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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 301 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_2016-11-01-22-09-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2731353 No.2731353 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/, i have been drawing digitally for a few months now and i just wanted to ask how does my art look? i think it looks decent at best.

>> No.2731355

ayyyyyyy lmao

>> No.2731356

Legs could use some more curves, but I like them.

>> No.2731357

Ignoring the anatomy issues you should really study shadows and value.

>> No.2731358

Its terrible.

>> No.2731359

>Eyes too big, looking from the small image Quiet looks like she's wearing glasses
>Gun looks awful, flat, outta placed, and scope's too small
>Torso needs to be a bit narrower
Ah, you're doing fine.

>> No.2731360

it does have a lot of issues
post in the begginer thread
read sticky

>> No.2731371

Hands are a bit off, and I don't know if this was intentional or not, but her left (viewer's right) boob looks significantly larger than the other one. Also it looks like her torso is a bit wonky and doesn't quite connect up with her right (viewer's left) hip.

Interesting concept! You'll improve over time.

>> No.2731386


>> No.2731387

You jumped too far into rendering and digital work and you've willfully neglected the fundamentals, and the work has suffered as a result.

I'm not saying don't do digital, but do at least work on the fundies at the same time.

>> No.2731400


read the sticky
go to beginner thread
take head out of ass

>> No.2731453

>ITT: baited individuals

i'll let you roaches live another day

>> No.2731486

no u

>> No.2731514

Trash tier. You will never ever ever be a good artist making money.

Give up, you deluded idiots should just stay cogs in the machine and succumb to your shitty wageslave job instead. Somebody has got to do it ;)

>> No.2731526

>drawing weapons at that perfect side angle

Why is everyone a goddamn pussy at drawing weapons at foreshortened angles?

>> No.2731528

because perspective is intimidating to people who don't know how to draw

>> No.2731533

If you're under 18:
Great job, op! :) is this one of your first paintings? You should print it out and hang it on the fridge!

f you're over 18:
Dude, learn how to draw form, this is an eye sore. You can draw sexy girls later, but first you should learn how to make things look 3d then you can study the skeleton and muscles later.

I know this is bait, I'm just posting this for any anons that actually need this advice.

>> No.2731537


>> No.2731583

/ic/ people are so fucked in the head that they can't even think of the possibility that not everyone is learning to draw to make money out of it. It's so funny because you delusional autists think you will make it some day when 95% of this place will always stay hobbyists.

>> No.2731594

so they're pretending to be shit so that people can call them shit?

just a step above pretending to be a retard so that people will call them a retard

>> No.2731775 [DELETED] 

I've started a few months ago as well. Even though I'm not the best person redline this drawing, I did it anyway. Read Michael Hampton's anatomy book. It will really help you. I applied what I learned from the book in the redline.

>> No.2731776
File: 462 KB, 1401x1024, re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started a few months ago as well. Even though I'm not the best person redline this drawing, I did it anyway. Read Michael Hampton's anatomy book. It will really help you. I applied what I learned from the book in the redline.

>> No.2731851

Yeah you really shouldn't be redlining yet.

>> No.2731852
File: 97 KB, 900x600, 1476811579579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2731859

Keep going at it, don't get discouraged, you're on the right track.

>> No.2731882


post your work.

>> No.2731885

Dont embarrass yourself, anon...

>> No.2731891

Glass roof, I guess.

>> No.2731893
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-how dare you criticize my SSS tier artwork
>p-post your work, you better be 3x as good as me to validate your comment, you wont, haha I w-win

>> No.2731894

He is right though, this is the eternal rule of this board. If you don't post your art to back yourself up your words are empty since you're obviously a lower artist that can't back up his critique.

>> No.2731902
File: 495 KB, 500x206, 226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't post your art to back yourself up your words are empty since you're obviously a lower artist that can't back up his critique
That isn't the "eternal rule". The "eternal rule" is that lower tier artists will demand anyone who criticize their work to post their own artwork or else "they aren't valid". This stems from an overblown glass ego. That's the joke. The fact that you thought otherwise is downright embarrassing and you need to stop posting to save whatever face you have left.

>> No.2731903

That's not the eternal rule, that's the shitposter rule you're posting.

Everyone being around shit tier on /ic/ cleary shows what rule people are here following. No one gets better because shitty artists like you love to give advice and pretend they are good.

>> No.2731909

>shitty artists like you love to give advice and pretend they are good
Meant for >>2731776

>> No.2731911

Meant for everyone on /ic/. This board should be deleted.

>> No.2731916
File: 125 KB, 1047x1120, tumblr_ny4uo7EDmp1ulb0cuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my art and backing up this anon.
Who's next? Of course you know that if someone posts their art when you call them out you have to post yours as well. You do know that, right?

>> No.2731923
File: 463 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ofcmi9LTWQ1ulb0cuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to post a study and pretend you're any good when the stuff out of your imagination looks like this.

>> No.2731926

Did i ever say that i was good? No, just posted my art unlike a shitter.
Thats a sticker that i made while drinking coffee, nice cherrypick though.

>> No.2731928

>nice cherrypick
I literally picked the best work of your entire blog.

>> No.2731929
File: 238 KB, 500x224, 834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard posts shitty redline
>gets called out
>p-post your work
>someone posts work 20x better than autistic redliner
>h-haha wow you're so bad... wow... j-just goes to show I was right

Every. Time.

Like I said. The eternal rule is shitty artists will have overblown glass egos and demand others "prove themselves" in order to validate their words based on the shitty artist's arbitrary rules of judgement. In other words, shitty artists say "post your work" because they're insecure and stupid.

>> No.2731930
File: 1009 KB, 768x889, 20161020_084439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all 4 things posted? Must have been tough.
Wheres your blog, friend?

>> No.2731934
File: 208 KB, 697x768, 1464163504794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le post you'll work, laddy xD baka 2bh baka

Welp, I tried to encourage you, but I guess this will be the way you see things for a while.

>> No.2731935

>no talent
>no skill
>meme advice artist
>still didn't post anything
>meme gif reaction poster to give himself a consistent shitposting enviroment
I don't even give a shit about the redline. Of course it was poor, my post has nothing to do with giving a single fuck about it. Calling someone out that asked you to post your work to proof your ability is just fucking shitposting of some poorshit who can't do anything.

>> No.2731937

>generic 3/4 profile view expressionless cropped bust shot

You sure showed them, Anon you might as well draw a generic 3/4 view thousand yard stare moe blob while you're at it.

>> No.2731938

>This board should be deleted.
Noooo. I like when people share stuff like artbooks and courses.

>> No.2731940

I posted my art, not once did i imply i was good. That is a study as well. If you want something more imaginative then see

Im sure you'll go on about how terrible it is as well, but at least i post something of substance.

>> No.2731941

Yeah as if the thousands of resources that cover every single topic well beyond going pro that you already aquried on here are not enough.

>> No.2731943

>that can't back up his critique.

Critiques should speak for themselves, a shit artist can offer a valid critique and a good artist can be a very poor critic. The only time "post your work" should be an appropriate answer to critique is when the person frames themselves relative to the art (IE "your stuff is shit and I could draw better than you in my sleep") or try to add weight to their opinions by claiming to be skilled (IE "Don't listen to anon listen to me I'm a professional"). IE when they should be proving their own claim.

The problem is 90% of this board mistakes shitflinging and antagonism for criticism. Even if someone posted their work after saying something useless and antagonistic it wouldn't magically add value to their shitty post, as if having Glenn Vilppu go "thats fucking trash kill yourself" is more useful for fixing your flaws than having anyone else go "thats fucking trash kill yourself".

>> No.2731945

Not if I'm a hoarder.

>> No.2731946
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1469574788472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are right, it's too early for me to start redlining or giving any sort of advice. Though I didn't write the "post your work" comment.
Back to the books I guess.

>> No.2731947
File: 617 KB, 250x250, 1586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother with speaking intelligently to it, anon. It just needs to get it's autism out of its system. I think it's almost done.

>> No.2731948

>I posted my art

Unless you are an exceptional draftsman that encompasses the ability to invoke a strong likeness in a person on canvas, a competent understanding of perspective, and successfully refine from with light and shadow you're only reaffirming the notion that /ic/ copies "studies" like a xerox machine and fails to conjure any form of creativity.

>b-but I never said I was good!

Don't bother posting your work unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.2731950

Cool as fark drawing. Keep it up, dude.

>> No.2731958

Not only did i post a piece of work that was entirely imaginative and relied on no reference, i believe personally that im a competent artist however i never claimed to be in the context of the conversation. You havent seen the reference that i used and if you had you'd understand that i did embellish and exaggerated the lighting in order to more closely match my interpretation.

You know what they say about assuming.
Also, misquoting me as stuttering in order to devalue my character is pathetic and childish.
By all means continue to antagonize me if it makes you feel better though.

>> No.2731959

Kek hey if you find Hampton too hard to follow download these http://deadoftheday.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html?m=1 they're by Erik Gist, instructor at Watts Atelier. They're short and to the point, Hampton would have been too tough for me when starting out, these will help quick and easy. I also recommend watching Watts videos on youtube. Good luck and good job taking initiative and trying to help.

>> No.2731960

Thanks much

>> No.2731962
File: 2.59 MB, 450x265, 1596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy. Get a grip. You walked into a classroom, dropped trow and started rolling on the floor and starting pissing. Nobody here is taking you seriously. You look like an absolute buffoon. Keep it up if you're trying to be entertaining, but if you think anyone is taking you seriously, take to roll yourself on outta here.

>> No.2731965

I'll go read them right now. Thank you.

>> No.2731968

aside from everything, quiet has some terrible character design

>> No.2731971

Careful how close you say that to /v/, anon. We're only 5 rooms away, they might hear you.

>> No.2731975


>> No.2731985

Reported for avatarfagging.

>> No.2731986
File: 20 KB, 328x268, 20161102_134248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon, youre just grasping at straws now..

>> No.2731989

You know avatarfagging means using an avatar, right?
Buddy practically every post defending the redliner was samefagged. Unique post count was stuck at 24 while all these "new guys" agreeing with "that guy" regarding "post your work" being valid were posting.

>> No.2731993

>You know avatarfagging means using an avatar, right?
All it means is giving yourself an identity trough posting pics or in this case gifs.

>> No.2731997

You're doing God's work Anon.

>> No.2732909

Shadbase is that you?

>> No.2732917

I think you should go back to paper and pencils until you learn the fundamentals.

Or you will meet the same fate of every other shit digital artist. You paint better with bigger and more extravagant digital tools, but the foundations are all wrong and shit.

You will never fix the base issues if you dont go back right now and fix them.

>> No.2733031

>literally anonymous people tells you you are bad and try to influence you
>gets called a shit poster for wanting to know if they are credible or not
telling people to post their work is a huge meme but this entire board is quite frankly. why would anyone ask 4chan of all places for art advice?

>> No.2733191

4chan is a meme retard. This board wasnt shitty once then all you faggot fucks came in and tried to adopt the board culture without being part of it and now cunts spout "POST UR WORK" and then refuse to post theirs or straight up continue being bitter talentless cunts who think being an asshole makes you part ofm/ic/

>> No.2733219

>K E K

>> No.2733465
File: 498 KB, 1211x881, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her left hand gave me a headache

>> No.2733489

Dont redline if yours is just as bad, like whats the point even

>> No.2733522
File: 415 KB, 856x483, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay so apparently a redline should be better than the actual artwork
people are so sensitive on this board, and this entire thread made me remember why i left, people like you getting hurt just from getting a little bit of critique that threads turn into a shitfest of "post your work/blog" one upmanship because everyone thinks theyre better than everyone
well bye again ic, one less shitter from the gulag of assblasted artists

>> No.2733529
File: 523 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, I think you'd really do well to draw less scummy art. Here's a less sexist and way more diverse redline of you've drawn.
And I'm posting my art to back me up: jelli-art.deviantart.com

>> No.2733565


Lol not the guy you're responding to but he's right, you know. What's the point correcting someone if you don't know how to do it yourself? Good riddance I say if you get so worked up about someone stating the truth.

>> No.2733569

>oh okay so apparently a redline should be better than the actual artwork
Well I mean usually.

That's not to say that you can't have an opinion or anything.

>> No.2733576

>people are so sensitive on this board...people like you getting hurt from just getting

>throwing a tantrum


>> No.2733578

your redline sucked
this redline sucked too

Both of you get the fuck over it already.

>> No.2733579


Wait a sec that isn't your dA

>> No.2733590
File: 485 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, I love diversity and also trans people.

>> No.2733609

basic as fuck anime
this isnt 2005 anymore step it up

>> No.2733633

you actually managed to make it worse
also whats up with the koala nose

>> No.2733634

This post is so outrageously autistic I can scarcely believe it's not bait

>> No.2733646
File: 804 KB, 1307x734, axJmn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2733990

>I-I was just p-pretending to be bad at drawing!

>> No.2734002

Seems like a sensible post to me

>> No.2734003

>projecting this hard
>whining about sensitivity then getting assblasted

Sorry youre bad at drawing but yeah, the point of a redline is to improve the original image.

>> No.2734232
File: 402 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop trying to improve OP's art and start trying to improve the content?
Here's my curvy chinese girl with a prosthetic hand version of Quiet.

>> No.2734442
File: 680 KB, 1500x1750, red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers, out of all the redlines this faggot thread provided, his was the only one that was the best out of them. It's shit, but it's better than the original by a landslide.

I honestly hate this board's obsession of "muh redline means be teh pros and draw prefects drawing" that follows with "b-blog?" when it's not the faggot's job to redraw the drawing entirely to the point it's a finished drawing, it should be general information at the level of the original faggot's work is at so they can ACTUALLY learn from it. You can't just build Rome in one day and tell this faggot to do the same when that faggot is a 2 year old. Literally put, baby steps. General structure of the original drawing on how it should be constructed, not redrawing 100% of the details unless the level given is at a point where they can actually learn from it.

With that said, if anything try avoiding making the shoulders too broad, most women are smaller there than males are. Also, dropped rendering, please. As stated by >>2731357
it's newbie tier and I'd advice sticking to cel shading or just flat coloring and study how to properly render with color theory knowledge.Trust me on that one, I did the same stupid shit back when I started digitally drawing.

>> No.2734445
File: 573 KB, 1211x881, redi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers, out of all the redlines this faggot thread provided, his was the only one that was the best out of them. It's shit, but it's better than the original by a landslide.

I honestly hate this board's obsession of "muh redline means be teh pros and draw prefects drawing" that follows with "b-blog?" when it's not the faggot's job to redraw the drawing entirely to the point it's a finished drawing, it should be general information at the level of the original faggot's work is at so they can ACTUALLY learn from it. You can't just build Rome in one day and tell this faggot to do the same when that faggot is a 2 year old. Literally put, baby steps. General structure of the original drawing on how it should be constructed, not redrawing 100% of the details unless the level given is at a point where they can actually learn from it.

>>2731353 (OP)
With that said, if anything try avoiding making the shoulders too broad, most women are smaller there than males are. Also, dropped rendering, please. As stated by >>2731357
it's newbie tier and I'd advice sticking to cel shading or just flat coloring and study how to properly render with color theory knowledge.Trust me on that one, I did the same stupid shit back when I started digitally drawing.

>> No.2734493
File: 421 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just keep posting great redlines for fun

>> No.2734495
File: 413 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic : breast cancer survivor red line

>> No.2734513

not sure what you keep trying to prove here. this looks nothing like Quiet in terms of body and you made the pose even more boring to shit

that right hand looks fucking awful. nice t-rex arms

>> No.2734545
File: 418 KB, 1401x1024, scummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm. How about you post a shitty redline of my shitty redline, then I'll do a shitty redline of your shitty redline, then you can do a less shitty redline of that redline?

>> No.2734583
File: 206 KB, 1401x951, red2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are none of you niggers redrawing her gun.

>> No.2734618

best red line thread ever

we should have a red line thread event every week!

>> No.2734629
File: 508 KB, 1200x874, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op you need to push the gesture more

>> No.2734634
File: 2.45 MB, 3508x2480, contribootin..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, your proportions are completely off. Your sanic OC's head and hands aren't supposed to be that small.

>> No.2734675
File: 244 KB, 768x1024, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to push the gesture more. Read Hogarth.

>> No.2734678

holy fuck

>> No.2734688

I remember you did a similar redline a while ago and it was hilarious and amazing as well. Do you have a blog?

>> No.2734691

You need to work on your steven universe nose

>> No.2734694

this is the first one i've done, the rest weren't me
no blog

>> No.2734697

Really? Then who did that one Araki style redline I remember? It was somewhat similar to the one you did, and I think had a woman holding a Loomis book.

>> No.2735682
File: 283 KB, 768x1024, guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those hands aren't holding a gun.

>> No.2735771


>> No.2735896

That's exactly what I thought the first time imo, until I realized it wasn't.