Tumblr tier assholes, that's life. Art courses seem to appeal to them, there are a few on mine. If you work hard you can get to a point where your peers will give you adequate and constructive critique and you can surround yourself with people you like and respect. If your university professor is worth their place and has good experience that's what they're there for, too.

>> No.2767220

such is your burden burgerman

we have superior british models here in london

>> No.2767239

> and im feeling number every day

which number? 3? lol.

>> No.2767421


>> No.2767429

I just want someone to ask for my blog unironically ;_;

>> No.2767700
File: 281 KB, 516x564, 1469294913371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish, save drawing in CSP
>Restart PC
>It didn't finish saving

>> No.2767704

I'm colorblind. Not really colorblind but whatever the color equivalent of tonedeaf is. I can't fucking color. I'll never be able to do nice painterly things. The best I'll ever be able to hope for is half decent comic book or anime coloring done with tons of layers and hue/saturation corrections. I love painting so much and I fucking hate this. I hate it. I hate it.

>> No.2767710

all the artsts say that they get awesome studio jobs because they worked hard. no, its because you live in america.

im also tired of shit artists that are famous while good ones arent.

>> No.2767747

It's already gone way past that point bruh.

>> No.2767773

I'm pretty upset I live in a small town. If I were in the main city I'd get much more exposure for my art. There are so many art related events going on in the city that my town doesn't. The sad thing also I'm stuck in here with a course I hate because my parents don't approve me pursuing art as a profession.

>> No.2767794

I've been feeling the opposite recently. I never understood people who bitched about cities being too loud or too fast but now that I've been drawing for few years I'm kind of starting to dream about living on the island or in some small Norway town or something among these lines.

But that's kind of in part because I am an internet guy as opposed to a studio/gallery ones.

>> No.2767803

This kis is a mf'ing rockstar i just stumbled on his insta instagram.com/maghx_em got any thoughts criticisms feelings idea whatever on the matter?

>> No.2767824

have a plan, work on it a lot, and enjoy the process. know that for any story to be compelling it needs direction and conflict. that is my advice to you

as for convincing you, we can't do that. that's up to you

>> No.2767832

man, that's fucked

>> No.2767987
File: 38 KB, 570x539, 1480059123138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and a while ago i was thinking "my character liked to woodwork on his free time.. i think. no wait a sec, that was my rapist's favorite hobby nvm"

>> No.2767993

It may be somewhat nitpicking but I hate it when people draw fanart of a character from a series, yet they somehow get the simplest parts of the design incorrect. Even if it's a very simple design.

To me, it's just like, "Why draw that character at all if you don't even know who you're drawing."

>> No.2767997
File: 385 KB, 1920x1184, suke-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at this and feel defeated yet inspired to keep on. Whenever I think I'm good enough, decent for some reason I remember there are bigger artists out there. I wish I could do this stuff, how do you even start with something like this? The whole everything is on another level.

>> No.2768006


I hate fanart. Why the fuck would I want to waste my time on some other shitdick's character when I could be out there drawing my own?

>> No.2768012


When you see a very tall building you wonder how anyone could ever build something so big and complex. Yet, if you deconstruct it, it comes down to an amalgam of tools and techniques that anyone can learn given the time and resources. You begin learning and practicing with one tool, then move on to the next.

>> No.2768031

It irks me when they cant even get the eye color right

>> No.2768053

I'm half way there

>> No.2768057

If it only takes a few years to get there, then I'm way closer than you are.

>> No.2768063

I miss the times when I was obliviou about art and just drew for fun.

>> No.2768066

>actually I didn't save

>> No.2768103

im ashamed of laughing at this.

>> No.2768115
File: 24 KB, 786x462, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think that's funny you'll laugh even harder if you ever read his backpage ads. i am 99% sure he's a hooker who feels emasculated so the only way he can redeem some of his manhood is by raping some neet artist.

i try to find humor in it too except the possibility that i have aids now. if i have aids im gonna lose my shit and post all my art on /ic/ and then start an online funeral featuring my own sycra-tier "my secret sketchbook and life story" video

am i gonna make it before i die of aids?

>> No.2768141

Different anon here, that's a nice reminder, thank you!

>> No.2768167

I went to artschool in 2008. All went downhill from there. I've given up hope long time ago

>> No.2768172

I really hope you're going to report him. If you don't I hope you at least get tested. In case you are infected, God forbid, there might be a bit more they can do for you before the disease takes full root. Or at least keep you from getting sicker. Or it might turn out you're not, hopefully. Fuck man, I can't even put it into words. Just...take care anon. Take care of yourself, okay?

>> No.2768181

Damn, sorry dude. I know it's pretty scary but HIV definitely isn't the death sentence it once was, plenty of people with aids live pretty normal lives, and have barely reduced life expectancies (so yeah, you'll make it before you die of aids). Treatment is more effective the earlier you get it, though, so get tested asap.

>> No.2768183

Idk if you're joking or not but if he knows he has HIV, you can sue him for that. It's illegal to hide the fact that you have HIV to your potential sex partners. I am guessing he didn't use protection when he assaulted you. What a double whammy.

I am not the guy who got raped but there's anti-HIV meds that work pretty good, they're just potentially bad for the liver. There's also PreP and Truvada that is supposed to lessen your chance of catching HIV. I know because I am a male stripper and I've had a couple guys attempt to drug or attack me before.

>> No.2768189

Draw more, do studies and read books :P Do that for around 8 years more, everytime you get a chance and you'll be profficient enough to mayyyybeeeee sell some resin sculpts. Check out the toy buisiness. A lot of people are buying high quality figurines... But yeah, you need to practice a lot :)

Fuck computer science if thats not what you wanna do!

>> No.2768198

stay strong! Living the lowest standard of living isnt all that bad though, you have a roof over your head... Cant enroll in some evening classes or something? Get a job at a gas station?

>> No.2768209

Not that anon, but there are zero jobs around here. I've been forced to try and find work online but it seems like that will never happen. I'm almost out of money so I have considered selling furry porn commissions to try and make ends meet since I am basically about to go hungry and internetless if I don't do something soon.

>> No.2768218

That attitude and inability to really look around for ANY available job and work for it is what's going to wind you up not only hungry and internetless but homeless.

How have you survived this long baffles me.

>> No.2768223

This is what I love about 4chan. Everyone assumes everyone is stupid and automatically knows the posters life better than the poster. This is basically assumption central. I love online forums. What you just said is completely unrelated and irrelevant to me, but since you can't understand what I just wrote or choose to ignore it, I'll say it again.

There are zero jobs around here. Literally.
>Go work at mcdonalds or a gas station
There are none, and the establishments that are around are not hiring and haven't been for many years, outside of immediate family and friends.

>> No.2768227

Then stop whining and move out of your primitive mountain village.

>> No.2768231

Thank you for adding that info. I knew I had heard there were medicines that were more effective early on but I couldn't remember anything about them. I hope anon's gonna be okay.

>> No.2768241

Like I said, stop assuming you know everything about me. When you're a monkey you don't just move out of a mountain village. I bet you didn't even know monkeys could type. See, that's why I hate the Internet. First you assume I'm some kind of nasty fleshbag, and then you assume I can just up and move wherever the fuck I want to. You probably think monkeys can't even make art. Speaking of which. If you want to talk primitive, how about we talk about your artwork?

>> No.2768251

I can't stop gathering knowledge, hoarding it like a treasure while I should rather focus to apply what I learned but instead of polishing turds I decide to indulge in the idea that I am so much more knowledgable and well read than those wanna be comic artists on tumblr. And yet I can't produce anything of worth in my fear to mess it up. I secretly admire people who just put their stuff out there, regardless of quality. Over the course of the last year I became cynical about art and had to notice the only thing driving me to draw day after day is my wish to prove that I can beat talent with dedication and discipline. My motivation is fueled by the desire to not be an average person. To be passionate. I want others to look up to me and admire my ambitions, yet I can't fight the lingering fear of being mediocre at best. Of staying mediocre. The fact alone that I'm talking about art instead of producing right now is bothering me, but I kind of had to vent.

>> No.2768259

Does giving up feel less painful than continuing?

>> No.2768270
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, 1480393456039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use sleep deprivation and forego food so i cannot feel anything. i take pain meds to deal with the physical pain of hunger and sleep deprivation. it also numbs the emotional pain, because thats the only time when i can draw.

>> No.2768530

Making a decision regarding careers, I can draw and paint pretty decently and I have innate talent but lack the drive for it than others. Was contemplating building up a portfolio, but after seeing the marketplace online and the tons of starving artists out there who are also talented...
I think id rather become a dedicated programmer to try and make some real income and focus on an ios, android, back end webdevelopmemt and make use of my c.s degree. Catch 22 is to train you have to survive and have income coming in if you dont rely on mommy and daddy to give you handouts.

>> No.2768544
File: 446 KB, 300x170, rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have are hundreds of messy pratice papers and stuff that is months old. Neither would be any good.
I tried to draw something that would show my level and my weaknesses, like a person sitting on a bench in the park or something, where various disciplines would be displayed.
Every attempt was just a total mess and now we are close to bump limit.
Im sorry, I tried for days but it seems like my depression is getting the better of me.

>> No.2768549

oiiii you talkin shit on Yotam?

>> No.2768556

in the future the pain will be unbearable

>> No.2768570

Experience on that?
Story time?

>> No.2768952
File: 9 KB, 261x192, 1481164128546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at my old art makes me want to drink

>> No.2768959

looking at my current too

>> No.2768965

that just means you've gotten better and have gained the ability recognize it! no need to be sad!

>> No.2768969
File: 7 KB, 249x203, 1481020561890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw looking at artists you used to admire and finding mistakes in their work too

>> No.2768973

you're so sweet

>> No.2768975

Giving up is great. This guy right here >>2768556 thinks it will be unbearable, but the future can be erased by you any time, just get a fucking rope and end it.

I gave up plenty of shit already; 2 times college, one diploma on technical building stuff where I just needed to get a part time job to end it, now becoming good at drawing. Just try it, it's the best feeling ever, it's a huge weight disappearing from you.

>> No.2769010
File: 1.30 MB, 713x1053, ahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is such perfect agony. It's to lose the little bits of you that make you want to do anything. Enjoyment becomes hollow and fleeting when you begin to lose that veil of dopamine and serotonin. But rocks don't have it either, and neither do stars. So maybe I'm more real than I should be, maybe I'm celestial, or stone.

All of my free time is spent in my room, and it only rarely occurs to me that I'm in it. Everything feels simultaneous, because nothing has happened in so long.

But becoming unliving isn't all too bad. Music feels wild and emotional, and I'm always artistically inspired. I might not spend enough time on my art or writing, nor do I take it seriously enough, but that doesn't matter too much because even if it fails I don't seem to care too much.

When I was younger I used to have nightmares where I'd try to scream out into the real world to try and wake myself up. I'd wake up over and over again but couldn't get out of bed. And when I did finally wake up, if I found out I woke up late, I'd cry. Now all I want to do is sleep.

>> No.2769297


Holy shit. That sucks. I remember going through AP art in high school. I actually had a great teacher as far as "high school" stuff goes. Thing is, high school as a whole isn't really geared toward teaching art as a serious pursuit. AP Art usually ends up being a collective of kids who are better than their peers but not necessarily serious art material. It's more a problem of focus and interest.

There simply isn't enough interest in high school overall to generate the kind of incentive to get actual serious art focused courses offered. I say just keep practicing on your own and do research on getting into an art school that will teach you what you want to know.

I taught myself the majority of everything I know how to do. I took HS AP art twice and did well, thought I was hot shit, etc. But really, I didn't learn very much about HOW to draw from school. I was above average for a high schooler, but not by any means where I wanted to be. Sticking to your guns and just grind grind grind is how you'll get through it.

If you can still withdraw from AP art without it affecting your grade, I would do so. Though, I figure it's probably too late in the semester, in which case, bullshit the best craft abortion you can and think solely about grade salvation with regards to that particular class.

>> No.2769306

Why the fuck I am always questioning myself if I really want to draw and make it my job? Is that because I am doing too much and burning myself out? Any advice to finish this?

>> No.2769316

Questioning something is only way you ever figure out if your conviction is legitimate or just full of shit. Doubt is necessary for reason. If you doubt something and it immediately falls completely apart, then you know that thing was BS to begin with.

Fuck, I'm in law school and always waffling about all mah ~wasted yeeearz~ that I sat around trying to rationalize my mediocre skills as opposed to just drawing more when I had the free time.

Just draw. Literally no other alternative. JUST DRAW. If you think you're doing too much, then pick one thing and do that.

>> No.2769317

Hey man at least your art is interesting.

>> No.2769579


damn, anon. this hits home very hard. I'm with you.

>> No.2769598

Alright some douche bag unfollowed me on Instagram. WTF ARE THEY EVEN PEOPLE? LIKE GOD DAMN FUCKERS. I unfollowed him back.

>> No.2769696
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>> No.2769718

I Just dont fucking get it, im doing everything right. I just cant draw one fucking figure. I start symple and go then on, but they still look like shit, Fucking hell .

>> No.2769751

I have to work with other artists as part of my day job. One of them never gets any better and it pisses me off that he's reddit famous. When I was younger I used to think the world of him but now I'm just salty and angry that I have to deal with his mediocre work.

>> No.2769755


reddit famous? lol who

>> No.2769816

miles johnston?

>> No.2769835
File: 166 KB, 633x758, FeelingsIdidntKnowCouldBeFelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you.
It is crushing.
Even when you finally get a little better it is like waking up out of coma.
The whole world moved along without you and looking back hurts. You are alone.
Fuck depression.

>> No.2769924
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 43152229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say it is okay but your story raises a different asumption.

>> No.2769969


>> No.2770024
File: 84 KB, 700x609, scottish-fold-cinnamon-2_176981042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I get into a nice art rhythm- studies each day, steady progression on projects, ect- it inevitably falls apart.
Depression hits me and I sleep for months.
And if it's not depression it's the stress-induced sicknesses that get me every time. So much for being a go-getter and "getting over it".

I'm not happy when I'm not arting.
And when I'm not happy arting I just feel like killing myself.
My job and family are making life particularly unbearable this year.

I just want to lie down and sleep the eternal sleeps

>> No.2770028
File: 20 KB, 500x375, FXwcpnM1X4vzu62tJsPRC5Gf_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at artists you used to admire in your childhood and finding their work is acutally shit

>finding out it's been shit the whole time

>finding out they haven't progressed at all since you discovered them

>> No.2770034

just takes away your only reason for living
speaking from experience

>> No.2770036

Guys, I heard prozac is a very good depression remedy...

>> No.2770042

My comics are receiving a LOT of interest all of a sudden and I’m not really sure how to handle it. It feels like people are having their feelings at me and it’s emotionally exhausting. It’s not even an AMAZING comic or anything, it’s, like, an 8/10? And it’s not like I don’t appreciate it but it feels like a lot of this was really just luck which is frustrating. There are a lot of artists out there who worked harder, longer, and are just more talented than I am but my stupid ass was the one to make it.

Plus people are reading into it and how it reflects me as a person, which is super uncomfortable. Plus there are a lot of edge lords who are out for blood purely to be contrarian which is kind of awful. There are people trying to dox me and figure out who I am, mostly in the SJW scene to see how ‘problematic’ I am. Everything I say is put under a microscope and it’s so dumb.

Obviously I appreciate it a lot and it’s stupid to be like oh no success is so HAAAAAARRDDD :’’’’(((( but I’m very unused to all of this and I’m not nearly enough of a people person to deal with the pressure. I think I might just delete the whole thing and be done with it. I don't have anyone I can go to for advice on this outside of maybe Toby Fox and that guy's too busy I'm sure so fuck it y'know

>> No.2770047

>There are people trying to dox me and figure out who I am, mostly in the SJW scene to see how ‘problematic’ I am.

does your comic contain trans/homophobic content ? don't pay much attentions to those sjws, they are too chicken shit to actually do anything.

>> No.2770051

I would kiss Yotam Perel on his beautiful jewy lips any day to be honest

>> No.2770055

Oh god no. By 4chan/Reddit standards I'm extremely liberal. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that I don't list my age/gender/race/etc or really talk about myself generally.

I guess there's a very typically colonialist type character that I based off of king leopold but that's never been portrayed in a positive light

>> No.2770060

and those idiots still bother you ? tough luck you got.

>> No.2770077

It (kind of) is but when you don't have any you can fall apart for any little thing and it made me manic as fuck. I did the weirdest shit on prozac. And cried like my dog was dying when he only got slightly injured on a walk. So I felt pretty neutral except for the huge spikes of manic energy.

I got weird but the depression was kept at bay and had energy to try to socialize and drank a lot more cause it was fun to mix a pill with some beer and a little weed. Now I take nothing and feel like nothing. I guess that's better for now.

>> No.2770112

I fucking hate art students, they're so goddamn pretentious . Why are so many of them like this?

>> No.2770158
File: 42 KB, 355x266, IMG_4294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw dropped high school for art
>Tfw been drawing for years and still shit
>Parents gone forever since I turned 18
>Can't get a decent paid job with only middle school.
>Too much of a pussy for suicide

Welp... Time to join the army...

>> No.2770169

if you're a woman, there's always a good paying job for you

>> No.2770176

What do you mean...

>> No.2770196

I see a lot of pain here, wish I could do something to help. Sadly I'm pretty useless, and way down myself. But having someone to talk to could always be something for someone, so I'll leave my email, if someone wants to bitch about life or just talk once or twice.


I wish everyone the best and that your lives will get better, I really mean that.
Keep on keepin' on bros.

>> No.2770205

thank you ! i will contact you when i will have time.

>> No.2770250

You're too pure for this chinese website

>> No.2770322

You are a godsend.

>> No.2770418
File: 23 KB, 450x500, sad-frog-meme-butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can bounce your asscheeks one at a time but you cant even draw things in perspective

>> No.2770578

Reference drawing is for pussys

>> No.2771279
File: 42 KB, 500x375, like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you the best.

That is my fear, that even if I were to make it the negativity wouldn' stop but instead change direction.

>> No.2772149

a new bitch thread guys?

>> No.2772412

let it rest for a while