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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.89 MB, 960x720, Anne prepares herself for bed in a state of despair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2713460 No.2713460 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>2701239

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. THE LAST THREAD WAS ALL EAST VERSUS WEST NONSENSE. LESS TALKING MORE ANIMATING.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

No shitposting allowed

>2D Animation Tutorials - How to Animate like a pro AMB Animation Academy

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

>Kinovea's a cool program to use for frame-by-frame analysis too

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2713470
File: 24 KB, 560x560, 001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, I need you to tell me everything wrong with this so I can fix it and learn.

>> No.2713471
File: 367 KB, 1280x720, 8ca3cbc2-ee9b-4b82-973c-57aac655afb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two old animatics I can redo (they both desperately need it) but I can't decide on which one I want to do first
They're both around the same length and are both similar projects (animation timed to music).

One is an fake anime OP for some of my characters (I ran into audio sync issues when I exported it and couldn't fully fix it)
And the other is a Steven Universe parody

They're both very rough and I'd like to at the very least make them more presentable/ cleaner

>> No.2713477

Well first off it's too slow.

Second, is it supposed to be a sentient putty-like creature that's hopping off of a high platform onto the ground? because that's the impression I'm getting from this, not that it's a ball.


Watch this video regarding stretching and squashing. Mainly the volume of the ball being the same when you stretch and squash, like you're attempting to do here.

I would also have it stretch to where it's going rather than the iffy angle it's directing it's stretch. I would also add more frames.

>> No.2713609
File: 185 KB, 560x560, 001 NEW but not improved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I gave it more frames (60fps). How do I make it FASTER?
I'm running on Clip studio paint if that helps

>> No.2713612

shit, I just noticed it shrank after the bounce

>> No.2713614

That is way too many frames. Animation is done at around 24 fps so you wanna dramatically cut down on the number of drawings. Check out the animators survival kit.

>> No.2713617

Not that guy but I'm assuming what the guy meant by "more frames" was more drawn frames on your existing animation, not more frames overall in your settings
Nobody sane animates 2D at 60fps, the norm is animating on 1s (24 fps) or 2s (12fps). Most normal animation is done on 2s while fast animation is done on 1s.

In short, you done animated something like it was shot with a slow motion camera

>> No.2713624

is it online somewhere? cause my shit is all fucked up atm, but I'm planning on getting me that sweet, sweet hardcover later.
great stuff to know

>> No.2713651


>> No.2713667

Well you manage to answer a question I had on how to animate things in slow motion (more frames).

>> No.2713681

Fantastic! Merci, anonyme!
Happy to help.

>> No.2713695

top bar > animation > timeline > Change frame rate...

>> No.2713715
File: 966 KB, 853x480, Untitled (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it feels to feel the ocean while high

i really like the overall feeling, yet i feel you can learn a lot more by expressing yourself freely and animating with the expressiveness digital permits.
thanks for this

>> No.2713727
File: 96 KB, 560x560, 002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, but it feels choppy when I put it in 12 fps and I'll give the 24 fps later. Maybe It wouldn't feel so choppy if I gave it a smooth lining
I think so too, but I'm learning my fundamentals in the kiddie pool first before pushing on to the bigger things like peoples emotions, hair and facial expressions.
What the hell are you taking to feel the ocean in that way?

>> No.2713729
File: 135 KB, 560x560, 003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the 24 fps

>> No.2713730

now that I look at it I think it sped up before impact

>> No.2713733

I should've made it narrow sooner

>> No.2713744

Let's say I get good at animating and stuff. What will I be able to do with my animating skills?

>> No.2713747

become an animator.

or make porn, you could make porn.

>> No.2713753

make whatever you want, patreon/freelance for money but you have to pander a bit to fandoms, get a job that works you like a dog (so I hear/read), feel loved for what you create (goes with the pandering doesn't hurt if you already there with them).
Do you like this kind of stuff though not just a way to avoid hard labor or a desk job?

>> No.2713757

I dunno what you want. Personally I'm doing it so my waifu can get a show.

>> No.2713760

Nikkianon, I can spot you a mile away..

>> No.2713761

Post your work sometime..!

>> No.2713785
File: 5 KB, 251x233, and possibly it'll be something special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I will Nikkianon, maybe I will.

>> No.2713796
File: 281 KB, 400x414, 6685ba02-78f3-4543-8467-73068e44679c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make little shorts
Make your own characters
Be self indulgent
(I made this when I only had CSP Pro, maybe in should go back and smooth this up now that I'm not limited to 24 frames)

>> No.2713799

I spy a signature, now lemme see that blog

>> No.2713801

Where's that webm from?

>> No.2713805


>> No.2713808
File: 1.75 MB, 960x720, Anne goes from a state of misery to pure bliss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akage No Anne

>> No.2713821

A Yume Nikki anime?

>> No.2713829
File: 241 KB, 818x1152, 10.2.16 - everyday nikki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Nikki from swapnote.

>> No.2713831

Oh yeah that's you

I don't know this char, sorry, but cute animation, too bad it goes so fast, don't think I would mind the drawings holding a bit more.

What do you think of smears in general, should they stay in one single frame?

>> No.2713833
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, 1475438838155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it goes so fast

>> No.2713840 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 818x1152, 10.2.16 - everyday nikki (hold).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, like this?

Smears are cool. I still need to learn how to do smears. That's my next assignment. Not really sure what kind of moment I want though still.

>> No.2713842 [DELETED] 

What, like this?

Smears are cool. I still need to learn how to do them though. That's my next assignment. Not really sure what kind of movement I want though still.

>> No.2713845
File: 233 KB, 818x1152, 10.2.16 - everyday nikki (hold).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, like this?

Smears are cool. I still need to learn how to do them though. That's my next assignment. Not really sure what kind of movement I want though still.

>> No.2713852

I was considering you stretch and squash as a smear here but I don't know if that's pertinent.

The speed is more readable but yeah now there's not enough frames I guess

>> No.2713856

There's definitely a difference between squash and stretch and smearing. A different feel, like when those anime characters are swinging their arms up and down. Maybe. It's probably important to learn them both anyway.

>> No.2713860
File: 925 KB, 1280x720, Untitledaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new wip. gonna go sleep now. Would like to know if any of you like this, it feeds me

>> No.2713862

It's pretty abstract, anon. I dunno what to say.

I don't like the way the green stalk looks. The way it's scribbled. Would've preferred an artsier-looking stroke or something.

>> No.2713888

Jesus Christ, anon. Have you never heard of ease ins and ease outs? You're doing everything right except for that.

>> No.2713951
File: 1.86 MB, 500x220, K-Project-GIF-riku114-39415978-500-220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2713953

best catgirl ever

>> No.2713961

I was hoping i'd get a response about the weird boob animation. even in anime, standards its especially jittery

>> No.2713965


Happy now?

>> No.2713966

i get cha. the boobw should be swaying back and forth n shit. Side to side. But they're not.

Why are you being such a faggot.

>> No.2713971


This guy made 33k followers by animating bouncing balls. What do you think of this?

I like it though.

>> No.2713974

Get a job, draw anime or whatvr and die as a poorfag

>> No.2713976

Hope? You could have asked.
The gif is crap. I can't see shit, captain.
She doesn't wear a bra, if that is part of your problem.

>> No.2713977

Good stuff. His characters are shaped like bouncing balls but he animated way more than just bouncing motions. Also saw his progress thing he made from 2009 up till now and he's improved a lot.
He's also French and I think 2d is pretty big over there so that would explain why he has a decent amount of followers.

>> No.2713978

I'm French and I don't think that's related, he tweets mostly in English. I think his stuff cross the borders of niche and touches a wide public because it's simply nice and fun.

I agree that it's more complicated and nicer than simply bouncing balls though. The "direction" is also nice, I mean, the "storyboard" if we can apply such terms here.

>> No.2713982

He managed to build a pretty sizable fanbase through Flipnote Hatena a few years back.

>> No.2713987

>butthurt weebs

>> No.2714184

Alright, hear me out on this.
I love how crazy anime gets with perspective, foreshortening and weird angles.
Those guys definitely have their forms and 3D space down like few others.
But god damn is it choppy and certain animators even claim it's the japanese style.

Western animation, often showing less solid knowledge of the before mentioned areas is so much more fluid and easy to look at.

In short, both have their advantages and disadvantages so saying one is better than the other is pretty dumb.

>> No.2714195

It's charming
I don't follow him myself but I enjoy his work. It's very smooth

>> No.2714202
File: 1.64 MB, 999x888, samye-tupye-4-chasa-v-moey-zhizni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this. This is my firs seriously try in animation. Give me tips and tell about the features if you can.

>> No.2714204


>> No.2714269

>butthurt faggot

>> No.2714287


I think the wrist breaks a little bit at the end of that thrust.

>> No.2714324

calm down anon.

i doubt breasts w/o bra = vibrator boobs

>> No.2714332

If you want to see some good animation, check out this seasons airing show Flip Flapper. It's top tier lolishit with magical girls, but damn if it doesn't have the best animation of this whole god damn season so far.

>> No.2714497

Why are french animators so good?


>> No.2714498

maybe their animators aren't being jockey'd as hard as the rest of the world

>> No.2714500

The good ones all flock to Japan though

>> No.2714504

give me a french name in Japanese credits

I'd go too if I had a chance. It's probably a labor of love thing or they want to see the world.

>> No.2714506

Here's one


>> No.2714511

Fuck me 12 ways to sunday

These look great, some are not my thing, but there outstanding. Now I gotta learn my country's second national language for this stuff.

>> No.2714513

That "bounce" looks wrong. I don't see how it could lead in the front. It feels like the force behind the ball would shift to the front causing a transition. I feel like the force of gravity would do a loop-de-loop as it hits floor and ultimately move the force from front to back to initiate a bounce.

It feels like it's just hitting the floor and bouncing back up because who gives a fuck.

I'm not an animator myself, but I have read.
This feels incredibly wrong just from strict observation alone. This is my feedback as a viewer and solely a viewer, not a fellow animator.

>> No.2714531

Woah I only watched the first episode but so far this is one of the most aesthetic anime's I've ever seen. Thanks for bringing it to my attention

>> No.2714591

Learn to draw first, learn animation later

>> No.2714621

I think this is true.
I see such a lack of gesture, rhythm, and motion.

You really should learn how to draw and think in 3D. Animation that you think is very hard becomes very easy.

>> No.2714625

What the fuck is wrong with the top of her head?

>> No.2714645
File: 1.68 MB, 763x838, output_3gb8tc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing and painting for a while, but I always felt that animation was my calling.

here's my first attempt. just found out krita has animation support.

>> No.2714711
File: 211 KB, 960x540, ksvfqp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get pretty close to finishing before realising all your mistakes

Theres a little thing that especially bothers me so I'd appreciate input:
Her torso/shoulders shift up a bit after the key pose that's facing us (with the leg stretched). She doesn't do this noticeably when shes facing away (I guess a combination of perspective and my own inconsistency in exaggeration).

Should I delete the shift (which would make her kinda.. more dead, I feel but eliminate a ton of weird little jolts) or fix the away facing poses to include a similar exaggeration?

>> No.2714734

Babies sometimes have huge heads, I guess this is kinda like a stylisation of that

>> No.2714776

Not only animators but all kind of French artists though. (there are also from other countries)


I'm willing to do the same (lol) but most of them went to Gobelins, I strongly believe that a school is not necessary to git gud but well.

I guess I'll try to get a local art job before that.

Though there's a penury of animators in Japan, I guess if you can even do some key animation you could get there, would help if you have some good reel though (my plan, like Bahi).

I was in contact with a 21 yo guy that went to work at OLM (Pokémon) this October.

>> No.2714777



>> No.2714779

I want to add, I think the fact that this website, french connection, just opened is not a coincidence.

Like you can see on sakugabooru, there's a ton of new animators (mostly webgen influenced) and there are also more recurrent gaijin names (Bahi between others). There are a lot of French there thus the website (Thomas Romain's been working there since 2003, some other even before that, I think the animator of the video before is there since 2008, he was working at a little studio).

So, I guess Japanese animation is definitely changing, production wise at least. Also Yoh Yoshinari and his heavily cartoon influenced style, thing like Space Dandy that look more like cartoon than anime and that are produced for a western market, I don't know, new horizons are to come.

>> No.2714785

minnie the moocher?

>> No.2714786

How much time did it took you?

>> No.2714796

Oh wow, yes! Well done (I made it faster and all obviously, tho)

Probably 20 (max) hours altogether after taking out the time I spend procrastinating and taking breaks.

>> No.2714798

Thanks, I've a hard time knowing if I'm slow or if it's just that hard to do.

But I guess pros are way faster.

>> No.2714804

It's the clean up and coloring that kills, always ends up being 2 thirds of the time spent.

>> No.2714832

kinda nice to look at :^)

>> No.2715032

Do I need to learn to draw before trying to animate?

>> No.2715037

Yes and no.

Nothings stopping you from making 2d/3d stuff move, but it would be good to learn how to draw first before that

>> No.2715080
File: 40 KB, 1127x469, 39ec055f89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone now how i can make the animation repeat but from the position the animation ended at?
I wanted to try create a rig and use tweening to animate a walk for better or worse. But i would like to copy paste the animation i did before.

>> No.2715094

Literally the first chapter of The Animator's Survival Kit says that you should learn how to draw before jumping in

>> No.2715116

Is there any big difference between ToonBoom Harmony and Studio?

>> No.2715140

It would be beneficial but don't over complicate your learning with the so-called "rules". Just keep drawing. Whenever you get the chance, draw. Practice drawing how you want first, then gradually give yourself more discipline to learn the "rules" to help enhance your work. A bit of practice never hurts.

>> No.2715166

Maybe even practicing while animating

Like, drawing a turning head to practice drawing it from every possible angle (should do that myself)

>> No.2715171 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 700x369, Untitled 46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from a month off animating, let's see some fresh gifs this thread.

blog? ...twitter?

saw this in a previous thread, so nice.

>> No.2715179 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 700x369, Untitled 46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from a month off animating, let's see some fresh gifs this thread.

blog? ...twitter?

saw this in a previous thread, so nice.

>> No.2715182
File: 1.08 MB, 600x316, Untitled 46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from a month off animating, let's see some fresh gifs this thread.

blog? ...twitter?

saw this in a previous thread, so nice.

>> No.2715217
File: 4 KB, 76x295, cee63b9963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another question
the collum in pic related seems to be locked, i cant expand it or do anything with it. I cant find where i cant unlock it, in the other pic you can see that the spotted line on the left of the collumn isnt normal.
Anyone know where i can unlock it? Or is it maybe a problem with how i loaded the scene?

>> No.2715248

nevermind I found the damn lock function and I wonder how i could have ever missed it.

>> No.2715314

why is her forehead so big

>> No.2715330

It's a tumor

>> No.2715335

I'll never understand how a book about an Eastern Canadian girl became popular in Japan.

>> No.2715341

gonna need that book title, senpai

>> No.2715344

Looks like 4chan word filtered (f) (a) (m)

>> No.2715347

Anne of Green Gables

>> No.2715365

>didn't read the thread
>couldn't google it
>Looks like 4chan word filtered (f) (a) (m)

>> No.2715382

Fucking low-quality anons, man.

>> No.2715407

why does it change form before hitting the thing?

>> No.2715433
File: 779 KB, 160x120, autor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck did you do this? Its excellent

>> No.2715603

it doesnt even bounce it just turns into a gumdrop whyy

>> No.2715617

go smaller

>> No.2715624

Mad jelly. Keep it up

>> No.2716055
File: 207 KB, 581x540, kafsty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up adding a little shift to the poses facing away, didn't end up making it as extreme as I maybe should have but I feel like that (and a few other fixes for secondary movement) made it flow a bit nicer. Calling it done, desu

I haven't been posting much tho, especially not animation. Want to start updating again tho.
Also nice job on yours lad, gimme your blog too so i can learn senpai

>> No.2716164

New AMB video, fuckers


>> No.2716178

that skirt bothers me

>> No.2716187

But I don't like basketba

>> No.2716189
File: 100 KB, 600x338, Bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School stuff. I still have time to fix a few things.

>> No.2716323

I'm very sorry, I wanted it to flap around tho so don't know what to tell ya

>> No.2716330

I really love the motions but that anatomy needs work

>> No.2716386

Not him but I don't think the problem is that it's flapping. The first flap looks alright but the second flap looks kinda off. It looks like it just randomly flaps on its own instead of flapping because of the motion of the girl.

>> No.2716435

Hmm I guess I kinda see what you mean (although second/first flap doesn't translate well for a loop, do you mean the one as she faces us or away?)

I fixed it to be a bit smoother just now, but I'll definitely see what I can do to make the motion translate better. Thanks!

>> No.2716442

the one where she's facing the viewer, and np. Great work!

>> No.2716490
File: 1.32 MB, 500x263, Untitled 47color.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can't draw at all and I don't have the drive to grind, it's a little depressing.

God you're so good, how have I not found you already.

>> No.2716858
File: 203 KB, 518x540, dohaps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it, should be a bit better (???)

i-i'm not that good.. t-thanks

>> No.2716899

What is she supposed to be doing?

>> No.2716914

just dancin'

>> No.2717042

I'm sure this has been asked, but is clip studio worth animating in?
I've messed around in TVPaint and it seems great but there's a few weird glitches with onion skinning in it (probably cause it's a torrent), so I was considering upgrading CSP but wasnt sure if it would be worth it.

>> No.2717062
File: 406 KB, 1088x612, BREAK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this break dancer.

>> No.2717347

For what it's worth, I like animating in it but the lack of audio import makes lip sync work less efficient

>> No.2717505

They animated Jojo on CSP and studio ghibli made OpenToonz (OT is free)

>> No.2717512

Study more dancers. In the case of your animation, his momentum is all wrong, especially in his first crouch/descent

>> No.2718414


>> No.2718494
File: 29 KB, 300x450, old-man-celebrating-laptop-16618166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to say thanks to the anon who recommended me dragon bones. I started playing with it today and I'm liking these skelington animation programs a lot and they will let me accomplish some things I've wanted to make for quite a while

>> No.2718497
File: 136 KB, 700x572, elizabeth_inks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an H project ive been workin on for a while...

>> No.2718518

You know that a key feature of H animations is that they are supposed to be arousing.

>> No.2718526
File: 102 KB, 352x288, beatriceWIP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one that is in progress... comments/crits welcome

lol sorry its not your taste anon

>> No.2718687
File: 562 KB, 706x940, noice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, you blog is fucking amazing! Even your traditional stuff is awesome to look at (pic related)

requesting link to blog too, please!

>> No.2718712
File: 317 KB, 1000x700, gunguif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying my hand at animation

Any opinions on this reload rough before I refine?

>> No.2718727

not him but nah dude, it doesnt look very sexy at all. mostly because of how awkward her face and body looks. The animation itself looks pretty good though.

>> No.2718773

which one?

>> No.2718780
File: 177 KB, 1000x700, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me this shit takes FUCKING FOREVER

Rip my motivation to make a sweet animated vid

>> No.2718825
File: 825 KB, 500x263, Untitled 50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/tlcarus (more active here)

>> No.2718842

The actual action happening in the cut is fine. The movement is shit tho. Does anyone hold their rifle still while reloading? Pulling the bolt requires a bit of strength, and holding a heavy object like that with one hand will make the rifle jerk a bit, or when the character shift their hand from holding the middle of the gun to shifting to holding the grip instead. Alternatively, you could just make it so that the rifle is resting on top of a sandbag or something. Since it's a close-up, there should also be some movement too, you can do this by actually animating the gun moving (up and down or something like that).

+ Mechanics of the action happening
- Lifeless
- Too little movement happening for that shot
- No one likes edgy /k/ faggots

>> No.2718957
File: 526 KB, 644x360, shieeet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did another shit work
bully welcome

>> No.2718963

That looks like some shitt family guy level animation. In other works you could probably get some work if you made a reel.

>> No.2718967
File: 56 KB, 380x679, titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animation works well in my opinion. While it doesn't portray the most traditional idea of 'sexy', I get that that's something you and possibly your followers like so who are we to say it ain't hot.

I like how smooth and clean it is, but if I were to absolutely nitpick, I would probably take another look at what her eyes do just after her clothes vanish (when they kind roll upward, it makes her look a bit drunk for a sec).

Also the very first frame where she starts to go down to cover herself, maybe lift up the boobs a bit because they look as if they are staying in one place while the rest of the body moves, which eliminates any sexy wiggling action. Additionally maybe add a bit of gravity when she cups them. Adding some weight and jiggle will make this a much more sexy motion.

thank you so much! I wouldn't say amazing but, that's the goal so I appreciate the nice words! I will post more to be worth the praise I promise. < have titties in honor of breast cancer awareness

>> No.2718982

who drew that pic?

>> No.2718990

I did

>> No.2719037

>tfw making a bf1 animation in august
>storyboard already laid out
>just animate
>suddenly stop for over a month because school
>completely forgot about it
>see anon's animation post
>reminded of my project
>desperately wondering why I stopped

dont ever stop anon

>> No.2719045

and you get back to it

>> No.2719107

holy shit i gotta visit your blog
it looks so attractive. I totally dig the style

>> No.2719111
File: 64 KB, 600x601, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i mean recently I've been working on my bachelor's thesis (about cintiqs in animation etcetc) so as that style has developed I havent actually had the time to do proper pieces like that yet, unfortunately. But hopefully soon I can draw thicc girls to a PROFESSIONAL QUALITY (and even better, animate them).

>> No.2719129


I love your artstyle, really nice.

Would you tell me how old you are? Just so i don't feel like total shit if you're younger than me because i can't help but feel like life is a competition and i'm a total loser who went to art school and still sucks

i want to die

>> No.2719134

you should totally put that on your blog

>> No.2719182

24 (I think it says 23 on my blog because that's how lazy I am)

Honestly I have similar feelings sometimes but as cliché as it is, everybody has a different journey in life. It's a struggle but let's work hard!

I will! I just never know if random doodles are really worth putting up, but I will heed this advice, thanks!

>> No.2719188

Good lord in heaven, that animation is amazing.

>> No.2719205

If you follow the career choice of being an animator is it required that you know how to use 3d animation and will you predominantly have to work with 3d rather than 2d(even if your preference and strongest interest is 2d) if you pursue this career?

>> No.2719215

Depends on whether or not you want to do films or not. The west doesn't have a lot of 2D film industry. Commercial animation tho (adverts etc) still employ 2D animators- however, a LOT of this is motion graphics etc. Knowing 3D is beneficial especially if you wanna be a character animator, prolly your best bet.

>> No.2719218

>Knowing 3D is beneficial especially if you wanna be a character animator, prolly your best bet.


>> No.2719233

Because that's what the animation film industry is based on at the moment. Other than that, knowing 3D makes you waaay more employable than just knowing 2D.

>> No.2719236

How do you start in 3D...? Is there a guide or something, I feel lost just thinking about my few experiences before a 3D software GUI.

Modeling and shit seems impossible as fuck

>> No.2719242

I took 3d modeling and animation in highschool and couldn't stand it. I was never exposed to 2d animation though which was why I took the course. I live in the South and most colleges that offer animation have a huge focus on 3d over 2d, without question.

>> No.2719247

I'm using TVPaint but the interface is a fucking hell, is Adobe Animate worth something? Adobe Flash was good except the brush, did they finally change this?

>> No.2719350


>> No.2719371
File: 3.95 MB, 320x320, shitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this is the right thread
I just saw this .gif on another board and it immediately didn't look japanese to me. Googled it and surely enough the faggot that did it is called Daniel Renard.
What is it doing different? Why does it look off and like a western cartoon?
Fuck, sorry I'm just really curious about the details that I can't describe.

>> No.2719378

Facial proportions. wapanese artists don't understand how anime caricaturises Japanese faces.

>> No.2719381

Oh you are right, I thought it was something about the animation but this explains why even while static it looks bad.
Thanks anon

>> No.2719405

Sure it looks western but it's still nice.

>> No.2719408 [DELETED] 

This. >>2719371 >>2719381
is a weeaboo cuck tbqph

>> No.2719481

japs don't use squash and stretch.

>> No.2719489

is this a bait ?

>> No.2719558
File: 707 KB, 274x330, c6adc3de91296298c025da53b532f437[1].gif_1749545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really tough for me to pick up the subtleties. but even western influenced japanese artists have a difference.


It's not a staple in japanese animation, but they know squash and stretch.

>> No.2719565

It's entirely in the body language
Watch those videos of Touhou characters animated into a Tom and Jerry cartoon in MMD.
The designs are eastern but the animation itself is western in ideology and execution

>> No.2719584

Knowing little to nothing of touhou and anime, that was a stupid ass video

>> No.2719703

Looking at a lot of anime (tv and whatnot) they really have problems with easing. Also since they animate on 3's an 4's and instead going for higher "detail" rather than animation/motion.

>> No.2719728

>It's really tough for me to pick up the subtleties. but even western influenced japanese artists have a difference.
That kinda scares me. Imagine the subtleties getting lost with time.

>> No.2719905

Which of these crowds should i use?

>> No.2720049

I'm drawn to the first one, but be careful about making the middle too busy when the focus is to be on the boy.

>> No.2720162
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-9-20 test1 revisited.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best way, or most insightful way, to improve your animation skills?

Ive been following the idea of animating, sitting on it, touch it up, sit on it, then scrapping it and starting a new animation. But with the same subject matter.

It feels like Im adjusting a bunch of small errors until I get a better picture. Then putting what Ive learned into a new animation, and repeating the cycle.

>> No.2720425

just keep doing it
you'll get better gradually

>> No.2720442
File: 225 KB, 1380x772, d587e9864c9508945f832be331495d3f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for a UI project at school. It's pretty basic. I don't recommend doing Ps for making anything animated unless it's really basic like placing text.

>> No.2720444
File: 42 KB, 1380x772, e1304050ec142672cbd3ba895be85411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the animation before the tap.

>> No.2720452
File: 42 KB, 208x259, imbling..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to add to this thread, just wanted to post pic

>> No.2720460

Thanks anon.

This only plays once. Fffffffix it.

>> No.2720595

Are there any "simple" 3d modelers to make background layouts in for 2d?

I saw several videos of companies who have 3d models with basic colors/shapes of bg for animatic/perspective that are then drawn over/detail added and it looks great. But in all of said videos no one says what they used for the models.

Or do i basically need to learn maya from scratch?

>> No.2720622

in this case, you can use any 3D program you like
or just take a picture in real life

It's just a reference to create layout

>> No.2720625

pls no bully

>> No.2720626

reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/Neyr5FsaIW4?t=944

>> No.2720630

maya might be too complex for a beginner. recently there has been quite a few tools for generating landscapes and cities from third party plugins however i'm not sure what's used by whom so maybe ask /3/ as well.
here's a couple

>> No.2720634

>that city destruction tutorial

holy shit i had no idea after effects could do something like that.

>> No.2720642

yeah and they recently started making more and more model packs for the plugin element 3d see

here's the keynote presentation by that guy he said in that vid that he used to play cod4 and was surprised that they use his blood footage for the game and he also says that jj abrams watched his after effects tutorials
also a little more related to this thread is this vid
they show some techniques using after effects with you yoshinari painting backgrounds for kill la kill

>> No.2720644

ux is usually talked at >>>/gd/ however that board is one of the slower ones on here

>> No.2720654
File: 2.64 MB, 1500x1754, fg8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a site my friend is working on. Very basic atm but it is growing, http://www.themultifacet.com/

>> No.2720655

Thanks that's really what i wanted to see. Here's the video i was referring to that i forgot to link in my post:


>> No.2720685

This person's story is inspiring as fuck.

>> No.2720700

I agree. I am glad you thought so as well

>> No.2721698

What is your blog name?

>> No.2722145
File: 716 KB, 1000x700, new fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I wish I had more to show for how long it took, but it was quite the learning experience.

>> No.2722156

is that a mosin nagant?

>> No.2722159

Yes, I know I made some continuity mistakes throughout, but for the most part it is lol.

>> No.2722281

just some opinion

in first scene, make finger move a bit
(like it's griping
so it wont looks too stiff

>> No.2722366

Already posted but susipari.tumblr.com

I like it, but yea definitely fix at least that one big continuity error as he goes to pull the trigger. Also the recoil in the shots could be a bit more snappy, maybe take out a frame or two!

>> No.2722449

Looks kinda like a water balloon the way it splooges into a bean shape. I don't think balls do that, they deform out to an oval shape... I think.

>> No.2722575

Im not sure what error your talking about there...

I was referring more to misplacing a few bits of the gun's anatomy here and there. In the final scene, the gun and arm placements should be fine :/

>> No.2722619

I think I realize what you meant now. What throws the last scene off is the fact that its similar to the first scene, where the gun is supposed to be stationary, and the camera is rotating around the gun.

That's why it looks like he's pulling the trigger before he aims, without a background, you cant tell the gun is unmoving

>> No.2722624
File: 2.27 MB, 2000x2666, 20161023_132332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an aside, I just wanted to attach the storyboard I used for this piece. Even for short pieces, having something to reference is incredibly helpful. I actually managed to stick to this one almost perfectly, which I'm pretty happy about.

>> No.2722673

Really stupid question here, torrented a copy of Storyboard Pro and Harmony, and neither work (Storyboard Pro has no pressure sensitivity brushes, Harmony has prohibition icon so I can't draw at all). Looking to get a copy of Digicel Flipbook but can't find one that isn't a pile of malware.

My question is: Did anyone have any success torrenting any of the Toon Boom series / Are there any open source programs that have easy UI that I can use for storyboarding and animating (I still can't figure out OpenToonz) / Does anyone have a precracked copy of Digicel.

And to answer why I'm not buying it, I'm really really poor right now and inbetween jobs. I got offered a commission that could keep me until my next job starts which is why I'm asking. Thank you for any help /ic/bros

>> No.2722675

IDk musch about animation, but Flash cs6 is really easy to download and crack.

>> No.2722698

There's no good cracked versions of harmony/storyboard, but you can register on the site, download the trials, activate them and then use runasdate to freeze the trial forever. Works for both harmomy premium and storyboard:

>> No.2722703

I was able to get harmony working on my mac. I got it from CGPeers and it was a huge headache to instal but it works. I assume the windows version works too.

My personal preference is TVPaint over Harmony though, I find it much simpler and easier to use. I think they have it on CGP too.

>> No.2722709

There's a cracked mac 12 that works, but no windows version thats cracked that works. But the trial freeze works almsot perfectly, the only thing it lacks is you can't "preview" a movie from within (ie the render), but you can easily export out a movie and preview the same way, it's just an extra 3 clicks.

>> No.2722711

I was going to try the runasdate program but I really dont want to do something stupid to my computer and need to restore it from a previous state.

I also don't have an account on CGpeers, I'll make one at one point and have a look around, though if you have a magnet link for either TVpaint or Harmony, I'd really appreciate it

Any folks got any ideas about open source stuff? At the moment I'm using Photoshop for everything, currently animating with imported audio. It's pain.

>> No.2722714

There's a cracked TVPaint in one of the OP's links. I haven't tried it so can't confirm if it works, though it probably does.


>> No.2722716


Cheers lad! I'll give that a go!

>> No.2722717


Update on giving it a go: It just errors out and takes me to an odd website. Feels bad man.

>> No.2722723

What I mean is, the shot directly before them pulling the trigger shows the gun from its right side. You then immediately switch to the left. That's generally considered bad cinematography because it confuses the viewer when you change the side/perspective of the shot to the complete opposite like that. You need to lead the viewers eyes especially when working in such right close ups.

For example a profile shot of a character facing the right of the screen and then switching to show the same profile shot facing the left of the screen.

>> No.2722737
File: 16 KB, 210x240, 1444368045902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on this? It's my first time doing frame animation in flash (and I don't know how to convert this into a sizeable gif).


>> No.2722743

Oh I see. Never even thought of that. Ill keep that in mind, thanks.

>> No.2722758

Is there even any alternative to toonboom storyboard pro? I can't think of any other 2d storyboarding software.

>> No.2722761

I don't know too much about this stuff, but I like krita animation branch. Pencil2d used to be fun, but I think it's dead forever dead.

>> No.2722863

It does work. After clicking it the first time, find the "Portable Programs" folder and click it again.

>> No.2722953

I think you just have to use Photoshop for now

>> No.2723642


How can people be so oblivious to shitty lazy animation. so many of these western 2d animated music videos are just these dumb overused gimics that people just eat up

>> No.2723709
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 780abcfd-5cf7-46dc-8b2b-129ababe59d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more offended by the content than the animation itself
>hurr durr technology bad, I'm enlightened because I'm not using it

>> No.2723802

too slow and too 2-dimensional
You need to think about what you're animating. Try acting it out, would you thrust a sword that slowly, or just stand in place like that, or put up the shield for a second just to put it back at your side? Probably not.
I feel like every animator should have a big mirror in their room just so they could act stuff out in front of it and see how their own body moves to get an idea of how their character should move.

>> No.2723810

I think the adobe cs2 suite is free, you could try flash if you're desperate.

>> No.2723921


>> No.2723975


animation is a pain

>> No.2723983
File: 622 KB, 200x352, received_346032799079980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very old and made when I was bored, and I can't find my serious animations, but I havent been able to practice in about 2- 3 years on animation, don't have a space or workplace for art anymore other than my lap and a chair. Any suggestions? I can post a serious design of the current character in this got, I originally created and used him in a site called Animasher, the site was shut down though

>> No.2724455

agreed, what pretentious shit

>> No.2725491
File: 733 KB, 768x576, ezgif-1242417968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old bowling ball exercise that I liked

>> No.2725544

Looks good. If you want to give it more impact give it a little camera shake for a few frames after it hits the ground

>> No.2725636

Agree with the camera shake, but the ball seems to teleport to the ground and bounce. I think if you moved the placement of the ball on the frame where it is no longer touching the upper part maybe a quarter of the way down the fall, It would fix the teleporting problem.

>> No.2725673


Actually in the original it didn't teleport, I dunno why the .gif is doing that.

>> No.2725679

Oh yeah I see it. the gif has a frame missing for some reason. The link is much cleaner.

>> No.2725871

why does it teleport like 50 ft between two frames at the end

>> No.2725876

ewww go actually draw frames you lazy fuck

>> No.2725945

byou jubpst dont ubnedurstandebn it :v)

>> No.2725966

Why are there so many animators that can't draw? Not even talking about just amateur animators. The entire newgrounds generation of animators was composed of slightly intermediate stick figures.

People who are paid money and make down payments on houses animating for Cartoon Network cannot draw a human figure.

Step 1: Learn to Draw
Step 2: Skip Step 1
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Create your own show!

>> No.2725985

we're in the muhh special snowflake generation where shit is acceptable

>> No.2726178

>First day, class and assignment at animation college
>Have to spend an hour drawing something to gauge skill level, preferably with a message or story
>Ten minutes after assignment starts
>"Oh and by the way, don't you dare draw these two things; A head with stuff flying out of the mind and someone shackled to an iPhone."
>a third of the class can be heard shuffling paper

>> No.2726437

>animating for Cartoon Network
The Koreans overseas?

>> No.2726532

I believe youre exaggerating this story. but its still true and funny

>> No.2726588

that looks great anon. good sense of timing.

>> No.2726623

My first day
>"everyone do a self portrait so I can learn about how you see yourself and how you draw"
>"you have 10 minutes"
>wtf so little time
>can't let myself down here, gotta step up to the test and leave a good first impression
>frantically grab a chair and spot a mirror across the room
>it's the only mirror and small
>take it before anyone else can
>start madly drawing, studying carefully my facial features
>lighting isn't good, but I make do
>"time's up!"
>mfw everyone else drew cartoony line drawings of themselves
>mfw they all laughed and judged me for being too serious

>> No.2726653

>things that didnt happen
>things that op sperged out about in class and left out of the story

>> No.2726808

Time and money I suppose in a nut shell I suppose.

>> No.2726817

At the apex of motion, speed decreases

So when the ball reaches the height of the arc it's slower.

Slow means more frames per second

When the ball is dropping or rising its being subject to forces so it speeds up.

Speeds up means stretch, but mostly less frames.

>> No.2726826

My first day
>"everyone do a self portrait so I can learn about how you see yourself and how you draw"
>"you have 10 minutes"
>it's the first day and everyone chill
>just a fun little thing
>see kid next to me profusely sweating, on the verge of tears
>about to tap him on the shoulder to try to calm him down
>he frantically grabs another student's chair and runs across the room, staring at his reflection on a tiny mirror
>it was just some girl's makeup mirror
>he mutters something about no one else being allowed to use it
>start intensely staring at the mirror and swinging his arms around measuring things
>"time's up!"
>everyone just drew fun little doodles
>the kid is tearing up, he just has construction lines on his page

>> No.2726855

That's easy. Just stop using smears.

>> No.2726861

Bowling balls bounce way higher than that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCpTDxYCn9c

>> No.2726867
File: 43 KB, 392x538, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you willy flickers stop sucking Dicky Williams' Richard and start reading some real animation books?

>> No.2726938

Fuck off, Fred!

>> No.2727051 [DELETED] 


Am I thinking wrong


desperate for answers

>> No.2727053


Am I thinking wrong


Desperate for answers

While I'm at it https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeSakuga/comments/4n5ccz/the_commonly_accepted_slowness_when_detailed/

>> No.2727183

Have Some respect! That's Fred motherfucking Moore. One of the greatest animators who ever lived!

>> No.2727243

For those of you who have gotten ToonBoom, where did you download it from? There's a lot of cracks with viruses out there.

>> No.2727255


>> No.2727268

>Dotn have an account

rip me. registrations open in a few days tho.

>> No.2727281

LOL underrated post

>> No.2727342
File: 163 KB, 650x366, run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apart from the uneven construction and those whacky eyes, how's the timing?

>> No.2727346

Good. But really fix the construction. "Solid Drawing".

>> No.2727365

Anime is way more choppy
Your gif has way to many frames to be from an japanese animator

>> No.2727420

Stupid fuck. The amount of frames doesnt dictate if it's from anime or not.


>> No.2727492
File: 677 KB, 720x405, witch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the movement on this read well enough?

Planning to throw some smears into the flip and add some flat color.

>> No.2727501
File: 126 KB, 800x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any good tutorials or videos on cutting back on gesture and construction to go more for the final line art? I'd like to begin working towards this but would hate to develop bad habits that would lead to proportional or consistency issues. Still, the work flow of
>rough line art
>clean line art

Is a little too taxing on me to continue to enjoy animating. I figure if I can cut out a few of these from my workflow I can ease up a bit and make it a little less tedious.

>> No.2727505

The timing is good but theres too much variation in the shape of the head. It's too jittery.

>> No.2727509

This vids about cleaning up your linework. Might help you out a little bit.


>> No.2727513

I've watched that one actually, and while it is good on clean lines, he only lightly touches on the thing I'm talking about and doesn't really demonstrate it or go into it. His video is mostly on inking on consistent lines.

>> No.2727516

personally I find the part where she comes to the screen to be hard to read because there's a lot happening at once and it's going very fast. As an aside, this would be fucking cool as a split depth gif

>> No.2727755

That's just a shitty version of the 12 principles

>> No.2727756

the smears are ok the problem is just the low art skill level

>> No.2727995

Guess who wrote that though. One of the people who invented the principles of animation! Fred Moore was one of the 9 old men.

>> No.2727997

No you're wrong smears are fucking cancer.

>> No.2728054

What so you prefer then?

>> No.2728074

prolly dick haha ammiright?

>> No.2728163

The rhythm of the run is weird, I'd add one more frame with the leg shift (and more weight mb)

>> No.2728176

Nope that's cancerous as well.

>> No.2728180

The way her bottom half moves makes it hard to see which way she's facing.
I get that she's doing a little twist but the sausage limbs kind of make it hard to read.
Maybe add more definition to the hips and add a butt?

>> No.2728191

it's great, but might I suggest to add a couple of more frames at the holding positions? maybe move the pelvic more back and forth too? you know? slow in and out to make it smoother and more interesting.

>> No.2728199

My professor did the same thing.
>First term at SAIC
>1 hour class time to "draw yourself"
>Figure since it's not a self portrait I can just draw what represents me
>Start sketching my fursona (snow leopard)
>Hear a few giggles around me, can't concentrate
>Move to the corner of the room
>Class ends, I have a pretty decent headshot done, I managed to color it in with copics and add some shading with colored pencils.
>See everyone turning in charcoal or pastel portraits
>Walk out of the door without turning anything in
That was probably the dumbest I've ever felt.

>> No.2728209
File: 1.90 MB, 852x480, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2728218

why would you EVER draw your fursona in school
why do you even have a fursona
even if it was about representing yourself metaphorically WHY A FUCKING FURSONA

get holocausted furfag

>> No.2728223


Really nice, though I kind of hate the floating moment.

>> No.2728243
File: 425 KB, 853x480, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2728244

Is he supposed to be floating before landing? Right now it's kind of an awkward hold. If you hold the body in the same place for a little longer but put some follow through with the limbs it would read better.

>> No.2728278

Oh you're just an idiot
That solves it

>> No.2728523

How am I an idiot?

>> No.2728579

ok ok i concede, fred moore is based but he totally went star wars special edition and just added shit just to add shit

>> No.2728583

animation blurs are essentially motion blurs which occur in real life you dingus, especially in 24 fps video. Unless you're animating at like 200 frames per second you fucking need them dumbass

>> No.2728586



A couple of channels that highlights work from the masters and some interesting scenes

>> No.2728717


What do you think?

>> No.2728904

It absolutely is a part of the anime style
A very important one if you ask some big name animators from Japan
The clip you linked is the absolute exception and I doubt OP would say that it looks like anime

>> No.2728910

Looks like a short by someone who went to art school

>> No.2729495
File: 175 KB, 396x500, small.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a basic loop.

Any good resources for learning ToonBoom? I feel like the tutorials on their site either use a slightly older interface (so I can't always follow along), or their tutorials just aren't very good.

>> No.2729733

cute and smooth! i love it

>> No.2730141

Sorry for late reply. You're still wrong. I mean I get you in theory but you guys overuse smears to the point that they become cancerous.

>> No.2730145

What are you talking about? It's a checklist son not (just) the 12 principles.

>> No.2730149

>posts japanese shit

>> No.2730153

You lazy bum!

>> No.2730160

Ain't a matter of laziness. I animate for a living. I just think Toon Boom's interface is a byzantine hellscape.

I wouldn't even mind the iffy tutorials if I was able to follow along, but a lot of times I'll get totally different results from what the tutorial will say (or they'll be using an older version of the program, so my interface won't show the same options as theirs)

>> No.2730282

You are lazy. Why ain't she moving? That's not the tutorials' or the program's fault, it's yours.

>> No.2730284
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Hand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this over the weekend.

>> No.2730306

Very nice! The one thing is that the thumb seems way too close to the knuckles.

>> No.2730366

What do you guys think of using heavily filtered and edited photos as backgrounds for a college project?

>> No.2730385

It's fine, especially if you take them yourself (but even if you don't, tbhfam)

>> No.2730400


>hey that's really good man

>> No.2730571

Oh yeah. Thanks.


>> No.2731199
File: 2.93 MB, 800x800, SeverinEk_comp_ill_10_31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2731231




>> No.2731951 [DELETED] 

Is that you redminus?

>> No.2731988

>doesn't know about frame modulation