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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 340 KB, 552x400, GameSCR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2757294 No.2757294 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys! As you can plainly see, I couldn't draw a circle if my life depended on it, so I'm turning to you guys to help me make sure the last two grueling months of coding weren't a complete waste of my time.

This is a card game (that's played on a gameboard... on a phone... yeah), so I'm shooting for a couple hundred pieces for the initial release. But I don't need backgrounds, shading or color, just outlines.

Here's the deal: I don't have a huge budget (US$500), so I can only offer a couple bucks for each piece that I use, but for what I'm guessing would take most of you just a few minutes, you get to say you did graphic design for a game; I'll even put your name on every card you do the artwork for, in case you want to use it on a resume or something.

I'm looking for anime-style characters (I wish I could be more descriptive here, but I'm a code junky, not an art buff; all I know is that I'm not a fan of Miyazaki's work.)

If you're interested in seeing your work get published in our game, send something you've got lying around to hexabelgames@gmail.com and I'll let you know what cards we need drawn. I'll also keep you updated on the development status so you'll be the first to know when people start playing the game you helped make!

>> No.2757299

To get quality work youd have to dish out 30$ a card minimum (assuming you scam someone into it). That's less than 14 cards. At least propose a % on game revenue. And no, it's not a couple minutes. It'll take the person minimum 2 hours per cards if done correctly.

>> No.2757307

>[exposure intensifies]

>> No.2757310

For just outlines? I wouldn't think that would take hours, but obviously this isn't my field of expertise.

I don't know if I could offer a percentage, but if the game ends up being successful, I'd be happy to kick down some extra bonus cash to make it more worth contributers' time.

>> No.2757313

Post an example of the art you want, and I'll tell you how deluded you are.

>> No.2757318
File: 60 KB, 900x722, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is about what I'm looking for. Any more detail isn't going to even show up on lower resolution devices.

>> No.2757320

The only thing I can advice you is to learn how to draw vector or pixel art.
They're much easier and take less time.
Hardly anyone these days use hand drawn graphics in smaller games.

>> No.2757322
File: 52 KB, 894x894, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a better example. The lines are a bit more solid, there's less lines in the hair (that would end up getting lost in a cell phone's resolution), and most images would probably need to be down to the waist at least, so every image isn't just a face.

>> No.2757323

Shit nigga, if that is the actual, literal quality you're looking for, you can probably find some retarded weeb for 5-7 bucks a pop.

Maybe try /aco/'s commission thread, some of those retards are right up your alley, budget-wise.

Or check hentai foundry's forums, maaaybe deviant art.
You want wannabe porn artists, they're the easiest target for stupidly cheap shitty work, don't even look at normal art communities.
Weebs might also work, idk where to find those, though.

>> No.2757326
File: 17 KB, 180x250, Shittily Drawn Lv4 card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is more about the fact that I can't draw worth a shit in any form, than transposing images into a form that will work on digital media. I appreciate the advice, I just don't think you understand just how much I suck hopelessly at anything other than writing code and being socially awkward.

I'll look into those.

>> No.2757327

Nobody cares what you suck at, faggot.

The point is that you will have to learn if you can't pay.

>> No.2757334

There's what? A couple hundred people that view these threads every day, most of whom are already drawing pretty much exactly what I'm looking for, just for practice, and then stuffing their work into a drawer. I realize that I'm not offering what someone would pay a professional artist, but I'm offering a lot more than what most people with the skill level that I'm expecting get.

Personally, I think you're just a little salty because someone is willing to pay (something) for work that you feel is below you, when you can't sell the work that you so unduly pride yourself on.

>> No.2757345

No, I'm salty that poorfags ideaguys keep shitting up the board with this shit.

Fuck off.

>> No.2757347

I appreciated your input. Have a nice day.

>> No.2757349

thats wot ur mom said lel

>> No.2757617

OP you're just being a lazy jerk ass who feels like he's entitled to our work becuase you are a aware of this board, if you are serious about makeing a game then you'd accept that you have to pay people for there work, no one can live off pennies and if some shmuck does make some trash art for you for free he ruining the market for everyone else

>> No.2757627

Great bait... Don't you have something better to be doing on a Sunday...

>> No.2757655

Aside from the dicks here thinking they're in the art business for money (lolololololol; take a banking course), can you give a bit more details / references to what you want?

>> No.2757799

with this level of art as your standard i can easily pump one of these every 7 minutes. But without colors as well as youll need to realize that nobody will like the game with such shitty art.

>> No.2757807

OP it's against the board rules to solicit unpaid work.

>> No.2757882

... He didn't solicit unpaid work. o.O

>> No.2757887

>$500 for "hundreds of pieces"
>not unpaid
That's like making a thread on /o/ saying you're looking for a car and have $50.

>> No.2757933

I don't want to give too much detail on the game itself until I'm closer to publishing for obvious reasons, but I'm looking for both human-type wizard characters and creatures of six different elemental color types, as well as equipment. Generally, the detail would be minimal (the image on the cards would only be about 1/8 the width and height of the phone display).

We have a coloration artist on the dev team who will be doing the fills, and a photographer who will be doing backgrounds. If you're interested in helping us out and can make 7 drawings per hour on average, that's about $21/hr.

>> No.2757939
File: 22 KB, 324x324, le basketball man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 drawings per hour

>> No.2757944

>$3 per image

>> No.2757949


Paid and unpaid are black and white; there's no gray area - they are literal antonyms. Just because it's low pay doesn't mean it's unpaid.

I'm fairly confident that the artist could ask for more if the game starts making money, as well.

>> No.2757952

You're not fooling anyone, OP.

>> No.2757962

We'd be happy to pay out bonuses contingent on the success of the game, and if the design budget increases after we've had work commissioned or we decide to publish with less than the goal of 200 cards in ver1.0, we'd be paying the difference retroactively as well. $3/image is the absolute minimum we'd be paying.

If this were some sort of scam, don't you think I'd be asking for full-color artwork and offering a lot more money? Not to mention the fact that if I were to publish work that wasn't paid for, I'd be opening us up to a major lawsuit. Think before you speak.

>> No.2757969
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, well then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wonder why the good artists leave /ic/ and stop helping. You wonder why you're stuck with no skills on a board you only have an observational interest in. It's because most of the people here act like fucking teenagers who think they're going to start their career as the key animator of 90's Disney. A fucking portfolio and a good drawing or two only go so far; you have to work on a ton of shitty projects to have the experience of working on ACTUAL projects behind you to get considered for a bigger job.

THIS is your opportunity to work on a team. It may not pay well, but it gets your art out there on a fucking project instead of some personal portfolio full of projects that may not even be your own work. THIS is how you start off in the fucking job.

Stop being a dick, start drawing, and actually start a fucking career, you self-righteous prick.

>> No.2757973

>start a career
>$3 per image
You have to leave, OP.

>> No.2757977

Thanks for the bump!

>> No.2757978

better check your notifications mate.

>> No.2757979

>he thinks that helps him
This thread should be bumped just so everyone on /ic/ can learn from this shit.

You're not getting anyone to work on your shitty charity case.

>> No.2757996


>I'm looking for minimal detail work and am willing to pay a little bit of money.
>It would get your name and artwork into the professional community, which is probably worth a lot more than what I'm offering to pay.
>It's not a full-time job; it's a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
>Trolls try to convince you that you're better off getting no pay and no recognition than low pay and potential recognition.

>> No.2758005
File: 461 KB, 657x904, wizardess quicksketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the tidbit in the bottom corner; just a quick-sketch of the concept getting defeated by a beast that uses REAL power to overcome challenges instead of some Harry Potter shit.

>> No.2758007

dont you get that you cant draw though?

>> No.2758012

It's like you literally copy pasted that from #forexposure

Is this a troll thread?

>> No.2758014

When is this board getting some mods?

>> No.2758027
File: 174 KB, 732x661, everyonesucksbutme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2758030

The only thing a project like this is good for is learning not to work on projects like this. If you want to be a professional you work with professionals and someone looking to create something that looks cheap for dirt cheap is not a real professional. A professional will have put together a solid plan and gotten investors or some other way of building a budget or something to offer to be able to complete a product that will actually appeal to people. If they can't build a foundation for that, they will start small and hire someone to make just enough of a demo that they can show to investors to get to the aforementioned foundation. Someone worth working with is not looking to make some cheap crappy quick thing, they will be serious about what they're trying to make and will manage time and money accordingly instead of sacrificing quality. Sometimes those projects don't go anywhere either but those are the small projects worth giving a chance to, not something like this.

>> No.2758031
File: 703 KB, 657x904, 1480291073063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2758037

The detail in the straps would get lost, so on commissioned work, it wouldn't be worth your time to use that much detail. And I would need clean, solid lines like >>2757322
so our coloration artist can fill it, but assuming that this is OC, yeah, I could use this.

However, because this was posted on 4chan, I have no way of knowing if the original artist is the one sending it to me, so I need images sent directly to my email hexabelgames@gmail.com in order to make sure I'm paying the right people. Thanks!

>> No.2758041

Note: if you have a BTC account I can pay you directly as soon I receive the requested images. If you want to get paid by Paypal, I would have to transfer money first, so there would be a delay during the first week.

>> No.2758045

... Uh... No? There are a lot of successful games / projects that literally started off as a few people fucking around that just took off. Have you seen the video game market lately?


Thanks for changing her outfit a little and shrinking her waist?

>> No.2758050

You're not listening. It's not the fact that it's a small project. It's the fact that you're trying to operate far beyond your scope and you don't have a plan. You don't know what you're doing and have no idea what it takes to get a small project like that off the ground. I do because I've been through working on things like this and moved my way up into working on real projects for real indie devs and corporate creator companies and have seen the difference. Whether you believe me or not I know your project isn't going anywhere. I'm not saying this for your benefit so much as for anyone who's thinking about wasting their time with it.

>> No.2758053

That wasn't the OP, that you replied to. I'll start using this tag to prevent that in the future.

So you did smaller projects like mine in the past, and eventually worked your way up into making a career out of it? That's great! I would love for others to be able to use my project as a stepping stone to build their careers up as well!

>> No.2758058

Your project and projects like yours aren't stepping stones they're dead weight.

>> No.2758063

Even if the project doesn't end up being successful, it will most definitely get published. Artists looking to get their names out there would still get some money and be able to use it as a reference of commissioned artwork. The only person that can actually lose anything on this deal is myself.

>> No.2758068

Anon, you have to understand that outline/line work isn't going to be a quick scribble. It's hard work and at least going to take 20 mins of raw drawing forgetting the planing/reference phase and mistake making.

You'll either have to get very luck or learn to do a bit yourselves.

>> No.2758073

This is true. A quick scribble can be laid down in a few minutes, but fine-tuning and tweaking - as well as line thickness, is a different story. The wizardess above took around five minutes, which includes me posting here. Another draw over to fine-tune, and then line work would take significantly longer.

>> No.2758075

I realize that this isn't a hugely profitable venture for many of you, and If I had more to throw down on the artwork, I would. But there's the potential for this to become something more; to take beginning artists and give them the opportunity to start making money on something that they've only been able to do recreationally in the past. I'm not offering to make you all rich, but for a student who draws in their free time or for someone in between work, this is still an opportunity to earn some extra cash.

>> No.2758084

Hey HexabelGames dude.

You're a coder right?

Listen, I'm an artist and I'm working on this awesome adventure game. Think Skyrim, but for mobile. I've got an amazing story and really gorgeous art. Environments, characters, etc. The only thing lacking is code. I need someone just to throw everything together and make it work. It's pretty straightforward stuff. You know, talk to character 1 to get a quest, talk to character 2 for an item, fight some monster, get a journal update, go back to character 1 to get a reward. Ah, and of course I need you to make it possible that loot chests contain random items from some list that the player can pick up.
Maybe some other things I need, like a menu that shows what you're carrying and such, but that's all very basic.

So, i's all very simple stuff and you sound like an experienced programmer, so it should be super easy for you. I'll pay you of course. I've got a budget of $500, but I think that should cover it nicely, because this coding is super basic. I think you can whip it all up in just a weekend.

>> No.2758093

These are easily available macros available in most game engines. The good news is that it's easier to learn to code than it is to draw. Writing poetry with code is a different story, but just coding in itself isn't hard anymore. In fact, there's a plethora of resources available to you and it'll take no time at all, unlike art which requires hundreds of hours behind you.

Good luck!

>> No.2758094

I don't think this would work. Have you considered cellphone resolution? I don't think the devices can handle so many pixels.

>> No.2758095

Are you serious anon? Phones can handle PS3 graphics nowadays.

>> No.2758096

i told you to give a % and you refused. So clearly you don't care.

>> No.2758098

>The good news is that it's easier to learn to code than it is to draw
You understand that would mean art would be more expensive than programming, right?

>> No.2758099

with the quality youre asking I actually can. But I don't like what you're doing enough to participate on principle.

that's easily doable. I just draw and don't double check and ill still make his standards.

>> No.2758100

Coding is neither easier nor harder than drawing. They're both at the same level of difficulty. I would know I do both. People who say drawing is hard just lack the patience because unlike coding, you see "bad" results, but really that's just your current skill level.

>> No.2758108

I totally get that that's sardony, but you'd be surprised. I've spend the last two months writing all of those basic components. For example, packs have randomized cards in them, customized deck building works, and character (tile) interaction code is written so that only the value of the conditions and the value of the card abilities need to be written into a table, the code itself is dynamically triggered. I could probably write something like what you're talking about in about a week, and if you had an actual offer on the table, I'd do it. $500 for a week's worth of work wouldn't be great, but it'd be extra cash and something in my portfolio.

>> No.2758113


So, after my little story you write this:

>it's easier to learn to code than it is to draw
>unlike art which requires hundreds of hours behind you

You really are a cheap bastard.

- An artist, like any other human being, has bills to pay. Name credit, and the HIGHLY unlikely possibility that your game leads to an actual, normal paying job, does not pay those bills.
- Creating decent artwork takes skill. Skill that is gained through hard work. You are just telling artist that you don't give damn about that hard work and that, clearly, you have no respect for either artist or art, or you would not talk so disparagingly about it.

Get lost. And shame on anyone who actually does anything for him. Because any person wo helps him makes it clear this kind of disrespect is accaeptable, and part of the problem.

>> No.2758120

What the fuck? Like colors and parallax backgrounds?

>> No.2758124

Because a start-up project has limited revenue and can't generate income until we have it published? How is that disrespect? I have bills too. I've put months of work into this game with no pay, and am willing to pay people out of my own pocket because I openly admit that you have a talent that I could never hope to achieve.

>> No.2758126

>I openly admit that you have a talent that I could never hope to achieve.

>> No.2758128

... I don't think you understand how job markets work. You only get higher pay if you have the leverage. If you pursue a passion - and you only want to do that passion - say, animation, and Disney comes to you and says, "Hey, we got a job in animation for you. It pays salaried minimum wage and you'll likely be working 14+ hours a day," you're likely to take that gig just because that's what you want to do.

On the other hand, say you're a hugely successful accountant and the only one currently available in your market with three companies fighting over you, you have the leverage to ask for higher pay.

If technical skill genuinely mattered, there would be a fuck-ton of a lot better paying jobs on this planet, but the truth is that the skilled jobs are being replaced by automation or other technology and simplified to where a monkey can do them. Hell, the only reason I'm getting paid exceptionally well at my current job is because I'm the only painter available with a hell of a lot of experience and the company needs me to get their paint booths operating and train people. I'm fairly sure I'm getting my wage knocked off or terminated after it's done.

I do both as well. About the hardest thing about coding is figuring out why your shit won't compile or doesn't give the correct return. Which really isn't hard if you have a piece of paper nearby and have plotted which functions call which and look them over.

It's nice to have a clear and concise point; I assume you know what it was. I'm not OP, by the way. ;)

>> No.2758138

I don't get it, you explicitly say technical skill doesn't matter then you go on to say that you're the only person with a lot of experience. You just proved your own point that technical skill does matter. And the weirdest thing is you compared a job in art to jobs that can be done by a monkey when art is definitely not one of those fields. You also compared an entering animator to an experience accountant. Like what? Of course we know which is getting the higher pay.

>> No.2758153

I think their point was that I'm requesting artwork from people who don't already have high paying jobs in the art industry, and therefore am only addressing artists who would see this as an opportunity, rather than the majority of trolls here who obviously make so much money on their art that they have better things to do than discuss startup mobile game projects. If you're already a highly payed artist, you don't need to be here because I cant pay what you're expecting, but if you're just starting out and want to build a career, it may be worth your time to start someplace that will accept entry-level designers and work your way up.

But I get it. If you started making money, your mom might expect you to make a habit of it, and then what would you do?

>> No.2758155

>If you pursue a passion - and you only want to do that passion - say, animation, and Disney comes to you and says, "Hey, we got a job in animation for you. It pays salaried minimum wage and you'll likely be working 14+ hours a day," you're likely to take that gig just because that's what you want to do.
Yes, I'm sure all those Disney animators that spent their whole lives perfecting their skill worked for minimum wage because they really wanted to be animators.

You don't work for minimum wage because you like the job, you work for minimum wage because you're useless, an immigrant or retarded.

>> No.2758162


Yeah, after re-reading my post I admit I lost track of my point a little :-\

What I meant was: If OP admits that art takes a lot of hard work, why did he write that it doesn't.

>but for what I'm guessing would take most of you just a few minutes

Two things annoyed me:

If OP worked hard on his game, is dedicated to it and invested in it's success, then why post on /ic/ writing "Hey, I need someone to work on my game. It can be super fast, my standard is pretty low, pay is minimal." OP would attract more goodwill if he could share some enthousiasm for his project.

OP triggered me because he used exactly all of the standard arguments used by people trying to take advantage of artists. "Hey, I can't pay you much because it is a project I do in my free time." "it's great for your portfolio." "You'll get exposure." "Art is easy, you can just do it in a few minutes." "This is what it is worth to me, plenty of other artists work for the same money or less."

>> No.2758183

I'm sorry that I offended you. I didn't come into this knowing what kind of work was involved, because I don't do that kind of work. But please try to understand that I'm not trying to make excuses to underpay for the work, I'm simply limited by my budget, and am trying to get as much content as possible for the amount of money that I have available, so that the game can be as complete as possible for the initial release.

As I've said, I'm willing to pay more retroactively, once the game starts generating revenue, and there would of course be more work at higher pay as more cards are released in future sets, but in order to get to that point I need to have a product that I can monetize.

You simply can't expect a start-up to have the resources that are available to an established company. That doesn't mean that this couldn't be an opportunity for someone who gets in on the ground floor.

>> No.2758186

You also can't keep promising a bunch of bullshit that we know is unlikely to happen. Artists aren't stupid.

>> No.2758191

The only promises I made is that I can pay about $3/sketch and that the artists would be credited for their work. I clearly said that any bonuses would be contingent on the game being profitable. But I wouldn't have put ll this time and effort into writing the code, not to mention paying what I can out of pocket for the work, if I didn't at least expect it to be successful.

>> No.2758196

>pay retroactively
That's not how it works.

You have 2 options:

Get money and pay up like a normal person.
Partner up with an artist for a percentage of the profit on top of the lol$500.

Nobody is retarded enough to work for nothing so you can earn money and maaaaaybe throw some scraps their way later if you feel like it.

Bottom point is that you are unprofessional and lacking common sense and respect to the point that there is 0% percent chance of you producing anything worthwhile anyway.

>> No.2758202
File: 39 KB, 512x384, le observing multi-species and generational entourage face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a programmer
>his field's median wage in the U.S. is 79,900 fuckin' dollars a year
>he "doesn't have a huge budget", though
>he's offering $500 and a 8pt comic sans font credit text string buried somewhere deep in his game's hairy asshole in exchange for a hundred or more clean lineart illustrations for use in a commercial product that he fully intends to reap huge returns on

Are you my cousin or one of his friends and their post-graduation combined incomes of $190,000 or so, family man?


As has been said before, if you really care about your project and really want to see it get done you'd better get used to the idea of actually paying for it to happen, bud. You can't expect a stranger or even a close friend to be even 1/100th as enthused about your project as you are. At least not for long.

The last thing I want to entrust your dream project to is an underage, underpaid and miserable artist that is always one step away from quitting and forcing you to start over once they realize what a raw deal they're getting

>inb4 I don't have a job



>> No.2758205

So you're going to say that I'm being offensive because I have a limited budget, but you'll call anyone who wants to make money drawing artwork for a mobile game retarded?

I'm not a professional programmer. I work a standard minimum wage, dead end job that barely pays the bills like nearly everyone else. I just happen to have a skill that if I put the time and effort into developing a marketable project with, I might be able to dig myself out of the hole I live in. The reason i came here and have been putting up with trolls like you is because I wanted to extend the same opportunity to other people that have a skill that they'd like to turn into a career, but for one reason or another, never got the formal education or the lucky break to make anything of it.

If you don't want to contribute, don't contribute, but don't think that you're going to make me give up on what I want to do, because you said some mean words to me over the internet.

>> No.2758232

the other thing you dont seem to realise is that yeah you're offering cheap pay for cheap job, which seems all nice and equal (pay cheap, get shit) BUT, for the artist, they'll have their name associated with this cheap work.
I'd be better for an upcoming artist to literally do nothing and practice, than to do shitty work, and then be always linked to said shitty work, because the client had no money and the artist couldnt afford to pass enough time on each piece.

>> No.2758240

Okay... Maybe I don't understand the point here.

I'm asking for outlines with minimal detail, which to me seems like it would require significantly less effort than a shaded and full color image with a background. What I keep being told is that I want shitty work. Look at your phone. Imagine an image that takes up only 1/36 of the screen. High-detail images would only looked blurred at that size. How does simplistic styling to fit the medium interpolate to shitty work?

>> No.2758242

>but you'll call anyone who wants to make money drawing artwork for a mobile game retarded?
No, I'm calling anyone who works for $3 per image so some faggot on the internet can get money retarded, you fucking moron.
This is not a job, this is charity.

>> No.2758245

So what does you think an outline like >>2757322
is worth if commissioned? If you're trying to tell me that that's worth $30-$50, I'm going to have to call bullshit.

>> No.2758248

If you want that level of work, just ask Deviant Art Artists. The only issue you'll run into is that those artists would be terrible business people.

>> No.2758250

$10 if you find a desperate artist.

And that's the tumblr weeb rate where you hope the guy actually delivers.

>> No.2758253
File: 174 KB, 331x479, 1333850297982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*the last thing YOU want

I'm not really trolling you all that hard, the opening crescendo was just banter my man. I'm not telling you to give up. The real take away of my post is for you to just have realistic expectations.

>I work a standard minimum wage

With gratuity? I'm 30 years old and I've never had a job that pays over $12 an hour, but that's MY problem, not whoever I intend to hire. As an artist myself I certainly don't expect to pay a BETTER artist less than $15-$20 an hour (something I will be doing in the middle of next week for the record-I'm not just talking out of muh butt here) despite the fact that's well over what I make personally. To even hire someone at that rate for a single day a week will hurt my standard of living substantially.

Is it worth it? You have to keep in mind that the artist in particular is performing an incalculably valuable service towards the potential success of your project. When I hire a programmer that will be something I consider as well. The right people are always worth paying for. Keeping the people working for you happy and well fed should be a top priority, because if you don't you could potentially be wasting a ton of time.

Think of it this way. You'd pay $1,500 - $2,000 or so for a gaming computer or something like that right? Yet, the idea of paying more than $600 to realize a dream project of yours that could potentially turn your entire life around is distasteful to you? Again, as some others have said, if you want to minimize your risk, some artists will work for a marginally lower base pay (which is still going to be more than $600 given the scope of this project I'm sure) plus a percentage. Also hell, maybe you just don't need 200 fuckin' cards, man. At least not ones with actual art on it. Think of creative ways you can reuse artwork or generally reduce the amount of work that needs to be done by any third parties to begin with.


>> No.2758254

because even tho an image is in a low resolution, does not mean it's easy to do. For example, good pixel art can take as much, if not more time, to do than regular art.
So when you imply that it's only a matter of a few minutes per pictures and that quality doesn't matter that much to you, well really you're asking for shitty, low-quality stuff.
Don't want to be mean, just blunt.

>> No.2758265

This is all reasonably good advice. I've checked out deviantart, but I'm having difficulty finding artists that do commissions because of the way the site is laid out. I'll keep working on that. $10-$15 at least gives me a starting point to look at what's more realistic. I just don't think that I would be able to release the game with only ~50 cards. Reusing artwork is a part of the reason why I was asking for outlines; the colorist could potentially reuse the same image a few times. That said, it seems unfair to me to use multiple iterations for one fee, so I'd at least be kicking back an extra 50% or so when I use copies. And I realize that this isn't easy work, just that it would be easier for someone who has already developed the skills and resources than it would be for me. My laughably bad pic here: >>2757326 took me almost three hours. I'd never get to publish and probably wouldn't want to if I was doing the artwork myself.

If there's no one here that would be willing to do this kind of work, does anyone have any recommendations on where I might be able to find someone?

>> No.2758267

Your game looks shit, have you done mobile dev before?

>> No.2758271

It's pretty obvious OP hasn't or else he wouldn't place all this success on this project.

>> No.2758275

No, I've worked on other coding projects, but this is my first one for mobile. The placeholder images that I'm using doesn't really do it justice though. Most of the appeal is in the gameplay, which unfortunately I just don't feel comfortable going into detail on until I'm closer to publishing. I think that if it were more graphically appealing it could potentially be sucessful, but that's obviously the problem I'm facing right now.

Yeah, I'm willing to drop every cent I don't need for bills on a project I'm convinced will fail. <sarcasm

>> No.2758277


You don't get it at all because you conveniently ignored the parts that shot your part down. I didn't get the high paying job because of my technical skill - I got the high pay because I was needed and there was nobody else to do it. If I had to compete with others, I would be getting paid a hell of a lot less. It has NOTHING to do with my skill and everything to do with supply and willingness to work.

>> No.2758278

>what is supply and demand

>> No.2758279

Are you telling me you know the supply and demand of labor?

>> No.2758280

... How did you get that information? Did you just lump all forms of programmers together? Because a lot of programmers can't afford to pay tuition. That's a field that requires a bit more data when determining pay. Did that include the guy programming the firmware for the BIOS, as well as the guy reviewing thousands of lines of code for a program he didn't write? These two jobs pay significantly different rates because of the number of people available to do them.

>> No.2758281

For $500, Alex.
>self-pitying lol

So, there's no one on /ic/ that wants to draw stuff for money or knows anyone that would?

>> No.2758282

It really does not matter to the layman what differences lie within the field. Also, you could easily just search 'average wage of a programmer' and get a number. You can do this for just about any career.

>> No.2758283

he probably believes his own bullshit, there's 1000000 of them in the startup communities. No skills, no business experience and no money.

>> No.2758285

If you're really, even REMOTELY serious about pursuing this, here's what you need to do to actually get it done and stop offending the fuck out of everyone here.
Take what little money you have and hire one artist to do a SMALL PORTION of what you need really nicely. Make your damn product presentable, something that doesn't look like it was slapped together in a kindergarten fingerpainting session. If all you can afford is one or two art pieces of what you need, take that. Then make an actual business plan and use those pieces as a pitch for investors. Kickstarter, Gofundme, Patreon, go to your local Wells Fargo and apply for a business loan, whatever. Get a REAL budget, THEN proceed to the step you're trying to do now which is further developing the project. Anything else you will try to do with what you have right now will end in failure, I guarantee from experience.

>> No.2758292

But that's a complete garbage number. That's like looking up the average wage of a welder. Are we talking about a welder who puts little tack welds on casted chain links for kids' swings, or an underwater welder? The welder marrying two I-beams for a structural bridge, or the welder who laid the tack welds for him?

Programmers, especially, have a high amount of unemployment, as well. Largely because there's so damn many coming out of college that companies can swap and replace at lower wages.

>> No.2758293

not for 3$/ piece

>> No.2758296

This, do you even got a demo? That's is generally what programmer show if they want to get support.

>> No.2758298

As much as it's not what I wanted to hear, this is probably exactly what I needed to hear.

What's the potential for negotiating commissions on a few cards, and screen images here? I'd still rather ask if there's interest before searching through deviantart for days.

The coding is done but I have to fill out tables, the audio tracks are written but not finalized, the server side is getting handled by another partner. I'm basically 2-3 weeks from publishing on everything except the artwork.

>> No.2758303

OP your game looks like it's got something but in the mobile market, you have to make appeal and gameplay work.

you know angry birds? did you know that its gameplay is based off of a flash game called castle crushers? it only clicked in the mobile market because of the memorable cutesy birds and the simple input users have to put (finger swiping) to match the gameplay. with this in mind I wouldn't suggest that you pursue your project with dime a dozen anime girls which I am surprised you aren't getting from anime waifu generators on DA

go with this plan >>2758285 because I can guarantee you no artist would accept 3$ for lineart that will be used commercially

>> No.2758304

For one thing, you probably aren't going to find a good fitting artist here. I realize this is a good format because it's near instantaneous but /ic/ isn't welcoming to this sort of thing, as you can see. Secondly, you need to rethink the art style you're going for because I promise you nobody is going to want to invest in something that looks of the quality you're currently aiming for, even if the game is functional. At that point it'd be better to have used stock placeholder art than cheap bad art because that just looks like bad management. Something like a simplistic pixelart style or maybe Disgaea/FF Tactics chibi heads like they use in the dialogue boxes is probably what you need, it has a lot of appeal but not a lot of detail and can be viewed clearly small. Once you've decided on a better art style you can ask about a price range more efficiently.

>> No.2758305

Depends, how soon do you need them since it's nearing a busy time of the month.

>> No.2758307

>So, there's no one on /ic/ that wants to draw stuff for money or knows anyone that would?

you can't "hurrdurr don't you wanna be paid" through this shit

drawing your shit would be a waste of time and energy and you are not paying anywhere near enough to compensate

get this through your fucking skull

if you think you can find someone for your sweatshop, feel free to fuck off and find them

you are so incompetent you are shitposting on 4chan instead of exploring different avenues when this one clearly isn't working

you dumb piece of shit

>> No.2758309

Another thing is if you have even a couple of really nice art to show more artists will be willing to work with you because you'll have proven you're amiable, reliable (to pay), and actually serious about this. So when you get to the next phase finding another artist will be that much easier. And if you haven't been picking up on people saying this, your intent DOES affect the initial pay. You'll need to either offer royalties or a very large sum for the work if you intend to make this commercially otherwise you can be sued and not just by the artists.

>> No.2758315

>I'm basically 2-3 weeks from publishing on everything except the artwork.
>nearing december

I could throw you a list of artists from tumblr but I won't be giving that list unless you can show me you can compensate them properly. they're quite popular and won't hesitate to bite your ass and your game if you decide to screw them over.

btw does your game have a story or is it one of those endless games?

>> No.2758329

Am I getting this right? I meet your standard and then you tell me what to draw or will you just let me know what to draw when I contact you?

>> No.2758336
File: 305 KB, 1280x1024, SCR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

Obviously, I'm excited to see the game published, but I wouldn't be rushing the work. Most people don't really work better under pressure, so if someone wanted to do a piece I'd let them set the deadline. The loading page and backgrounds I'm expecting will take a while. The cards (again, I apologize) I didn't think would take very long, but I'm at the mercy of the artists at this point. I don't have a product without graphics design.

Okay, I'll start with just a few pieces. But could you clarify on your suit statement?

>can compensate
pic related is my total budget as of right now.

Endless, it's basically a competitive CCG; like magic:tg but played on a board with other components of gameplay not possible in irl games.

Let me see what you've got, and we can talk, for sure. Just if you want me to pay for something, don't upload it here, I want to make sure I'm paying the actual artist.

>> No.2758340

>tfw bitcoin
Literally how does this work

>> No.2758346

Transfers take a couple hours, very minimal fees, but I can pay over Paypal if that's easier, I'd just have to convert it first, which may take up to a week via coinbase, so if you plan on doing much of the work, let me know so I can make arangements so you'll get paid faster in the future.

>> No.2758350

>But could you clarify on your suit statement?
First and foremost, you need to let the artists know you're making a product you're going to sell. If you don't compensate properly and make a contract about rights and royalties, not only can the artists sue you later, you can also be sued by the state or federal government for infringing on labor laws, which they don't have to necessarily do on behalf of or with consent from the labor you hired. Because you're going to have to report that you hired labor on your taxes for this project and if they look into it and see you've done something improperly they can take action against you. This is all assuming you're working in the states of course.

>> No.2758353

Thanks for explaining what you meant. I'll look into all that. I was planning on adding a note to my emails that clarified the scope of the intended use of images, but I guess I'll need to make sure it covers me for those issues as well. Good looking out.

>> No.2758359

Shot you email OP, maybe we can work something out.

>> No.2758361

Just replied. Forgot to ask: Were you interested in doing outlines or Background images?

>> No.2758452

I'm going to sit down with our other partner soon to discuss ways of increasing the budget for character design. I'd like to apologize again for offending anyone at the price point we were looking at. We are still going to be looking for several artists once we can find investors or financing, so if our budget limitations were offputting, please consider sending us an email with the type of work you'd like to be considered for and what price you'd expect to get for it. We'll do what we can to come as close to those expectations as we can.

>> No.2758457

This is the best thing you've said in this thread. It seems like you're actually taking this seriously and learning, there's hope for you and your project. Good luck.

>> No.2758458

I'll keep on following you pal. I look forward to seeing this game come to life.

>> No.2758467

Anons don't pull their punches; this tends to be a pretty good place for getting peoples' uninhibited opinions.

Thanks! You can probably expect it in the Google Play and the App Store around the beginning of the year. I'm expecting it to be at 1.0 by March. Our working title is Arbiters of Hexabel.

>> No.2758487

>20 hours of yelling later, OP entertains the thought there might be a reason people are yelling at him

>> No.2758490

>And yet, I still get heckled.

>> No.2758549

If someone actually wants to do all your stuff for this little, you should be suspicious about them.

>> No.2758806

Did you not get my email?

>> No.2759208

We're still looking to commission work from multiple artists. If you'd like to submit an example of previous work and what you'd like to be paid, we'll be taking suggestions and try to increase our budget to match.

I've sent an email with a description for one card.

>> No.2759221

In particular, we're trying to get a loading page artwork and background image for terrains in full color. Suggestions for pricing on these would be greatly appriciated.