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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.81 MB, 2081x2871, IMG_20161021_201843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2721168 No.2721168 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2721180

dude stop making your own threads. your work is not nice to look at. whatever you're trying to say through your art is lost because its so damn unattractive.

>> No.2721183

Congratulations it's worse than usual.

Standard reminder to the rest of you retards that sage goes in the option field to prevent your shitty reply from bumping the thread and that the + sign beside the thread hides it.

>> No.2721184

oh look another one of these threads.....


>> No.2721213

memes aside this is the only type of threads that i wonder are reportable yet

>> No.2721222

All your threads are such shit man. Seriously though, how are you even getting worse, how is that even possible

>> No.2721321

Take a fucking hint you clown. When you make 10+ threads for your shitty artwork and EVERYONE tells you its bad, take the fucking hint.

You. Are. Not. A. Good. Artist.
Eat your fucking humble pie, admit you're shit, and lets people help you. Youre too prideful to admit you suck and all that's doing is keeping you bad. Or "keeping you down" if you want to be all niggery about it which i know you love to do.

>> No.2721326
File: 519 KB, 1000x1248, ,Garnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed, i thought

>> No.2721327

>Steven universe

Worse if anything

>> No.2721331

it's funny make this thing, she reminds me to Garnet~
Donn't hate me

>> No.2721381

Don't mind me, just testing my sage option.

>> No.2721442

you need to whitewash her skin so she could look better

>> No.2721474

You need to return on tumblr and not coming back.

>> No.2721492

holy shit, kill it before it lays eggs

>> No.2721894

Make the eyes smaller and not so big

>> No.2721913

i love the responses to these threads lmao

>> No.2721934


If I were to say this was beautiful, I would be lying.

>> No.2721985

I'm gonna give you my honest critique and maybe this time you'll listen and fuck off with these threads (Doubt that you will). The paint job here is very amateurish and something a beginner would do.
Learn to blend shadows/lighting better and go back and learn the basics/fundamentals of painting. It looks like you are throwing lines of color here and there to make it look somewhat decent but it doesn't. If your're going for a certain painting style then your're fucking it up. Like I said, learn from the basics first then play with your style. By then, you'll understand what you are doing and you'll design a well construct form/style. Also, the face is very disproportionate. The nose is bent at an angle and its not center on the face, its huge too. In-fact the whole face is drawn in a cartoonish fashion, the eyes being absurdly huge and non life-like (Just big black circles with a white dot in the middle with shitty flicks of eyelashes that look like a kindergartner did. Where the fuck are her eyebrows too?). The hat is also disproportionate and the rim of it is not circular all the way around. If you're going for realism in this piece then it does not resemble a realistic woman, go and relearn the basics of drawing a human. If your going for something else like a style or something, then stop, go read a book that'll teach you how to draw, rinse and repeat what I said earlier.

That is my opinion and critique for your work. Anons are more than welcome to add or fix what I just said.
Now will you fuck off already?

>> No.2722164

Stop trying to put racial tension on /ic/ no need to mention a painting of a black guy is a black guy you cuck.

>> No.2722178

imma be honest wichu dawg, i saw this thread, adn i saw the painting u did, and i hated it. like i HATED it dawg. dawg you dont even kno dawg. my nipples were gettin tense and shiet so i cloesed my m-fing laptop, like i was so ANGRY dawg. anyway, i wuz bout to call my homie johnny and get my dick saucked, but i saw that cross the street my crackhead neighbor wuz getting arrested, and i went out, cuz he still had my toaster and no WAY wuz the cops bout to civil forfeiture my m-fing toaster dawg.had to sneak round back to get in his house tho. aint no cops gonna jus let me in. took me bout a whole two hours, shit got real tense u kno. and i got back to my laptop, after jus about gettin my dick shot off, an i see ur painting, and i gotta say dawg, . dawg. i gotta say. that shits straight up awful my man where the fuck you learn to paint at my nigga get your eyes in straight god damn

>> No.2722193
File: 16 KB, 435x600, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2722200

absolutely underrated

>> No.2722234
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 1459970677687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2722842
File: 2.88 MB, 2695x3445, IMG_20160620_013230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If I was going for realism I would've painted realistically don't u think?

>> No.2722846

Well youre pretty bad at it so you tell me.

>> No.2722886

That pencil drawing isn't any better, bruh.

>> No.2723235

O rly. Its mastery

>> No.2723243
File: 79 KB, 720x960, IMG_20161018_202714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like u illstrat

>> No.2723275

illastrat is my favorite manga-ka