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2730823 No.2730823 [Reply] [Original]

>law of momentum
>practice every day consistently
>it gets very slowly easier and easier to bring myself to practice
>take a day off
>most productive momentum vanished
>procrastination momentum full force from day 2
How is that fair? How does this shit work?

>> No.2730828

>How does this shit work?
your habit for procrastination (whatever it is, youtube, 4chin etc) is stronger than your habit for practicing.

>> No.2730831

Don't really know, OP. I have the same problem with gym. Just try to draw what you like for a while and then trick yourself in returning studying helpful things. I have to say that when procrastination hits hard it's a fucking bitch and I wish I wasn't born.

>> No.2730854

You are fundamentally not gonna make it.

>> No.2730876

That's the point of this site. No one here will make it.

>> No.2731137

Daily reminder that habits is your mind wanting to zombie through a process
>Daily reminder you can easily jump into a mindless marathon of drawing

It requires more mental effort to be concerned over doing a task, instead of going straight into it and get it done.

>> No.2731232

>Daily reminder that habits is your mind wanting to zombie through a process
Most retarded thing I read this week.

>> No.2731235

There's a self-help book called "The Power of Habit" which is worth reading.

Basically you never actually lose old habits, you just add new ones that hide them. When your new habits fail, your old habits come back full force.

The lesson to be learned here is simple: if you have a procrastination habit then you can never, ever take a day off.

>> No.2731240

>if you have a procrastination habit then you can never, ever take a day off
Feels bad man. Though I doubt it's as simple as that.

>> No.2731256


It's not like you can never get rid of habits, it just takes a very long time. 'Old habits die hard'. If someone is terrified about taking a day away from practice they're going to burn out hard. I think it's more important just to have such a positive mentality towards practice, you avoid these problems altogether.

Procrastination shouldn't be an issue because in your mind, you should make art like playing a video game, or eating a snack. It should be something in the back of your mind that you fall into. Something you look forward to doing.

The problem in the first place is this view of art practice as work and making this huge issue out of scheduling hours into it. Yes, you should practice every day for as many hours as you can, but it should be because you've convinced yourself of how much you want to do it, not because you're worried about practice. Worrying about getting something done is what leads to procrastination.

>> No.2731292

How do you make a positive mentality?

>> No.2731406

>take week week off
>come back better than ever
>finish painting in a few hours
>fail for months on end

Time for four another break

>> No.2731412

you learned zero discipline growing up. you were passed through your school with a gold star for below mediocre levels, and your parents were likely not much better.

meanwhile in asia you will not find such laziness, they are taught it is not acceptable on any level.

>> No.2731420

>you learned zero discipline growing up. you were passed through your school with a gold star for below mediocre levels, and your parents were likely not much better.
the truth hurts, but the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can start working on changing it. Speaking from experience

>> No.2731428

it's pretty difficult to change something that would have been taught your entire life at a young age. if you really did so then that's impressive.

>> No.2731560

By replacing negative views with positive ones

>Ugh I only drew one thing today, I'm so shit, I'm useless

Change your perspective a bit though and

>Despite everything, I managed to draw something today! Slowly but surely, I'll be able to do more.

>> No.2731644


This. And only this.
Google how habbits work (old habbits - procrastination and the ones you try to develop - work/study ethic) and you will get an idea.

If you were procrastinating for whole years, or even more years or for whole life (like myself) except that you can't replace that habbit within a month or a year.

Do you know how so-called "Nofap challenge" works?
And what happens one you relapse after a week or month, when that habbit is still weak? You will fall into that "i want to jerk my dick every day" again like you didn't go through those 10, 15, 30 or even 60 days of "strugle" where you were resisting your desire.

If and only fucking IF it would be so EASY as you image ("i will just make a new habbit in one month and after that month it will still remained same strong habbit even if i "relapse", procrastinate etc.") everyone on this board (or at least most of us) would have very, very strong work ethic.
BUT unfortunately, as you figure out by your own experience, it's not that easy.

One is "the law of mumentum" but there are also other laws, like "law of habbits" (good and bad habbits).

And moooost people on this board, who are working hard, studying hard etc. Are ignoring that -very important- law of habbits. Daily habbits.

>> No.2731656


..keep in mind that it's not only the habbits that has something to do with drawing. Far from that. That would be easy too.

It's all the "little" fucking daily habbits that define your life.

Believe me that these little habbits like making up bed every morning, washing teeth, making schedule and following it, habbit of self-observing emotions/reactions etc etc from Craig Mullins or any other artist thst inspires you, are by far stronger then yours. I guarantee you that.

You might think what the fuck has a habbit of making up bed or brushing teeth has to do with "making it" in art field, but believe me, you can't imagine how much thst shit has to do with your goals.

We are talking about habbits. Thst is one asspect.
Don't forget desires, your own values (do you even have established your own values)......

>> No.2731659

It's tough but you gotta do what you gotta do. Dedicate yourself to it, focus and you can make it happen.

>> No.2731664
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>> No.2731665


And to wrap this shit...
99 percent of people in this board should work on therselfs as a person, to grow personaly, before trying to succeed as artist.
EVEN if you make it without putting any attention to habbits, rituals, desires, emotional inteligence,.. and start to work for Dreamworks, Disney, Wizards, Blizzard, movie industry and earn 10 or 20k a month, trust me my friends, those bad habbits, bad desires, bad attitude, bad reactions, bad mindset will get you and strike you so much that you will hit the bottom.
And ONLY then (i do realize that) will that what i wrote (with a lot of misspeling - sorry) get to your heard and conscious mind. Only then will tgis kind of knowledge have meaning to you. And only tgen (unfortunatelly) you will start to change as a person first, before ever trying to achieve any goal.

>> No.2731671


BOOM example of a bad habbit.
I think we both know i am far from being the only one you've replied to because of misspelling.
Next time, when that "i have to point out that misspelling" will kicked in, ask yourself "would (insert the name of your favourite artist) actually do the same i'm trying to do?", "Does he have the same habit"?

And yes, this is the habit, because i bet you do that often :)
You might poke me, but keep in mind that by doing that, you are actually poking your future goals too :)

Btw no harsh feelings :) just tryng to show you a better way to become a better person with more achieved goals in life.

Good luck :)

>> No.2731681

One more fucking ":)" and im going to come go your house and fight you

>> No.2731698


Why does that ":)" touch you so much? Because you are mostly ":(" and can't handle ":)" or is there any other reason?
Does seeing happy, joyful people IRL touch you too?

>> No.2731701
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>would (insert the name of your favourite artist) actually do the same i'm trying to do?

I bet Rembrandt would shitpost incessantly if he could.

>> No.2731704


You do realize that your own reaction makes you more damage than the symbol itself, right?

>> No.2731706


Only because you zombie'd through it, anon

>> No.2731708

You realize that youre being a retard and overanalyzing what is a simple joke post?

>> No.2731709

I like this post

>> No.2731711



You are a very petty person.

>> No.2731719

You realize you are the retarded one for not realizing it was a bait post?

>> No.2731757

dont worry op your not alone :{

>> No.2731759

Damage control

>> No.2731770

>There's a self-help book called "The Power of Habit" which is worth reading.

Sounds like a new excuse to procrastinate

>> No.2731772

>most productive momentum vanished

yep, no more sperm after that. finished, finito, fini, ferdig, tapos,
acabado. the great big full stop. ctrl+alt+del->shutdown computer and go to sleep. :-/