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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 671 KB, 1000x1314, 2016-11-11-not-to-keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2742719 No.2742719 [Reply] [Original]

So the secret to making easy money now is to draw YouTube "stars"?

>> No.2742721

Shadman's playing with fire.

>> No.2742723

I'm sensing some Unteralterbach influence.

And yes, derivative work does attract at least the fans of the subject matter, taking into account their tastes and standards.

It's not particularly sustainable, though, you have to build your own brand.

>> No.2742724

>That fucking nose
Is there a worse porn artist?

>> No.2742727
File: 4 KB, 213x224, saddness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me for googling that

>> No.2742728


>> No.2742731

TOP KEK, have fun with the feds kiddo

>> No.2742732

i knew that style looked familiar.

>> No.2742734


His fundamentals are wonky and his figures look fucking weird but there is something about the way he draws facial expressions that just fucking work for me. He is extremely good at drawing girls that look like little teasing HORNY sluts. It just activates my dick. I even think his art looks disgusting, but he has that part dialed down. IMO that is a large part of his success. Faces are key, more so than anatomy in porn.

>> No.2742741

A fair analysis. Still, his art is horrendous.

>> No.2742764
File: 78 KB, 1080x608, 165665421066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid fucks

I'm so sick of this shit, Shad is NOT a loli artist, his lolis do not look loli, they are proportionally garbage, their muscle structure is that of an adult female, and everything else is just fucking garbage.
I find it so fucking sickening, not because of what he draws, but the fact that he cant do it well.

People say his artwork goes "too far" - no it fucking doesn't - as far as anatomy goes, and proportion these girls he draws are so far removed from skilled loli artwork, that its almost laughable to think of Shad's "lolis" as lolis.

Artists who do it correctly; (ponsuke, Nishi Iori, Haraya Nobori, Kinku, Medaka Kenichi, etc)

The saddest part is that the majority of his fans do not realize his faults, they eat up this mediocre garbage and they act like his artwwork is "pushing boundaries" when in reality these are extremely boring lolis, created with very little understanding of anatomy with some gay fucking chromatic aberration thrown on to attract the teenagers who eat this pig slop like it's caviar and think they're being "edgy" for fapping to what amounts to adult anatomy slapped on to midget proportions.

I cannot believe anyone would take someone who wears a fucking costume to events seriously. A grown ass man dresses in a costume. Shad, you arent batman, you arent a lolicon, you just draw shitty porn.

Practice foreshortening you fucking bitch, those legs look like SHIT, the hat is too big the popcorn bucket is too long, the guys beard looks fucked, his arms are too short, her arms are too short, learn to draw teeth properly if you're going to draw them at all, and stop fucking using chromatic aberration you shitstain

Maybe, just maybe if you fucked off with that immature "persona" you created and actually focused on practice, you'd be halfway decent, but you're too up your own fucking ass getting jerked off by people without any taste what so ever that you are too busy being a vain piece of shit to improve your artwork.

>> No.2742769

>I'm so sick of this shit, Shad is NOT a loli artist, his lolis do not look loli, they are proportionally garbage, their muscle structure is that of an adult female

>looks at pic in OP
>that is not supposed to be a little girl, no not at all

Ok whatever you say mr pedo in denial

>> No.2742770

He draws shit for the shock value and the kind of audience he attracts shows it. He just doesn't give a fuck. He probably knows how shit his art is and still doesnt care at all.

He also did porn of his own mother the other day.

>> No.2742772

>le he draw his own mom fucking a dog meme
go away, shadman, nobody care about your edgy shit.

>> No.2742774

>He draws shit for the shock value
Its not shocking. its only shocking to the basic as fuck normies who think that poorly drawn shit is a loli.

>> No.2742780
File: 1.35 MB, 963x973, slot girl shaking hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP don't fucking look at shadman for success.

and don't fucking draw porn of REAL people. Especially not loli porn based off of real people, that shit's not actually legal under US law. Just draw cartoon lolis that are not based off of actual people if you really need to rock your socks off to lolis.

the best advice to making easy money is to make things that are interesting. even if they're not well drawn at least they can catch the interest of people.

>> No.2742812

But loli is poorly drawn shit.

>> No.2742837

i don't know any of that people, but it sounds like a great way of marketing yourself.

it probably also works too with not-really-mainstream books, musicians, or whatever.

>> No.2742843
File: 303 KB, 1529x961, 1472609220294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2742846

Loli is by definition the rendition of a >16 y/o character. Don't come in here acting all high and mighty when you don't even know the most basic shit.

>> No.2742855

>greater than 16
>above 16

>> No.2742865

My bad, I meant <16.

>> No.2742900

Fuck off tropic, you can't even draw

>> No.2742913
File: 483 KB, 245x215, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and don't fucking draw porn of REAL people
>mfw drawing a youtube star sucking dick right now

>> No.2742914

eh whatever. do what you want. who gives a shit what I say.

>> No.2742915

I'm sorry anon but I couldn't help it. Real people make me horny.

>> No.2742917

's fine. I don't really agree with my statement either. Draw all the real people porn you want. Though you probably shouldn't break the law still.

>> No.2742922

Well I'm not OP so I don't know what he'll do but personally I'm not into figures without fully developed secondary sex traits. And to be fair, this particular youtube star kind of heavily encouraged this kind of fanart. Some of them are surprisingly into it. Like way more into it than you'd expect. Not trying to say anything against you, just saying I was pretty damn shocked to see so many green lights when I looked into it.

>> No.2742925

>I'm sensing some Unteralterbach influence.
Well at least Fuchur can do proper anatomy.
Shadman has no foundations.

>> No.2742928
File: 100 KB, 945x1043, 11967114_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm so used to seeing straight-up shitposts about lolis and shotas. I guess in the end people do like their young-self-inserts.

>> No.2742929

I think there was a little mixup there anon. I meant a lot of them are into having porn drawn of them as they are, not as child versions of themselves.

>> No.2742931
File: 275 KB, 960x880, 06 - Irl6LxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah obviously. who cares.

>> No.2742932

Wasnt shadman doxxed and is going to jail now?

>> No.2742935

No? Where did you get that?

>> No.2742941

If they didn't send him to jail in Switzerland, it's not gonna happen in Murica.

I'd say it largely depends on the individual, but it doesn't surprise me that there's at least a couple who are totally down for it.

>> No.2742952

Damn, are those two Keemstar and fuckin LtCorbis ??? Shadman is crossing lines...

>> No.2742965

It clearly states that all resemblences are fictional, no idea how you'd reach that conclusion.

>> No.2742967


It's supposed to be his own daughter, who is like 6. Which makes it even worse

>> No.2742968

It's his daughter

>> No.2742975

Any press is good press, Shadman got this shit figured out.

>> No.2742977

...Shad's daughter? Shad got laid?

>> No.2742980

*keemstar's daughter
Still suprising though

>> No.2743356

So Shad is drawing this guy's daughter? That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.2743380


That's the point. Shock value, etc.Apparently he promised to draw her if Trump won. It's not lewd per se but knowing what he usually draws well...

>> No.2743397

I usually enjoy listening to artists art videos/podcast and their thoughts on things but this was unbearably EDGY

>> No.2743407

Dude seems kinda like a cunt. I got into sleepycabin a while back and decided to watch a stream and I think someone on the stream asked him how they could get good at art. The fucker then starts talking about how pretty much everyone who watches sleepy cabin or his streams will never get good at art or make money off of it. The other dude Jeff just laughed too. Kinda pisses me off that he's so shit and was just lucky enough to find a niche yet he talks like he's a pro. Niggas been stagnating since 2005.

>> No.2743414

He's a cunt but not in the way you think. You can't take anything he says seriously. Shad never gives real answers to anything. He doesn't take this stuff that seriously and he thinks it's funny when other people do so he gives them troll answers and says things to try to sound edgy. Jeff laughs because he knows Shad's full of it. He's actually pretty cool and frankly a much better artist. I go to his streams all the time, in fact I'm in one right now. He'll give real advice and even critique you if you're cool about it. People bring up Shad to him a lot and he talks about how Shad just does things to make people shake their heads and he thinks it's pointless so he laughs it off. If you want to get anything good art-related from any of the Sleepycabin crew, go to Jeff, Mick, or Cory.

>> No.2743453


where'd you find this primo copypasta of a douche?

>> No.2743467

>The fucker then starts talking about how pretty much everyone who watches sleepy cabin or his streams will never get good at art or make money off of it.

At absolute worst he's trolling by saying that. He means if you're asking a guy who never took formal art lessons who draws kid fucking for a living about art success you're asking the wrong guy.

>> No.2743470

i wanna see keemstars reaction to this. i kinda want there to be a big drama about it with shadman being sued hopefully. i mean he lives in europe but an anon can dream.

>> No.2743471

it probably has already be done. i mean, come on!

>> No.2743475

>who never took formal art lessons
Man he plays that up a lot. It's not that impressive, Shad, or much of an excuse.

>> No.2743478

Shad lives in Los Angeles, dude.
Man these threads are always full of people with all this easily fact-checked misinformation.

>> No.2743480


It's... the truth? He's not bragging about it, he's just saying if you want to know why his anatomy is jacked that's why. He TRIED to get into a college for professional design but he was kicked out for drawing "extreme subject matter"

>> No.2743481


Keem's had his house and his kid's school swatted, I hardly think he gives a shit about a porn picture.

>> No.2743486
File: 184 KB, 827x1169, IMG_20161108_080922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you famous /ic/? I think I am!

Few months ago someone requested we restore a old Hillary photo, remember? Well look where my attempt landed last week!

>> No.2743491

We live in the Age of Information, just one quick google and he'd get the results. /ic/'s sticky, or artbook thread, aren't remotely the first compilations of their kind.

He's a lazy misanthrope, and a dumb fuckhead to boot if he thinks that formal art lessons are the only way to learn.

Anyway I thought that was game design he tried to get into. Which makes him a dumb fuckhead again if he sincerely thinks that a single game designer of note went to a game design course.

>> No.2743502
File: 90 KB, 455x536, 1478020869599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw offensive stuff involving current events and celebrities
>people start discussing it
You are his greatest ally, OP.

>> No.2743512


Normally I wouldn't tell Shadman what he can and ca't draw, but fuck man. You're walking the tightrope buddy.

>> No.2743531
File: 76 KB, 720x480, OH FUCK-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Googled Unteralterbach

Fuck me sideways, the FBI is gonna be on my ass.

>> No.2743533

shit meant for >>2742723

>> No.2743540
File: 93 KB, 800x569, sure nig-nog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shad is NOT a loli artist

lost me there bud

>> No.2743782

that doesnt look like a loli

you have garbage taste

>> No.2743809

does he think hes some sort of intimidating cool guy or what
look at me i draw child porn and i have a skull icon
its so unironically pathetic and sad

>> No.2743813

excuse me for not spending my time researching shadman.
i only had this information from here too, idek

>> No.2743814
File: 1.01 MB, 945x531, 1445969244754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he really needs to learn how to draw.

>> No.2743815

oh my fucking god this absolutely fucking horrifying

>> No.2743819

You spend your time shit-talking him on 4chan, you might as well know what you're talking about.

>> No.2743820
File: 357 KB, 900x900, 1410460257299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's intended to be. it's mocking non-japan art styles for the lolis. which I agree with.

>> No.2743853

he's just russian

>> No.2743855

I thought he was a Swiss refugee or something. Apparentally he's brown, haven't seen a brown Slav yet.

>> No.2743866

He's a Swiss immigrant.

>> No.2743871

Who said he was in denial?
He sounds like a connoisseur of hebephillia to me.

>> No.2743872

He really isn't in a position to mock other people's art styles.

>> No.2743874

More like


>> No.2743891

Fictionnal characters have technically no age.

>> No.2743896

I think k in a podcast he mentioned he was like half black or something. I might just be making this up tho cause it was a while back or he might've been lying cause that's kinda what he does.

>> No.2743902

He has a "facecam" on his stream now. He wears a mask but you can see his hands and other parts of his skin at times. There's a photo up on his twitter with his torso exposed. He's white as fuck.

>> No.2743904

>he wears a mask
So... What's the point of the facecam?

>> No.2743905

Have you read anything, anon? Shad likes to troll people. Especially with small, needling things that aren't bad enough to draw heavy fire but are just dumb enough to get you hung up on it. That's the point. To laugh at the fact that people look for meaning in all the dumb random things he does for his own amusement.

>> No.2743908

So the joke is that people think he's a retarded mongoloid when in fact he's just annoying and pretentious. Gotcha. He sure got me.

It'd be uncomfortable to draw in a mask.

>> No.2743910

Yeah basically.
And it does look uncomfortable as fuck. It shifts around while he's talking so he's constantly adjusting it. Whatever gets him off though, I guess.

>> No.2743912
File: 169 KB, 480x360, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think non-japan art about [subject] is horrid
That's not something to be really proud buddy, much less here

>> No.2743919

He pussied out and took the pic down because some literallywho clown roleplaying faggot whined about it on twitter without even seeing the picture.

It's literally fucking nothing.

Shad's shit at art, but at least he never gave a fuck about internet drama, he just drew porn and did whatever he wanted to do. Now he's just another pussy who can't draw.

>> No.2743930

I meant in terms of it looking bad.

>> No.2743938

Sounds more like a case of
>*points out some stupid shit*
>"i wuz just trolin you guys haha XD"

>> No.2743947


The edgelord defence is the go to strategy for pedophiles on the internet. Shad is the prime ambassador for this technique. "lol I don't get off on drawing little girls getting dick in their ass, I'm just sooo edgy so I do it for shits n giggles lol"

>> No.2744006

cant even draw a box properly

>> No.2744014

Apart from it being obvious to anyone who the image is meant to be. He confirmed its keemstar and his daughter through his twitter. Shadman is full retard if he believes hr can block any legal proceedings by putting a disclaimer over the art saying that its entirely fictional. I hope he gets burned.

>> No.2744031

Fuchur is better than you will ever be.
Also post your work.

>> No.2744033

Shad is a pakistani you idiots.
His real name is shaddaj mashalla dingdong or something.

>> No.2744042

I get Shad. The sense of satisfaction from watching people lose their shit, the sadism and power aspects when it comes those fetishes, the misplaced pride as to why he refuses to practice from reference, the long periods of isolation leading to want to say something meaningful in at least his videos. I get it.

What I don't get are his fucking fans. They must be the lowest ranking scumfucking degenerates on the planet short of the baby scat snuff diaper furfags, and with half as much brains.

>> No.2744067
File: 66 KB, 550x344, Rene-Descartes-Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shad is no better, he's literally "I was just pretending to be retarded" tier,
Despite how shit this board is sometimes at least /ic/ has the decency to recognize shadbase is a colossal fucking faggot, I'm proud of you guys.

>> No.2744086
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x6727, unteralterbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Especially not loli porn based off of real people, that shit's not actually legal under US law.
I'm pretty sure there's no law that says such thing

>> No.2744099

>I'm pretty sure there's no law that says such thing
There might be, but I'm too scared to google it.

>> No.2744113

his faces and expressions are nothing special. they are pretty much on the same this level tier as everything else in his art. you just have really bad taste.

>> No.2744118

What I'm gathering here is that this is an artist who is as childish as his art's subject matter.

>> No.2744122


I disagree. Ugly as his figures are, they have some form of appeal and convey emotion. On top of that, his style is easily recognizable. There are tons of nsfw artists that have stronger fundamentals than him yet cannot convey any emotion with their figures that have wooden expressions. There are plenty of things that are in bad taste that are unpopular.

>> No.2744124

he can say it's parody

>> No.2744155

That's not how copyright laws work. Drawing pornography of someones kid and yelling porady isn't going to shield him from any consequences. Whether he actually drew porn of Keemstars daughter or not.

>> No.2744156
File: 12 KB, 214x236, 1412287530332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Shad just went full on cuck. Took the Keemstar pic down (that is SAFE FOR WORK) at the request of a guy obsessed with Keem's daughter because "HURRR YOU CANT DO THAT! ITLL HURT HER DURR"

>> No.2744157


>> No.2744159

Yep. How old is shadman anyway?

>> No.2744164
File: 1020 KB, 1080x4713, 1478952235984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested in making a 1950s based Unteralterbach pls go to pic related thank you.

We need a artist for the illustrations

>> No.2744168

Sorry anon but posting nsfw loli is bannable on /ic/

>> No.2744175
File: 19 KB, 441x316, Lets see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironically linking to a dead website
Loli's are against the rules anon

>We need a artist for the illustrations
How nuch? No one's going to do it for free

>> No.2744179

That's not being a "cuck" its just appropriate response. Probably the most mature thing Shad could do at this point is remove the image and apologize.

Shad may not like Keemstar, but he had no reason to get his daughter involved. She's just a kid and has nothing to do with their little internet beef.

>> No.2744183
File: 89 KB, 437x636, 1478353236750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deleted the pic but if anyone needs a link its 8ch dot net / loli /

We have an anon thats starting the donation box to the potential artist at $100 per month. Others will follow suit

Pic related is the main idea. Tons of references here >>2735163

>> No.2744219

Shad is shit

>> No.2744252


you sould try freelancer, or something similar.

in that kind of places you'll find people that actually have worked in his life, and knows their real market value, instead of naive teenagers that live in a bubble and have a wildly overrated idea of their abilities.

>> No.2744258

do you seriously not understand that some people want to avoid having fucking badly drawn child porn of their friends daughter on the internet?
are you THIS detached from reality?
>he he drawing real underage girls getting fucked is just normal taking it down makes him a cuck XD edgy

>> No.2744259

He has a french/euro last name, he's swiss.

>> No.2744261

Involved in what? It's a drawing of her fully clothed, eating popcorn.

>> No.2744264

What fucking porn, you tumblrina?

>> No.2744302

choke on a fucking dick you fucking nigger.
you get the point you fucking wannabe smartass.

>> No.2744308

There was no point, you fucking moron.
You're not disagreeing, you're making shit up.
There was no porn. It was a normal fucking drawing with literally nothing objectionable happening.

>> No.2744313

>if I say nigger I will fit in

>> No.2744317

jesus christ Shads fanboys are edgier than him

If I put your moms photos on pornhub don't you think that would be an issue?

his website is FUCKING PORN and he drew someones child on his PORN WEBSITE, admittedly if he posted it on a different platform like twitter and left it as fanart it wouldn't look as bad

>> No.2744321


>> No.2744327

Shouldn't you be shitposting on youtube with your other leafyishere friends?

>> No.2744337
File: 251 KB, 500x375, 153513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that just fucking work for me

>> No.2744351

What the actual hell are you talking about? He DID post it on twitter. That's sure as hell where I saw it I don't go on shadbase. And like the other anon said there's no porn in it. The picture in question is OP of this thread you can see for yourself there's no reason to assume it's sexual if you didn't know who Shad was and what else he draws and even that isn't a strong reason on its own.

>> No.2744359
File: 128 KB, 1200x981, 1478327459472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shadman a qt though

>> No.2744365
File: 4 KB, 300x169, shaddai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2744375
File: 264 KB, 725x1432, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is going to jail now?
No, he backed out on drawing the other/sexual version. If I recall correctly, he's still in the United States(California?).

(Current)Legal Status in The United States:
Fictional Children: Cartoon pornography does not always have depictions of minors in sexual acts or situations, but that which does may fall under the jurisdiction laws concerning child pornography.

Real Children:
As of the PROTECT Act of 2003, the legal status of cartoon pornography with minors has been more thoroughly addressed and refined than it was before under the previous law of the United States. The new act made any realistic appearing computer generated depiction that is indistinguishable from a depiction of an actual minor in sexual situations or engaging in sexual acts illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 2252A. Drawings, cartoons, sculptures, and paintings of minors in sexual situations that do not pass the Miller test were made illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 1466A thus creating a loop hole around the Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition decision.

The Miller test, also called the three prong obscenity test, is the United States Supreme Court's test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene, in which case it is not protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and can be prohibited. It has three parts. 1.Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, 2.Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law, 3.Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions are satisfied.

>> No.2744397


How does the law work for Hilloli then?


>> No.2744407
File: 1.97 MB, 400x291, 1478705332530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilloli? I'd imagine it would fall in the Fictional Children category. I could be wrong since it's still based around a real person and it could be considered obscene. If anyone can correct me, please do.

>Cartoon pornography does not always have depictions of minors in sexual acts or situations, but that which does may fall under the jurisdiction laws concerning child pornography.
>but that which does may fall under the jurisdiction laws concerning child pornography
>may fall under the jurisdiction laws
>May: possibly, perchance, perhaps, could be

>> No.2744408

Can you not read?

>> No.2744415


>I think you're right

>> No.2744437

Not fucking a dog, just nude. For mother's day.

IIRC the shad mom. I'd post the link, but I don't give enough fucks to remember it.

>> No.2744440
File: 933 KB, 1262x698, Shadman_MothersDay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2744485

>Mother is white
So I guess she got BLACKED, huh.

>> No.2744486

hng, moar

>> No.2744491

nigga he white >>2744359

>> No.2744504
File: 44 KB, 214x236, SHAD BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2744509
File: 144 KB, 466x464, 1478936946769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2744523


Looks and talks like latino shit skin.

>> No.2744527

Sadman can't even properly defend his filth.
How old is he? He has the mentality of a highschooler that scribbles svastikas in their school notebook.

>> No.2744529


He was such a goddamn pussy. If only I could have seen the livechat from his fans

>> No.2744534

I wonder what the rest of Sleepycabin thinks of his 'antics'
I know he is tight with Corey, but I can't imagine the more mature members giving him props.

>> No.2744535

who is this colossal guy? seems like a colossal faggot.

>> No.2744536


Britbong obsessed with Keem's daughter.

>> No.2744538

Why you would ever give your audience a platform to address you is beyond me.

>> No.2744545

>i am mad and jelly

The thread.

>> No.2744580

Just so we all know: This was one of the "Trump Promises" a number of people made on twitter that were easily thrown around a week or 2 before election night, because none of these people actually thought Trump would slide in with the landslide. He didn't come up with the idea, only signed off on it only if Trump got elected, and delivered on his promise because he apparently isn't a liar.

We also got some wu-tang, and some delicious tears out of the whole ordeal, pretty dank.

>> No.2744604

it was an example you dummy, I have no interest in Shad's fetish shit.

>> No.2744638

What part of posting a picture of someone's child on his PORN website do you not understand?

>> No.2744640

The part where he didn't do that. That's the part I don't understand.

>> No.2744736

Its a drawing. And not necessarily of his child

>> No.2744755


has any artist ever kucked themself harder than Shad?

>> No.2744760
File: 398 KB, 1206x640, 1471914803229[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is literal cuckoldry, not meme cuckoldry

>> No.2744761

Isn't that Dave Rapoza?

>> No.2744764

yes, but he's the bull, so it's ok

dan's the cuck

>> No.2744766

Explain the story to me, my man.

>> No.2744770

why the FUCK are his fingers so freakishly long

>> No.2744771

>luvisi has girlfriend
>rapoza takes girlfriend
>luvisi draws ex-girlfriend
>rapoza fucks girlfriend

>> No.2744773

Good for grabbing little kiddies and dragging them along.

>> No.2744776

it's the body trying to contain both the spark and the ligameme at once

>> No.2744782
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, HAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2744783

I assume it's elaborated on in that category.

>> No.2744786


It is a drawing of (NOT) his child
but we all know its CLEARLY a drawing of his child. But you can continue pretending to be retarded

>> No.2744792

>you can't draw people
nigga u dumb

It's fucking drawing. Not an obscene drawing, a normal fucking drawing.
There is nothing wrong with what he did. You're being triggered over nothing.

>> No.2744797

>being this ass hemorrhaged over a drawing of a girl eating popcorn

>> No.2744803

Again jumping on the retard wagon?

Go back to my first post when I said it was fine if they only posted on Twitter or a normal place. The issue is posting it on their porn site that people go to solely to jack off

But keep deflecting my points, dumbass

>> No.2744819

>let me tell you which of your drawings you may post on your website

>porn site that people go to solely to jack off
You're projecting, he posts non-porn all the time.

You're getting triggered over nothing. Now fuck off to wherever you came from.

>> No.2744835

Sure thing buddy, must explain why he removed this shit, if shad admits his own fuckup why can't you just let it go as well ? >>2744504

>> No.2744837

Because he's a pussy that succumbed to a twitter cuck like you.

>> No.2744858


I hope every one of his fans lit his ass up

>> No.2744888
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x800, 1452476598449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never respected Shad, and after that you can bet your ass I never fucking will


>> No.2744889


Lesson of the day folks, when a man calls you a pedo whether you are or not dont be a fucking bitch. Being a pedo is bad enough but a coward one is beyond pathetic

>> No.2744898


This makes me respect Shad more if anything. Not that I have paid any particular attention to him but it makes him seem like a reasonable guy who can admit when he fucks up. There is no shame in apologizing or backing down when the situation calls for it. It's extremely immature and autistic to think that you should never apologize or back down no matter what the situation is. Especially considering the other guy was being really respectful and polite speaking to him. Grow the fuck up people.

>> No.2744907

Was this drawn to go with this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOC0ig2Rk1g

>> No.2744909


He didnt have to kiss his ass thougg

>> No.2744941



>> No.2744967

Sure thing almighty edgelord on the internet

>> No.2744971

Damn right.

Don't mess with me, you little bitch, you don't even know what sorts of names I'm capable of calling you.

Dork. Geek. Dweeb. Nerdboy. Loser.

Plenty more where that came from. Think you can handle it?

Didn't think so.

>> No.2744977

Depends on the state. Some ban any obscene porn, some don't even ban obscene porn.

And on the picture
>[and] (B) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;

In the end its entirely up to the mood of the court whats legal. From one extreme to the other. Constitutionally its legal, but that doesn't stop derps implementing new unconstitutional laws every 3 or 4 years so they have some "anti child porn law" on their resume and get 1 or 2 people in entire America arrested, only to have it removed again because its unconstitutional and is replaced by yet another attempt for a broad ban.

>> No.2745004


Get a load of this fucking poindexter!
Why don't you take a hike, jabroni?!

>> No.2745010

>He didnt have to kiss his ass thougg
idk who he was talking with, but it seam like it was somebody he knew and respected

>> No.2745011


Just some fag that directs videos on youtube. Shad is a faggot for not standing up for himself or his fans though. He could have taken the art down but didnt have to subject himself to that

>> No.2745029
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1468089672686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh respect him moar
>he's not a retard guys he was being nice

If you honestly need someone to tell you to your face that you should take down your poorly drawn pornographic image of someones daughter you're severly autistic.

>> No.2745250


What a kissass

>> No.2745267
File: 207 KB, 400x400, 1478724071525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WARNING NSFW : https://twitter.com/Shadbase/status/798655166064930816

>> No.2745274


Just kidding its not Shad but its someone who has balls unlike Shad

>> No.2745278

>he took the picture down because faggots on twitter keep calling his parents in switzerland and telling them their son drew porn of a real little girl
>he never even drew porn of her
>still gets cucked

See this? This is why you need anonymity when drawing anything tumblrinas and their ilk might get triggered by.

>> No.2745279


I think the lesson of the day is to not be accused of being a pedo in the first place.

>> No.2745285

All that time spent obscuring his face and he wasn't capable of keeping that shit hidden.

>> No.2745291

The snownigger bought the site for school and then started uploading gore and loli porn on it, which is why he got kicked out, and probably why you can still see his name when you look up the domain.

>> No.2745295

in america, can you go to prison just for drawing something as innocuous as this?

>> No.2745376

>not be accused of being a pedo
literally impossible nowadays.

if you haven't already been accused of being a nazi, racist, mysoginist, pedo, terrorist, shill, and even a sjw, you're probably not even human.

>> No.2745385


Of all those, pedo is awfully specific.

You've got a point, though. Shadman's never done anything that may invite such a comparison.

>> No.2745481

all of them have a specific meaning, which is used purposefully wrong in order to label and ostracize group of people as "the others" in order to dehumanize and demonize them

irl, being a pedo is the more bening of those things, by far.

>> No.2745484


If it quacks like a duck.

But I appreciate your efforts.

>> No.2745532

you quack like a faggot

>> No.2745746

My god roflmao

>> No.2746020

Unless otherwise stated by the author/creator of the character.

>> No.2746077

i don't get it. alias shadman pretty much swears to take down op pic from his site, because the sjw guy is too butthurt.

but pic's still there http://www.shadbase.com/not-to-keen/
what happened?

>that smudgeguard

>> No.2746083

He put it back because triggerfags were claiming he drew porn of her

>> No.2746159

Didn't realize being fully clothed eating popcorn was porn, will enjoy my next orgy seeing Dr. Strange

>> No.2746164

Contrary, pedo seems like the go-to accusation when you dont have enough dirt on a guy, up there with cuck and nigger

>> No.2746171

It's the closest some people get to sex desu

>> No.2746174
File: 12 KB, 263x200, Niger River.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The implications where pretty obvious my man.

>> No.2746179

I think he states in one of his videos he detests it in real life. Don't quote me on this though.

>> No.2746183

>I think he states in one of his videos he detests it in real life.

>> No.2746205


>> No.2746334

looks more like she's eating a sausage

>> No.2746531


>> No.2747291
File: 17 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but good art is good art

>> No.2747302
File: 442 KB, 1850x1125, thx google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruh roh

>> No.2747305

it's just the eyebrows

>> No.2747307
File: 29 KB, 192x173, 426237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is always an answer anon.

>> No.2747333

Good riddance.

>> No.2747405

wtf i hate unteralterbach now

did they really abuse children for doing that game? why?

>> No.2747409

Daily reminder Clown's a fucking faggot for getting so worked up. On the plus I now know a new artist.

>> No.2747416

w-when was he on sleepycast? Any of the actual podcasts? or just some random stream?

>> No.2747419

He was on at least 2 episodes of the podcast dude.

>> No.2747420

Well shit

>> No.2747441

HOLY SHIT. Wtf how is this even real? Why did he have that kind of conversation live on stream for everyone to see? How does he not know that drawing sexual pictures of real life children is fucked up? He seems like a nice enough guy but Jesus christ he's autistic. And I think he was blaming his English afterwards even tho the niggas done countless podcasts in English.

>> No.2747675
File: 197 KB, 518x427, I dont think it can get more offensive than this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>2744086
The many characters in the game are based off of real people including a child model, triggering a false positive. No actual children were harmed in the making of Unteralterbach.

>> No.2747890

Did he tried to draw something cute, as a joke?

Because that pic is fucking suggestive and disgusting

>> No.2747899

kys, pedo scum

>> No.2748387
File: 15 KB, 400x256, u_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He says it's disgusting
>Calls him a pedo
u wot m8?

>> No.2748414
File: 1.10 MB, 1071x1552, franku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I was actually thinking of doing this and then I went on /ic/ and found this thread.
Here's my attempt, hopefully frank takes the hint and we can start a life together.

>> No.2748431

Keemstar is human trash. This is less disgusting than his usual content

>> No.2748484

Draw art for the Anti-SJW youtubers and you will get a ton of attention

>> No.2749003

keems daughter did nothing fucking wrong

>> No.2749453

Uploaded just in case it disappears

>> No.2749562
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 137593505136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that background

>> No.2749591
File: 12 KB, 468x264, 1478657578904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does the girl look so disgusting? Makes me want to slap her face, urgh.

>> No.2749598
File: 81 KB, 1914x918, 1478567979803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like Pedos, but if someone came to my stream to morally shame me for my drawings, I would tell him to go fuck himself.

No one's gonna tell me what I can or cannot draw as low as it is not illegal.

>> No.2749917

You love his daughter more than he does. He says consistently that he's ok with going to jail for killing his critics or driving to another state to fight with children he doxxed or whatever stupid shit he plans to do to protect his own ego.

Not that she's actually hurt by this anyway. Unless art works like a voodoo doll where your anime avatar getting fucked means you're getting fucked too.

>> No.2749964

no it means that there are edgy kids who visit shadbase and see her in there and ends up getting bullied in school for being on a porn site

it's there forever now and its kinda fucked up

>> No.2749989

Except that would never happen because most humans understand that cartoons are not human and that she is not on a porn site because that drawing is not her.

If anything she'll be bullied because her father is a 12 year old with a beer gut and neck beard.

>> No.2750002

Actually I responded wrong. Instead of trying to argue that she won't be bullied. I should just say it doesn't matter if she is bullied. That has zero impact on the morality of this drawing anyway.

>> No.2750299

it's a photo of a rice field you dip.

>> No.2750995
File: 790 KB, 1440x1571, Screenshot_20161121-115611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Linked your vid to his twitter. Everyone call him out while he's here

>> No.2751009
File: 3.23 MB, 1859x967, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans understand that cartoons are not human and that she is not on a porn site because that drawing is not her

does writing all this bullshit make your lizard crow?

>> No.2751011


there is literally nothing he can say to uncuck him

>> No.2751060

It makes sense if you aren't missing your frontal lobe.

>> No.2751064

How come this motherfucker can't even wrap the logo around the popcorn bucket? I don't think I've ever seen a more stagnant illustrator.

>> No.2751069
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face is so disgusting. My eyes are bleeding.

>> No.2751073

fuck this thread.

fucking cancer

>> No.2751164
File: 311 KB, 979x485, LtCorbis - Shadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame on those who doubted.

Shadman is back.

>> No.2751203

>g-g-guys its not her
>i-it has zero impact on the morality of the drawing
>i-i-ts not sexual

>> No.2751212


What the fuck will be his excuse this time?

I thought he promised Colossal he would quit IRL loli

>> No.2751222

>Not that she's actually hurt by this anyway
Yeah she'll only have a mildly child pornographic picture in a highly ugly style associated to her for all eternity. It's not like anyone in the world can go see it on the internet or anything.

>> No.2751246

Jesus Christ

>> No.2751313

are you like actually kidding me
dude shadbase is a porn artist, just go to his website, theres porn all around. Even if what he drew was sfw, he posted it to his porn site. You know, the site with actual loli porn that pedos jack off too.
He has already drawn lolis in sfw situations and then turned around and drew them fucking eachother.
Oddly enough, the picture i am talking about too had sweat and food involved. Shad seems to love his sweat.
I think it was pretty obvious what his intent was, to rile up the crowd before posting real nsfw. Of course, the reactions didn't come as he had hoped, and he ended up not doing/posting the nsfw art. Who knows? Maybe he had made it.
I still find it disgusting that people are thinking this is ok. Draw whatever you'd like man, drawing lolis is fucked up but stay away from me and its fine. but draw an actual child? an actual fucking child? thats fucked up!
also, in one of his hilloli pictures, he used an actual photo of a little girl as hillary's campaign photo. and thats fucked up. hilloli was already messed up but putting in an actual human child photo into the same art of a cartoon depiction of an aged down woman meant to be viewed as 9 or 10 is absolutely revolting.

>> No.2751334
File: 145 KB, 1000x249, LMWlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who knows? Maybe he had made it

>> No.2751337

nice. honestly, it had to be done.

also, chances are she'll be okay with it.

>> No.2751341


No shit, she's a fucking child. If she's like most girls that age she won't even recognize the suggestive poses. All she sees is microphones

Playing with a kid's mind like that is perverse

>> No.2751412

LtCorbis is a special case, i bet she is gonna understand that its suggestive.

>> No.2751449

what a degenerate sicko: using SAI instead of PS.

>> No.2751463

how does he get sai working ? i tried literally everything but the pressure still doesnt fuckin work

>> No.2751571
File: 32 KB, 480x360, zow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going a little too far on that damage control. That only shows how much of a doormat he is. Get yelled at because of a drawing? Remove it. Get yelled at because for removing the drawing? Put it back on. Get yelled at for being a pussy? Draw more of said drawing.

>> No.2751574

Why would the kid even see it? Am I missing something here? She seems like shes 10 y/o or something, how would it even reach her?

>> No.2751585
File: 19 KB, 486x311, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did you make me remember that

>> No.2751597
File: 419 KB, 1000x1644, LtCorbis by Shadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2751599

try older drivers if using Wacom tablet

>> No.2751614

Run as administrator

Also, Shadman has more threads made about him here than any other artist besides ruan jia and the other chink, he's doing something right.

>> No.2751621
File: 301 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1479790000660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will never doubt again

Thank you Shadman

>> No.2751637

the absolute madman.

not a fan of his art, but respect his integrity.

>> No.2751638

Oh boy, you have no idea who that is, do you?

>> No.2751640

This is hilarious but at the same time it's a bitch move. He pussied out when he talked to the guy and promised him he'd stop, now he's back to doing it again. Either stand up for yourself and tell the dude to fuck off or honor your word.

>> No.2751644
File: 35 KB, 320x320, JDIMSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dont you get it? He wanted to put the british faggot on a pedestal, hell giving him a throne to sit on

In the night the throne was stolen, and in the morning the king was angry

>Colossal's face when

>> No.2751645

He's done plenty right, he's made it as an artist and has a massive following despite being persona non grata in just about every art community. Which for once 4chan isn't divorced from since /ic/ is extremely pro-establishment (and rightfully so).

He's also a lil fag who can't draw for shit. Both states aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.2751650
File: 325 KB, 560x560, 786786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the apology was just a joke
>tfw Shad was trolling him the whole time

>> No.2751688


Shad must be the smuggest faggot next to Trump right now

>> No.2751690

>I was trolling guys
>i was pretending to be retarded yall

>> No.2751695


Get the fuck out Colossal and just take the loss already

>> No.2751698

>beta gets chucked by normie
>tries to regain his degeneracy when collosal faggot is ark
>g-guys we did it, w-we won

>> No.2751717

where did you find pic related

>> No.2751777

Hey, I recognise this style. RIP Braids Grenades.

Agreed. His idea of "loli" is just a shrunken-down adult body with an oversized head, curves, hips and all.

>> No.2751849
File: 739 KB, 670x892, bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking guy...

>> No.2751911



>> No.2751915

And? You're stopping short of saying anything that actually matters. Should I not draw Mohammed either? In terms of quantity of hurt feelings, that's probably the worst possible art crime that can be committed.

How does someone getting their feelings hurt matter at all in a discussion about the morality of artwork?

>> No.2752009

>kisses guy's ass and apologize
>goes on to do it again

He's still a cuck

>> No.2752015



>> No.2752018
File: 57 KB, 445x459, 1478847188504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2752022

He's gonna get both his hands broken beyond repair one day and I'm gonna laugh.

>> No.2752024 [DELETED] 

Hate the guy all you want but the asshurt is gravy https://youtu.be/JTT8E7tnCLg

>> No.2752028


He had a shit eating grin the whole Colossal stream. He knew he would blow that Keemstar kissass sooner or later.

>> No.2752098

This is what beta cucks actually believe

>> No.2752099

This retard is cringe but he is 100% correct

>> No.2752138

is he memeing on us or is he just autistic ?

>> No.2752209

>And? You're stopping short of saying anything that actually matters. Should I not draw Mohammed either? In terms of quantity of hurt feelings, that's probably the worst possible art crime that can be committed.
Stop moving the goalposts faggot. You said she won't get hurt by this while in fact having your name associated to pedophilia (and autistic internet drama in general) could have serious consequences to your reputation and potentially your entire life.

Sure, she's already kinda fucked having a complete shithead of a father, but having shittily drawn CP of herself floating around on the internet certainly won't make her feel better as she grows up.

>> No.2752212

that's the lamest "think of the children" bullshit i've ever read. just be a man and say you hate pedos, like some people hate faggots.

no need for reaching so far trying to justifying your hatred

>> No.2752217

It's not any "think of the children" shit you stupid cunt.

I'm stating the facts. The collective hysteria surrounding pedophilia is fucking immense and claiming she'll somehow go untouched by that shitfest after shadshit's little prank is fucking retarded.

>> No.2752301

I really wish Patreon would shut down his account.

This is fucking disgusting, he's trying to be edgy on purpose for views.

>> No.2752313

>relax, there isn't even any nudity

No but there is cum, panty shots of an underage girl based on a real child, mics that are clearly penis. The mics are rubbing and cumming on her and she's deep throating a mic.

Shad, shut the fuck up you know what you are doing.

>> No.2752319

>I am mad, and jelly.

The thread.

>> No.2752336

I think LtCorbis can easily handle this, but Keem's daughter? Thats fucked up. Her childhood is ruined already...i wish shad would be more considerate. Doesn't he realise that what he does can affect people's lives ? I'm disgusted.

>> No.2752344

moving the goalposts?
I clearly retracted >>2749989 in >>2750002 because her feelings don't mean shit when it comes to evaluating the morality of the drawing.

Since you went back to my retracted argument, I assume you concede my ultimate point-- that your objections to this drawing are based on delicate feelings and no real moral or logical basis, just like snackbars and their Mohammed autism.

>> No.2752355
File: 771 KB, 800x800, jrfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the original pic for this?

>> No.2752366

Did he really draw this? Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.2752378

Nah, this isn't from Shadman, it's from someone else, but I only can find this version of it

>> No.2752390
File: 92 KB, 267x200, 1444746148069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you can now report shad's patreon and twitter
What a fucking idiot

>> No.2752401


Do it faggot

>> No.2752416

lol, bye bye $2379/month

>> No.2752417

i did the twitter, just need to make a patreon. anyone else reported?

>> No.2752420

You don't need a patreon to report

>> No.2752429
File: 15 KB, 897x491, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and done

>> No.2752431
File: 2.81 MB, 431x480, 24234523423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is time.


>> No.2752439
File: 1002 KB, 1442x1005, the-treachery-of-images-this-is-not-a-pipe-1948(2)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2752451

reposting because fuck you why do we even need 2 threads about this

I think we can all learn something from this.

First, the people bitching about him "turning way his real fans", "not drawing the sexy ladies that made him popular in the first place", "shitting on his loyal followers for the sake of being edgy" etc. etc.

The earliest pictures of his I saw years and years ago were fucking loli guro, rape, cannibalism, bodily mutilation, etc.

Who the fuck are these people, and why are they outraged?
You know these are some random faggots because drawing a clothed irl girl sucking microphones is fucking nothing compared to what he used to draw.

Second, the entire outrage supposedly over drawing a real child when the nigger fairly often draws real children in the guise of characters they portrayed, like Wednesday Adams, in far more explicit situations.

Third, the collective butthurt of random nobodies over someone being popular.
You can go to paheal right now and find more explicit drawings of her, but nobody cares.
Some dude drew Keemstar's daughter sucking off Trump and posted it on twitter, nobody cares.

They care about Shadman doing it because it's an excuse to bring down someone who is successful at what they do.

>> No.2752473


shadman is just the new sakimichan/kr0npr1nz/irakli.
/ic/ basically hate when artists become successful

>> No.2752479

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.2752489
File: 352 KB, 1163x445, palheal ltcoribs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You can go to paheal right now and find more explicit drawings of her, but nobody cares."
>"Some dude drew Keemstar's daughter sucking off Trump and posted it on twitter, nobody cares"

yeah, because if i kill a dog is equal to taylor swift killing one.

>> No.2752514

>yeah, because if i kill a dog is equal to taylor swift killing one.
It literally is, you mongoloid.

>> No.2752525

>only famous/successful people should be held accountable for their actions!
>I don't care I did the same thing, Taylor Swift has to pay because she is famous!

>> No.2752532

I hope this edgy faggot gets his anus resized in prison.
>This is what /ic/ actually looks up to

>> No.2752544

>contact embassy, arrange to serve sentence in swiss prison
>literally no difference, just free food and bed
>probably still have access to the internet

>> No.2752604


2D isnt real.

>> No.2752634 [DELETED] 

Just reported his Twitter and Patreon.

I'm a porn artist, but drawing real little girls for borderline porn is the line for me. This is disgusting and I draw futa.

>> No.2752652
File: 13 KB, 595x169, ltcorbis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot is what you are.

She talks about sex, cocks, pussies, fucking all the time, and jokes about 40% of her followers being pedos and it being ok.

The whole lt whore bitch title came from her.

It's literally parody and protected by free speech. There is no porn here.
What he did with that picture is more legal and morally correct than you obscenely drawing copyrighted characters for money.

When you inevitably in the sights of people riding bigger moral horses, remember that is what you deserve.

>> No.2752669


>> No.2753018

The amount of triggered people in this thread is all but more hilarious for me to see than Shadshit drawing stuff that's "apparently" too much for ones eyes and is the act of the devil. My God, how absolutely hysterical. To think people care more about "muh children's feelings" when there are countless of kids, actual, non-drawn depicted children, raped, murdered, enslaved, etc, all happening over in the Africalands and Arabianlands and apparently, all that doesn't matter compared to someone who's "well known". Social bs is cancerous as fuck, like >>2752473 said, people hate people getting more attention than they get and it's funny that they think reporting Shadshit would actually matter and all they are doing is just adding to his "fame fuel". Humanity is purely cancer. Fuck all the faggots getting asspained over this stupid shit, especially because apparently now "porn is determined purely on implication, not the act of actual sexual conduct". >>2751597 Isn't porn. Mouths are not a sexual organ. Microphones aren't a bloody sexual organ. If they were, every fucking object you touch would be one then.

>> No.2753035


>> No.2753039

> >>2751597 Isn't porn. Mouths are not a sexual organ. Microphones aren't a bloody sexual organ. If they were, every fucking object you touch would be one then.
sexually suggestive images, anon. it's retarded but court won't give 2 shits about your own definition of what is or isn't porn

>> No.2753048
File: 124 KB, 5000x2571, 1454889476951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely hope this was planned

>> No.2753080

I hope shad gets banned on patreon, not for morality reasons but just for the lulz

>> No.2753095
File: 786 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161123-101714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this just happened >>>/b/712745557

>> No.2753320

shad goes on b?????


who cares, go back to your containment board

>> No.2755457


>> No.2755684
