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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 275x183, theman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2711669 No.2711669 [Reply] [Original]

There is no such thing as being anonymous.

What pisses you off anon?
Get it out.

>> No.2711671

That no one except /ic/ is supportive of me doing art.

>> No.2711672


>> No.2711673
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1474172235188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support you bro, you're going to make
Im pissed off that i'm such a pussy when it comes to talking to girls. Qt was standing right next to me in class for like 5 min and i didnt say a single world. Feelsbadman

>> No.2711675

Even though logically I know I can become a master, emotionally I feel like I am a failure and will never achieve anything. Also suicidal thoughts keep coming to me and are kind of annoying/distracting.

>> No.2711677

I'm pissed off that I've been intermediate for years and probably will continue to be for at least another 2 or 3 years

>> No.2711679

I hate how MODS identify artists by IP addresses and become fan boyish, thus harass further posts of there secret admirers by doxy.

How cool can you get?

>> No.2711680

listen up nigga. im gonna tell it to you straight here. i overcame huge social anxiety myself. here's what i want you to do anon: stop giving a fuck. quite literally yolo it. you are eventually going to die, and it might end up that your time here is all you have. explore. take charge of yourself. dont fear messing up at all, because if it doesnt make you die then it really wasnt that big of a deal. my grandma just died and my mom has cancer, and i might too. life is short and fleeting. dont worry about other people's perception of you, be the you you want to be and go fucking kick life's ass. eventually it all doesnt matter anyway. i believe in you anon.
>tldr reason away anxiety with nihilism

>> No.2711681

>tfw subconscious fucks you over anyways
How do you deal with this?

>> No.2711684 [DELETED] 

Yer kraft is always valid. You are non suicidal - more the world is homicidal on all levels!!!

Sometimes a vain ephemeral forgotton novelty talisman helps ward off annoy/distract trip - but non get addicted to this method (on all levels)

>> No.2711685


try a little?

>> No.2711686
File: 90 KB, 640x400, Umtitled9n7f7f7f-o0oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people quantum mind killing in their warp hole brains and worm hole guts

>> No.2711688

I hate how I'm not janitor yet.

>> No.2711690

channel your fucking id dude. take yourself out of your own shoes when you encounter a situation youre uncomfortable with. think: what, if i dont do it now, will i be kicking myself for later? why am i not doing it? is it a worthwhile reason (not hurting someone, not putting your life in danger)? if neither apply, fucking do it and have zero regrets about it. what are you gonna do, mess up an already finite existence? go for it

>> No.2711691

Yer kraft is always valid. You are non suicidal - more the world is homicidal on all levels!!!

Sometimes a vain ephemeral forgotton novelty talisman helps ward off annoy/distract trip - but non get addicted to this method (on all levels)

>> No.2711694

I always tell myself im just gonna do me, but then my anxiety always get to me. I feel you though. My anxiety used to be way worse, its a bit better now though. Tfw i havent had a gf in 4 years cause of this.

>> No.2711698
File: 220 KB, 366x480, rape-of-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that I can't talk to people. There's people who obviously want to start a conversation with me, but I just blank out on what to say.

I also just want a friend who is interested in art like I am, but it seems like all people do is hike, watch Netflix, or play video games. There's people in my classes who doodle, but it's always shitty eyes, plants, tumblr potato people, or scribbles. I guess my judgmental-ness might be driving people away.

>> No.2711700

>expecting other people to be serious in high school

>> No.2711706

talk to me when you're 18.

>> No.2711714

But I go to a community college

>> No.2711715

Anybody serious about art went to a proper art school, not community college. No surprise here.

>> No.2711716

Big eye lip artists.

>> No.2711720

hey he's back.

You got more to say?

>> No.2711724

Yea I hope they all die.

They are furry tier illustrators.

>> No.2711731

>implying there's only one person here who hates them
You're the minority here, bitch.

>> No.2711733

At least furries are capable of some degree of thematic and stylistic variation.

>> No.2711737

no they lack just about everything.

Even in real life they maintain the same thematic retarded persona.

You're a furry. Go rethink our life.

>> No.2711739

You suck.

Just go.

>> No.2711741

When someone follows your ip on instagram and then unfollows you a week later because you didn't follow them.

>we're all going insane

I hate people.

>> No.2711745
File: 282 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m15mhyCZCG1qajnfno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr stereotypes
Your loss m8

>> No.2711747
File: 112 KB, 242x237, 1476208029559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least they're not as bad as people who shitpost on 4chan, am I right?

>> No.2711749


Might have to leave 4chan for good.

You're all fucked.

You're all Furries.

What a garbage forum.

>> No.2711754

That's a great idea anon, go for it.

>> No.2711758
File: 46 KB, 400x400, Romebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.2711761

>fighting anxiety with nihilism
did that, can confirm it works

if something pisses me off, and I don't have power over it to change it, I ignore it

>> No.2711762

get it out ross.

>> No.2711763

get it out anon.

you're a fucking idiot.

get it out.

>> No.2711766

>hating on people just because what they like

hating on stupid ppl is understandable, and a lot of furries are stupid, but forgetting what you hate them for and changing it towards their interests is something which stupid ppl do

so in my book you are just as bad as stupid furry

>> No.2711769
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 1408983684802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take it you changed your mind about leaving, did you?

>> No.2711776

if they really liked your work they'd follow you regardless of a followback. i don't mean this to shit on you, jus that that person who followed you is jus lookin to inflate their follower numbers, not a worthwhile fan, won't engage with your content, yada yada yada, so really, don't sweat em, they ain't worth it.

what do you consider intermediacy? some artists may not have the greatest technical skills but they bring something unique to the table. and even if your art isn't that unique, for many people it's merely a tool that they use to create in their "true" medium, such as comics or animation or what have you. not everybody's rock lee, bein all expert an shit at one thing, lotta people are pretty okay at a few different things and can work them all together into something greater than the sum of it's parts.

be careful not to overdo it and end up some asshole nobody likes and directly avoids tho. self-awareness is of the utmost importance (this involves knowing when your mind is likely lying to you, regardless of if the lie is positive or negative).

remember that the masters you compare yourself to have more often than not been doing this professionally longer than you've been alive. you have plenty of time to catchup and even surpass them if that's your goal, tho i would suggest focusing more on making work that you not only enjoy but also enjoy creating. even when doing studies, hell, especially when doing studies.

>> No.2711810

fucking mods.

can you leave me alone?

>> No.2711812

creative comeback for a furry fag I have to admit. You're still a idiot.

>> No.2711828

All I want to do is feel comfortable enough about my art that I can post it online.

>> No.2711830
File: 29 KB, 450x450, 236472335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting anonymously on an armenian headscarf knitting portal
>"can you leave me alone?"

>> No.2711834

stop it.I don't understand the purpose behind your bullying and interest to laugh at others.

How dare you.

>> No.2711839

The man that believes in himself doesn't need others to believe in him. That being said, I BELIEVE IN YOU, ANON! What you said hints that you're self taught, remember that Ruan Jia and Maceij are self taught. Do yourself a favor and look up Steve Huston.

>> No.2711840

yeah please get out, no one wants you here

>> No.2711845
File: 20 KB, 432x495, 1455600484478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, wanna yiff?

>> No.2711846

how dare you.

>> No.2711848

how dare you.

>> No.2711850

how dare you.

>> No.2711851

how dare you.

>> No.2711853

how dare you.

>> No.2711933

c-c-combo breaker! :D

>> No.2711960

how dare you.

>> No.2712135
File: 23 KB, 998x851, 1463756263316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.2712160

>just want to be able to draw good shapes with nice weight and movement
>"just do gestures, you'll learn it really quick"
>everything ends up looking like a study
>even fucking 30sec gestures look robotic and dull
>literally none of my work has any fucking energy
>spend more than half of every daily art session pissed off that I'm so fucking stupid and terrible
>only thing that gets any better is my quality of line
>everything else is the same awful shit I've been drawing for over a decade
>only people who ever tell me I'm good are friends/family and tumblr sycophants who only want free art of their OC

I constantly feel like throwing my chair, computer, and then desk through the window.

>> No.2712191

maybe found part of the problem anon
you should stop drawing digitally for a while
now I'm not one of those "digital art is a crutch for baddies" faggots
I'm saying you need to take a big step back if it's frustrating you so much
and instead focus on a form of media that isn't so convenient to work with
now go get a big sketchbook and a pen
no no, I said a PEN, faggot, not a pencil
no erasing available
no undo key bound to your tablet
just you, the page, and your lines
you think you have good line quality?
you don't know shit about your lines until you spend a month doing all of your work in pen
study hard, focus on weight
gestures are different done traditionally, when you can't undo shitty lines in 1ms with a hotkey press
draw a bad line? keep working, finish the gesture anyway, and do better on the next one

and this next bit goes for all artists (but you sound especially upset with yourself and your work)
but be critical of your work in an actually constructive way
don't just say you're pissed off that you can't do any of this drawing shit right because you're bad and stupid
that only pisses you off more and demoralizes you
it makes you put down your pen to wipe away tears and blow your nose
hold that pen, keep moving, keep working
look at your work, figure out what's not right
maybe the distance between the ribcage and hips is way out of proportion
so you say you're pissed off that you put too much distance between the ribcage and hips, but you can do it right next time
and then, you try to do it right the next time
if you don't manage to get it right the next time, you say you're pissed off that you put too much distance between the ribcage and hips, but you can do it right next time
rinse and repeat
focus on getting it just right, not on just how wrong you were
you can be as mad as you want when you draw
just be mad that mistakes were made, not at yourself for making them

now chin up, and get back to work

>> No.2712199

When artists regress , or an artist who draws stylised when they are perfectly capable of realism. It upsets me because Im jealous of their ability to draw mostly.

>> No.2712215

>tldr reason away anxiety with nihilism
The way you use nihilism makes Nietzsche rotate in his fucking grave.

>> No.2712231
File: 126 KB, 480x608, will you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate when pros do this on social media
>just a quick drawing before bed ;)
>better than anything you will ever draw
like we get it, you are good

>> No.2712239

literally everyone around me is 100% convinced that i have no chance at all, but to me it only makes me work harder and want to prove all those fuckers wrong

>> No.2712246

I hate that my friends from another hobby are interested in art but refuse to even try to get gud.

>> No.2712257


>> No.2712266

I fucking hate shadbase

he cannot draw lolis properly

>> No.2712270

Seriously, his lolis all look like fucking halflings.

>> No.2712284

Humble-bragging twitter artists are the fucking worst.
>"did this quick and dirty sketch at the studio today! not sure if it's good but helped me work out some stress! rough week XD"
>"quick and dirty"
>clearly a 4+ hour inked piece
>"not sure if it's good"
>with a professional level of polish and skill
>that subtle humble brag about owning a studio space
>them fucking acting like they have anything resembling actual stress in their life
>when literally their whole account is nothing but cool drawings they did that week
>glowing tweets about how much they love their beautiful spouse and their perfect home
>and pictures of them out smiling and drinking with artists and writers on every single comic and show you've ever enjoyed
>has multiple credits working for several big names in the industry
>which are all written in their page info

>> No.2712293 [DELETED] 

>and i have cancer might too
How do you figure?

>> No.2712295

>and i might have cancer too
How do you figure?

>> No.2712296

Whoops, somebody's lysdexic.

>> No.2712313

this fucking board

>> No.2712325

The fact that I suk with girls. Never kissed anyone on a "club", never got to know someone a met on the street. All my interactions are trough facebook and I'm tired of feeling like a creep.

>> No.2712786
File: 491 KB, 460x345, hellodarkness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same. I don't know why nobody ever wants to support me. /ic/ is the only place I ever felt welcomed in. Thanks /ic/, for better or for worse

>> No.2712888
File: 193 KB, 776x893, 2332121123321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've fallen into apathy again

not drawing, not playing games, eating shitty food

will go after some horrible job soon

at least i still go to the gym

>> No.2712917

start working out, man. Artists have an easy time getting pussy, just tell the girl that she really captured your eye and you have to draw her.

>> No.2713034

It's true that normie girls are easily impressed BUT I feel like they just stick araound until I draw their next profile pic hahahaha

>> No.2713040

Who are you

>> No.2713042

how dare you.

>> No.2713043

I want to know who repetition'" is.

>> No.2713154

I'm fucking mad the new Windows 8.1 updates are not only a cumulative, "all or nothing" patch, but that they also broke literally all functionality with my fucking tablet so now I can't do my fucking job.

>> No.2713369

Are you me? Holy shit.

>> No.2713371

Work out, it makes you more confident and then its much easier to talk to girls.
Helped me alot

>> No.2713397
File: 1.33 MB, 264x264, 1472849899620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 8.1 updates

>> No.2713436 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my friend, but finding out that he scammed someone using the exposure bullshit triggered my autism something special.

>> No.2713533
File: 423 KB, 600x826, incoherent silence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2713559

>"did this quick and dirty sketch at the studio today! not sure if it's good but helped me work out some stress! rough week XD"
>"quick and dirty"
>clearly a 4+ hour inked piece
This shit gave me an unrealistic idea of the art process. I thought I was retarded until I watched streams and saw artists taking 3 times more time than me to get even close to a finished piece.

>> No.2713561

We all start misinformed. It's alright. No one really cares about the 90% except other artists anyways. People only care about the end result.

>> No.2713581

The fact that i'll never be truly anonymous, and perfectionism fucking with my ability to finish anything.

>> No.2713595

how has this thread even manage to go as far as this.

this thread was made by a drunk person.kek

>> No.2713598

>he doesn't know the reason why those people drink

>> No.2713601

apparently not.

still fucking funny.

>> No.2713850

My dream is to be a successful comic book artist but I'm a conservative and there are zero openly conservative creators working within the mainstream comic industry. Zero. If you're a conservative you're persona non grata because nobody will want to work with you because everybody is far left, so conservative creators have to stay "in the closet."

Chuck Dixon, a conservative (who hasn't worked in mainstream comics in over ten years), has said that there are creators who have opened up to him about their political opinions and about having to hide them.

I don't know if I could take that, I'd get a fucking ulcer.

>> No.2713854

So make your own, you stupid fuck

>> No.2713884
File: 3.01 MB, 500x273, so.. this.. is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dream...

Well, how bad do you want it?

>> No.2713885
File: 35 KB, 703x703, 1428017277681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wasted my chance at the college experience. I went and stayed in my fucking dorm room the entire year. I did a bit of partying, sure, and I hung out with a few friends and we smoked weed the entire year. But that was it- I didn't get black out drunk every weekend and live the college life. I'm 22 now and I'll finish art school when I'm 24, so maybe at 24-25 I can catch up on that if I go do a master's degree.

It boils down to me feeling like I missed what was supposed to be the happiest period of my life. Every day I'm haunted by the fact that I could've had lots of friends in high school if I tried a bit harder, and that I could've finished my first degree instead of dropping out and doing jack shit for three years. Every year I waste I set higher goals for myself in an attempt to make up for the time I threw in the garbage- so as to prove to people that I'm not worthless, even if they don't even notice it because I'm basically a non-person to many of them.

The past is the past, though. There's no changing it now. Right now I'm just grinding my art and working on getting good enough to make my webcomic- I feel good about this. I feel like I have an original enough idea to stand out from most, even though I know that sounds naive.

At least my parents are loaded.

>> No.2713887

Well that's because you're not there yet. I tell you, start working out, draw more from life, and it will become easy. Idk what you mean by normies, I once managed to steal another anon's gf with that technique, who was a super cute nerd as well, while being jobless and apartmentless, even though her bf was a rich it specialist working for the gov.

>> No.2713902

>hung out with friends
>smoked weed the entire year
You don't even now what "missing out" means kiddo.

>> No.2713904


Fill me in.

>> No.2713905

How about spending your entire teens and adulthood with no friends, no partying and no weed period.

>> No.2713917

>not wanting to miss on that shit
stay normie normie

>> No.2713927
File: 3 KB, 300x250, fox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2713939

you sly fox you

>> No.2713955

The moral of that story is that he stops going after the grapes for a good reason

Always cute to see this analogy used by kids like they know what it means

>> No.2713957


>Pretending that one doesn't want something, because one does not or cannot have it. (The expression originated in "The Fox and the Grapes," one of Aesop's Fables)

Even if he stops, it doesn't mean he don't want it, which is what he said.

You utter dumbfuck.

>> No.2713959

no it isn't faggot

the point of the story is people who can't get what they want convince themselves that the thing was shit anyway, or at least they say it's shit. it's a story of classic jelly butthurt.

>> No.2713963

I've never had 2 breaths of smoke, tried it one, didn't like, fuck that
I've never had 2 breaths of vaping, tried it once, didn't like, fuck that
I've never had 2 swallows of beer/ wine, tried it once, didn't like, fuck that

what did you know, there can be ppl on this ear who can have fun without intoxicating themself, because I don't like it and I don't need a society to tell me what I should like or not and force it until I like it

this fox tasted the grapes, and didn't like them

>> No.2713979
File: 100 KB, 550x620, 1366858495479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one likes it the first time you fucking child, your limited experiences are not indications of taste or character. Go fuck yourself

>this fox tasted the grapes, and didn't like them
cringe af btw

>> No.2713991

>I smoke a wide range of tobaccos, I am such a character with good taste

>> No.2714012

I did, as soon as I hit my first joint and my first cigarette I got it. The feeling you get is good, sure, but the taste and ritual of lighting one up is what gets me going. My most nostalgic memories are when I would stay up all night drawing then take a smoke break on my old balcony that overlooked the city late at night just absorbing the twinkling city lights, smell of late summer, and the breeze on my skin. It's the same feeling I get when I listen to certain music and it makes me ache for those nights.

I understand people don't like the same things but can't help but think what a boring existence, to just be the same consciousness all the time with no break whatsoever.

>> No.2714015
File: 14 KB, 209x240, 8201361583_f996f61806_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas be like "quick lunch break study sketch"

dafuq you mean quick? lmao spending 80 hours on a sketch like... nigga is your lunch break 10 hours long? Where dafuq you work? like lmao nigga i know you work freelance, your lunch break is whenever you say it is. Hell my lunch break is 30 years long lemme do a quick study of the Slav Epic. get out of here with that bullshit lmao

niggas be struggling tryna get girls and shit like lmao just draw them.
lift my man. don't be a beta orbiter my man. deodorant my man. speak up and say hello my man.
They're just women, lmao it's not like Junji Ito gonna creep up and be like "gotcha bitch! it was me all along!" niggas tryna be like Marko, nobody cares about what your girl does lmao.

everybody wants an original style so bad like nigga calm the fuck down. lmao You already have style, you're just bad at art. pros acting like they aren't just copying some shit they saw in Metal Gear. lmao "it's like Raiden, but I put a toaster on his head like a retarded helmet." original indeed lolol

everybody tryna be original too like wtf. like lmao why are you looking at digital art for inspiration? aren't you just gonna end up making more of the same shit? like read a book, watch some documentaries lmao.

>> No.2714056


Those guys are pretty gud by art standards.

>> No.2714070

>a wide range of tobaccos
What part of "I smoke marlboro" was too difficult for you?

>> No.2714086

>>"did this quick and dirty sketch at the studio today! not sure if it's good but helped me work out some stress! rough week XD"
>>"quick and dirty"
>>clearly a 4+ hour inked piece
>>"not sure if it's good"
>>with a professional level of polish and skill

when a finished professional illustration for a AAA company is done, it can take anywhere from 40-100 hours, 4 hours for a sketch is common for illustrators.

it's only concept artists who spend 20 minutes sketching because they need rapid visualization of ideas.

>> No.2714130


>> No.2714510
File: 90 KB, 254x272, 1476051497825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it brah, finally talked to the qt from class.
I do workout. Im about 2 months in lifting , and before that i ran competively so i was a bit of a skelly. Ive seen her mirin though ;)

>> No.2714590

I hate that my gf I loved with unquestionable devotion and passion turned out to be indescribably awful.

Oh well, time to get some hot bitches to send me nude photos.

>> No.2714594

>what do you consider intermediacy?
Having work that is well-rounded enough to be decent, but not really jaw-droppingly amazing. I know it takes years upon years of focused study to get to that level, but I've been mediocre for so long that its starting to bother me. I know what you mean about being unique and it shouldn't matter if you're intermediate because you've been doing it long enough to have something "special" but it takes its toll sometimes.

>> No.2716009

Do it. Then others will find you.
For a conservative you don't seem too confident in the free market.

>> No.2716976
File: 89 KB, 600x800, 1476012486085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw autistic

>> No.2717234

>this post
I unironically love you anon

>> No.2717470


What's so awful about her.

>> No.2720187

Its a lot worse when people are sure you're going to make it.
It adds a lot of pressure you'd do better without.
Also you look like a dissapointing jackass if you don't make it

>> No.2720194

That /ic/ is the only place where you can get honest feedback from people. I don't even know any of you guys but this is a million times better than level up or any of those shitty things on facebook.

>> No.2720250

i grew up with both of my siblings being autistic and they always dragged me down (sent to the same school programs as them, always judged through them,) so now i'm stuck doing shitty art barely managing to pay the rent because i never got a decent education

>> No.2720491

wow nice excuses anon

>> No.2720572
File: 337 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-10-21-09-05-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate that instagram trash artist get thousands of followers for drawing stupid shit
pic related
>inb4 post work
ive posted work here and noone ever says anything. pretty much my entire life consists of being ignored

>> No.2720573

Why do you care about impressing tasteless normies? 300 followers who are other artists is better than 30000 followers who are teenage girls that follow anything that is remotely cute or references a tv show they like.

>> No.2720577

Fucking THIS

>> No.2720586


Wanting followers for the sake of followers is petty af. Concentrate on making and sharing QUALITY work and the quality followers will come naturally.

>> No.2720593

No matter how much time I spend on a painting and how many different techniques I try, I just can't get anywhere near the level of the old masters in terms of details. And most of them were fucking teenagers when they already painted masterpieces, plus they had to draw from their memory while I have great refs. Good lord I'm shit.

>> No.2720600

>"so what do you in your free time?"
>I'm an artist
>"oh I love to draw too! Here let me show you"
>its traced over anime shit

This has happened on multiple occasions

>> No.2720616

Looking at her profile, she seems plenty legit. She posts often and engages with her audience regularly.

I think it's arrogant to think that these followers - however 'tasteless' they may be - are any less valuable than the so-called 'quality followers' you should get from work you deem better.

>> No.2720715

>300 followers who are other artists is better than 30000 followers
no, in terms of getting commissions more followers are better

>> No.2720717
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1473675755400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "client promises ton of work and after you put all your other commissions on hold, he stops responding" episode

>> No.2720866
File: 204 KB, 900x973, 1476309666512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wip looks better than the final version

>> No.2720911

What the fuck?

>> No.2720920


>> No.2721154
File: 368 KB, 1440x1243, 20161013_204004-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into perspective and shading, my anatomy is kind of jank, and I can't keep my style consistent.

>> No.2721159
File: 20 KB, 500x404, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone who used to like all your posts no longer likes your posts

>> No.2721170
File: 131 KB, 410x386, 1476323337128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.
Well the humble bragging about my above average drawing skills which look godly to non drawfags.

>> No.2721173
File: 100 KB, 653x960, 1476420280984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2721176

Well, they aren't wrong.

>> No.2721200


I'm sorry

>> No.2721421

>hey anon can you draw something for me !
>ok it wont be free though.
>yea sure no problem i can pay you
>so what do you want me to do
>i dont know
>never has an idea
>forgets all about it.

>> No.2721441

I'm afraid to draw fan service because I feel like I'll be judged for it. I shouldn't give a shit but the feeling just doesn't go away.

>> No.2721877

How my entire life, ego and personality has been built around drawing.

I don't want to draw anymore, but i got fuck all with out it

>> No.2722356

I thought I was friends with several well known artists and now I feel like they were just nice to me at the time because they weren't gigantically popular. Now they ignore me. It feels like I'm a waste of their time. Now I kinda feel like they wasted my time by pretending to be cool with me. Or maybe I just really annoyed the shit out of them. I can accept that. It just sucks.

The other thing is how everyone gets into drawing trends. Everyone draws the same thing, the same way, in the exact same style.

Inktober pisses me off. Witch Mercy pisses me off. Any trend art pisses me off. But not memes. I don't consider memes as artistic as drawings. Maybe that's my problem. If I were to accept it, it might not bother me anymore.

And the fact that every female artist or tranny artist will have like at least 2-5k followers even if their art is putrid shit or if they never post art and just speak.

Just a joke, but: some dude should pretend to be a girl and see if they get more followers compared to their main account.

I have a strong feeling they probably would.

>> No.2722360
File: 328 KB, 1262x848, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to serve anyone. I wish I could legally make money on my own without selling myself or bowing down to masters and the like.

I'm also too tired and pissed to draw by the time I'm home so it ends up feeling like a chore.

>> No.2722361

Dude, I'm gonna do it.

After reading some of you guys' posts...

I'm gonna pretend to be some fucking chick and make intentionally shitty art to see if I get more followers.

If this actually results in anything... well I actually really would like to find out if people prefer female artists over male artists.

It would be a shame but definitely worth finding out.

>> No.2722363
File: 14 KB, 434x600, an-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw devoted to art but still empty inside

>> No.2722564

pls come back to /ic/ with the results

>> No.2725213
File: 6 KB, 166x231, 1315076392913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this.
My own mother even said that my ambitions to become an artist basically was a joke.
It was one of the few time I actually flipped my shit toward my family.

Man that was a shitty day.

>> No.2725228

I dont have time for my art, and when I do i'm worn out. It's not an exucess, I now, That's why i hate my self even more about it. I go to collage full time, I have a part time job, Gym, social life and i just want some free time to relax and play some games.

Fuck the life.

>> No.2725229

this is beautiful

>> No.2726165

when i take commissions my commissioners get mad if i do any personal art at all until im finished all the commissions on my plate

they dont understand that just shitting around doodling drawing whetever warms me up before i work on their thing so that their commission doesnt look like fucking garbage

also whenever i take commissions my art halts in growth and it takes like 2 months from when i finish my last commission for the ball to start rolling again

i constantly have to weigh the importance of having that art dosh and stunting my progress as an artist.

>> No.2726169

This is great

>> No.2726303

It annoys me that my laptop is a piece of shit that's falling apart so I can't comfortably set up shop while out and about, not getting as much painting practice as I'd like.

Also that I still have performance anxiety with drawing in front of other people, especially if I just want to bash out some studies.

>"So this all done from imagination?"
>"Well, I mean... Quite a bit of it is?"
>Visible loss of respect

Pretty milquetoast concerns, really. Mostly I'm in the groove and enjoying it.

>> No.2726322

remove gym, social life, and making collages