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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 233 KB, 800x791, Commission800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2707016 No.2707016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

there's a troll thread debating the possibility of black people becoming artists, despite the fact that 98% of this predominately white board cannot draw.

now im curious to see how many black people peek through this board. what's your experience with being black in the art field been like?

also: post your art, good or not. im just tryna network.

>> No.2707043
File: 147 KB, 491x700, Dunn-orville1_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alphonso dunn is better than 99 % of /ic/

>> No.2707046

>98% of this board is white
How sure are you of that? Because I'm korean.

>> No.2707053

it's a website based in a majority white country and has been proven to have a majority white male userbase. you are still minority here ping lao

>> No.2707058

Really. Because I was suspecting /ic/ was quite diverse. You got a source?

>> No.2707060

It's always been white males with lots of free time. Source is my experience lurking here for 9 years

>> No.2707062

>source is me


>> No.2707071

Where is your source? His reasoning is based on obvious logic. 4chan was made by a white weeb for other white weebs to sperg over how much they love anime. And you think they aren't the majority? Where is your reasoning even coming from? This is a western site created for western people and the western world is still predominately white. You have no line of logic to stand on with your statement. You should provide the source that made you think otherwise instead of just blowing hot air.

>> No.2707072

go ahead and laugh woo dang, I'm still right

>> No.2707076

I mean I'm a chink, it seems like there's at least some diversity here.

>> No.2707080

Its 2016 "white" means non-black so say the blacks.

>> No.2707086

why feed the obviously retarded troll tho?

Also I like your drawing but work on hands dude

Figuring out the wrist and how the thumb attaches will make them look infinitely better.

>> No.2707089

Who care? That doesn't change his overall point. People are just sperging over the random % number he threw in there because they don't have a real point to make.

No, it doesn't. You're just a retard.

>> No.2707109

That says a lot that the best living black artist you can name is not even better than 100% of /ic/. Just saying.

>> No.2707110

Wow, what a response. I'm only asking for source because all I have been going on until now was my own suspicion.

Jeez, a little defensive?

>> No.2707115
File: 50 KB, 629x389, 11223538_1083048221726681_4156065690692550707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're overstepping your logic. Are we sperging? And is it over the random percent? Or are we just curious about the true stats of this board.

Nobody asked about the history and original purpose of 4chan.

>> No.2707118

>I'm only asking for source because all I have been going on until now was my own suspicion.
And I'm asking for the source that would cause your suspicion. I explained why OP thought the way he did, he just made a logical assumption, based on the facts about this website.

>> No.2707124

OP your autism is showing. "i just wanna talk to people of my own race here, thats literally the only factor you need to fulfill dee othas all b white raciss i aint talkin to ya"
at the same time using racial insults to bitch at a korean guy trying to have a discussion with you.
you are the racist here. take your stupid shit and shove it way up your ass. or you know, tumblr, which is essentially the same thing.

>> No.2707125

is it facts? you just said the same thing everyone knew about this originally being an anime board. IF you didn't know, 4chan is 13 years old now. Things surely have changed.

>logical assumption
Is it though?

Are you really simply explaining?

>a source for my suspicion
I think you and i both know that a suspicion is a suspicion for a reason. If I had facts to prove it, a source to cite, then I wouldn't be calling it a suspicion. It'd be called a fact.

*dusts hands*

>> No.2707128

>is it facts?
Are you saying Moot isn't white?
Are you saying 4chan isn't western made?
Are you saying 4chan wasn't for western weebs?
Are you saying the majority of the western world isn't white?
Are you saying the majority of western weebs aren't white?

>> No.2707133

Okay ill stoop to your level. Dont you think that boards have different demographics? I would agree if we were talking about /pol/ or /r9k/, but I suspected /ic/ to be more diverse comparatively.

>> No.2707145

>Dont you think that boards have different demographics?
Of course they do, but they are all still predominantly white.

>> No.2707148

do we really need another thread giving attention to arrogant niggers who would rather scream about raciss white ppl than actually work on their art

>> No.2707155


t. /beg/ shitposter.

>> No.2707159

And yet here you are complaining about a thread on 4chan and not working on your art.

>> No.2707160

I'm one of those anons from that thread.
>despite the fact that 98% of this predominately white board cannot draw
You'd be surprised how wrong you are. I've been in numerous 4chan groups not just /ic/ and it's almost a meme to call yourself white when majority of the people in the group aren't even white. At this point pretending to be white and pro alt-right is an inside joke.
>what's your experience with being black in the art field been like?
Nobody will know unless you try to attempt to make it known. I've made it known in the past and did not harm $$$ coming my way. In fact I say it was an advantage on my part.
>also: post your art, good or not. im just tryna network.
I don't want to network with someone who plays victim.

>> No.2707170

>I don't want to network with someone who plays victim.
More like your art is just trash.

>> No.2707174


your mom is trash

>> No.2707210

lmao nigger get back to africalike dude srsly :)

>> No.2707354
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ah, not trying to feed the troll I just wanted to know who here is KINGZ.

and tru shit with the hands, looking at it now it almost looks swollen or something lol

I need to start doing those 100 hand challenges after looking into some anatomy.

yo, this is the first time i've replied so i think you're looking for someone else.

sorry, the 98 percent was just a number thrown out to say majority, not a statistical piece, exaggeration on my part. But how am I playing the victim? I'm just asking for everyone else's experiences and looking to see how, if at all different they are. I think you're reaching bit senpai.

this thread is a little off topic, I'm just looking to see how often black people post here. Not trying to throw other races under the bus lol.

>> No.2707408
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>At this point pretending to be white and pro alt-right is an inside joke.

>> No.2707429

>At this point pretending to be white and pro alt-right is an inside joke.
>it's another "we're only pretending to be retarded for the lulz" episode.

This actually illustrates the poor quality of people you'll regularly find on this site.

>> No.2707433
File: 32 KB, 620x600, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am black


>> No.2707437

why are blacks the worst shitposters?

>> No.2707440
File: 42 KB, 431x500, 62gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut it out with that "episode'" meme shit before I level your face in with my keyboard.

>> No.2707451
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>it's another "do what I say before I make you" episode.

>> No.2707458
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>it's another "smug anime girl" episode

sageru in all fields

>> No.2707506
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>> No.2707598

Not black, but an islander and resident wetback: Bruh, its the exact thing. Same exact experience. The only difference is that I need to peddle my native language to get my concepts across irl.

If youre city black and not click clook ubuntu black, you'll basically have the same experience as a white. It's a dumb question as there's literally no reason for it to be different.

That said: Learn a different language. It helps a fuckload in branching out. Im talking French or Spanish, not moon.

>> No.2707633

>98% of this predominately white board

Not anymore, faggo.

>> No.2707673
File: 405 KB, 256x144, 1475545473713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woo dang

More like Paco, bitch. And you're still wrong.

>> No.2707687

I'm a brown dude. If I go off of the demographics in the discord groups, most of /ic/ is white but not strictly American. There's a good amount of Aussies, Brits, Spanish and European people on here. Also some Asians as well. I think most dark skinned people don't like sharing their race tho because you never know if someone will get triggered so it's hard to tell how many of them there are.

>> No.2707691

Fug didn't meant to reply to ya. Atleast you got a free (You)

>> No.2707855

>nobody will treat you differently based on the color of your skin

People treat folks within their own color differently based on their damn hues, let alone across different races. The 'everyone treats everyone the same' shit is tiresome. Even if its not necessarily racist, your interactions are going to be different. Though you believe your interactions are the same, that's something to take note of, and i dont want to completely deny your experiences.

I had a random professor come and ask me (out of a group of other kids, none black) if i knew some random dude named 'Omar'. I had never spoke with him t in my life, but the professor then said that he expected me to know him because he's "another cool african american". This was this week. Shit like this happens everyday. And this happens for every black friend I know, art field or not.

When I was in high school, i used to be on that "were all one race the human race" mentality but all it takes is a little stepping outside your zone to see the difference.

I'm not debating if, i want to discuss how.

>> No.2707870

98% of humanity cannot draw, if not more
If you need affirmation over your racial status, you're like a shit artist too
And no, I'm not white, I'm a half-gook slav

>> No.2707884

Honest question: Why are blacks so insanely sensitive about this shit? How is it in any way offensive or negative that a professor would ask you if you happened to know another black guy on campus? Why would that even begin to bother you on even the smallest level?

>> No.2707892


What difference does it make, really? I'm black/hispanic but I don't see how this is relevant to anything. If you're black you still should be taking the same measures as everyone else. Being black doesn't in any way stop you from achieving really anything. Being stupid, ignorant, and bad at making impressions causes you to get fucked.

I'm not going to post my work just based on how pointless this thread is.

>> No.2707909


Basically this.

It's like (middle class) black people (in america) think that every thing people say to them is a function of their race, as if nobody ever says anything to white or asian people.

If a white person snubs a black person in the same way they would snub a white person, in the first case its racism and in the second case its them being asshole.

If a white person treats a black person with a lack of courtesy and do the same to a white person, in the first case its racism and in the second case its them being rude.

If a white person is condescending to a black person and do the same to a white person, in the first case its racism (and whitesplaining and colonial paternalism) and in the second case its them being condescending dick.

If black people can't get jobs, no one will admit that the massive wealth inequality in America has anything to do with it. As if family affluence wasn't the number one predictor of success for ANY race. No no, it's just racism.

What we need is MORE civil rights movements! Let's just completely ignore the fact that every wealth equality and anti-corporate movement in america that sough fair distribution and economic opportunity for all people has been brutally shut down by the government... and yet they are happy to let divisive civil rights protests continue to go ahead... hmmm? I wonder why...? Could it be that actually accomplish NOTHING that goes against the prevailing aims of those in control of American interests...? I guess divide and conquer isn't a thing is great burger land.

I'm sure once we've created a society of racially paranoid people of color and self-flagellating, self-obsessed white people who have absolutely no ability to work together things will get better for sure...

Not everything is about you. Most people are just cunts.

>> No.2707913

Not even the same guy that posted that, but I think he more meant it as an example of an example of how skin color affects even the most minute interactions in every day life. It can be moderately annoying when conversations like this occur on a weekly/daily basis.

>> No.2707915
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I want a sassy strong black woman in my life, making fun of my art and telling me to get a real job and that I'm too white to handle her as she rides me.

>> No.2707947

No offense, but if mild annoyance is all you suffer from based on your skin color, you probably live a damn good life in a tolerant western first world nation. Not sure if you realize this, but most white people living in non-white majority countries have a lot more to worry about on a day to day basis. Especially the ones living in Africa.

>> No.2707950
File: 1.10 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160928_225406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also a brown fella. As far as my experience in the art field is concerned I'd say I'm treated pretty well so far. I have three mentors, one black, one white, and one asian. I draw decently so I get a lot of praise from my peers (mostly white) and and mu experience has been more or less the same here on /ic/.

As far as the other conversation happening in the thread I'd say if you are black and want to make it just do what the other demographics do to get ahead. Find yourself a black mentor in your industry and have them tell you what you meed to do. They can teach you the slills you need and when the time is right they can get your foot in the door. I mean if you don't believe me google "team voltron". You get work in this industry based on who you know and who knows you. And in most cases recruiters pick people that they see themselves in.

>> No.2707962

>white people get picked on more! You blacks have it easy.

Have you not been to America?

>> No.2707966

Prime example of how PC culture is bad even for the minorities. There is no one holding you back becoming an awesome artist, don't let any idiot tell you there is a white man or an oppressive patriarchy keeping you from achieving anything in life. Go practice and stop the identity bullshit.

>> No.2707967

You mean the real America or the fictional BLM America where innocent blacks on their way to church are being hunted for sport by racist cop death squads? I mean, no matter how much liberal cool-aid you drank, it's kind of impossible to deny the fact that blacks are treated FAR better in white majority countries than whites are being treated in black majority countries.

>> No.2707978

>he doesn't keep the black man down
not gonna make it

I try to oppress at least one black artist a week.
Usually I just steal their sharpener or rub charcoal dust into their eraser when they're not looking, but if I'm really threatened by them, I slip some weed and black panther badges into their pencil box and call the cops.

>> No.2707983


Dude you are lying though your teeth. Do you not remember grade school? Jamal would "roast" some random white kid and everyone would go OOOOOOOOOOOOOH and then eventually a fight would break out. Every. Single. Day.

>> No.2707996


Living in Africa is a big fucking worry.

Anyways, which retard would live in africa?

>> No.2708010

Predatory policing? Maybe.
Racist cop death squads is hyperbole, though.
You argue that since a white minority in a non western country experiences prejudice, black minorities in western countries have nothing to complain about. Kind of a shit argument to stand on, imo.
How large are these minorities is in African countries? How exactly are white people discriminated against in these countries? Where is this information coming from?

>> No.2708014

>it's another "whites are the real victims" episode.
I kek everytime.

>> No.2708015
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>> No.2708021

>Racist cop death squads is hyperbole, though.
The FBI stated a warning that law enforcement had been infiltrated by KKK and neo-nazi members back in 2006 and nothing was done about it. And given the criteria it takes to enter the police force, it wasn't exactly hard for them to do. So there is merit in thinking race is a motive and that racism has become a part of police culture, with the police unions protecting them. The white sacrifices are just collateral since, proportionately, the killings of black people is doing much more damage to the black population in the country.

>> No.2708026

Yeah, I don't know how the black community will survive losing tyrone the literal nobody

>> No.2708027
File: 51 KB, 192x224, 4302932984783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have any real point to make
>but I'm going to post anyway to make a fool of myself
Nice rebuttal, kid.

>> No.2708032

lel to what, your "the police is kkk systematically killing off the black population" fantasy?

you're literally the same as /pol/ thinking the jews are using blacks to put down the white man

>> No.2708033
File: 77 KB, 540x315, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jerry pinkney is better than all of /ic/

>> No.2708036
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 3029239377834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBI confirmed it themselves
You sound triggered. Seek mental help.

>> No.2708037

>jerry pinkney
He doesn't even look full black. He has to be mixed.

>> No.2708038


proportionally, the vast majority of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Why do you obsess so much over a tiny percentage of blacks being killed by "racist" cops instead of the extremely violent thug culture that is literally responsible for 97% of deaths in the black population? If anything, you should ask yourself if MTV, rap music labels and the Democratic party are infiltrated by the KKK, because they are by far responsible for the most loss of black lives.

>> No.2708041

You mean like the literal jewish speeches about using blacks to destabilize the country?

some cops being kkk members is fucking expected, if you thought there wouldn't be any, you'd be retarded

that does not in any way validate your idiotic theory of the police being kkk trying to kill off blacks and also killing whites to mask it because "lol there are more whites, it doesn't matter"

less reaction images, more kys

>> No.2708042
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>> No.2708043


>> No.2708044

Because cops are suppose to protect and serve citizens, not kill them. If they can't do their job, that's wasted tax dollars. Garbage men die on the job more often than police ever do. Why are you obsessed with deflecting rather than acknowledging an issue?

>> No.2708045

You do realize that the police isn't a white-only club, right? In fact, plenty of cops involved in these high profile police brutality cases were black themselves and many of the cops who are speaking out against the race-baiting BLM rethoric are black as well.

>> No.2708049
File: 299 KB, 370x376, 30129192847354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still doesn't have a point
>still making a fool of yourself
Stop being so triggered, anon.

>> No.2708050

>proportionally, the vast majority of black homicide victims are killed by other black
that's just the kk continuing the mk ultra project to make the black population kill itself

they're just thinning out the herd while waiting for the moon to reverse its orbit, so the nazi moon base laser can finish the job

>> No.2708051
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1334808908065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing MY images
next you'll steal my memes

>> No.2708053

Because by and large they are protecting and serving the citizens. There are thousands of poor, law abiding blacks living in shitty neighborhoods who want MORE police presence, not less. If the media would report every single case of a black man accidentally being driven over by a garbage truck, you'd be on the streets protesting against garbage men. The media decides what you think.

>> No.2708054
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 10292937753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflect deflect deflect
Maximum kek. This is all you faggots ever do rather than acknowledging the issue. It's hilarious. Just say you condone a borderline police state where cops can kill citizens and receive no real punishment and be done with it. You're wasting time trying to move goal posts.

>> No.2708055

Maybe if you spent less time complaining about whitey keeping you down, and attentionwhoring over muhblackskin, you could actually draw worth shit.

>> No.2708056

>>2708055 refer to >>2708049

>> No.2708059

refer to >>2708055

Better hurry up, it's only a matter of time before the cops shoot you.

>> No.2708061
File: 76 KB, 1000x791, 20230384832724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "rubber and glue" episode.

>> No.2708062

Okay, let's acknowledge the "issue" and assume we do live in a borderline police state where racist cops kill random black citizens for no reason. Why is that? You have had a black president for _8_ fucking years. You have a black attorney general. Most inner cities are run by Democrats. There are countless of police departments with black police chiefs and even more black officers. Who do you blame for the lack of control over the "racist" police?

>> No.2708065

>Who do you blame for the lack of control over the "racist" police?
Whites, duh.

>> No.2708070

>Why is that?
Because they don't get punished competently for the "mistake". So the behavior isn't deterred. It's that simple. I see you deflecting again, though. You need to work on your critical thinking.

>> No.2708075

>Because they don't get punished competently for the "mistake".

And who is to blame for that? Who has the authority to punish police officers or to change laws if necessary? The Commander in Chief and the Attorney General have the highest authority in this matter. both are black and both have been in office for a long time.

Why do you keep calling it "deflecting" whenever someone uses logical arguments to make a point?

>> No.2708079

You can say its because of the racist trope that all blacks know eachother or you can put the gears to work in your head to know that despite my belief that race isnt a huge issue in your progress, those of the same race still congregate together (Hence places like Little Havana).

If you were to ask me if I knew an Eduardo or Juan, I'd know about four in total. Its not racist to think that maybe the black knows more blacks than you or the same of any race.

Now you're just being a twat about shit.

>> No.2708080
File: 26 KB, 512x512, WabbitKANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imply black figure heads aren't vetted in a system that wasn't created by them
>what are police unions?
I don't see logic in any of their posts. They just sound triggered.

>> No.2708085

Considering the positions they hold and how long they've held them, you're pretty much just displaying blatant denial now.

>> No.2708086

obviously the system wasn't created by them, but now that they are in positions of power, they do have the ability to change things. Unless you believe that the entire Obama administration is just a bunch of powerless figure heads answering to some secret cabal of evil white racists. In which case, you better not vote for Hillary next month,

>> No.2708094


So true, black people are so stupid that they are clever enough to get elected to the highest offices in the country but not clever enough to use those offices to make any positive changes.

Wow anon, you really are a racist fuck.

>> No.2708097
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>> No.2708098

>implying corporate money doesn't corrupt politics
>implying corporate money doesn't help dictate policy
>what are lobbyists?

>> No.2708100

Obama the fucknut has done plenty of shit on his own without apparent influence from lobbyist. You know, like endorsing the mythical wage gap, talking shit about cops at their funeral, and stoking the fires of racism once more in the country.

Obama's a shitty person and he was from the get-go, corporate funding or not.

>> No.2708103

Yes, the current party in power is deeply corrupt, bought by lobbyists and doesn't give a shit about black people, despite their race-baiting propaganda. Glad we could finally agree on something.

>> No.2708104

What ever happened to being anonymous?

>> No.2708105

It's actually amazing how retarded you are.

>> No.2708106


Well obviously whatever anyone says you just want to live in your bubble and you'll explain away any counter evidence.

If anyone gives you an example of black people in power (which goes against your victim narrative) then you'll explain it away as them being in collusion with the "white KKK conspiracy". At this point there's no reasoning with you. There's no way that claim can be falsified or even investigated.

>> No.2708108

Sick rebuttal. You have shown me the error of ways with your sperging that came from the dying breath of your reasoning.

Next time just say you're happy jacking off in your fantasyland instead of wasting our time in trying to make a meaningful argument.

>> No.2708109


nigga just admit you are wrong it's okay you are anonymous

>> No.2708112

When you faggots were deflecting from simply acknowledging an issue of police killing citizens and not getting punished, I already knew nothing would get through to your heads. You didn't provide any counter evidence. You even deny a documented FBI report. You are all beyond helping. Seeing you triggered was just entertaining.

>> No.2708113

You're not even saying where I'm wrong. You're so desperate to 'win' and go back into your shell that you're providing absolutely zero argument and just spouting "ur rong".

Are you twelve? Do we need to bring mods?

Just go back to Tumblr where they'll be happy to circlejerk your victim bullshit without question.

>> No.2708115

You were literally told, at face value, that blacka kill blacks way more. To the point where cop on black crime is miniscule enough to be considered a margin of error. One that, by the way, is sometimes justified (like the cunt that pulled a shotgun and got into a shootout).

>> No.2708116

Lets back up a minute and return to the OP. How did we come from "black people can't draw" to "the whitey is out to kill me that's why I can't lift my stylus and draw right now I'm a victim!"

Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGuymKxmlWc

>> No.2708120


I don't think people are not acknowledging it. Police brutality is a problem.

But it's a long long way from being the main problem facing black people in America.

The BLM / WWK movement is completely out of proportion and does very little to support the main problems in black communities: crime and poverty (something you probably won't understand if you're one of the luck middle class blacks) but, y'know just keep on beating that dead horse and blaming white people for all your problems.

>> No.2708121

>You were literally told, at face value, that blacka kill blacks way more.
That's a deflection and irrelevant to the issue I brought up. I don't have to acknowledge it. Whites also kill other whites way more. Who gives a shit? Those whites didn't take an oath to protect and serve US citizens, the police do. If you can't hold your police force up to the same standards as a citizen, effectively letting the police get away with incompetent behavior and murder while on the job, even though a citizen would thoroughly get punished, you're a part of the problem. But you don't want to admit that you're OK with a police state that doesn't punish it's police for killing civilians. So, you deflect to something else unrelated.

>> No.2708129

And how much of this experience is you just assuming other people are white males because that's your default and you see no stereotypes in their posts that would signify otherwise?

>Everyone is a white male until proven otherwise

>> No.2708135

Not that guy, but we've already been over this. I humored you with your assumption. My question still remains. Who do you want to blame for it? What solutions do you suggest? You already have a black president and a black attorney general. Why haven't they been fixing these problems in the last 8 years?

>> No.2708144

The autism is so strong here that I'm almost certain you're trolling.

>> No.2708152
File: 34 KB, 600x600, ok1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not playing victim in the slightest, the worst ive said is that constant jabs at my race get annoying, essentially what >>2707913 explained.

if you believe you're treated the exact same as everyone else, than thats part of the thread; discussing how. just not jumping to the conclusion that because people are color blind around you so they must be for everyone.

but i want to hear more about IF you feel like its any different for artists of color. if not, that's cool. if so, explain. and post art if yall'r feelin up to it i guess lol.
how the fuck did this thread end up talking about police brutality.

>> No.2708160 [DELETED] 

>It's like (middle class) black people (in america) think that every thing people say to them is a function of their race, as if nobody ever says anything to white or asian people.

well, if someone says some shit like "you're pretty good for a black guy!" then yeah fucking annoying. the amount of times ive heard variations of this alone is ridiculous. and just because i'm black people talk about black problems doesnt mean were excluding other races? our experience is being black, so that's what we know. if an asian wants to make to discuss their issues with racism then more power to them.

>If black people can't get jobs, no one will admit that the massive wealth inequality in America has anything to do with it. As if family affluence wasn't the number one predictor of success for ANY race. No no, it's just racism.

who is saying that its 100 percent about race? even black people who cry 'racism!' at everything know that there's a structural issue with capitalism in the US. You're hearing what you want to hear.

>> No.2708164 [DELETED] 

>It's like (middle class) black people (in america) think that every thing people say to them is a function of their race, as if nobody ever says anything to white or asian people.

well, if someone says some shit like "you're pretty good for a black guy!" then yeah fucking annoying. the amount of times ive heard variations of this alone is ridiculous. and just because black people talk about black problems doesnt mean were excluding other races? our experience is being black, so that's what we know. if an asian wants to make to discuss their issues with racism then more power to them.

>If black people can't get jobs, no one will admit that the massive wealth inequality in America has anything to do with it. As if family affluence wasn't the number one predictor of success for ANY race. No no, it's just racism.

who is saying that its 100 percent about race? even black people who cry 'racism!' at everything know that there's a structural issue with capitalism in the US. You're hearing what you want to hear.

>> No.2708165

>It's like (middle class) black people (in america) think that every thing people say to them is a function of their race, as if nobody ever says anything to white or asian people.

well, if someone says some shit like "you're pretty good for a black guy!" then yeah fucking annoying. the amount of times ive heard variations of this alone is ridiculous. and just because black people talk about black problems doesnt mean were excluding other races? our experience is being black, so that's what we know. if an asian wants to make to discuss their issues with racism then more power to them.

>If black people can't get jobs, no one will admit that the massive wealth inequality in America has anything to do with it. As if family affluence wasn't the number one predictor of success for ANY race. No no, it's just racism.

who is saying that its 100 percent about race? even black people who cry 'racism!' at everything know that there's a structural issue with capitalism in the US. You're hearing what you want to hear.

>> No.2708182

>My question still remains.
They don't. I already answered what's at fault (a corrupt system + police unions) and the solution to the issue (actually punishing the police). You're pretending to be illiterate at this point so you can keep posting to ultimately say nothing.

>you want police to stop getting away with killing citizens?
>y-your autistic!
wew lad.

>> No.2708185

>on anonymous image board created by white men to talk about japanimation
>must talk about gender
>must talk about race

I dont think you nigs and cunts get the purpose of this site, your identity doesnt matter on here.

>> No.2708187
File: 188 KB, 980x503, 1451346245903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i want to hear more about IF you feel like its any different for artists of color.

I've said this before and I'll say it again and flesh out on it: you have a device that can access any website you want so you can learn whatever you want. Pirate website (Q) does not have a sign in big bold red letters that says "black people aren't allowed to torrent files", you are free to pick from the tree of knowledge as is Tim, as is Cheng, as is Paco, as is Watanabe, as is Pao Shung Fuu, as is Rakesh, etc. Comcast or whatever ISP (while they technically police your data) will not gun you down for being black, but illegally downloading if you get caught just like everyone else.

You are living in a country so free of opportunity that is why the Haitians come here to take advantage of it. If they were afraid of the big bad pig wearing a badge they'd stay in their country.

Drawing is a profession where you can get away with people not knowing you are black. But that should not be a problem ever because nobody is oppressing you from being the best and making a livelihood from art. Because you are free. Slavery has ended. You are so fucking free you are shitposting on a cartoon website for mentally challenged adults without consequence of your skin by your skin color. And you spend this FREE time complaining about:

>there's a troll thread debating the possibility of black people becoming artists

Which we've already talked about in full detail. This thread displaying being a victim by talking about police brutality is yet another example why there are a lack of good black artists in the industry. It has absolutely 0 to do with racism. Yes these issues exist. No it has nothing to do with drawing, this is /pol/ tier shitposting at this point.

>> No.2708195

This thread has been about nothing but triggered anons asking the most retarded questions
>How do you know the majority of this board is white?
That was the beginning of this entire shitstorm. Triggered anons. /ic/ is pathetic.

>> No.2708199

There would be no debate had your thread not exist. Whoever said that is correct; you don't know who is white/black/yellow/green.

>> No.2708200

>go to art store
>all the paper is white

dats be sum raciss shit mayn

>> No.2708204

I didn't make this thread fuckface. Only a retard would question if a western made website is mostly used by white people aka the biggest demographic of the western world. It was never a denied that people of other ethnicity used it. Again, triggered anons asking stupid questions and you sound like one of them. kys.

>> No.2708211


>I didn't make this thread fuckface
>blasts me with extra drivel

You are the one who sounds triggered. Also the phrase "triggered" has been hi-jacked by the normal populace and tumorous youtubers like H3H3. I suggest you go back to your home.

>> No.2708212

And your insecurity about being a minority here hi-jacked this thread from it's original purpose. Congratulations.

>> No.2708220


This thread had no purpose but to extend the life of the other threads shitposting.

>> No.2708229

Believe whatever helps you sleep at night. You're worthless.

>> No.2708233

We've got Illustrat who's objectively the best artist on earth.

>> No.2708237

>Also the phrase "triggered" has been hi-jacked by the normal populace and tumorous youtubers like H3H3.

The phrase "triggered" was hijacked by 4chan to make fun of SJWs. Who fucking cares? Is this a case of muh sekrit club?

>> No.2708242
File: 177 KB, 736x1045, untoldturth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so angry

>> No.2708246

I like how you consider people black only when it's convenient for you.

>> No.2708259
File: 332 KB, 2048x1593, pQAa41d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people find blank white pages boring
>but black ink on white paper is "appealing"

Damn jews at it again with their race mixing agenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQEPB0Lus4

>> No.2708268
File: 11 KB, 300x364, 1474475718956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look OP, no one gives a shit what the artist is as long as he/she isn't a lolcow.

you could be a dog and I wouldn't care

only a tiny percent (like sjws and their counter part, the alt right) care and they seem big because they're loud and tend to speak up more.

>> No.2708366

>The Commander in Chief and the Attorney General have the highest authority in this matter.

>What are state police powers.

You're making me feel embarrassed to be white. You can't even pay attention in a basic US government class.

>they do have the ability to change things

>What is institutional inertia
>What is police culture, protected by police unions

Have you never met an actual cop? I don't mean on the surface level of an interaction, I mean actually met and gotten to know a cop?

They may be nice people otherwise, but when it comes to actual police work they are more open to doing shady shit than you may think. All it takes to turn a bad shooting of an unarmed person into a good shoot is working the report. If they know how to write it correctly (and they do, at this point agencies may as well just pass out a basic template with the language pre-written) they can get away with pretty much anything unless third party video exists.

On top of that there is a distinct "Law and Order" flavor to US politics. Law enforcement in the US is basically an untouchable subject unless it's discussing how to raise budgets and give discounts for military surplus sales.

>> No.2708368

>But it's a long long way from being the main problem facing black people in America.

I have a question anon, are you black?

>> No.2708457

Don't bother wasting your time, anon. These people are a part of the pacified class. They don't want change, are content with a corrupt system working as designed, and basically cosign the US being a police state that can kill it's citizens with no real repercussions.