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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2756007 No.2756007 [Reply] [Original]

define making it

to you at least

>> No.2756009

To be able to do what I want to be able to do

In this case, draw my imagination

>> No.2756010

not killing myself tomorrow morning

>> No.2756012

be able to do things for somebody who cares for me

>> No.2756013

you, i like your attitude.

To be able to make something i myself consider good, and for many others to agree

>> No.2756017
File: 282 KB, 587x800, 3727004_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe going to make it, work harder

going to make it, stop browsing anonymous vietnamese nazi jew cooking recipes websites and you're good to go, to stay alive I mean

>> No.2756021

How do you do that? That seems incredibly difficult.

>> No.2756027

Being known internationally as an artist, as an artist that starts of ride the tide of the new movement. Contemporary art is as shit as it gets.
A new movement is bound to be born.

>> No.2756029
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>A new movement is bound to be born.
delusional hobo in the streets yelling at people he made it tier

or maybe you will actually make it. What movement do you have in head? Art movements are dead, we reached the top

>> No.2756047

Able to financially sustain yourself solely off your art.
Lots of people 'make it' doesn't mean they'll be remembered or that they produce good work.

>> No.2756065

Art movement will never be dead.
Art itself is limitless, just like imagination.
If you think the movement is dead, then you would be part of it. Stay dry, faggot.

>> No.2756077

Being one of the best artists in the world. Like Ruan Jia or some shit

>> No.2756080

make a LOT of money

>> No.2756081

Being able to draw from my imagination and at least having an audience that likes my work

>> No.2756086

I want to be the very best

>> No.2756089

I want to make a living doing art that isn't soulless photobashed concept art.

>> No.2756108

Are you refering to op? Because it is damn good concept art

>> No.2756232


Being able to draw like my favorite artists.

Also make money from it.

>> No.2756233

I just want to make my own stuff, being it a comic or plain illustrations and not come back to it 2 days later cringing at the lack of fundies I didn't see when I was making it.

I think he refers to the FZ style of concept

>> No.2756236

Creating stories using my art that will one day be known throughout and eventually bring individuals into the world of manga that I love

>> No.2756390

Anytime you come up for air and you feel totally satisfied, you've made it.

>> No.2756394

won't make it.

>> No.2756395

here's to getting to critical mass.

>> No.2756397


>thinking for a second that you are going to make it

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2756402

Make 1000$+ a month.

Currently making 200-400$ as hentai artist

>> No.2756404

Reaching your goals and fulfilling them while continuously getting better.

Having your work revered in some way by your peers. Not having your peers thoroughly hate your work is alright. Those peers shouldn't be stagnant in their work but always moving forward.

Monetary gain from it that can support your lifestyle.

Both not mutually exclusive, but the first is the bigger priority. To me. Personally.

>> No.2756405

Having confidence in a skill.

>> No.2756413

>thinking you're never gonna make it
never gonna make it

>> No.2756419

1500 a month animating without the AD having to wipe my ass all the time.

>> No.2756425

>pay bills comfortably with art
>work around 30-40 hours a week
>seeing steady progress financially and artistically
>be able to save for old age

>> No.2756428

when other good concept artists begin to recognize your Instagram page, follow you and you don't even know them in real life.

That to me is how I know I made it to a respectable level as a illustrator/concept artist, because a lot of them only follow other good artists.

>> No.2756446

I'm surprised that no weeb faggot on /ic/ said they want to make animu.

There's so many of them

>> No.2756465

your definition of 'making it' is minimum wage?

>> No.2756470
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To be able to illustrate what I read and see.

To be able to accurately portray what I want, basically just drawing things from my imagination like the first guy

pic related, high quality art I made as a joke

>> No.2756475
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>> No.2756476



>> No.2756609

Convince the world to make heroin legal by drawing pictures.

>> No.2756615

owwhoohh so edgy.

>> No.2756616
File: 2.99 MB, 400x300, nazi flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do weed lmao propaganda, do pic related

Bring back Pride

>> No.2756735

I want to make an anime just you piss you off.

>> No.2756736


I have all these characters in my head that I want to bring to life and tell stories with. If I could make just enough money to get by and have time to do a web comic on the side I'll be happy.

And by get by I mean a very humble means of living and enough money to save for old age.

>> No.2756741

>just you piss you off.

faggot detected

>> No.2756753


When I reach the point where I can draw good quality pony porn.

>> No.2756761
File: 213 KB, 1100x516, 6905829_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah go on I won't get pissed off for what others like.

Also, less competition for me since I don't want to do anime

>> No.2756771

I have two groups of friends doing art related business ventures at the moment. One group puts out an art book and sells it and prints and other merch at Comic Con yearly. The other group is making what is shaping up to be an awesome game, and they all have a TON of industry experience and support from some fairly big names so I know they'll be able to finish it and I'm pretty sure it's going to do well. I've been invited to take part in both projects. If I can for once, just fucking once live up to my friends' belief in me and manage to successfully take part in either venture, I will consider myself to have made it because it'll prove I have the work ethic I need to take on any job. If I can do both, I'll have both the work ethic and the portfolio to actually get a job.
That's what I call making it.

>> No.2756777

Youre so close anon, keep it up, proud of you

>> No.2756804

Becoming a mangaka.

>> No.2756805

Thanks man. I just hope I won't fuck up again.

>> No.2756806

this as well, except not working in japan and just get cash from patreon or something.

>> No.2756808

To be able to visually represent my emotions in ways that others understand. With minimal context.

>> No.2756828

>minimum wage is the same all around the globe

>> No.2756834

read this thread, sounds like you need it >>2752455

>> No.2756844

Why does it seem like I need this? I think I still have plenty interest and passion in drawing and creating.

>> No.2756880

read the thread nigga, there is a book recommendation in it

>> No.2756888

For me it isn't a fixed point, it's a fluid ever moving goal post. In general though, I'd say making it is being able to take anything from my imagination and illustrate it perfectly using little if any references at all.

>> No.2756891

Oh also a long term goal is to write and illustrate a couple of stories that hopefully go on to become widely recognized or turned into a movie or something. At that point i'd definitively say "I've made it"

>> No.2756902
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I have the desire to make this one project seared into my soul.

I joined in and started making art and writing for the sole sake of making this dream come true. There's absolutely nothing else to my world but the simple act of making this happen.

I've only just recently reached the bare minimum skill to start for real. But it feels so lonely sometimes that literally noone else cares as much as I do.

It's been several years, with countless writers and artists going in and out in a single minded desire to making it happen.

But now that I feel confident in myself, literally everyone else who cared doesn't care anymore, and moved on. Not for a lack of trying or bad material, just a natural burn-out of will.

I honestly can't see myself doing anything but this project, and I've never felt as lonely as I am right now. But I can't consider giving up, never.

"Making it" for me is putting this shit out for the world to see, and to pushing and pushing until it's a fucking house-hold name and everyone talks and builds up on it.

>> No.2756905

It looks like there were two different books mentioned which one is it?

>> No.2756915

Where can I follow you?

>> No.2756925

Over here.


I'm nowhere special, and honestly the game isn't even ready to be shown.

But it's gonna get there, I swear.

>> No.2756927

>asks me to log in
Are you on private or something

>> No.2756931

Aww shit, now I know what's wrong.

>> No.2756933


>> No.2756958

i want to be as good as OP. thats all. i can live off minimum wage after that, move to the middle of nowhere even, all i need is the skill and then ill make something happen with it.

>> No.2757022

Thank you

>> No.2757067
File: 7 KB, 276x146, 10156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's really hard to describe. i compose music, draw, and write, so basically i wanna git gud at all those things and get well known someday.
it's embarrassing.
good luck senpai.
>tfw i've already written stories but can't turn them into chinese cartoons yet
YOU CAN DO IT (*´◒`*)

>> No.2757134
File: 38 KB, 499x357, 1469598698078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to be as good as OP. thats all. i can live off minimum wage after that

same, I feel you

>> No.2757266

Being able to draw from my imagination at least at a /v/ draw thread level of proficiency if not greater.

>> No.2757666

i don't even care that much about drawing but all my project are far too obscure and abstract for me to cash on so forget about getting an animator

i'm gonna have to do everything by hand

>> No.2757821

Do you have this print for sale anywhere?

>> No.2758043
File: 316 KB, 1100x520, 1457818530298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its concept art for zootopia, probably my favorite concept artist.


Maybe contact him idk

>> No.2758414

Speaking of making it, what is the fastest way to start getting at least some pocket change for drawings and what is the most basic set of skills required apart of obvious fundamentals?
Basic design?
Printing houses?
I looked through jobs in my local town and they require some obscure set of skills and knowledge of corel draw\photoshop but hey at least it's something that has ties to /our stuff/
What are the coffeeboy jobs in this industry until we finally get better?
There has to be some very basic first step, right?
Or every single prominent artist today was either NEET or worked on irrelevant shitty part time jobs or got into huge school debt while getting good enough to jump into industry?

>> No.2758423

Yeah, art is one of the careers where you have to be at a certain standard to make money. Before that, you basically just train as a student. So, yes to the
>every single prominent artist today was either NEET or worked on irrelevant shitty part time jobs or got into huge school debt while getting good enough to jump into industry?
Unless you have a supportive family and was rich, then you get more time to work on art yet again.

But if we're talking small stuff, art teacher perhaps. You don't need much skill for that.

>> No.2758430


>> No.2758771
File: 707 KB, 694x638, c9c7cf9c1620b5bb53c32e224577920e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love what I do
>My art makes me a livable income
>Have a wife, two kids and a dog
>Live in a decent sized house with a white picket fence
>A constant felling of being happy and fulfilled

>> No.2758782


>> No.2758786

Drawing from imagination, being able to help and guide other artist, make money drawing close to what I want and what will pay bills... without worry.

>> No.2758842

The dream, anon

>> No.2758910

this is dope, who made it?

>> No.2758918

To have my own art studio and inspire other people to work hard for their dreams

>> No.2758920

Fuck everyone else, I'm with you on that.
I want to bring down Hollywood and the current state of "art" that's been stripped of its soul and turned into another commodity.

>> No.2758921

To satisfy two conditions
1.To like your own work
2.Other people like your work enough to sustain you financially for it

>> No.2758927

Same with me,
Have you guys considered collaborating with other artists who have the same goals? I still have a lot to learn, but given the amount of content I want to produce, I would need a team of animators to really pull it off.
Either way, I hope you both make it. I hope we can create a new generation of art and storytelling together.

>> No.2761172
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i wonder who is behind this post

>> No.2761202

Studio /ic/ when? Surely we can pool enough money together.

>> No.2761459
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 5v7gm75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2761747

More than 2 followers on my art blog


>> No.2761765

To be able to form my thoughts properly on the paper/monitor. As well as being able to survive off of my works.

>> No.2761769

Honestly I'm pretty content with my life. I was all strung out on drugs living in my car one year ago and now I have a badass tiny apartment and a cat. And a ton of video games and a bunch of art supplies. I've made it.

>> No.2762037

Being able to survive on art while enjoying it

>> No.2762194

You made the cash with art?

>> No.2762207

post, I'll follow you if your good (your good)

>> No.2762220
File: 2.44 MB, 1406x2272, sketch page 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I good?
(I've posted all of my favourote pieces from the last couple years, and some recent sketchwork on it)