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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2728352 No.2728352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do we go when 4chan dies?

>> No.2728356

youtube comments

>> No.2728367


>> No.2728370


To grave ;____;

>> No.2728371


>> No.2728378


Hopefully it will increase its current average quality

>> No.2728381


at last

>> No.2728386
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Even when this place is long gone, you'll still be here forever.

>> No.2728398

I know when this place dies, I'll finally either do 2 things. Still the same but actually go through my video game backlog or enjoy a "normie" life and find that gal that's waiting for me

>> No.2728413

I think I might pick up a new hobby. Maybe drawing.

>> No.2728472

We finally 1 step closer to making it

>> No.2728488

Does anyone have a serious answer to this question? I keep hearing that /ic/ is on the chopping block when they finally find an axe

>> No.2728500

I've got a cul de sac forum, plus there's the regular sites. Conceptart.org is probably still chugging along, that sorta thing.

/ic/ probably shouldn't be your main port of stay to begin with. It's fun to pierce the saccharine viel of limpdick nicety and social anxiety that engulfs art discussion, but not much of merit really happens and the anonymous nature enforces that.

>> No.2728621

Probably 2^3chan

>> No.2728744

We make a new chan.
But we will always lose members. Every schism weakens us until we're a hollow shell of our former glory.
Someone post the /r9k/ comic about the grandpa showing his kids his old computer.

>> No.2728748

If they were to kill /ic/ because it was too small/inactive, they'd have to nuke half the site first - and that wouldn't come close to the scope of the large boards. If they really wanted to make a difference they'd have to delete one of the bigger boards.

>> No.2728773

To be honest, with all its new posters /ic/ gained over they last few years, it actually feels less active than it used to when there were less posters. All the traffic seems to be focused on a handful of generals these days.

>> No.2728776
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/ic/ is not a chatting place anymore, it's an information website.

>> No.2728786

I prefered it when /ic/ was a place to draw instead. It's like the entire board culture has shifted to be passively about art instead of actively. For example, when someone would have trouble with gesture drawing they'd make a thread along the lines of "hey /ic/, I suck at gestures, let's have a gesture drawing thread, here's a link to figure refs."

Now it's "Hey /ic/, I suck at gestures, Can we have a gesture reference thread?"
"I suck at characer design, post some good character design references."
"I can't draw faces, can I get some tutorials?"
and so on and on.

>> No.2728790

Uploading your art to an anonymous imageboard kinda loses its novelty. Legacy is an inherent part of art and there's no legacy here.

>> No.2728793

Yeah but that's what makes it good. It was always the problem on DA that 90% of what you got was given based on who you knew and who knew you.

>> No.2728796

I wouldn't go comparing it to DA, DA is its own thing of weird systems, hierarchies and prejudices.

When /ic/'s actual critique gradually simpered down into one-word replies and shitposting, the cost of actively engaging with the activities on the site outweighed the benefits of just using the resources, engaging with different sites and occasionally shooting the shit.

>> No.2728798

I mean it's not like we can't make this board better by doing those things. Post a pic get people to do quick gestures. The board is only as bad as we let it be.

>> No.2728801

that's because the board become too fast

when somebody asked for a redline before you would have a few hours time until you could respond, but now the thread could read 50 posts before than and afterwards nobody will pay attention to your redline

>keywords: redline, too fast

>> No.2728828


There are multiple ic-like boards on a diferent chan, but you can't name because you get banned

>> No.2728830


*name it

PS Its actually pretty funny, you guys are sort of left behind here and wondering where the core community went. Maybe look beyond the 4-5 huge websites you only visit once in a while.

>> No.2728833
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>/ic/ dies
>literally no other place on the internet where you can call out cheats and hacks without an army of dickriders getting on to you

>> No.2728839


>> No.2728840


>> No.2728843
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Underrated post.

>> No.2728847
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>sijun dead
>CA.org dead
>CGhub dead
>/ic/ dead

>> No.2728849

why even live ;___________________;

>> No.2728850

fucking KEK

>> No.2728867

Yet somehow fucking deviantart stays alive.

>> No.2728870

Like what? Got any recommendations?

I went looking, all I ever found were a couple of smaller portfolio sites and such. Plus 1 or 2 clearly professionally angled sites I didn't feel good enough to join.

>> No.2728871

Kept alive by rats.


>> No.2728890

Deviantart will probably even outlive tumblr and social media at this rate.

>> No.2728891

You mean 8 chan?

>> No.2728893

it feels like picarto is one of the few places left where you can just have fun and shitpost with other drawfags instead of acting like a srs business self promotion whore all the time. there are no archives either which was one of the great things about this place originally. discord will also probably serve that purpose, but the persistent identities & invite system will probably make it go in a direction i don't care for.
cripplechan is good but it's also on perpetual life support much like it's namesake (rip fredrick ;_;) and is even slower than here, albeit with better features.

honestly /ic/ and 4chan as a whole is a husk of it's former self. the boards are slower, the posters are worse and much of the content consists of recycled shitposts that were stale 4 years ago.
i barely come here or post anymore except for ref occasionally; there is little left here that is worth saving but i will be very sad when this place dies. /ic/ has been more formative in my life than anywhere else. when i first came here i was sad suicidal faggot with no passion for anything, but you guys turned me into a person who wakes up every day with a reason to be alive. /ic/ taught me what it truly means to git gud and for that i will be forever thankful.

>> No.2728925

>when i first came here i was sad suicidal faggot with no passion for anything, but you guys turned me into a person who wakes up every day with a reason to be alive.
Hah, and I turned into a suicidal faggot with no passion for anything! Isn't it funny how that works?

>> No.2728928
