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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 362 KB, 1425x600, loish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2712575 No.2712575 [Reply] [Original]

What are /ic/'s thoughts on Loish?

>> No.2712580

Is that the girl that gets butthurt for criticizing and gets away with it cause she is a girl with a white knight army

>> No.2712584

you're probably thinking of cyarin who is basically a loish wannabe

>> No.2712587
File: 18 KB, 295x259, SIdSloth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2712589
File: 11 KB, 225x225, descarga (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> http://loish.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/
That sameface holy shit

>> No.2712591

Her art or her?

I don't know much about her as an artist, but I know some people don't like her for whatever reason.

Art wise, I like her work. Her use of color is really fun, and I like the kinda wonky facial proportions she uses. It's interesting.

>> No.2712592
File: 980 KB, 472x8809, FireShot Screen Capture #183 - 'loish blog' - blog_loish_ne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it back. She has it worse than toriyama

>> No.2712594

I like her art ok for what it is.. I think she's neat and also strangely hot.

>> No.2712595

Shes fucking amazing

>> No.2712608
File: 31 KB, 600x522, i_dont_know_what_face_to_make_put.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people serious?
Have you seen her sameface problem?.
It would be so big of a deal if everything that she did wasn't portrait like pictures.
There are like 2 in every 12 that are detailed.

>> No.2712609

I just don't really think it's a big deal. I just take it for what it is.

Honestly I feel like the "sameface" thing people claim she has is exaggerated. I'm not saying a lot of her stuff doesn't looks similar, but I feel like it's brought to attention more often than it really should be. She has plenty of talent.

>> No.2712612

Loish's only claim to fame is her popularity on deviantart..

She worked for Lego apparently, but fuck me if she's not a kardashian of the artworld

>> No.2712614
File: 548 KB, 1681x1149, FireShot Screen Capture #184 - 'loish's DeviantArt gallery' - loish_deviantart_com_galler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "sameface" thing people claim she has is exaggerated
Have you looked her gallery

I like the colors but that is as far as I can go.

>> No.2712617

Yes, I have.

>> No.2712618

She's cute af and a better artist than 93+% of /ic/ will ever be

that's /thread boys

>> No.2712621

Which doesn't say much...this puts her under the top 7% of /ic/ who are jobless shut ins...or successful furry porn artists.

>> No.2712622
File: 654 KB, 1892x907, ic_tier_Loish_and_others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2712624

>She's cute af
post pics

>> No.2712626

You niggas are really sad lol.
Even if loish has settled into a comfort zone, at least she is drawing more than all of us and enjoying it.

>> No.2712785

Women have a tendency to draw themselves all the time.

>> No.2712789

She's famous because she's been drawing for a very long time and never caused stupid drama.
She's dependable and good, all someone needs to be to be a professional artist sponsored by wacom and adobe.

It really is that easy, draw a lot and be a good person.

>> No.2712790

Would look good if it was one by hand and not digital crap.

>> No.2712791

just look it up she has a pic on her site in the about section. and she is pretty cute.

>> No.2712792
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1462987014195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The white knights have arrived

>> No.2712793

There is literally nothing wrong with same facing.

>> No.2712797

Anybody is better in life than a successful furry porn star.

I'd rather be a homeless crack head desu.

>> No.2712806
File: 379 KB, 700x679, 3bf1f88f-070f-4cb9-872c-4d71d3e82e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also one of her self portraits

>> No.2712807
File: 981 KB, 859x829, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From your screenshot alone, this is her "sameface" problem.

The problem is overstated. She's definitely got a 'standard' face she goes back to a lot and there's some common design decisions in a lot of her portraits, but not to the extent people are claiming. She pretty obviously steps outside it.

>> No.2712811

Oh shit I meant to reply to this guy

>> No.2712820

Same facing is good.

It makes your artwork recognisable like a brand.

>> No.2712821


I don't disagree, I'm just also saying that she doesn't "sameface" in the sense of having one face she slaps on everything, she's clearly capable of stepping outside her more standard look.

There's even variation within examples of her 'sameface', it's just - as you say - recognizably her approach to a face.

People seem to have really loosened up their criteria for crying sameface lately. It seems all it needs to be accused of it now is for the drawing to have two eyes, a nose and a mouth and it's sameface.

>> No.2712824

Her faces all seem the same to me.
I dont really mind that, but when you notice it you cant help but noticing it. Also, most of her faces are pointing downwards, which kinda irks me too.

I like her use of color too, really cool.

What I dont like is how all her stuff feels the same. To me it just feels like decoration and those meme-tutorials she's been doing lately are totally useless. I dont have much against her but I see people (mostly girls) be fucking nuts about her, and if you're not chanting their song, you're a mortal enemy.

>> No.2712826
File: 64 KB, 640x380, SeanConnery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is annoying as fuck.

>> No.2712827
File: 234 KB, 893x1400, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this a bunch of times lately, that /ic/ nerds get triggered by artists who make the stylistic choice to have the eyes further apart than usual. Last I saw it in a thread about some asian girl portrait by Sinix. Why is that? Is this the new "tumblr nose" you obsess over that makes you feel superior towards technically far more skilled artists?

>> No.2712828

chris sanders is fucking awesome

>> No.2712830

Huge inspiration to me, I love her uses of shape and proportions, her coloring is very nice too.

>> No.2712835

Can Loish draw open mouths?
Beaver teeth doesnt count. Like a proper open mouth.

I dont think I've ever seen one of her illustrations have an open mouth.

>> No.2712839

There's a huge difference between proper stylization and drawing something that simply looks wrong. The shit in your picture is properly stylized, even if I think the style itself looks like cancer.
The picture by Sivix you're referring to was not properly stylized. He more or less drew a normal face and moved the eyes apart, which made it look like an amateur mistake. This is not stylization.

As for why people dislike the style in the OP, it's probably because it's ugly as fucking sin. You've got a tiny skull and the eyes that are too far apart. The features that are enhanced make them look like they've got some weird birth defects, and is quite common among a lot of female artists. The other reason people might not like it, is because it's a style that is very common in studios like Disney. Copying Disney of all things, just shows an astonishing lack of creativity.

>> No.2712842

>Copying Disney of all things, just shows an astonishing lack of creativity.

Don't a lot of skilled draftsmen and animators work at Disney though?
Not trying to nitpick, just want to hear more about your elaboration.

>> No.2712846

There are very few situations where a portrait artist would draw a wide open mouth. I mean, can Sargent draw an open mouth? Not slightly open or a teeth showing smile, but like a proper open mouth. I don't think I've ever seen one of his paintings have an open mouth.

>> No.2712849

>Don't a lot of skilled draftsmen and animators work at Disney though?
Well duh. Of course there are a lot of skilled people in the biggest animation studio in the world. There are also a lot of skilled artists working for Marvel, Blizzard and DC. That doesn't make them particularly creative, though.

>> No.2712852

yep sure have... don't care.

>> No.2712853

IKR I just wanna smooch her widdle nose!

>> No.2712857
File: 451 KB, 1200x1651, 1362595437825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a style that is very common in studios like Disney.

That style is not common at all with Disney actually. Apart from Lilo & Stitch of course. When I think of wide apart eyes, I think mostly of some Ghibli character designs, plenty of the "weird" non-anime asian illustrators tend to do it a lot too. Iain McQue, Sanders, Kim Jung Gi.. I've see it all over the place to be honest. So yeah, making the argument that it's fine when a good artist does it and it's bad when an artist who you don't like does it is kind of stupid.

>> No.2712869

Are you illiterate or something? I'm talking about the combination of a tiny skull and eyes that are far apart. It makes them look like they're suffering from microcephaly.

>> No.2712876


>> No.2712893


>> No.2712898
File: 1.36 MB, 3400x2200, 1385389834572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you illiterate or something?

Are you? You said "it's a style that is very common in studios like Disney."

I told you it's not. Not in the least actually. Disney's style is the exact opposite, big skulls and big eyes that are slightly less than 1 eyewidth apart.

>> No.2712912
File: 14 KB, 480x360, AssStyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the style I was referring to, but it seems more popular with Dreamworks rather than Disney. Thought Prince of Egypt and El Dorado was Disney, but my point still stands, as it's a common style in big budget western animation. The studio doesn't really matter.

>> No.2712918

>it's a common style in big budget western animation
>ie these 3 movies

>> No.2712932

>those necks lol

>> No.2712935

Fuck off, Wes.

>> No.2712942
File: 880 KB, 597x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.

>> No.2712945

very nice

>> No.2712955

>accusing loish of samefacing
>glenn keane exists

Sometimes you gotta admit art is subjective, duderinos. Loish is A-ok in my books and so is Chris Sanders and Keane.

>> No.2712960

Please i don't deserve this bullying

>> No.2712961


Like, I'm not saying it isn't there, it's just not really a big deal. People use it as an excuse to rip on her, and that's fine if it's not for you, but like don't dismiss her obvious skill because of one thing that isn't even a big deal.

I'm not even a big fan of Loish, I just really hate when people nitpick because it's a popular artist.

>> No.2712978

Shes shit. Shes pretended to be 18-19 years old when really shes 32 and still can't construct a face

>> No.2712980

I could add, she went to school for animation and thats where the eyes too far apart red nose tumblr shit comes from

>> No.2712982

dunno if sameface or not but her work is just kind of boring to me. her colours, compositions and subject matter may be skillful but in the end nothing about them is surprising, it's all very "safe".

>> No.2712986


How exactly does she pretend to be 18-19? Just curious

>> No.2712992

Loish pls, do I have to even explain it?

>> No.2713002

pretty skilled for a big eye lip artist

>> No.2713004

Jesus, you're not kidding.

I've never seen /ic/ this nice. Kinda comical.

>> No.2713010


Yes, please do

>> No.2713026

I doubt it's even white knights. It's tumblrcunts.

>> No.2713027

Why would she paint herself as a haggard middle aged woman?

>> No.2713028


Because that's what she is, more or less? It's no secret women decline fast after hitting 30

>inb4 muh misogyny

>> No.2713120

Yes? Don't just say random shit if there isn't evidence. It's not like obscure information about random internet artists is common knowledge.

>> No.2713129

Very nice choice of colours and her style Is not my type though. It's quite sad that people (like You) have to resort to creating such useless threads to shit on artists you don't like, pathetic that you can't even come up with something on their levels, just like tehmeh haters or Kyle haters.

>> No.2713134

men do too though so everyone's all in this boat together, unless you have a lot of money, they usually look and act young even while 70

>> No.2713142

Men don't age nearly as fast as women, senpai. That's the point being made.

I wouldn't be surprised. The amount of people jumping to her defense is fucking startling. Straight abnormal.

I'd understand it if she was even good.

>> No.2713147
File: 40 KB, 396x338, 1473026736797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a contrarian

>> No.2713150

>Only saying one thing against you that's actually true.
>Apparently incredibly contrarian.

I'd say for you to hang yourself, but I'm unsure if you even know how to tie a knot.

>> No.2713153
File: 2.67 MB, 2635x883, afd6c8e3538e497360052a066205c18f-da7b44y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the "criticism" of Loish in this thread seem like the most petty nitpicking bullshit I've seen. Her "same face" problem is hardly a real problem since she demonstrates she can draw other type of faces. She's consciously choosing to draw the faces she likes. It's not a crutch and it's not to the same degree as weeb artists. She can display variation. Loish's art is good. Her colors is what I like the most but she clearly understands fundamentals. The chick knows what she's doing. Some kids on /ic/ just need to quit acting like fuckbois and give people props when they are due. She's not Sakimichan.

>> No.2713236



Found the tumblrina.

>> No.2713242

It's spelled f u c c bois. God.

>> No.2713245

>Prince of egypt has a bad style

You are a retard.

fucking yes

>> No.2713246


>> No.2713247

>calling someone a tumblrina
>on a board that has a thread dedicated to posting tumblr blogs
pot calling kettle.

>> No.2713264

I don't care enough to back this up, there's an interview on YouTube it's 30+ minutes long she mentions her progress timeline and gets dates "wrong" by 8-12 years, and fucks up her schooling history

>> No.2713308


Well, you could be right. Women are more prone to be delicate about their age for obvious reasons. I don't know if it's sad, creepy or hilarious

>> No.2713324

Shes so much better than any of you will ever be. Fucking cucks, being mad at someone cuz they made it.lmaaao

>> No.2713380

Your point is wrong, that's what he was saying and he's right.
I don't even know where you see the haggard part in that self portrait.

>> No.2713475

Using Tumblr for the sole purpose of gaining exposure for your art doesn't make you a Tumblrina.

Thank you for correcting the record.

>> No.2713479


That's the equivalent of saying because you browse 4chan you're a /b/tard or a /pol/ack.

There's the website, then there's the subcommunity.

>> No.2713483

Im not even the anon that said that. Nice miss.

>> No.2713491
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1457635841608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty astonishing that so many people here can't recognize the difference between mistakes and deliberate design choices.

>> No.2713512

I was AIM friends with her like 15 years ago.

>> No.2713513

It's why they talk shit about artists instead of drawing, no creativity whatsoever

>> No.2713541

Tumblr is a terrible place for getting exposure. You're better off on Instagram or Twitter. You might as well be a tumblrina if you're using tumblr, of all places, for art.

>implying most browsers don't crossboard
Try again.

>> No.2713547
File: 997 KB, 360x197, outkast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sameface'y but pleasing to look at. i enjoy it.

>> No.2713560




>> No.2713653

I watched her around 2010, I see nothing much has changed since then. You guys have low standards

>> No.2713656
File: 4 KB, 493x402, view (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing, that choice is a shitty one
The repetitiveness makes me grow numb of her style, making me feel like I watched everything just by glancing at her gallery, which doesn't seem to be far from the truth.

Also, if I shat on a canvas on purpose, doesn't really make any less of a turd.

>> No.2713663

there are better users that post in /beg/ threads


only a few of these aren't embaressing

>> No.2713665

>it's shit on purpose
Is there a more used excuse for a crutch? If other artists are objectivally better than you, that's just how it is. Throwing shit on a canvas doesn't make you a skilled artist.

>> No.2713668

Do you understand the metaphysical ramifications of calling me an idiot?

Designers should be praised for their bad design choices.

>> No.2713689
File: 686 KB, 759x1200, e75afc68ab6782f74de9b071b0cb0e61-d57xwb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was literally going to say she samefaces as hard as Sanders then this was the next post. I Still prefer Sanders though.

>> No.2713750

she's good, however her art just isnt my personal taste

>> No.2713758

Or you don't understand artistic growth because you haven't gotten to a level of competence yet.

>> No.2713764
File: 59 KB, 500x346, 1454306208514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal taste, which is subjective, doesn't determine whether or not something is good.
Except it's not a crutch when it's deliberate. She draws realistically just fine. Fish eyes and elongated necks are both (in her case) design choices.

>> No.2713767

>there are better users that post in /beg/ threads

Loish is better than 99% of /ic/.

>> No.2713776

well, when you head is stuck up your ass, all you can see is shit

>> No.2713794

/ic/ is incapable and will always be incapable of accepting stylized art becaue they can't make it themselves.

>> No.2713797

It's not even really that it's that 99% of /ic/ is shit posting and ignorance.

Here's an experiment you can do:

Pick an artist who is working, has a good grasp of the fundamentals, but posts some work online that isn't easily searchable.

Post a piece of that work on here claiming it's yours.

Wait for the (you)s to roll in about how you need Loomis and it's a fundamentally shitty drawing for some vague reasons.

>> No.2713802

Should fix that statement to white women, famalam

>> No.2713819

I don't think it works that way, plenty of people here get compliments and butthugs.

What is it that all great artists have in common, I mean really GREAT ones? It's their fundamentals and maybe 10% of their style and personal tastes.
90% of the critiques on /ic/ could be boiled down to "Get your fundamentals in check"

>> No.2713825

When I post something, I only get compliments. Every once in a while someone points out a mistake.
The only people who have shitposted my art are the two dedicated trolls we have here on /ic/, Malaysia and dickbrain.

>> No.2713828

Can't you obnoxious cunts go back to your containment site? Why the fuck have you started showing up on /ic/ of all places?

>> No.2713834

Abloo abloo muh tumblr boogeywomyn

>> No.2713901
File: 2.04 MB, 300x203, 1461180138285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ic cant make stylized art
>has a thread dedicated to stylized art


>> No.2713940

This actually isn't true.. I'm sure you're just butthurt about your stylized(Mistakes and poor design decisions) stuff getting ripped to shreds.

>> No.2714067

>I'm sure you're just butthurt about your stylized(Mistakes and poor design decisions) stuff getting ripped to shreds.

I don't post art here. I go to places where actual artists can give me critiques.

>> No.2714197

And everyone not in the stylized art thread bullies everyone in the stylized art thread relentlessly despite some of the best artists on the board going there exclusively.

Admit it, we're full of faggots with their mouths full of dicks. I don't know if it's people who stayed from the /b/ raids or actual autists that can't fathom not wanting to spend everyday eyeballing Loomis as the totality of their artistic endeavor, but /ic/ is mostly useless people with emotional issues.

>> No.2714198

Problem is, those critics are ALWAYS there, even when the artist does have their fundamentals in check.

/ic/ doesn't know what "fundamentals" mean and it's become a buzzword.

>> No.2714199

>mostly useless people with emotional issues.
Sounds like a carbon copy of tumblr.

>> No.2714270

it's nice, but her right arm seems wierdly long

>> No.2714312

>Admit it, we're full of faggots with their mouths full of dicks.

I aint admitting shit. ic has helped many people, with resources and critiques, whats your issue?

You: ic cant make stylized art
Me:B- But they got a thread for that
You: but some people are bullying some in the thread.

You kind of are making no sense blood. ic is not a single person. Some don't like stylized art, doesn't imply no one can do good stylized art. (Also I am pretty sure its not against stylization but against animoo, a lot of generally well regarded art is stylized. For example Mullins or Huston are in no way photorealistic, that is stylized)

>> No.2714421
File: 219 KB, 1908x1073, 04806122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same people trashing this artist will hail an artist like Araki as a god

whatever man

>> No.2714443

I think both artists are trash, and i am correct.

>> No.2714549

This is the first i've ever seen of this artist's work and I can kind of see it now. But as another anon put it, her use of color is admirable.

>> No.2714772
File: 32 KB, 277x263, uwotm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she doesn't literally copy and pastes faces from old drawings to new ones.

>> No.2714788

All Portrait artists are trash Ricky, get fucking good.

>> No.2714834

All artists draw samefaces
It's style

>> No.2714921
File: 169 KB, 835x958, 12ff2c0941454237878599e59065e5a5-dag7o1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek she does with skin tone what anime does with hair

I get it though - it works, it pays the bills, why would she feel any need to improve.

>> No.2714924
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2714947
File: 582 KB, 600x600, ee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think using the same base color skin for every human you draw is improving

lmao this thread full of envious bitter shitters who never gonna make it

>> No.2714978

>ic has helped many people
>with resources
>and critiques

>> No.2715023

I said it's pitiful that she fights the fact that all her characters are the same by changing the hue of their skin - much like anime distinguishes characters by crazy hairstyles. The fuck are you talking about m8.

>> No.2715026

>she fights the fact that all her characters are the same by changing the hue of their skin

You have an extremely warped sense of reality.

>> No.2715043
File: 50 KB, 612x646, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, are these three one and the same character with shifted hues, or not?

>> No.2715046

she paints cute girls and she's a qt 3.14159265359 irl

also, my main brush nowadays is one of hers.

>> No.2715050

You're blind, and also blindly defending her bad habits.

>> No.2715052

It's your assumption about her reasoning. She likely doesn't even give a shit, and makes these decisions because it's pleasing for herself.

>> No.2715062

Nope. Commission her to draw a viking warrior or a caricature of your relative and she'll have to decline, 'cause that would require her to be over the sameface drawing.
As a freelancer sure, but were you to work a studio job, it would be an issue.

>> No.2715183
File: 80 KB, 356x600, 15_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does caricatures just fine m8

>> No.2715391

she gud

>> No.2715427

this is some /cgl/ tier posting.

>> No.2715430

>implying most browsers don't crossboard
You're just being a shit.
That or you yourself post on /b/. Yes most people crossboard but the site is notorious for the /b/ and /pol/ board. If you tell a normie you come here, that's what they're going to associate with you regardless of if you go to that board. You just come to the site.

If you weren't so stupid you wouldn't need it spelled out for you.

>> No.2715431

something being "good" or "bad" is subjective.

>> No.2715445

So it's a girl who is a shapeshifter? Does she become white or does she become black? How come she's skinny as a black girl and a white girl but then as a white girl she gains a bit of weight?

>> No.2715457

If something is well-executed it's good. Subject matter is irrelevant.

>> No.2715601

>can't recognize the difference between mistakes and deliberate design choices.

I swear everybody on this board sounds exactly the same modern art defenders normal, functional people would just laugh at.
>i-it's not badd, you just don't g-get it!!!

>> No.2715754

she's fucking good at color and she's playing around with it in her art. get over yourself.

>> No.2715757


Her sameface is demonstrably not a crutch, she can and does switch it up. If you think all the faces in this image >>2712807
- taken from a single page of her DA - then you need to reevaluate what you consider sameface.

>> No.2715773
File: 25 KB, 350x250, vagoo-reaction-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: faggots cant tell difference between sameface and stylistic choice

>> No.2715774
File: 296 KB, 802x602, tumblr_ocvpz4BKBm1qa9abso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sketches look good. That's really all that matters to me.

>> No.2716319

>stylistic crutch that isnt used to convey an idea
Fuck off /co/, you spend too much time on deviant art if you think shes good at anything outside of shading.

>> No.2716338

>what are aesthetics
Don't overextend yourself, anon. This isn't that difficult to understand.

>> No.2716339

>ITT: muh diversity

>> No.2716356

>Skinny nigger, average asian and thicc white gurl
>Same character
This is what happens when you treat Loomis as religion. Your eyes rot away and your become incapable of distinguishing subtleties unless they're laid out in the specific way your cult leader does it.

>> No.2716362

/ic/ doesn't understand aesthetics, individuality or style. It's all /b/ shitposters and rules lawyering autists that can't draw worth a shit but would still call a photograph "anatomically incorrect" just because it's not stylized (ironically) to Loomis' particular canon.

>> No.2716364

>triggered by drawings of different people

>> No.2717173

There's nothing "aesthetic" about still fucking up the structure of a neck a decade into drawing.

You're a retard who doesn't understand artistic fundamentals. You're attracted to turd polishing techniques like chromatic aberration and don't have critical thinking skills.

>> No.2717225
File: 88 KB, 544x483, 1387922945041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same facing is good.
>It makes your artwork recognisable like a brand.
You know what else does?
A fucking signature in the right hand corner.

>> No.2717259

Rustle has never impressed me very much. I do like his perspectives, but it seems like the adventure is over.

Sexual appeal is easy as fuck and the dead end a majority of pornographic artists.

>> No.2717267

>Fish eyes and elongated necks are both (in her case) design choices.

No, they're artistic crutches on the same level as an artist hiding the hands and feet of their characters.

>> No.2717277

She uses basic brushes. And does gorgeus stuff with basic forms. Shes alright.

>> No.2717313

>Muh Loomis

>> No.2717317

If you're all so good why aren't you Wacom's favorite artist?
Why aren't you drawing for a top tier company?
Why aren't you known and loved by people?

You'll never make it because you're all keeping yourselves from success living under the shadow of some fictitious qualitative standard.

>> No.2717350

>muuuuh. if ur so smart at criticizing y dont u make ur own ting tats bettur

Lol, fucking autist. Its like you dont know criticism is a separate skill or something.

>> No.2717396

>don't have critical thinking skills.

Case in point.

>> No.2717398
File: 841 KB, 2200x2376, human form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh. A thoughtless, annoying statement.

No they are not.

As they fall within the normal spectrum of the human form, they can't be artistic crutches. They are deliberate choices by the artist, showing preference or interest in a specific characteristic of the human form.

I'm so tired of people commenting "her neck is too long, the eyes are too far apart, the hands are too large, etc., etc." in cases when it is clear that it is a deliberate choice, not a technical mistake.

>> No.2717408

Except the shit in the OP is far more exaggerated. Not to mention the models in your picture are chosen because they look odd and unusual.

>Ugh. A thoughtless, annoying statement.
Could you cunts please go back to tumblr?

>> No.2717415

>you can photograph unusual people but you certainly can't draw them

Do you also bitch about massive anime craniums and four-fingered cartoon characters?

>> No.2717424

>Butthurt as fuck


>> No.2717427

/ic/ gets triggered by anything that isn't realism or anything that doesn't line with their ideology.

This board is is all of the cancers of Tumblr in one board. Worse than /co/.

>> No.2717447

Four fingered cartoons are rarely drawn to be attractive or visually appealing. They're usually relegated to the most simplistic gag cartoons.
As for anime, the features that are exaggerated are ones that make women look cute or sexy. A large cranium makes them look younger and cuter, because it's a common trait in children, and big eyes are expressive.
Tiny craniums or eyes that are far apart aren't traits that are considered attractive, except among homosexual fashion designers and the women who consume this degenerate form of fashion. In fact, they immediately draw your mind to severe genetic disorders, which is the last thing you want to evoke when trying to draw attractive characters.

Stop samefagging, you fat whore.

>> No.2717450
File: 61 KB, 700x400, LoishIshACunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture.

>> No.2717473
File: 11 KB, 287x285, 1452582766397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four-fingered cartoons are drawn to be visually appealing precisely because five fingers often look strange or cramped when animated.

I'm not at all surprised that you're an anime apologist. Women characters that have alien-like, exaggerated features are interesting to look at. If that weren't the case Loish and anime would both have a much smaller audience.

Your blind tribalism and inability to accept different viewpoints makes you more like the people you hate than anyone posting in this thread.

>> No.2717537

She studied animation in art school as her major, works as a storyboard artist and is reknowned for her caricatures for the screen and her personal illustrations of women. She has an extraordinary understanding of colour and movement and her work is very adaptable for the field she works in.

> same facing
arguably disney and studio ghibli are same safe connoisseurs - i think it's related to the animating field.

>> No.2717568

Ic is cancer, but you cant even compare the shit fanbase fangirls that make up tumblr.

>> No.2717685

>Cult following for a single instructor is critical thinking

>> No.2717686

It's not getting you anywhere.

>> No.2717694

What's the point of drawing the mundane?
There's cameras for that and they will always produce better results than your shitty Loomis "skills" traced over photos will.

Drawing is for the unusual and extraordinary and has been for the past couple centuries, get with the times you anachronistic autist.

>> No.2718288
File: 3.13 MB, 4586x2120, Ilia_Efimovich_Repin_(1844-1930)_-_Volga_Boatmen_(1870-1873).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not for a single person. Loomis didn't create the fundamentals of art nor is he the only person beginners study from.

The fact that you don't know this show you're lack of knowledge of art history.

>What's the point of drawing the mundane?
To learn how to draw, something you don't know how to do.

>There's cameras for that and they will always produce better results
Photos constantly leave out detail, involuntary change perspective, destroy form in the wrong lighting and fuck up the colors of the real world. You'll never find a photo that looks better than a good painting.

>Drawing is for the unusual and extraordinary and has been for the past couple centuries
No it hasn't.

>> No.2718309

>what is anime
Tbh most alternative styles are trash. Carroon ""style"" exists because it can be done cheaply and fast.

>> No.2718499

No, some of /co/ actually likes cartoons and can have decent threads. /ic/ is just one big circle jerk of self-proclaimed artistic geniuses.

Hell, the art threads on /co/ are way more enjoyable to be in than the entirety of /ic/. At least the "never gonna make it" and "Loomis" memes don't occur there.

>> No.2718512
File: 1.99 MB, 1600x900, 1466404401369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It exists because people in the 20's and 30's wanted to make weird short animated stories. That's all.

Your opinion is like your spelling, shit.

>> No.2718531

>What's the point of drawing the mundane?
The faggots who use this argument are the most shallow people in the world. I mean, the fact that you think commercialized art and cartoons are the epitome of the "unusual and extraordinary" indicates that you're astonishingly immature.
Furthermore, realism isn't inherently mundane, and style isn't the only thing that makes a picture.

>anachronistic autist.
Speak for yourself. Your views are stuck in the 1930s, and you binary view about what you consider mundane actually does indicate that you have autism.

>> No.2718532

>At least the "never gonna make it" and "Loomis" memes don't occur there.
Yeah, because everyone on /co/ gets triggered by critique.

>> No.2718533

> You'll never find a photo that looks better than a good painting.
Not to mention that drawing and painting in a realistic style still lets you set up your own scenes, lighting, composition, subjects, costumes, etc just the way you want them and create motifs that simply don't exist in real life. The idiots who use the "photographs replaced life drawing" are frighteningly stupid, considering that they don't understand that you can only photograph what's in front of you.

>> No.2718616

Keep wasting your time drawing boring pretentious "realistic" shit nobody actually cares for or will remember an hour after looking at it while Winnie the fucking Pooh is ingrained into people's brains through actual design.

All the memorable works of realism already exist.

>> No.2718676

>Keep wasting your time drawing boring pretentious "realistic" shit nobody actually cares for or will remember an hour after looking at it
It's cute you think random anime or shitty "stylized" drawings that people like Loish do will be remembered.

>while Winnie the fucking Pooh is ingrained into people's brains through actual design.
Winnie the Pooh is remembered due to Disney milking the shit out of it, not the original books.

>All the memorable works of realism already exist.
You're so ignorant of the modern art scene that's it's not even funny.

>> No.2718704

>modern art scene
No such thing.
There's illustrators, concept artists and faggots being manipulated by museums and galleries to was drug money.

>> No.2718713

>pretentious "realistic"
I'm at a loss for words. You've actually reached some kind of inverse Nirvana with your brilliant idiocy.

>> No.2718720


>> No.2718728
File: 48 KB, 599x277, 1476558991724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're all retarded.

>> No.2718729

What the fuck is this thread

when did /ic/ start writing with teenage girl lingo and start vehemently defending two-bit unoriginal tumblrcore artists

>> No.2718738

When you faggots made all good artists who've ever come here leave in realization that this place is just /b/, tumblr and autists in denial.

>> No.2718742


When it got tired of the incessant fucking "complain about and """"""critique"""""""pop-artists for self-validation" threads.

You shouldn't be complaining about people behaving like teenage girls if you don't seem to mind our dozens of weekly gossip threads. "like ohmygawd she just draws like, the same face everytime!" "RIGHT?"

>> No.2718749


Does critique bother you that much?

>> No.2718750

I have no idea why it happened, but I think it started last spring. You suddenly just had all these tumblr-cunts posting their shitty tumblr-art, and getting offended when /ic/ acts like it always does.
I really have no clue what they get out of being here.

>> No.2718758

It was the summer before last during the sakimikr0n shit storm, huge wave of faggotry hit this place. 4chan is a husk of its former self, and our slow boards are the last ones to go.

>> No.2718760

Shitposting and jealousy aren't critique autismo.

>> No.2718762

So when someone criticizes the art god Loish, you drones sort it as jealousy. Got it.

>> No.2718772

I'm surprised anyone takes Loomis seriously. Old masters, an anatomy book, and Bridgman is a far superior combo.

>> No.2718789

By a wide margin, but try getting that through the autists who treat the sticky like a bible and their "board culture" like a cult.

Actually good people show up from time to time in the alternative art, self-promotion and study threads but every single other post is vile by cunts who can't even draw but stick around this board cause their rampant contrarianism would get them kicked out even at /pol/.

>> No.2718794

Loomis is just a different way of saying fundamentals, you oblivious moron.

>> No.2718813

he's not wrong, why else would you even care about this "artist", i dont need to see your youtube eceleb "artist" every time i come to this board.

tumblrfags and /beg/ shitters leave and end yourselves

>> No.2718880

no it isn't

>> No.2718895

Yes it is. But I guess if you're a retard and don't know the board culture, you probably wouldn't get that.

>> No.2718942

She is the only female artist who is actually good.

>> No.2718960

The board culture is the envious anon shitting on someone's art that is unwarranted and when the artist calls them out to explain themselves they never respond- only absolute beginners get hit with loomis

It's pretty funny though, keep it up /ic/

>> No.2719030

Get off the board if you can't handle opinions anon

It'll do some good for your mental health

>> No.2719104



>> No.2719435


I can handle opinions just fine, can't help but notice what kind of shit goes on here and just pointed it out lol

Maybe you need to get some fresh air? I don't throw around mental illness like it's a legit insult anon

>> No.2719458

Reminds me of Lilo and Stitch

>> No.2719465

In other words, you have no clue what the board culture is. There are only a handful of trolls on /ic/ who genuinely try to disrupt threads for no other reason than envy or a misplaced sense of superiority. Two of them are just asshole trolls with no skills who shitpost because of envy, and two of them are relatively competent, but socially retarded artists who are angry when people don't automatically accept their misguided advice or that people aren't licking their assholes when they post something. They're quite easy to spot as well, as they do the same shit over and over.

You just sound like a bitter cunt.