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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 602 KB, 947x1042, 1467295891775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2715364 No.2715364 [Reply] [Original]

How do I render like this?

>> No.2715373

Just copy other people to be honest.

>> No.2715374

are these threads reportable yet

>> No.2715402

Learn how to render

I wish

>> No.2715406
File: 183 KB, 765x600, 1466175893101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things
and Experience

The image isn't actually that impressive, the value range is poor, the colours look like plastic, the pose is poor and the overall finish is scruffy
but what is shown is knowledge of how light affects metal surfaces and how armour looks(ignoring the fantasy design choices)

The image would probably get you hired at a startup company pretty easily but no respectful company would look at you with this level of skill.
There's a long way to go and I'm sure you already know what you should be doing you've just gotta do it

>Do lots of still lifes and some with interesting lighting, learn how light works, how it affects colour and different materials, for the image you posted you would need to draw some metallic stuff to know how light affects it.
>Anatomy, this is obvious, just look at the muscles of the body and slowly work your way through it until you know what's inside the body, more advanced stuff related to anatomy would be gesture and how to colour skin properly, google these and practice them to get good at them.
>Black and white stuff to improve your use of values
>Colour focus stuff to improve your use of colour
>Do both at the same time to paint colour with values well
And the most important of all
>Experience, 2 groups are tasked to make the perfect pot, group a only makes 1 pot but spends 10 years studying how to make the perfect pot, group b makes 10,000 pots. Group b always makes the best pot because group a has no experience in making pot

>> No.2715412

the rendering has very little information in it other than communication of the rounded forms and the reflective quality via emphasizing the values near the angle of incidence. look it up and/or read scott robertson's rendering book.

>> No.2715513
File: 59 KB, 750x536, ClHvIQgVYAI5k4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To render like that you need to absolutely not study materials at all, so your metal can look like latex and skin looks like wax with zero SSS at all.
Then you need to not study anatomy at all so your figures look as terrible as pic in OP.
And then, most important, dont learn anything about design or functionality, so you can put badly drawn animu girls in bikini armor all day.

>> No.2715576

Looking at the pic now it's clear the artist is just using really hard brushes, nothing special. It's not really good

>> No.2715579

>It's not really good
Never change, /ic/.

>> No.2715638


Rendering armor:

1. Midtone, shadows to render armor.
2. Add local value (darkest value than shafows) for details.
3. Use highlight that's close to white.

>> No.2715688

It's not his fault you're bad, my dude.

>> No.2715692

>not reading the rest of the critique
never change faggot. and I agree with the anon, it's not that good

>> No.2715701

1. Open photoshop
2. Pick that juicy hard round brush
3. Git gud

>> No.2715707
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, 715745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That armor is awfuly useless, am I the only one that feels like murdering someone whenever this kind of "girl" armor appears in an otherwise serious setting?

>> No.2715712

How do I render well, period?

I read Colour and Light and the like but they just look at how light interacts under various conditions, not sure how that translates to brushstrokes.

I should just suck it up and do more paintings from ref, I guess.

>> No.2715728

bra-armour has been a cliche for decades , unless the artist is very young there is almost no way they arent aware of it.

>> No.2715844

are these comments reportable yet

>> No.2715983

Her eyes seem kinda off

>> No.2715989


the guy literally wrote "bikini armor" in the bottom, I'm pretty sure it was intentionally playing on the trope.

>> No.2715993


Most of it is practice, but one tip I can give for brushstrokes is to render along the form, it'll add some three dimensionality without you necessarily needing to do cross-contours.

>> No.2716114
File: 217 KB, 728x406, 1475138105434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
Honestly a little embarrassing I associate myself with such social zeroes. Little hard to act tuff when everyone knows what a loser you are

>> No.2716117

>am I the only one that feels like murdering someone whenever this kind of "girl" armor appears in an otherwise serious setting

Yes get over it.

>> No.2717782

Looks like round brush to me. But the rendering honestly isn't great in this, and there's nothing interesting being reflected in the armor so it just looks like plastic.

>> No.2717792

this kinda armours are retarded. if you wanna draw porn, fucking draw porn. but all these warrior whores are just pathetic male pandering.

can someone draw a cunt like this getting axe´d in the ribs i hate these designs

>> No.2717793
File: 144 KB, 1198x899, 1448462434348-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's your opinion but you're wrong.

>> No.2717796

is it a woman i cant tell

>> No.2717966


are you agreeing with him or not? the pic you posted is shit rendering as well.

>> No.2717969
File: 44 KB, 500x570, bikiniarmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You comment reminded me of this meme pic.

That's the first bikini armour I've seen that look good and is actually pretty sexy and has interesting design.

>> No.2718093
File: 318 KB, 500x704, 3f3aa55e80d5266e1a7446b833b7668c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's missing her handbag, how will people know she's stylish and rich?

>> No.2718116

Earth actually is round

>> No.2718119

A person who is inflexible to the point he can't acknowledge that different genres and products have different design standards is

>> No.2718122
File: 67 KB, 912x490, 4765757575765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same anon shitting about Kyle
Quality posting

>> No.2718124

>gladiators in armor showing most of their skin
historically accurate
>girl in armor showing most of their skin
this kinda armours are retarded. if you wanna draw porn, fucking draw porn. but all these warrior whores are just pathetic male pandering.

>> No.2718127

>this kinda armours are retarded. if you wanna draw porn, fucking draw porn.
I don't want to draw porn but I want to draw girls in lewd armors. Why someone should listen your shitty opinion?

>> No.2718146

How to render by Scott Robertson is probably the book you want. Rendering is primarily about representing different qualities (base color, reflections, speculars, bounce, sss, fresnel, texture) as they vary across different materials.

If you have the time and the interest, you could look up good books or tutorials on 3D render engines and shaders as well. They don't cover stuff specific to drawing (how to calculate your angles for reflections or speculars, or to mainly draw texture where the light meets the shadow), but they're excellent for learning the general properties of materials. I've been going through Grant Warwick and Viscorbel tuts on shaders and it does help with painting.

>> No.2718176

Context is key though. Gladiator armour didn't have combat as a function, but was used for sport. As such, it even had intentional flaws, but most importantly, didn't need to offer all-around protection. But then not all armour or protection offered full cover, and there are even some rare cases of warriors fighting fully naked. I wouldn't mind bikini armour if it was justified, or at least looked like they put an effort into justifying it, and not an excuse to show asses and boobies. Though I do remember it used to make me really horny as a kid when playing Diablo 2.

>> No.2718182

top kek

>> No.2718206 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1140x692, what is construction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting rough, my construction skills are showing how poor they are. Any tips?

>> No.2718245


The thing is people are usually drawing warriors and adventurers, not participants in blood sports. It'd be like saying "lmao boxers hardly wear any armor at all and they fight you fucking idiot"

Not that I care about bikini armor as long as they're self aware about its obvious flaws.

>> No.2718259

Just be yourself

>> No.2718272

the point was that they could be gladiator and not actual fighters

the same way there were classes with gladiators, with each armor design to have it's own flows and advantages, to make the show more entertaining, the same could go for those bikini chicks

damn, if you want to go full circle, you could say they already do and we are the one who should be entertained

>> No.2718274


If all the depictions of bikini armor are gladiatrix concepts I'd be mighty fucking surprised.

>> No.2718308

but I don't understand- you're still bad. that's all I said. stop projecting your insecurities like its an argument or something.

>> No.2719018

It's made by a nip who makes bikini armors for Skyrim.

>> No.2719020

The nip who drew that creates bikini armors for Skyrim. I'm 99% he gets his rustling jimmies off of it.

>> No.2719470

Nice 8gag image faglord, no surprise seeing gator saving misogynistic pictures of women in bondage clothes *cringes*

>> No.2719687

opinion disregarded.

>> No.2719695

yea but mate, you see these type of armor designs are nowadays most often used for fictional games and videos. And what do those have in common with gladiator fights? Yes, that's right, they are both "made" for entertainment purpose.

>> No.2721593

Nigga who drew this.

>> No.2721625
File: 1.54 MB, 705x915, the fuck is this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2721629


>> No.2721636

Shes a strong woman, she can wear whatever she wants

i mean come on, its 2016, why are you trying to force this beautiful strong woman to cover her beautiful strong body? fucking sexist.

>> No.2721637


>Yes, that's right, they are both "made" for entertainment purpose.

Yes, but so was Saving Private Ryan, that doesn't mean they filmed the D-Day scene with girls in bikinis instead of soldiers in uniforms.

It's context sensitive. If people are making a sort of shlocky fantasy bikini armor as a trope is par for the course, but it can get old and in some contexts it feels awfully out of place. Drawing an equivalency between gladiators and skimpy armor is one thing, but trying to broaden it to "yeah buddy they're both for entertainment purposes therefore skimpy armor!" is pretty flawed reasoning.

>> No.2721687

*loads gun*
*unsheathes katana*
*teleports behind you*

>> No.2722336

Autism is a CHOICE