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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 715 KB, 1171x902, boxes0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2745682 No.2745682 [Reply] [Original]

fucking kill me.

>> No.2745685

Can't deny that you got better at drawing boxes though.

>> No.2745686

thinking about hanging yourself?

>> No.2745687

To spare your time: what you are doing is the easy and mostly pointless - drawing random cubes.

And this is where the /ic doesn't get the point of statements like "all you have to do is to draw boxes in perspective and you will become better."
Its not about drawing random boxes but drawing boxes around the objects (you have one thread like thst on ic where OP posted apple and people drew box around it). Only then that box has a purpose. And it has even more purpose, when you ROTATE the same box, with same object in any desirable view.

You can crank 100 random boxes in an hour, but you wont learn shit. But you can spend 1 deliberate hour for only one box, which actually has a purspose (object within a box) and where you actually have to THINK

>> No.2745689


>> No.2745698

So much this.

>> No.2745699


>> No.2745702

>I just wasted my time
Great now I feel worse.

>> No.2745704

No, you've learned a valuable lesson.

Practice with purpose.

>> No.2745705


But he is right

>> No.2745706

Most of those boxes are very distorted.

>> No.2745710

You gotta draw shit in the box, then rotate that shit, and then draw it from the perspective. now do that shit a hundred times

>> No.2745722


You know that what you did is pointless? You do, that's why you made this thread. Why would you draw all those boxes? There's no goal in it. IF you would rotate box around all 3 axis - ooh, there's a point in this.

Filling a curve with boxes? Also there's a point. Making boxy landscape in perspective? Bowl full of boxes? (maybe with shading from 1 light source?)

All good and dandy and I'd say nothing. But what's the point of you drawing fuckton of random boxes and getting bored halfway through?

Exactly. Your art will also be like that, as well your life. Kill you? I'm too disgusted to come a mile close to you. Kill yourself faggot, spare others the sorry sight that you are.

>> No.2745726
File: 72 KB, 500x503, 15 - hako drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this box drawing practice stuff supposed to be like this? Or am I missing it completely.

>> No.2745749

oh dear

>> No.2745754

Stop that. Learn some perspective, you dumbass.

>> No.2745757

>>I just wasted my time
welcome to art

>> No.2745763


>> No.2745815

Jesus, Did any of you people ever learn perspective? All vertical lines sit at the same degree. it doesn't make sense for one side of them to be tilted.

>> No.2745834

what is that?

>> No.2745836

are those boxes owned by homeless?

>> No.2745839
File: 78 KB, 216x366, 2f3ac5ebf1d0d429589c222b156beda0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this trolling

>> No.2745882

as long as the perspective is only 1 or 2 point, he's right

>> No.2745889

I'm doing something like this rotating human simplified skelleton. But I don't know if it's better to learn Loomis first or the construction like in Hampton's book.

>> No.2745896


This is a post that belongs in the cringe thread.


This is a good, badass post. Simple. To the point. Doesn't have to posture too much.

If you wanna bring the comparison around, >>2745722 is the post version of aimlessly drawing boxes without purpose trying to become a bad ass. >>2745687 is what you say and do when you're posting with purpose and know what you're doing. You don't need to be superfluous.

>> No.2745901 [DELETED] 


Why not both?

Loomis emphasizes a differing construction path, but the first part of his book has a heavy lean to gesture. He just doesn't go full ham about it like Hampton. Luckily, Hampton turns sharp into gesture and construction, but his constructions are simplistic.

Added bonus: Loomis is all about perspective too. Hampton's clear box mannequins would fit right in and might actually help you working through the sections about it Loomis jumps into.

So. Try mixing the best of both.

>> No.2745902

Your work won't suffer either way, but Loomis is more angled towards beginners.

>> No.2745907

So will copying the rubik's cube from real life work ? I downloaded a study where Kronepronz inserted it in the tutorial as reference

>> No.2745910

where do you live? i'd be glad to kill you, what the fuck is that

>> No.2745925


Follow this advice

>> No.2745930

this is an unecessary waste of time

>> No.2745932


>> No.2745939
File: 135 KB, 1168x526, persp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be better off doing stuff like this

>> No.2745951

>Its not about drawing random boxes but drawing boxes around the objects

Could you elaborate?

>> No.2745959
File: 7 KB, 355x342, masterpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, But it's something like this, to help you with perspective and shit.

>> No.2745964

Thanks anon!

>> No.2746046


You want to sound smart, but your post is still shitpost inflating the thread.


This OP, much more productive, especially if you would add some ground planes and/or stack boxes.

>> No.2746060

How do you know where to draw the vanishing points without guides?

>> No.2746065
File: 26 KB, 426x351, 16 - again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know perspective. I was tilting the box and trying to match the wonky lines/shapes I drew. Doing foreshortening and stuff.
Evidently that was wrong.


>> No.2746073

im basically just visualizing them in my head, none of those are very accurate but they do the job good enough in my opinion

>> No.2746075

Are the vanishing points just anywhere on the horizon line?

>> No.2746089

Do I need to know perspective for figure drawing?

If yes: Why?

>> No.2746092

Can you share an example of what this would look like?

I wanna draw boxes gud

>> No.2746136

Got a little draftsmanship out of it.

>> No.2746141

in my example yeah, if that's correct use of perspective i dont know

>> No.2746145

Wow anon.

>> No.2746156

What kind of question is this? How would you NOT need perspective for figure drawing?

>> No.2746303

If you can't draw the object, you can't draw the box around the object.

>You can crank 100 random boxes in an hour, but you wont learn shit. But you can spend 1 deliberate hour for only one box, which actually has a purpose

Doing something wrong 10 times is better than spending 10 times as much time on doing something once. (Which will still be wrong) Repetition is the key to mastery. This is universally true in all fields, even non-artistic ones.

You are right that you need to THINK about what you're doing, and that random boxes are not the answer.

However, you should be drawing a lot of boxes and small, simplistic objects from life as well as studying how to place them in perspective before you moving onto the incredibly challenging task you suggested. I wouldn't recommend that to amateurs, and certainly not to beginners. Walk before you can run, crawl before you can walk, etc.

>> No.2746328


Except that one end is always going to be farther from you then the other. Guess what happens when two objects are of the same size but vary in distance?

>> No.2746730

You can have multiple vanishing points on a horizon line, but every pair has to be at the same distance to eachother I believe.

>> No.2746785

What is a good box exercise? Also when do I know that I "mastered" the art of drawing boxes? Like what should my goal be?

>> No.2746796

you are so dumb, you don't deserve anything else than that.

>> No.2746895

Please just teach me what exercises to practice so that I can properly draw a box from any angle I want

>> No.2746896


The whole point of doing these is to learn and to force your brain into understanding how objects like cubes, spheres ect function in perspective and 3-dimensional space.

>> No.2746897
File: 61 KB, 960x729, 14720489_1123610711062967_829315290496133562_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

krenz baby boy

>> No.2746899

horry sheeet

>> No.2747015

why did you do it? class homework? they made me do it in class last year

>> No.2747019

Milage is important, but so is the quality of traveling.
Obviously 100 carefully studied box is 100 times more benefitial than 1 carefully studied box but 100 randomly drawn boxes without purpose, each of them different and drawn wrong in term of perspective (which should me the main poin) can be less benefitial than spending that same time to carefully study and draw one or two box.
If you have study after Scott Robertson, Erik Olson etc. You know that it takes time and effort to draw a damn box and then push that study in sense of rotating that box, changing view point..

So there should me something between your suggestion and

This is example of studies that actually have a purpose abd you can tell by comparing his studies and OP' studies, who actually spend some brain energy to produce them

>> No.2747029

This is wrong

The distance changes depending on how close they are of each other and it also can be changed to determine if the shape is supposed to be a cube or another shape that does not have 90° angles.

>> No.2747067

So far in my experience, I think it would be good to do a combination of time-intensive singular studies, and several quick short-timed studies. But most importantly to draw things from life as much as you can.

I actually bought some wooden cubes from the craft store a month ago and have been just trying to draw those cubes. And because of my lack of skill and experience drawing from life (I had used to only do photo-studies that were suggested in the beginner thread), I would have drawn the cube 30 times before it even starts to look like it's facing the correct direction. Then when I slow down and try to really focus- I still mess up- but mess up less. It's was way way harder than I expected it to be. That Krenz shit looks amazing to me.

But I noticed in my regular studies, like practicing hands and stuff, I've actually gotten a little better at seeing, and I think it's the change in my study habits that have helped.

>> No.2747112

Can we get more quality box posts? Why are none of the Kernz tuts here?

>> No.2747136
File: 652 KB, 650x4128, Patreon-Dec-angle-control-eng-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post them quite often but nobody seems to use those.

>> No.2747137
File: 790 KB, 650x4128, Patreon-Dec-angle-control-eng-p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2747139
File: 899 KB, 650x4128, Patreon-Dec-angle-control-eng-p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2747140
File: 567 KB, 2126x1943, patreon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2747142
File: 1.61 MB, 4000x2660, Patreon-Dec-angle-control-eng-Ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2747194

Is the best way to practice to get a 3D program and then to try to rotate the box on paper and then check in the program if you were right?

>> No.2747206


I do that sometimes

>> No.2747260


That's basically using reference, so yeah. It'll give you a better idea of what things actually look like at least.

>> No.2747273


I like them, reminds me of Michael Mentler sketchbooks, he only ever did front facing diagrams with squares and anatomy though for drafting and proportion purpose, he used a bean shape to demonstrate drawing the torso in perspective which helped me a lot

I can draw satisfactory anatomy beans but foreshortening has always been hard for when dealing with the whole human figure in perspective, I'm gonna try to rewire my brain with these practice boxes because I am really rusty

>> No.2747694
File: 35 KB, 599x396, 4chanlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Christmas I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that

>> No.2747699

That's setting the bar a bit low.

>> No.2747711
File: 25 KB, 461x400, 1476751144272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All vertical lines sit at the same degree
>as long as the perspective is only 1 or 2 point, he's right

>> No.2747757

my god it's genius

>> No.2748000


Start with mark.


>> No.2748007


Try it and fail a few times. Don't worry about what it looks like. It looks way more complicated than it is.

You'll totally get it.

Like... It looks nuts but it's literally just boxes in space.

>> No.2748013


Thank you a lot, Anon. I am not that guy, but still.

>> No.2748555


Does anyone know what software Mark is using in his videos? That cut tool he is using to cut out shapes, is awesome, is it available on Photoshop?

>> No.2748563

Make me.

>> No.2748574



The tool he uses to cute shapes, from what software is it?

>> No.2748577


>I need that program to do that

Good luck with not gonna make it

>> No.2748579


I started drawing yesterday, at least tell me if Photoshop has a similar tool. It would be nice to experiment with shape instead of drawing lines.

>> No.2748580


Yes it has.
But lemme tell you something.
LOOK for shapes, but draw in LINES.
In this way you will understand lines too, not just shapes. You draw with lines on paper, not shapes.
So create shapes with lines -line tool/pencil.. not shapes

>> No.2748593
File: 51 KB, 550x778, 14705627_1123610281063010_4304304797558631172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

krenz should be part of the sticky, i learned so much from him in 2 months then the 3 years ive been drawing. wish i knew this guy when i started.

>> No.2748629
File: 119 KB, 1003x910, ss+(2016-11-19+at+02.34.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do these kinda warm ups.

>> No.2748633

Hatching 101: it looks dumb if it doesn't either follow the form or stick to one blank diagonal direction.

>> No.2748636

Yeah it's fairly tacky.

>> No.2748708


>> No.2748727

Do you have more links to krenz tuts? Who da fuk is this guy?

>> No.2749210
File: 219 KB, 480x360, huco3we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude just fuckin chill. Damn pissed autists.

>> No.2749217

>i know perspective

>> No.2749237
