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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, 1472784629839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2717372 No.2717372 [Reply] [Original]

is $100-$150 per image enough for something of this quality? I'm trying to recruit an artist for a project that needs a handful of slightly ero illustrations.

>> No.2717373

Is it per image?

If so, You got an email? I'd do it.

>> No.2717376

That image is worth much less than $100
post work

>> No.2717377
File: 1.70 MB, 1133x1822, tumblr_of61z1S4zE1u8eqaeo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

per image. well, why not. throwaway email is above, anyone who sees this feel free to send samples if you're comfortable doing so

also pic related is a style i really like

>> No.2717378

honestly, not really. if you look close enough, literally everything about her body is out of whack. There are much more decent artists you can commission at that price who wouldn't make fundamental errors.

>> No.2717382
File: 160 KB, 960x540, negligee_dharker_studio_ajtilley_nutaku_sample_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one. mostly looking for good rendering and an anime influence

>> No.2717385

So basically you don't give a fuck about anatomy, you just want oguu with big boobs and pretty colors.

>> No.2717390

I guess he won't be disappointed by what /ic/ has to offer

>> No.2717393

the anatomy looks nice to me, but i can understand it not being up to /ic/'s standards

>> No.2717409
File: 2.13 MB, 400x267, 1326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2717411
File: 178 KB, 300x300, 1444551824268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2717421
File: 60 KB, 582x407, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll help you with the pic in OP.

>> No.2717425

Beat me to it

>> No.2717426

>I-it's not realistic

>> No.2717429

i wish i could render like this. my anatomy is so much better (duh) but I can't paint like animu. :(

>> No.2717438

I was with you until the (duh)
Now you gotta post work

>> No.2717440

If you can find a sucker to buy it, who am I to judge I suppose?

>> No.2717444

I mean, the anatomy in op's pic is pretty bad

>> No.2717446

The problem is that it looks retarded

>> No.2717449
File: 64 KB, 500x619, 1462781517892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2717460

People like you are why artists dont make any money. That image took probably around 10+ hours. JK I wouldn't pay 50 for that.

>> No.2717464

>OP is loaded and has literal shit taste

>> No.2717487

Don't forget the t rex arms

>> No.2717494

In defense of OP, hes the first Ive seen in a while not trying to jew out people here.

>> No.2717508

>tfw /ic/ was being dumb as shit and trying to lower the price

>> No.2717513

For this kind of quality, you'll have to pay 150-200 imo. But good luck finding an artist that can deliver something like this and is open for commissions.

>> No.2717520

>is open for commissions
that seems to be the struggle atm. despite /ic/ mocking it, anime style artists who do fanservice seem to have lists full for months on end. that or they won't do more than a few pieces

>> No.2717538

>jew people out
Uh...you mean make a sustainable product that actually has a reasonable chance at being profitable? If we went by what artists WANT to be paid then literally nothing in entertainment would be profitable.

For instance...when it comes to comic books, artists who've never worked in the medium want between $100-150 per page minimum, many of whom won't even do any lettering or don't know how. That means a 200 page book would cost $20,000-30,000. Assuming a $20 price point AND not paying any fees for comiXology/Google/Apple you'd need to sell a minimum of 1,000-1,750 copies just to BREAK EVEN. Double that number if you want to list it on popular digital platforms and not just sell direct. Raise that number even higher if you're not charging $20 or if the book goes on sale. Add in buying food for yourself and the bare minimum to pay cheap rent and you're looking at a minimum of 400-500 extra copies. So realistically a total of about 5,000+ copies is needed. A number most indie titles just doesn't hit but the artists in question don't give a fuck if you can profit or not.

So what do these high prices they want buy you? You'd think it'd buy loyalty right? WRONG. Even if you pay them what they want and offer them royalties most these artists make it clear they will drop you like a hot potato if Marvel/DC/Image come-a-calling. Most of them also make it clear that even if sales are amazing they won't guarantee they will stick with you either. Leaving you the publisher/writer with a dick in your hand trying to find someone to replace them without fucking up the consistency of the book. So nah, I don't feel guilty low balling artist to limit my risks if they want to be greedy cunts who get all the upside, none of the downside and none of the risks.

>> No.2717545

tipical egocentrical jew.

>> No.2717548

no one cares about comic books

>> No.2717553

Sorry, i'm not risking 30k so you can make a name for yourself and abandon me at the drop of a hat the second some big company offers you an opportunity. Either be willing to show loyalty or accept lower pay in exchange for the freedom to leave the project.

>> No.2717556

>no one cares about comic books
Exactly. That's why the pay needs to be lower. That's my entire point. No one gives a shit about the medium so the only people who should be involved are those with passion who are willing to work their ass off for low pay to barely scrape by with hopes they make it big. Why? Because they love it.

Comics isn't where you go to get rich and artists need to understand that or stay the fuck out and quit wasting people's time with pie in the sky numbers that aren't sustainable. Depending on the job and industry standards artists need to price themselves accordingly or they can expect to never get hired.

Some of the more mundane art jobs that are much less creatively fulfilling pay a lot better. It sucks but oh well.

>> No.2717657

>200 page book would cost $20,000-30,000

That's not even unreasonable considering the amount of time that would take.

>> No.2717658

If you are doing a lot of them, you may be able to lower the per set piece, since it'd be back to back business for them.

>> No.2717669

>a 200 page book would cost $20,000-30,000.
So a low class year's wages for a year's work?

>> No.2717680

Yeah, the legsalone look like she's got a disease of some kind.
The colorsand shading looks.good though.

>> No.2717696

then stop bitching about it on fucking 4chan like you actually have 30k and any kind of ambition. do you think all artists are the same and nobody has professional integrity? also ever heard about NDAs and clauses that prevent artists from fucking you in the ass at the first opportunity? you are a fucking joke. gtfo jew.

>> No.2717698

Well then, someone's mad as shit.

Let's be honest, if you're making a comic book that's that big and that important, you're not coming to /ic/. Your whole ''''argument'''' breaks it's kneecaps at that first hurdle, Lol.

>> No.2717699

of course it's not, but mcjew here thinks he knows.

>> No.2717713

1. Who the fuck is making a 200 page comic
2. 5,000 copies isn't fucking shit. In a world with hundreds of millions of steam users, smartphone owners etc. if your game or comic or whatever your passion project is doesn't sell 5,000 copies you're a fuckin' uninteresting loser.

>> No.2717715

>Who the fuck is making a 200 page comic?
Anybody with the audacity to make an original graphic novel right off the bat, I assume

>> No.2717740

why are you talking about comic pages OP didn't even mention comics

>> No.2717742

He used it as an example for the price range OP suggested.

>> No.2717744

why would you use comic pages to give a price example to someone wanting anime bimbo illustrations


>> No.2717811

may i ask the artist behind this piece?

>> No.2717829

>paying more or less the same amount or more for an image about a girl that it'd cost to fuck a prostitute with the same clothes on in some countries

>> No.2717869


200 page comic book is really something that you can only expect from biggest names and those are usually collections of issues or anthologies. "That Yellow Bastard" by Frank Miller is around 200 pages, same with the "Preludes and Nocturnes" by Neil Gaiman.

First was originally published with 6 issues for half a year, second one is a collection of 8 issues that was published in a year. Frank Miller's piece was made in 96, Neil Gaiman originally published Sandman as far back as late 80s. Those books, maybe with a bit tweaked layout/colors, are still republished not only in USA, but in the whole world.

Indie comics? Nobody publishes that big books. Chris Ware, maybe most popular indie guy, publishes books of 70 pages (and he gets around 20k sales per issue).

Now I can only think of 1 instance of big 200 page volumes being published for pennies. It's "Empowered" comic, at the start of a year it sales for $20, later it sales for $10 (even 10 year old first volume). Sales around 3k for first year.

There's the thing though: "Empowered" is a smut, it's made in manga style, it isn't even inked and you can certainly forget about color. It started as something a guy did on the side, from comissions and then made into short stories and eventually put it into volumes.

Even that guy republishes his first volume in "hardcover, exclusive edition" for like $60 per book and gets at least 1000 sales on that.

But man, this isn't how comic industry works. If you are starting artist, you'll usually only do 1 thing like laying colors for some pages. You'd be really lucky to get one 20 page issue to yourself.

And man, 20 pages is a month of work. Getting $2000 for a month work I guess is acceptable in USA? How are your salaries there?

>> No.2718027

>wanting to fuck a nasty, used 3D prostitute

>> No.2718126

Yeah 2000 a month is just barely the living wage. More then minimum wage but still not enough to live comfortably while making too much to get any government aid

>> No.2718147

Honestly, if you wan the exclusive rights to an artist's time for a whole year then you'd better expect a premium. I'd at least want to eat and keep a roof over my head while I slaved over someone else passion project.

Otherwise set realistic timetables, maybe do your research and secure a number of artists that are stylistically coherent? That way you can have your art done, negotiate a better price individually, the artists are happy and can pursue other projects, and you might even save overall.

>> No.2718148

Christ, where I live you'd be filthy rich with this kind of money. Shit, I wouldn't mind 500 a month.

>> No.2718173

1600 a month before taxes is the minimum wage where I live, full time. The country is fucked. You have to get a 40k-100k loan just to go to school in order to make a decent living, then you have to work for years just to pay that loan back, so you're not even making much more money.

>> No.2718243

>That's not even unreasonable considering the amount of time that would take.
To clarify I was doing all the coloring and I wasn't asking for obscenely detailed photo-realism. To do what I wanted in the style I wanted it should have been 4-5 months tops for a semi-decent artist and 3-4 months tops for a fast artist. So on the top end of things that's $7,500 to $10,000 a month which is totally unreasonable. On the bottom end that's $4000 a month which is still unreasonable.

I'm not interested in doing some one off story and then never touching the IP again. Of course I wouldn't let them leave mid-project and mid-contract. I'm saying these artists outright admitted that even if sales were amazing they wouldn't keep working with me AFTER the initial project was complete. They also refused to sign any contract that left an option to extend the contract if sales met a minimum number capable of paying them what they required. My issue is they wanted to use me as a step stool to catapult them into their dream jobs at bigger publishers which is a dick move. Kudos for being honest but holy shit it's disloyal as hell.

I didn't come to /ic/ to hire people. I came to point out that people being greedy dicks goes both ways.

If you think 5,000 copies is easy to hit I have news for you. Maybe if it's an established artist in the industry who does amazing work, sure. The people I was talking about weren't established people in the industry, hence my frustration with their pricing.

Someone who wants to make a story longer than a few issues as some kind of novelty.

>20 pages is a month of work
For pencils and inks in layouts not requiring obscene detail? No way in hell. If you're that slow you don't deserve to work in comics because your prices will have to be so damn high compared to everyone else. If you're pumping out ultra detailed work then sure, 20 pages is reasonable.

>> No.2718257

He used to post on 4chan few months ago, here's his tumblr.

>> No.2718268

yeah that's where i got it from, shame he seems full up

>> No.2718282
File: 1.54 MB, 3312x4249, vance-xiii-15-lachez-les-chiens-2t2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you mean "not requiring obscene detail"? Is pic related with too many detail or exactly what you need? It's not "photorealistic", isn't it?

Do you think more than one page like that can be done per day?

>> No.2718345

>caring just about money
Happiness pays much more.

>> No.2718347


Happiness alone doesn't pay your bills or feeds your stomach or sends your kid to university.

>> No.2718348

>caring about any of that
Clearly your priorities are in order then

>> No.2718556

You realize manga-ka can produce anywhere form 30 to 80 pages a month right? The level of detail, panel composition and many other shortcuts like having assistants can drastically affect production speed. I can personally do about 2 pages a day for standard dialogue/exposition stuff and 1 page a day for money shot high detail pages. I'm only mentioning it because you seem to be under the impression that 20 is some kind of hard limit in the medium.

>> No.2718969

You realize that a "manga-ka" has a team of people with him and they usually work 80 to 100 hour weeks right?

>> No.2718972

>20 yo kids
>theorycrafting about money

>> No.2718993


You haven't answered my question. Also now you are talking about a team of people, not a single artist.

So what is it? Is this the level of detail you'd like to have? How much would you be willing to pay for that page?

>> No.2719005

>using mangaka as a fucking standard with the insane hours they put in and the huge variance in art quality across the medium
not to mention they don't fucking work on shitty garbage that you write they work on their own personal projects, which is why they have enough passion to do what they do

>> No.2719006

>that belly

My goodness..

>> No.2719124
File: 81 KB, 600x522, tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to try and see if I could make that animu rendering. What do you guys think? Not as good but passable?

>> No.2719163

I just told you I can complete 1-2 pages a day no problem. By myself. In 10-12 hours. Yes, passion is required to put in that level of effort but why the fuck would I pay someone $200 a page if they have no passion? Are you arguing artists are entitled to turn in work devoid of passion for premium prices and spend the minimum amount of time possible to do it? What kind of douche applies for a passion project with the intent to fleece someone like that while having zero interest in the material? I don't disagree that an idea you create is going to generate more willingness to sacrifice time but come on man.

I deleted that part of my post by accident during copy paste because I was tired, my apologies. Yes that page is too detailed for my liking, it's not photo-realism but it has more panels and realism-based detail than I needed. What i'd pay for that page is irrelevant because I wouldn't want it nor was I asking for it.

For the record, negotiations didn't break down over pricing alone. It broke down because people failed to read the job requirements, refused to draw certain content, provided portfolios devoid of comic work, were grossly unqualified or refused to commit to a long term project under any circumstances no matter how beneficial. You wouldn't believe the number of artists who applied who supposedly had "passion" for the medium but never bothered to draw a single comic page in their life.

So if I come off angry it's because I am. I wasted 6 months of my life trying so hard to give what I considered under-privileged and undiscovered artists a chance. All they did was disappoint me with a total lack of basic business skills, professionalism and knowledge of the medium they claimed interest in. Out of 500+ applicants half a dozen actually knew their shit and presented themselves well, it just didn't work out in the end. Artists are their own worst enemy in my opinion, lots of self sabotage.

>> No.2719453


sure, that's a nice tit and half but could you manage to pull through and finish a whole piece like that, is the real question you should be asking yourself

>> No.2719507

>I wasted 6 months of my life trying so hard to give what I considered under-privileged and undiscovered artists a chance.

Haha, holy shit. You are so fucking entitled it hurts.

>> No.2719512


His statement isn't wrong. Artists are, in broad strokes, godawful businesspeople and terribly unprofessional. /ic/ is a living breathing example of it.

>> No.2719521

post tutorial pls

>> No.2719554

if he could do that I can't see why he couldn't do a full body rendering in that way

>> No.2719557

I get the impression you don't know what passion is

passion is when one think about something, day and night, for months before even starting

you can't expect somebody to have passion to do your project. it's your project

artists are not people waiting to purr passion in any random dude's projects. They are workers which either put passion in their own projects, or work on others' projects, AS AN 8 HOUR/ DAY MAX JOB, if they decide to do even more that's them being kind.

entitled prick

>> No.2719844

you have no idea how light works, right?
to answer your question, no it's not passable.

>> No.2719858

>Are you arguing artists are entitled to turn in work devoid of passion for premium prices
Yes,if you weren't so fucking ignorant you would know that this concept is actually one of the foundations of illustration in the advertising business.
In advertising, the wages for illustrators are way higher than in other fields, because the work is so boring and restricted that they have to make up for the soul crushing and heavily art directed content you have to produce,
Most artists that are actually passionate about their work will tell you that they would prefer working a shitty 9-5 job over working hundred of hours on projects they don't care about.

>> No.2719860

post your work.

>> No.2719863


Instead of such a vague statement maybe you should display your knowledge and tell him how and why his lighting doesn't work, friend.

>> No.2720252

All I hear is whining. Nothing is your fault, everything is those damn artists fault.

>> No.2720453

That's because anyone who knows what they're doing won't do it for the price that you're offering.

You're basically asking for a professional with a good work ethic. If they can already do that then they can get jobs with way better pay.

Not to mention they probably have their own passion projects, why would they spend their passion on someone else's project? So its unlikely you were going to get the kind artist you're looking for at all no matter how hard you looked.

>> No.2721251

that body is all kinds of fucked up, is this bait?

>> No.2721254

maybe she was in a wheelchair, she has one of those deformities where her limbs didn't grow correctly.

>> No.2721286

>quick and reliable

Pick 2. That's the way it's always been for everything. It's fundamental. You're the idiot for thinking you can get all three.

>> No.2721288

I don't get the "people who want to write a comic but get someone else to draw it" meme.

Unless both art and storytelling are your passions go fuck off and write a novel.

>> No.2721293


I get it. I wouldn't ask someone to draw my graphic novel idea for me, but I understand why someone would.

To some people the medium of a comic is more appealing than the medium of a novel. Maybe they can visualize their ideas, but can't depict it because they can't into art. You can acknowledge you lack the skill to do something but still want to do it. In such a case it leaves you with a few options
Learn to do the thing (this can take years, as anyone who has seriously undertaken art will understand)
Con someone into doing it for you for free
Pay someone to do it for you

I mean, I'd love to tell a story in a videogame format using my art, despite knowing shit all about programming. I even know how I'd do it if I knew how to program, but even a good plan won't magically imbue me with programming skills. And I'm well aware that you can't become a good programmer overnight - so I'd need to make a decision, do I sacrifice art time for programming time? Am I willing to possibly be average at both but good at neither, or would I rather specialize and find another specialist to cooperate with? And at that, how much am I willing to pay them for their proficiency?

It's not an easy choice, especially on passion projects where you might not have significant disposable income.

>> No.2721298

>professional artists

>> No.2721411

When you get to the point where you can render out a single detail like that you'll realize how far away you still are from doing it consistently for an entire piece. It's not just a matter of patience. The more elements there are the harder it gets to keep things consistent across the board.

>> No.2723777
File: 3.12 MB, 2560x1440, Art52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of costs.
How much does it cost to commission something like this?

>> No.2723787

more than you can afford

>> No.2724010

someone that skilled will likely only work for trusted clients. good luck even getting them to talk to you

>> No.2724019

>"that skilled"

you've got to be fucking kidding me. /ic/ is truly dead.

i know you'll ignore the shitty anatomy because of the anime face, but look at the perspective. look at it. the amazon warrior isn't at all matching the plane of the villagers in the background and even further back the buildings are collapsing toward each other. the composition is overall bad.

i wouldn't pay anything for this shit.

>> No.2724021

go back to your 2 point perspective kid

>> No.2724026


He's right though, stupid.

>> No.2724035

the grasp of color, style, and composition is master level.

>> No.2724036

post your work

>> No.2724038

Hahaha oh wow, this board sometimes.

>> No.2724055

Muddy skin is what a master should be painting?

>> No.2724085
File: 255 KB, 1024x630, Georgie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's George Kamitani. He's a professional who's worked on a number of jap games and is fairly well respected. His shtick is that he draws really warped anatomy.

>> No.2724097

>those feet
not even a footfag but god damn

>> No.2724161
File: 2.90 MB, 2560x1440, Art41 - The Gorgon Sisters - Emika Kida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamitani designed the character, but the illustration in >>2723777 was made by Emika Kida who made a number of illustrations for the game, including all the class endings.
Pic related is one of her other pieces from the game.

>> No.2724171

I actually looked it up before posting, and figured it was a pseudonym for Kamitani. Kida's work just looked like a less exaggerated, more mainstream version of Kamitani's work.

>> No.2726582
File: 35 KB, 369x500, creative_graphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you should try game engines like unity /ue3 / whatever, they're designed to enable non coders to get games done. But you'd still need to get into lvl design, game music and whatnot

>> No.2726599

Not really. Anon asserted that hiring kamitani would be impossible, him being an established professional, and then autismo blurted out a lot of projected insecurities. Its fine if you dont like kamitanis work because weebness but this post >>2723787
still stands true.

>> No.2727120

>Add in buying food for yourself and the bare minimum to pay cheap rent

The artist has to pay for these things too.

Fact is, artists are in much higher demand than writers are. Any bozo can be a writer, it takes years and years of dedication to become a decent artist. So yeah, the artist CAN demand higher pay because without the artist there is no book, period.

Get used to it, get over it.

>> No.2727125

>Any bozo can be a writer,

This is very naive and honestly, as an artist whose been told "any bozo can be an artist" I'm pretty fucking offended on behalf of skillful writers. If you've actually taken time to devote yourself to your craft you should have already had that realization "holy shit this isn't as easy as it looked." Do you think that's exclusive to art?

Since yeah, the way you put it, any bozo can be a writer, but that same bozo can be an artist too. The idea is you want to be good at it and ideally sustain yourself on it. That's the part that's easier said than done, just like art there is a craft to it, even if its value is subject to taste. How much do you know about the publishing industry, and the ratio of aspiring novelists to actual successful novelists? How many "bozos" do you know who have had the discipline to start and finish a novel? A cohesive one, that is, that's actually planned and not just a vomit of words on a page. What about to go back and edit it? What about getting it eviscerated by a publisher and having to rewrite half of it just so you can get it on the shelves? It's pretty harsh, just like it is in the art world.

>> No.2727544

While I agree with you, you must acknowledge that the minimum bar for quality is much lower for writing than art in comics.

>> No.2727553

>source: "my ass"

>> No.2727590

You expect a citation for a subjective value judgement? To be clear, I'm not saying that becoming successful as a comic writer doesn't require as much hard work, passion, and dedication as an artist, just that it's far, FAR more common to see awful writing paired with excellent art than vice versa in mainstream comics.

>> No.2728365

>this thread still around

i thought i should inform you that i found someone from indonesia or something who charges $50 for art that looks better than my examples. who knew art was so cheap?