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File: 7 KB, 187x250, 1475384381921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2754545 No.2754545 [Reply] [Original]

Is drawing in your brain actually helpul?

>> No.2754546

i was wondering when this meme would come back

>> No.2754547


>> No.2754565

What do you mean?

Planning a drawing in your head is helpful, it's not much use if you can't execute.

>> No.2754573
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 8vdPIU0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It can't be, I can draw amazing things in my head but I don't know how to go about putting them in paper.

>> No.2754592

analysing something as if you were going to draw it isn't a totally worthless process. No substitute for actually drawing though

>> No.2754614
File: 5 KB, 206x244, 3534112441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2754619
File: 6 KB, 206x244, what did he mean by this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2754626
File: 1.50 MB, 360x270, dont care.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You and 99% of the rest of the population friend.

I'm also a star football player, a computer programmer, and a sex god in my head.

>> No.2754627

jesus christ

>> No.2754640


No everyone can imagine clear 3D moving images with a lot of detail, that's bull. Also, if you don't care, why did you respond?

>> No.2754664


>No everyone can imagine clear 3D moving images with a lot of detail, that's bull

I expect this comes from your vast experience of other human beings' subjective experience. Regardless, having a vivid imagination is of no artistic use if you lack the skill to apply it, and it's nothing special.

>Also, if you don't care, why did you respond?

To deride you. You're conflating giving a shit about you and your delusions to enjoying laughing at you and your delusions.

>> No.2754672

>imagine clear 3D moving images with a lot of detail

Literally nobody can do that.

>Yes I can u fag
Stop lying to yourself. You can't.

>> No.2754691
File: 94 KB, 640x495, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine 3D images like that
>If I can't literally nobody can I'm sure of it

>> No.2754699

>Literally nobody can do that.

>If I can't literally nobody can I'm sure of it

Literally you can't. Literally I can't. Prove me wrong.

>> No.2754703

Prove *me* wrong, you can't and I can't because we're talking about shit that we're able to visualize in our brains.

>> No.2754704


The brain certainly has the ability or capacity to show realistic 3D moving images with a lot of detail in certain states, such as when you dream or when you are hallucinating. What makes you think there's not people out there who have access to a vivid imagination at will?

>> No.2754709


Look at this guy. He has autism and whatever brain part takes care of memory and visualization is so super developed he is able to draw a city in aerial view from memory, after watching it from a helicopter.


>> No.2754732

>No everyone can imagine clear 3D moving images with a lot of detail, that's bull.
You use that same imagination you use to imagine a great artwork to imagine yourself being a sex god or a super athlete, nignog.

Just because you can imagine a great painting doesn't mean the painting will be anything like it when you try to paint it.
Just because you can imagine kicking the ball and making it fly precisely where you want at mach 3 and hitting the net with the force of thousand sons doesn't mean you can actually make it do that, because you are shit kicking a ball.

>> No.2754734


>> No.2754742

No I think you'd lobotomise yourself if not die.

>> No.2754759


You're comparing abstract stuff like skill level sex with visual, tangible stuff. Can you not see how the Number 1 looks in your head? Does it not look the same when rendered in real life?

You're confusing visualizing yourself as someone who is able to create amazing art instead of visualizing that amazing art, as in seeing the structure, form, colour..etc.

Can you not do this?

>> No.2754767


I am sorry to inform you, you might have Aphantasia, Anon. People are usually able to visualize stuff in their minds.


>> No.2754770

Nigger, I am telling you your imagination quality has no relevance to how the things you imagine relate to reality.

I gave you a tangible, non-abstract example in kicking a ball.
There is no difference in kinda imagining the act and literally making it look 100% real inside your mind, it makes no difference to your ability to perform the task, same as painting something you imagined.

What the fuck are you even talking bout?

>> No.2754773

I didn't say I couldn't imagine things, you dumb samefaggot, I said it is irrelevant how well you can imagine something.

>> No.2754774

The way I see it drawing in your head just means a lot of planning. Thinking about what you're about to draw before you even put lines on paper really strains your brain. Drawing directly with ink helps a lot with this.

>> No.2754789


>I said it is irrelevant how well you can imagine something.

No one argued this at any point in time, you literally said no one can imagine 3D moving images in detail. You're moving the goal post.


>> No.2754812


>Close your eyes
>Wish to see BF 109
>BF 109 comes to mind
>Before the image goes away, notice how the picture shows a plane below my eye level in two point perspective coming to my right, in a 45º angle from my line of velocity or direction of travel, see my cabin slightly tilted to the right as I make a Immelman to get right behind the enemy P51 which is clearly about to dive alongside the BF 109 that is trying to escape.
>Knowing this much, you draw a box and you put the mayor pieces inside it
>Start building detail

How is this not much easier than simply starting doing doodles on your paper till something comes out? Just train yourself to see in what perspective, angles, degrees..etc the images you see in your head are. Once you know how to draw those perspective, angles, degrees..etc on paper, you'll be able to replicate what you see.

Planning ahead is always beneficial, for everything. You won't get anywhere if you don't pay attention to what you draw. That's my view on it, anyway.

>> No.2754818

No I didn't, you fucking imbecile.
Is this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.2754820

>BF 109 comes to mind
>Knowing this much, you draw a box and you put the mayor pieces inside it

>imagine airplane
>draw a box filled with the chopped up body of an authority figure
I don't think it's working right, m8

>> No.2754829


>>imagine clear 3D moving images with a lot of detail

>Literally nobody can do that.
>Literally nobody can do that.
Now tell me you're not that Anon.

>> No.2754831
File: 27 KB, 605x621, Using imagination to figure shit out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not sure what you mean, but here. I did a very basic idea of what I saw in my mind in terms of perspective, degree and stuff with my mouse in Paint.

Obviously it is basic as fuck, but if you can see images in your head and focus only on the structure of it, then you can replicate it correctly on paper with basic shapes which can be develop into more detail later on.

Imagine trying to get to this point just by doodling around mindlessly, you would depend on pure to make your pictures which will give you silly things that don't look real because they have no construction to it.

>> No.2754832


>you would depend on pure chance*

>> No.2754834

please kill yourself thx

>> No.2754839
File: 44 KB, 520x780, MuTG7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not an argument.

>denial - Checked
>anger - Checked
>bargaining - Checked (tried to argue it doesn't matter if you actually have that ability)
>depression - Unchecked
>acceptance - Unchecked

>> No.2754840

>you draw a box and you put the mayor pieces inside it
>mayor pieces inside it
Jokes aren't funny when you explain them.

>> No.2754843

>Not an argument.
>says the strawmanning moron
Please imagine yourself hanging from a rope.

>> No.2754857


Well, if you look at the thumbnail, itself without opening the picture, it does look like a box. Make contours would have been a better word to use. The mayor pieces there are the cabin where I am sited in, which is what is going to be closer to me, then where my eye level is, where the planes sit in that horizon and the degree..etc.

I am not getting my point across? Try to imagine a painting of an apple that sits on a table that is in 2 point perspective, very close to your vision. Imagine the contour of the canvas itself, where it ends. What's inside the canvas? What's the biggest thing? How do the lines of the table the apple is sitting in look like? are they 90 degrees to each other? are they obtuse? Acute?

If you can quickly sketch these simple things in paper, then you've already gain the structure of your piece, and you can start working out other stuff.

>> No.2754867
File: 59 KB, 264x399, Mayor_Quimby[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2754871 [DELETED] 



I'll do that for you too, since you don't seem to be able.

Look, this is sort of what it looked like in basic structure.

>> No.2754872
File: 49 KB, 587x666, Semen included.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll do that for you too, since you don't seem to be able.

Look, this is sort of what it looked like in basic structure.

>> No.2754875

>prove noone is able to think in a certain way

The fact is if you practice your visualization ability you can in fact see 3d motion in your head. You have to have a full understanding of the subject and for that matter perspective to train your brain to see it correctly but with practice it can 100% be done.

>> No.2755075

when you imagine yourself kicking a ball your imagine it using all your senses, but drawing takes touch, smell, hearing and taste away and is left with only the visual image. That's way drawing is not up to your imagination level until you train your visual image to compensate for it

>> No.2755123
File: 284 KB, 480x480, 1478749995193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, I apologize. I thought ''Mayor'' was a synonym of ''Big'' ''Relevant'' ''Important''. Silly me, I am still learning English.

>> No.2755148

You're thinking of "major," friend

>> No.2755158


Oh, I see. Thanks for correcting me, Anon.