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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.77 MB, 3523x1243, IMG_4962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2764204 No.2764204 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to him? Havent heard about this person for a while.
Did he draw anything Hillary related?

>> No.2764206
File: 301 KB, 2048x1019, justice by dobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he drew this

>> No.2764207
File: 262 KB, 800x1067, 1429307376574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2764208
File: 51 KB, 400x351, IMG_4971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2764216


Wow. A fat white male drawing womyn of color with problem glasses beating up white men. What psychological torment could cause such degradation?

>> No.2764220
File: 2.05 MB, 974x1944, IMG_4965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What psychological torment could cause such degradation?

>> No.2764243

Fucking straight white males, we should kill them all

>> No.2764247


Maybe just the weird, puffy, chubby-cheeked, mangy-goateed SJW types. It shouldn't be hard to spot them; their phrenology is distinctive.

>> No.2764248

the thing is... no one cares.

he's no longer just a joke. he's an old joke. no one cares anymore.

>> No.2764252


It's probably been a few years since even /co/ has had a serious discussion about him. Dobson hate peaked in 2012.

>> No.2764262
File: 630 KB, 767x748, nu male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only ones wearing glasses

>> No.2764265

To be fair, that's miss marvel

>> No.2764280

Anyone have the shop of that Cosplay is not Consent pic?

>> No.2764305
File: 276 KB, 603x859, 1477785740106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he's a virtue signalling cuck.

>> No.2764324



But yeah, the only ones complaining about muh diversity and social justice are white.

>> No.2764347

I don't think Diaz was doing a bid for diversifying, he was just doing the usual normie thing of making LoZ from the Z's perspective.

>> No.2764434


Marvel is squarely in the epicenter of the SJW cultural implosion.

>> No.2764435

He couldn't even get the colour of Trump's skin right. It's generally accepted to be orange, not lobster pink

>> No.2764450
File: 87 KB, 600x719, 1464557155325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why american men such a massive cucks?

>> No.2764457


It's bizarre isn't it. Not just America either; Europe is fucking neutered. I think maybe most conventions of masculine behavior are really determined by what men think is appealing to women, and this last generation of white men has been raised on a steady diet of inculcation from every angle to believe that women want sensitive, non-aggressive, non-threatening feminist allies.

All these cucks and faggots are really just trying to get love in the only way they know how.

>> No.2764459
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 1479447235132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2764471

this is just a gay

>> No.2764475

>this is just a gay
Dude, he is STRAIGHT, gays dont act like that.
We either go full autism mode with leather pants and shit like that (super over the top-sexy perversion) or masculine.

This "faggot" is just another straight cuck, cucking himself out to make progressive girls like him.
He wearing a t-shirt that says he's a pig "G-girls...see? :^) Im not gonna argue with you - i know im a pig! :^)" and adds some retarde pink colors all over him to make him "feminine", to destroy toxic masculinity.

There is no reason for a gay to be like that.

>> No.2764480

He's autistic, you can tell by the eyes and expression and pretty much everything going you. You see the same thing in the instagram threads on here.

>> No.2764485
File: 61 KB, 900x900, 14723403068820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to fuck a cuck-boy like this. I mean they very progressive, appreciate women and LGBTQ/E/whatever. I guess he wont mind offering his body to my pleasure. Would love to make him squeal like a little piggy he is.

>> No.2764487
File: 127 KB, 600x800, 1434475942104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nu-males beta cucks are so fucking deranged that not even mentally ill faggots want to be confused with them

>> No.2764490
File: 40 KB, 1024x683, 635911451621909881-331641574_yianno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally ill faggots
stand up and come to me, fuccboi

>> No.2764492
File: 119 KB, 246x250, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but can i come on you?

>> No.2764495

Post dick and then write me to xxmuscletopxx@yahhoo.com

>> No.2764496 [DELETED] 

No hanks, I do not associate with psychiatric patients.

>> No.2764497
File: 382 KB, 858x1280, tumblr_npesugR1DX1rp96zeo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that mysoginy, racism, homophobia and bigotry
wtf i hate /ic/ now

>> No.2764498

Does he dye his pubic an anal hair too?

>> No.2764499

No thanks, I do not associate with psychiatric patients.

have a nice day.


>> No.2764500
File: 193 KB, 6330x5810, 1474222370997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck boy with bushy pink pubic hair
ffffuuukkk... Im so hard right now.

>> No.2764503

ayyy bbu les do it

>> No.2764504
File: 71 KB, 460x465, 1369362922731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2764506
File: 50 KB, 456x810, 6b6494b5a60c64ed475568dc04ba4a75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please d-dont bully senpaii...~~

>> No.2764588


>> No.2764631

Watch out nazis.

>> No.2764671


>> No.2764678

omg you've got to be kidding me

I seriously don't get along with the majority of artists, most of them are tumblr sjw delusional shits with too many feelings it makes me want to PUKE

>> No.2764694

>I seriously don't get along with the majority of artists, most of them are tumblr sjw delusional shits with too many feelings it makes me want to PUKE
i used to have art-friends before 2013 i think. Now ALL OF THEM post Hillary/SJW related shit on twitter.
Some of them post that shit even more than actual drawings.
Fuck artists.

>> No.2764701

it still hurts after all these years

>> No.2764706

same here. its a bad time to be a german art person

>> No.2764707

cuck tales

>> No.2764724


Same. I have to unfollow any artist who posts SJW rants or uses terms like "toxic masculinity" unironically. Thankfully, most good pros know better than to politicize their work like that, even if they do hold those political views.

How dumb do you have to be to post your politics on the same blog as your art. Jesus. Don't shit where you eat. I know we're not alone in finding this a total turnoff. Even if I love an artist's work, if they start talking about how this or that is the last gasp of fragile white masculinity or something, it's over.

Just dumb as dogshit. Trump won because a LOT of people are really fucking sick of this, imo. I was a little sad having to purge my social media after the election because of all the SJW vomit spewing, but it was like finding a roach nest in your house and cleaning it out. Really bad career move, to associate your work with controversial politics.

>> No.2764737

>tfw you follow artist that rarely just shitpost about their inner insecurities and the rest of the time is pure art

Feels good, man.

>> No.2764813

A lot of artists who work in-house especially in states like California can't even wrap their head around the idea that there are normal people out there who have different political views than they do. They just never come into contact with regular people who are not liberals, so they feel absolutely no reason to show restraint when blasting their political views, because in their mind, the only people who would have different views are faceless KKK neonazi trolls on the internet.

>> No.2764879

My art friends are too busy arguing in my wall memes.

>> No.2764906

>Trump won because a LOT of people are really fucking sick of this, imo.

And still fucking SJWs don't realize that.

>> No.2764927

Online it's no better. Just because a lot of users on twitter share their bullshit they think it means the majority everywhere share the same sentiment.

>> No.2764929

Think it's supposed to convey anger, as in blood running to his head.

>> No.2765147
File: 768 KB, 872x731, edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was unironically posted on /pol/ "drawthreads".
Totally not cringe inducing guys

>> No.2765308

>uses terms like "toxic masculinity"

My problem with it is people talking about "toxic masculinity" are usually using it to label things that are actually good for guys or are not inherently wrong, like lifting, sports, liking guns and cars etc.

Instead it should be used to label social messaging pushed at males, not used to demonize things that encourage skill and teamwork development (sports, lifting etc.) or are not inherently wrong but are used as shitty talking points to try and shout people down.

>> No.2765310

It makes sense when you realise that what is considered toxic differs from group to group. Feminists, at least a sizable portion, detest competition and physical self improvement.

>> No.2765544

I get why they are using it the way they are, and that's my problem with it. Not the term itself, but what is usually meant by the demographic who use it.

There really is a "toxic masculinity" problem, but it's not that guys are lifting too much, playing sports too much, having fun etc. it's the "toxic masculinity" that's pushed onto men in the western world. I wouldn't call myself an MRA but I think they are addressing at least a couple of the issues that I associate with "toxic masculinity" like family court decision disparities, criminal sentencing disparities, suicide etc..

>> No.2765616

I'm actually scared of going to my internship because of this. I hope they don't try talking to me about politics while I'm there, I just want a job so I can work on my projects.

>> No.2765621
File: 53 KB, 907x718, 1477754910523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say, that tickled my funny bone in a way not many posts do.

>> No.2765622

>fighting fire with a nuclear bomb
I hate cucks but Milo is fucking stupid. Being on the right side doesn't make you less of a moron.

>> No.2765625

I tried writing a post explaining how stupid your entire post is, but I honestly just can't do it.

If the best defence you have is "b-but /pol/ does it too", you seriously need to kill yourself.

>> No.2765627


Yeah, Milo is just an opportunist. He hopped on Gamergate, saw the growing swell of anti-SJW sentiment as a good way to boost his career, and went with the flow.

>> No.2765644

>This was unironically posted on /pol/ "drawthreads".
>Totally not cringe inducing guys
lmao /pol/ loves to joke about gassing kikes and burning fags but there are shit ton of gays on /pol/. Sometimes there are several gay threads on pol even.
Fuck off.

>> No.2767669

/pol/ is cringy tho

>> No.2767917


/pol/ is like fucking dumblr.

They have retarded fantasies where you kill all (white/non-white) men.

They call you buzzwords when you try to explain why they're retarded.

They misrepresent their ideas with their stupid interpretation of actual concepts.

They fear inexistent boogiemen.

They turn every subject into a gender/race issue.

They fear men/niggers are going to rape them.

They blame "the mainstream media" for everything that's wrong.

They're frustrated virgins.

I at least hoped that one of them remained vocal only on its safe internet space, but no, they're everywhere.

Well, at least /pol/ is funny an many of them do that ironically; being a white shitlord I want tumblrinas and bitches like Anita Sarkeesian to fuck off.

>> No.2767973

Nice B8 M8, now go back to bed its after your curfew.

>> No.2767978
File: 126 KB, 780x749, LOOK ANON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this faggot shit?

>> No.2767986

what happened?

>> No.2767995

Never mind, just read a whole thing on it. What a shame.

>> No.2768025

Aaaaand I just binged a ton of fuchsia + criminy strips. Good shit.

>> No.2768029

>white men can't have views and express ideas of social progress
I don't get it

>> No.2768032

omg le pol is like tumblr meme because of my the way i loosely connect both places using vague langauge xD

>> No.2768040

Not that anon, but
>They have retarded fantasies where you kill all (white/non-white) men.
wanting to nuke the arab peninsula, resentment towards anyone non-white - arabs in particular rn because of immigration
>They call you buzzwords when you try to explain why they're retarded.
cuck, shill, JIDF, etc.
>They misrepresent their ideas with their stupid interpretation of actual concepts.
gays aren't natural even though homosexuality has existed in multiple species for millenia, immigrants r responsible for crime when crime rates are lower than ever with most crimes being committed by citizens, etc etc etc
>They fear inexistent boogiemen
le feminist gynocracy! le jewz ! le marxists!
>They turn every subject into a gender/race issue.
women are responsible for childrens upbrining its all the single mothers fault (even though there would stand to be a dad who left), white genocide! diversity is killing the white male !
>They fear men/niggers are going to rape them.
those immigrants are coming to rape! yet the vast majority of rapes are committed by citizens
>They blame "the mainstream media" for everything that's wrong.
but le jewish MSM conspiracy !!
>They're frustrated virgins.
self explanatory

>> No.2768090

>resentment towards anyone non-white

You do realize that /pol/ is full of people from all over the world, right? It's ironically amongst the most culturally and ethnically diverse boards on 4chan, if not the entire internet. Lots of posters from India, Asia and the more developed middle eastern nations like Israel, UAE and Turkey.

>> No.2768758

>lmao /pol/ loves to joke

Yeah, and I'm sure tumblr loves to joke about privilege and social justice rigth? It's all just a big joke.

>> No.2768888


>The jewish media aren't behind every problem.

Lol, what a fucking cuck. I bet you're a SJW shill paid by the JIDF.

Handle your wife to the nearest muslim nigger coming to your country and contribute to the systematic genocide of white citizens perpetrated by your marxist matriarchy overlords.

Don't forget to say thanks for being culturally enriched.

Can't you see all this race-mixing is destroying art?


>> No.2768894
File: 114 KB, 660x751, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem quads.

Oh, shit anon. Stop it.

>> No.2768899

>come to dobson thread
>it's pol lite
Doesn't make it any less true, but I wish we could have an old fashioned shit on Dobson thread. What DID happen to him?

>> No.2768906

quads confirm

>> No.2768934

>Typical Dobson art thread degenerates into shitflinging about cucks and /pol/

How the fuck is this thread still on /ic/?

>> No.2768937

>double 88



>> No.2768944

still better than 100% of the defenders of diversity

>> No.2769770

that's why you get porn artists as friends like me. They draw lolis and bestiality, they very rarely have any retarded opinions like that

>> No.2769789


Most people think the 88 in 1488 stands for HH or Heil Hitler, but actually it just stands for David Lane's 88 Precepts. 14 Words and 88 Precepts.

even a lot of white nationalists don't know that, for some dumb reason.

>> No.2769854

I thought the comic from Matt lubchansky was making fun of the people that made comics like that?

>> No.2769876

And they get shit every time they post from the wite rice mugga fugga

Muh diversity doesn't mean /pol/ isn't shit or that they aren't retarded.

>> No.2769903

I literally didn't even know the first bit, I was just memeing