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2722097 No.2722097 [Reply] [Original]

>decide take a month break from art and take it easy
>had loads of fun doing other things like traveling, sports, gadgets, etc
>come back again to art and try drawing something
>instantly forgot about all the basics and every single work i make right now isnt even close to what i've made in the past
>look back at my old art and be surprised that i made all those
>tfw i just realized being good at art is just a one time thing only and it wont stick with you forever
>tfw i've realized why lots of artists that dedicated their lives to art kill themselves because they've invested in a skill more volatile than weight training
how many of you still lie to yourself?

>> No.2722100

I guarantee you that if you just spend a few days getting back into it, it'll return.
It's like exercising, dude. If you don't exercise for a month it's obviously gonna be harder once you start back up.

Source: Stopped drawing for a month, came back, sucked for a few days, worked through it, found I actually made gains.

>> No.2722114

You just need a bit of time to get back into the swing of things, light up those rusty memory neurons. Shit, simply first thing in the morning I suck balls at art, you always gotta warm up a bit.

You might eventually find you're better for having taken a break. It gives you a chance to forget bad habits. Just get back on the horse by pursuing some quality instruction.

And just because something's arguably temporary, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. LIFE is temporary.

>> No.2722117

Don't worry, it comes back to you pretty fast

>> No.2722122

Absolute novice talk the thread.

>> No.2722123

I stopped drawing for long stretches of months that most likely added up to a whole year, between 2012-2014. It was excruciating but very worth getting back into- my focus was the real loss tbqhwyf, still working on that

Don't give it all up for a month. Being good at something comes and goes but it mostly comes if you stick with it.

>> No.2722127

Unless you've literally got mental problems you haven't forgotten that much actual knowledge (assuming you've been drawing for a while before your break - 1 month on 1 month off you'll probably actually forget a lot), your muscle memory is just rusty.

>> No.2722166

Clearly a bait thread. No one is actually this stupid. Drawing is like riding a bike. You never truly forget. The most you get is rusty but shaking off rust isn't hard unless you're mentally disabled or something.

>> No.2722226


>> No.2722245

You haven't trained your basic skills properly, so you lost them.

If you ever had any.

Many beginners and amateurs don't learn the proper skills from the beginning, and instead achieve results by experimenting until they find something which can be easily achieved with their lack of knowledge.

They end up finding a comfortable niche where they do the same tricks over and over again, which can make them think they gained any drawing skills. But they didn't.

Once they take a break they lose their bag of tricks and think they have lost their skills which they never had.

tl;dr you didn't lose anything of worth

tl;dr Question Thread, snowflake

>> No.2723248

>You haven't trained your basic skills properly, so you lost them.
This is not only wrong, but also stupid. Skills can be diminished though lack of activity. An olympic level weight lifter who stops training for a decade and then gets back into it, and isnt where he used to be didnt fail to learn how to lift properly, his mind simply did away with the information.

>> No.2723256


its dont.

You can safely take a break from drawing/painting and then get back to it after some time, this is something you don't really forget, it's like riding a bike.

And when you are rusty, just start with something to warm you up, you will come back to it with not time.

I swear, you people...if anything, you should be inspired for what you had during your month break and try to draw what you saw there. Maybe get photos you made of your trips and adventures and redraw them/reference to them?

>> No.2723305

You sound like you were a complete amateur even before your break, so I'm not sure why you think your opinion matters.

>> No.2723406

Oh you thought it's as simple as learning to ride a bike, huh?
Honestly I'm glad it's not, it works as a natural barrier against normies.

>> No.2724327

Beginners in art aren't olympic weight lifters. One is a beginner, another a professional with proper education and the proper mindset. The mindset beginners often have not learned yet.

So the reasons why olympic weight lifters could lose their skills are completely different.

And 6 months aren't a decade either.

Nice job, baka senpai.

>> No.2724931
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Congrats on missing the point and never addressing the diminishing nature of neglected skills and why such a thing occurs

>> No.2724935


I took an 8 year break and my skills didn't deprecate one bit. If anything, I learn even better than before since my older brain can process visual information more accurately.

>> No.2725345

There wasn't a point to address because you got no point beyond that you disagree with me. Your story about olympic weight lifters doesn't add anything.

>> No.2726271

>took a year break from drawing
>come back better than before
>slowly getting worse since coming back
any one know this feel?

>> No.2726312

I've taken year long breaks in the past. I keep coming back to it.

>> No.2726325

Fuck off.

>> No.2726351

yes, it happens all the time and i don't quite understand.
right after coming back from a break, after drawing for a few days in a row, is when i feel the most satisfied with my progress. the weird thing is after that it's all downward. i can never retain the high.

but sometimes it's just my perception. afterwards i will look back at those drawings and find that the gap wasn't nearly as big as i thought at the time.

a lot of art is about mentality. especially your perception of yourself is going to be highly dependant on who and what standards you compare yourself to.

>> No.2726371



>> No.2726373

Post art

>> No.2726377

Not gonna make it.

If I don't at least draw something every day I feel terrible. It's something I enjoy I can't imagine going a month without doing it. You obviously don't enjoy it much if you can take such a big break.

>> No.2726421

Fuck off. My experience is the polar opposite. If I go on vacation or for some reason take time off from drawing, I come back refreshed and a much better artist.

>> No.2726802
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But that's because you're poop and don't try to draw anything complicated in the first place

>> No.2726937
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>There wasn't a point to address
Congrats on also being illiterate
>Skills can be diminished though lack of activity

>> No.2727185

Can, could, maybe, everything is possible.

aka bullshit.

Fuck off.