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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 80 KB, 768x1024, pornThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2704341 No.2704341 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw artwork, critique work and so on.
Furry is not allowed. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposting.
No lolis
Stay on topic.

>> No.2704342
File: 401 KB, 2560x1878, gLhZnvrldkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704361


>> No.2704362

never mind I see you did the bare minimum to convey that kek

>> No.2704371

Finally, goddamn took you guys a while eh?


>> No.2704393 [DELETED] 

>>>2704361 (You)
kys tardo

>> No.2704394

kys tardo

>> No.2704423

Thank God I managed to save OP pic of the last thread, shame they didn't leave a blog link

>> No.2704438

Nice underage meme kid
must feel good waking every morning up with the taste of bitter Mod sperm in your mouth

>> No.2704546

have fun being banned. mods don't fuck around with that stuff

>> No.2704561
File: 390 KB, 2000x2000, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like something is very wrong but dunno what

>> No.2704565

looks good to me

>> No.2704650

idk man, that face looks pretty loli to me

>> No.2704696
File: 365 KB, 2000x2000, loligirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704739

and here we go again with this assblasted samefag.

>> No.2704768
File: 8 KB, 492x174, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704786

best proof you are assblasted. you go out of your way to prove things to try covering the fact you are assblasted.
gtfo with your loli, captain autismo.

>> No.2704824
File: 10 KB, 336x329, e9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this triggered over a joke edit
do you even know how a loli looks like?

>> No.2704856

>maximum projecting

>> No.2704943
File: 828 KB, 1551x2560, ignri2wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called transformation mom

>> No.2705021


Keeping eye on this.

>> No.2705126

if you don't know what I'm talking about, please just stop posting. seriously.

>> No.2705135
File: 47 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginner fag
>only draws porn
>going to art club in a few weeks

Will dump more if I polish them before 405

>> No.2705176

It's really getting abysmal when shit like this is more skillfully drawn then 100% of the other shit that gets posted on here that aren't by vets like BBC.
With that said, nice construction and style. I don't even like shit like this, but I'll take good drawings then the fucking assblasted cuntbucket lolifaggot spergs out.

>> No.2705288


>> No.2705330
File: 472 KB, 1200x1516, wasr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2705339


>> No.2705361

Anyone has experience with selling comics online?

What's the best service?

Many sell on Gumroad but they seem to be icky on porn so it might be a time bomb.

Or what about this site?


>> No.2705368

Looking at Doxy's site, he sells with http://www.e-junkie.com/

But apparently they use Paypal? And paypal bans you if they find that you sell porn...

>> No.2705450
File: 2.56 MB, 3105x4455, Mei Sketch -Final( Greys)1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a great critique a while ago, mainly to work on my lines and hands.

Any crits on this one? or advise for my future stuff.

>> No.2705459

Very small shoulders and hands. The palm size should be quite similar with the face size.

>> No.2705464
File: 976 KB, 1196x2143, cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the subject of no loli Im trying to make this face look older while still retaining cute features. Aside from the smaller eyes/ bigger nose kind of stuff you would associate with an older face Im pretty sure something has to be done with the chin and cheekbones, but it all comes out looking like shit when I try to change it

>> No.2705466

do you have a blog?

>> No.2705479

Sorry, I can't answer your question, but do you happen to have a site or something that you upload your work to?

>> No.2705499


Also heads feel too large, but it might look better if you increase size on what anon said.

>> No.2705532

"trigger warning", gay furry buttsex.


Anyways, critique away.

>> No.2705567


woops. Actually fixed a good bit so update I suppose.


>> No.2705614

what makes a figure arousing to the viewer?

I've been analyzing my favorite porn material but I'm too dense to grasp completely what I should try to convey in my drawings to make it pleasing for the viewer. The thing that has been more prominent is how the artists manage to put as many anatomical information as possible in subtle lines while still keeping the simplified elements of their drawings

>> No.2705641

The belly dude. The belly is wrong. It's too pot belly ish compared to her upper torsos angle.
Also her asshole (?)

>> No.2705642

sorry for this being stylized to hell and back but hopefully it helps!

>> No.2705730

not the original author, just wanted to say that's a great redline.

>> No.2705731

everything is wrong.

>> No.2705812

i like it..besides the gay furry shit, its pretty damn good.blog?

>> No.2705906

Her left tit makes it look like she doesn't have a ribcage. Tits that big will show the curve of the ribcage under them.b I'd redline but I'm on mobile, and also shit at drawing

>> No.2706055
File: 242 KB, 929x1216, not even a redline from loomis himself could save this mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2706103

Why ban furry from a porn thread when furry stuff is arguably the most profitable???

>> No.2706118 [DELETED] 

There's literally no reason. Just like the "no pony outside of mlp" "law", they were created in response to certain catalysts and are long-since past their expiration date.

>> No.2706158
File: 117 KB, 938x959, TTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2706300

good art is profitable. being good at art is what makes you marketable. stop being a fucking scrub and you won't have to draw bad furry art to survive.

>> No.2706328

>makes me wish I had three hands

>> No.2706331

what's up with the /aco/ commission thread?

it's full of people drawing for $10 and people treating the artists like whores

is this normal, or just bottom-of-the-barrel retardation?

>> No.2706409
File: 278 KB, 784x1151, pregnant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think, a change of angle might help

>> No.2706430

nope, it didn't

>> No.2706437


>> No.2706447

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2706474


>> No.2706486

Please respond.

>> No.2706488

You got a blog? This is really sexy.

>> No.2706495

If this is gaben then you've come a long way, I'm proud of ya

>> No.2706520
File: 1.08 MB, 1944x1284, lewder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never done lewd before. I hope it's just a phase.

>> No.2706523

Holly shit thanks man, that's really helpful. I was not expecting such an in depth redline

>> No.2706531

What's your blog? Contact info.

>> No.2706678
File: 609 KB, 800x1100, tumblr_oeg3vlnet11sa9vd7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my Futaraka selffuck!

>> No.2706687

It's not the content, its the people who push the content. It's pretty much an empirical fact that furries bring drama and that's not something /ic/ or any other board really wants to deal with.

>> No.2706707

If furries bring drama, then they are such a tiny problem I could never make them out between all the other shit on /ic/. People who do go mad over furries do manage to be a pain in the ass much more.

But then, furries seem to be happier on /trash/ anyway.

>> No.2706741
File: 12 KB, 374x374, pikachode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time be kind

>> No.2706746

Not my fetish but the drawing looks nice. Blog?

>> No.2706748

Furry used to be allowed and where was the fucking drama?
There FUCKING wasn't
The only people making drama around furries are the fags who wanted it banned because "muh triggered feelings"

>> No.2706749
File: 5 KB, 225x225, robber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand over the blog and nobody gets hurt

>> No.2706772


Finished this, leg looks flat but I feel I need to move on.


I'll have to disagree. Reply strings and reactions ruin threads and this has not been an issue I've seen in /ic/. It's a generally civil board. Then again I'm a giant mr.gay so this comment probably loses a bit of gravitas but I rather like posting on /ic/ as it's one of the few places I can get some harsh feedback (trash does not have this). This would be made a bit easier if I could actually post my shit in file without worry of b&. Then again I could just get gabe's enormous balls and just post it anyways.

Really if you're posting porn of ANY kind in a blue-board, especially without spoilers, you should be banned. If the rule was exterminated the biggest effect, past an initial shit storm, would probably be furry threads in /h/ /y/ /d/ etc, but I don't really support or not support this. I just think /ic/ should be exempt since it's a place for artist to post and get feedback on their work, not spam or shit post, and it honestly moves too slowly for either.

>> No.2706805


>> No.2706934

wow you're good! reminds me of early nullghost a bit

>> No.2706968
File: 285 KB, 1633x1912, WI6Fnfz46Bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2706972


>> No.2706984

blog please

>> No.2707070

dickbrains detected.

>> No.2707263

take your meme, build a rocket, and then fly off the edge of my dick, thanks

>> No.2707336

He doesn't need one, walking right over is enough for you.

>> No.2707662
File: 371 KB, 1800x1500, bad choreography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to draw two people """dancing"""
>this doesn't look right
>place black bar over their heads
>suddenly it's sexual assault
You learn things about yourself when you try to draw unfamiliar things without reference.

>> No.2707864

>a pregnant woman with disgusting tits is sexy

Fucking preggofags I swer

>> No.2707908

there's all sorts of dickbrains. you can't expect all people to have artistic taste.

>> No.2707934
File: 472 KB, 1797x2000, rWcVdWPn-UA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2707937

What's the matter, anon? Are you upset nobody cares about your pictures of naked ladies?

>> No.2707943

>there's all sorts of dickbrains. you can't expect all people to have artistic taste.
>my fetish is good taste, urs is bad, dickbrains!
Fuck off with this shit meme, if you have to use it, use when people ask the blog of a shit artist. And noo, doesn't matter if you think that artist is shit, that pic is better than most beginner work you get to see on the porn threads.

>> No.2707958
File: 130 KB, 385x617, c2665c17d5fa775c5f013bdfeaafb6b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this to /aasg/ but i was wondering if yall find this sexually appealing

>> No.2707993

sexually? nah
visually? yea

>> No.2708006
File: 113 KB, 658x1009, blbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this sketch, any critiques so far ?

>> No.2708007

Can we ban blogposting? Seriously, I don't know if people are just trolling or if they're actually this retarded, but /ic/ has turned into a board where no one gives critique but just asks for blogs, no matter what the quality of the art is.

>> No.2708030
File: 175 KB, 658x1008, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2708040


On serious note, I think her groin & legs are not well aligned with the ribcage; but it might be a willing exaggeration. Good job.

>> No.2708048

Thank you !

>> No.2708082

never posted my art in this thread.

>> No.2708088

he's beginner tier mediocre at best. not saying he's shit, but he's nothing special.
and no, I'm not criticizing personal tastes here. I'm generally criticizing people that come here seeking for porn instead of critiquing or posting their art, a.k.a. dickbrains.

>> No.2708089

fucking this.

>> No.2708209
File: 472 KB, 2448x3264, bo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2708241
File: 3.37 MB, 5100x6600, ghmh-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really a porn drawer but I did this for a friend and had some fun. I'm always open to crit

>> No.2708265

Artist is Heikatsu on pixiv, he mostly draws lolis though.

>> No.2708560

Anyone have a good cartoon dick tutorial?

Something with like veiny juicy dicks

>> No.2708595 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 800x878, 1446510437893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check warosu
>no lolibro since last time I was here

>> No.2708599
File: 152 KB, 800x878, 1445019272541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolibro if you're here are you erojiji

>> No.2708611

gtfo dickbrain

>> No.2708613


>> No.2708625
File: 83 KB, 800x1000, 1473507475154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn thread
>not a dickbrain

lolibro, a nickname of a guy who posted drawings on porn and alternative style threads

often lolis but not only and he apparently doesn't like much this nick but it's his own fault for not having a blog

and erojiji is another name seemingly unrelated but the styles match and in the archive there's a post that links to this pic >>2708599
(erojiji) saying "i'm the so called loli guy"

who cares (i care)

>> No.2708629

lopsided face + vaginas dont leave the body to meet the dick dude

>> No.2708640
File: 177 KB, 1280x1422, Comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2708702

Then fuck off

>> No.2708756

>Source: /vg/
It's him but that's change nothing. His profile is dead for six years. It's more like he's "Lolibro" now, not erojiji. And "Utilizator" is not him 200%

>> No.2708761
File: 386 KB, 1000x1000, choose your team .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people even care about these mascots? I really like their design, but I'm not sure if I can catch the pokeymon deadGOem hypetrain
sick linework as usual, eternally jelly
digging the idea. If you wanna age things down - try to elongate the face, stronger cheekbones, unpuff the cheeks, smaller forehead.
Time to upgrade your pelvic bone knowledge, m8. Her hips are too wooshy right now. Lots of cool boney landmarks there, and you're not taking advantage of them.
interesting concept. You need to give areas of high contrast more love, aside from tweaking the anatomy. Also, you got no occlusion and the ground shadow's way too light, and no greens reflect on her skin.
cute. Why don't you show the lower eyelid's form here? it's not a blank line, really flattens the eyes.

>> No.2708763

Not mine but you often see that

It's a delicate balance, which often results in too much rather than better

When I do it at least but I'm shit

Thanks for your input, yeah I just wanted to know if erojiji was "lolibro", I'd never seen "clean" art of him. I love >>2708625

Why mention Utilizator? I don't think I posted art from him.

>> No.2708766

memes aside I think the hackprinz does the "3-d" eyelid thing really well. Like, the only black line in the eye only occurs due to heavy eyelashes, and they don't start growing immediately out of your eyeball.

>> No.2708772

that's still very simplified though

>> No.2708835

this is an art critique board. of course the people that come here are supposed to be different than you and other art hunting people that think with their dicks. as I said GTFO.

>> No.2708837

I'm here to critique/help people that show some potential to be good smut artists.
so yeah, essentially, you GTFO tardo.

>> No.2708880

well, critique the art i posted then, fucker

>> No.2708892

why would I critique something that is not yours? stop posting other people's art to get their attention and most of all stop feeling entitled, you fucking scumbag piece of shit.

>> No.2708910

Maybe because not everyone in the porn threads gives critique due to not being that skilled themselves, but still ask for an artist's blog if they like their work? There is nothing wrong with asking for a blog

>> No.2708917
File: 594 KB, 1135x800, ohwaitpron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2708924
File: 1.55 MB, 727x1200, 0f86c1e2afb379d5da019d7b74181bc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, its not very hot and the context is confusing, but it was fun to color

>> No.2708936

I don't even like furry, but this.

>> No.2708937

background/rocks really flatten the img

>> No.2708939

It does when it pointlessly bumps thread limit.
This is /ic/, not /d/, /h/, /aco/, ect. It's a CRITIQUE thread first and foremost. Fap to your hugbox circle of shit artists elsewhere.
Also, if you're going to shill your shit work, there's already an appropriate thread for that; >>2704025

>> No.2708945

Polished it a bit. It's always a tough ride when you gotta fuck with their anatomy/perspective in order to get all the juicy bits visible.
please, do not argue with shitposters.
dragonbro's starting to hollow finally?

>> No.2708946
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, choose your team_cleanup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pick

>> No.2708992
File: 435 KB, 600x900, nsfw_league_of_legends__arcade_riven__free_to_use__by_customwaifus-da8vv3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2709024
File: 370 KB, 1888x2000, tEobPvHhIt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2709043
File: 27 KB, 700x463, 9356913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. newfag.

Tell me more how you are not new to /ic/ and how this board should work.

There was furry and loli shit long before, and there was a lot of quality works. Now porn threads are a nest of triggered faggots.

>> No.2709059

But the sticky doesn't teach how to draw loli butts. Does this mean that if I draw a little girl I should shove Loomis fat dick up my ass?

Seriously tho, I think they have forbidden loli to avoid art that was tracing/referencing actual cp; which is illegal and could've caused some trouble.

>> No.2709499

>please, do not argue with shitposters.
oh, stfu, he's completely right.

>> No.2709551

haha, I simply love the feeling of cringe I get when I see such bad artists having a patreon.

>> No.2709619

I am so disappointed in this piece.

>>2704943 is drawn so well. Like, it's amazing. The coloring in the final figure is really good, too, but then the background kills it. The background looks so half assed and flat that it destroys the piece.

Either spend some time on the background or take it out all together.

>> No.2709733
File: 1.16 MB, 1255x1147, sxyvelmapng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a lil bit of a rush job at the end but here's some Velma

>> No.2709734
File: 1.34 MB, 727x1200, 1476023827108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


severe tangents between the character and the background, namely the rock ridges, really causes confusion as to the actual spacial placement of elements within the piece, causing an overall flattened look and feel

starting from the top:
-top left of head (his right) lines up with rock ridge, the slight overlap is not enough, it still has a severely flattening effect
-grip of the dagger creates tangents with detailing of rock (this one is nitpicky but worth keeping in mind)
-the stalactite/stalagmite are... that's not at all what those look like (the stalactite is also crowding the area around his left hand (our right side)). if these aren't stalactite/stalagmites they create a very boring line compositionally (i mean they're already placed badly but it's even worse if that's not what they are)
-top of cloth on his right (our left) arm lines up with top of rock formation, causes the comp to feel stiffer
-tangent with rock formation and the knuckles/fingers on his right hand (our left), flattening effect
-bottom of left side rock formation and schroedinger's stalgmite are more or less parallel, this flattens the depth in the background severely, on top of being very close to the character's feet, mushes the depth of everything waaaaaaay too much

also the overall/texture/detailing of the upper rock formation doesn't imply any significant perspective at all, making it feel like it faces directly at the viewer instead of being above them. also the rest of your rocks have very boring ratios of/overly crowded amount of segments on top of being a bit too detailed yet too messy at the same time

think of the background in how best to frame your character, to make them pop yet still properly appear to exist within their reality. keep your negative space in mind and avoid overall compositional as well as placement tangents, they do not work with your current and other wise fully realized character rendering skills

>> No.2709775
File: 119 KB, 617x872, April Pin-Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April O'Neil, circa 1987

>> No.2709796

vagina looks like it's floating

>> No.2709833
File: 134 KB, 1388x651, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2709894
File: 15 KB, 502x379, 1476095494059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on making this hotter/better?
I will be shading her.

>> No.2709897

The whole pussy-ass-area needs to be lower.

>> No.2709902

google natalie mars, just look at some older traps.

>> No.2709904

Have you ever seen a real woman before?

>> No.2709905

did you try making the eyes a bit smaller?

>> No.2709908

Hi eggs
No dicc pic for you kek

>> No.2709917
File: 17 KB, 502x379, peach3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think the intended audience would mind? I don't think realism stand higher than cartoons, but if the stylization doesn't work, I'm very interested in hearing how I can make it better.

Keep the random at /b/ please.

>> No.2709924
File: 1.17 MB, 1255x1147, sxyvelma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better? If not then give me some suggestions

>> No.2709926

just fapped to that

thanks anon

>> No.2709933
File: 447 KB, 872x3557, 1457458964226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2709934
File: 615 KB, 800x3478, doxytoot-vaginatips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2709939

you have no idea what you are doing. you are basically pillow shading and don't know how to apply a proper light source. stop rendering turds and do some studies about perspective, anatomy, gesture and LASTLY color and shading.

GTFO dickbrain.

>> No.2709942

I think you're overreacting. The shading and color isn't even that bad. Especially since the values read well from a distance

>> No.2709994

If you compare it to a drawing a 5 year old would do, then yeah, sure, it's not even that bad.
this thing he drew is nowhere near being an appealing smut illustration. he's simply too bad to be able to draw good smut. period.

>> No.2709995

thanks guys, you're right. I don't know the first thing about drawing environmental stuff. I'll try to avoid tangents, keep perspective in mind, and try to learn stuff about composition. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.2710051

Waiting for people to realize this is kyle and then go on a shitflinging spree.

>> No.2710183
File: 196 KB, 574x877, TBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick after-work wind down drawing

>> No.2710230


Why shrink it so much compared to the original sketch?

>> No.2710540

Yeah this seems more like 1 really elitist opinion rather than a critique....

>> No.2710713

I completely agree. I don't intend to give helpful critique to people that don't have a clue how to draw. they should go to the beginner thread and stay there until they reach a good enough level for the porn thread.

>> No.2710732

that's good then, we don't need blind leading the snipers.

>> No.2710756

Not much to comment. Left knee is obviously wrong and you polished it into a turd.

- pillow shading
- lack of proper form and construction
- not detailed enough anatomy
- no proper style adaption for painting
- oversaturated colors, oversaturated shadows

>> No.2710768

also: Using photoshop brushes like that as bg is fucking cancer. Fucking wankers. Learn to be sublime.

>> No.2710818

nah, I'm a seasoned smut artist, there's nothing blind about me. sorry for disappointing the shitposter inside you.

>> No.2710825


>> No.2710861

colors oversaturated?

>> No.2710882

Not the artist, but I don't agree, they could be more saturated fir all I care

>> No.2710888
File: 393 KB, 1188x1296, Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 3.58.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polishing is a pain in the ass. I always lose motivation after getting the general idea on paper

>> No.2710891

>Muh dick
Dick is noto feminine though

>> No.2710896
File: 38 KB, 385x316, Sacrifice-of-Isaac-GettyImages-173395081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make lines this clean and consistent?

>> No.2710912

Unlimited Ctrl+Z Works

Additionally Lazy Nezumi can help

>> No.2710960
File: 13 KB, 232x185, 1459794215299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arms to legs ratio is fucked up
Try drawing thicker/wider upper body and longer arms
Also by fixing upper body, relocate the head a bit lower

otherwise its breddy good

>> No.2710961
File: 24 KB, 496x499, 1451650449074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're saying that like it is a bad thing?

>> No.2711008

if you think that's polishing and refining then I have bad news for you.

with practice. don't listen to this: >>2710912

gtfo dickbrain.

>> No.2711193

No, definitely not. That's why I was saying I lose motivation after getting the idea across. The only polished element of the picture is the boobs

>> No.2711234

the whole point of sketching small is so that you don't waste time putting too many details into the thumbnail so if you're jus gonna draw straight ahead like this make your canvas bigger and start larger so that that your sketch will look crisper. at that point all you'd really need to do is clean up the color/shading and the cloth wrinkles and you'd be good to go

>> No.2711250

that stomach looks terrifying

>> No.2711254
File: 323 KB, 497x746, IMG_1173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any problems

>> No.2711268
File: 229 KB, 466x841, what are hands for tree fiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into hands and I feel like something is still off. Suggestions?
She's supposed to be muscular/thick.

>> No.2711277
File: 475 KB, 876x1502, gao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, the drawing isn't small, thats just the resolution of my drawing program when I take a screenshot.

>> No.2711683

Is anyone familiar with DeviantArt and their rules about nudity or lewd art? I didn't want to have to join DA but HentaiFoundry is taking for fucking ever to approve submissions. I've had one in queue for 11 days now. So what i wanna know is whats the limit on amout of lewdness you can post on DA...i know they allow nudity but what about sexual acts as long as there isn't any visible penetration or essentially soft core porn?

>> No.2711689

Did you fuck up on the size of the image, or the dimensions? There shouldn't be a queue.

>> No.2711697

As long as it's not hardcore porn or showing lactation of dicks/tits/pussy, than you'll be ok, at least since the last time I was there, I've stopped being active there for like 2 months now due to other obligations to attend to.

>> No.2711719

No my size is within their retarded size restrictions...i'm not the only one who's having to wait this long either. I swear they're only approving maybe 1 an hour and it's not as if they're having trouble deciding which ones to approve or reject since i've seen hundreds of recently posted pics that are really bad....like pillow shaded as fuck, aliased pics with jagged edges, and "sketches" that are scans of washed out pencil drawings...essentially all the shit HA was supposedly rejecting is now coming through in waves.

>> No.2711736

DeviantArts rules state the following...

"When we discuss mature content we are specifically referring to deviations which contain images, subject matter, or other themes which some viewers may find offensive, distasteful, or otherwise undesirable to view or to read. The most common 'undesired' viewing material may include, but is not limited to, images containing artistic nudity (see details below), large amounts of simulated blood and gore, or generally violent themes.

DeviantART strictly prohibits the submission of materials classified as pornographic or obscene. There is no exception to this prohibition.

Certain content may be deemed obscene by the administration and as such the staff reserves the right to remove such content immediately upon discovery. The administration reserves the sole right to review and classify questionable material as obscene or not obscene."

So essentially what i'm getting from this is. It's NOT ok to post things that are pornographic but it's sorta ok to post nudes and that it's up to the DA staff to arbitrarily decide weather the nudes are obscene or not. If some SJW decides to report my nudes will my stuff just be insta removed or what? What about linking to my other pages that have "obscene" material like my tumblr or HF?

>> No.2711938

why is no one commenting on your stuff?
My only gripe is theres almost no tit size variation. Mix it up

>> No.2711947

They allow visible genitals, but they must "not show arousal". Also, any genital fluids isn't allowed or penetration, even when the naughty bits are out of view. Long story short, DA is pretty useless if you draw porn.

>> No.2712041

It's because 90% of users dont have to deal with the queue, it just autoposts. Did you just make the account or something?

>> No.2712045

Yeah, deviantart's retarded, fuck it.

>> No.2712080

if somebody here is retarded, or better said stupid and uneducated, that's you. they are simply adhering to the general wishes of advertisers that don't want to have their products show besides porn.

>> No.2712129

youre fine if you mark it as mature

>> No.2712163

Nice work though
I really want to see a polished work of yours, so far I've seen only sketches and rough stuff. Please finish this

Shut up homo, big veiny dicks are superior to ugly smooth veinless dicks

>> No.2712167

wow everything int that gallery is unappealing as fuck
it's like they intentionally make everything ugly or something

>> No.2712245
File: 118 KB, 650x532, titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my shit fappable, /ic/ ?

>> No.2712264

Maybe this will be a helpful answer.

>> No.2712265

nope. at least for people with taste I guess. I'm sure some dickbrains could probably fap to it.

>> No.2712269

if there was a safe for work loli draw thread, would that be allowed?

>> No.2712380
File: 21 KB, 690x319, neggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on how to use poses more efficiently in porn?

Thoughts on which one do you think has the most potential as well as critique would be very welcome!

>> No.2712401

use the left angle to show the moment before penetration, use the right angle to show reaction to penetration

use references to help you understand how body parts often overlap in these pose/angles

another option is to pick a view pane, usually a perfect side view/view from directly overhead (think like a 3d modeling program) and do a quick rough sketch of how the body would be positioned from there. then place the "camera" which you can draw straight lines from to see how they intersect with the forms aka where shit will overlap

apologies if this is hard to understand, i do both 2d and 3d so my mind is constantly cribbing processes and techniques from one to help make the other easier for me to think of in my mind

>> No.2712412
File: 43 KB, 378x598, ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch, are the lips too exaggerated?

>> No.2712413

perhaps the pupils being the exact same shape as the lips is not working

But as for the lips, the curve of the bottom lip as youre trying to draw it slightly opened, should be much slighter. the upper lip is what curves up more.

I could be wrong, of course. I'm nobody.

>> No.2712416

A half-lidded expression would suit her pose better imo

>> No.2712518
File: 1.39 MB, 1500x1500, pokegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2712523

Those arms look weird. I think they'd look better crossed behind her back

>> No.2712534
File: 268 KB, 594x914, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Updated. She feels stiff and I don't know how to fix it.

>> No.2712535

Can't believe I'm getting these retarded responses on 4chan of all places.
>mark as NSFW
>advertisers that dislike NSFW material don't have to be next to submissions marked as such
Even Tumblr is more intelligent about their NSFW content than Deviantart.

>> No.2712567
File: 41 KB, 767x1024, 5497-1-093_F8_CMYK_100_ISO_zpsc7e9ac7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No style, No grace
If you didn't get that reference, it means she has long as fuck arms. Arms length is 2 heads length minus the hands. That thing is like 4. Also, arms dont bend that way.

>> No.2712600
File: 3.84 MB, 2484x3115, Example - Colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something from last year. Really not a fan of the colors I used here. Any advice on how to make good color palettes?

>> No.2712606


imo it's less about the colors and I think more about the shades/contrast.

Like, her hair color feels close to her skin color for me, and how light some of the tentacles are in big swatches blends with her skin tone and the center bit of the background that's light

I hope that makes sense

>> No.2712611

I think I get it. I was trying a pretty different shading style than I usually do, I think I just kinda floundered with a bit. I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the feedback.

>> No.2712651
File: 3.48 MB, 2484x3115, 349273482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's the contrast and kind of >>2712606
Usually, those edges would't stick out so much in a simple picture but in a complex one that uses it a lot it ends up with kind of a shinny sharp look.

Also the way the color contrast is all over the place.
You are using vivid colors with a varied pallet where there is an extreme shift between tones (in the hair only I see 2 colors from the tentacle, 2 from the contour and its white edge, 3 from the hair and 1 from the background). Try using complementary colors that make the contours stick out a little less, use pastel or some tone that is prominent in the pic rather than all of those, and/or try to blend the tones and shading rather than just using light point, tone point and shadow point.
You don't have to use all of these tips tho, just 1 should change your picture a little to what you want.

>> No.2712660
File: 134 KB, 1833x899, FireShot Screen Capture #186 - 'Imagen I Esquemas de color - Adobe Color CC' - color_adobe_com_es_create_imag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm talking about

>> No.2712933

No, that's actually great advice, thank you so much!

>> No.2712956

Thanks a bunch, this is really useful advice!

>> No.2712967


I'd like to add that if you tried de-saturating your shadows more, it may help. Or even try keeping the focus more saturated.

>> No.2713013

I don't get whats going on in her vagoo, does she have minipenis?

>> No.2713059

I was confused about that too, but I think it's the end part of the tentacle sticking out

>> No.2713109

It's part of the tentacle, bending backwards somewhat. It was a stylistic choice, I just don't think I executed it very well.

To be honest, it was mostly just me being lazy and trying to make something vaguely monster like instead of actually trying to make something that structurally would have made sense.

>> No.2713300

How exactly does one learn to do porn stuff. Do I just look at videos and pause it then study from there?

>> No.2713529

Focus on individual/solo stuff first.

>> No.2713642

What is your fucking problem

>> No.2713646

u cereal

>> No.2713686

I showed my furry art to a friend and he said it didn't look like furry art. He compared me to a white person trying to draw anime. How do I draw furry art if I'm not a furry? I believe some furries out there will like my stuff, but I'm worried I can't get away with taking their furry bux if they can see through my bullshit. Alternatively, if I can't make myself seem like a convincing furry, how can I contract autism?

>> No.2713694

yo thanks i'm going to start doing this on my digital art with the squares.

>> No.2713697

>he said it didn't look like furry art. He compared me to a white person trying to draw anime.
Did you include too much fundamentals
Also Post it

>> No.2713698

Nigga, this shit makes no sense.

From the sketch I assumed it was some nerd who accidentally transformed himself by performing some ritual in his bedroom or something, but the final makes no sense. Why is he in a cave?

>> No.2713704

I don't want to be outed as a sham!

>> No.2713707
File: 133 KB, 800x718, 001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are anonymous.
If you fear being banned just crop it/censor it and post the rest in /trash/ and redirect

>> No.2713719

please help me become a furry

>> No.2713722

Looks like a trapfag pretending he's a furry desu

Not sure what it is exactly

It's like you took your gay shota porn and masked it with what you imagine furry porn looks like

You're gonna have to immerse yourself in the furry """culture""" I'm afraid

>> No.2713732

I don't even like traps, I just draw what's easiest for me. I'm glad I at least seem like one.
I was afraid I'd have to immerse myself in furry culture. I wish there was a guide for shit like this online. I wish I knew what makes an appealing sparkle dog, for example. I might try doing bara stuff, but I don't wanna scare off my small amount of trap-loving followers.

>> No.2713736
File: 440 KB, 533x555, 126371263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I have no idea what's wrong with it.
Maybe they just aren't used to that kind of rendering.

I would say that the biggest problem may be that the rendering and coloring seems more suited to skin than fur.

Also, make me the favor. Please screen cap this post (with the picture enlarged) and send it to him. I want to say how big of a fag enabler he is for pointing out a picture with solid fundamentals for not resembling the rest of the shit tier art that is so prominent in the furry community.

>> No.2713738

I don't want him to know that I seeked out the approval of anonymous people to reassure myself that I can make it as a furry artist (I think he would bully me), but I'm feeling confident with all this feedback. I feel good.

>> No.2713741

The sooner you accept that "fundamentals" mean very little in porn, the better.

>b-b-but I think-
Nobody cares, anon. You care about fundamentals because you're an artist, the consumer doesn't give a fuck. That goes double for people who have spent their adolescence jacking off to poorly drawn hentai/furry and began associating the symbols common to the style with sexiness.
If you produce porn for people who can draw their own, you will never have an audience.

Adapt or die.

>> No.2713743
File: 880 KB, 1456x2126, 3478273498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm talking about
Don't know if I'm explaining myself

>> No.2713749
File: 468 KB, 900x669, 1471027881288 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool!.
Those with un-trained eye do have lower standards, but their mind is also more appreciative for good well crafted work. Just go to that /thrash/ thread, and see it by your own eyes.
> In aesthetics the uncanny valley is the hypothesis that human replicas that appear almost but not exactly like real human beings elicits feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers.
tl;dr: The most elements that resemble the human figure, the most are we likely to react to it.
Yeah I know this is kyle shut up I'm just trying to get my point across

>> No.2713755

Yeah, I'm hoping with more complex looking rendering I can charge more when I plan to sell.
I see what you mean, but I've seen other furry artists do it too. I might just try experimenting with textures for a bit.

>> No.2713762
File: 22 KB, 450x351, 450px-Mori_Uncanny_Valley.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the uncanny VALLEY precisely because it's a sharp drop in the curve the more realistic something is.

It shows that people are more fond of a symbolic representation of a human being than than an imperfect replica.

In the context of porn, people will more easily accept symbol-drawn shit as sexy than more realistic art that is in the "valley", before suddenly regaining appreciation for perfect realism.

>> No.2713766
File: 872 KB, 849x1200, 1457718806713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause you are being a stupid faggot you are making me repost from some old thread:
k. You don't seem to understand so I'll explain to you.
> In aesthetics the uncanny valley is the hypothesis that human replicas that appear almost but not exactly like real human beings elicits feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers.
tl;dr: The most elements that resemble the human figure, the most are we likely to react to it. Not that cartoons and alike don't have its place, bur the artists like pic related handle those elements in the intended way (to arouse the audience) and while you could argue that some people wont nut to it, the mastering of those techniques and elements would allow you to toy around with it even more, thus, being able to recreate closer whatever you wanted to convey.

>> No.2713768
File: 974 KB, 1322x607, 1471034144173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Isn't all Kyle drawings looks stiff because of construction? Hell, even Legoman's drawings looks stiff as fuck. It's like 100% "correct" construction hurts your drawing. Compared to this

Are you blind?
> the mastering of those techniques and elements would allow you to toy around with it even more, thus, being able to recreate closer whatever you wanted to convey.
Also, while not anatomically realistic, there is a comprehension of how the body is structured, thus they know what elements to simplify in order to get that effect.

Second, what you are referring as stiff is probably lack of dynamism. Yes, you can have both, and is even more recommended to be as accurate at representing the subject to are drawing since it delivers a stronger punch (action in anime wouldn't be as strong if it was just stick figures moving wouldn't it?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XczKQAAVbaA skip to 3:29 )

>> No.2713773

Nigger, you literally have no idea what the uncanny valley is. It's an argument for my claim, not against it.

Who are you quoting? I don't even know who you're arguing with.
Stop saying stupid shit.

>> No.2713777

You are just baiting aren't you

>> No.2713778

No, that's all wrong. UV is about something being MORE like a human resonating LESS with us.

It's about us being more familiar with, and appreciative of, a toddler's drawing than an almost perfectly constructed and rendered painting that is only slightly, imperceptibly off.

It's about it being easier for humans to relate to a car-assembly robot than an android.

>> No.2713781
File: 167 KB, 977x606, 029384092384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.
I'm saying that the uncanny valley is caused by the resemblance to life.
the more something gets close to resemble what we know, the more likely is to strike a chord

Tell me, which one is hotter?

>> No.2713786

>let me cherry-pick from two extremes, maybe someone will be fooled into thinking I have a point
You're also not taking into account that most people who consume drawn porn have consumed it for so long that their brain no longer sees actual porn as arousing, completely shifting where the valley lies for them.

For the average dickbrain that faps to hentai, neither of those images is arousing.

>> No.2713787
File: 31 KB, 600x522, i_dont_know_what_face_to_make_put.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't honestly tell if you are being serious or not

Are you baiting or justifying your art

If the first, good job anon. I'm dumbfounded.

>> No.2713788

You're missing the point.

Replace the lolstickfigures with run-of-the-mill animu porn and ask the typical person that gives money to porn artists which appeals to him more, see what he says.

>> No.2713790


>> No.2713793

>that picture
back to /a/ drawthreads with you

>> No.2713795

You are just bumping this thread in the front page aren't you

>> No.2713908

>What is your fucking problem
His "problem" is non-existent.
What is YOUR fucking problem?

>> No.2713909

>a picture with solid fundamentals
I just kekked my pants. if you find that crap to have solid fundamentals, I have bad news for you.

>> No.2713911

that art is pretty much shit, because you have no idea how to paint or render. try line art instead and let's see what you got.

>The sooner you accept that "fundamentals" mean very little in porn, the better.
hahaha. fundamentals are the most important thing in ANY kind of drawing. please stop reassuring yourself that you are gonna make it big without. what, you don't need to make it big, you say? then yeah, keep ignoring fundamentals, scrubbo.

>> No.2713942

OK I don't think a lot of these posts are the actual furry dude but I'm just gonna comment

>The sooner you accept that "fundamentals" mean very little in porn, the better.
I gotta say that it does in fact matter buuut you can actually get away with fundamental mistakes if you mange to make it appealing to your audience
Example: The movie clip from Frozen where Elsa's hair just clips through her shoulder, it's obviously wrong but it makes the animation much much smoother
What matters a lot in the porn market is really just marketing your work out there, having contacts and just showing people what you have to show.
>people who have spent their adolescence jacking off to poorly drawn hentai/furry and began associating the symbols common to the style with sexiness.
Now this is true, take smashko (hentaifoundry) for example, his fundamentals aren't what you'd call god-tier but his style is so very "porn"-like that he can rake in a couple of commission bux and a good amount of fans on the site.
>uncanny valley
I'm not even diving into that mess, since I don't even think it was the furry guy who posted it anyway. But for furry artists:
-Avoid drawing human faces on characters
-Furries are animals with human traits, not the other way around
-The anatomy used for a furry character doesn't always use the same basis as the Loomis guideline
-Don't render skin on a furry (unless its somehow furless)

>> No.2713989
File: 322 KB, 591x760, bakem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even draw, lel

>> No.2714011

Dude this ain't my fetish but that looks solid, very nice

>> No.2714019

Furry fag here
I wasn't a part of that uncanny valley thing just fyi
It appears my account has been suspended for three days for posting minors so I guess I better find a new angle
and I know my furry art isn't good, I don't wanna spend much time or effort on it because it makes me hate myself, Hoping I can get away with turd polishing.

>> No.2714029
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, king_crimsom_what_the_fick_rage_why_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shouldn't draw anatomically correctly, let it be shit.
>You think that a well drawn picture is appealing but it really isn't
Are you guys for fucking real
Have you lost your fucking mind

>> No.2714042

Eh, who's the artist on the right?

>> No.2714047
File: 64 KB, 190x190, SaitamaShuffle_zps1v2nzcge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The uncanny valley guy here:
What I'm saying isn't that it has to resemble a person but the more realistic something gets the more we can relate to it.
And even with those things that you posted
>Avoid drawing human faces on characters, Furries are animals with human traits, not the other way around, etc.
You have to understand to some point the animal anatomy and how fur works (I mean you actually can, but it will look mediocre compared to someone who does). And yes, you can even make porn knowing these fundamentals.
>captcha: street master your talents

>> No.2714053
File: 74 KB, 400x482, tumblr_le2pczn46b1qapz6so1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his/her/its page and twitter accounts are set to private for some reason.

>> No.2714064

I'm pretty certain that's drawn by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, an Italian cartoonist.

>> No.2714071
File: 672 KB, 1905x969, FireShot Screen Capture #188 - 'Serpieri en Pinterest' - es_pinterest_com_richardbachman_serpier.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, my bad.
Apparently that one is just a blog.

>> No.2714076
File: 638 KB, 1280x860, 723847234978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayum, this guy stuff is really good.
I declare him king of porn thread

>> No.2714087
File: 636 KB, 1500x962, 12hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2714104

Dude, you have a serious problem of lack of dynamism on the shot (or whatever is called in drawing) and body.
It's uninteresting to look at.
Also the faces look kind of dumb. Im unsure what they are trying to convey, is sameface, and kind of large.

>> No.2714305

>u cereal
why, what's up?

>> No.2714318

I mean, obvisouly it's amazing artwork... but something about it is too real. I feel like if you're going to basically draw real life people having sex in that amount of detail with minimal exaggeration you might as well just look at porn.

>> No.2714367

I know a LOT of people, even in this thread, that would disagree with you anon but thank you, that's basically my views entirely when it comes to stuff like this, porn or not. It's nice to draw "photorealistically" but to me, this was only something needed to strive for back in the Renaissance era, when cameras and smartphones didn't exist. Hell even for the Greeks, sculptures have to be the mold to make "real life" imagery of real people, but now, for drawings sake, what's really the point of drawing real life for anything more than study? If you want to draw this girl drinking a soda, just take a picture of her. You'd get the same image at a higher, more precise detail than even someone as good as >>2714071, so why bother? I'd rather take from real life and make something that cameras can't do, make it fictional.

>> No.2714379
File: 97 KB, 948x960, 13765906_271851713206989_5849543883304233814_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you guys get inspiration do draw your porn pics? all of my porn look so stiff

>> No.2714384

>this was only something needed to strive for back in the Renaissance era
How do you retards even function? I mean, how utterly fucking retarded do you have to be to think the Renaissance artists or any of the old masters strived for photorealism?
Jesus Christ.

>> No.2714422
File: 14 KB, 315x317, 1472650398661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean. Was it not? You trying to tell me it was just a choice to just do realism instead of anything else because it wasn't something to strive for? It's like the reason weebs today even do animu shit, because it's what most of them see as the "pinnacle" of art, hence the whole "muh west vs east" shit that comes up in threads like on /co/ and even /ic/.

>> No.2714446

They didn't do realism. Are you literally blind? They did learn to draw and paint from life, but virtually none of the art from that era is even close to photorealistic. It's highly stylized and choreographed, and is full of symbolism. Saying it's photorealistic, is like saying a play by Shakespeare is an accurate depiction of human behaviour. It was created to present an idea, tell a story, dramatize a historical event or evoke a certain emotional state, not to simply recreate reality.
Even in the cases where they get close to photorealism, the works still have an artistic bent and a purpose, something you can't achieve by simply copying reality. There's also a reason that the photographers that try to copy the poses, lighting, colors and styles used by the old masters fail so miserably and end up with pictures that look cheesy or kitschy, and that's because there are some things that just can't be captured in real life, but that works perfectly in art.

>It's like the reason weebs today even do animu shit, because it's what most of them see as the "pinnacle" of art
Yeah, except no one says this. I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, or if your binary, pedantic way of reasoning is a result of autism.

>> No.2714451
File: 349 KB, 1234x668, 234789234789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of Renaissance artists or any of the old masters strived for photorealism
Except they fucking did?
They did modify their bodies and scenery to their pleasure, like >>2714367 says, but they also had a grasp of anatomy, lighting, etc.

And for the topic of this thread (aka realism vs porn) :

which one looks more appealing?
The thing is while porn is manipulated in a way to arouse you, you still have some kind of reality as a base.
lighting, anatomy, etc, they can be modified to make it more appealing to you but you still need to add the elements that are grounded to be able to tell what are we supposed to relate it to.

Don't know if I'm making my point.

>> No.2714457
File: 53 KB, 848x988, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2714469
File: 267 KB, 1086x700, TheElevationOfTheCross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people simply illiterate? Photorealism means copying reality to the point where you can't tell the difference between it and a photo. Knowing anatomy or how to depict realistic looking humans are not examples of photorealism.
Almost nothing painted by the old masters is indistinguishable from reality. They all have their own styles. Or do you think the Mona Lisa looks like a photograph of a real person, or that people really looked like that in real life? Are you actually incapable of seeing da Vinci's unique style? I mean, you can draw or paint a human figure to look like a realistic person, while still having your own personal style applied to it. What the old masters depicted is something that can't be captured with a camera.

Take pic related. You think you can capture this with a camera? Does this look like a realistic situation to you, or a highly stylized and dramaticized depiction of the events in question, that can only look good in a painting?

>> No.2714473
File: 239 KB, 749x578, dancing bear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can draw or paint a human figure to look like a realistic person, while still having your own personal style applied to it.
That's what I'm sayan.
If you I communicated it any other way, I offer you 1 (You) as a compensation

>> No.2714496
File: 162 KB, 1696x988, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think you can capture this with a camera?
As the one that seem to have initially started and triggered you, yes. You can set up a scene, with plenty of talented actors, and take a picture of said scene, done. It's not rocket science.

My original point was, why draw what real life can do when you can draw what life CAN'T do. That's my point, my post, my reason. You deflecting that point don't matter, it was just a statement about how I feel regarding the point drawing real life stuff as a general interest outside of use for studies.
Try to add shape to the hips, to give it more femininity. And make sure not to make the torso too thin, unless that's your preference.

>> No.2714503

Ok. So the eclipse, the crazy clouds, the impossible lighting, the exaggerated anatomy, the people who don't look like any living humans, the unique, dramatic style. You can depict all of that in a photo?
With an enormous amount of time, effort and money, you might be able to set up a scene that reenacts what you see in the painting, but it's not going to look even remotely similar to the painting.

>My original point was, why draw what real life can do when you can draw what life CAN'T do.
Which is what the old masters did.
Seriously, are you retarded or blind? Do you actually blieve that the painting I posted above looks like a photo? Are you incapable of telling that it's a painting? Do you see nothing in that painting that is different from a photo and that makes it unique?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? I refuse to believe it's possible to be this stupid on purpose. I asked you earlier; are you autistic?

>> No.2714537

>dat shitty redline
you must be trolling.

>> No.2714550

post your work

>> No.2714558

trust me buddy, you don't want to see it, as it will just make you either jelly, depressed or both.
also, you don't have to have amazing art to tell that redline is shit.

>> No.2714589

>cancer: the post

>> No.2714650

I wanna see it anon. I like amazing art

>> No.2714854

I honestly can't see what's really wrong with it. Care to show us how to make it look better?

>> No.2714930

I won't show you anything, look at some butts drawn by good artists and you'll see what it means to have good gesture, line weight and perspective knowledge. if you think that redline is good, then I guess you simply have low standards. sorry buddy.

>> No.2714981

>can you give me a hand
>help yourself

>> No.2714992
File: 3.71 MB, 1500x2647, Tag_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this work as a finished product, or is it too rough?


>> No.2714994
File: 3.80 MB, 1500x2647, Tag_p2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a preliminary rough sketch on this page. The 1st one was done without.

>> No.2715000
File: 157 KB, 838x500, breedwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip. still working on the values, what you guys think?

>> No.2715014
File: 281 KB, 1944x952, blueline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ms paint to the rescue!
Still pretty shit, but you get the idea. Design your shapes better, pay attention to gravity and make it more 3D. That's it.

>> No.2715034

I wish the girl in the focus was less haggardly, but it looks really nice. Especially like the way the guy on the right fits into the pic. Overall nice comp and flow.

>> No.2715042
File: 152 KB, 620x876, mercy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time understanding 3d as a drawing. Really wish I knew how to use zbrush.

>> No.2715051
File: 359 KB, 850x850, render test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should of mentioned I did this very late last night, that's why the boobs are meh.

>> No.2715096

You got more or a blog or smthg ?

>> No.2715101

So I want to get into porn, maybe make it an extra income one day. Right now I'm selling some commissions, my art is, I'd say, 4/10. It's not porn stuff obviously, just cartoony/anime illustrations - portraits, t-shirt designs and such, for private people. It's not much, but it's also not my main source of income. Point is - I'm not the worst, people already paid for my art. I'm hoping to do that with porn, for more money.

How do I start? Furaffinity, that I know, I'm planning on drawing pokemon porn, since I like drawing pokemon and animals in general.

Where else can I try uploading my art and creating a community?

Pls be nice

>> No.2715112

Tumblr is a good place for posting normal art, but Furaffinity is where I'd post everything fucked up. I'll say furries are easy money, and some are willing to wait a full year after sending you a payment for a commission (just finish the thing, don't take their money and wait.).

Be sure to put down some ground rules for yourself. I didn't do this and just took money from anywhere because poor and no job at the time. Furry porn is alright, but it's awfully depressing when you have to draw big bird with tits, or have a client mad at you because another furry also wanted an inflation animation where their characters were even more inflated than the previous commission. I'm not talking a matter of drawing better inflation art, I'm talking larger than a city getting pissed at someone being as large as the planet. Or the god awful fuckers who want you to draw anatomically correct animal vaginas, a dog knot is one thing, a dog pussy is another.

Just to let you know, I took up furry porn because I wanted to draw anthro characters. Seems like fun exercise to draw a vast array of body shapes and faces. But that soon fades when you're just drawing anime with dog faces attached to them.

>> No.2715117

What if I just want to draw porn, but not the furry type? I mean, right now I'm drawing pokemon-related porn, but with a pokegirl - no furry content whatsoever. I guess uploading that to furaffinity doesn't make much sense?

I'll stick to furaffinity with the fucked up anthro content then, thank you!

Also, thank you for replying.

>> No.2715123

Oh, then try hentaifoundry, I've had some minor success there.I'd say maybe 1 out of 15 or so people that come to me come from there. They both have forums, but the FA one was shut down for a while after some furry drama. Everyone's trying to peddle for bux. Your best friend is just advertising yourself by drawing on a regular basis. From my experience, quality wins over people on Hentaifroundry, and quantity gets you people on Furaffinity. Drawing cute things also nets you people on FA in my experience. You can also try deviantart, I've gotten more people for commission there than HF. It's actually where I made my start, but as time went on, I got lewder and lewder commissions. And that worked against me there since I couldn't post a majority of it there.

>> No.2715173

lmao i'd love to see what you consider 4/10 mate, really

>> No.2715185
File: 83 KB, 1282x1185, pokegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh. Current WIP.

>> No.2715262
File: 354 KB, 917x1095, pokegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.2715288


less, go away! go find that beginners thread

>> No.2715296

>not knowing "Sempia-eri"
>not proclaiming him as the king of porn "Heavy Metal"

you plebs need to leave, you are never EVER going to make it.

>> No.2715366
File: 551 KB, 2121x772, breasts___understanding_the_dynamics_1_by_nsio-d67ko47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those tits look fake as fuck. Probably more wrong with the drawing but I'm happy to focus on jusy that.

Look at Nsios tips or something, dude. Tits do not work like some kind of spheres independent of gravity.

>> No.2715369
File: 143 KB, 897x1026, muPxFpYifWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2715370

this guy is pretty much shit. find better learning material, dude.

>> No.2715420

Good shit mate. We need more female troll art.

>> No.2715505

Better than what I'm seeing here. Plus, to say that hes conceptually wrong is flat out false.

>> No.2715527

>Better than what I'm seeing here
not better enough to learn from, sry f.a.m.
and no, he's not conceptually wrong, but his art is still shit tier.

>> No.2715755
File: 930 KB, 854x586, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw porn but don't know what the fuck to draw
how do you guys do it

>> No.2715789

It's BBC-chan you infidel
he has a tumblr

>> No.2715791

Nigga how about drawing what you like to start off?

>> No.2715793

I know what character I want to draw but I seriously can't decide on a pose/setting/action

>> No.2715803

are you fucking 15 or something?

>> No.2715806

I wish so I could get some fucking thoughts

I'm 24 and my sex drive is that of a 70 year old so doing this is hard as fuck

>> No.2715929

Just start lifting so you get those testosterone gains, increases sex drive

>> No.2715947

plastic figures in terms of material and lack of dynamism

>> No.2716141
File: 397 KB, 500x376, I+m+so+fresh+you+can+suck+my+nuts+dedz+to+this_6aea33_3269190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sually just think of fetishes that are not that common that make me hard as rocks
>lesbian + POV
>lesbian age gap (young + milf)

character with certain outfits, like clothes that have a large ass zipper through their body and is halfway open or tights or a Chinese dress n shit like that

If I remember well, there were threads in /d/ about not widely known fetishes. Search in the archives in porn boards threads of that fashion, that's how I get ideas.

If you have no Idea of what characters to include or make I usually do of underrated stuff I want people to look at.

>> No.2716149

thank you immensely

I'll start to write stuff down starting today. I know it seems weird to be lacking ideas in this department but I've always felt more attracted to cute girls instead of sexy girls so this is something I have to put effort in

>> No.2716152
File: 10 KB, 113x113, FireShot Screen Capture #180 - '_vg_ - _emugen_ - Emulation General - Video Game Generals - 4chan' - boards_4chan_org.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2716683

I find it hard to find good porn references. Do you guys recommend some sites or specific google search tags? Or do you simply have a folder where you save them whenever you come across them?

I really like some hentai art but would rather practice on rl references.

>> No.2716783
File: 11 KB, 875x255, 3242348789234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or do you simply have a folder where you save them whenever you come across them?
This, also is the most recommended, since you know that you have a copy of what you consider top notch.

>> No.2718168

>lack of dynamism
They're doing action poses here, so how the hell else are they going to draw it? It's fine for what it is

>> No.2718194
File: 1013 KB, 1132x2084, lesbos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple figure practice sketches. Shit's hard

>> No.2718236

It doesn't need to be more dynamic...