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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 581 KB, 1644x1100, 1421531409414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2725318 No.2725318 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, need your help.

This image was uploaded as part of some Jaime pack by someone here.
What's this supposed to even show, that Jaime used that particular photo as basis for the painting?
How do you know? Its not like that original photo is THAT similar to the final painting. And how on earth would you even be able to find that one certain photo if its all been brushed over and warped and shit before the paintover?

This keeps bugging me, anons help.

>> No.2725319

Why are you so butthurt? Seriously

>> No.2725325

it was probably his initial sketch

>> No.2725337

> that particular photo
The image on the right is clearly edited, so what photo are you even talking about OP?
What is that image on the right? Was this done by an anon?

>> No.2725353
File: 800 KB, 1800x727, 1412917240433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I remember that thread and this was made as a joke on the guys who were trying to find Jaime's references. Initially it was just a photo without any paint, fog or overstretched parts and the dude was claiming that it was the exact reference he used. So other anon made this image pointing out that it's a bit ridiculous to assume that some random jungle with somewhat similar values was the exact reference.
But, sometimes you can tell what was used as an inspiration just by remembering seeing the original. For fuck sakes, people found small parts of other people's paintings photobashed into Mullin's paintings. They just happen to see the original image recently and recognized it.

>> No.2725382
File: 567 KB, 768x1100, Comparison12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. The original image is a bit of a stretch (get it? stretch? no?). It's plausible but there are other images of his that are more definitively inspired by/homages/stolen.

>> No.2725384
File: 12 KB, 220x320, giant+1+lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was probably his initial sketch
Nope. The initial sketches for this one were posted by Jaime.

>> No.2725385
File: 12 KB, 220x320, giant+2+lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725386
File: 14 KB, 220x320, giant+3+lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725388
File: 1.44 MB, 1607x987, Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some of the others purely for interests' sake. I don't think it diminishes his skill at all by the way, so they're not meant to try to discredit him or anything, it's just for our interest to see how he changed things and how he approaches imagemaking so we can do similar things ourselves.

>> No.2725389
File: 640 KB, 1718x700, Comparison3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725391
File: 840 KB, 1188x821, Comparison5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725393
File: 768 KB, 1915x731, Comparison6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725394
File: 1.33 MB, 1494x1026, Comparison7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725395
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1476, Comparison8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725396
File: 968 KB, 1200x1517, Comparison9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725397
File: 498 KB, 1140x850, Comparison10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725398
File: 1.13 MB, 2011x943, Comparison11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725399
File: 362 KB, 1468x981, Comparison17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is much looser of an interpretation

>> No.2725400

Who is the artist?
Also please post all you got, I love these.

>> No.2725401
File: 765 KB, 1410x797, Comparison18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2725403

>Who is the artist?

>Also please post all you got, I love these.
I pretty much did post them all already. The only ones left are really a stretch or just coincidence

>> No.2725407

I also found the old thread:

I'll credit the ones I know.
Sargent I think.
Alexandre Cabanel
John William Waterhouse
Akseli Gallen-Kallela

>> No.2725414

Good eye. The only ones you missed were Bernie Fuchs >>2725389 and Adolf Von Meckel >>2725388

>> No.2725415


inspiration-ref is good too, post MOAR

>> No.2725419

I did reverse search some of them, if only to double check. And yeah, those I couldn't find, but now it's complete, good.

Check out the old thread I linked above.
And here's another one too, from three months later or so: >>/ic/thread/2068726

>> No.2725420
File: 326 KB, 1253x387, 1407025403689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're scaring me anon...I don't have any moar.

Here's one of Ruan-senpai stealing from Aliens though.

>> No.2725421

>I did reverse search some of them, if only to double check. And yeah, those I couldn't find, but now it's complete, good
That okay, I had to double check the von Meckel one because he's pretty obscure. Also I know these because I was the one who made them all haha.

>> No.2725432
File: 205 KB, 720x960, eWZleqL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the replies anons, think that satisfies my curiosity.

What? I didnt intend to sound butthurt, after reading OP again I guess it does come across as a bit aggressive, didnt mean it that way, just curious what was the story behind that image.

>> No.2725462

A good thread to show how reference can still be used no matter where you are on the spectrum of professionalism. Good thread OP!

>> No.2725466

All these western artists suck, jesus.

>> No.2725523

show your work

>> No.2725553

>implying this industry isnt all about western art

>> No.2725555

Did you ever see the Mullins demo in China? At the end in this huge room full of Chinese digital painters who idolize him as a god, they ask him what his opinion on the art coming out of China is, and he simply goes "I dunno, I haven't really seen any of it". You could practically hear the moan of a thousand souls dying a little bit.

>> No.2725566

Sounds great, link?
Nice quads btw.

>> No.2725570
File: 96 KB, 800x600, fengisalwaysright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I have the link.

Some of the questions are like beginner tier dumb shit though like "what brushes do u use" and he looks like he wants to die.

>> No.2725571

I'm not gonna find the exact place but it's near the end when the ask questions. I may have misremembered exactly what he said too. I know he also talked about how China just copies the West and sort of calls them out on it, it's pretty ballsy of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW0_y6-l_Js

>> No.2725576

>Some of the questions are like beginner tier dumb shit though like "what brushes do u use" and he looks like he wants to die.
To be fair, a lot was being lost in translation. When he talked of coming up with new ways of growing banana plants and how he tries to make them more resistant and stuff I know the audience probably got super confused. A lot of the art terms were not being translated correctly either I don't think.

>> No.2725579

I don't think Mullins was the best choice for a Chinese audience yeah, I remember his Gnomon videos and he just rambles pretty aimlessly the whole time. The guy can paint like a god, but not as good at explaining how he does it.

>> No.2725584

They chose him because he's literally a god there. The majority of Mullins wannabes and clones come out of China.

I think he is good at talking even if it gets off topic or rambles. The thing is he just is hyper aware that everything he says might be overanalyzed so he avoids blanket statements or tries to shift to more abstract ideas instead of concrete facts on things. He's also interested in way more art than just realism or digital stuff, so he tries to make sure what he says doesn't exclude those other traditions. He also wants to say things that challenge the listeners to change their perceptions of things or approach (so has his stock things like "there is no such thing as composition").

He does suck at painting and talking at the same time though, it's really a one or the other for him. The Gnomon vid he talked so painfully slowly while painting it was hard to watch.

>> No.2725704
File: 478 KB, 1024x881, Simmler_Death_of_Barbara_Radziwiłł.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see a lot of Józef Simmler's "Death of Barbara Radziwillowna"

>> No.2725716

There's only so many ways to paint someone lying in a bed with another person there, and white sheets are common.

The original comparison image was because the woman sitting on the ground was lifted directly.

>> No.2725728
File: 112 KB, 357x284, 3mjyykgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sure

>> No.2725742

I find this kind of thing pretty disgusting. I'll accept the whole deal with photobashing being a necessity to churn out designs or mood pieces in order to meet deadlines, but it's not an interesting or engaging artform. Even worse, London lifting ideas directly off of other paintings, when you have a million possibilities with an empty canvas, and trying to pass it off as your own and not just half a master study really reeks of laziness. Someone had to come up with those angles in the first place, surely it can't be that difficult if you have some measure of visual understanding. I'd rather see abstract nonsense than technically proficient people who don't see the appeal of original ideation, or the meaning of putting your own strokes into an art piece.

>> No.2725753

>beginners talking about the importance of OC
always so amusing. Remember, as you learn to draw, you'll learn what you like. And after that you might want to redraw something you like in your own way.

I bet you are the kind of guys which consider the the ''idea guy'' as having more than 1% importance in a project

>> No.2725754


>> No.2725758


>> No.2725762

I think you look at it with the wrong attitude. I'll just lay out some thoughts for you to consider:

-pretty much all of these paintings were done early in Jaime's career, when he was younger than many of the people on this board (late teens or early 20's)

-these are only a small handful out of a large ouevre of original work he has done and is not representative of his main way of working

-almost none of the work he did this for was for clients...they were just personal sketches and this likely a way for him to study the masters while also trying to flex his muscles in invention and imagemaking rather than just mindlessly copy

-artists today do not have the luxuries of artists past: we must pump out art at an astonishingly quick rate and for little money. The artists that are being referenced here lived in times when it was possible to spend months developing the composition and doing initial studies before even attempting the final image, and they had the benefit of being able to hire numerous models, get authentic costumes, sit them down and light them in a studio at their will, work from life rather than invent things etc

-this idea of lifting things (ideas or compositions or otherwise) from other paintings or photos is nothing new and has been done for centuries even by some of the big famous names in art history. This doesn't necessarily make it right, but it does give some context into it as a practice and shows that it's not just some new thing done by lazy people or because they are unskilled or anything.

>> No.2725764


Not by a long shot. I'm stating my opinion as I see fit just as those guys who seem to enjoy "redrawing". Try adressing opinions next time instead of pulling conclusions out of your ass.

I consider ideation an important part of artwork, and presenting things in your own way, in a convincing manner, communicates draftsmanship like nothing else. Like I said, the supposed heroes that are copied had to do that in the first place.Using references, drawing from life and whatnot is part of that, but when it crosses the line into lazy copying I just don't see the point.

>> No.2725768

>when it crosses the line into lazy copying I just don't see the point
It's just a master study with a twist.

>> No.2725771


I understand these are isolated incidents represented in this thread and don't have anything against this Jaime or anyone in particular. Its just the practice itself that puts me off. The deadline reason explains why it happens but doesn't really legitimize it as an artform, if anything it just signifies the troubled state of art and illustration in these times. I can totally appreciate that this kind of thing has been going on before, it just feels more prevalent these days, and (surprise) I tend to gravitate towards different artists.

>> No.2725789

>if anything it just signifies the troubled state of art and illustration in these times
This is true. Rates are at an all time low in history, and the competition is pretty fierce on top of that.

>I can totally appreciate that this kind of thing has been going on before, it just feels more prevalent these days
Is it more prevalent or is it just easier to catch now with the internet? It's also probably more tempting to try to steal something if you have access to billions of images at your fingertips with the internet.

>I tend to gravitate towards different artists
This is getting a bit off topic, but who might you be talking about here? I (and presumably others) gravitate to more than one thing, so I look at fine artists and illustrators from all over the world from the past couple hundred years.

>> No.2725901
File: 89 KB, 333x500, 1436987343663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has nothing to do with any of this.

>necessity to churn out designs or mood pieces in order to meet deadlines
Again, nothing to do with any of this, these pieces arent made on any deadline.

>when you have a million possibilities with an empty canvas, and trying to pass it off as your own and not just half a master study really reeks of laziness

Who said anyones trying to pass anything, those pieces are made for lulz among thousands of paintings JJ has done, and none of this is for commercial purposes, and even it it were its just a homage and inspiration at best.

Artists reuse ideas, compositions, use actual photographs and pieces of paintings they dont own all the time in this industry and this motherfucker right here is upset that a guy who can actually paint like a god is doing reinterpretations of old masters pieces. How fucking dumb can you be, holy fuck.

>> No.2725903

What are you even talking about dude

>The deadline reason explains why it happens but doesn't really legitimize it as an artform

Doesnt legitimize WHAT as an artform? Painting? Painting is not an artform now?

Also, what "deadline reason"? JJ had infinite time to create these pieces since theyre not client work lol.

>> No.2725909

That guy clearly going with the usual anti-photobash spiel, apparently he didnt realize that nothing in this thread is even remotely relevant to that subject. Its pretty funny, dont interrupt him.

>> No.2725910

>Again, nothing to do with any of this, these pieces arent made on any deadline.
>JJ had infinite time to create these pieces since theyre not client work lol.
>none of this is for commercial purposes

I'm not that other anon, though I do want to clear up some things on the purposes of those images. Yes, some of them were personal pieces with no deadlines, as you say. HOWEVER, several of them were for Guild Wars, and several of them were for a huge art competition on conceptart.org back in the day called Last Man Standing in which artists got paired up against each other and battled through rounds in a big tournament of art. Each round obviously had deadlines.

>> No.2726539
File: 1.31 MB, 1503x1035, Comparison20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how timing works...I had made most of the images posted in this thread a lot time ago, but today I happened to find a new one, just in time for this thread.

I was browsing some Orientalist Sotheby's auctions and came across an image that seemed pretty familiar. Jaime was quite liberal in the changes he made to it (plenty enough to call it his own), but the source material of inspiration is still quite plain to see.

The original artist is a guy I'd never heard of before, but his name is Charles Wilda, for those interested in this sort of thing.

>> No.2726561
File: 81 KB, 594x436, Tims first painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you become a professional freelancer or studio artist you don't get more time do your personal work. You also develop a desire for old masters artistic qualities in your paintings so you combine both of them.
3D modeling and sculpting, Polypainting or texturing, Rendering and photobashing are all tools that allow you to focus on different parts of the process.
Give it a go if you think it's easy and document the process and post in this thread.

You guys have your head so far up your own asses that you need a flashlight to see the truth. Check out this documentary (pic related) to see how far back it goes.

>> No.2726568

>Give it a go if you think it's easy and document the process and post in this thread.
I don't think a single person here thinks it is easy.

>> No.2729008
File: 710 KB, 1426x1145, Homage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off the presses, here's a new one.

Before people start complaining or shitstorming again, I will mention that when Jaime originally posted this image (over 8 years ago now) he did specifically mention it was an homage to David Mazzucchelli and was very open about it.

>> No.2729081
File: 553 KB, 1200x802, Comparison21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm at it here's another. It was hard to freeze frame the right place so I may be a fraction of a second off.

Also for another one of his images I found ALL his ref, so I hesitate to post it. I literally have found 5 images for it he used--two paintings and three photos. It's also one of his rare images that's not online in many places and was never posted by him (even when I reverse search the file I get zero results), so maybe I shouldn't post it. My goal in making these is to analyze his decisions to learn from him since I think he is a master, not to try to discredit him or anything.

>> No.2729147

Are these comparisons supposed to be scornful? Just curiosities? Educational material? I mean, it's not like master artists haven't borrowed things from other people's art throughout all of history...

>> No.2729151

See >>2725388 >>2729081 >>2725462

Basically just something interesting and educational for fans of his work. It shows how he one can use reference to a greater or lesser degree and how one can change things, it shows a method of learning from the masters, it shows what Jaime's tastes are etc.

It's purely a thing of interest and there are no negative intentions behind it at all, though I can see why some people might assume that.

>> No.2729849
